How to braid children's braids for short hair. Braids for children's hair

Every mother, collecting her daughter to school or kindergarten, wants to make the most beautiful hairstyle. A simple and cute option is a braid. You won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary spikelet. Therefore, young mothers must learn to weave all kinds of French braids, waterfalls, snakes.

Even a beginner thanks to this article will be able to master the art of weaving. You will be able to make hairstyles not only for every day, but also independently collect the child for various celebrations. A huge plus is cost savings, and the baby will also appreciate your work.


The following tools are required:

  • comb;
  • multi-colored rubber bands;
  • ribbons;
  • spray bottle with water.

Advice! To keep neat pigtails for a long time, after weaving is completed, simply sprinkle the finished hairstyle from a spray bottle. Thus, you will preserve the integrity of the pigtail (after all, it is better not to use hairspray on children). If the braid is untwisted, then you will get cute curls.

Options for short hair

If your child has short hair, then you should not be upset. Even short hair can make a wonderful hairstyle. The main thing is to show imagination. Then all the other mothers will beg you for the secret of wonderful braids.

Extraordinary simplicity

How to learn to weave different pigtails for children? Everyone remembers the simplest version of weaving: we divide the entire mass of hair into three parts, throw the left strand on the middle one, then the right one on the middle one (which was left) and so on.

Advice! To keep braids on short curls longer, braid them as tight as possible.

There are many variations with the usual oblique:

  • option number 1. Braid two braids along the usual parting, fasten the ends with bright bows. You can make a couple of small braids across the parting (from ear to ear), so the hairstyle will come out more unusual;
  • option number 2. Divide the entire head into 4-6 parts. Braid one braid in each. Collect all the pigtails in one lush ponytail, such weaving looks very impressive against the background of the bangs;
  • option number 3. Divide the head into two parts, tie each into a ponytail. Make a pigtail from each ponytail and wrap it around the elastic band, secure it with an invisibility. As a result, you will get two cute pigtails.

Weaving in the French style

Only the name of the hairstyle is unusual, but it's just a braid inside out. That is, initially the strand should not be laid up, but tucked under the middle one. The technique is simple in execution, it looks very beautiful. At the end of weaving, you can pull out a little loop, so you get a voluminous braid.

original snake

It is easy to make such a hairstyle, just follow the step by step instructions:

  • Comb your hair with a comb.
  • Make any parting (wave or obliquely, even).
  • Comb a small strand of curls over your face, fold the rest of the hair back, secure with a hairpin.
  • Separate a small strand, divide it into three equal parts, we begin to weave.
  • Lay each side strand on the middle strand, add new hairs until the parting ends.
  • Make 3 more partings according to the same principle, do the manipulations as with the first strands.
  • Braid the hair to the end, secure with a hairpin.
  • A hanging pigtail can be collected in a bun, so the hairstyle will last longer.

cute gossamer

This hairstyle is relevant in the hot season, when the baby attends dances. The curls are neatly assembled, do not interfere. It is very easy to make such a miracle, but first carefully study the instructions:

  • Gather the hair in the middle into a bun, leave the hair loose along the contour of the head.
  • In the middle you get a round parting, curls will hang in a circle.
  • Take a small strand from the back of your head, start weaving a regular braid, weaving into it a small strand of hair from the frame (which remained loose).
  • It turns out that at the same time we braid curls from the tail and strands around.
  • We hide the tip at the beginning of our creation, we fix it with an invisibility. You can decorate such weaving with a bow or a bright bandage. Also, a gossamer is a beautiful quick option for a holiday.

Now you know how to braid short curls. You will be able to please your child with new hairstyles every day.

Medium Length Hair Ideas

With such hair, new possibilities open up. Very simple but beautiful hairstyle:

  • collect all the curls in a ponytail;
  • divide it into two identical parts;
  • twist each into a tight tourniquet, secure with a thin rubber band;
  • then twist the two resulting bundles together, secure with a colored rubber band. This option diversifies the usual braid in the tail.


Everyone has heard about this hairstyle, but few people know that it is very simple to perform:

  • First, comb the curls, make a side parting.
  • Separate a small strand, divide it into three equal parts.
  • Start weaving as usual: the top strand to the center, then the bottom one too to the center;
  • Then the strand, which during normal weaving must be inserted into the braid, is left to hang down. from under the hanging curl we take a new strand and continue to weave the braid further.

The waterfall consists in leaving the lower strands hanging down, thereby simulating falling jets of water. To make this hairstyle festive, the tips can be slightly twisted. If you fill your hand, then weaving is performed in just a couple of minutes.

We cross pigtails

This hairstyle is suitable for daily performance, for a walk in the park.

The technology is very simple:

  • Divide the entire head into many ponytails. Make sure they are symmetrical.
  • We fix each ponytail with a multi-colored rubber band, so many girls like the hairstyle more.
  • We braid each tail into a braid and weave it together like lacing.
  • Start with a small amount of ponytails, so it's easier to navigate. Then experiment with more.
  • If desired, the ends of the hair can be left loose, twisted or braided. It all depends on your mood and flight of fancy.

Four strand braid

Such a braid looks voluminous and unusual. To learn how to weave it, you need to make a little effort and patience. Let's do it together:

  • Comb the curls, sprinkle with water. Slightly damp curls are much more obedient than dry ones.
  • Make a parting. Take a strand of hair at the temple and ear. Divide it into four equal parts.
  • Put the extreme strand, which is the rightmost, on the third, then put the second on the third. At first, the technology resembles an ordinary braid.
  • Place the very first strand under the next in the bottom.
  • Then we do the same with the three right strands.
  • And we put the first one on the bottom.
  • Lay the bullets of the scythe along the contour of the head, closer to the back of the head.
  • On the other side of the parting, make the same pigtail.
  • Connect the two pigtails together with a beautiful bow or openwork elastic band.
  • You can slightly stretch the braid, so it will become even more voluminous and magnificent.
  • Another option: connect the pigtails on one side, this hairstyle looks more festive.

hair heart

This technique is very entertaining and effective. Her can be done for any occasion.


  • Divide the hair into two parts, only horizontally. The lower hair can then be twisted.
  • Divide the top head of hair into two parts, make a ponytail from each.
  • Braid each ponytail and secure with a small elastic band.
  • Bend the pigtail on the right through the top to the bottom, do the same on the left, only bend it to the left.
  • At the bottom of the braid, fasten with invisibility. As a result, get a heart of pigtails.
  • Fasten shiny hairpins or invisible hairpins along the contour of the heart (decoration + fastening).

This style of weaving is suitable for girls for any event, and school teachers will not be indignant about loose hair. Looks beautiful with and without bangs.

Options for long hair

Many little girls love to walk around with loose curls. But everyone likes weaving elements.

Headband of curls

The main part of the hair will be loose, but the element of the braid is present. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Comb the hair, separate the curls from the frontal part of the head, collect the rest of the mop in the tail.
  • Throw the hair in front to one side, start weaving a French braid from this hair ( detailed technique read above).
  • You can finish weaving with a regular braid.
  • Hide the tip of the pigtail under the rest of the hair, secure with invisibility.
  • Release the rest of the curls. They can be twisted, then the "rim" will come out festive.

Fish tail

How to weave a pigtail fish tail? For beginners, it is better to braid all the curls first into a regular tail, and then weave a fish tail. Detailed technique:

  • Divide the finished ponytail into a couple of parts.
  • From the left side, take a small strand, put it on the right side.
  • Then take a small strand of the same size from the left side and put it on the left side.
  • Continue weaving the rest of the braid in the same way.
  • Secure the ponytail with a colored rubber band.
  • The tail of the fish can be woven without the original tail (like a regular spikelet).

Advice! The smaller the strands you take, the more beautiful the hairstyle will turn out.

Braid on a donut

The name sounds appetizing and looks very nice. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Gather the baby's curls into a high ponytail.
  • Put on a special "bagel" for hair (available at any cosmetic store).
  • Spread the curls over the donut. Under it, leave a fairly thick strand.
  • Put another rubber band on the bagel. Secure the remaining hair in a circle with invisibility, except for a separate thick strand.
  • From this strand, weave a French braid, wrap it around the base of the resulting bun. You can fix it with a beautiful bow, invisible, hairpins with rhinestones.

This hairstyle looks very neat, suitable for children's parties. After all, children are mischievous, they love to run, jump. And the hairstyle should survive until the end of the evening.

Today you have learned many secrets of weaving beautiful braids, learned how to make simple and extraordinary hairstyles out of them for every weekday, any holidays. Your child will definitely be the most satisfied and beautiful princess in kindergarten or school.

How to weave braids for beginners: video

Video - a lesson on how to weave braids with a ribbon:

Of course, all mothers want their child to be always neat, clean and tidy. Most girls are very mobile, playful, restless. Children's towns and amusement parks - in the summer, sledding and snowball fights - in the winter. How to keep a diligent look to the child? Very simple - weave pigtails!

Pigtails are a very common type of hairstyle, especially for children. This hairstyle is versatile. Braids can be braided as usual for going outside, to school, or you can braid festive braids with beautiful, unusual woven rhinestones or flowers - for a spring ball or a New Year's party.

In this article, you will learn how to braid a girl's braid beautifully and simply by looking at examples. various techniques weaving with photo.

Features of children's hairstyles with braids

The hair of little princesses is very soft, fragile and sensitive, so when weaving braids, you need to take into account several important points:

  1. Rubber bands and hairpins. Too many decorations are not recommended for baby hair. In order to avoid damage to the hairline, it is better to avoid metal and iron hairpins, heavy crabs, and use light plastic hairpins or thin elastic bands.
  2. Ease. More simple and quick weaving much better than the long, tedious, and complicated constructions on the child's head.
  3. According to age. Pigtails are just one of the ways to emphasize childishness and a wonderful tender age.

General rules for weaving children's braids

Weaving braids requires, of course, a certain experience, desire and patience.

  1. Before braiding, hair must be washed and dried with a hairdryer. That is, they should be slightly damp.
  2. Metal hairpins are not safe, they can damage the hair itself and the scalp.
  3. It is imperative to undo the braids at night.
  4. Tightening your hair while weaving is highly discouraged. There is a possibility of circulatory disorders.

How to make an ordinary, but at the same time interesting hairstyle from braids

Ordinary braid of three strands:

Scythe - ribbon:

Original spikelet:

Pigtail - rope:

French braid inside out:

How to braid a beautiful braid for a girl for a holiday

Depending on the method of weaving and styling the braids, the hairstyle can be made more strict, and perhaps fun and reckless.

Braids in a hairstyle with sparkles and rhinestones will look great on any holiday.

Barbie pigtails:


  • we divide the hair with a comb-tail so that we get petals coming from the middle of the head;
  • we braid French braids on the separated hair;
  • weave the end of the pigtail like a simple braid, tie it with a bright ribbon.

These charming braids can be braided simply and beautifully for a girl. Pigtails will always be relevant, and they make little ladies graceful and mischievous, it all depends on the type of hairstyle. At first, it may seem difficult to create a braid, but as you get used to it, it will get better and better each time.

In the next video some more tips on how to braid beautiful braid.

Instructions for weaving braids on children's hair. Represented step by step master classes for weaving various braids.

The hair of little princesses requires careful care and regular washing. They quickly get dirty due to the mobility of children. They will help to maintain cleanliness for longer and make hair tidy hairstyles based on braids.

Baby braids for short hair

Despite the short length, girls have a lot of options for weaving braids. Usually weaving is combined with ponytails and decorated with ribbons and elastic bands. Often, artificial flowers and hairpins are used for decoration.

simple braid

This is the usual braid of three strands. It is weaved by dividing the hair into three parts and alternately throwing the right and left strands on top of each other.

On short hair, such a braid is usually woven from ponytails, since there is not enough free length below the neck to weave a full-fledged braid. You can make an unusual hairstyle from braids.

  • In the frontal part of the head, divide the hair into two parts of the floor vertical
  • Make 2 small ponytails. Braid these ponytails
  • Don't touch the rest of your hair
  • Now make ponytails again and connect them with an elastic band with the resulting pigtails
  • Leave the edges free
  • You can curl your hair

Pigtail braid

When a girl is small (2-3 years old) and she has absolutely short hair, then you can resort to tricks and weave a pigtail from ponytails.

  • Using silicone rubber bands, tie 4 ponytails on each side of the head
  • There should be 8 ponytails in total.
  • Now connect the two ponytails that are on horizontal line, in the middle with an elastic band
  • Divide the resulting tail into 2 strands and attach to the next row of ponytails
  • Get something like a snake

Baby braids for long hair

On long hair there is where to roam. There are a lot of options for both festive and everyday hairstyles. One of the most beautiful hairstyles are French braids.

simple french braid

This is a regular three-strand pigtail, which is woven with a pickup.

  • Divide the bun on the forehead into 3 parts
  • Throw the right strand on the center, and the left on top of them
  • Now throw the right strand back onto the weave and grab loose curls to this part of the hair.
  • Thus, when throwing strands on the right and left, add hair from the total mass
  • Tie the end with a rubber band

Just like you can braid pigtails on both sides. Based on the French braid, you can make a wreath, a snake and a diagonal braid.

4 strand braid with ribbon

Another great hairstyle for long hair will become a braid of 4 strands. Usually it is woven with a ribbon, it acts as the fourth strand.

  • Divide your hair into three sections
  • Tie the ribbon between the second and third strand
  • Now put the first strand on top of the second and pass under the tape
  • Pass the tape under the second strand and lay the first strand on the third
  • Weave according to the scheme
  • In the same way, you can weave a French braid of 4 strands. Only you need to add hair from the total mass on each side

Baby braids for medium hair

Shoulder-length hair is the most comfortable. She is easy to care for, and if necessary, you can create a very nice hairstyle. by the most simple option styling is a braid.

Fishtail for medium length hair

  • Tie up ponytail on the crown or back of the head
  • Divide your hair into three sections
  • Two on the sides should be thin, and the central thick
  • Lay the side strands on the central one, you should get a cross
  • Now just pick up thin strands from each side and lay them in the center
  • Get a very pretty braid
  • Such a fishtail can be weaved not from a tail, but from loose hair, starting weaving from the temples

Video: Weaving snake braid and fishtail

Children's hairstyles from braids

On the basis of braids, you can make a lot of festive hairstyles. Now very popular is the hair bow and babette. Combine one of these elements with a simple French braid.

Video: Beautiful braided hairstyle

Hair bow with braid

Hairstyle suitable for hair middle length.

  • Comb your hair
  • Ask the child to bend over, it is necessary that the curls hang down
  • In the back of the head, take three strands and use the pickup method to weave a French braid to the crown
  • Tie up your tail
  • Thus, from the tail to the back of the head you will have a French braid
  • Thread another elastic band and make a loop out of them without completely pulling out the curls
  • Divide the loop into two parts and wrap in the middle with the remaining tail of hair
  • Secure the bow with bobby pins

Video: Children's hairstyle Bow

Babette with a scythe

  • Tie your hair into a ponytail at the crown
  • Separate three thin strands from the right side of the tail
  • Weave a pigtail out of the strands, secure with an elastic band
  • Pass a bagel or sock with a cut off toe through the tail
  • Wrap the tip of the ponytail around the sock and, turning the bagel inside out, wrap all the hair
  • There is no need to weave a pigtail into a bagel
  • Secure the hairstyle with hairpins, and wrap the babette with a scythe
  • Great hairstyle for kids prom in the garden

Braid flowers

  • Divide your hair into two sections vertically
  • From the bottom up, weave a classic French braid. Secure with rubber bands
  • You should get two tails and braids from elastic bands to the back of the head.
  • Now braid each ponytail into a fishtail.
  • Tie with an elastic band
  • Pull out the strands
  • Curl puffy pigtails in a spiral like a snail
  • Secure with studs

Video: Pigtails in a hurry

hair heart

  • This is an everyday hairstyle.
  • Divide your hair into two sections vertically
  • Now divide each part in two more
  • In this case, the upper part should be less
  • The parting separating such halves should be oblique and located at an acute angle upwards.
  • At the top you get a kind of triangles
  • You need to weave a French braid from each triangle in the direction from the corner to the forehead
  • Now just pull the hair down and weave the hair from the bottom of the halves
  • Shift in the process of weaving braids to the back of the head
  • As a result, you will get a heart
  • Weave loose hair into a fishtail or make a rose out of them

Children's hair sets

These are sets, the composition of which is completely different. For toddler girls, the composition usually includes combs, silicone rubber bands and duck hairpins. Girls senior group Barbies are very loved in the kindergarten, so there are a lot of themed sets for sale. In their composition you can find a diadem, beautiful hairpins with pebbles and various elastic bands.

Many manufacturers produce series for the care of children's hair. Inside the set you will find shampoo, glitter spray and even styling products.

All of these products are made from natural ingredients and do not cause allergies and will not bring any harm to the child.

Video: Baby braids with ribbon

Now at the peak of popularity are kanzashi hairpins. These are cute decorations that geisha used to decorate their hairstyles in Japan. In our country, these are the cutest hairpins for children. They decorate the hairstyle for the holiday. It is not necessary to purchase such a hairpin, you can make it yourself.

To do this, you will need a metal duck - the basis for the hairpin, satin ribbon, lighter, stones or rhinestones, needle and thread.

  • Cut a 5 cm wide ribbon into squares
  • 14 squares needed
  • Fold the square into a triangle, and then connect the side corners to the top of the triangle
  • Intercept the product in the center with tweezers, and cut off what is left below with scissors
  • Melt over the lighter
  • Make 14 of these petals
  • Cut a circle out of yellow felt and glue the petals on the bottom
  • Glue the base underneath
  • Attach the flower to the metal duck

  • If you want to create holiday hairstyle wash your baby's hair and dry it
  • Not really for disguise. clean hair you can also braid
  • In the summer, a braid is a way not to get your hair dirty. So, they look well-groomed and do not stray into tangles. In addition, the baby is not hot
  • When making a braid for the first time, try to choose a simple weave, it is difficult for a child to sit still for a long time
  • Ideal for children's hair is a French braid and fishtail. Such pigtails, with sufficient experience, weave very quickly.

Video: Children's hairstyle - braided hair bows

Of course, long hair is not only beautiful, but also problematic. But with careful care, your princess hair will cause the envy of girlfriends, and you can practice weaving daily. different option pigtails.

VIDEO: Children's braid hairstyles

Today, braids are again one of the most popular hairstyles that are comfortable to wear every day or braid for a special occasion. Over the years, stylists and hairdressers have come up with many varieties of weaving for children: from the simplest ones that everyone can handle, to the complex ones that require certain skills and abilities.

Classic braiding technique for children

The simplest braid weaving option is classic or traditional; most moms and even some dads own it. In order to make a girl such a hairstyle, you need to take a comb, beautiful gum or tape to secure it. You can also use gentle styling products so that extra strands do not get out of your hair.

The traditional braid is braided as follows:

  • First, comb the strands properly, then moisten them slightly or apply styling products to them.
  • Next, the curls should be collected in a tail so that strands do not knock out of it.
  • Then the tail is divided into three equal parts.
  • Weaving starts with the rightmost strand. It is applied over the one in the middle, and it becomes central.
  • Further, the same manipulation is performed with the left strand. It is applied over the central one between it and the right part of the hair. Perform this procedure alternately with both strands until the braid is woven to the end.
  • Secure the tip of the braid with a ribbon or hair tie.

Braids for medium length hair

Such a hairstyle, like a braid, looks beautiful not only on long curls, but also on medium-length hair. Experts in the field of hairdressing have identified several types of weaving that will look best on strands of this length.

With this weaving, the effect of falling strands is created.

The classic weaving pattern for such a pigtail is as follows:

To make loose strands of hair look more attractive, you can twist their ends with a curling iron.

This hairstyle is quite simple, but it looks very original. To do it, you need to follow these steps:
  • weave a few braids;
  • twist them together like lacing.

It is very important that the braids are done symmetrically on both sides of the head.

A hair heart looks very impressive on medium-length curls and is done like this:
  • Comb your baby well.
  • Tie a ponytail at the crown.
  • Next, the tail must be turned out and divided into two equal parts.
  • From the first part, you need to braid the braid, separating three strands from the temple area. Having made a weave, add another strand from the tail. Then all the hair is taken only from the tail, while the braid should lie obliquely.
  • When all the hair from the tail is woven into a braid, its tip must be intercepted with an elastic band and made exactly the same on the other side.
  • When both braids are ready, tie them with a ribbon, overlapping each other.

is a rather complicated hairstyle. To braid her daughter, the parent will need patience and certain skills.

To weave a four-strand braid you need:

  • Comb your hair and dampen it with a little water. So the strands will lie down better.
  • Make a parting, select part of the curls from the temporal region and from the side of the ear.
  • Next, divide the selected strand into four parts. The extreme one, which is on the right, must be superimposed on the third, after that, the second must be superimposed on the third.
  • At first, this type of weaving is similar to the usual braid, but then the first strand should be placed under the next one down.
  • After the braid is braided on one side, you need to do the same on the other side and connect them together.

This beautiful hairstyle (like the famous Princess Jasmine) is best done from thick hair. But if they are thin, and there are not as many of them as we would like, you can add volume with the help of a corrugated iron.

The braid is woven according to the following pattern:

  • All hair is collected in a high ponytail.
  • A strand is separated from each side of the tail.
  • Then they need to be tied together with an elastic band.
  • After that, two strands are taken from under the bottom of the already fixed hair and are also connected with an elastic band.
  • Further, the above manipulations must be repeated until the length of the curls is over.
  • The tip of the finished hairstyle is fixed with an elastic band or beautiful ribbon. After that, the braid can be stretched in different directions, giving it a little volume.

A pigtail called a "dragon" is ideal for medium hair.

The hairstyle is done according to the following scheme:
  • Curls need to be combed and moistened with water.
  • Using a comb with sharp teeth, make an even parting.
  • Divide the strands near the forehead into three equal parts.
  • Lay the left strand over the middle strand and cover it with the right strand.
  • Next, you should continue weaving, weaving hair from the sides into the braid.
  • After the hair at the back of the head runs out, the braid can be woven in the traditional way and tied with an elastic band.

It is worth noting that when weaving any type of braid, one should not overdo it by pulling the strands of hair too tightly, as this can cause severe discomfort in the child.

Braids for short hair

Many mothers can't wait for their little daughters to grow curls to braid their braids. But sometimes hair does not grow too fast, and hairdressers have found a way out by inventing numerous weaves on short strands.

The French braid is the perfect hairstyle for little girls, and you can braid it like this:

  • Moisten curls with water.
  • Divide with a parting in the center or side.
  • Next, you need to separate a small strand of hair near the left temple.
  • Divide this strand into three more small parts and, that is, the curls need to be picked up from below, and not from above.
  • Secure the finished pigtail with a ribbon.

This hairstyle can be done by following the instructions:
  • Comb the curls, make a parting, do not a large number of comb the strands forward, and fold the rest back, securing with an elastic band or hairpin.
  • Next, you need to separate a small amount of hair and divide it into three strands.
  • Start weaving by putting each of the side hairs on the middle part of the hair. Add new strands until the parting ends.
  • According to the above scheme, make three more partings and braid all the hair to the end. The remaining tip can be secured with an elastic band and hidden inside the resulting hairstyle.

This pigtail looks very cute and original on the head of little girls. You can weave it by following the step-by-step instructions:
  • Gather the hair in a bun in the middle of the head, the curls around the head should be left loose. There will be a bun in the middle of the head, and the strands will remain hanging in a circle.
  • Next, take a strand from the occipital region and start weaving a regular pigtail, into which you need to weave the hair hanging along the contour of the head.
  • Then, at the same time, weave strands from the tail located at the back of the head and the hair around into the braid. Secure the remaining tip with an invisible hairpin.

Also for children short curls a “pigtail-ribbon” is suitable, but it should be noted that this weaving option should not be used for hiking in kindergarten or active walks. This hairstyle can be done when you are going to visit or go to the cinema. And it is done like this:
  • A lock of hair is separated a little above the ear, and a regular braid is braided.
  • On the other hand, exactly the same pigtail is woven, which is connected to the first.
  • The finished hairstyle is fixed with a hairpin.

Braids for long hair

Weaving braids on long hair is a real pleasure, as here you can give free rein to your imagination. Also long curls the good thing is that the masters of hairdressing have developed a large number of hairstyles in the form of braids for them, so there is plenty to choose from.

This option of weaving does not require enormous time costs, it is perfect both as a daily hairstyle and hair decoration for a special occasion. You can braid such a braid for a child in five stages:

  • First, wash and dry your hair, comb. Curly curls straighten, and thin - to add volume by combing them.
  • Next, select three equal strands at the temple, apply a styling agent to them.
  • Then you can start weaving the rim, which is done in exactly the same way as the French braid. That is, it is necessary to capture and weave new strands into the main pigtail, which are taken from the side of the bangs. The first strand is placed on the second, and a new strand is woven between them, taken from the hair on the side.
  • The braid is woven until it reaches the second temple.
  • At the last stage, you need to fix the tip of the pigtail with an elastic band.

Hairstyles using a donut are very relevant today, as they allow you to add volume even to thin curls. They are also suitable for any occasion.

To make a braid on a bagel, you need to follow a few steps:

  • Make a classic high ponytail.
  • Then a traditional braid is braided from the hair.
  • Next, a foam rubber band (donut) is put on the tail with a scythe.
  • The braid is neatly wrapped around the donut and secured with hairpins. Her tail is hidden under a bun.
  • At the final stage, the hairstyle can be fixed with hairspray.

If desired, this hairstyle can be decorated various decorations for hair.

The fishtail braid is one of the most popular and well-known hairstyles suitable for all occasions.

There are many ways to weave it, the classic is considered the simplest and most advantageous:

  • To begin with, the hair must be divided into two equal strands.
  • Next, take one thin strand from the left side of the parting and bring it over the right side.
  • Then do the same manipulation as above with the right side of the hair.
  • The braid is braided to the end according to the above method and secured with a ribbon.

The basket hairstyle is one of the most stylish and versatile options. You can weave it like this:
  • In the crown area, you need to select a zone in the shape of a circle, collect curls and make a tail out of them.
  • Next, you need to separate a small part from the free strands and divide them into two more, adding to them part of the hair from the tail.
  • Then you can start weaving a traditional braid, adding a free strand from the tail to it.
  • Braiding the braid, you need to move in a circle, but do not take thick strands from the tail. It is necessary to count the hair so that it is enough for the entire circumference of the head.
  • When the pigtail is completed to the starting point, start weaving again in the traditional way.
  • The classic braid must be secured as a continuation of the basket with the help of stealth.

This type of weaving is based on a French braid, it perfectly diversifies everyday hairstyles. In order to braid this pigtail, you need to follow the following scheme:
  • You need to braid the braid from the temple area. To do this, a small part of the hair is taken from the side and neatly divided into three equal strands.
  • Next, the braid is braided to the side, each time a small part of the strand is grabbed from the side and joined to the main ones.
  • The pigtail is gradually rounded to the right. After she comes to the right ear, she needs to be turned down and continue to braid again.
  • When the zigzag comes to an end, the remaining strands need to be woven into a regular braid and secured with an elastic band.

This braid is woven in the same way as the French one, but when the next strand of free hair is captured, it is not tightened, but left in a weakened version.

Hairdressing masters recommend girls' mothers to listen to some tips that will help with choosing a hairstyle and weaving it:
  • When choosing an everyday pigtail, you should give preference to the one whose weaving does not take longer than 15 minutes. This will allow you to get enough sleep and not be late for kindergarten or school.
  • For weaving braids, long hair of the same length is best suited. If the haircut of the child is multi-layered or graduated, then you should use hairpins and stealth.
  • Ribbons and ribbons woven into the braid make it more voluminous and more beautiful.
  • Parting is more convenient to do with a comb with a thin end. This will allow him to be more careful.
Kosa was and remains one of the most actual hairstyles, as it is a win-win option both for everyday wear and for various celebrations. In addition, this hairstyle can be done on curls of any length and density. But it is worth remembering that the perfect beautiful pigtail may not work out the first time, so you should be patient.

Also read.

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Today, every hairdresser knows how to weave various braids and make original hairstyles. The multifaceted skill of stylists has no boundaries. After all, many hairdressers take special master classes to master the technique of weaving and, accordingly, create new original hairstyles for children. Any hairstyle differs in level of complexity. Therefore, many parents know that weaving a long braid takes a lot of time. Weaving is no easy task. Accordingly, one must heed the advice of experts who teach beginners how to weave braids for long and medium hair. You yourself can master the technique of weaving beautiful braids. Making light braids for your child every day is not so difficult. You can learn this art by reading our article.

Every parent should be aware of one important fact: children fail to understand the expression "beauty requires sacrifice." Therefore, when weaving a braid, some requirements must be taken into account. The priority in creating a beautiful hairstyle is practicality, speed and, of course, safety. Every child should feel comfortable.

To learn how to weave a variety of pigtails for children, you need to master certain skills. You can combine several tricks and weave the original pigtails step by step at your own discretion. Thus, you can make a variety of hairstyles for your child at home. Long braids can boast of any little princess who is going to go to kindergarten or school.

3 beautiful and quick hairstyles for girls to school | Family is…

Braiding has been considered the most versatile and fashionable hairstyle for several years and even millennia. Our grandmothers wore long and beautiful braids. Earlier in Rus', all the girls braided luxurious braids to charm your only man. Even about long braids composed various songs. For example, the famous song "Girl with a Loose Braid", which became a hit in 2001. Gorgeous Marina Zhuravleva performed this wonderful song. This hit was remembered by many women and girls with the words "Girl with a loose braid." This song could be listened to all day long. Now, the old hit “Girl with a loose braid” can only be listened to on a certain site. Marina Zhuravleva performed many interesting songs by that time. A few years ago, many women, upon hearing the song, immediately sang along the words from the verse "Girl with a loose braid."

Marina Zhuravleva often went out with long strands. To date, the song "Girl with a Loose Braid" is less popular, as today young people listen to more modern songs. For example, Vera Brezhneva “Once upon a time there was a girl with golden braids” is very popular in our country.

Master Class. Express hairstyle

Children's braids in kindergarten for little girls

"French braid"

In fact, this version of braiding is not easy enough for beginners. There is another name for the braid - "Dragon". More simple method weaving is considered a simple braid. But to make a beautiful braid for your child in kindergarten, you have to really try. Basically, the "French braid" is woven on long and medium hair. If a holiday is planned in kindergarten, then it is better to do everything clearly and correctly. To begin with, you will have to separate a third of the hair from the main mass. That is, it is worth considering the fact that only three cycles of braid weaving are performed step by step. At the first stage, you need to braid a simple braid, and then, in subsequent stages, add hair on the side. It is practically necessary to weave one large braid. Then, step by step, add strands on both sides. If you seriously think about it, then there is nothing complicated about it. Every parent can learn how to make braids for long hair. A girl with a loose braid always looks gentle and beautiful.

French braids / French braids / THE EASIEST WAY TO WEAVING 2 BRAILS

"Clover Leaves"

The most common and favorite braiding technique for beginners is the so-called "Clover Leaves". Everyone knows: in order to braid beautiful braids with your own hands step by step, you need to have long luxurious hair. It is very difficult to make braids for short hair. Therefore, many parents do not cut their girls' hair short.

This type of braid weaving is very popular in our country. The elegant "ponytail" at the top is suitable for girls of various age categories. The braid, braided at the crown, is secured with an elastic band. First, the tail must be divided into 3 uniform parts. Next, each strand will have to be braided step by step into an ordinary braid. You need to weave a braid until the tail becomes absolutely small.

Then everything depends on your own discretion. You can carry out various manipulations and secure with accessories. If the child goes to a holiday, then you can attach some kind of beautiful bow or artificial flower. Thus, you can easily create festive image To solemn day with your own hands. Showing up for a holiday with a loose braid is very beautiful.

Weaving the Elf's Braid

Hairstyle for medium and long hair for beginners.

To weave the Elf Braid, you must have long or medium hair. If your little girl has short strands, then it is unlikely to make a beautiful braid. In this option, you need to braid five or six simple braids both on the left and on the right side. Then, you will have to separate 2 strands from the crown. Further, all braided braids must be collected at the crown and, accordingly, fixed with hairpins. This braiding method is presented for beginners. If you follow the instructions, you can easily make a beautiful image. Any braid on the head always looks gentle and feminine.

Hairstyle for every day, medium, long hair. Tauriel (elf) | Zachіski | hobbit

Weave beautiful braids for girls from 11 to 12 years old

To date fashion trend dictates its own rules. However, it is worth noting that beautiful braids never go out of fashion. If you look closely at the photos from the glossy covers, you can find models with various braided braids. Therefore, many stylists offer the latest variations of a variety of hairstyles. If your child is planning some kind of holiday or you want to change the appearance of your girl, then you need to contact an experienced hairdresser. With a loose fashionable braid, you can go to any holiday. You can also do modern hairstyles, which are very popular among teenagers.

Modern youth prefers to do various original hairstyles. Accordingly, in this article you can learn how to weave beautiful braids for girls from 11 to 12 years old. If you have certain skills, then you can braid your girl's braid yourself. But if a child at the age of 12 wants to do African braids, then, of course, you need to contact a stylist. Everyone knows that 12 years is the age when you want certain changes. It is at the age of 12 that the body of any little girl grows up. She begins to pay more attention to her appearance. 12 years is considered adolescence. Girls from the age of 12 should be taught certain things and guided on the right path. Therefore, if a girl at the age of 12 wants to have African long braids, then why refuse this request? You can help your child make their dreams come true. You can make an original hairstyle with your own hands. Weaving African braids is not difficult if you have the willpower and patience.

Afro-braid is a rather interesting and original hairstyle. To distinguish themselves from others, girls in adolescence make decisions to make such pigtails. It is worth noting that the procedure at the hairdresser is quite expensive. Therefore, in order not to spend extra money, African braids can be braided at home.


Having made African braids, you can forget about styling and combing your hair. With such a haircut, you can look perfect at any age. But only teenagers at the age of 12 decide on such a serious step. In order to make pigtails at home, you will need patience, as well as a comb with rare teeth. You should purchase synthetic threads and elastic bands for weaving. Don't forget to buy braid glue to strengthen your hair. The site presents a diagram of how to properly weave African braids. The presented instruction will help you in mastering this technique.

Before weaving, you do not need to wash your hair. It is necessary to carefully comb the hair and make partings. Next, in the region of the back of the head, you need to select a diamond-shaped segment. The selected strand must be thoroughly combed and secured with a kanekolnov thread closer to the roots. After the strand is obtained, it is necessary to divide into three uniform parts. Then, you should braid a strong pigtail. It is worth noting that each end of the braided pigtail must be tied with a small elastic band.

You can easily learn how to weave various braids for your little girl. Despite the fact that many beautiful braids are made on their heads, needlewomen knit beautiful hats for girls with braid patterns. Knitted hat with beautiful patterns looks very nice. Therefore, in our section, a diagram is presented by which you can knit original hats for yourself and your girl.

Knitted hat is The best way warm your head in the cold season. It is worth noting that a lot of time is not spent on knitting a hat with knitting needles. First you need to master the technique of knitting any hat. To improve your mood, it is better to knit a bright hat: bright color filled with positive energy.


Weave openwork braids

More cute and gentle girls prefer to do feminine hairstyles. Therefore, weaving openwork braids at home is not so difficult. This hairstyle is mainly done on long and medium hair. In order not to bother at the mirror for a long time, you need to quickly braid a beautiful braid. This kind of hairstyle is perfect for going to school or kindergarten. If your girl is from 3 to 7 years old, then it is advisable that you yourself braid a beautiful original hairstyle on your head.

Girls over 12 years old themselves cope with weaving braids. They easily master the technique of weaving and are happy to conduct various experiments on their hair. Openwork braids are no different from "French braids". In this case, you will also have to braid the braid. In order to beautifully connect the braid, you need to use some kind of flower at the bottom. It is worth noting that openwork braids are not recommended for short hair.

Dutch openwork braid

The boy pulls his pigtail - why?

Many little girls complain to their parents that a boy in kindergarten or at school next door regularly pulls his pigtail. What is this behavior when a boy pulls his braid? Is it a crime or just a behavior when a boy pulls a girl's pigtails? In fact, many experts argue that in this way, the boy shows a desire to attract the attention of the girl. Accordingly, he does such actions to attract attention, that is, he pulls the scythe. However, some argue that this is due to improper upbringing in the family. The boy does not understand how to behave correctly in this situation.

If a boy has committed such an act, then you should not immediately go to school or kindergarten and punish the child. Of course, correct manners and upbringing are instilled in a child from early childhood. Accordingly, every mother should set the right example for her child. A boy should know how to treat girls properly.

Basically, such cases are observed in schools and camps, when boys take scissors and cut off pigtails or strands. beautiful girls. If the boy cut off the braid or strands, you must contact the teacher or teacher. In this case, you need to take action and make it clear that this is not the way to behave. But it must be taken into account that if the boys pull the hair or cut off the braids of the girls, they want to attract attention to themselves.

The boy who cut off the braids or strands should apologize to the girl, as he should be aware that he is growing up as a real man and should not do such things. Cut off a beautiful braid - so answer with dignity for your act. This is how parents should raise their children.

