Consultation for parents on the basics of environmental education of preschoolers. Advice for parents on environmental education

Consultation for parents "Environmental education of preschoolers in the family"

Sent by: Fedotova E.

In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid. And this is impossible without the communication of the child with nature, the animal world. Starting to get acquainted with the environment, the kids are happy to absorb everything new. They are interested not only in the names of objects, but also in their features, properties, qualities, actions with them, natural phenomena, animal behavior. Kids are drawn to every branch, blade of grass, butterfly. They enthusiastically meet the rainbow, the bright sun, watch the running clouds, rustling foliage. The task of adults is to help get acquainted with the world of nature, to show their kind, correct attitude towards the environment. Parents and teachers should take care of this, forming in children a cognitive and humane-valuable attitude towards nature. One careless word of an adult can teach a child to think that it is not necessary to rejoice at all living things. It often happens that the baby picked up a bird's feather or a pebble from the ground and immediately hears from his mother that it is impossible to pick up dirty things. It is necessary not only to show what a beautiful world surrounds them, but also to explain in an accessible way why it is necessary to love and protect all living things. Constant communication child with nature, animals gives a noticeable healing effect, helps to relieve psychological tension, stress, aggressiveness, sets up a benevolent attitude towards all living things.

For a child, animals and plants are a source of new impressions and experiences. There is a positive experience of a good attitude towards people. Emotional life becomes richer, which has a positive effect on personal development. In a family where all-round development of the baby is taken care of, it is good to create a natural developing environment, have books, games about nature, get a houseplant, and if there are no contraindications, then a pet. Adults help children get to know them, teach them to treat with care and attention. Of course, all the worries and troubles for caring for pets fall on the shoulders of the parents, but asking the child to help the adult solves another problem - labor education. It is better not to force the baby to do something, but to show personal example, ask for help. Gradually, the child gets used to taking part in caring for an animal, a plant. He develops a position of protection and care for "those who have been tamed."

Sometimes we notice that some children love to torture a small bug by tearing off its legs, break and throw flowers, tree branches, watch with pleasure how a big dog offends a small one. This may be based on curiosity. An adult should talk to the child, explain to him what the unfortunate animal or plant feels. Communication of a child with nature should not be uncontrolled, because often he still does not know how to behave in nature and therefore can harm her and himself.

Our task is to bring children closer to the natural environment, because every season is beautiful. Bright, juicy colors of summer, rich shades of autumn, the delicate greenery of awakening nature in spring or even the strict white attire of winter arouse interest in children and affect the emotional sphere. We must support their interest, teach them to see, notice, understand the world nature. On a walk, teach your child to listen, consider, observe, compare. There is a great opportunity to develop his sensory abilities, to acquaint him with form, color, smell, size. It is necessary to support children's interest in time, to teach them to see, notice, understand the natural world around them.

Impressions need to be helped to reflect in creativity: drawings, applications, stories. An adult can help make a collage, compose a riddle, draw a picture with the child, or compose a fairy tale. These can be photos taken on a walk or homework from a kindergarten, where the family is given the opportunity not only to do something for the group, but also, for example, to show their child what can be made from waste material.

The main goal of environmental education is the formation of a conscious right attitude children to the objects of nature with which they are in direct contact. Children are our future, and if they grow up not indifferent to birds, insects, trees, flowers, the bright sun and a smart rainbow, ready to defend a weak chick or an abandoned kitten, then our efforts and worries were not in vain.

And then maybe in our country the air will become a little cleaner, there will be a little less stray animals, the rivers will become deep and transparent, and people will be kinder.

Advice for parents on environmental education of children

preschool age on the topic:

"Educating Love for Nature"

A man became a man when he heard the whisper of the leaves and the song

grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the ringing of silver bells in

bottomless summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howl of a blizzard outside the window,

gentle lapping of the waves and the solemn silence of the night, - I heard, and, holding

breath, listens for hundreds and thousands of years to the wonderful music of life.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

environmental education currently regarded as a priority for restructuring preschool education. IN preschool age the formation of a consciously correct attitude to the objects of nature begins. A correct understanding is based on knowledge of the characteristics of the life of living beings, their interaction

with habitat. Conscious Attitude manifests itself in a variety of environmental activities. Therefore, work on the formation of ecological culture should begin from preschool age, when the main ways of cognizing the surrounding reality are laid, and a value attitude towards it develops.

It is at the stage of preschool childhood that the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates ideas about different forms of life, i.e. he formed the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, laid the elements of ecological culture. But this happens only on the condition that if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and worry about them, they show the little person

the beautiful world of nature, help to establish relationships with it. At preschool age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude to the world around him, forms the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to form ecological knowledge, norms and rules for interacting with nature, foster empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems.

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education.

Environmental education is carried out in kindergarten throughout the entire educational process Everyday life and in the classroom. In the implementation of the tasks of environmental education, the natural environment in kindergarten is of great importance. These are corners of nature in all groups, a properly designed and equipped area, which provide the opportunity for constant direct communication with nature, the organization of systematic observations of natural phenomena and objects, and the involvement of children in regular work. On the site you can create a special site

nature, a natural corner with plants, to outline an ecological path,

make a stream and much more.

A feature of environmental education is the great importance of a positive example in the behavior of adults. Therefore, educators not only take this into account themselves, but also pay considerable attention to working with parents. Here it is necessary to reach full mutual understanding. Parents should realize that it is impossible to demand from the child the implementation of any rule of conduct if adults themselves do not always follow it. For example, it is difficult to explain to children that nature should be protected if the parents do not do it themselves. And the different demands made in kindergarten and at home can cause them confusion, resentment or even aggression. However, what is allowed at home does not necessarily have to be allowed in kindergarten and vice versa. It is necessary to highlight the main thing that will require joint efforts from teachers and parents. Need to consider

and discuss the results obtained and make a joint decision on the final list of vital important rules and prohibitions. It is possible to educate children in a positive attitude towards nature only when the parents themselves have an ecological culture. The effect of raising children is largely due to the extent to which environmental values ​​are perceived by adults as vital. A noticeable influence on the upbringing of a child is exerted by the way, level, quality and style of life of the family. Children are very sensitive to what they see around them. They act like the adults around them. Parents should be aware of this. Parents can engage their children in a variety of ways. For example, growing houseplants. In addition, in order for the children to water them in a timely manner, their interest in the growth and development of plants, the emergence of new sprouts, flowers, and fruits should be encouraged in every possible way. The most suitable for this are such fast-growing plants as geranium or begonia, indoor crops of tomatoes and cucumbers. Responsibility is an important human quality. And this is what we will develop, trusting the life of green pets to the crumbs. You can also try growing oranges or lemons, pineapples or pears. Plant fruit seeds in the ground and see what happens. Well, isn't it a miracle to grow a real tropical plant on the windowsill and enjoy its fruits?

The artistic and creative activity of children is also of great importance. Modeling from clay, plasticine, all kinds of applications, construction using cereals, dough and natural materials, drawing with the help of plant elements - all this contributes to the education of love for nature in preschoolers. Striving to do

more beautiful, better affects the world of feelings, allows you to reveal your creative potential, increases the level of development of speech in preschoolers, children learn to create, learn to understand and see the beauty and richness of nature.

At preschool age, the child's imagination develops rapidly, which manifests itself especially clearly in the game and in the perception of works of art. Parents often forget that the most accessible, most pleasant and most useful of all pleasures for a child is when interesting books are read aloud to him. This must begin in the family. Interest in the book arises long before the start of school attendance and develops very easily. The book plays an important role in the aesthetic education of children. Much depends on what this first book will be. It is very important that the books that the child gets acquainted with are accessible to the little reader not only in terms of subject matter, content, but also in the form of presentation. The specificity of literature makes it possible to form love for nature based on the content of works of art. The works of such writers as V. Bianchi, M. Prishvin, K. I. Chukovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, A. L. Barto, S. Mikhalkov and others are suitable for children. The book for children contains a lot of interesting, beautiful, mysterious, because they really want to learn how to read, but so far they have not learned to listen to the reading of their elders.

Extremely great opportunities for the education of preschoolers are opened up by nature. Excursions, hikes, walks, the study of works of art dedicated to nature are traditional activities in this area. However, just being in nature is not enough. One must be able to see the beauty of nature, to experience it emotionally. This ability develops gradually. During walks, hikes, work in the garden, it is necessary to draw the attention of children to the richness of nature, the perfection and harmony of its forms, to educate the need not only to admire nature, but also to treat it with care. If a child understands that his well-being, tomorrow, the happiness of himself, his relatives and friends depend on the purity of air and water, concrete help to the stream and birch, he will join the ranks of the defenders and friends of nature.

So, educating children in love for nature, the ability to perceive its beauty is one of the important tasks of kindergarten. In this work, his first helpers should be his parents. At the first opportunity, at any time of the year, if the weather permits, go to the forest, park, field, to the river to see the boundless distances and fabulous heaps of clouds. Take the gifts to the forest animals. Try to make a halt in the most secluded place. Freeze and shut up. Maybe you will be lucky enough to see a squirrel or admire the work of a woodpecker. The joy of meeting with living beings will remain in the memory of children for a long time, awaken inquisitiveness, good feelings for nature. Try to discover for yourself and your children the beauty of the crimson colors of autumn, intertwined with golden threads, decorated with the dark green of pine trees. Breathe in the smell of mushrooms with full breasts, collect a collection of leaves of various shapes and colors, find knots, snags that look like sculptures of animals and people. Take the child to the clearing. See how tempting is the mysterious distance, calling deep into the forest. If you have a garden, buy garden tools for your child and allocate it for your child

experienced garden.

Dear parents! Instill in children love and respect for plants and animals, teach them to behave correctly in the forest, in the field, near water bodies. Tell us how noise has a detrimental effect on the inhabitants of the forest. Because of the noise, birds abandon their nests, and forest animals run away from the forest. Therefore, in the forest, and in nature in general, silence must be observed. Tell the children about the danger of fires, and that you can’t damage trees, destroy nests, extract birch sap, litter reservoirs, destroy anthills and much more.

At preschool age, children should LEARN and KNOW that:

It is necessary to protect and preserve both useful and common plant species,


Remember that plants give shelter to animals.

We must be careful in nature.

Remember that permanent residents (birds, fish, animals, insects) live in the forest, rivers and reservoirs, for whom this environment is native home!

We must carefully treat the earth, water, air, because this is the environment where all living things exist.

It is forbidden to pollute reservoirs, kindle fires on their banks.

Ecological education of children is, first of all, education of humanity, i.e. kindness, responsible attitude to nature, and to the people who live nearby, to the descendants who need to leave the Earth suitable for full life. Ecological education should teach children to understand themselves and everything that happens around them. We need to teach children how to behave in nature and among people.

Dear parents! Ecological education will be more effective only if there is constant, everyday communication between adults and children in the family. Do not spare your time for playing with pets, for botanical experiments, for reading good poems and stories about nature, for walks. And then your children in their adult life will consciously and carefully treat all living and non-living things on Earth!

Larisa Noskova
Consultation for parents "Environmental education of preschoolers"

Advice for parents


Work on environmental education of preschoolers is one of the components of the work preschool and family. Only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts can we solve the main task - upbringing a man with a capital letter, a man environmentally literate.

Trouble in our time environmental education come to the fore and are receiving more and more attention. Why have these issues become relevant? The reason is in human activity in nature, often illiterate, wrong with environmental point of view, wasteful, leading to violation ecological balance.

Target environmental education in a modern preschool educational institution:

The formation of the beginnings ecological culture in children, development ecological consciousness, thinking, environmental culture in adults, their educating, the formation of a responsible attitude to the environment, which is built on the basis of ecological consciousness.

The above goals are achieved as they are solved in the unity of the following tasks:

Educational - the formation of a system of knowledge about environmental contemporary problems and ways of their resolution;

- educational- formation of motives, needs and habits environmentally purposeful behavior and activities, healthy lifestyle life;

Developing - development of a system of intellectual and practical skills for studying, assessing the state and improving the environment of their area; development of the desire to be active in environmental protection environments: intellectual (ability to analyze environmental situations, emotional (relation to nature as a universal value, moral (will and perseverance, responsibility) .

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, therefore, it is not by chance that teachers face the task of forming preschoolers bases of culture of rational use of natural resources.

Ecological education of preschoolers is carried out in the preschool educational institution through the entire pedagogical process - in everyday life and in the classroom.

In the implementation of tasks environmental education The natural environment in kindergarten is of great importance. These are corners of nature in all groups, a room of nature, a properly designed and cultivated area, which make it possible to constantly communicate directly with nature; organizing systematic observations of natural phenomena and objects, introducing children to regular work. On the sites of preschool educational institutions - the creation of special sites of nature, the creation flower beds for which children themselves or with the help of adults look after.

Basics environmental education aimed at the formation of a responsible attitude towards the environment;

One preschool institution without the help of the family can not do anything do: it is well known that 80% of a child's character traits are laid in the family.

As we have already said, in order to form ecological culture, it is necessary to give children elementary scientific knowledge about nature, maintain interest in knowing the world around them, teach them to see the wonderful in the ordinary, the unusual in the usual, evoke aesthetic experiences (the living is beautiful, empathize with living beings (we have no right to destroy what evolution has created, nature , not us). parents a series of observations in nature and special tasks type: listen to the voices of birds, admire the colors of the sunset. And if this is offered to children and parents regularly, then they will learn to listen to the music of "meadows and fields, admire grasses, insects, birds - in a word, peer intently, peer into life."

The sense of nature is the basis ecological- and aesthetic - human consciousness. For this, children must not only be educated, but also taught how to behave in nature. The norms of behavior in nature should be learned by each child like a multiplication table. Can be offered parents together with teachers to draw up rules of behavior in nature. For example.

Medicinal plants are a common property, this is our wealth, which must be carefully used and protected. You need to collect plants competently, with knowledge of the matter. Do not let children tear them aimlessly.

Insects pollinate plants, create beauty in our meadow. Catching them is poaching. Without butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, bumblebees and bees, our meadow is not a meadow. Do not catch butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, bumblebees and bees.

Berries are a source of food not only for humans, but also for animals. Picking berries in bunches is expensive plants: they get sick for a long time and may even die. Berries, nuts, collect so as not to damage the twigs.

Important from early childhood bring up children have a feeling of irreconcilability to the facts of irresponsible behavior of people, for example, not extinguished fires, left garbage. It is expedient to oppose them with correct practical actions: garbage collection, clearing springs, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the eradication in some children of the desire to torture animals, to kill them. To gain experience of behavior in the natural environment, you can use environmental situations. For example. The children found a hedgehog in the forest and brought it home. Is it good for the hedgehog? (In a foreign environment, he perish: a person will not be able to provide him with the conditions necessary for life. A wild animal must live in the wild; so the hedgehog must be returned to the forest. Animals in nature are not lost and not abandoned: they live their lives.)

You can also use verbal situations that are good to offer. parents discuss at home with children. For example. In front of your eyes, the baby ran up to a flock of pigeons and dispersed them.

Rate this action.

What would you do?

What should you do when you meet birds?

Do you know what not to feed the birds in winter?

Should we help the birds? How?

Is it necessary to pick inedible berries of viburnum, buckthorn, mountain ash unnecessarily?

Finally, together with parents need to make a decision: performance indicator environmental education and upbringing are not only the knowledge and behavior of the child in nature, but also his participation in improving the natural environment of his area. In this, the role of an adult is great, who, by his attitude to nature, by his behavior, has a strong influence on the personality of the child.

Questions to parents

1. Are there birds, fish, plants at home?

2. How does the child treat them in the family, on the street?

3. Does he show compassion, empathy?

4. How do you feel about animals yourself?

5. What types of joint activities in communion with nature are practiced in your home? (Books, walks, TCO, work, care.)

Questions to parents

1. Are there objects of nature at home?

2. Does the child show interest in them?

3. Does he have a desire to look after them? Does he show independence in providing assistance?

4. Have you thought about how to attract the attention of a child, to arouse interest in nature? What would you suggest to maintain interest in nature?

5. In your opinion, does your behavior influence the formation of a child's attitude to nature?

Adviсe parents whose children are cruel to animals.

2. Offer, if there is no object of nature at home, start it and take care of it together.

3. Help animals on the street with your child.

Adviсe parents whose children are indifferent to animals.

1. Grow a houseplant in the family and draw it (the child should know the purpose - to give to someone, to decorate the room).

2. Buy a toy - the image of an animal, beat it.

In conclusion. In the old days it was custom: a cat was slipped to the groom who came to the house. If he stroked an animal, played with him - a kind person came; if he was rude, they were alarmed, since in relation to an animal, the attitude towards a person is also checked.


DO NOT harm nature!

How to start familiarizing the baby with nature? This is everything that surrounds us: plants, animals, the sun, the sky, water, a stone that has fallen under our feet, and anything, in the end, we ourselves. Once having gone somewhere with a child. Just stop and look around. How many interesting things surround you. This and standing next to a tree and soft green grass, an insect flying by, a bird soaring high in the sky, a cat running across the street. Raise your gaze and a beautiful blue sky will open to him, or maybe it’s not blue, but decorated with rare clouds, from which a ringing rain will drip. Looking around, you will see a lot of objects for discussion.

Ecological education isknowledge of the living that surrounds the child, in its habitat, and ourthe main task is to teach them to protect and protect what they see. It is necessary to explain to the child in an accessible way what to break a branch

trees are not allowed, especially in winter. Pay attention to the beauty of the child, how beautiful they are in frost. In winter, they sleep and they only have us defenders. We need to cover the roots with snow, explaining that we help them survivein winter. When visiting the forest with children in winter, pay attention to the silence in the forest, itsbeauty.

In the spring there are a lot of interesting changes in nature, and it will be very useful if you show them to your baby. Walking with a child along the street, park,see what changes are taking place in nature: how the buds swell, the first leaves, grass, what spring flowers exist. Talk to children. Conversation with children expands, deepens, systematizes and generalizes their knowledge of nature. The types and content of conversations with natural history topics can be varied: “What did you see on the way home? "," What were the first flowers to appear? ". What birds have arrived? » Very well, if mother knows didactic games natural history content: “Whose house? ”, “Find a tree according to the description”, “Guess what I guess”, “Repeat after me”. They teach to classify plants and animals; memorize new names, enriches and develops the speech of babies. Watch birds nest in the trees. Can

even try to build a birdhouse and hang it next to the house. Watching nature is very interesting and cognitive activity. It forms children's knowledge about nature, teaches them to observe and contemplate, develops the aesthetic principle.

When gathering mushrooms and berries in the forest, take only those that you know, anddo not touch others. Animals need them, they feed on them and are treated. Like, for example, a fly agaric mushroom, it is so beautiful, admire it, but do not touch ithim, an elk will come and it will be useful to him for treatment. To prevent mushrooms from disappearingnear our forest, do not disturb the mycelium, explain to the children that mushrooms are neededcut with a knife, it will grow here new mushroom.

Children often act cruelly with nature and we are to blame for all this.adults. They could not teach to see the beautiful and make sure that everything that surrounds us only pleases.

Rules of conduct to be observed in nature.

*Do not destroy bird nests.

*Do not break tree branches.

* Do not destroy anthills.

*Don't catch butterflies for fun.

*Do not offend the forest dwellers.

*Don't pick too many flowers.

*Stay together in the forest.

*Do not make noise.

*Don't leave trash behind, bury it.

*After relaxing in nature, extinguish the fire with water.

*If you are lost, start screaming to be found.

Rules for mushroom pickers and berry pickers.

*Do not pick unfamiliar mushrooms.

*Do not pick up mushrooms growing along roadsides.

*Do not pick unfamiliar berries.

*Do not taste even one berry. Be sure to show the berries to adults.

Rules of conduct with animals and insects.

*Do not run away from the dog in the street.

*Do not pet unfamiliar animals.

*Do not touch a dog or cat when they are eating or guarding someone, especially their cubs.

* Do not wave your hands in front of a wasp or a bee.

* Do not let gadflies and horseflies sit on you. Their bites are painful.

* Carefully inspect your body and hair after a walk in the forest. The tick must be removed immediately.

There is so much beauty in nature!

So much beauty in nature
Take a look and you'll understand
Why dew bushes
Envelops shivers.

Where, murmuring, the stream runs,
More transparent than glass
What about in the evening, in a field of rye,
Quail sing...

Let it become your heart
Bird speech is understandable -
And you will learn
How to keep it all.

(V. Chizhov)

Advice for parents

"Ecological education of preschoolers"

Usually, environmental education is understood as the education of love for nature. Indeed, it is an important part educational process, but often the methods by which such love is brought up are very doubtful. For example, for this purpose, houses contain wild animals or without proper care for pets that get sick and even die in front of children. And children get used not to notice their torment. Often during summer walks, parents offer to pick flowers, catch butterflies, dragonflies or other insects. Such classes become a constant summer fun for the guys. They tear off insect wings, paws, or even trample their prey with their foot. Thus, such educational activities teach children not to love, but to destroy the living, and quite cruelly.

Very often, children learn poems about nature, the content of which contradicts ecologically correct behavior. Taking this into account, it is necessary to emphasize once again that one of the tasks of environmental education is to form in a child an idea of ​​a person not as a master, conqueror of nature, but as a part of nature that depends on it. Strive to eradicate the consumer attitude towards nature in children.

Currently, most preschoolers have formed a clear division of animals into good and bad, evil and kind, harmful and useful. This is facilitated by works of art, cartoons. In many of them, predators are portrayed as evil, bad. They want to eat "good" hares and pigs. In them, as a rule, hares defeat wolves and are left to live alone in the forest, without evil predators. Many children are convinced that a predatory animal is bad, nature does not need it, and that a beautiful forest is a forest without wolves (without predators).

From the point of view of ecology, there are no bad and good, harmful and useful in nature. Each animal, plant performs its “work”, plays a certain role in nature. Meanwhile, many once common plants and animals have become rare, our forests once rich in mushrooms and berries have become scarce, fertile soil particles are being destroyed, water and air are being polluted.

As adults, we cannot feel excluded from contemporary issues our society. The adults who are responsible for environmental troubles were once children too. It's a shame that we can't help but admit that it's not how we brought it up.

You can successfully engage in environmental education only when you know exactly what is meant by this.

Ecological education of children is, first of all, education of humanity, i.e. kindness, responsible attitude to nature, and to the people who live nearby. Ecological education should teach children to understand themselves and everything that happens around them. We need to teach children how to behave in nature and among people. Often, due to lack of knowledge, they cannot choose an adequate course of action. Need to do educational work inconspicuous and attractive to children. But how?

Since the game is the most natural type of activity that brings a lot of positive emotions and forms the character of children, you can use already known games in which it is desirable that there be an active ecologically correct or developing in accordance with the educational tasks set. play activity.

Educational tasks are sometimes complicated by the fact that children often see how adults violate the elementary norms of communication with each other and nature. Probably, in such cases it is necessary to say: although they are adults, they don’t know that you can’t talk rudely, leave garbage in places of rest, throw garbage on the go, carve inscriptions on tree trunks, offend homeless animals, etc. But you, children, well done, that you know that you can’t do this - and you don’t do it like that.

Advice for parents

"Environmental education of children in the family"

Ecology is a science, and it came from the word oikas - house, dwelling, habitat. This is all living things that surrounds us, we breathe what we live. A new direction of education appeared in their preschool pedagogy - ecological education.

From the first years of life, the beginning of ecological culture is formulated in children. Children see at home how their mother takes care of flowers, a cat or a dog. They themselves are drawn to all living things, they want to stroke the animal and admire beautiful flowers.

Growing up, children learn that each creature has its own "home", in which there is everything for his life. Ecological education is the knowledge of the living that surrounds the child, in its habitat, and our main task is to teach them to protect and protect what they see. It is necessary to explain to the child in an accessible way that it is impossible to break a tree branch, especially in winter. Pay attention to the beauty of the child, how beautiful they are in frost. In winter, they sleep and they only have us defenders.

We need to cover the roots with snow, explaining that we help them survive in the winter. When visiting the forest with children in winter, pay attention to the silence in the forest, its beauty and how well it breathes in the forest.

In spring, nature is changing, and we rejoice at every new blade of grass and a new leaf. Work begins in the country and the children help you, albeit very little, but they are drawn to this, seeing how you are doing it. There is a forest near the summer cottages, you go there with your children. We are all drawn to nature to relax, breathe fresh air, listen to the murmur of a stream. We adults collect flowers and medicinal herbs, pick only as many as you need and try not to uproot.

When picking mushrooms and berries in the forest, take only those that you know, and do not touch others. Animals need them, they feed on them and are treated. Like, for example, a fly agaric mushroom, it is so beautiful, admire it, but do not touch it, the elk will come and it will be useful to it for treatment. So that the mushrooms do not disappear near our forest, do not disturb the mycelium, explain to the children that the mushrooms need to be cut with a knife, a new mushroom will grow here.

Children often act cruelly with nature and we adults are to blame for all this. They could not teach to see the beautiful and make sure that everything that surrounds us only pleases.

Feed the birds, hang a feeder outside the window or on the balcony. The child himself will put food there. If you want to please a child, get him parrots or a carduelis, a turtle or a hamster. Explain and teach how to properly care for them and the child will be happy. Many children have a dream to have a friend next to them, it's a kitten or a puppy. And if you have got yourself an animal at home, do not throw them out into the street when they grow up, because they are animals and trust people. I wish you to instill a sense of compassion in children, teach them to see the beauty of the world around them and this will not be in vain. If the child takes care of everything and takes care of this “home”, your upbringing will not be in vain. They will be attentive not only to the world around them, but also to you adults.
