Carnival holiday for elementary school children. Cheerful scenario of Maslenitsa at school "Shrovetide fun on the street

Scenario of the event primary school Maslenitsa

(A cheerful Russian folk melody sounds.)

Leading: Maslenitsa - ancient holiday in Rus', whose roots go back centuries. Maslenitsa is a holiday of farewell to winter and meeting of Spring, Sun, Life!

There are distances under your feet,
The Russian sides are blind,
Oh, and wild Russian heads!
And the earth is embraced by the spirit,
And Russia is rich in people!
That neither forest nor grass spreads,
Feast of Maslenitsa…. STARTS!!!

Buffoon 1.

Come on honest people
Interesting things are waiting for you!
Come on, hurry up
Our dear friends
Relax, have fun.
You can't get bored here!
We invite everyone to the holiday
Seeing off the Russian winter begins!

All buffoons: Hello guests, welcome. Let's open Shrovetide, let's start the fun!

Buffoon 2.

Carnival is coming - dear,
Our annual guest
On painted sledges,
On black horses.
Carnival lives for seven days!

Buffoon 1.

What is this beauty? -

From straw chest, sides,

Neither old nor young

Guys wear it on their hands.

Buffoon 2.

What kind of doll is this?

Everyone is happy for her, everyone is waiting,

remote, mischievous,

Delicious pancakes bake.


What is this girl? -

With her we will be day by day

Have fun all week

And then we'll burn it.

Maslenitsa comes out.

buffoons: Hello Maslenitsa! Be our guest at the party!

Maslenitsa: Hello guys and guests!

Leading: Each day of the Maslenitsa week had its own name and its own special traditions. And now we know a little about them.

Monday: Monday is called MEETING. On this day they made a doll - Shrovetide, dressed her up, put her in a sleigh and drove her up the hill. We greeted her with songs. The first were the children. From that day on, the children rode down the mountains every day.

What is poured into a frying pan, and bent in four?(Crap.)

Draws without hands, bites without teeth.(Freezing.)

What grows upside down?(Icicle.)

· Cool aunt, White and gray-haired, She carries cold in a bag, The cold shakes on the ground. Sweeps snowdrifts, Covers the ground with a carpet.(Winter.)

· Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Red Maiden, Lets out Grass, Spreads Dew. Rides sideways, With a plow, a harrow, With spring water.(Spring.)

· Kind, good looks at people, but does not order people to look at themselves.(Sun.)

Tuesday: Tuesday - GAME! From that day on, various kinds of entertainment began: sleigh rides “in the sun” (clockwise) to help the sun drive away the winter; festivities, performances with Petrushka, ice slides were arranged.

Leading: Guys, don't you have a question: why is the pancake a symbol of Maslenitsa? Spring began with Shrovetide, nature awakened under the sun's rays. So the pancake became a symbol of the spring sun gaining brightness and heat. In the old days, pancake accompanied a person all his life - from birth to the last days.

Tuesday: A figurative description of a pancake as a symbolic dish was given by A.I. Kuprin: "... Pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children!"

Name the toppings for pancakes.

Wednesday: And here is the third day of Shrovetide - Gourmand! On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invite their sons-in-law to pancakes, sons-in-law bring gifts - painted gingerbread. Each family lays tables with delicious food, they bake pancakes, in the villages they brew beer together. Relatives are gathering. To come to visit pancakes, they stocked up on proverbs and sayings.

Maslenitsa: Do you know proverbs about work? Let's check! I will read the beginning of the proverb, and you - the end.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness).
Prepare a sleigh in the summer ... (and a cart in the winter).
The hut is not red with corners ... (but red with pies).
Small business is better ... (big idleness).
The further into the forest ... (the more firewood).
Do not sit idly by ... (there will be no boredom in the house).
Labor feeds a person ... (and laziness spoils).

Thursday: The fourth day of Shrove Tuesday Broad Thursday - "Walk around"! From that day on, Shrovetide unfolded in full breadth. The people indulged in all sorts of fun: the capture of a snow fortress, fistfights, all kinds of valiant fun.

Buffoon 1:

Shrovetide spread out!

Well done guys - keep fighting!

Come old and young

Pull the rope!

A tug-of-war is organized.

Have fun with the heroic power!

Friday: Friday - "Mother-in-law's EVENINGS". Parents go to visit children. Pancakes are prepared by a young hostess. Sons-in-law treat mother-in-law. The mother-in-law was obliged to send in the evening everything necessary for baking pancakes and to teach her daughter-in-law some old secret recipe.

The game "Motors".

A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the ribbon are held by two participants. They must wind the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who reaches it first will win the prize.

Saturday: Saturday - "Sister-in-Law Gatherings". The sister-in-law is the sister of the husband. So, on this Sabbath day, young daughters-in-law hosted relatives, and they tried to introduce unmarried sisters-in-law to unmarried guys from their relatives or friends. A number of Shrovetide customs were aimed at speeding up weddings,
assist young people in finding a mate.

Competition "Beauty - girlish beauty!"

Sunday: Sunday - "FORGIVENESS DAY" Solemnly burned straw scarecrow as a sign of the victory of life over death; the ashes are developed over the field to give strength to the sowing, the future harvest. The last day of Maslenitsa week was called "Forgiveness Sunday". Relatives and friends did not go to each other to celebrate, but asked for forgiveness for intentional and accidental insults and grief. When meeting (sometimes even with a stranger), it was supposed to stop and ask for mutual forgiveness with three bows. On this day, all insults and insults are forgiven, because it is necessary to meet spring with a clear conscience.

Maslenitsa: Well done! You have prepared a good meeting and good farewell for me.

I walked with you, now I got into the sleigh,
I sang and danced, I was painfully tired.
The fun is over - take on the little thing,
Direct the soshenka to go to the arable land,
And say goodbye to me, treat yourself to pancakes.

Baking pancakes is hard work.
I will dissolve the sauerkraut on the bottom,
I'll put the pot on a pole.
My sauerkraut will be full - full,
Full - full, even with edges!

For pancakes, you need to know a lot of secrets. Put the dough on snowy water, in the yard, when the moon rises, and sentence.

Month you, month
golden horns,
Look out the window
Blow on steam.


Farewell, Maslenitsa - a cheat,

You stayed with us for a short time,

Stayed for only seven days

And we thought you would stay for seven years!

Farewell, Maslenitsa, farewell, Wide!


YES! Almost forgot...
In Rus', the law was
Generously see off the winter,
Treat everyone with pancakes!

Song "Pancakes"

We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time.

We wanted pancakes.

Chorus: Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You pancakes are mine.

My older sister

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.


She baked food

Five hundred, maybe six.


Dissolved in a new pot,

Pancakes went for two hours.


On the tray she puts

And she brings it to the table.


Stay healthy guests!

Here are my pancakes ready!

Leading: So we learned the names of the days of the Maslenitsa week. Now let's play a little.

Game "Hot pancake".

A circle is cut out of the album sheet. It's going to be damn. All participants stand in a circle and make their hands palms up. Turns on funny music. A “pancake” is placed on the palm of the first participant, and the participant must pass this pancake on the palm of the other participant as soon as possible. At that moment, when the music breaks off, the participant, who at that moment will have a “pancake” in his hands, is eliminated. The participant who drops the pancake during the transfer is also eliminated. The last one left gets a prize.

Leading: Well, friends! It's time for Maslenitsa to the forest! Put things in order after Zimushka and wake up the forest inhabitants, trees, bushes! Goodbye, Maslenitsa, in the spring we will come to visit you!

Skomorokh 1 - Abdukadyrov Ruslan.

Skomorokh 2 – Temnov Daniil

Maslenitsa - Guseva Sveta

Monday - Mishina Yana

Tuesday - Evgeny Klyuev

Wednesday - Tatiana Gruzdeva

Thursday - Eric Kochayan

Friday - Danilova Irina

Saturday - Katya Kotelnikova

Sunday - Karbovnichy Misha

Seeing off Winter is a collective event, it is impossible to dance, play snowballs and take ice fortresses alone. So this holiday should be spent united by several families, a whole class or together with neighbors. We offer you a scenario for this wonderful holiday.

A large school sports hall, or an assembly hall, or a dining room, or a library can be decorated with a stuffed Maslenitsa, holiday newspapers, balls, ribbons, tables with refreshments and a samovar, and musical instruments can be laid out.


1st buffoon

2nd buffoon

Winter, guests (six people)

Leading. Hello, dear guests, we invite you, according to the old Russian custom, to celebrate Maslenitsa, spend the winter-winter and meet the red spring.

Buffoons run in.

1st buffoon. Oh-ho-ho, ha-ha-ha! Look how many onlookers have gathered around!

2nd buffoon. And why don’t people sit at home, why did they come?

1st buffoon. Probably, there is nothing to do at home, the buckwheaters are tired of beating, the sides are lying on the stove, so they ran to us on pancakes. Look at our presenter, what pancakes she cooked, round, ruddy, piping hot, they ask for it in her mouth. Do you know on what occasion such a feast by the mountain?

2nd buffoon. I have no idea, but they smell great and look like the sun.

Leading. I’ll tell you that the people didn’t just gather here, but to spend the winter and meet the spring, sing funny Russian songs and play games.

1st buffoon. Look who's coming to us! It's Zimushka herself walking towards us.

Winter. Hello people! Are you tired of the long winter? Maybe add some more frost to you, sprinkle some snow?

buffoons(together). We don’t need such joy, we are frozen to the bone, we don’t get a tooth on a tooth, we can’t wait for warm days. Maybe you will give way to Spring?

Winter. I'll look, I'll think. If you make me laugh, amuse me, maybe I will give way to Spring.

1st buffoon. Hey guys, let's have fun with Zimushka. Come out, daredevils, show bravery, measure your strength.

Leading. In the old days, one of the funs on Maslenitsa was tug of war, let's follow the tradition.

2nd buffoon. Who is the stronger of the guys, come out, don't be shy! We quickly take up the rope, the one who pulls it will be happy. He will become the strongest and get a gift.

The rope can be pulled both in the individual competition and in teams.

The main thing is that the strengths of the participants are approximately the same. This should be followed by adult assistants to the presenter.

Buffoons can help competitors, or they can “fool around”, pretending to help.

Leading. Do you guys know why Maslenitsa was called Maslenitsa? This holiday came to us from distant pagan times, for this holiday they made a special scarecrow from straw, which was dressed up in women's clothing. All week they called her, gave her pancakes, drove her in a sleigh, entertained her.

1st buffoon. We celebrate Maslenitsa, we promise a lot of things: rivers of sour cream, mountains of pancakes.

2nd buffoon. Only she would come sooner, cheerful, provocative, reckless, and not meek.

buffoons(together). Say goodbye, people, with longing, hello, worldly holiday.

Leading. Indeed, Maslenitsa was the most fun and satisfying holiday in Rus'. The people tried their best to roll from the mountains, play snowballs, participate in the construction and storming of snow fortresses, and take part in fisticuffs. I propose to test your dexterity and skill in balloon fights.

buffoons endure Balloons, put paper hats on the children's heads, blindfold. The task is to knock the hat off the opponent's head with a ball. The one who knocks off his hat first wins.

Winter. You have amused me, let's now check your accuracy. How did you learn to throw snowballs during these winter months?

The buffoons choose two participants in the competition and line up with them on the “fire” line, four buckets (boxes or hats) are placed at a short distance from the line. Participants are given three tennis balls, their task is to get into the bucket. Buffoons show "miracles" of accuracy. Only invited players are evaluated, the one who scores wins large quantity balls in a container.

Winter. I see that the buffoons spent the winter in vain, they didn’t play snowballs, they didn’t leave the mountain. I’ll probably treat you with snow and frost, I won’t let spring go. Leading. Wait, Winter, let's ask the guys how they spent the winter. Guys, was there always enough snow for skiing? Children (in chorus). Yes!

Leading. Have you always moved down the hills quickly? Children (in chorus). Yes!

Leading. Zimushka! Thank you for the snow, for the snow slides, for the skating rink and for the fast ski track.

1st buffoon. And now give way to Spring-Red. She's not far off.

2nd buffoon. Shrovetide will help us in this.

Winter. And where is your assistant?

presenter. Now we will make Shrovetide.

I invite daredevils-craftsmen to help me.

The presenter, in front of the children, together with her assistants, makes a straw doll. You can make a small doll, and then take out a large stuffed animal made in advance.

1st buffoon. Are you our soul, Maslenitsa, sugar lips!

2nd buffoon. The little body is white, the shirt is silk, the boots are morocco, the beautiful princess, the royal daughter.

1st buffoon. The braid is long, the ribbon is scarlet, the scarf is white, the eyebrows are black.

2nd buffoon. Come to visit us, in a wide courtyard, we will ride in the mountains, overeat pancakes.

1st buffoon. We meet Maslenitsa - we see off the winter.

Leading. Let's help Spring, join a dance circle and sing a Russian folk song.

Children get up in a round dance and, together with the Skomorokhs, sing any Russian folk song (for example, “Like on a thin ice”),

1st buffoon. Let's hold a competition on buttered proverbs knowledge.

2nd buffoon. "Pancake will not split the stomach." I'm the first, I get the main prize.

1st buffoon. No, brother, wait, have a bite to eat. We will listen to the guys, and then we will eat kalachi.

The competition for knowledge of proverbs begins. The competition is held in the form of an auction. Everyone calls their proverb in turn, the one who calls the last proverb wins. You can invite children to prepare in advance for this competition. If the children find it difficult, the presenter can name the first part of the proverb, and the children finish the second.

Proverbs: "There is no Maslena without a pancake"; “Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes”; "Not life, but Maslenitsa"; "Shrovetide-Obyeduha, save money"; “Even if you lay down everything from yourself, but celebrate Maslenitsa”; “Not everything is Maslenitsa for the cat, there will be Great Lent.”

Leading. Maslenitsa lasted seven days.

1st buffoon. The first day is “Meeting”, we have already met Maslenitsa. Let's move on to the second day.

2nd buffoon. The second day is "Game". Guys with girls from the hill ride, trying to get to know each other. Well, go out into the circle, ditties backwaters.

presenter. In the old days the best way to show oneself, to see others was the performance of ditties. Who is the bravest and most talented?

A competition for performers of ditties is announced.

The competition of ditties can be thematic: on school theme, on the theme of winter and Maslenitsa or any ditties. For example:

Don't look at me -

Break your eyes.

I'm not from your village

You do not know me.

There are two flowers on the window:

Blue and scarlet.

I'm a fighting boy

Although small in stature.

The presenter sums up the results of the competition.

1st buffoon. Winter lasts a long, long time, and Maslenitsa runs quickly. The third day is announced - "Lakomka".

2nd buffoon. And what do they eat on Maslenitsa?

Children(in chorus). Pancakes!

Leading. Right. Let's sing the Russian folk song “Pancakes”: “Like pancakes flew from the table during Shrove Week, and cheese, and cottage cheese - everything flew under the threshold! As in Shrovetide week, pancakes flew out of the oven. We had fun, we had fun!”

presenter. Now let's play Russian folk game“Skovoroda”, they just played it on Maslenitsa.

Up to ten children participate in the game. Players stand in a circle, hold hands, forming a round dance. At the very feet of the players, a circle-pan is drawn with chalk. Everyone goes along the line of the pan. The host gives a signal, everyone stops and begins to pull the neighbors on the right and left to the line. The task is to force the neighbors to cross the line. The one who crossed the line gets into the pan and “bakes”. After that, everyone again quickly walks along the line in a circle. The winner is the one who has not "baked" the longest.

1st buffoon. Thursday is the most oily day - "Razguly".

2nd buffoon. Disperse, honest people, no dust, path! Make way, people, unwind, shoulder, we will measure strength. Want to see an outlandish three-legged stallion? Now you will see.

There is a skill competition. Several pairs are selected, each pair is tied with legs (the right leg of one with the left leg of the other). A couple on "three legs" reaches the turning flag and returns to the start line. The pair that runs first wins.

Leading. Are you tired of having fun? Maybe let's give our head some work? I will read riddles to you, and you prepare riddles for me.

The presenter makes riddles for the winter and spring theme. You can find your own riddles or use ours.

I stood in the middle of the courtyard where the children were having fun, but from the sun's rays I turned into a stream. (Snowman)

In the early morning, slowly, I inflate a red balloon, and when they let go of my hands, it will suddenly become light around. (Sun)

Without hands, but draws on glass. (Freezing)

Since Maslenitsa is a pagan, ancient Slavic holiday, it is possible, as an element, to introduce a knowledge quiz into the script Slavic traditions, customs, rituals. You need to form teams and ask them questions. Whoever answered the question first gets a point.

1. Where did the expression "What is written in the family, that cannot be avoided" come from? (Rod is a creator god. According to ancient Slavic ideas, at the birth of a person, his future fate is recorded in the book of the Family. Hence the expression “What is written in the family.”)

2. Where did the expressions “Chur, me!”, “Chur, mine!”, “Church your tongue!” Come from? (Chur is a deity that protected a person and his good from evil spirits. Therefore, in case of danger, they still remember this god and ask: “Chur, take care of me!”, That is, “Chur, take care of me!”. Whoever finds something and does not want to share it with anyone asks: “Chur, mine!” If they say something bad to someone, in response you can hear: “Keep your tongue out,” and the evil wish will not come true.)

3. With the name of which Slavic god is the expression associated: “After the rain on Thursday?”

(Perun is the god of thunder, the lord of heavenly waters, he was often prayed for rain. He had his own day of the week - Thursday. If you pray to Perun on this day, then prayers were considered especially effective.)

4. What spirits did the ancient Slavs believe in? (Bolotnik - the spirit of the swamp, lives in big house with wife and children. Leads people into a quagmire.

Bolotnitsa - a drowned maiden. Lives in a swamp, very beautiful. She seduces people and drowns them in a quagmire.

Kudiyar (Chur) is a special spirit guarding treasures and treasures hidden in the earth.

Yard - the patron of the male court.

Clerk is a spirit that lives in the pantry. At night, he arranges a review of things, shifts them from place to place.

Meadow - the spirit of the meadows, helps to mow the grass.

Moss - a tiny spirit of green or brown color, lives in moss. Punishes those who pick berries outside school hours.

A barn is a spirit that lives in a barn. If someone dries bread during strong winds, the barn punishes him with a fire.

Field - the spirit of the fields. He was sacrificed in the form of eggs and young roosters. He appeared in the form of an old man in white robes. He helped the diligent and punished the lazy.

Rzhanitsa - a spirit that lived on the strips of rye. From harmfulness, several ears of rye can be woven, and then the field is considered cursed. A person who decides to save rye at the cost of his own life can save the harvest.

A barn is a spirit that lives in a barn. He looks after the cattle and maintains order in the barn.

Goblin is the spirit of the forest.)

5. How to appease Leshy? (Thank you for the mushrooms, berries, leave a pie on the stump, pancake.)

6. Why did the ancient Slavs consider it unacceptable to say hello or pass something over the threshold? (The ancient Slavs believed that this was the border of the hut, between the worlds of their own and others, inhabited and uninhabited)

7. Where does the brownie live in the house? (Behind the stove.)

8. Name the ancient Slavic gods.

(Perun is the god of thunder in Ancient Rus'. He was considered the patron saint of warriors.

Belbog is a god who lives in heaven and controls them. An old man with a long gray beard in white clothes with a staff in his hand.

Whiter is the god of cattle breeding and wealth.

Zembog is the god of the earth.

Didilia is the goddess of childbirth.

Makosh is the goddess, patroness of women's work, spinning and weaving.

Fire, another name for Svarozhich, is the god of fire.

Morozko is the god of winter and cold.

Dazhdbog (Hore) - the god of the sun.)

Note: The one who names the god last wins. Additional points can be given for the description appearance, some features of the deity.)

9. The ancient Slavs had ritual dances performed at a certain time. One of these dances has survived to this day. This ritual dance was dedicated to the Sun and was its symbol. Name this dance. (Round dance. The dancers form a circle - a symbol of the Sun and repeat its path through the sky. Thus, magical rite sun worship.)

The quiz can be completed with a joint round dance.

1st buffoon. It's time to announce Friday.

2nd buffoon. Day 5 - Mother-in-law evening. On a visit to the sons-in-law, mother-in-law complained about pancakes.

Leading. Guys, do you know who a mother-in-law is, who is a son-in-law? Let's try to figure out who belongs to whom. Who is the father-in-law, who is the sister-in-law, who is the brother-in-law, who is the father-in-law, who is the mother-in-law, who is the godfather?

Children answer questions from the host.

Leading. Well done, you are well versed in the degree of kinship. Let's move on to the next day of Maslenitsa.

1st buffoon. Sixth day - "Zolovkina gatherings."

2nd buffoon. On these days, family tea parties were held with presentation of gifts.

1st buffoon. We can also give gifts to those who took an active part in our holiday.

During all competitions and tasks, the winners were given small cardboard pancakes-tokens, at the end of the holiday the number of tokens is counted, and the winner is revealed.

Leading. Maslenitsa ended Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone asked each other for forgiveness, and then they burned the effigy of Maslenitsa and finally said goodbye to Winter.

Winter(who has been watching the events all this time). Or maybe you'll change your mind? Why do you need this Spring, with me how fun, snowy, frosty, fresh!

1st buffoon. No, Zimushka, your time has passed.

2nd buffoon. Empress Maslenitsa, we boasted of you, ate pancakes, had fun! Your time has come, leave us!!!

presenter. Well, guys, it's time to say goodbye to Winter - to burn Maslenitsa! Let's say to her in chorus the words that the Slavs uttered a long time ago.

Children(in chorus). Maslenitsa-deceiver, brought to the post - she ran away! Maslenitsa, come back, to New Year show yourself! Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out !!!

Buffoons carry away the effigy of Maslenitsa from the hall, Winter comes out behind them.

Leading. Thank you for your attention, for your active efforts, for the fun, jokes, and laughter. And the reward will be for everyone! We invite you to pancakes, to the samovar.

The merry Maslenitsa holiday is celebrated not only in the family circle, but also in educational institutions. We present to your attention the scenario of the Maslenitsa holiday for elementary school students


1st presenter

2nd host

1st buffoon

2nd buffoon


Music sounds, Buffoons run into the hall. They are dressed in bright costumes: colorful shirts, bright trousers, on their heads - multicoloredcaps.

1st Buffoon.

Good afternoon, dear guests,

Waited, called and desired.

2nd Buffoon

Hello youngsters!

Hello winches!

Guys, well done, funny daredevils!

1st Buffoon.

The venerable and the young.

2nd Buffoon.

Full and thin.

1st Buffoon.

We welcome guests as good news!

2nd Buffoon.

Welcome! We welcome everyone, sincerely welcome!

1st Buffoon.

We are buffoons! It is better to have fun with us, but without us the holiday is no good.

2nd Buffoon.

Hey gentlemen, come here!

We invite all guests

Come join us for the holidays!

1st Buffoon.

You are welcome to join us for the festive festivities.

2nd Buffoon.

We have a show today...

To everyone's surprise.

1st Buffoon.

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry up to borrow best places!

2nd Buffoon.

Come all without hesitation:

No tickets required...

Present good mood!

1st Buffoon.

Come break the bones!

Today Shrovetide invites you to visit!

2nd Buffoon.

Are you comfortable, dear guests? Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear? Is there enough space for everyone?

1st Buffoon.

Today we celebrate Maslenitsa, see off the winter, conjure spring!

1st leader.

Our today's holiday is dedicated to seeing off winter and is called Maslenitsa.

2nd leader.

Shrovetide - honest, cheerful, wide - that was the name of the week before Lent in Rus'.

1st leader.

The celebration of Maslenitsa was accompanied by rituals in the name of the harvest, festivities, games, and various amusements. And today we invite you to go back to those distant times and take part in this fun holiday.

2nd leader.

So let's start Shrovetide.

1st leader.

1st day - Monday - Maslenitsa meeting.

Folk music sounds. Girls in sundresses take the stage. They sit down at the table, finish the effigy of Maslenitsa and sing a song:

1st girl.

Hello, Shrovetide annual,

Our dear guest!

Come on black horses

On painted sledges,

So that the servants were young,

Dear gifts were brought to us,

Both pancakes and rolls

To us in the window their swords!

2nd girl.

Called-called honest semik wide Maslenitsa to visit you in the yard:

Are you my soul, Maslenitsa,

quail bones,

Your paper body

Your sugary lips

Sweet speech!

Come to visit me

To the wide yard

ride on the mountains,

Roll in pancakes

Cheer up your heart.

3rd girl.

Are you already, my Maslenitsa,

Red beauty, blond braid,

thirty brothers sister,

Forty grandmothers granddaughter,

Three-mother daughter, ketochka, yasochka,

You are my quail!

Come to me in the tesovy house

Have fun with your soul

Mind to have fun

Enjoy speech.

4th girl.

The honest Maslenitsa was leaving,

wide noblewoman,

On seventy-seven trump sleighs,

In a wide boat

In the great city to feast,

Have fun with your soul

Mind to have fun

Enjoy speech.

How to meet Shrovetide

An honest semik left

on skids,

In the same footcloths

Without shoes.

1st girl.

The honest Maslenitsa came,

To seven in the yard

ride on the mountains,

Roll in pancakes

Cheer up your heart.

3rd girl.

She's a semik beats her forehead

on skids,

In the same footcloths

Without shoes.

How is the honest Maslenitsa here

Ride on the mountains

Rolled in pancakes

Cheered up my heart.

7th girl.

She is beaten by a semik,


Calling to the tesovy tower,

For an oak table

To green wine.

Like she, honest Maslenitsa,

Soul amused,

Mind had fun

Enjoyed the speech.

They finish the doll, take it, go around the hall with it.

1st leader.

We celebrate Maslenitsa

And what we just do not promise her:

Sour cream rivers

Pancake mountains.

They all sing together.


Oh, Maslenitsa-wryneck!

We treat you well

Good! Cheese, butter, kalach

And a baked egg!

Wide enters the yard!

And we, girls, meet her,

And we, the Reds, We meet her!

Oh yes, Maslenitsa, stay for a week,

Wide, stay another!

Maslenitsa: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

Shirokaya: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

Oh yes, Maslenitsa, fasting is still far away,

Wide, the post is still far away.

Carnival has arrived!

The scarecrow is installed in the center of the hall, the girls around praise it in turn.

1st girl.

Our dear guest Maslenitsa,

2nd girl.

Avdotya Izotievna!

3rd girl.

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy!

4th girl.

The scythe is long, triarshiny,

5th girl.

Ribbon scarlet, two-fifty!

6th girl.

A white scarf, new-fashioned,

7th girl.

Eyebrows are black, pointed.

1st girl.

Fur coat blue, patches red,

2nd girl.

Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed,

3rd girl.

The footcloths are white, whitewashed!


Ooh, beauty!

1st leader.

Our Maslenitsa is silent, does not answer!

Only shakes straw sleeves!

2nd leader.

Not otherwise, honest people ask you to answer her questions.

There is a quiz:

1. What does Maslenitsa meet? (Spring).

2. And what escorts? (Winter).

3. What is the symbol of Maslenitsa? (Pancakes)..

4. What proverbs about Maslenitsa do you know? (Shrovetide is not all for the cat, there will be Great Lent. Damn - not a wedge, the belly will not split. Not life, but Maslenitsa; etc.).

1st leader.

Tuesday - "tricks".

1st girl.

Maslenitsa is a pancake.

Maslenitsa is a fat eater.

2nd girl.

Shrovetide - rake,

Shrovetide is a scam.

3rd girl.

Deceived - spent

Made it to the post.

4th girl.

Brought to the post

I took all the food.

5th girl.

Gave a radish tail for Lent.

6th girl.

We ate it - the belly hurt.

1st Buffoon.

We continue the program

For guests, for friends, for everyone!

2nd Buffoon.

We begin the panorama of amazing fun

1st Buffoon.

On Tuesday we will play

Meet the red sun!

The games begin.

2nd Buffoon.

We have one idea for the most dexterous skilled.

1st Buffoon.

Everything is ready here now for this fun.

2nd Buffoon.

Try to run a relay race in a bag.

The game "Running in bags" begins.

1st Buffoon.

Our holiday goes forward, and the people do not decrease!

2nd Buffoon.

Another gift awaits those who will play with us.

1st Buffoon.

We call men, guys, guys on the rope.

2nd Buffoon.

10 on the left, 10 on the right, only the muscles crackle!

Tug of war game.

1st Buffoon.

I see that the guys gathered here are strong, dexterous, skillful. It is difficult to compete with them, it is difficult to defeat them. Tired, tired, hungry.

2nd Buffoon.

Let's announce soon! Together: Wednesday - "Gourmet", "Sweet Tooth".

1st Buffoon.

We have not eaten pancakes for a long time, we wanted pancakes.

2nd Buffoon.

Yes, what a Maslenitsa without hot pancakes, without ruddy pancakes!

Girls enter.



You, uncle, you, aunty,

Serve pancake pancake


The last piece, the bast piece,

For Maslenitsa-deceiver!

The song "Pancakes" sounds, the presenters treat the guests with pancakes.


Thursday - "Wide Shrovetide".

1st Buffoon.

Walk around, Thursday will come, a joke, a song will bring.

2nd Buffoon.

I already walked around the world, there is no better Russian song!

1st Buffoon.

Where the song is sung, life is easier there!

2nd Buffoon.

Sing a Russian song, a sonorous, soulful song!

They sing Russian folk songs, hold a contest of ditties.

1st leader.

Stop singing and playing! It's time to announce Friday!

2nd leader.

Friday - Mother-in-law evening!

1st Buffoon.

The 5th day is already coming, but the people are not decreasing!

2nd Buffoon.

We go to mother-in-law for pancakes

And we bring friends with us!

Cheerful Maslenitsa,

We are proud of you!

2nd Buffoon.

We ride to the mother-in-law, we eat pancakes.

1st girl.

On Friday, the mother-in-law was waiting for a visit.

2nd girl.

The mother-in-law baked pies for her son-in-law.

3rd girl.

Son-in-law in the yard - pies on the table.

4th girl.

My mother-in-law thought that seven people couldn't eat a pie.

5th girl.

And the son-in-law sat down - and ate it from a sitting!

1st Buffoon.

And now the dance competition.

2nd Buffoon.

Come here, people, whoever dances, go ahead.

1st Buffoon.

We were warmed many times by a merry dance.

Dance melodies "Lady", "Lezginka", "Yablochko" sound. Those who wish to dance, the best -- receiveprizes.

1st presenter.

And on Saturday, not trinkets -

"Zolovkina gatherings"!

2nd leader.

Red girls, get up, meet dear guests.

1st Buffoon.

Look, people (points)

Spring is coming to us!

Spring appears in a bright dress.

2nd Buffoon.

Spring is red - a big, good, honorable guest,

1st Buffoon.

She's wearing a new, new, new dress

2nd Buffoon.

There is no price for that dress,

Hello spring red hat.

1st Buffoon.

Hello, spring-darling, spring-red.


Hello you good people!

I have come to you with joy, with great mercy.

With grainy rye,

With golden wheat

With curly oats

With mustachioed oats

With black currant

With azure flowers

Yes, with grass-ant!

Winter appears to the sound of bells and the sound of a blizzard.


What are you having fun here.

Made a noise, split up?


You worked hard, Winter-Zimushka, to your heart’s content,

I took care of it, it's time and honor to know.


Ah, there you are!

Yes, I am Winter - white, white,

Sowed snow in the field.


And I'm Spring - red, red,

Sunny, clear, clear.


I will wash you with snow, I will wash you,

I'll drive you out the gate, drive you out!


I will cover myself with snow, I will cover myself with greenery.

I will be even more beautiful in our open spaces!


Well, Spring is red, you are a master of arguing and talking.

But without a fight, I will not give up my place.

I propose to arrange a competition, and all the guys will take part in it!

Guys, do you want spring to come? Then guess the riddles.

1. The fiery eye wanders alone,

Wherever it happens, it warms with a glance. (Sun).

2. No one sees him, but everyone hears him,

Without wings, it flies, without a tongue, but speaks. (Echo).

3. An annual bush drops a leaf every day.

A year will pass - the whole leaf will fall off. (Calendar).

4. It's raining, I'm right there,

Many are waiting for me here:

Frogs and guys

Pigeons and piglets.

I'm like a mirror

And on the lake - a little bit.

Well, you didn't want

Come visit me? (Puddle).

5. Zarya-zaryanica,

red maiden,

Lets out the weed

Dew spreads.

rides side

With plow, harrow,

With spring water. (Spring).


Yes, you are strong, Spring, I am retreating!


1st leader.

So the last day of Shrovetide has come - Sunday - "Forgiveness Day", "Seeing Shrovetide".

2nd leader.

With the words "Forgive me for Christ's sake," everyone asks each other for forgiveness, exchanging gifts, then kissing.

1st leader.

On Sunday we say goodbye to Maslenitsa, on Sunday we wash ourselves with tears.

1st girl.

We rode down the mountain from dawn to dusk, And today on Sunday ours ended

2nd girl.

Farewell, farewell, Shrovetide.

Farewell, farewell, wide,

You are not on Wednesday and not on Friday.

you on sunday

Fun all week long.

3rd girl.

You came with kindness, with intoxicated beer, wine.

With pancakes, pies, with pancakes.

4th girl.

And we rolled our Maslenitsa, we lost our dear one.

They thought she would be seven years old,

And she stayed for seven days.

5th girl.

Hey, Maslenitsa, come back!

Roll into the new year!

Farewell, farewell, Shrovetide!

Children take a stuffed Maslenitsa, go around the hall and take it away.

1st Buffoon.

A treat is ready for you

Everyone is surprised!

2nd Buffoon.

Help yourself, dear guests!

Here are a couple of pancakes

Eat - from the heat, from the heat!

All blushes are beautiful!


And thank you for the holiday!

The script will help class teacher or the educator to organize and conduct educational event in class or school. This traditional folk holiday widely celebrated in the Slavic world. But, perhaps, not all children, and even their parents, know its history and traditions. Our task is to introduce our children to the historical culture, to acquaint them with folk customs and traditions.

Participants of the holiday: students in grades 4-6 and their parents.

Venue: School gym and school yard.

Preparatory stage: Decorate the gym with dry tree branches powdered with “snow”. Christmas trees can be used in the decoration if they survive. On the central wall, decorate with towels a stand for the sun, which will later be placed here. Hang art posters with poems about Shrovetide, drawn by students, on the walls between the trees. Posters can contain both winter and spring landscapes. After all, Maslenitsa is the time of the meeting of winter with spring. As decorations, hang garlands, balls.

Prepare the costumes of Winter and Spring. For Winter, the Snow Maiden costume is suitable, and for spring, choose folk costume in the form of an embroidered blouse and a red embroidered sundress. Weave a wreath of artificial flowers on your head. Draw a big, smiling sun. Prepare and dress up a scarecrow of winter in advance. Organize a fire pit and prepare some firewood.

For competitions and games, prepare the necessary accessories in advance. Suggest to the mothers of the students to bake pancakes at home and have a tea party at the end of the holiday.

Cheerful folk melodies sound All the participants of the holiday gathered in the hall, except for Winter and Spring.

Student 1: Spring is knocking on the window
And he sings songs.
We have smiles on our faces!
After all, the holiday is coming to us.

Student 2: We love this holiday.
Happy Maslenitsa everyone!
Dreamed like a miracle
We talk about her many times!

Presenter: And indeed, guys, Maslenitsa is a wonderful and fun party. And it has been celebrated since ancient times, when people worshiped the Sun - the God of Light and Heat. They cajoled him with hot and round pancakes, similar to the sun. Since then, this tradition, baking pancakes for Maslenitsa, has come down to our days. And today we will call our Sun to give us its light and warmth and hasten the arrival of spring.

Student 1: Light and Power,
God Yarilo!
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful you in the world!
Grant, God of Light,
Warm summer.
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful you in the world.
Summer is grain-growing.
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful you in the world!

Two students enter the hall and bring in a smiling sun. They carry it across the hall and hang it on a stand decorated with towels.

Presenter: So the sun appeared, it reminded us of spring. But we cannot call spring with you, because we still have winter outside our window. And today we must see it off, and meet spring. For this, the people arrange a holiday with songs and dances, games and festivities. They prepare in advance for the holiday, clean their houses, stock up on dairy products, because the holiday is arranged before Great Lent and you can’t eat meat anymore, but you can still eat dairy products. Young people pour slides, prepare sleds and ice-boats. Then people walk with whole families all week.

Student 2: Family celebration dear to us
After all, spring will come with him.
And it's all so great
Maslenitsa is waiting for us!

And we were also preparing for the holiday, so let's celebrate Maslenitsa.

Shrovetide dressed as Winter enters the hall and brings in a scarecrow.

Student 1: Oh, Maslenitsa is entering the yard.
Wide enters the yard!
And we, the people, meet it.
And we, kind, meet her!
Oh, Maslenitsa, stay for a week.
Wide, stay a week ...

The scarecrow is installed in the center of the hall, and the guys begin to dance around it and sing songs about Shrovetide.

Presenter: So Maslenitsa has come!
Maslenitsa has come to us,
Shrovetide is red, smiling at all of us!
He smiles at us all, but says goodbye to winter!
Guys, how many days is Maslenitsa celebrated and what are they called?

Seven students leave:

1 student:
Monday first forever
and it is called "meeting",
On this day they meet Spring,
And the pancakes start to bake!

2 student:
Tuesday - "flirting" is called,
Everyone visits each other
From the snowy hills everyone rides,
And they eat pancakes.

3 student:
Wednesday - gourmet is called,
This is where everyone gets to eat!
Everyone stuffs their belly
And they feed each other!

4 student:
Well, what about Thursday?
Thursday is called "break"
From this day on everything changes
And the riot begins!

5 student:
"Teschiny evenings" Friday is called,
On this day, sons-in-law are going to visit their mothers-in-law!
And mothers-in-law baked pancakes for their sons-in-law,
And they arranged a real feast for the son-in-law!

6 student:
Saturday is family day
It's called "sister-in-law gatherings"
On this day, the bride welcomes relatives,
And she gives gifts to all the sisters-in-law!

7 student:
Sunday has many titles
But let's just say one thing,
Forgiveness is called Sunday,
And everyone asks each other for forgiveness!

Presenter: So we learned what the days of the Shrovetide week are called, and what they do on these days. And if our holiday lasts one day, then today we will sing, play and eat pancakes. And I invite you to take part in fun games.

Let's start with "Cockfight". Two boys are invited to the circle. Everyone stands on the right foot, and holds the left with the left hand. Right hand pulled behind the back. Jumping on one leg, everyone tries to push the opponent out of the circle. The game is repeated several times to involve more guys. Prizes are awarded to the winners.

The second game is tug of war. Two teams stand in front of the line one after another, holding on to the rope. On command, they begin to pull the rope, trying to pull the other team to their side.

The next game is "Damn". A circle is cut out of the album sheet. It's going to be damn. All participants stand in a circle and make their hands palms up. Cheerful music is on. A “pancake” is placed on the palm of the first participant, and the participant must pass this pancake on the palm of the other participant as soon as possible. At that moment, when the music breaks off, the participant, who at that moment will have a “pancake” in his hands, is eliminated. The participant who drops the pancake during the transfer is also eliminated. The last one left gets a prize.

And now the riddle contest:

Take a look and cry
And there is nothing more beautiful than him in the world.

What burns without fire?

Gets up early, shines brightly, warms hot.

One fire warms the whole world.

The doctor is rarely needed,
who is friendly with me.

Presenter: Something we guys started playing. It's time for us to call spring. Let's sing a song about Spring, maybe she will hear us. A spring song is being sung. Spring does not hear us. Does anyone know a poem about spring? The girl tells a poem and the voice of Spring is heard from the corridor:

Spring comes out:
I hear, I hear what you call
I see, I see that you are waiting for me.
Here I come to you friends,
Finally, I found you!
Now let's go with you
Let's eat pancakes
But first, we will burn our Maslenitsa,
So that winter and all our troubles go away with fire!

Let's guys take sheets of paper on the table near the exit and write on them the words of farewell to all the bad things that happened to us: bad grades, bad behavior, illness, failure, etc. Then we get dressed and go out to our fire.

The guys come up to a burning fire and stand around it, Winter and Spring come up and carry a scarecrow. They throw him into the fire.

Winter: Do not hold resentment in your heart,
Let no one else see the tears
Ask for forgiveness yourself
Smile with a spring smile!
I light the Maslenitsa bonfire,
I announce round dance around the campfire!
All the bad things of the past year
I burn it with this effigy!

Spring: And now, guys, drop your notes.

Let them turn into smoke
May they disappear into the sky
Our sinful deeds
And bad thoughts.
Maslenitsa - clear light,
Brought hello to spring.
We see off Shrovetide,
And we meet the red-spring,
Sing more friendly, round dance,
Have fun, honest people!

Everyone becomes in a circle and leads a round dance around the fire, singing spring dance songs.

When the fire burns out, the guys run back to the hall. Cheerful folk music sounds there, tables with pancakes and pies are set. A fun tea party begins.

All children, regardless of their age, love to celebrate the holiday of farewell to winter, Shrovetide.

The festive mood of the children is felt throughout the week everywhere.

At home, parents bake the main symbol of the sun - pancakes.

Folk festivals are held on the street, songs are sung, a straw man is burned, and sweets are sold. Children sled down the mountains and build snow castles.

Shrovetide is also traditionally celebrated within the walls of schools, where experienced teachers introduce junior and senior students to the origins of the Slavic holiday.

Many students do not have enough knowledge about Shrovetide traditions and rites. To immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere, teachers and children decorate school classrooms with posters and drawings on a festive theme.

The central place is occupied by a poster with the image of the sun. IN game form children get an answer to questions about why pancakes are baked, a scarecrow is burned, and dances are danced.

The story that a scarecrow, as a symbol of Shrove Tuesday, must be burned to revive the fertility of the earth, inspires children. They enthusiastically watch the flaming straw doll and believe that goodness and joy will triumph on earth.

The guys actively take part in the celebration, dress up in costumes of buffoons and pagan goddesses.

Those students who have musical skills play folk songs on musical instruments. The rest of the children dance and sing songs.

Teachers write the scenario of the holiday and prepare performances. High school students are given the task to prepare the material on their own and reveal their creative abilities.

How to celebrate Shrove Tuesday in schools

Parents of students, their grandparents are often invited to the celebration. Children prepare invitations for them in advance, where they depict the symbols of Shrovetide, write the name of the holiday and the date when it will be celebrated.

The guys try to show themselves only with better side. Parents are involved in the event, participate in competitions and are invited to the Shrovetide table.

Schoolchildren are also invited to compete in strength and agility. Teams perform exercises with tug of war, running in bags or with a hoop for speed, running with an obstacle. Such competitions bring up team spirit in children.

Teachers and students organize a Shrovetide table. You can decorate the table with towels and embroidered, colorful napkins. Those products that are allowed to be consumed during Shrove Tuesday before fasting are discussed in advance.

Children bring dairy products, cheese, eggs, fish, pancakes from home. Pancakes are also baked in the school cafeteria and served with butter, honey and sour cream.

Girls share the secrets of making pancakes. During the performance, the guys eat delicious treats and drink tea and at the same time get acquainted with the rituals of Shrovetide.

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up. Teachers ask questions about how many days Shrovetide is celebrated, what each day symbolizes, what traditional dish is cooked and what cannot be eaten in Shrovetide week. At the end of the celebration, children are photographed in costumes.

A wall newspaper is compiled from photographs, where the guys write how they spent this fun holiday and what they learned about it. Everyone thanked each other for a wonderful holiday.

Carrying out activities within the school walls on the theme of Shrovetide is only positive. In a playful way, students are introduced to the origins of the Slavic holiday. Schoolchildren are introduced to the culture of the Russian people. Children are involved in creative activities and show their abilities and talents.
