Health group program for the elderly. Health group for Krasnokutsk pensioners

Lesson 1. Introductory lesson.

Topic of the lesson: Psychological characteristics of the elderly.

The purpose of the lesson: To provide information on the psychological characteristics of the elderly.

Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part 5 minutes.

2. Information part 35 minutes.

3. Active part 15 minutes.

4. Final part 5 minutes.

Introductory part. Acquaintance with students, determining their knowledge about the psychological characteristics of an elderly person.

Information part.

1. Cognitive features of late adulthood

The main feature of this age is the aging process, which is a genetically programmed process, accompanied by certain age-related changes in the body. In the process of aging, most of the sensory functions in humans deteriorate significantly. However, this does not happen to everyone. The nature and extent of the weakening of sensory functions can vary greatly, which is primarily associated with individual characteristics and the activities that people are engaged in. Those intellectual functions of a person, which are highly dependent on the speed of performing operations, show a decline in the period of late adulthood. In people who have reached this age, reaction time increases, the processing of perceptual information slows down, and the speed of cognitive processes decreases. Such slowness can be caused by changes in the personality characteristics of a person. The basis of memory in old age is a logical connection, and since logical memory is most closely connected with thinking, it can be assumed that the thinking of older people is very developed. Late adulthood has its positive aspects in relation to the development and transformation of the cognitive sphere. But not all persons who have reached this age, the dynamics of the cognitive sphere has the same character, during which the signs of wisdom are formed. decline cognitive activity in people who have reached late adulthood, may be due to various reasons, direct or indirect. Among the direct causes are: diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer's disease and vascular lesions of the brain. Indirect reasons for the decline in human cognitive abilities are: general deterioration in health, low level of education, lack of motivation for cognitive activity. Summing up the consideration of the features of intellectual characteristics in elderly people, it should be noted that the dynamics of the characteristics of the cognitive sphere in persons who have reached this age period depends largely on subjective factors, and primarily on the personality characteristics of a particular person.

affective sphere

The period of late adulthood is characterized by specific changes in the emotional sphere of a person: an uncontrolled increase in affective reactions (strong nervous excitement) with a tendency to causeless sadness, tearfulness. Most older people tend to be eccentric, less sensitive, self-absorbed, and less able to cope with difficult situations. Older men become more passive and allow themselves to display more feminine traits, while older women become more aggressive, practical and domineering. In old age, the weakening of the affective sphere of a person deprives new impressions of color and brightness, hence the attachment of older people to the past, the power of memories.

Motivational sphere of the elderly

Retirement changes the position and role of people in society, influencing the development of the motivational sphere of older people. Every decade there is an adjustment of goals, motives and needs. A person who has crossed the 60-year mark and has good health is still largely driven by the same needs as at a younger age. These include: the need for self-realization, creation and transfer of inheritance (spiritual and / or material) to the next generation, active participation in society, a sense of usefulness and significance for it. After 70 years, another need comes to the fore - maintenance physical health at an acceptable level. A person loses the desire to participate in public life, there is a concentration of interests in his inner world. At the same time, interest in collecting, playing music, painting, that is, what is called a hobby, among the elderly does not weaken. Despite the fact that health problems worsen with age, even after reaching the age of 90 a person can (and should) continue to show interest in life, find new activities that allow him to use his opportunities. the best way. Of particular importance in the period of late adulthood are family relationships, which give a person a sense of security, stability and strength, allow you to feel more stable, largely determining the joys, sorrows and worries of an elderly person.

Features I am an old man concept

The self-concept of the period of late adulthood and old age is a complex formation in which information is “recorded” about the multitude of self-images that arise in a person in the most diverse versions of his self-perception and self-representation. This is the selective memory of the individual, reflecting events in such a way as not to violate the basic personal positions. Such negative personal formations as arrogance and underdevelopment of autonomy and initiative cause non-adaptive human aging.

Behavioral features inherent in late maturity

The most important factors that determine a person’s behavior at this stage of life are: a decrease in psychophysical capabilities, gender, personality type, gradual withdrawal from active social life (the so-called “desocialization”), material well-being, loss of loved ones and loneliness, as well as consciousness of an approaching end of life. The physical world with which older people interact directly is increasingly narrowing. Subjectively, things that perform an auxiliary role play an increasingly important role: glasses, a cane, dentures, a hand cart for moving weights. Many older people have a growing sense of danger that lies in wait for them everywhere: on the street, in the yard, in an empty square, and even in their own apartment. The degree of social activity of older people is increasingly declining and for many it is limited family communication and communication with the immediate environment. A significant part of pensioners find themselves alone. Overcoming loneliness and increasing material well-being contributes to the continuation of professional activities or other work. In old age, interest in religion sharply increases. Not all elderly people experience old age hard and unhappily, some of them live a “happy old age”. Many by the end of their lives develop a calm and tolerant attitude towards life and what is happening around them. If this happens, then the life of an elderly person is filled with an even, calm and peaceful light emanating from the very fact of life. The ability to have such a view of a given period of one's life depends primarily on a person's personal attitudes.

Active part: - self-control of mental health in old age; - elimination of factors that negatively affect the mental health of an elderly person;

Final part: summing up.

Lesson 2. Topic of the lesson: Factors conducive to longevity. Longevity and Laws happy life.

The purpose of the lesson: To give the audience an idea of ​​the factors favoring longevity, the rules of longevity and the laws of a happy life.

Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part - 10 minutes.

2. Information part - 30 minutes.

3. Active part - 15 minutes.

Introductory part. Checking the knowledge gained in the previous lesson.

Correction of answers.

Information part.

In the previous lesson, we learned and came to the conclusion how to cope with mental characteristics in old age. In this lesson, we should learn about the factors conducive to longevity, about the rules of longevity and the laws of a happy life in old age.

The modern healthcare system is focused mainly on combating diseases that have already arisen, so taking care of our own health largely depends on us. To be healthy, you need to make your own, sometimes significant efforts, to be able to overcome laziness and carelessness.

Civilized countries provide people with an abundance of goods and conveniences, but this, unfortunately, does not contribute much to people's health. Gasoline fumes, nicotine, alcohol, chemically processed products, nervous stress associated with the pursuit of a career, money, material wealth - this is the world in which the life of a modern person takes place.

Thus, the factors conducive to longevity are as follows:

1) favorable living conditions - living away from industrial centers;

2) active physical activity in the fresh air;

3) abstinence in nutrition, better dairy-vegetarian food. Restriction or complete exclusion from the diet of sugar and sweets;

4) balanced character, optimistic outlook on life;

5) appropriate heredity - the presence of centenarians among direct relatives.

Prevention of diseases in the elderly

Prevention of diseases consists not only in proper nutrition, physical activity, giving up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), but also in specific actions aimed at preventing diseases and timely detection of an incipient illness.

One of the most terrible diseases of our time is cancer, but if detected in time, you can save life and health. One of the most important preventive measures is that every woman should visit a gynecologist, do an ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography (1-2 times a year). A similar examination is necessary for every man, especially after 40-45 years, when, according to statistics, the threat of rectal and prostate cancer increases.

Once a week, and after 40 years of age daily, measure blood pressure, its upper limit should not be higher than 140. Once every six months it is recommended to check the sugar level (the norm is up to 5.5 mmol / l), after 40 years it is necessary to check the level of cholesterol in the blood (norm 5.2 mmol / l). Once a year it is necessary to do a gastroscopy, ultrasound internal organs. Men additionally examine the prostate gland and check the level of testosterone, starting from the age of 45. Once a year it is necessary to conduct examinations of the intestine (colonoscopy).

Examinations should be carried out regularly, even if you feel great, so that diseases are not taken by surprise! Do not save on examinations - the treatment of advanced diseases is much more expensive!

Signs of cancer

Here are some signs that indicate an increased risk of cancer and the need to urgently see a doctor:

non-healing wound or swelling;

unusual knots or thickenings on or under the skin, especially in the breast, neck, armpits, groin;

Any changes that have occurred since birthmarks or warts;

Frequent pain in the stomach, intestines, esophagus;

Persistent cough, hoarseness;

Incessant discharge.

It is important for women to know that inverted nipples, thickening of the lymph nodes, hard subcutaneous neoplasms, etc. are characteristic features of a breast tumor. Experts recommend that every woman of any age, at least once a month, conduct an independent examination for the prevention of breast cancer, because you should show a doctor 1-2 times a year.

How to conduct a self-examination

Sit in front of a mirror, carefully examine your chest, paying attention to: changes in size and shape; folds and wrinkles; changes in the nipples. Exactly the same thorough examination should be performed standing in front of a mirror with arms raised, then lie down and in this position slowly probe the mammary glands. Any suspicious change is a reason to visit an oncologist as soon as possible.

Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are no less terrible, but many diabetics do not even know about their disease, although without treatment the patient's body will be destroyed by this disease within a few years.

If you have the following symptoms:

Increased thirst;

Constant feeling of fatigue and impotence;

Big weight loss4

Tendency to eczema;


Poor wound healing - you should immediately consult a doctor.

Let's name some more unpleasant signals that may indicate the onset of a disease and therefore require a visit to the doctor:

severe nausea;

Labored breathing;


increased thirst;

unexplained weight loss;


Increased excitability;

Weakening of vision;

Strong odor from the mouth;

Marked general weakness.

Simple rules for longevity

There are only four basic rules for longevity. This was announced by American scientists in the official journal American Journal of Medicine. They argue that once a person forms 4 habits, he automatically goes into the category of potential centenarians.

1. Stop smoking.

2. Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits.

3. Maintaining normal weight.

4. Physical activity (at least 2.5 hours per week).

Of course, many questions arise. For example, why stop smoking only? And where, for example, alcohol and harmful products? Or, say, prevention or good rest? Well, be that as it may, scientists are talking about exactly 4 rules (conditions, habits) that guarantee longevity.

They do not unsubstantiatedly declare this, but based on a study in which almost 16 thousand citizens aged 45 to 65 took part. It turned out that only 7-8 percent of them follow these golden rules. Russian scientists join their American colleagues in noting that this figure is hardly higher in our country.

Researchers also point to some habits that are harmful to health and do not give a person a chance to live to old age (although they are considered to be of a secondary nature). What are these habits?

1. Abuse of drugs, belief in their miraculous power.

2. Unbalanced diet, passion for diets.

3. Stress.

4. Lack of sleep. Medical recommendation: you should abandon the habit of sitting in front of the TV for many hours, it is dangerous to health. It has been noted that the average American watches TV programs for about 3 hours on weekdays and more than 4 hours on weekends. This activity, in fact, is an aimless passive pastime, distracting from more beneficial activities for health and standard of living.

Features in the diet of the elderly

What a pity that so much money is spent in our country on anything but maintaining the health of its citizens. Here is one example: how much money do you need to keep your teeth in good condition? On a national scale, I think not much. Especially if due attention is paid to prevention issues from an early age.

After all, one of the reasons for low life expectancy is bad teeth. Why ask you? Yes, because with them, sick teeth, the problems of the gastrointestinal tract begin, and hence the emergence of more and more new diseases.

Most of our pensioners cannot afford high-quality prosthetics, and hence the more and more formidable diseases in old age.

Agree, if everything is in order in the mouth, all the teeth are in place, then the quality of the thoroughly chewed food taken is excellent.

But not only this affects life expectancy. Even Tibetan monks said that not fresh, but heated food is harmful to health. Cooking as needed and always eating fresh food is one of the principles of long-term health. Prolonged fasting should not be allowed, but overeating is also harmful.

Older people should remember that a balanced diet is very important for them, but the calorie content should be reduced.

It is especially necessary to pay attention, the older the person, the more attentively he should treat the intake of fats. They are undoubtedly needed, but it is better to choose those that help protect against vascular diseases: olive and linseed oils, no more than 2-3 tablespoons per day. These oils contain polyunsaturated 3 and 6 omega acids.

All the cells of our body contain protein, therefore, it is impossible to refuse it in any case, but it is necessary to limit its consumption, since from the excess there is a predisposition to the formation of stones.

I want to say separately about the broths. Yes, they are indicated for patients after a serious illness and then, not saturated. It is better for older people to completely abandon the broths, the extractive substances in them load the kidneys and liver and thereby give a greater load to the cardiovascular system.

But fish dishes, especially boiled ones, can be on the menu very often. Phosphorus, which is in it, helps to avoid senile dementia.

In order to help the skeletal system and the gastrointestinal tract, cottage cheese, fermented milk products should become a favorite dish.

Milk is also needed. It is rich in healthy fats and vitamins. One glass a day is enough to support the body and at the same time such a volume will not create problems associated with atherosclerosis.

You should try to eliminate refined foods, especially sugar, from your diet. It can be replaced with honey or fructose. If you choose sugar or jam, it is better to eat a spoonful of jam.

Fresh vegetables and fruits, fiber suppliers. But you need to be careful after using them, possibly bloating.

Regular use instead of tea of ​​infusion or decoction of wild rose and hawthorn will strengthen and support not only the immune system, but also the cardiovascular system.

Chop berries

1 st. pour 1 liter of water into a spoon with a top

Boil 10 minutes

Let it brew for half a day.

Strain, and use the cake again for a decoction, but pour 0.5 liters of water already.

The second and third tea leaves are no less useful.

Here are some more tips:

Suck on a spoonful of cleansing vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach, but never swallow it.

Herbal infusions, fresh berries, fresh vegetables appropriate for the season will help keep the body in good shape.

No need to avoid taking spices: if you chew cumin after a meal, then bloating can be avoided. Cardamom and basil stimulate the secretion of bile, which weakens with age. Also, the intake of spices is a natural fight against helminthic infections. You know that cinnamon is a good remedy for preventing diabetes.

Walking and proper breathing enrich the body with oxygen.

Walking is the best exercise for the elderly. Physical overload and physical inactivity are two extremes that are harmful, especially for older people. You need to know that the cause of senile weakness is not age, but loss of muscle mass. Remember, you need moderation in everything, including exercise.

Such physical activity will only bring benefits: several squats per day, tilts, rotation of the pelvis. Try to pull your belly button in towards your spine. Gymnastics of the internal organs contributes to good digestion.

Laws of a happy life

So, the first law of a happy life - you can get sick, but you can not feel sick!

Our own assessment of our physical condition is much more important than objective indicators. No bad tests, cardio-, echo- and other programs, strokes, heart attacks and others like them have the power to overshadow old age, as long as a person perceives them as traffic accidents, breakdowns inevitable on a long journey, and not as the main content of the route. Optimists in a more serious condition look and feel much more cheerful than their peers and even younger pessimists.

The second rule - Love is life in the most literal sense.

If by the age of 50 a faithful life partner has been found - it does not matter, on the first or fifth attempt, this is sure sign that you will celebrate your 80th birthday with a bright mind and good health. Moreover, it turned out that a stable marriage is a much more reliable sign of longevity than low cholesterol at the same 50. Doctors assure that those who love and are loved, who know how to listen and sympathize, who are open to people and benevolent, live longer and happier.

One of the surest keys to happy longevity is the ability to forgive.

And the accumulated grievances - whether for the whole universe in general or for the immediate environment - devour the mind and body, like cancer cells, taking years and the ability to experience joy. The bright sides of life deserve more attention than the dark ones. By the way, scientists recently discovered that the hostile attitude characteristic of some older people is in itself a risk factor for the development of coronary insufficiency, and immeasurably more (!!!) than high cholesterol, overweight, hypertension and smoking!

But what about the soul? Studies have revealed a pattern: people who seek the help of a psychoanalyst are 33% less likely to visit other doctors, 75% less likely to go to the hospital, miss almost half as many working days and take one-third less medication. Moreover, this effect persists for 2.5 years after the completion of the course of psychotherapy. The ability to cope with worldly storms protects the body from premature wear and tear. Not only that: according to US statistics, perhaps the longest life expectancy is distinguished by psychoanalysts, who, as you know, are required to regularly undergo psychoanalysis themselves.

Another rule of happiness - it's never too late to learn and there is always something to learn.

People who have received at least an incomplete higher education live on average 6 years longer than those who have neglected this opportunity. Apparently, the secret is that educated people have broader interests and a high culture, a more responsible attitude towards their health. Age is no excuse for not wanting to learn. On the contrary: older people are spared the crazy pace of everyday work and household duties and can fully enjoy new knowledge and skills. Psychologists have noticed that the readiness to explore new areas and creative activities add much more vigor and self-confidence to pensioners than a stable financial situation.

No wonder the wise Chinese say that personal life begins only after fifty.

Active part:

discussion about this information.

Final part:

Questions to control the level of mastering the material:

1. In your opinion, should factors favoring longevity be observed?

2. What rules did you learn about while examining the laws of a happy life?

3. What are the features of nutrition in old age?

4. Is it important to keep your teeth in good condition? Do they age?

Lesson 3

Lesson topic: Morning work-out for the elderly. The purpose of the lesson: to give an idea to the audience about the implementation of morning exercises in old age.

Lesson structure:

Introductory part - 10 minutes.

Active part - 25 minutes.

Introductory part: Check the knowledge gained in the previous lesson. Correction of answers.

Information part.

In the previous lesson, we learned about the favorable factors that contribute to longevity, about the laws of a happy life. In this lesson, we should learn how and why the morning exercises of the elderly are performed.

Morning exercises for middle-aged people and those who are on the verge of retirement or have already taken a well-deserved rest have significant differences. In older people during sleep, congestion in the vessels is much more pronounced than in their younger fellow citizens. It is much more difficult for an elderly person, and especially senile age, to cope with these stagnations.

Waking up, get out of bed on the floor, take the first steps - after sleep, these simple body movements of older people are accompanied by unpleasant sensations of heaviness. Here it is more appropriate to talk about the pain of walking than about the ease of walking. So older people have to lean their hands on the objects around them - “walk around”. You don’t even have to think about morning freshness and vivacity.

Often, an objective sign of impaired blood circulation after sleep is swelling of the veins in the feet and legs. And although these symptoms of aging are not detected immediately, but over time, having already been recognized, they become almost habitual, they do not pass by consciousness and significantly darken the morning awakening.

Can this unfortunate state of affairs be corrected? Can. For this, there is a morning exercise for the elderly. If you are not lazy and do it regularly, then soon you will meet the beginning of the day with good health and the same mood.

So, do not rush to jump out of bed in the morning and get down to business. Do a warm-up while lying down. Women should start with the right foot or arm, men with the left. Each exercise should be repeated 7 times. Starting position - lying on your back, hands are located along the body with palms down. Charging on-chi-nay!

Squeeze and unclench your toes and fingers at the same time.

1. Pull your palms and feet towards you.

2. Make palms and feet circular motions.

3. Pull one leg first (pull the foot towards you, keeping the heel on the bed and slightly bending the leg at the knee), then the other, and then both legs together.

4. Using your hands, press your legs bent at the knees to your stomach, then straighten them.

5. Put your hands under the buttocks and do the exercise "bike" - 7 times forward and the same number back.

6. With bent knees, massage the abdomen clockwise - three times 7 times.

7. Continue massaging the abdomen, only with both hands - down with light pressure, up - without pressure. Three times 7 times.

8. Massage both little fingers, paying special attention to the pads. Just rub, squeeze, pat, etc.

Next, continue the warm-up while sitting on the bed, but not yet hanging your legs on the floor. Massage the auricles, rubbing the earlobes especially carefully. This will improve your circulation. Then, being in the same position, make turns of the head - left-right, then tilts - left-right, forward-backward. After that - rotational movements of the head - in one direction and in the other. Do not overdo it! All movements should be smooth, do not bring yourself to dizziness.

Now take a sitting position, but already so that your feet are on the floor. Wrap your arms around the bent knee of your right leg and pull it up. Do this exercise 7 times, then repeat this with the left leg. Turn your torso to the right and left, lean forward while spreading your arms to the sides. Take a few deep breaths and long exhalations.

Get out of bed. The workout is over. Go to the toilet if you feel the need, and - proceed directly to morning exercises.

When the warm-up is over and a trip to the toilet is made (if necessary), you can proceed to the main complex of morning exercises, designed to give a feeling of cheerfulness and freshness.

A set of exercises

The starting position for all exercises is standing.

1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. As you inhale, take your elbows back, as you exhale, return them to their original position.

2. Feet together, arms calmly lowered along the body. With a leg step to the side, raise your arms to your shoulders, then return to the starting position. The pace of the exercise is average.

3. Feet again shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other lowered down. Alternately perform hand swings.

4. Feet shoulder width apart, arms lowered along the body. Raise your arms up to the sides as you inhale, lower as you exhale. The pace of the exercise is average.

5. Walking in place. March, raising your knees high, then speeding up, then slowing down.

6. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. As you exhale, lean forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands. Without fanaticism! Do tilts without bringing yourself to pain in the back or in the muscles of the legs. It is better to gradually increase the load, and not break yourself right away. If you feel dizzy or dizzy while doing this exercise, stop exercising.

7. Feet together, arms bent in front of the chest (much like you held them on the desk in the first grade). For two counts, make sharp backward movements with bent arms, for two counts - straight. The pace of the exercise is average.

8. Feet together, arms lowered along the body. Raise your arms up as you inhale, lower as you exhale. The pace of the exercise is slow.

9. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Do torso tilts to the side - 3 tilts to the right, 3 tilts to the left. The number of repetitions is up to you. The pace of the exercise is average.

10. Place your legs so that there is a distance between them equal to the length of the foot, arms lowered along the body. Perform springy semi-squats while swinging your arms back and forth. The pace of the exercise is average.

11. Calm walking. Relax. Shake your arms and legs alternately for 10-15 seconds.

12. When walking calmly, inhale raise your hands up, exhale lower down. The pace of the exercise is slow.

Charging completed, go to water procedures and a light breakfast. And now attention!

Be sure to take note of all the following information.

The set of exercises that you just got acquainted with is very conditional. For example, you can do part of the morning exercises (or even all of it) in a sitting position. On a chair, on a sofa, on a stool. Or, say, some exercises to do, leaning on the back of a chair or a window sill. Ideally, each person should develop a morning exercise complex for himself, in accordance with his well-being after waking up, taking into account his illnesses, degree of physical fitness, lifestyle, free time, etc. Everything is very individual. It will also be useful to consult a doctor.

In any case, older people should not overload themselves with physical exercise. You can, for example, replace squats with semi-squats, gently perform tilts and turns of the body, reduce the number of repetitions or increase the pauses between exercises.

Older people are not recommended to do morning exercises at a fast pace, with weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, discs), through force or with long breath holdings. You should rely on self-control - listen to your heartbeat, breathing, monitor your well-being in general. After charging, cheerfulness and good mood should be felt, and not fatigue and loss of strength.

The ratio of the load and the functionality of the body can be determined using the pulse rate, this is a reliable objective indicator of well-being. So, the allowable heart rate should not be higher than "200 minus age in years." Remember, this is the maximum. If it goes off scale, immediately stop the exercise, but do not lie down or sit down, but calmly walk around the room, evening out your breathing.

If the load is chosen correctly, then the pulse rate and blood pressure level are restored 5-6 minutes after the completion of the exercise. If you need more recovery time, or if you experience weakness and shortness of breath after charging, reduce the load.

And also morning exercises should be:

Regular. That is, daily, even on weekends;

Moderate. Charging that ended in headache, exhaustion, irritation is time wasted, such an event will not bring benefits;

Diverse. The body of an elderly person, which is a rather complex "tool", and "settings" requires a complex one. It is desirable that morning exercises include exercises for the back, joints, neck, etc.;

Pleasant. Do exercises that you enjoy and that make you feel good and comfortable. After all, one of the main goals of morning exercises is important - to cheer up, give freshness, feel young and full of energy.

Summarize. Morning exercises are extremely useful and even necessary for the elderly. The main thing is to know the measure, not to overdo it in the pursuit of health. It has long been noticed that pensioners who regularly do gymnastics with a warm-up in the morning are distinguished by better health and vigor.

Active part:

Charging training.

View exercise videos.

Final part:

Questions from students about this lesson. The answer to their questions.

Lesson 4

Topic of the lesson: Why is it important to play sports. Activity of the elderly. Physical exercise for the elderly

The purpose of the lesson: to give students an idea about the active life of older people and why it is important to play sports. Perform physical exercises for the elderly.

Lesson structure:

Introductory part - 5 minutes.

Information part - 20 minutes.

Active part - 30 minutes.

The final part is 5 minutes.

Introductory part. Checking the knowledge gained in the previous lesson. Answer correction.

Information part

In the previous lesson, we learned why you need to do exercises and how to do it correctly. In this lesson, we will learn why it is important to play sports and be active in older people. And let's do physical exercises to maintain health and longevity.

Why is it important to exercise throughout your life? Because physical activity allows you to build a healthy potential in youth and maintain physical and mental health even in old age. It's never too late to start leading a healthy lifestyle. Fitness is life. And these are not empty words. Regular physical activity prevents a lot of unpleasant diseases and prolongs life. Here are some arguments in favor of physical activity and its impact on human health.

Why is it important to play sports?

1. Prevention of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, stroke and cancer. For a moment, these are the top three health-related causes of death.2. Muscle strengthening.3. Weight control.4. Reducing the total amount of subcutaneous fat.5. Improving the work of the heart muscle and respiratory system.6. Strengthening of bone tissues and ligaments.7. Increasing strength and overall endurance.8. Improving the quality of sleep.9. Increase in overall energy10. Reduce the chances of potential depression11. Help in relieving stress.12. Increased chances of longevity.

Lack of regular physical activity can lead to the following:

1. High blood pressure

2. High blood cholesterol

3. Increased chances of developing type 2 diabetes (hereditary chronic diabetes)

4. Disease of the cardiovascular system

5. Cancer

If you have ever wondered how to stay healthy, then one of the main factors for excellent physical and mental health is regular physical activity.

Activity of the Elderly Physical activity is the way to health and longevity, especially if it concerns the elderly. What should be done to maintain health in old age?

Activity of the elderly

It is easy to guess that physical activity contributes to muscle tone, maintaining the function of the cardiovascular system, mood and improving the quality of life. How many older people do you think lead a healthy lifestyle? I think in Russia a little. What do you think?

Physical activity in old age

Many people get better with age. This is due not only to a sedentary lifestyle, but also to a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body, as well as various diseases, such as diabetes. How should one be active so that it is not too intense, but at the same time effective? As the body ages, we still need to stay in motion. These can be regular physical activities:

Walking in place

Regular walking (walking outside)

Bicycle rides

Swimming or water aerobics

Elliptical trainer (if you visit the gym)

Before embarking on any activity, you need to make sure that you will not put stress on your joints. They weaken with age.

1. Reduced stress on the joints

Make sure that the exercises performed do not load the knee joints. Give preference to sports such as swimming or water aerobics. Such loads perfectly burn calories without much stress on the heart and lungs. And do not forget to drink plain water during the day (1.5-2 liters).

2. Exercises for flexibility and muscle tone

By combining stretching, flexibility, and muscle tone, you strengthen your body and reduce the risk of unexpected sprains. This can help training with light dumbbells and yoga courses. We will look at exercises for the elderly later. By the way, after yoga, you will be surprised how flexible and plastic you become (probably applies more to women).

3. Maintain balance

You probably know how difficult it is to maintain balance and stability. Regularly practicing the stand on one leg, you can easily maintain a normal balance.4. Don't forget about nutrition We mentioned diabetes at the beginning of the article, so try to be careful about foods high in sugar. Reduce the intake of foods high in cholesterol (animal fats) - this will reduce its level in the blood and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Be attentive to yourself, and before you start playing sports, check your physical condition with a doctor. Regular checking of the body (at least once a year) is the norm of a modern person.

What kind of exercise is suitable for older people and how does exercise affect older people? We will look at balance, physiology and a small set of physical exercises for the elderly.

Physical exercise for the elderly

Most important point that must be taken into account in training is the balance between physical activity. For example, between normal walking and running. Understanding balance helps optimize the training process and avoid unforeseen injuries. This is especially important for the elderly.

Every year, about 20 percent of people over 60 are injured in some way. Fear of injury limits people from physical activity. This fact, as well as the fact of biological changes in the body, changes in the environment and life's difficulties, forms certain stereotypes. But all this can be avoided through balanced exercise (strength training, cardio, etc.).

Factors affecting the rebalancing of the elderly

Unfortunately, the factors of aging of the body every day have a negative impact on human health. Some factors are unavoidable and cannot be influenced in any way, but some can be controlled and even minimized. The behavioral factor of older people

Lead an active lifestyle. Use comprehensive training programs: strength, cardio, stretching, yoga

Balanced proper nutrition, including the most necessary vitamins and nutrients. In particular, vitamin D is very important.

Comfortable shoes. Shoes should not be too high (negatively affects posture) and heavy. Comfortable, lightweight, tight-fitting shoes provide the best contact with the ground. Even walking barefoot (not everywhere of course) will be a great help

Be careful when taking medications. Customized side effects. Always check with your doctor about the effects of certain medications

Age biological factor

With age, deterioration of vision, hearing, clarity of consciousness is possible. There is a risk of developing arthritis and deterioration of work vestibular apparatus. Any chronic disease is possible. The same physical exercises and training can serve as prevention of the above diseases. Competent physical activity increases endurance, strength and immunity. Fitness is new acquaintances and communication.

External factors Try to avoid the potential danger that surrounds us in Everyday life. Here is a minimum list of external factors:

Winter time. The presence of ice on the roads

Slippery floors

Curbs and various irregularities

Lighting quality outdoors and indoors


Let's move on to the exercises. A set of exercises for the elderly Before starting any activity, consult your doctor and start applying the exercises in your daily life.

1. Posture exercise

Stand with your back to the wall. Fully straighten up. The walls touch only the back of the head, shoulders, pelvis and heels. When viewed from the side, you should look like one line: the ear and shoulder, thigh and ankle are on the same line. In this position, take deep breaths and exhale for half a minute.

After you complete the exercise, move away from the wall in the same straightened position. Do this exercise several times a day to create the correct posture. In my opinion, nothing complicated.

2. Walking in place

There is no easier exercise. Stand at shoulder width. Straighten your back and begin to lift your right leg, bending it at the knee at an angle of 90 °. Lower your leg and repeat the same with your left leg. Add hand swings to the exercise. In general, the usual march on the spot.

3. Side bends with touching the floor

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Start slowly bending over left side touching the floor with your left hand, then straighten up. Then do the same, leaning to the right side. Repeat several times for each side.

4. Steps to the side

Stand up straight. Start taking a wide step with your right foot to the side, and then pull your left leg towards it. Take 10 steps in one direction and 10 in the other. For a change, you can turn your head to the side while taking a step. To facilitate the exercise, you can touch with your hands some kind of support, such as a wall.

5. Tightrope walking

Don't be scared, it's just that the exercise is like walking a tightrope. Place one foot in front of the other while walking. Walk a few meters forward, and then take similar steps backwards. You can also try to move with your eyes closed to train the vestibular apparatus.6. Exercise "snake"

Place some chips in one line a meter apart or, for example, plastic cups. From one end of the line, begin to snake around obstacles without touching them. To complicate the exercise, you can reduce the distance between the chips and speed up the movement.

7. Walking on toes and heels

The purpose of the workout is to develop the lower legs. Walk for a few minutes, first on your toes and then on your heels. For variety, you can alternate the heel and toe. For complication, you can turn your head from side to side while walking. Exercise perfectly develops the motor functions of not only the elderly, but all people in general. Personally, I do not share age limits.

Remember that it is impossible to stop natural biological processes, but it is quite possible to take them under control, remaining active even at an age. Physical activity is one of the few things you can do for your loved ones at any stage of life.

As one of the gym trainers said, “Help your body today and the body will help you in old age.”

Active part:

Perform exercises. And show the video.

Final part.

Conversation with students about physical exercises.

Lesson 6

Theme of the lesson: Exercises for older women. Strength training for the elderly. Purpose of the session: to give the trainees an understanding of exercises for older women and strength training for older people. Watch a video of the lessons.

Lesson structure:1. Introductory part - 5 minutes.

2. Information part - 20 minutes.

3. Active part - 30 minutes.

4. The final part - 5 minutes.

Information part.

In the previous session, we learned why it is important to play sports and be active in older people. And let's do physical exercises to maintain health and longevity. In this lesson, we will learn about physical exercises for women and strength training for men.

Unfortunately, in our life there is always one significant note of sadness - age. At a young age, few people think about health, but approaching the age of 40 or 50, the question about health involuntarily arises. Today's topic will be about exercises for older women (over 50). Although my tongue does not turn to call a woman over 50 elderly. So go ahead!

Exercises for older women

If you're already thinking about how to exercise to maintain fitness, metabolism, strengthen bones and improve overall health, then there is a sufficient amount of exercise for women in old age.

Let's single out only three types of exercises (loads), which, I hope, will allow you to achieve your goals without any problems. Let's call it a set of exercises for women over 50.

Physical activity for women after 50

The first thing I would like to start with is swimming. Swimming is ideal for people of all ages. Especially the older generation.

1. Swimming for older women

Intense workouts, such as running, can be quite difficult due to age. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to swimming. This is the same aerobic exercise as walking or an exercise bike, only with minimal stress on the spine and joints.

Swimming perfectly trains most of the muscles of the body and improves their endurance. By increasing the intensity of your water workouts, you might as well burn fat and lose weight while staying in shape. Again, no stress on the joints.

2. Circuit training for the elderly

Many of you may not be familiar with the concept of circuit training. Let's see what it is. The essence of circular training is the transition from one exercise to another. For example, first squats, then push-ups, then lunges and tilts, and finally squats again. In fact, the complex of circuit training may include 5 or more exercises on simulators and without them. These workouts were designed to be most effective in developing all muscle groups at the same time, reduce excess weight, and also improve the functioning of your cardiovascular system. This is especially important for women over 50-60 years old.

One of the benefits of circuit training for seniors is improved muscle tone and strengthening bones. Not an unimportant factor, is it? With age, bone fragility and a decrease in lean body mass occur. Circuit training can prevent, and in combination with a complex of vitamins and mineral supplements (calcium), improve the condition of your bones and muscles.

3. Yoga for women

I don’t know how many people are yoga supporters and how many more people are doing it, but it’s hard to imagine a better type of wellness activity for older women. Indeed, yoga is:

Physical form



mental clarity

Muscle strength and elasticity

disease resistance

Performance improvement

The opportunity to understand yourself, finding peace of mind

Relieve stress (very important in our lives)

Moreover, you can choose the type of yoga (yoga sports, power yoga, hatha, ashtanga, etc.) that is most suitable for you and your goals. Strength training for the elderly

Today we are talking about the importance of strength training for people of age. I have previously talked about exercises for the elderly, but today we will focus specifically on strength training.

Strength training for the elderly

The aging process is often thought of as an inevitable and inescapable physiological process that moves downward in a spiral. No doubt, nothing lasts forever under the moon, but even these processes can be slowed down. Any physical activity can effectively cope with the aging process, and strength training to a greater extent.

It is believed that activity decreases with age in many people. This can occur due to age-related negative emotions and a decrease in self-confidence. Lack of physical and mental activity does accelerate the aging process, so it is in everyone's interest to prevent or at least reduce the effects of aging, and for this we should definitely focus on strength training. Anaerobic Exercise and Its Benefits Strength training is known as anaerobic exercise. Their essence is to resist weight and perform exercises with various weights and (dumbbells, barbells, fitness bands or your own weight).

The task of strength training is to strengthen and develop muscles, accelerate metabolism, develop endurance and adapt the body to power loads. This is important not only for young people, but also for older people. I will list the main advantages of anaerobic exercise for the elderly:

Strengthening of bone tissue

Prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis

Pressure stabilization

Cholesterol Reduction

Strengthening the heart muscle

Coordination and balance

Strength and Endurance

Strengthening ligaments and tendons

Acceleration of metabolism

Increase in muscle mass

Decrease in body fat

Better sleep quality

stress tolerance

As you can see, the list of benefits is huge, but before you start exercising, especially if you have never played sports before, you need to consult a doctor and, if there are no contraindications, contact a professional trainer (there are trainers for working with the elderly) for safe and effective weight training.

What do you need to know?

There are people who went in for sports in their youth, and there are those who were not particularly physically active. Both need to start small. What do I mean?

1. The first 2-3 workouts should not exceed 20-30 minutes in duration. Increase the load and training time gradually, but not more than 1 hour.2. It is better to start with one or two sets of 8-10 repetitions with a small weight. Increase weight and

Active part:

Performing exercises, watching video recordings.

Final part:

Lesson 7

Topic of the lesson: Organizations of cultural leisure using the intellectual, personal potential and life experience of older people in strengthening the connection between generations.

The purpose of the lesson: to give students an idea of ​​the organization of cultural leisure, strengthening ties with the generation.

Lesson structure:

Introductory part - 10 minutes.

Information part - 30 minutes.

Active part -- 10 minutes

Final part 10 minutes.

Introductory part. Checking the knowledge gained in the previous lesson. Answer correction.

Information part.

In the previous session, we learned about exercise for women and strength training for men. In this lesson, we will learn about cultural leisure organizations using the intellectual, personal potential and life experience of older people in strengthening the connection between generations.

There are cultural leisure organizations, schools for the elderly, leisure centers and others. For example: school of longevity " Golden autumn”, in our city of Birsk opens a center for the elderly “Flower of Life”

More than 200 retired women study at the School. These are teachers, teachers of universities and various educational institutions, engineers, doctors, lawyers, trade workers and public service, workers, etc. Their age ranges from 55 to 80 years. Classes are held from September to mid-May in the mode of 3 full training days a week. The authority of the School among retired ladies is growing from year to year.

The school has established itself as the Center for Social and Psychological Adaptation and Leisure for Pensioners "Active Longevity". This is the only school of its kind that has been working with its students for more than 10 years in three very important areas of a multifaceted comprehensive program, helping them to live a full and interesting life in today's difficult conditions.

The first direction is a set of measures related to strengthening the mental and physical health of women.

To this end, consultations and workshops by specialists in gerontology, psychology and neurology are regularly held for them.

Only recently have such important topics been covered as the laws of human development and aging, health and developmental psychology, properties and methods of memory training, methods and techniques of effective communication, interpersonal relationships in family.

Throughout school year weekly, therapeutic gymnastics with the use of sports equipment is organized for ladies, it alternates with dance-motor plasticity, in which the students have already mastered six types of dances. To strengthen the physical health of women, the School is equipped with sports equipment - simulators (six types). There is a phyto-bar, where medicinal tea drinking is organized with the use of healthy herbs.

The second important direction is a cognitive and educational program related to the development of interest in painting, music, poetry, literature, cultural history and other areas among retired ladies. These lessons spiritually enrich, develop creative abilities, and contribute to raising the cultural level.

Having mastered the basics of fine arts at the lessons of painting, the students masterfully learned how to create paintings in the technique of watercolor, gouache, batik.

The author's works of the students of the School were exhibited in 9 thematic art exhibitions, such as "The World Around Us", "Inspiration", for the 65th anniversary of the Victory "Children of War Draw". Every year these exhibitions are organized on the occasion of the Day of the Elderly, they were placed in the buildings of the Administration of the city of Ivanovo and the Ivanovo Regional Duma, in the exhibition hall of the Ivanovo branch of the Russian Cultural Fund. Longevity School "Golden Autumn" for the organization of art exhibitions was awarded with Letters of Appreciation from the Regional Duma and the Administration of the city of Ivanovo.

In the past academic year, classes in arts and crafts were organized for retired women, in which each painstakingly worked on making decorative dolls in frames. Interesting images of an applied nature have been created, which are framed in a wonderful original exhibition.

Music lessons for our ladies were devoted to getting acquainted with the work of classical composers such as Bach, Mozart, Alyabiev, Varlamov, Gurylev, Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi. The ladies also listened to the theme “Russian romance of the 19th century”, and at subsequent music lessons they learned and performed romances by composers: V. Abaza “Misty Morning”, A. Obukhova “Gate”, N. Kharito “The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded long ago”, B .Yuriev "Ding-Ding-Ding", folk music "I met you".

Spiritually passed at the School and poetic lessons dedicated to lyric poets: A. Akhmatova, E. Asadov. Ivanovo poetesses G. Stoyantseva, S. Son, G. Sorokina and poet I. Voronov spoke about their work.

In connection with the celebrated dates of the poets K. Balmont and M. Tsvetaeva, traveling poetry lessons were organized for the students of the School directly at the House-Museum of K. Balmont in the city of Shuya and at the House Museum of M. Tsvetaeva in Novo-Talitsy.

Library staff. Ya. Garelina constantly conducts literary reviews and cycles of conversations about the life and work of remarkable people.

The curriculum at the School is constantly being improved in the main areas of activity.

In modern conditions, an interactive cognitive learning system with the use of computers, peripheral devices and CDs is increasingly being introduced into life. In this regard, a computer class has been organized at the School and a training course for pensioners in the basics of computer literacy will be held.

A new subject "Country Studies" has been introduced, showing on the big screen 30 countries of the world with their sights, natural and architectural features, and national traditions of the peoples of these countries.

The third direction is a cultural and leisure program. Collective visits to the musical and drama theaters for concerts, visits to art exhibitions in the salons and museums of the city are organized monthly.

Excursions are organized annually to protected areas of the Ivanovo region and Russian cities. The ladies have already got acquainted with the architecture of Russian culture - the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin on the Nerl in Bogolyubovo, the Dmitrievsky and Assumption Cathedrals in Vladimir, in Palekh - with the Exaltation of the Cross Church and the State Museum of Palekh Art. A trip to Shelykovo, the state memorial and natural reserve of A.N. Ostrovsky and in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. A trip to Kostroma was organized in 2008 with a visit to the Ipatiev Monastery - the ancestral home of the Romanov tsars.

In the School of Longevity, an atmosphere of cordial warmth and spiritual communication with each other has been created for the students. Holidays dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, New Year, March 8, Victory Day are organized for them, and birthdays are celebrated.

The final classes at the School of Longevity are held every year at the beginning of May according to a special program with outdoor recreation - in the city park of culture and recreation. "1905", the rest house "Ignatovsky", the sanatorium "Obolsunovo", the children's health center "Birch Grove" and other interesting and picturesque places.

The Golden Autumn Longevity School promotes personality development in old age, teaches the ability to live with dignity, develops erudition and creativity, and teaches the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The experience of her work was summarized by the Administration of the city of Ivanovo, a video film about the School of Longevity was filmed and approved by the Ivanovo regional branch of the public organization "Union of Women of Russia". The activities of the school were repeatedly covered in the newspaper "Working Territory" and the TV channel "REN-TV".

The experience of the Longevity School "Golden Autumn" for 10 years of its activity indicates that for pensioners it is necessary to create such centers under a special program aimed at developing the personality in old age, maintaining and expanding its civic activity in modern society.

active part

Photo gallery. Video recording

Final part.

Conversation with listeners. Summarizing.

Here are examples of people who refuse to grow old, are successful, active and happy in old age:

1. American psychoanalyst Helda Bolgar, aged 104, continues to work. She sees 20 patients a week, participates in conferences and lectures.

2. 92-year-old Englishman John Low dances ballet in the city of Ely and maintains his physical form by roller-skating daily. He especially likes to perform the part in the ballet "Stone Flower" by Prokofiev.

3. Former American multimillionaire Paul Fegen at the age of 78 continues to amaze the public with his tricks. He gives 10 performances every week.

4. Indian peasant Ramjit Raghav became a father at the age of 94. Now he has two sons, he conceived the youngest at the age of 96. Now the happy father is actively involved in the upbringing of his sons, continuing to work in the field 9 hours a day.

Moscow resident Alexander Rosenthal is 97 years old. He enjoys skiing and goes to an artificial slope on the outskirts of Moscow three times a week to exercise his body. There are many examples of well-known pop, film and ballet stars, which it is absolutely impossible to call the word "old man". These are Maya Plisetskaya, Rodion Shchedrin, Alisa Freindlikh, Alexei Petrenko, Vladimir Zeldin, Galina Konovalova and many others. Meanwhile, the most magnificent ballerina Maya Plisetskaya is already 87 years old, Vladimir Zeldin, who lights up the stage, is 98, and actress Galina Konovalova real success came only after 90 years! These celebrities still live an active life today, they do not forget the words, they have not lost the clarity of thought, they know how to navigate the world and art. This is the secret of happy longevity, and not in material opportunities and caring for your own body, as many people think. The sharpness of the mind prolongs life, not the ability to look younger. Agree, it hurts to look at some stars who are already over 70, and they dress in a youth style, trying to portray themselves as a young and lively person. And they lack wisdom and intelligence.

To maintain good health in old age, it is necessary to pay close attention to the systematic implementation of physical exercises. Health groups for pensioners help elderly people to strengthen joints, muscles, increase endurance, increase coordination of movements, maintain respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system in working order. Instructors working with this contingent select exercises that would exclude the possibility of damage and injury.

What should a trainer take into account when working with older people?

Exercises for pensioners in the health group should not include tasks for speed (timed races), strength actions (the concept of a barbell). The load must be selected by the instructor, taking into account the individual condition of the pensioner. It is better for older people to perform sets of exercises in the morning. The number of repetitions of one task - no more than 10 times.

How to properly distribute the load?

Health groups for pensioners are trained by experienced instructors who make sure that "newcomers" do not overdo it 2-3 days after the start of physical activity. The duration of classes gradually increases, new movements and exercises are added. It is desirable to combine (gymnastics) with physical tasks.

Variant of a complex of physical exercises

There is a health group for every district of the capital. Elderly people visit them not only for sports, but also for communication. What can be included in the complex of classes for this age group?

  1. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, hands are placed on the belt. The head is smoothly tilted to the left and right shoulder (alternately), trying to reach the ear. Then the slopes are performed back and forth, trying to touch the chest with the chin. Gradually, the speed of movement increases. When performing this exercise, the head should not turn. As the final element in a clockwise direction, a circular movement of the head is performed.
  2. The starting position remains the same. Slowly tilt the body to the right, pull the right hand to the knee. Wherein left hand raise to armpit. We perform similar tilts to the left. When performing a task, we try not to make sudden movements.
  3. We return to the starting position. We perform circular movements with the shoulders. The back during the exercise is as rounded as possible, we are trying to bring the shoulder blades together.
  4. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, stretch our arms in front of us. We reduce and spread both hands at the same time, doing the exercise "scissors". Then we make circular movements with our hands.
  5. We put our hands on the belt, the legs are shoulder-width apart. We turn the torso to the right, then return to its original state, stretch our arms forward. We repeat the task, turning to the left, then we take the original position.
  6. We sit on the floor, having previously laid a thin gymnastic rug. We stretch our legs forward, smoothly tilt the torso, try to reach the tips of our toes with our hands.
  7. We lean against the wall, raise our hands smoothly up. Then we move away from the wall for 1-2 steps, we try to lean back, touch the wall with the tips of our hands. We return to the original position.
  8. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides. We bend our legs at the knees, lift them up alternately, trying to touch the chest with our knees.

Health groups for pensioners can use other options for physical exercises, supplement or modify tasks at the discretion of the instructor. If age and physical condition allow, in addition to classes in cycling, skiing. There are also special health groups for pensioners (in St. Petersburg and other cities) in swimming pools, specializing in water gymnastics.


There is no such thing as old age for those people who take short morning runs every day, regularly visit the pool, walk in the park with their grandchildren, lead a healthy lifestyle. Numerous health groups for pensioners are created so that people do not feel like unnecessary old people, and remain young, fit, active as long as possible.

I am grateful to the Department of Labor and social protection
population of Moscow for help and support in the development
exercise programs for the elderly.
I express my special gratitude to the Moscow pensioners who
actively attended physical therapy classes and fulfilled all the requirements for
load and proposed material. objective data
well-being, indicators of the dynamics and functional state of their
health contributed to the choice of ideas and directions in the development
this health program.
The developed health-improving complexes of exercises are
intellectual property of the author of this program and may
be used only with attribution. complexes
exercises are in photo and video materials and cover the period from
August 2014 to February 2016
Tatiana Onishchenko.
July 24, 2016

Compiled by:
Onishchenko Tatyana Petrovna
trainer-teacher, physical therapy instructor

1. Explanatory note
Therapeutic physical education is an integral part of physical culture and health improvement work aimed at improving human motor activity. It is the main tool in the prevention of diseases and restoration of health. It is based on the data of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, biochemistry, pedagogy, theory and methodology of physical education. Exercise therapy has no contraindications to its use, from the first days of his birth to old age. Human movements can and should be used to stimulate, develop and support its functional capabilities. The pedagogical expediency of exercise therapy is a method of treatment that uses the means of physical culture with a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose and for a faster recovery of health. Exercise therapy is closely related to the medical and educational process, it develops a conscious attitude towards the use of physical exercises among those involved, requires the implementation of hygiene procedures, provides for the active participation of a person in regulating his general regimen, in particular the regimen of movements, stimulates those involved in hardening by natural factors of nature, supports working capacity , right attitude to life and behavior in society.
The problem of aging has occupied man since ancient times. The first definitions of aging and its causes date back to ancient times. The great ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (V-IV centuries BC) considered old age to be the result of leakage of natural heat and drying of the body. The philosopher Plato pointed out that aging is especially influenced by lifestyle in middle age. IN different years In its development, science and aging absorbed new knowledge created by specialists in various fields: doctors and physiologists, philosophers and biologists, psychologists and sociologists, historians and jurists.
During the development of the organism from birth to adulthood, the capabilities of all functional systems increase and reach peak values ​​by the age of 20-25. The period from 25 to 35 years is characterized by the most stable state of vital activity of all human systems. But after 35 years, there is a steady decline in the viability of the organism. By the age of 60-65, the efficiency and functional activity of all organs and systems decreases. Physical activity becomes less, the habitual way of life and thinking that has developed over many decades is disrupted. And when you no longer need to “pull yourself into a fist” in order to continue earning a living, the meaning of existence is quickly lost. An active perception of reality is replaced by a sedentary lifestyle, immersion in oneself and in one's "sores". In the absence of a struggle "for survival", immunity is weakened.
Hippocrates said: "Nothing exhausts the body like physical inactivity." A lot is known about the dangers of hypodynamia, including in the elderly.
Generalized scientific data show that the lack of balanced physical activity in older people over 65 accelerates the aging process, and can also cause the development of many diseases.
Numerous studies show that a considerable number of people suffer from ten diseases or more. Most often, it is arterial hypertension, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system. Frequent circulatory disorders, which are accompanied by heart disease, loss of vision and depression. Almost every old man suffers from tooth decay, back pain or headache. Purely physiological causes diseases in a person are intertwined with his general mental state.
Despite such a depressing situation with the listed problems in the elderly, not everything is so hopeless. Doctors point out the need for an integrated approach to solving problems, raise questions about the quality of rest, occupational therapy, physical and sports activities.
A healthy nutritious diet rich in vitamins and microelements and an active lifestyle are a favorable factor for the prevention of certain diseases and the successful treatment of existing pathologies.
We are not talking about cardinal changes in this matter. Prevention and mitigation of the course of already developed pathologies, elimination of the pain factor and assistance in adapting to life in society are the main areas that modern science and medicine are focused on.
There is strong scientific evidence that regular physical activity provides large and lasting health benefits for older adults by slowing down involutionary processes. Physically active older people are much less susceptible to common causes of death. They have a higher functional level of the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular systems, a strong skeletal system, more correct weight and body structure.
“Movement is the pantry of life,” said Plutarch. To maintain the health of an elderly person, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of balanced physical activity. It must be accessible in terms of its kinetic and dynamic characteristics. It is also necessary to take into account the general patterns and individual characteristics of the organism and personality.
plays an important role in maintaining the health of the elderly physiotherapy, which, acting on the body by means of physical exercises, contributes to the overall strengthening of the body and allows you to maintain at a sufficiently high level the functional activity of all organs and systems, both physically and mentally.
Socio-psychological and biological factors influence the process of human aging. Knowing the features of this influence, it is possible to purposefully change the conditions and lifestyle of older people for more optimal functioning of the individual. Taking on a new business, establishing friendly contacts, maintaining the ability to control one's environment generates satisfaction with life and increases its duration. Thus, they have a restraining effect on the aging process.
This program provides for an integrated approach to solving psychophysiological problems in exercise therapy classes through a targeted impact on the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system and thought processes during classes.

The goals of exercise therapy:

– to promote an active lifestyle among the elderly;
- contribute to the overall strengthening of the body;
- to maintain at a sufficiently high level the functional activity of all
organs and systems both physically and mentally;
– change the conditions and lifestyle of older people for optimal functioning
the personality of an older person;
– have a deterrent effect on the aging process;
– to develop the habit of regular exercise and promote the integration of physical
activities in everyday life;
- to involve more elderly people in classes;
– expand geography, strengthen friendly ties between neighboring cities and

Tasks of exercise therapy:

– support for the physiological activity of all body systems, assistance
optimization of mental and physical performance;
– improvement of applied vital skills and abilities in walking, swimming
combined with breathing;
– enrichment of motor experience with physical exercises from gymnastics,
outdoor games, dances;
– the optimal combination of the level of physical fitness with the level of basic
physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, coordination and flexibility;
– teaching complexes of physical exercises with health-improving and corrective
orientation, the simplest ways to control physical activity and
the functional state of the body in the classroom;
- the formation of a sustainable interest in exercise therapy.

Forms of exercise therapy.

Forms of exercise therapy include:
-elements of exercise therapy in the daily regimen (walking, walking, health path, dosed swimming,
rowing, elements of sports games, close tourism, excursions, elements of dancing and
– independent physical exercises;
- morning exercises;
- Therapeutic gymnastics.
Remedial gymnastics is the main form of application of remedial gymnastics.
Classes are held in the form of training, which should be carried out with a strictly differentiated load, taking into account the individual condition of those involved.
The occupancy of groups for exercise therapy is 10-15 people, the frequency of classes is 1-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes. It is most expedient to complete these groups taking into account the state of health, the degree of preparedness and activity of older people. Classes are held in the gym or in a specially equipped room. Regular physical activity throughout the week develops the habit of regular exercise and promotes the integration of physical activity into daily lifestyle.

Means of exercise therapy.

Physical exercise is the main means of exercise therapy. These include gymnastic exercises: strength, speed-strength, in static tension, corrective, exercises for coordination, in relaxation, in resistance, in balance, etc.
Applied physical exercises. Basic movements include methods of movement (walking, running), throwing, dance movements. Among the various forms of physical activity, walking has a universal health-improving effect: regular, accelerated, sports.
Walking - as a means of treating hypertension, dystonia, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, endarteritis, varicose veins, diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders.
Walking provides significant health benefits by increasing the functional level of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular systems; strengthening the skeletal system, correct weight.
Special gymnastic complexes: to activate the respiratory function, the cardiovascular system, to maintain the mobility of the spine, joints of the upper and lower extremities; to train the function of balance and coordination, normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism.
Dancing is the easiest way to improve your coordination. Dancing is an excellent means of emotional impact on the body. They have a positive effect on both the physical and mental state of a person.
Sports types of physical exercises in exercise therapy in the elderly are used with restrictions and only according to indications. Within the framework of exercise therapy, simple relay races, some sports games (or their elements), swimming, skiing, athletics elements can be used.
Reasonable use of physical exercises of a sports nature and dance elements increases interest in classes, creates positive emotions, helps to quickly achieve a certain level of performance, correct existing disorders.
Outdoor games: low mobility (games on the spot, held in the initial positions of sitting, reclining, lying, standing). These include chess, checkers, board games. Games of medium and high mobility (billiards, table tennis, tennis, golf, "Gorodki").
It must be remembered that games are more difficult to dose, so during games, fatigue, overload (physical and emotional) can imperceptibly occur. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully select games, distribute them correctly throughout the lesson, and monitor the condition of the elderly.

Selection of means of physical therapy.

An indication for the choice of exercise therapy will be the coincidence of the mechanism of therapeutic action of these drugs with the expected effect on the affected organ or system. The selection of funds is carried out taking into account medical problems, physical activity and characteristics mental state elderly person.

Selection of means of exercise therapy in accordance with medical tasks.

Special - tasks characteristic only for a given disease.
General - tasks associated with changes in protective forces: to form the motivation for constant and systematic physical exercises, various available sports, necessarily hardening, restorative and psycho-regulatory measures.
The selection of funds must be carried out in accordance with age characteristics and taking into account the physical condition of older people.
The selection of funds should be carried out taking into account the psychomotor state, a change in which is often observed in an elderly person due to illness.

Methods of dosing physical activity depend on:

-Choice of starting position;
– Difficulty of exercises;
– Alternation of muscle loads;
– The number of muscles involved in the work;
– The number of repetitions of each exercise;
– The nature of the exercises (active, passive, etc.);
– Tempo;
– Amplitude of movements;
– Power load;
– Breathing exercises;
– Emotional factor.

Basic principles for the use of exercise therapy.

The leading principle is systematic, i.e. continuous, planned. regular use of any means of exercise therapy in various forms. Thanks to this, the physiological changes that occur in the body under the influence of physical exercises are consolidated, as well as the fixation of compensatory-adaptive reactions. A break in exercise therapy leads to the loss, weakening of conditioned reflex connections, changes the course of adaptive reactions.
The principle from simple to complex implies an increase in the requirements for the body. This principle is important for ensuring the adaptation of the body to an increasing load and solving educational problems.
The principle of an individual approach to each person. Increasing loads and changing the nature of exercises should occur individually, because. Different people adapt at different rates.
The principle of accessibility. Accessibility is determined by the correspondence of physical exercises to the level of psychomotor development, health status, motor experience, physical fitness and the state of the motor apparatus.
The principle of alternation is necessary to prevent fatigue. The means of physical therapy must be combined so that the work of the muscles that carry out the movement is replaced by the work of other muscles, leaving an opportunity for recovery processes.
The principle of consciousness and activity. The conscious attitude of older people to exercise therapy makes them interested in classes, allows you to escape from thoughts of a biological and socio-psychological nature, and gives all therapeutic measures an optimistic attitude. Therefore, attempts at independent action must be treated carefully and kindly.

exercise therapy groups.

For the purpose of a differentiated approach to organizing classes with the elderly, it is advisable to create exercise therapy groups. Classes in these groups differ in curricula, volume and structure of physical activity, as well as requirements for the level of mastering the proposed material.
The exercise therapy program can become part of the health-saving component of the educational program of the departments of social protection of the population.

Acquisition of exercise therapy groups.

The recruitment of those involved in exercise therapy groups is carried out on the basis of the data of the medical institution and is issued by order of the head of the organization, the structural units of which will carry out health work with the elderly.
When completing a group, in addition to the diagnosis of the disease and data on the functional state of those involved, it is necessary to take into account the level of their physical fitness, which is determined using motor tests. As tests, it is permissible to use only those exercises that, taking into account the form and severity of the disease and the state of health, are not contraindicated for those involved.

Building a lesson.

1. Introductory part - preparation for an increased level of load. With the help of such methodological techniques as building, rebuilding, opening, turning on the spot, calculations for “first - second”, various steps on the spot and in motion, exercises for attention and coordination, the organization of the elderly is ensured. Then physical exercises are included, which contribute to a rapid transition from the level of reduced physical activity to the level of intensity of physical activity, determined by medical tasks. Walking and its variants, gymnastic exercises in combination with breathing are used. It is known that the higher the level of physical activity of an elderly person, the faster his body adapts to the increasing load.
2. The main part - the leading medical and medical-educational tasks are solved. For their implementation, both special and general developmental physical exercises, dance elements are included. In the content of any form of exercise therapy, general developmental exercises are included, taking into account the impact on all muscle groups in compliance with alternation and combination with respiratory, corrective and special ones. General developmental exercises can be carried out without objects, with objects.
3. The final part - physical activity is gradually reduced to a level corresponding to the motor mode, which is an elderly person.
The exercises used in the final part should help speed up the recovery processes.
For the elderly, dance elements are used to improve coordination and dances with simple repetitive movements. The more active ones use dances with more complex movements and frequent changes of elements.
Physical activity should correspond to the structure of classes, functional and adaptive capabilities of older people. The exercise therapy instructor controls the load on the pulse, breathing and external signs of fatigue, constantly maintaining contact with those involved. Since physical activity declines with age, the majority of the population has a low ability to exercise. Therefore, loads of medium and low intensity are necessary throughout the entire academic year, since it is under the conditions of such a regime that the harmonious work of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, and the musculoskeletal system is achieved, the necessary skills and abilities are formed, and the weakened body is not subject to increased requirements.

The effectiveness of exercise therapy:

Most important criterion is the positive dynamics of the clinical picture and functional indicators.
Monitoring the condition of an elderly person during classes:
Observational data are divided into objective and subjective. Subjective indicators include: mood, well-being, appetite, sleep, desire to exercise, exercise tolerance, sweating, violation of the regimen. Objective indicators - pulse rate, weight, height, muscle strength, body temperature, respiratory rate.

External signs of fatigue (presented as a table in the document)



1. Daily routine and personal hygiene.
2. Rules for compiling morning exercises.
3. Rules of conduct in the classroom.
4. Rules for preparing places for self-study.
5. Health monitoring during exercise.
6. Causes of injuries during training and injury prevention.
7. Rules for the use of hardening procedures.
8. Physical qualities and physical training. Diary of self-control.



General developmental exercises.

1. Combat exercises. Commands for group management. Concepts of order and commands. Line: interval, distance, flank; column: guiding, closing; starting position, main stance; commands “Let me!”, “Attention!”, “At ease!”, “Turn right (left)!”; movement: "bypass", "3make", "circle", etc.
2. Gymnastic exercises. Exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Leading straight arms up, down, to the sides. Circular rotation of the shoulders. Cross movements of the hands, alternate movements of the hands in different directions. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs. Exercises with balls: lifting, lowering, throwing from one hand to another, in front of you, throwing and catching the ball. Exercises with gymnastic sticks. Exercises on the gymnastic wall.
Exercises for the muscles of the trunk and neck. Turns, tilts of the head, stretching the neck forward, to the sides. Tilts bending forward, to the sides with the active use of hands when performing exercises. Tilts and turns with a semi-squat, with lunges forward, to the sides. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs.
Exercises for the muscles of the legs and pelvis. Exercises for the foot, front, back and inner surface of the legs, back muscles, abdomen, oblique muscles of the body. Walking on the outer and inner arches of the foot, on the toes and heels, with the turn of the feet in and out. Half squats, lunges with bending, turning, etc. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs.
3. Track and field exercises. Walking, light running. Running in alternation with walking up to 200 m. Normal walking, accelerated, sports. Walks, close tourism, health path (walking along paths).
Springy semi-squats and walking from heel to toe, imitating jumps and jumps.
Throws and throws. They are used only in games of high and medium mobility (golf, tennis, "Gorodki").
4. Exercises for the development of speed and agility.
Exercises with frequent changes of movements to the music. Various options steps, arm movements, changing the starting position, walking in different directions with synchronous work of the arms, bypassing partners and frequent transitions from one movement to another. Mindfulness and coordination exercises. Dance moves. Dancing.
5. Exercises for the development of strength.
Push-ups, standing at the Swedish wall, in pairs, overcoming resistance, pull-ups, exercises on simulators. Exercises with dumbbells.
6. Exercises for the development of flexibility.
Gymnastic exercises without objects, in various starting positions, sitting on chairs, holding on to the back of a chair, lying on your side, lying on your back. Gymnastic exercises with objects, with jump ropes, gymnastic sticks, balls. Gymnastic exercises on the Swedish wall and using a gymnastic bench.
7. Swimming. Be able to stay on the water, exhale into the water. The ability to swim 25 m without regard to time and for time in any way.


Breathing exercises. complexes breathing exercises in combination with general developmental exercises.
Corrective exercises. Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, at correcting posture defects in various I.P. - standing, sitting, with support on the back of a chair, at the Swedish wall, with sticks.
Exercises on the gymnastic wall. Hanging standing, stretching exercises.
Exercises with balls in various sp.
Stick exercises.


General strengthening exercises with and without objects. Corrective exercises.
Breathing exercises combined with various movements of the head, arms, legs.
Rhythmic gymnastics. Performing complexes to music using exercises in various I.P. with active breathing.
Exercises for the development of coordination with balls, in outdoor games, in sports games of low mobility. Dance moves.
Exercises with elements of dancing "Salsa", "Zumba", "Quadrille", Waltz, tango, etc.


Sport games. Basic skills in the technique of sports games (table tennis, football - hitting the ball, basketball - throwing the ring). Games are played according to simplified rules.
Outdoor games. Low mobility (chess, checkers, board games). Medium mobility (billiards, golf). Great mobility (table tennis, tennis, "Gorodki").


Waltz, tango, polka, quadrille, zumba, salsa, bachata, lambada, etc.

3.EDUCATIONAL AND THEMATIC PLAN. (Represented as a table in the document)


General endurance - can be assessed when running (walking) for 6 minutes, the test person performs at a pace convenient for him, switching from running to walking and back. The result of the test is the distance travelled.
The strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle - can be assessed by flexion and extension of the arms, in a lying position (with a straightened torso). The number of exercises performed is counted.
Squats performed at an arbitrary pace, to the point of fatigue, allow you to evaluate strength endurance. The number of exercises performed until the moment of failure is counted.
Performing a complex of rhythmic gymnastics. The correctness of the exercises is assessed. Pay special attention to posture.
Performing a complex of respiratory gymnastics in combination with exercises. The work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is assessed.
Dance performance: individually, in pairs, in groups. Coordination of movements, individual and collective actions, emotional state are assessed.
Performing a dance complex, consisting of 6-8 dance segments. Collective actions, the speed of switching from one action to another, and the emotional state are evaluated.
Performing a complex of morning hygienic gymnastics. Independent work carried out daily is evaluated.
Physical fitness tests for those involved in exercise therapy groups are held in September, December and April.
Also, an assessment of the preparedness of elderly people involved in exercise therapy groups can be carried out in the form of competitions in accessible sports and competitions with the obligatory implementation of complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics, therapeutic exercises, rhythmic gymnastics, breathing exercises, dance complexes. Holding demonstration performances, competitive and competitive events is stimulating and aims to popularize an active lifestyle, attract more elderly people to classes, expand geography, and strengthen friendly ties between neighboring cities and countries.
When testing and assessing the state of preparedness of those involved, it is necessary to observe a special tact, be as attentive as possible, not humiliate the dignity of an elderly person, use the data in such a way that they contribute to his development, stimulate his further physical therapy.
The final results are issued taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as taking into account the dynamics of physical fitness and activity.
The main emphasis in evaluating the achievements of those involved should be placed on the dynamics of their physical capabilities and persistent motivation for physical exercises. Even the most insignificant changes in the physical abilities of those involved must be noted positively and communicated to everyone.
A student who has not demonstrated significant changes in the formation of skills, abilities and the development of physical qualities, but regularly attended classes in remedial physical culture, diligently completed tasks, mastered the skills available to him in self-studying health-improving or corrective gymnastics, the necessary knowledge in the field of physical culture.


Requirements for the quality of mastering the program material

As a result of mastering the minimum of the exercise therapy program, those involved should know and have an idea of:
– about daily routine and personal hygiene;
- about the rules for compiling complexes of morning exercises;
- about the rules of conduct in the classroom;
– on the rules for preparing places for self-study;
– on the rules for the use of hardening procedures;
– about the causes of injuries during classes and the prevention of injuries.
be able to:
- perform morning exercises;
- perform exercise therapy complexes;
– monitor heart rate indicators during exercise;
– perform individual exercises for the development of basic physical qualities with
taking into account medical indications;
– perform sets of breathing exercises;
- use simulators and conduct independent physical exercises with their help;
- Organize classes with children, do homework with them
physical training;
– perform hardening procedures;
-keep a diary of self-observation;
-provide first medical care with abrasions, bruises;
- conduct campaigning work to attract friends and relatives to the classes.


The correct consideration of the results of the educational and training process can be carried out only on the basis of a thorough analysis of all aspects of the preparedness of those involved.
At the end of each stage, period, cycle, the department of social protection, together with a sports and educational institution, sums up the work done, analyzes the accounting data, which are based on quantitative indicators: the results of performing control exercises, the dynamics of the physical capabilities of the body, the effectiveness of actions involved in control tasks.
Types of pedagogical control.

Preliminary control.
The goal is to determine the state of health, the readiness of those involved in the next classes. Usually held at the beginning of the school year.
operational control.
The goal is to determine the urgent training effect during one session in order to assess the effectiveness of the use of the load. It is carried out according to the indicators of well-being, frequency and depth of breathing, heart rate, etc. The data of this control allow you to quickly adjust the dynamics of the load during the lesson.
current control.
The goal is to determine the reaction of the body involved in physical exercises to the load after exercise. The data of this control are the basis for planning the content of the next classes and the load on them.
Step control:
The goal is to obtain information about the cumulative (total) training effect, which was obtained for the corresponding period of time. The data of this control make it possible to assess the feasibility of choosing and using various means, methods, dosing of physical activity that were offered.
Final control.
The goal is to determine the success of the implementation of the annual curriculum, the degree of solution of the tasks set, the determination of positive and negative consequences components of the process of physical education. The data of this control (the state of health of those involved in physical therapy, the success of solving the problems they face, etc.) is the basis for planning the next educational process, usually planned for the end of the academic year.
Requirements for pedagogical control: timeliness, objectivity, accuracy, reliability, completeness, simplicity, clarity.
Methods of pedagogical control:
-pedagogical observation (showing interest, students' behavior, external
signs of reaction to physical activity, degree of attention);
– questioning or survey (definition of subjective feelings);
– performance of practical tests;
– the simplest medical measurements (VC, heart rate, body weight, etc.);
– analysis of working documentation.
The main accounting document is a register of the educational work of the group and diaries of the well-being of those involved, where, in addition to data on diseases (confirmed by a certificate from a doctor), physical development (height, weight, circumference chest, VC), records are kept of changes in the level of physical condition and physical fitness, as well as well-being (pulse at rest, during exercise, recovery time after exercise, load value, sleep, appetite, desire to exercise, pain, results of functional tests).

7. The list of educational and methodological support (required for the implementation of this program), methodological and teaching aids, equipment, sports equipment, inventory.

To implement this program, you need:

1. A sports hall or a room adapted for training, a bathroom, locker rooms,
4. Basketball and soccer balls, swedish walls, gymnastic sticks,
jump ropes, etc.
5.Inclined boards, gymnastic benches, tennis balls, rugs.
6.Technical means for playing music (tape recorder, speakers).
7.Computers with Internet access, software, screens, projectors,
training CDs.

8. Literature used:

1. Amosov N.M., “Reflections on health”. - M., 1987
2. Alperovich V.D. Gerontology. Old age. Sociocultural portrait: Proc.
– M.: Prior, 1998. – 272p.
3. Bayer K., Sheinberg L. Healthy lifestyle. - M., 1997.
4. Balsevich V.K., Zaporozhanov V.A. Physical activity of a person. - Kyiv:
5. Bolotova A.K. Psychology of development: a reader. – M.: CheRo: Omega-L, 2005.
6. Bocharov V.V. Anthropology of Age: Proc. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg.
un-ta, 2001.
7. Weinbaum Ya.S. Hygiene of physical education. - M., Education, 1986.
8. Vinokurova N. F., Trushin V. V., Global ecology. - M., Enlightenment, 1990
9. Doronina I.V. Age-related psychology: practicum. - Novosibirsk.: SibAGS, 1996.
10. A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of health. / Comp. Professor F.G. Murzakaev. Ufa:
Bashk. book. publishing house, 1987
11. Ilyushchenkov V.V., Berseneva T.A. Health and education. - SPE., 1993
12. Kazin E.M., Blinova N.G., Litvinova N.A. Fundamentals of individual health:
Introduction to general and applied valeology. - M., 2000
13. Krasnova O.V. Social psychology of aging: Proc. allowance. - M .: Academy,
14. Lamb M. Biology of aging. – M.: Mir, 1980
15. The process of forming voluntary breathing skills (S.F. Zvek, S. Yazlovetsky)
16. Human psychology from birth to death. - St. Petersburg: Prime Eurosign, 2002.
17. Medvedeva G.P. Introduction to social gerontology. – M.; Voronezh: Modek, 2000.
18. Sorokoumova E.A. Age-related psychology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006
19. Shcherbakov I.M. Post-labor socialization of older people in modern Russia. -
Nizhny Novgorod: Upper Volga Academy of Public Administration, 2006.

O.E. Evseeva, E.B. Ladygina, A.V. Antonova


in gerontology

Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation for Education in the Field of Physical Culture as a teaching aid for educational institutions of higher professional education that carry out educational activities in the direction 032100 - "Physical Culture"

(according to the master's program "Adaptive physical culture" -)



Moscow 2010

UDC 796/799 BBK 75.48 E25


S. P. Evseev, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of TiMAFK FGOU VPO “NSU im. P. F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg”;

A. A. Potapchuk, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Methods of Treatment and Sports Medicine of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “St. acad. I. P. Pavlova

Evseeva O. E.

E25 Adaptive physical culture in gerontology [Text]: textbook. allowance / O. E. Evseeva, E. B. Ladygina, A. V. Antonova. - M. : Soviet sport, 2010. - 164 p. : ill.

15VK 978-5-9718-0461-1

The first section of the manual deals with the organization and methodology of adaptive physical education classes with the elderly. Particular attention is paid to the choice of means of adaptive physical culture, medical control and self-control. The second section contains an exemplary program of the course "Adaptive physical culture in gerontology".

For students, undergraduates, graduate students, teachers, trainers, instructors in AFC and FC.

UDC 796/799 BBK 75.48

© Evseeva O. E., Ladygina E. B., Antonova A. V., 2010 © Design. JSC "Publishing house 15VK 978-5-9718-0461-1 "Soviet sport"", 2010

I organization and lesson methodology adaptive physical culture with the elderly

    Anatomical and physiological and psychological features the elderly

Many years of practice and the results of scientific research have proved that when conducting physical exercises with the elderly, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, their anatomical and physiological features.

According to most researchers, during the period of aging, the morphological, functional and biochemical characteristics of the body affect its most important property - reactivity.

The ability to adapt to the usual environmental factors decreases with age due to an increase in the thresholds for the perception of various stimuli (the hypothalamic threshold according to V.M. Dilman). All these shifts ultimately lead to a change in homeostasis and the development of chronic stress reactions. First of all, the neurohumoral mechanisms of regulation of body functions undergo changes.

There is a weakening of the functional state of the central nervous system, which is due not so much to anatomical changes in the brain tissue, but to a deterioration in the blood circulation of the brain and shifts in the main nervous processes: a decrease in the mobility of the irritation process, a weakening of the processes of inhibition, and an increase in their inertness. With age, the function of receptors worsens, which is manifested in the weakening of vision, hearing, and skin sensitivity. Conditional connections and reflexes are formed and fixed more slowly, muscle tone decreases, motor reactions slow down, coordination of movements and balance deteriorate. The speed of information transfer slows down.

With age, hormonal regulation, carried out by individual endocrine glands, is also discoordinated. The production of adrenocorticoid hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary gland is weakened, the secretion of hormones by the adrenal cortex, and the function of the thyroid gland are reduced. The metabolism of fats is disturbed, as a result of which cholesterol accumulates in the body and sclerosis develops. Functional and morphological disorders of the pancreas are accompanied by insulin deficiency, often leading to the development of age-related diabetes mellitus.

Thus, the age-related decrease in the functions of the endocrine glands leads to the development of three “normal” diseases of aging - hyperadaptosis (excessive stress response), menopause and obesity (Solodkov A.S., Sologub E.B., 2001).

Age-related changes in the cardiovascular system are very significant, leading to the development of sclerosis and atherosclerosis. Its development is due to a violation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, a lack of physical activity. Morphological changes have a significant impact on cardiohemodynamics. Systolic (SD) and diastolic (DD) pressure increases, pulse pressure most often falls. The increase in DM is more pronounced. DD, on the other hand, changes very slightly, but with each subsequent decade of life, it increases to a greater extent than in the previous one, by about 3-4 mm Hg. Art. The minute volume of blood (MOV) in people aged 60-70 is 15-20% lower than in people of mature age. The contractile function of the heart muscle deteriorates due to the age-related involution of the myocardium, as a result of which the stroke volume (SVB) decreases. Therefore, the heart rate (HR) after 40-50 years increases to maintain the IOC at a sufficient level.

During aging, the respiratory organs retain sufficient adaptive capabilities for longer to meet the increased requirements during muscle activity. However, gradually the lung tissue loses its elasticity, the strength of the respiratory muscles and bronchial patency decrease, pneumosclerosis develops, all this leads to a decrease in pulmonary ventilation, impaired gas exchange, and shortness of breath, especially during physical exertion. These changes are often accompanied by the development of emphysema. The vital capacity of the lungs (VC) decreases, breathing becomes more shallow, the respiratory rate (RR) increases.

The gastrointestinal tract, according to the same authors, undergoes less changes. Only slightly reduced tone and motility of its various departments.

With age, the excretory function of the kidneys worsens, as a result of which diuresis decreases, there is a delay in the excretion of urea, uric acid, creatinine, and salts.

Bones become more fragile as osteoporosis develops (rarefaction of the tissue of tubular bones). There are changes in the joints, mobility in them is disturbed to a greater or lesser extent. Age-related changes in the spine often cause diseases that lead to long-term disability. In the East, there is an opinion that a person begins to grow old only when he loses the flexibility of the spine. Age-related changes in skeletal muscles are characterized by their atrophy, the replacement of muscle fibers with connective tissue, a decrease in blood supply and oxygenation of muscles, which leads to a decrease in the strength and speed of muscle contractions.

The positive aspects of involutionary processes in the human body include its ability to maintain a constant body temperature with changes in the external temperature, which increases up to old age.

The aging of the body is accompanied by changes in both biological and mental structures. The nature of the involutionary processes of the psyche is extremely complex and depends on the individual characteristics of a person, on his predisposition to certain diseases, on lifestyle, and personal characteristics. Changes in mental functioning due to age can manifest themselves selectively and in different age periods. So, the imagination begins to weaken relatively early - its brightness, imagery. Over time, the mobility of mental processes worsens. Memory weakens, the ability to quickly switch attention decreases, there are significant difficulties with the development of abstract thinking, as well as in the assimilation and restoration of information.

Unlike other mental processes, the intellectual abilities of the majority of older people remain for quite a long time, but they can lose their brightness, associations become poorer, the quality and generalization of concepts decrease. In the prevention of intellectual decline, a constant mental load plays an important role, which has a positive effect on brain activity in general.

Emotional manifestations also change with age. Emotional instability develops, anxiety increases, self-doubt appears, spiritual decline may occur, due to the impoverishment of a person’s emotional life. There is a tendency to focus on negative experiences. There is an anxiety-depressive coloring of mood. The age that is usually considered the onset of the onset of mental disorders associated with involution is 50-60 years.

It is during this period that a person retires, which is associated, on the one hand, with a change in the social status of the individual, and on the other hand, with the onset of hormonal and physiological processes in the body (climax). Both have a negative impact on the human psyche and lead to severe stress.

Throughout the entire individual path, a person gets used to living with plans, close and distant goals that are focused on the interests of his family, children, and career. In old age, the usual lifestyle changes, the circle of friends, even the daily routine moves to a more self-oriented lifestyle.

At this moment of crisis, many negative aspects of a person's personality can manifest themselves, an aggravation of personality traits is noted. Previously persistent and energetic people become stubborn, fussy, importunate. Distrustful - suspicious. In the past, prudent and thrifty - stingy. In people with artistic character traits, the features of hysterical behavior are sharpened (Bezdenezhnaya T.I., 2004).

This period of life is similar to adolescence: reappear eternal questions about the meaning of life, the place of one's own personality in it, the significance of one's being. But this crisis in old age is more emotional and tragic. A teenager comprehends a life perspective, while in old age such an analysis is associated with a final assessment of himself and his past activities. Age, illness, inconsistency of established views with the requirements of the time, a feeling of loneliness and uselessness increase the dreary and gray attitude of the elderly in older people. Moreover, women, according to available information, unlike men, have a more pessimistic view of life and the so-called social dying occurs earlier for them.

Unfortunately, the aging process does not always occur in accordance with the natural rules of wilting. Often, old age is accompanied by severe mental illnesses, such as Pick's disease - the development of progressive amnesia and total dementia, Alzheimer's disease - complete memory loss and brain atrophy. In addition, the following may develop: senile (senile) dementia, delusional and hallucinatory states, Parkinson's disease (its main neurological manifestations are trembling, muscle rigidity, i.e. limited movement). Various somatic diseases also cause mental disorders in the elderly. For example, the clinical picture of mental disorders in coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction is characterized by irritability, mood swings, obsessive thoughts about the disease, increased anxiety, and hypochondriacal phenomena, which are especially persistent and pronounced.

On the whole, old age cannot be viewed as an irreversible biological state of imminent decrepitude. There are also positive aspects of this life stage. Studies of domestic and foreign researchers testify to the diverse manifestations of a positive attitude towards old age. Much depends on the person himself, on his activity and life position. The accumulation of life wisdom, based on experience, moderation, prudence, a dispassionate look at events and problems, has an undeniable advantage over youth. At the same time, at an older age, there is still an opportunity to use the fruits of one's labor for the purpose of self-knowledge, self-improvement and achieve professional and creative success. If desired, the third age can become the most fruitful period of a person's life.

    Purpose, objectives, direction and role of adaptive physical culture classes with the elderly

The role of adaptive physical culture (APC) in the life of an elderly person is quite large. Unlike physical culture, AFC faces people with health problems. This circumstance requires a significant and sometimes fundamental transformation (adaptation, correction, or, in other words, adaptation) of the tasks, principles, means and methods of physical culture to the needs of this age category of those involved.

To maintain health and creative longevity, elderly people need a balanced physical activity that takes into account their psychophysical characteristics and needs, aimed at stopping the processes of premature aging. Involutional changes in the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and other systems do not allow older people to perform many physical exercises, as they can cause overstrain of the body and become an impetus for negative changes in it.

Within the framework of physical culture, this problem can be solved, for example, by means of physical recreation, if there are no large deviations in the state of human health. But given the negative impact of the environment, the decline in the quality of life and the general level of health of pensioners, these funds for a positive and lasting result, as a rule, are not enough.

Therefore, it is ROS, with its diverse arsenal of tools, that provides opportunities for solving problems associated with the aging process.

In this period of life, health-improving and prophylactic focus physical activity. In addition, it is possible to single out additional areas of AFC classes - developing, cognitive, creative, communicative, since motor activity at this age should be of a complex nature and not only promote health, but also facilitate the process of social integration of the elderly against the backdrop of unfavorable economic transformations. in our country.

Main target AFC in old age is the development of the viability of a person with stable deviations in the state of health, and thereby contributing to the prolongation of the active period of his life by ensuring the optimal mode of functioning of his bodily-motor characteristics and spiritual characteristics released by nature and available (remaining in the process of life). forces.

In its most general form tasks ROS in the elderly can be divided into two groups:

    The first group of tasks follows from the characteristics of those involved - elderly people with deviations in their health status. These are mainly corrective and preventive tasks;

    the second group - educational, upbringing and health-improving tasks - the most traditional for physical culture.

The tasks to be solved in the process of AFC training with the elderly should be set based on the specific needs and capabilities of the elderly person.

General tasks ROS in the third age (old age) are:

    satisfaction of human biological needs in physical activity;

    opposition to involutionary processes;

    revitalization of the body with the help of movements;

    prevention of adverse effects on the human body;

    restoration of reduced or temporarily lost body functions;

    development of individual creative abilities of a person;

    creation of conditions for self-knowledge, self-realization and self-affirmation.

In some modern studies, the goals and objectives of the physical activity of the elderly are combined into a single block, based on the fact that with age there is a need to compensate for emerging shortcomings due to the preservation of conditional abilities, improvement of the psychophysical and social state.

From this, the following goals or objectives can be distinguished:

    preservation and development of mental abilities, primarily intellectual;

    meeting the needs for physical activity;

    expansion of social contacts;

    provision of leisure, hobbies;

    satisfaction of existing desires (communication, getting rid of bad habits, improving physique, etc.);

    maintaining self-esteem.

A clear understanding of the target settings is an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of pensioners' physical culture activities.

Therefore, goal-forming factors are of particular importance:

    internal: personal needs, motivation, interests, beliefs, "motor inclinations", etc.;

    external: the developed methodology of classes, corresponding to the age and psychophysical state of those involved; living conditions; financial condition; social status, etc.

In general, the tasks solved in the process of recreational activities with the elderly are very diverse and boil down to the following:

    ensuring the optimal level of motor activity in order to preserve, strengthen, restore health and maintain the necessary level of body capacity;

    maintaining a certain level of development and improvement of motor abilities;

    improvement of practical knowledge, skills in the field of movement, control of one's body and their application in life;

    training in the rational use of physical culture in personal life and in the mode of work, the acquisition of some vital skills;

    obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities of independent physical culture lessons and methods of self-control;

    expansion and deepening of knowledge in the field of hygiene, medicine, health-improving physical culture;

    acquiring knowledge about human capabilities inherent in nature;

    education in those involved in the desire for a healthy lifestyle and self-improvement;

    formation of an idea of ​​one's health as a personal and common asset;

    formation of the need for daily physical exercises;

    assistance in the education of moral and volitional qualities, the development of the creative properties of the individual;

    promoting the disclosure of creative abilities and the ability to think broadly;

    expanding horizons and circle of communication.

    Forms of organizing adaptive physical culture classes with the elderly

Classes of adaptive physical culture with the elderly are carried out in various organizational forms:

    collective (health groups, jogging clubs, health centers at parks and sports facilities, groups of therapeutic physical culture);



When choosing the forms of AFC classes, it is necessary to take into account the material and technical conditions and provide students with:

    opportunity to show initiative and independence;

    the possibility of creativity;

    the possibility of expanding cognitive interests;

    obtaining satisfaction by those involved both from the very process of training, and from its result.

According to most researchers, the best form of organizing AFC classes are health groups, where classes are conducted by qualified instructors-methodologists with special education. With this form of training, it is possible to constantly exercise medical control and self-control. This allows you to timely detect deviations in the health of those involved and dose the load when performing physical exercises. In the conditions of health groups, it is easier to use various means of adaptive physical culture in a complex way with elements of hardening, massage, balanced nutrition, etc.

It is advisable to create health groups, guided by the membership of those involved in a particular medical group. It is necessary to take into account the state of health of the elderly, their level of physical fitness and other indicators. This makes it possible to conduct classes in an adequate functional state of those involved in the motor mode. There are at least four of them: sparing- for sick people or those in the recovery period; wellness- for practically healthy people and people with poor health; training- for healthy people with insignificant deviations in the state of health; sports longevity regimen- for former athletes who continue sports activities.

TO first medical The group includes people without deviations in the state of health, with moderate age-related changes or minor functional disorders of individual organs and systems.

Co. second include people suffering from chronic diseases (without frequent exacerbations), with minor age-related dysfunctions of organs and systems, as well as with low level physical fitness.

IN third the medical group includes persons with chronic diseases occurring with relatively frequent exacerbations, with a pronounced functional impairment of various organs and systems in the phase of unstable remission.

The first medical group can be engaged in health-improving and training motor modes, as well as in the mode of maintaining sports longevity, if we are talking about former athletes. The second group - for the most part in a health regimen and the third - only in a sparing one. It should not be forgotten that the differentiation of those involved into medical groups and the choice of one or another motor mode are rather conditional, since in practice it is difficult to do this, but necessary.

Classes are held 2-3 times a week for 1.5-2 hours, preferably outdoors.

Long-term planning provides for the allocation of four stages:

    1st - about two months, the task is the adaptation of all body systems to physical activity;

    2nd - 5-6 months, the task is to ensure general physical development and health promotion;

    3rd - 2-3 years, improvement of physiological functions, increase in general physical fitness;

    4th - 1-3 years, the task is to stabilize physiological functions, maintain good health for as long as possible, a high level of efficiency and ensure the active life of the body.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the natural and accessible for our country independent form of physical recreation for the elderly contingent - occupational therapy in their garden plots, which many pensioners have. Activities in the garden and garden include a variety of labor processes and have a lot of good points to improve the health of the elderly. First- this is a stay for a long time in the fresh air, which in itself has a positive effect on all systems of the human body. Second- labor movements stimulate physiological processes and functions of internal organs. They mobilize volitional impulses, discipline a person, create a cheerful mood, free from obsessive thoughts that arise on the basis of inaction, and distract from illnesses. Labor introduces a person into an active state and causes the harmonious functioning of both the whole organism and its individual parts. At the same time, labor actions excite active mental activity, direct it into the mainstream of objective, meaningful, productive and satisfying work. However, occupational therapy should not be abused, since excessive physical activity in the garden can lead to physical and mental overwork and adversely affect health, and in some cases, cause exacerbation of chronic diseases or injuries. That is why, in order to prevent negative phenomena, it is necessary to inform the elderly about how to properly organize household work and rest, how to conduct self-control of the physical condition, to promote the formation of skills necessary in personal life and in the mode of work (for example, preventing spinal injuries when lifting and carrying heavy loads). , gardening, etc.).

Thus, to date, for the elderly, the most preferable and accessible form of organization of group classes remains recreational health groups, and independent ones - occupational therapy in garden plots.

    Medical control and self-control during adaptive physical culture lessons

The leading role in the process of physical exercises in health groups with the elderly is acquired by the control of the physical condition of those involved, which includes, at a minimum: the state of health, physique, level of physical fitness (Zatsiorsky V.M., 1979). Control can be divided into medical supervision And self-control. The essence of control is the assessment of the state of adaptation of the organism to environmental conditions. In other words, any set of preventive measures, including physical exercises, enhances the biological mechanisms of adaptation to environmental conditions. Their impact leads to a restructuring of the functional relationships that have developed in the body between various organs and systems.

From these positions medical supervision And self-control the physical condition of the body are necessary for every person who cares about his health. For this you can use like complex instrumental research methods: electrocardiography, phonocardiography, laboratory tests, etc., and protozoa: anamnesis, visual observation, various functional tests (Stange, Gencha, Martinet test, test with 20 squats, orthostatic and clinostatic tests, Romberg test, finger-nose test, knee-calcaneal test, etc.), anthropometry methods, plantography, goniometry, dynamometry, etc.

In addition, apply non-traditional methods of self-control and self-diagnosis, based on oriental reflexology:

    diagnostics of the energy state of the channels (according to the Chinese system of meridians) according to the reaction to a thermal test according to the method of A. Akabane;

    diagnostics of the energy state of the channels by biologically active points - MO-points (points of "alarm"), located on the anterior surface of the chest and abdominal wall (Appendix 1).

self control serves as an important addition to medical control. Its data can be of great help to the teacher in regulating the training load. The teacher should instill in students the skills of regular self-control, explain its importance and the need for health promotion.

The most effective method of self-control is to maintain self-control diary(Appendix 2). The diary contains two types of indicators: current(characteristics of the daily state of the body), i.e. those that change rapidly, and stage, changing over a long period of time (for example, a month or several months). Both are made up of taking into account subjective and objective indicators, i.e. from simple and generally accessible methods of self-observation, as well as indicators of medical and pedagogical control.

current control

When filling out the table of current control indicators, it is enough to mark them with any sign (cross, circle, etc.) in the column for a particular day of the month. Only indicators of objective control are marked with numbers.

Subjective indicators self-control are based on personal feelings, on the ability to understand and decipher them. These include: well-being, activity, mood, sleep, appetite, pain, respiratory diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases 1 .

Well-being - reflects the state and activity of the whole organism and, first of all, the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Its distinguishing features are: weakness, lethargy, dizziness, palpitations, various pain sensations, ailments, as well as a feeling of cheerfulness, energy, the presence or absence of interest in activities. The state of health can be good, satisfactory, bad.

Activity- if physical exercises are built correctly, then after them there is a feeling of increased activity. If the opposite result is observed, this indicates that the load in the lesson was overestimated, respectively, the activity decreases. It can be assessed as low, normal and high.

Mood- characterizes the mental state of a person. It happens: good - if a person is self-confident, calm and cheerful; satisfactory - with an unstable emotional state; unsatisfactory - confusion, depression, etc.

Dream, or rather, its subjective assessment also reflects the state of the organism. Important to note duration of night sleep falling asleep, waking up, insomnia, dreaming. Sleep is considered normal, which comes shortly after a person goes to bed, is strong enough, giving a feeling of cheerfulness and rest in the morning. If sleep is disturbed, lethargy, irritability, increased heart rate appear, it is urgent to reduce the load and consult a doctor. In addition, it is necessary to note the nature of sleep.

Appetite- a very subtle indicator of health status. In general, this feeling correctly reflects the body's need for food to restore spent resources. But this pattern is manifested only if the physical load is optimal. Outside the optimum load, the feeling of appetite gives a “failure”. For example, if the load is small, then the appetite may increase, not corresponding to the real need. With increased load, appetite may decrease due to the onset of overwork. In the diary, appetite can be characterized as normal, decreased or increased.

Pain- headaches, pains in the spine, in the muscles, in the legs, pains in the region of the heart, during which exercises the pains appear, their strength, duration - all this is information about the functional state of the body. It needs to be looked at and analysed. Such an analysis makes it possible to track, first of all, the adequacy of the load during physical exercises, as well as the onset of a disease.

Respiratory diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases. The number of sick days, complications, seasonal exacerbations of chronic diseases, etc. are noted.

Objective indicators current control are based on the analysis of indicators expressed as digital values, and include: registration of pulse (HR), blood pressure (BP), respiratory rate (RR), etc.

Heart rate monitoring. This is the most accessible indicator of the activity of the cardiovascular system. . The number of beats in 10 seconds is counted and the resulting value is multiplied by 6 to get the minute indicator. Normally, in old age, heart rate at rest (according to Balsevich V.K., 1986) fluctuates within 6070 bpm. In untrained people, at the beginning of physical exercises, the pulse should not increase by more than 30 beats / min compared to the resting pulse rate. Immediately after exercise, heart rate in practically healthy people should not exceed 100-120 bpm.

During physical exercise, the heart must work at a certain frequency, but not at a maximum load that provides a safe level for continuous exercise. The maximum heart rate for the elderly during exercise should be determined by the formula:

HR = 190 - age (years).

Frequent pulse (tachycardia) - 100-120 beats / min - is often observed in people with increased nervous excitability, with some cardiovascular diseases, and also after heavy physical exertion. Slow pulse (bradycardia) - 54-60 beats / min - is observed, as a rule, in trained people.

A particularly important role is played heart beat rhythm. Normally, heart beats follow at regular intervals. If you count the pulse in 10-second segments per minute and the number of beats is the same or with a difference of one beat from the previous one, then the heart rate is normal. If the difference is greater, then such a pulse is arrhythmic and it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Heart rate is calculated in the morning at rest, before and after classes. After 3-4 months of regular exercise, the pulse at rest becomes less frequent by 6-10 bpm. This is an objective indicator of a certain improvement in health.

BP monitoring. Registration of blood pressure is especially necessary for women with high blood pressure (or symptoms of hypertension). With age, as a rule, there is an increase in the level of systolic blood pressure. Diastolic pressure changes little with age. The average blood pressure figures (according to Motylyanskaya R.E., Yerusalimsky L.A., 1980) at the age of 50-59 years are considered to be 144/89, at 60 years and older - 149/89 mm Hg. Art., but in old age people who have the problem of high blood pressure, they themselves know their "norm".

You can determine the normal value of blood pressure by the formulas:

Systolic blood pressure = 102 + 0.7X age + 0.15X body weight;

BP diastolic = 78 + 0.17 X age + 0.1X body weight.

It should be emphasized that systolic (or atherosclerotic) arterial hypertension is often observed in older people, which is almost asymptomatic. Most experts associate it with atherosclerosis of large vessels, primarily the aorta, as well as with impaired functions of baroreceptors embedded in its arc. This must be taken into account when planning the load.

Black hole observations. The activity of the heart is closely related to the work of the lungs, determined by the frequency of breathing, the presence of shortness of breath, coughing, etc. Respiratory rate depends on age, health status, level of fitness, load. It is convenient to calculate the respiratory rate by placing a hand on the chest. The number of breaths is counted for 30 seconds and multiplied by 2. In an adult at rest, this figure is 14-18 breaths per minute, after exercise - up to 20-30. In regular exercisers, resting respiratory rates can reach 10-16 breaths per minute.

Staged control

Staged control indicators (for each month or several months) are filled in with numbers. It can include various indicators of the physical condition of a person. An important requirement for the measurement of indicators is compliance with the requirements of the standard of these measurements: it is desirable to carry out samples at the same time, under the same conditions.

Staged control may include:

    monitoring the level of physical development(body weight, state of posture and feet, etc.);

    monitoring the level of functional state(test with 10 squats, test with shortness of breath, tests with breath holding, etc.);

    monitoring the level of development of motor qualities(general flexibility, agility, strength, endurance, etc.);

    a comprehensive assessment of the level of physical condition.

Observations of the level of physical development

Body weight monitoring. It is best to measure it in the doctor's office, since there are more accurate scales, but you can also use home floor scales. Weigh yourself in the morning, on an empty stomach, always in the same clothes. After the start of classes, weight can decrease due to a decrease in water and fat in the body. In the future - to increase due to muscle building, and then stay at the same level. With age, body weight changes (more often increases), and for an individual assessment of this indicator, knowing the indicators of weight and height, it is advisable to use the index method:

    Quetelet weight and height index: body weight (kg) / height (cm);

    Brock's weight and height index: height (cm) - 100 units. The resulting difference corresponds to the proper weight in kg (for heights above 165-170 cm, it is recommended to subtract 105, for heights of 176185 cm - 110 units).

The data is recorded in the self-control diary once a month.

Posture monitoring 2 . Posture is an indirect indicator of the condition of the human spine. Even in ancient times, it was believed that all diseases, as a rule, are associated with changes in the spine.

The width of the shoulders and the size of the arch of the back are measured. To do this, a centimeter tape with a zero division is applied to the protruding point of the right shoulder and stretched along the line of the collarbones to the point on the left shoulder. The resulting value is an indicator of the width of the shoulders. The second indicator is also measured using a centimeter tape, which stretches from the left armpit along the line of the upper edge of the shoulder blades to the right armpit. The resulting value shows the magnitude of the arc of the back.

tsnfiya dlet (cm) ^ x

back arch size (cm)

The average posture is 100-110%. An indicator of 90% indicates a serious violation of posture. If it decreases to 85-90% or increases to 125-130%, you need to contact an orthopedist.

Foot monitoring 3 . To determine the condition of the feet, a sheet of paper is placed on a smooth, hard surface (board, cardboard, etc.). The subject stands on it so that the toes and heels of both feet are parallel, and the distance between them corresponds to the width of the palm. The contours of the feet are outlined with a pencil and each is marked with the number 1. Without leaving the spot, the right leg rises slightly and, standing on the left leg, holding onto the support with the hand, the contour of the left foot is outlined, which is marked with the number 2. Then the contour of the right foot is outlined and marked in the same way . The resulting contours 1 and 2 are compared. The results are determined by the table:

Monitoring the level of functional state

10 squat exercise test 4 . The starting position is a stance, the pulse is determined in 1 minute (it can be done in 10 seconds and multiply this figure by 6). 10 squats are performed in 20 s. The pulse is measured for 1 minute. The difference between the pulse at rest and after exercise is determined.

Sample rating:

Load Availability

No more than 10

Low load available (walking at low speed - 4 km/h)

Minor, strictly metered loads are available (slow walking - 2-2.5 km / h)

Physical education should be carried out only in exercise therapy groups under the supervision of a doctor

Test with shortness of breath to assess the state of the cardiovascular system and performance. Performance indicators are the presence of shortness of breath and heart rate when climbing stairs to the 4th floor at a calm pace without stopping. It is possible to conduct a test with an ascent to the 4th floor for a certain time (start from 2 minutes).

Heart rate (bpm)

The presence of shortness of breath

Performance assessment (points)

Doesn't occur

Almost never occurs

150 and above

A breath-holding test to assess the state of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system and volitional readiness. Starting position - stand. Count the pulse for 1 minute. Then, after inhaling, exhale, pinch your nose with your fingers and hold your breath for as long as possible (this breath holding is called apnea). Record pulse and apnea data (s) as a fraction: pulse/apnea (for example, like this: 80/40=2). The lower the indicator, the better the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency. Do the same on the inhale.

Expiratory Apnea Assessment

Over 40 s - good 35-39 s - satisfactory Less than 34 s - unsatisfactory

Inspiratory apnea score

Over 50 s - good 40-49 s - satisfactory 39 s - unsatisfactory

Monitoring the level of development of motor qualities

General flexibility. The state of general flexibility can be determined using the following control exercise: starting position - main stance, socks together. Tilt forward, touching the floor with your fingers or palms. The knees are straight.

Evaluation scale:

Joint mobility 5 . Joint mobility is measured using special devices- goniometers, or goniometers. The Mollison goniometer is considered to be the simplest in design. This device is a conventional protractor, on the basis of which an arrow-pointer is fixed, showing in degrees the angle of measurement of the position of the device.

Measurement of mobility in the hip joint (flexion-extension of the hip). The examined person is in the main stance, fixing the body with one hand on the wall. The goniometer is applied with a handle to the lateral surface of the body along its vertical axis. The center of the circle is aligned with the frontal axis of the hip joint. The movable lever is fixed on the vertical axis of the outer surface of the thigh.

Standing on one leg, examined:

    flexes the other leg at the hip and knee joints;

    produces hip flexion with a straightened lower leg;

    produces extension of the thigh with a straightened lower leg.

The value in degrees is recorded according to the indicators of the protractor.

Measurement of mobility in the knee joint (flexion of the lower leg).

The starting position is the same as when measuring the mobility of the hip joint. The handle of the goniometer is placed along the outer surface (along the vertical axis). The center of the circle is aligned with the frontal axis of the knee joint. The movable lever is fixed on the outer surface along the vertical axis of the leg. The subject performs flexion and extension at the knee joint. According to the readings of the goniometer determine the value of their angles.

Along with determining the quantity active movements also measure the value passive movements(performed with the application of forces from the outside). The magnitude of each movement is measured three times, while taking into account the maximum performance. After that, it calculates reserve mobility(difference between active and passive mobility). Reserve mobility indicators indicate the potential for increasing the range of motion in the joint.

Agility. To determine dexterity, you can take two small balls or unbreakable objects and do the following exercise: the starting position is a stand, objects are alternately thrown up, first with the right, then with the left hand, the maximum number of times. The time of continuous exercise is fixed.

Strength qualities. To determine the strength, you can use a control exercise: starting position - emphasis standing on a table or window sill, bending and extending the arms in support, keeping the torso straight. The number of repetitions of the exercise is fixed.

Aerobic endurance. To determine endurance, you can use the technique of a three-minute sieve test according to D.N. Gavrilov (1996). The test is intended for practically healthy people up to 60 years of age or people with a fairly high level of physical fitness.

In accordance with the growth, the height of the chair is set: up to 175 cm - 43 cm (standard chair height), 176-185 cm - 48 cm. The height of the chair is increased by flat overlays (books, magazines can be used).

Before the start of squats, heart rate1 is measured at rest for 10 s, the result is multiplied by 6. Then, for 3 minutes, a uniform load is performed to sit down and get up from a chair (motion mode - 26 cycles - 52 movements). The pulse is measured for 10 s and multiplied by 6 immediately after the load (HR2) and after 2 minutes (HR3).

The level of cardiorespiratory endurance is assessed using the formula:

AND (HR1 + HR2 + HR3) - 200 10 "

Above average

Below the average

Over 15.0

For people over the age of 60, you can use test developed by specialists from the University of Juvaskula (Finland)- walking for 2 km on a hard and even surface with fixation of the time traveled at the maximum pace. The pace of movement is chosen according to well-being.

To calculate the test index, you must:

body weight (kg)

exponent = -

    Find the sum of the following products:

for men ... min x 11.6 or ... with x 0.2 ... x 0.56 ... x 2.6 ... x 0.2

for women ... min x 11.6 or ... with x 0.14 ... x 0.36 ... x 1.0 ... x 0.3

travel time

last minute heart rate calculated age sum

    Subtract the amount received from the number 420.

    Determine the index of physical fitness on a scale:

Over 130

Above average

Below the average

Less than 70

Comprehensive assessment of the level of physical condition

For a comprehensive assessment of the level of physical condition, E.A. Pirogova et al. (1986) proposed a formula in the form of a regression equation using only two indicators: heart rate and blood pressure.

UVS = 700 - 3 HRsp - 2.5 BPmean - 2.7 age + 0.28 body weight 350 - 2.6 ages + 0.21 heights

where UFS is a quantitative indicator equivalent to the level of physical condition; HRsp - heart rate at rest while sitting; BPmean - diastolic (lower) blood pressure + 1/3 pulse blood pressure (difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure).

The level of physical condition is assessed as follows:


Over 0.826

Above average

0.676 to 0.825

0.526 to 0.675

Below the average

0.376 to 0.525

Less than 0.375

As can be seen from the above formula, the denominator for a given individual is static. An increase in the numerator can only occur due to a decrease in heart rate at rest and a decrease in mean blood pressure. Therefore, the control of these indicators in the process of self-study can assess their effectiveness.

Most older women involved have sufficient life experience and therefore are very attentive to the implementation of self-control in the process of physical exercise.

Enrollment is announced in the health groups of the older generation in the direction of "yoga" in the sports complex "Lokomotiv" (Lenin St., 90). Schedule: Monday, Thursday from 10:00.

Registration in the group is carried out by tel. +7 906 916-32-17 (Head of the Sports and Sports Complex "Older Generation" of the Directorate of Sports and Mass Events - Svetlana Lutsko).

For reference

In order to solve the problems of improving the quality of life of older people, promoting the active participation of older people in society, solving the problem of loneliness and social isolation from society of older people, improving physical health, through free physical education classes in 2002, the administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk initiated the creation of health-improving groups for people aged 55 and older.

Since 2013, within the framework of two long-term city target programs, the budget of the city of Krasnoyarsk has been paying for the services of instructors for conducting physical culture and recreation classes in health groups for the elderly, who have extensive experience in coaching and teaching and physical culture and sports work. By agreement, sports areas are provided by social institutions and commercial organizations on a gratuitous basis.

The following work has been organized:

  • work with health groups 29 instructors;
  • formed 130 sports and recreation groups on the basis of 13 municipal institutions - sports, culture and education and on the squares of 10 organizations of various forms of ownership - commercial and state type;

It is planned that the number of senior citizens of Krasnoyarsk engaged in physical culture in 2015 will reach 2,000 people.
