Classes the second junior group of dishes. Weekly project activity in the second junior group "Dishes

Project "Dishes"

Project type: creative, short-term, information-practical-oriented, social and educational.
Age and composition of participants: 15 families of pupils of the younger preschool age.
Time planned for the implementation of the project: 2 weeks.
Problem: improper use of tableware and tea utensils.
Objective of the project: to give an idea to children about objects: tea, tableware and kitchen utensils.
Project objectives:
Learn about the history of cookware. ("Knowledge").
To form the ability of children to find the distinguishing features of dishes (tea, dining, kitchen). ("Knowledge").
To form the ability of children to listen carefully to works, to highlight descriptions of different spoons from the general text, and Zhiharka's favorite spoon. ("Reading fiction").
Enrich children's understanding of different materials, from which spoons are made (wood, iron, plastics). ("Knowledge").
To form the ability of children to decorate a spoon using the technique of sticking, drawing circles and coloring the pen in one color. (" Artistic creativity»).
To form the ability of children to sculpt a scoop using techniques: rolling, flattening, lubrication, stretching. ("Artistic creativity").
To form the ability of children to decorate the silhouettes of a spoon with ready-made shapes. ("Artistic creativity").
To form the ability of children to decorate a round surface with stripes different color, as well as some pattern (at the request of the children). ("Artistic creativity").
To form the ability of children to distinguish parts of the size, color and shape of dishes. ("Knowledge").
Joint activities of children and parents:
Invite parents to participate in the project.

Implementation of the project (creation of the album "Poems about dishes")
Performance creative works
Implemented educational areas: "Cognition", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity". I stage preparatory
Tasks: arouse the interest of parents in interaction with teachers in matters of cognitive development of children of primary preschool age.
The content of the work.
Introduction to the topic of the project:
- placement of information about the forthcoming exhibition "The Most Beautiful Plate", "A Scoop for Grandma", "A Spoon for Antoshka" at the information stand of the kindergarten.
II stage practical
To acquaint children with the history of the origin of dishes. To form the ability of children to find the distinguishing features of dishes (tea, dining, kitchen). Contribute to the unity of the child's family through the development of interest in common cause. Assistance in the production of the album "Poems about dishes". Enrichment of parent-child relationships to creative activity on the project.
The content of the work:
Reading the fairy tale "Zhikharka", "Fedorino grief".
Cognitive research activity. "What is the spoon made of?"
Cognition. History of dishes
Cognition "Let's feed the doll"
Artistic creativity. (Drawing) "Spoon for Antoshka", "plates and saucers with stripes"
Artistic creativity. (Modeling) "Beautiful scoop"
Artistic creativity. (Application) "Beautiful spoon"
Didactic games and exercises “Take lunch”, “Set the table”, “One is a lot”, “Circle and color”, “What is superfluous”, “Let's treat the guests with tea”, “The fourth extra”, “Katya's doll is having lunch”, “For what and why?”, “Guess the item by detail”
Plot - role-playing game"Dishes shop"
The final integrated entertainment "Let's Help Fedora"
Presentation of the album "Poems about dishes"
Stage III final.

To form the ability of children to distinguish parts of the size, color and shape of dishes.
The content of the work:
Knows what utensils are for;
Sees its distinguishing features;
Can give an elementary assessment by external signs;
Shows a desire to decorate the silhouette of a spoon, saucer visual activity;
Able to organize a role-playing game based on existing knowledge.

Project presentation
Exhibition "The Most Beautiful Plate", "A Scoop for Grandma", "A Spoon for Antoshka"
Presentation of the album poems about dishes
Role-playing game "Preparing a holiday for Katya's doll"

Abstract open class in the second junior group.

Visiting Grandma Fedora.

Purpose: to consolidate the general concept of "dishes".

Tasks: to teach children to answer the teacher's questions, to build a complete sentence on their own, to participate in a dialogue. Encourage children to pronounce words, phrases from a work known to them. Develop logical thinking, fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements. Work out the techniques of drawing with a “poke” and a brush.

Equipment: correction paths, geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles), doll utensils, serving dishes, paints, pokes, brushes, round sheets of paper dyed in yellow, subject pictures with the image of a chair, table, kettle, stove.

Lesson progress:

Children, together with a teacher dressed as Fedora, are included in the group (children stop near Fedora).


It so happened that one day

The children are in a fairy tale.

Together with grandmother Fedora

Came to a magical land

As soon as the doors opened,

And all the guys found themselves

In the house where Fedor lived,

Fyodor Egorovna.

Guys, look how many guests are in my house today - grandmother Fedora, let's say hello to them (children say hello).

Well done. And now, kids, find geometric shapes on the carpet and sit down near the one you like (children are located on the carpet).

Girls and boys, do you remember what trouble happened to me? What escaped me?

Children: - Dishes.

Fedora: - And how many dishes ran away?

Children: - A lot.

D / I "Continue the phrase ..."

Fedora: - And how did the saucers jingle when they ran?

Children: - “... ring-la-la, ring-la-la ...”

Fedora: - And what did I shout when knives rushed down the street?

Children: - "... Hey, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold ..."

Fedora: Please continue the phrase: “... Here is the teapot after the coffee pot…”

Children: - "Chattering, chattering, rattling ..."

Fedora: Well done, kids. You know the story very well about me.

Why do you think the dishes ran away from me?

Children answer the question (dusty, smoky, not soapy, etc.)

Corrective gymnastics.

Fedora: - Guys, let's show our guests how the dishes ran away from me (children with Fedora walk along correctional paths). How the dishes ran through the fields, through the meadows, how she ran through the woods, galloped over the stumps and over the bumps (children approach Fedora).

Fedora (hugs children):

Oh, you poor orphans,

Irons and frying pans are mine!

You go home, unwashed,

I will wash you with water,

I will sand you

I'll douse you with boiling water,

And you will again

Like the sun, shine.

Did the dishes forgive me?

Children: Yes, I'm sorry.

Fedora: Then find your geometric shapes and sit down on the carpet.

(children sit on the carpet)

Fedora: -I made friends with the dishes so much that now sometimes they play with me. Children, do you want to play with dishes?

Children: - Yes.

Fedora: Then listen to me carefully. Now we will be divided into three teams. Pick up geometric shapes. First team of squares, second team of circles, third team of triangles. Dishes were hidden in the second room. Please bring one item for delivery and be sure to tell where it was. First, the team of squares collects the dishes.

D / and "Collect the dishes."

Children bring dishes, say in a full sentence where the dishes were: “The kettle was on the windowsill, the cup was on the chair, the plate was on the table, ...”

Fedora: All three teams did an excellent job. Guys (a little quieter), but you know that the artist who painted the illustrations for my fairy tale was delighted that the dishes returned to me and painted household items for me.

Help, please, grandmother Fedora. If you solve the riddles, these items will appear in my kitchen.


I have legs, but I don't walk

With a back I, but I do not lie.

You sit down - I'm not sitting.

To rest the legs

Sit on ... (chair)

Under the roof - four legs,

On the roof - soup and spoons.

We will drink tea with jam

At the dining ... (table)

Four blue suns

Grandma's in the kitchen.

They are burning and cabbage soup is boiling,

Dinner is in a hurry to cook for us (gas stove)

I puff, puff, puff,

I don't want to get hot anymore.

The lid rattled loudly.

“Drink tea, the water has boiled!” (kettle)

Breathing exercises"Kettle".

Our kettle is boiling (children stand in a circle)

He asks everyone to drink tea.

Hot tea,

Blow on it (children blow on imaginary tea)

Oh, how fragrant (children take a deep breath, on

Fragrant tea. exhale say the words)

Drawing "Saucer".

Fedora: Guys, you drew such beautiful cups for me, and what is missing for them to have a service.

Children: Saucer.

Fedora: Help me again, draw saucers?

Children: Yes.

Fedora: Then sit down at your tables. Before you is a palette with two paints, a poke and a brush. What are we going to draw with a poke?

Children: Yagoda.

Fedora: What color will it be?

Children: Red.

Fedora: And what are we going to paint with a brush?

Children: Leaves.

Fedora: What color do we draw leaves?

Children: Green.

Children draw a pattern first in the air with a imagined brush, then on a piece of paper.

Fizminutka "Dishes"

Fedora: Guys, let's show what dishes I have now, stand in a circle.

Here is a pot-bellied teapot (children connect in a ring

Very important as a boss. hands in front)

Here are porcelain cups (children squat)

Very fragile poor things.

Here are porcelain saucers (children circle around themselves)

Only knocks will break

Bank all the dishes (children lean forward, hands

Because I love her bred to the side).

Fedora: Did you like visiting Fedora? What do you remember? What were you interested in? (children's answers)

I want to thank you guys for coming to visit me and my service is now just a feast for the eyes. And now I have a treat for you. Let's say goodbye to our guests, let's say amicably ...

Children: Goodbye.

Fedor: See you soon.

Integration educational areas: "cognitive development", "Speech development".

Target:- arouse children's interest in objects of the immediate environment (dishes).


Strengthen children's knowledge about different types crockery (tea and tableware);

To form in children the ability to group (tea, tableware), use the dishes for their intended purpose;

Engage children in conversation, enrich children's vocabulary (new word "colander");

To develop in children attention, curiosity;

Cultivate respect for dishes.

Required material: doll tea utensils, tableware, two dolls, a table, a bag, a tape recorder, an audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Children's Album", small pictures with dishes and household utensils, a bag, 2 basins with water, towels, rags, oilcloth aprons according to the number of children.

Motivation: the phone rings (the teacher imitates a conversation on the phone).

This is a call from two girlfriends of the doll Katya and Masha. They had a misfortune, all the dishes got mixed up, mixed up, and guests should come to them. Katya wanted to give her guests tea, and Masha wanted to feed her guests dinner.

Learning problem:

The dolls ask us to help them sort out the dishes and find the right dishes for dinner and tea. Can we help? But how do we get to them? (listens to the children's answers).

What do you think we can ride? (By plane, by car, by train...)

Children, our dolls live in a fairyland, let's go on a fairytale carpet. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. (Includes musical accompaniment from the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Children's Album".) Now we are flying over the forest, hear the noise of trees, the wind is blowing, hold on tight so as not to fall. (At this time, the teacher's assistant lays out the doll's dishes in the group.)

Children, we have arrived, open your eyes. And here are our dolls Katya and Masha. Let's get to know them and say hello. (Dolls meet children.)

Look how upset the dolls are. Katya and Masha ask if we can help find the dishes? (...).

Guys, let's first tell the dolls what dishes they need. Sit down dolls on our carpet. I will give you many pictures of dishes, and you will select the ones you need. (The teacher pours various pictures with dishes and other household items on the carpet.) Our Katya wants to give tea to the guests, what dishes does Katya need? (Children select the necessary pictures, name the objects.) What is the name of the tea utensils? (tea). Children tell Katya in her ear, what is the name of her dishes?

And what dishes does Masha need for dinner? (Children choose the necessary pictures and name the items of dishes.) What is the name of such dishes? (Dinnerware). Masha, do you remember?

And now let's put the dolls at the tables. Look around, please. Find and bring the dishes that our dolls need.

- "What did you bring?" (I brought a cup). "What is this dish?" (this is teaware). "What is the cup for?" (to drink tea). “Which of the dolls needs it?” (Needed doll Katya). "Well done, put the cup neatly on the table."

Children find tea and tableware, tell what it is, what kind of dishes, what it is for and who needs it, name the color. Placed on tables. We find an unknown object.

Kids, what do you think this item is? (Children's answers.)

What does it look like? Or maybe it's a hat? With holes so that it is not hot in the summer!

Why are there holes here?

Children, this item is called a colander. Let's say this word together. (Say in unison, separately.)

What do you think a colander is for?

A colander is needed in the kitchen by mothers and cooks to rinse pasta.

If you and I pour water into it, what will happen? (...). Let's check. (Children help pour water into a colander.)

What happened to the water? Why did all the water come out?

Look, I have different colanders. Let's put some water in them too. (We pour water and see what happens. A colander made of paper is wet, but a metal one is not.)

What is the best colander to use? (From metal.)

Why do you think so? (He doesn't get wet.)

What happened to the paper colander? (He gets wet.)

Let's ask our dolls, what is it? (We ask the dolls.)

Which doll needs a colander? (Doll Masha). And why?

Look, did we do everything right?

What dishes are on the table at Katya's doll? (Tea utensils.)

What dishes are on the table at Masha's doll? (Dinnerware.)

- “Children, look at the dolls, what has changed?” (Dolls smile.)

- "Dolls Katya and Masha thank you for your help."

- “Children, do you think the dishes are doing well?”

- "The dishes were on the floor, is that correct?"

- "What do you think should be done with the dishes?" (wash dishes).

- “Let's invite our dolls to return with us to kindergarten and wash the dishes.

- “Will we carry the dishes in our hands?” (…)

- "What do we need?" (Bag.)

- “Let's carefully collect the dishes in the bag. Why should dishes be handled with care? (She might break.)

- "We all sit down on the rug, do not forget our dolls."

We return to kindergarten. On the table are basins of water, a towel, rags to wipe wet dishes and aprons for children. Children choose labor activity that they want to do. After washing the dishes, children play with dolls and dishes.

Used Books: N.E.Veraksa, T.S.Komarova, M.A.Vasilyeva. Approximate basic general education program preschool education From Birth to School.

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1 Weekly project activity in the second junior group "Cookware" Technological map of the project Content Explanation Project name Journey into the world of dishes , which surrounds us Purpose To acquaint with the name and purpose of dishes, its purpose. To form the ability to follow the rules of safe handling of dishes. Tasks 1. Expand children's knowledge about the world around them 2. Consolidate general concepts about dishes. 3. Cultivate accuracy, respect for household items. 4. Develop coherent speech, learn to describe dishes. Expected results 1. Know how to use generalizing concepts 2. Carefully treat surrounding objects 3. Know how to describe the subject in words Project on the theme “Journey to the world of dishes” Classes were held: “Tea utensils”, “Table and chair” - knowledge, “Delicious treat ”, “Saucer”

2 - modeling, "Drawing a beautiful cup" - artistic creativity, "The bear drinks hot tea", "Favorite tales of kids", "Tell me about the dishes" - communication, Conversations: - Journey into the past of the plate; - Dangerous items; - Didactic game "Arrange the dishes"; - Examination of pictures with dishes, furniture. Working with parents 1. Pick up proverbs about dishes and furniture 2. Riddles about dishes and furniture 3. Screen "Dishes" 4. Tips for parents Topic "Dishes" Purpose educational activities: Systematize children's knowledge about household items "Dishes" Short description: As a result of direct educational activities in children, we form a generalizing concept of "dishes", develop and strengthen fine motor skills, develop visual perception, imagination, logical thinking Materials for the lesson: Dishes, images of "underdrawn" dishes, colored felt-tip pens. doll in smart clothes. Toys: dog, cat, chicken.

3 Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic creativity". Tasks: Educational: To form children's ideas about dishes, their parts and purpose; Developing: Develop and strengthen fine motor skills. Develop visual perception, visual memory. develop logical and creative thinking, creative imagination Develop a desire to solve riddles;

4 Develop figurative movements through the game Speech: Instill interest in fiction Develop coherent speech. Enrich children's vocabulary: (cup, saucer, kettle, teapot, saucepan, spoon, knife, fork, frying pan, plate, dishes, lid, spout, pen, eat, drink, cook, fry) end. Cultivate a caring attitude towards household items “utensils”.

5 Preliminary work Examination of dishes and pictures; Conversations on the topic "Dishes" using illustrations and visual material; Riddles. Memorizing poems finger games Didactic games: "Third extra", "Cut pictures", "What the artist forgot to draw"; Reading fiction: K. I. Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Fedorino grief"; Methodical methods: Guessing riddles. conversation dialogue

6 Productive activity Summing up. Project "Dishes" Authors: Educators: Yuzeeva Natalya Nikolaevna. Project typology: game. The purpose of the project: To contribute to the deepening of children's knowledge about household items (dishes, through co-creation presentation "Utensils" through the interaction in the project of the teacher, child and parents. Project objectives: Educational: To form in children of the second younger group a generalized concept of "dishes", its purpose, essential features (shape, color, size, what it is made of) To contribute to the activation of students' vocabulary through communication and games on the topic of the project. Developing: To promote the development of cognitive interest, the desire to acquire new knowledge. Promote development fine motor skills through the implementation of creative work on the project; Contribute to the development of verbal and logical thinking, through games-classes on the project. Educational: To promote the formation of a careful attitude to the objects of the man-made world. To form the experience of creative communication of the student in the process of cooperation with parents and teachers. Help develop teamwork skills.

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Goals: Formation in children of primary preschool age of ideas about dishes and what it is for, through didactic games.

Tasks: learn to classify dishes; develop cognitive interest; educate accuracy, respect for household items.

Planned results : preschool children will form ideas about the dishes and why they are needed.

Materials and equipment: plastic utensils, toys, subject pictures depicting utensils, toys.

Types of children's activities: game, social - communicative, cognitive.
1. Motivational - incentive part. Children, Katya doll came to visit us, she brought something interesting in a box. Let's see what's in the box (takes out a toy and a plate). Yes, toys and utensils. Everything is mixed. How can we now figure out where the dishes are and where the toys are? (Answers of children.). On table 1 we put pictures with dishes, and on table 2 with toys.
2. Main body. Classification of dishes and toys.
The teacher offers to carefully consider all the items that are in the box and separate them: put the dishes on one table, and toys on the other. Each child comes to the box, takes any object, names it and, with the help of the teacher, determines which group he belongs to: toys or dishes.
For example. The child takes out a bunny toy and says: "This is a bunny." The teacher asks: “Is the bunny a toy or a dish? (Toy.) Put the bunny on this table. Another child takes out a spoon: "This is a spoon." The teacher asks: “Is the spoon a toy or a dish? (Dishes.) Put the dishes on another table.
Thus, all objects are divided into two groups.
Conversation "Appointment of objects."
What can you do with toys? (Play, feed, put to bed, walk.) And what lies on the other table? (Dishes.) What dishes are on the table? (Spoon, plate, mug, kettle, pot, frying pan.) What are the dishes for? (To eat from it, put food in it.) What do we put on a plate? (Children's answers.) What do we pour into a mug? (Children's answers.) How do we eat porridge? (Spoon.)

What should be done with dirty dishes? Children's answers.

Finger gymnastics

One two three four, Rhythmic punches and clap alternately.

We washed the dishes One palm slides over the other

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle . We bend the fingers one at a time for each name of the dish.

We washed the dishes One palm slides over the other.

We just broke a cup

The bucket also fell apart

The nose of the teapot broke off, We bend our fingers again.

We broke the spoon a little.

So we helped mom. Rhythmic punches and clap alternately.

Safety precautions: Remind children not to break dishes. It can break and you can cut yourself.

4. The game "What's gone"
