Advice for parents. Topic: "Do-it-yourself Christmas toys made of felt"


Throughout the entire period preschool age The child is attracted to figurative toys. By the age of four, their use is varied: they help to enter the role, to reproduce the actions of a fairy-tale character based on a fairy tale or other literary work.

The actions of children are still too simple and elementary (talking with a puppy, a crying bunny), so you need to help him make the game more interesting and exciting.

For example, invite the child to correlate the toy-character with the hero of the work, pronounce the words of the character in his voice, perform simple actions, use another character.

As a result, children figuratively and artistically develop their mental abilities in the game moment. Children have a desire not just to play with the characters, but to reproduce their actions according to the plot and show them to others.

Performing a role with the help of such a toy forms the expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, pantomime in a preschooler; stimulates the development of theatrical and speech abilities, as well as organization, order, initiative.

A special role is played by toys - homemade products made by the child himself together with you with a predetermined game goal (heroes of fairy tales). Such toys form the child's ability to create and implement an idea, that is, they develop the ability of self-expression.

To do this, you can use any auxiliary material that allows you to make simple, but very diverse, stable toys. For example, boxes of dairy products, plastic bottles. Pre-wash, dry this material; cover with a cloth, paste over with paper; add details from fur, leather, thread, buttons or other auxiliary material, giving them a certain image of a fairy-tale hero (grandfather, woman, wolf, hare, etc.).

From mittens or gloves, original glove toys are also obtained.

From disposable plates: Attach a stick-holder to the back of the plate with adhesive tape, and on the other side, use the application to depict the face and hair.

You can use clothespins - for this, glue the painted face and clothes on the clothespin and you will get a small character.

And from the reel, putting the rod through the hole, covering it with a scarf and tying it with a ribbon, what you get is a wonderful doll.

You can make dolls-thimbles. From acorn caps, lipstick caps. Put them on your fingers and immediately start playing out situations by making up dialogues. Fingers can talk to each other, for example: a hedgehog met a bunny: “Hello, bunny. How are you?"

Toys made from natural material are used for table theater, and they can be made from cones, acorns, chestnuts, bark, seeds, bones, and so on. It is better to glue the details of the craft with PVA glue. For example, you can make a bird out of two cones, twigs and feathers; fox or woman - yagu - from spruce cones; piglet - from acorns.

It is more convenient to show a table theater using toys made of natural material on the sand. To do this, you need a small box 10 cm high with sea sand. Invite your child to come up with and decorate the scenery for a fairy tale in the sand. Use roots, bark, pebbles, plant branches for this. If you place a container of water in the sand, then the characters will be able to swim on rafts and boats made of bark or wood chips.

Let's make toys together.

The development of a child largely depends on what and how he will play. More A.M. Gorky wrote that "play is the way for children to learn about the world in which they live and which they are called upon to change."

In the age of abundance of any toys for all tastes, there is a trend of passion for homemade toys. If you now look into the stores, the amount of goods for children stuns parents: “In our time, this was not the case, only dreams about a doll, a car, a designer, a railway ... Now I’ll go and buy everything!” Therefore, now, when it seems that it is not a problem to fulfill any child's whim, to buy anything, anywhere, anytime, it is all the more surprising that children still ask their parents to make toys with their own hands.

When toys are made by parents, there is less competition and comparison: toys are unique and harder to compare than those bought in a store.

It's no secret that each handmade toy is a little (and sometimes even very) similar to its creator. Isn't that why a doll sewn by a mother and something like a mother is so important for children? IN folk tales the plot is repeated, where the doll, made by the mother, helped her daughter to survive the most difficult hardships ... Children play with pleasure "imperfect", "strange" toys, even if they are old, worn out, but still loved. And they say with pride: “Mom did it to me herself”, “Dad did it himself for me

It is important that the child sees as early as possible that objects are created by human hands. Here, crafts made by you for your child with him will play the most part.

When making toys with children, pay attention to the fact that children work with the fingers of both hands. Do not be afraid to trust your child with scissors, just remember that they must be safe, with blunt ends. The child must work with them under the direct supervision of an adult. At the initial stage of training, it is possible to use the joint actions of an adult with a child, when you take the child's hand in yours and make the necessary movement. Let the child feel it, in the future he will more successfully repeat it himself.

Teachers advise to definitely play with the child and games with natural and waste material. The appearance of paper toys, jars, fruit stones, acorns, walnut shells, etc. is perceived by the child as a wonderful transformation, delights him, awakens his imagination. Watching your work, the child will ask questions, express their assumptions. Even if he silently observes the work, it is still useful for his development.

What can you do with your child:

You can do it with your daughter simple decorations: beads, rings, bracelets, stringing acorns, rowan berries or pencil cases from kinder surprises, wrappers from sweets, waffles, etc. on a thick thread or thin wire.

Children love to launch boats, boats. You can make them from halves of walnut shells, and a mast with a sail from sticks and paper. Boats can be cut out of foam, cork, giving them the appropriate shape.

The rattling toys are interesting to play with. It is easy to make them: peas, acorns, small pebbles, etc. should be poured into any empty plastic container (for example, a pencil case from a kinder surprise). Involve your child in this process. It is advisable to make several different "noise makers" with different "fillers" - they will make different sounds, which will contribute to the development of hearing acuity.

Paper airplanes, arrows, turntables can be made right on the walk. Playing with them, the child will move a lot, watch their movement in the air, while receiving positive emotions.

Rich opportunities to awaken children's imagination and play gives natural material: cones, acorns, chestnuts, seeds and fruits of trees ... Having made together with a child funny toy, you can later use it in games.

When making toys with children, pay attention to the fact that they work with the fingers of both hands. The development of these movements contributes to the development of speech, and also prepares the hand for writing.

Now there are many different types and techniques of needlework and creativity. Materials and tools, literature and publications on the Internet - great amount. Everyone can find a hobby for themselves and their children. It must be remembered that fine motor skills of the hands are still being formed in children 3-4 years old, so it is worth choosing objects the size of a walnut or a bean. When making toys, avoid too much bright colors, as it is too tiring for the not yet strong nervous system kids.

Do not forget to celebrate the achievements of the child, emphasizing the significance of his deeds. Participation in the affairs of adult family members causes joyful feelings in the child, he begins to realize himself as a member of the family team and his “contribution” to the common cause: “I am an assistant.”

Children are very fond of building from sand, snow, small rods, bars, pebbles.

Often parents hold back the initiative of children and forbid them to collect various "garbage". But after all, a stick for a child can be a fishing rod and a carrot, a fish and a thermometer. All natural and waste material is a wonderful material for the development of children's imagination, thinking, speech. When constructing various buildings from these materials, children look for ways to place them, how to connect parts, etc. At the same time, they develop observation, diligence.

For games, you can use various sizes of boxes. For strength, they can be pasted over with thick colored paper together with the child. The child will be happy to build a train, a steamer out of large boxes. The box can be a cooker and a table...

Beat buildings to make you want to build. For example: build a path to the matryoshka house. Feed the doll Masha lunch. Build a fence to the Cockerel's house ... To play with the buildings, offer the child a doll, animals, dishes, shreds ... This is where crafts from various materials, which the child will be happy to use in his buildings along with ready-made toys. On this basis, story games will also be enriched.

Handmade toys help develop creative thinking and give more freedom in the game. With their help, children learn frugality, a more attentive attitude towards the world, as they value such gifts.
Joint creativity in creating toys is the key to understanding and joint joyful communication. You have a good time - and as a reward you get the trust and joy of your children.

What is a toy?

The game and the toy, according to scientists, are the most important components of any culture. What is the culture, so are the toys. A toy is a cultural tool, through which the state of modern culture (civilization), the direction of movement: to life or death, prosperity or degradation, mutual understanding or alienation, is transmitted in a special “folded form”. With the help of a toy, the very essence of human relations and a complex world order are transmitted to a child.

First of all, it must be emphasized that the development of the child occurs in different types activities. Its independent and meaningful activity in any form is the most important result of development. After all, a person’s awareness of the world around him occurs, first of all, in action. And therefore, the main function of the toy is to enhance children's activities and the formation of its new forms.

The developing and educational effect of a toy is determined primarily by the nature of the game action and its connection with developmental tasks. This aspect should be clearly understood when choosing toys. Giving preference to any of them, adults should immediately imagine what the child will do with it.

In all the variety of types of children's activities, psychologists distinguish two groups. The first includes those within which there is a predominant mastering the meanings, tasks and norms of relations between people, and on this basis - the social and personal development of the child. The second group consists of species within which mastering the ways of action with objects, and on this basis - the formation of intellectual, cognitive abilities. Based on this, all toys are also conditionally divided into two groups.

In the first, you can combine everything that contributes social-emotional development(or personal development). These are toys that involve communicating or treating them like living characters: animals (bears, bunnies, dogs) and, of course, dolls with all kinds of utensils. This also includes sets for playing doctor, hairdresser, shop, and so on, with costume details and auxiliary attributes (doctor's coat and armband, car steering wheel, police cap, little red cap). Transport toys (trucks, trains, cars that allow something to be transported) can also be included in this group.

The second group includes toys that contribute to development of intellectual-cognitive and motor abilities. These are all kinds of cubes, designers, puzzles, mosaics, lotto and dominoes.

In addition to the two lines of development already mentioned, there is also a third one. This physical development and education child. The task of strengthening health, and the formation of certain physical qualities in a baby (strength, endurance, dexterity, accuracy) is one of the most important aspects in education. Naturally, this side child development It is embodied in a variety of special gaming aids, and involves the use of a different kind of means - balls, hoops, jump ropes, skittles. So, this series of toys should be highlighted especially.

Modern toy - what is it?

One of the main means of spiritual and moral education is the creation of such an educational environment that allows you to build a hierarchy of moral values ​​and ensure the full functioning of the child. The most important component of the educational environment is the game and the toy.

Sensory aggression of the environment surrounding the child violates the stability and sustainability of the world, i.e. deprives the little person of confidence that the world is strong, reliable, and therefore safe. The predictability of the world, which is necessary for the child for adequate socialization, for controlling his own behavior, is called into question. The appearance of a new toy sometimes not only reflects the already existing level of technical equipment, but to a certain extent can also contribute to the birth of a new technology. Thus, at the end of the 19th century, the idea of ​​the world was expressed in the widespread use of optical toys (binoculars, spyglasses, microscopes, etc.), which, it is believed, in a certain way prepared the invention of cinema.

Serial toy, which, unfortunately, is most often dealt with modern child, in essence, is an “anti-toy”: it contains the idea of ​​​​possession, and not a joyful comprehension of the world; it forms a tendency to supplant the developmental game and genuine creativity. Mass production profane individual emotional relationship with the toy as with the "other I". The external attractiveness of a toy product is becoming more important than its play application, hence new forms and materials that are not characteristic of a traditional toy. Today, a children's toy, as part of modern mass culture, contributes to the construction of a very gloomy and bleak picture of the world by the child, as evidenced by children's drawings.

How do we choose toys?

Every parent is confident that he knows what his child needs. And by what criteria do we choose and buy toys? A small opinion poll showed that we are guided by anything - the price, the desire of the child, our own predilections, but not considerations of didactic usefulness. Why bother with trifles, if we have the necessary amount, and the child buzzed all ears, and Petya, Katya, Sasha from his group have had this for a long time? Urgent buy!

One of the most powerful motives for buying a toy is "the child wants it." Or - "I promised him if he finishes the quarter with fives (won't fight anymore, etc.)". An appropriate, to put it mildly, amazing toy is bought. And then we will wonder why, with so many different toys We don't have teapots!

Another option is “buy, just shut up!” or “I didn’t have such a toy as a child, even if my child has one.” Or maybe it's your luck that you didn't have that? When I was little, all my kindergarten envied the owner of the one brought from abroad and leaked into preschool the then much-frowned upon Barbie doll. And now, after many years of barbie abundance, we have problems with teenage girls brought up on the proportions of this doll. Girls grow up and realize that they do not correspond to the parameters of their ideal. By the way, the British, recollecting themselves, are now bringing the image of the British analogue of Barbie - the Cindy doll - to the appearance of a moderately well-fed fifteen-year-old teenage girl.

When listing the criteria for choosing toys, we did not take into account pedagogically savvy parents, who, fortunately, are also quite a few. According to child psychologists, mothers and fathers today are divided into two categories: very educated, having studied tons of special literature, and catastrophically illiterate. There is no middle.

Selection criteria

1. Simplicity and accessibility. Sometimes it seems to adults that the more different properties and qualities a toy contains, the better. For example, a plastic elephant on wheels, which is both a train and a telephone. It would seem that such a universal toy opens up a wide variety of opportunities for a child's activities. But - such a "diversity" only disorients the baby. He does not know what to do - to carry the elephant, feed him or talk on the phone. Moreover, it is impossible to fully perform all these actions. You can’t transport anything on such an elephant - you can’t put anything on it and you won’t put anyone on it, the handset falls all the time, and it’s not entirely correct to consider it an elephant, because it’s still a telephone, moreover, on wheels. In this regard, it would be much more useful to “separate” the functions and offer the child three objects that are different and understandable in their purpose and mode of action.

2. Stimulation of active actions. The “usefulness” of a toy is far from the only evaluation criterion. In it, as it were, the interests and tasks of an adult and a child intersect. It must bring joy and pleasure to the baby. In order for a toy to stimulate meaningful children's activity (i.e., contribute to development), it must be in the interests of the child, meet his needs, be exciting and attractive. Compliance with the interests of the child himself is the most important requirement for a toy, which, in fact, makes it a toy. But the interests and preferences of children and adults often do not coincide. Adults are attracted by external beauty, complexity, richness of details, or the developmental value described in the annotation. Children have slightly different "priorities". They may prefer a particular toy because they have seen a similar one from their friends, or because it looks like a familiar fairy tale or television character. However, the main attraction for the child is the opportunity to do something with it. Only if it causes a desire to act with it (disassemble and assemble, move various parts, carry, extract new sounds), the baby wants to pick it up and start playing.

In addition, the developing role of a toy lies in its ability to be not only attractive, but also open to a variety of forms of child activity. Objects that involve, albeit useful, but stereotyped, monotonous actions, can become material for exercises, training, but not for play. The game is a sphere of images, conventions, hidden possibilities. This is, first of all, a test of your abilities and finding out the properties of the object with which you play. Therefore, it must contain an element of novelty to maintain the curiosity and own activity of the child.

If in the game with this or that object a strictly defined method of use is supposed (as, for example, clockwork, mechanical or some electronic toys), then the game will be just an exercise or pastime, but not an educational, active, creative activity. The more defined and complete the toy is, the less room it leaves for children's creativity. Toys that are simpler and less defined allow for a wide range of play activities. Accordingly, the material of the game should be quite simple and at the same time flexible, allowing complication, variability and simplification of the tasks. The toy should be as open as possible for transformations. Such universal and popular at all times toys as balls, cubes, inserts, dolls, due to their simplicity, are extremely plastic, allow endless complications, thousands of new combinations and cannot bore a child. Thus, openness to a variety of activities, flexibility and simplicity are important requirements for a good toy.

3. Encourage independence. The play activities of the child must be independent. The toy can be seen as a special item that allows him to feel confident in his abilities. It should be a support for independent actions of children, it should help to feel their competence and autonomy. The possibility or impossibility of independent action depends on some minor and imperceptible details for adults. For example, a typical and very interesting box with a surprise for young children: as soon as you press the button, a bunny or a kitten jumps out of the box. But it's all about where the button is located. If it is on top (and you need to press down) - everything is in order, the baby will be happy to play on his own and enjoy the sudden jumping out of the bunny. But if this button is placed in front, and to press it, it is necessary to hold the box with the other hand (otherwise it moves back), independent play becomes impossible for the child - the help of an adult is needed, who holds the box or causes the bunny to appear.

Toys should contribute to the independent formulation and resolution of increasingly complex problems. The presence of not only a “mystery”, but also clues, will arouse interest and a desire to act. The subject of the game is chosen correctly if it contains guidelines for the child's independent activity that are clear to the child. As an example, we can cite such well-known folk toys as pyramids, nesting dolls, inserts, which themselves “suggest” the correct way to act. Completely new, unfamiliar and incomprehensible objects for children that have no analogues in their personal experience, do not give "hints" for independent actions and are more likely to frighten than cause a desire to play. The optimal combination of novelty and recognition, the presence of a task and guidelines for its solution are an important quality of a toy that stimulates children's activity.

4. Ethics, aesthetics, culture. The social features of the toy include, first of all, the ethical aspect, which is most closely related to its educational function. The toy should, if possible, evoke kind, humane feelings. The presence in it of qualities that stimulate antisocial actions and feelings is unacceptable: violence, cruelty, aggressiveness, indifference, objectivity to the living, are unacceptable.

When choosing toys, you should always take into account the artistic, aesthetic aspect. Many folk and author's toys are works of art. It is important to note their psychological significance, since the artistic qualities of the toy, on the one hand, make it attractive to the child, and on the other hand, form his aesthetic taste.

An important point in evaluating a toy is its connection with the surrounding social life. It is significant that the toys of each generation of children differ significantly (especially dolls, household utensils, vehicles). Obviously, using them, children master various social models. Through the game, preschoolers get used to tools, household items, furniture, clothes, cars, adopted in modern society for them. Therefore, the “modernity” of a toy, its ability to embody and convey to children the “spirit of its time”, should be taken into account in the assessment.

In addition, an important advantage of the toy is its connection with the cultural traditions of its people. The "traditionality" of toys has not only ethnographic or historical and cultural significance, but is also an indispensable means of educating and developing children. The domestic tradition is especially rich in this respect (Dymkovo, Gzhel, Sergiev Posad wooden toy). And, of course, it is important to evaluate technical qualities toys. Strength and safety come to the fore here.

These are the most common requirements that must be considered when choosing a toy for a child. This year, on the pages of our magazine, we will talk in detail about various types toys suitable for children different ages. Inserts, pyramids, cubes, cars, dolls and other types of children's entertainment will be the subject of special consideration. We will try to show their capabilities, help to distinguish good and not very good samples of each type of toy products, and tell you how you can develop your baby's abilities with their help.

Summing up

So, based on what has been said, it follows that the first and necessary requirement for a toy is the potential opportunity to become the subject of a corresponding action (activity) of the child. Choosing fun, on the one hand, you need to focus on age (and, therefore, the main type of activity), and on the other hand, strive to ensure that all types of toys that contribute to the development of various spheres of life are at your disposal. The possibility (or impossibility) of a child's active action depends on many qualities, for example, on the size of the toy. Huge soft "animals" (dogs, hippos, elephants), which are difficult to pick up, are not the subject of children's actions. The same Stuffed Toys, but smaller sizes may well be used in a children's game. Technical qualities are also of great importance. If the rings of the pyramid are put on the rod with great difficulty, the parts of the matryoshka are creakingly connected to each other, and the wheels of the machine do not scroll well, the child cannot perform the appropriate actions with these toys, although these types themselves are of undoubted developmental value. Sometimes it seems to adults that the more different properties and qualities a toy contains, the better. So, it would seem that a plastic elephant on wheels, which is both a train and a telephone, opens up a variety of opportunities for children's activities. But such a "variety" disorients the child: he does not know what to do - whether to carry, talk on the phone or feed? Moreover, the full implementation of all these actions is very limited - it is impossible to transport anything on such a toy (you won’t put anything and you won’t plant anyone), the handset falls all the time, and the elephant is not fully an elephant, because it is a phone on wheels. In this regard, it would be much more useful to “separate” all the functions and offer the child three different and understandable in their purpose and in the way the object works.

So, the actions of a child with a toy should be meaningful, variable, independent and included in communication. All these are psychological and pedagogical requirements for a toy that must be used when choosing it. However, a toy is not only an object of children's activity, but also an object of culture that has absorbed a certain socio-cultural content and passes it on to children. Features of a toy as an object of culture have both an independent value and a certain educational value. These features also need to be taken into account when carrying out the examination. The sociocultural features of the toy include, first of all, the ethical aspect, which is most closely related to its educational function. The toy should, as far as possible, evoke humane feelings and stimulate pro-social action. It should maintain a careful attitude to the living, emphasize the human, anthropomorphic principle in animals, plants and, of course, in man in all his forms. The presence in the toy of qualities that stimulate antisocial actions and feelings is unacceptable: violence, cruelty, aggressiveness towards all living things. Violation of the ethical requirements for a toy, even with its good developmental effect, should be the basis for its negative assessment.

Requirements to consider when choosing a particular toy

1. Psychological and pedagogical: the toy acts as an object of the child's activity and is considered from the standpoint of a possible developmental effect.

2. Socio-cultural: the toy is considered from the point of view of its objective properties that are most important for education.

3. Technical: strength, workmanship, health safety - the first and absolutely necessary requirements. In their absence, i.e. if any danger to the child's health is identified, it is not advisable to conduct a further psychological and pedagogical assessment. Toys that promote social-emotional development: different kinds animals (bears, bunnies, dogs, etc.); dolls with all kinds of doll utensils; sets for playing doctor, hairdresser, shop; costume details and attributes that help to accept and retain a playing role (doctor's coat and cap, steering wheel for a car, police cap, little red cap); transport Ingush (truck, train, car).

Toys that promote intellectual, cognitive and motor abilities: all kinds of cubes, designers, puzzles, mosaics, lotto, dominoes, etc. Toys that promote the development of physical qualities: balls, hoops, jump ropes, skittles.

Purchasing a low-quality toy threatens your child with:

Poisoning with toxic substances. Cases have been recorded when peas and beans pickled with toxic substances were used as a filler in rattles.

Allergy relapses. Poor quality products may large quantities contain various chemicals, including formaldehyde - the direct culprit of allergies.

Traumatic injuries. Poorly fastened small parts can get into the baby's airways. In electric toys, you may well encounter an excess of electrical voltage.

Fire hazard.

Last but not least, don't forget to wash thoroughly. new toy before giving it to a child. This elementary rule Taking precautions will help keep your baby healthy.


1. Abramenkova V. Caution: anti-toy! Parents about games and toys "// Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 4. - P. 98-108.

2. Abramenkova V., Tyutyunenko N. Children's toys: harmful and useful // website "Adalin",

3. Smirnova O. How to assess their quality / / Preschool education. -2005. - No. 4. - P. 68-73.

4. Smirnova O. How to choose toys//Mom and baby.-2005.-№3.

Hello, dear friends and comrades! Tatyana Sukhikh is glad to welcome everyone who came to visit me on the page of the pedagogical blog. My old friends who are interested in pedagogy know, and I want to tell new readers that I, as an educator, have to do some work with moms and dads on various issues. For example, in the near future I have planned a consultation for the parents of a toy. We'll talk about this.

I plan consultations for the whole academic year, so I decide in advance on the topics and select the material for the conversation. Of course, I look for information in my favorite online store "UchMag".

We have the following tutorials on our topic:

  • “Interaction with the child's family. Planning interaction with the families of pupils for the year. Senior group from 5 to 6 years: parent meetings, consultations, memos for parents, family holidays. Set of 16 double-sided cards";
  • “Interaction with the child's family. Planning interaction with the families of pupils for the year. preparatory group(from 6 to 8 years old): parent meetings, consultations, reminders for parents, family holidays.

It would seem, what problems can arise because of children's toys? But no, inquisitive and thoughtful moms and dads understand that this is a very serious question that needs clarification.

The most common questions parents ask about toys

So, what parents of my pupils ask me:

  • Why does the baby quickly lose interest in fun?
  • How to teach to clean up your toys?
  • Do I need to make do-it-yourself doll cars for the baby?
  • What to do if a preschooler constantly requires new expensive fun?

Of course, there are many more questions on this topic, but these are the main ones. We all know, literate, that the game is the main and most important occupation of the baby before school. With its help, he comprehensively develops and learns the world. But it is not enough to give a child a doll in his hands and hope that he will be able to come up with interesting educational games on his own. But this is my sore subject, I digress a little ...

So, I will answer the questions in order. I want to note about the first problem that it is quite natural for children to lose interest in something, even after 5 minutes. The kid is disappointed in the toy, he is used to the fact that everyone buys him on demand and therefore does not know how to truly rejoice and appreciate the doll car, does not know what interesting games to come up with with a new toy.

We, adults, can also experience disappointment and loss of interest, but we know how to hide it from ourselves and others. For children, on the contrary, it is unnatural to hide feelings. So it turns out: they bought an expensive or not very teddy bear, the little one squeezed it for exactly 10 minutes and forgot about it. We are perplexed, offended by the child, appeal to his feeling of gratitude ...

But a fact is a fact: not interesting. The advice is this: do not foresee the desire of the baby and at his first desire to buy fun. Let him really want to and ask him to tell what he will do with her, how to play. It is essential that preschoolers with early age the ability to listen to one's true desires was formed: are new cars (dolls) really needed or can one do without?

How to teach a child to put away toys?

The second question is burning for most of us. But everything is simple: initially, as soon as toys appear in a child’s life, a habit should immediately appear after the game to put them in separate boxes by type: figures from kinders - one box, cubes - another large one, designer - another container. Soft comrades can be planted on a shelf, etc.

If you haven’t taught it from a young age, you can correct the situation: together with your child, we go and choose containers, boxes, baskets for each type of toy in the store. And then in the evening we establish once and for all an inexorable rule - played, removed. You can help the baby, of course, but do not get carried away and praise after cleaning necessarily.

Believe me, children need rules, they need them! This makes their life calm, protected, orderly. But if the mother herself is a slob, is it worth hoping that the child will be neat?

The topic is vast and worthy of a separate article. I find it strange when educated people ask me about this. After all, it’s not from our poverty that I propose to start making fun out of rags, cardboard, matchboxes and so on. Such a joint activity is extremely enriching for both the child and the parents.

In addition, motor skills, dexterity, the ability to work with different materials, creativity, after all. By the way, if there is no time at all to craft, you can buy such blanks: a kit for creating a toy box made of paper “Chicken”. Also, children's fingers will be perfectly stretched if you buy a set for creativity "Sea Sand for Modeling".

I remember the son of my friend asked me to buy a toy character from the computer game "Worms", or something. This, of course, was not on sale, but my mother sewed a worm out of an old sock. What do you think: this toy was the boy's favorite for at least six months! And the family is not poor, my mother would buy ready to worm, if found. After all, the very first toy on earth is folk, home-made. Do not disdain the legacy of millennia...

What to do if the child constantly requires new toys?

Here, blame yourself, dear moms and dads: oversaturation is fraught with the fact that the desire will increase, but at the same time, the pleasure from what you receive will proportionally decrease. If the situation cannot be resolved by persuasion, if the baby is hysterical when he hears a refusal to buy a new doll, you will have to ask for help from a child psychologist.

Svetlana Rakova
Consultation for parents "Developing toys with their own hands"

Educational toys and allowances can be made do it yourself from waste material. Yes, yes, from the same material that we throw into the trash every day.

For toys will come in handy and corks, and capsules from kinder surprises, and plastic bottles, and disks and much more.

Toys can be used as a trainer development fine motor skills of the hand, tactile perception, touch development, thinking.

You can make a dry pool. The filler can be corks or capsules from kinder surprises. In the pool you can touch hands objects. This exercise can be used as a relaxation. You can throw a small one to the bottom toy and look for it with your fingers.

Also, corks can be used to collect them and put them in buckets. In this case, corks and buckets must match in color.

You can make a hole or several holes in a plastic bucket with a lid and throw corks into it.

You can make holes in the corks and string them on a cord.

You can take a cell from under the eggs and paint it in 2 colors. From capsules from kinder surprises, make testicles and arrange them by color into cells.

In fact, games can be invented a large number of. If only there was a desire to occupy the child, to spend time for the benefit of him development.

Some Tips:

If the allowance and bring in the toy for the first time, it is necessary to interest the child.

It is necessary to play for a short time so that the child does not get tired and does not lose interest in toy and aid.

Praise your child for a job well done.

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