What to take with you to the hospital. What you need to take with you to the hospital - a bag to the hospital - what you need in the hospital

Hour "X" comes unexpectedly. Suddenly you realize that weak pain sensations have become periodic, and it's time to go to the hospital. The delivery bag must be ready in advance. So that you can get into the car as quickly as possible, do not waste time looking for personal items, linen, clothes for you and the baby. What to take with you to the hospital? What items and things will be needed?

The list of things in the maternity hospital includes essentials for mom and baby. At the same time, you need to take only what is very necessary, and without which you cannot do without. Folding the bag in a “just in case” manner guarantees you several suitcases of personal items. Therefore, for the collection we recommend using the main principle: only what is needed. What things are necessary in the maternity hospital?

The list of necessary things should be divided into three bags (packages):

  • Things for mom before and during childbirth.
  • Things for mom after childbirth.
  • Things for the baby.

Some clothes, underwear, dishes will be necessary for the mother both before and after the delivery room. But it's still better to put two separate packages for yourself. Upon admission to the maternity hospital - unpack only the first one (things and personal hygiene items "before childbirth"), and in the postpartum department - unpack the second ("after childbirth" package). In addition, if you are planning a family birth, then a separate package will be for the husband.

Things in the maternity hospital for mom

Let's bring full list what you need in the hospital. This list for mom can also be divided into 3 parts: documents and money, clothes and care items, things necessary after childbirth.

Documents and money

This includes examination data (tests and ultrasound), a pregnant woman's exchange card, a civil passport, medical insurance, and a contract for childbirth (if one has been concluded).

As for money, you need to take both cash and a plastic card with you. It is not worth taking a large amount of cash. Let the main amount lie on the card, it can be withdrawn as needed (most maternity hospitals have ATMs for issuing money).

If family births are planned, then in addition to your passport and tests, you must take your husband's passport and tests, as well as his clothes (boot covers, bathrobe, personal items).

Clothing and personal care items

The first list in the hospital consists of those things that will be needed before childbirth:

  • Slippers, rubber slippers (for the shower).
  • Nightgown, bathrobe (warm or light - according to the season).
  • Cotton and woolen socks.
  • Underwear - briefs and bras.
  • Two towels (large and small - for the shower and for the hands).
  • Facilities personal care: soap, toothbrush and paste, shampoo, comb.
  • A pack of disposable diapers (90x60) - they will be needed for childbirth and examinations.
  • Enema - usually the intestines are cleaned at the beginning of contractions (in the middle of contractions it is more difficult to clean, since the walls of the abdominal cavity are tense during frequent contractions, they do not let water in). Sometimes it becomes necessary to cleanse the intestines a second time.
  • Dry and wet wipes.
  • Crockery (cup, plate, spoon).
  • Garbage and dirty linen bags.

The following items will be needed during fights:

  • Water - up to 2 liters, or a thermos with tea. During contractions, it is better to drink tea from mint and lemon balm (they stimulate the opening of the uterus), after childbirth - nettle tea (increases blood clotting, stops bleeding).
  • From food - fruits and dried fruits, dry cookies (for a snack, if you really want to).
  • Watch - measure the duration of contractions the time between contractions.
  • Tennis ball - they can massage the back and stomach during contractions.

In addition, in some maternity hospitals for contract births, women are allowed to bring a camera or video camera. During normal childbirth, it is usually not allowed to take equipment with you.

What you need after the delivery room

The second list is those things that will be needed after childbirth:

  • Bras are better special models for lactating women. Please note that with the start of feeding, your breast size will increase by 1-3 units. Get busts 1-2 sizes larger than yours in advance.
  • Shirt with front closure (for easy feeding).
  • Disposable underpants - after childbirth they will have to be changed often, there will be no possibility to wash them.
  • Sanitary pads (special after childbirth - with maximum absorbency).

In addition, you may need:

  • Cream for cracked nipples. When the baby begins to actively suck, unusual nipples are injured (cracks form). You can heal them with bepanthen (cream) or ice cubes. It is better to prepare them in advance from herbal decoction and keep them in the refrigerator - just in case (of course, if there is a refrigerator with a freezer in the postpartum ward).
  • postpartum bandage(many women successfully do without it).
  • Suppositories with glycerin in order to easily go to the toilet after childbirth. There may be tears that will need stitches. It is impossible to push with a sewn perineum. To cleanse the intestines, you will need glycerin suppositories (and possibly an enema).
  • Breast pump - may be needed if for some reason you will not be able to feed the baby. It is difficult to decompress the chest with your hands. save milk and breast-feeding a breast pump will help.
  • Thermometer - although most postpartum departments still have thermometers.

Do you want something interesting?

You may also need funds to calm and occupy time:

  • Paper and pen (for notes).
  • Player and headphones.
  • A book - for example, about childbirth, about caring for a baby, about the features of its development. You can read modern pediatricians. The famous doctor Komarovsky has a series of books: “The Beginning of Your Child’s Life”, “A Handbook for Sane Parents”, “Medicines”, “ORZ”, which clearly and simply describe the main mistakes of parents, give clear recommendations on how to deal with a child in order to so that it grows strong, healthy, without the appearance of allergies.

What you need to check out:

  • Baby clothes.
  • Clothes for mom (beautiful, you will be photographed).
  • Cosmetics (also for beautiful photos from the discharge).

In the maternity hospital, the mother spends 4-5 days with the child (if the birth proceeded normally without complications). Therefore, the number of things for a newborn should be counted on for several days.

Baby clothing sets can be divided into three packages:

  • Clothes for the delivery room (this is a vest, a diaper, a bonnet - they will be put on the baby immediately after birth). You will be in the delivery room for up to 2 hours. After that, you will be placed in the postpartum ward.
  • Clothing for staying in the maternity hospital. In most cases, the joint arrangement of mother and child is practiced. Therefore, 2 hours after the birth, you will find yourself with the baby in the same room, where you can change him into other clothes (vest with scratches - closed handles, sliders or bodysuits, if necessary - overalls).
  • Clothes for discharge and street. After a few days in the maternity hospital, your baby will be vaccinated with BCG and discharged home. You can prepare for release nice clothes(a cotton vest, a bonnet, sliders are put on down, a beautiful overalls and a hat are worn outside). To go outside, the newborn is placed in an envelope (if it is summer) or warm overalls (if it is winter outside). Winter overalls can be purchased with the expectation of a year and the first months of walking, tuck the sleeves and legs inward.

What you need in the hospital for a child:

  • Diapers (the smallest New Born series) - a pack. The number of diapers can be roughly defined as 10 pieces per day. You may need a smaller number of them, then you will take the extra home.
  • Diapers for the baby: thin chintz (6-7 pieces) and flannelette (6-7 pieces).
  • Undershirts - 4-5 pieces.
  • Rompers or bodysuits 4-5 pieces (for newborns weighing 3 kg, they buy a bodysuit of size 52).
  • Caps (with strings) thin chintz - 2 pieces and flannelette - 1-2 pieces.
  • Warm socks - 2 pairs.
  • Warm bodysuit - 2 pieces.
  • Flannelette and wool overalls, where the legs are connected together.
  • Mittens on handles (scratches are chintz mittens, they close the handles and prevent the baby from scratching themselves with their nails).
  • Powder.
  • Blanket or warm envelope.
  • Manicure scissors - term babies are born with long nails. They must be carefully cut so that the baby does not scratch himself.
  • Cotton swabs (for cleaning the nose and ears, as well as treating the umbilical wound).
  • Feeding bottle - this may be needed if the baby has colic and needs to dilute him with dill or chamomile water.

Necessary things in the maternity hospital are packed in separate clean bags. In the reception of the maternity hospital, it is not allowed to bring things in travel bags. On each package, you must make a note - “for mom”, “after childbirth” or “for baby”).

How to choose clothes for a newborn

Not so long ago, the choice of things for a newborn consisted of vests, diapers and bonnets. The babies were swaddled and taken out for a walk in a blanket up to 6 months. Fortunately for children and their parents, these canons were found to be incorrect.

For the last ten years, babies have been dressed in sliders and bodysuits from the first days of life. This gives them freedom of movement, stimulates muscle tension and earlier physical development.

How to choose clothes for a newborn:

  1. Clothing for a newborn baby and a baby-baby should be only from natural fabric. The skin of a newborn is thin, vulnerable, so soft chintz or fine knitwear is chosen. The threads with which the clothes are stitched must also be cotton.
  2. At first, the baby will get used to clothes. Any seals, fasteners, seams will interfere with it. Therefore, undershirts are made without buttons or buttons. They are wrapped and fixed with ties. For the same reason, the seams are placed on the outside (clothing is worn "inside out").
  3. Of the sliders, those with fasteners located on the shoulders are more convenient. However, they are more difficult to put on, it is necessary to turn the child several times from the back to the stomach. Sliders to the waist should have a wide knitted elastic band (so as not to put pressure on the umbilical wound).
  4. The new fabric is washed before sewing diapers. This makes it softer.

If the baby was born in the summer, you will need a minimum of clothes - bodysuits, undershirts, thin caps, light sweaters, overalls. If the birth took place in winter, clothing for the street is necessary. The very next day after discharge, street walks with the child are planned.

What you need for winter festivities:

  • Warm overalls - depending on the temperature, it can be downy, sintapon. For lower temperatures (-10ºC and below), down is chosen. For walks around 0ºC, you can wear a sintapon. In overalls, the arms and legs should be covered. The newborn often pulls them out of the sleeves and legs, turning the overalls into a warm envelope.
  • Warm hat - worn over a thin and flannelette cap. It should also be tied.
  • Warm woolen socks - put on sliders under overalls and additionally warm the baby's legs. Small children often fall asleep while walking. Therefore, street festivities turn into a street dream.

Bag to the hospital: when to cook

Theoretically, labor pains occur in the period of 38-42 weeks. However, their earlier manifestation is possible. Therefore, in the antenatal clinic, it is recommended to fold the purse for the maternity hospital in advance - at least at 36 weeks. By this time, your belly will begin to drop, so the delivery bag should be ready.

A list of what you need at the maternity hospital can be obtained from the admissions department of the maternity hospital. According to the accepted rules, the territory of the maternity ward must be sterile, which means that all things must undergo heat treatment. Therefore, in the waiting room of the maternity hospital, they are allowed to take a limited set of things with them.

But every maternity hospital has its own rules. Therefore, coordinate the pre-planned list with the requirements of your maternity ward.

The list in the maternity hospital for mom and baby in different departments may vary. In some maternity hospitals, they manage with a minimum of supplies, in others they meet the needs of the young mother, trying to facilitate her childbirth and postpartum recovery.

What if something is forgotten?

If you forgot something, it doesn't matter. Each maternity hospital has a pharmacy where you can buy diapers, disposable diapers, a baby bottle, powder or an enema. There are also shops for children's clothing (daily and for discharge).

However, it is impossible to put on newly purchased vests or bodysuits on the baby. All new things must be washed, ironed, and only after that - put to the child's clothes.

In anticipation of childbirth, expectant mothers think about what things will be useful in the hospital for them and the baby. A detailed list of everything you need can be clarified at the hospital where you plan to give birth. But there are also general recommendations by fees.

There are no specific deadlines when exactly you need to collect things for the hospital.

At this time, you can start looking after both the crib and the stroller, as well as a minimum of clothes for the child. You can start preparing an apartment, disassemble and throw away unnecessary things, think about where the crib and stroller will be. In advance, you should think about blackout curtains on windows or blinds.

What bag to put things in

In the maternity ward, it is better to clarify in advance whether it is possible to bring things in bags. Since most of these institutions recommend using packages. If it is not possible to clarify this information, you need to prepare capacious packages. To avoid misunderstandings in the reception area.

Bag #1. For the maternity ward

The list of documents required upon admission to the hospital:

Also needed:

  • Rubber, washable shoes.
  • Napkins for intimate hygiene, disposable handkerchiefs.
  • Sterile diapers 90x90 (1pack);
  • Soft toilet paper.
  • Bottle of non-carbonated drinking or mineral water.
  • Anti-varicose stockings.
  • Phone with charger.

You will also need towels (you will need 2 pieces), shower gel, shampoo, a set for brushing your teeth, a comb. You need to bring 2 plates, a spoon and a fork, a cup.

Home clothes and antenatal sleepwear are also needed if you have to go to bed early. But in most cases, you will have to change clothes in the delivery room. The shirt will be issued by the medical staff. You can take a snack with you - cookies, apples, bananas.

If the expectant mother wears glasses or contact lenses, they and all the necessary accessories should also not be forgotten.

Bag number 2. What you need after childbirth

The list of everything that is required after delivery can be divided into parts. Things for mom and what the baby needs. It is better to take them with you, unless you have to go to the hospital in advance.

Childbirth can be swift, and loved ones will not have time to bring everything they need. In some maternity hospitals, there are problems with baby diapers, and sterile gauze is used instead of postpartum pads.

The table shows a list of what the baby needs:

Mandatory required May be required (family will inform)
Baby liquid soap - 1 bottle Mix - 1 box
Diapers (the smallest size for newborns) - 1 pack Bottle with nipple - 2 pieces
Diaper cream - 1 tube Dummy - 2 pieces
Powder (alternative to cream) - 1 bottle Rompers - 3-4 pieces
Wet wipes - 1 large pack Undershirts - 3-4 pieces
Disposable diapers 60x60 - 1 pack Cap - 3 pieces

The list of what a woman in labor needs can also be divided into what is needed unambiguously and what may be needed.

What might come in handy:

  • Breast pump.
  • Home clothes (if allowed in the medical facility).
  • Postpartum bandage (after emergency caesarean section).

In the same bag, you can put decorative cosmetics that will come in handy for discharge. It is better if everything is at hand, as the staff of the maternity hospital can rush to discharge and there will be no time to restore beauty.

Should I take a breast pump with me?

Prenatal and postpartum first aid kit

When you go to the hospital, you can take a first aid kit with you. It is worth taking the drugs that mom will need in it.

It can be:

  • Aspirin or Paracetamol, in a situation where, due to a rush of milk, the temperature rises and the general condition of the woman worsens.
  • Levomikol - ointment for the treatment of perineal sutures or after cesarean section. This will speed up healing and prevent possible suppuration.
  • Drops like "Vizin" may come in handy to relieve redness of the eyes after attempts.
  • Packing of Noshpa or Drotoverin.
  • Candles with glycerin for constipation. After childbirth or caesarean section, there may be difficulties with the stool.
  • If a woman suffers from hemorrhoids, it is better to take with you to the hospital special creams or ointments. Since the disease may worsen after childbirth.
  • A package of antibacterial patches, a sterile bandage can be useful in the postpartum ward.
  • Medicines that are taken by a woman constantly should be taken first.
  • It is better to take drugs against colic in a child

Bag number 3. What things to take for discharge to a newborn baby

The list of things in the hospital for mom and baby will vary slightly depending on the season.

These changes will affect, first of all, the "dowry" for the child.

Extract in summer

You will need:

Extract in winter

For winter, the discharge kit should consist of:

Extract in autumn

If the baby is born in September:

  • Thick fleece lining.
  • Warm woolen blanket (as an alternative to an envelope).
  • Lightweight blouse, on top of which you can put on a tight knitted suit with long sleeves.
  • Thin cotton shirt, blouse and sliders made of dense natural material(can replace the option from the paragraph above).
  • Thick knitted hat.
  • Thin cotton and more dense knitted caps are an alternative to a hat.
  • Cotton socks and tight cotton booties, if September is cold, then wool.
  • Anti-scratch mittens made of dense natural material.
  • beautiful ribbon bandage an envelope or blanket.

For October babies you will need:

In November, things from the winter list will do.

Extract in the spring

For March kids, you can assemble the following kit:

  • A warm envelope on a synthetic winterizer or a woolen blanket or plaid.
  • A cotton shirt and a tight flannel suit.
  • Lightweight jumpsuit with fleece.
  • Thick cotton socks.
  • Wool booties.
  • Dense "anti-scratches".
  • Thin cotton or linen cap, thick fleece or wool cap.

If the child was born in April, you will need:

For a May statement, a summer list of things is suitable. You need to be guided by the weather.

Although the maternity hospital has a supply of “diapers” and wet wipes, it is better for relatives to grab a pair of diapers and a mini-package of wipes in case of unexpected circumstances. After all, mom will already pack things, and urgently needed hygiene items may end up at the bottom of bulky packages.

Things for a newborn baby to be discharged from the hospital:

Bag number 4. What to take for mom to discharge

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby cannot do without clothes for a woman to be discharged. Spouses need to discuss in advance what to take for their wife for discharge. It should be something that she likes and fits well.

Summer release:

Extract in winter:

  • Comfortable outerwear for the season.
  • Comfortable winter shoes.
  • Option 1 - jeans and a cozy jumper.
  • Option 2 - tights, tight dress.
  • Option 3 - leggings and a warm sweater.
  • Jewelry on request.

Extract in autumn:

  • Outerwear if necessary, in September a warm cardigan will do.
  • Shoes for the season.
  • Option 1 - jeans and a sweatshirt.
  • Option 2 - leggings and an elongated light sweater or tight tunic.
  • Option 3 - Tights and a loose dress.
  • Accessories on request.

Extract in the spring:

  • Outerwear, taking into account the weather.
  • Beautiful and comfortable shoes.
  • Option - 1 jeans and a T-shirt and a light cardigan.
  • Option 2 - Pants shirt or blouse.
  • Option 3 - Leggings and a tunic dress.
  • Jewelry and accessories optional.

It is better to give cosmetics and a hair dryer with things that will be required after childbirth.

What to take for dad

Partnerships are not that uncommon these days. Each medical institution has its own list of what a future father or another person who wants to take part in childbirth will need.

In preparation for a joint birth, a man needs to undergo a medical examination - to take an x-ray of the lungs, to pass tests. Most likely, it will be - AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis. You will also need a smear for staphylococcus aureus, and the conclusion of a therapist about the general state of health.

Your partner must have:

  • Passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, conclusion of the therapist and data laboratory research.
  • Disposable set of shoe covers, cap and bathrobe.
  • If allowed, just a change of comfortable clothing.
  • Light snack, water.

A camera or a camera should be taken only upon agreement with your spouse. Childbirth is not an easy process, and she may not want to be filmed.

Planned caesarean section: what you need to take for childbirth

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby with a cesarean section is not much different from the usual.

It includes:

The rest of the list will not be much different from the usual. It will also include:

After a caesarean section, there are dietary restrictions. On the first day, you can only drink water without gas. Can be liquid and soft food. This should be taken into account by relatives when collecting food parcels for a woman in labor.

Optional, but sometimes extremely necessary things for a woman in labor

In the hospital, the following little things can come in handy:

What not to bring to the hospital

The list of things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby is limited. They depend on the particular hospital. Somewhere laptops, tablets, electric kettles are strictly prohibited, as their recharging increases the load on the power grid.

Usually in the maternity hospital there is a cooler with drinking hot and cold water, Microwave oven. Somewhere you can’t bring your own clothes (robes, nightgowns, pajamas), women in labor are given hospital “nightgowns” and gowns.

  • Even if it is forbidden to bring your own clothes to the hospital, this does not apply to underwear. It should be made of natural fabrics, comfortable model.
  • If you can bring your own bathrobes, pajamas, then they should also be made of light natural fabrics, easy to take off and put on.
  • Flowers with a pungent odor are prohibited. It is better if the presented bouquet is of gerberas, wild flowers or roses, odorless, small in size.
  • You can not transfer to the hospital products that cause allergies or increased gas formation in the baby.

A generalized list of things prohibited in the maternity hospital:

  • Synthetic underwear and clothing.
  • Flowers with a strong scent big amount pollen.
  • Cream confectionery.
  • Chocolate.
  • Coffee.
  • Strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes.
  • Smoked, spicy, salty.
  • Dishes from white cabbage cause increased gas formation and a newborn.
  • Chicken eggs and meat.
  • Milk, fat sour cream (it is better to replace with fermented milk products - bifilife, kefir).
  • Carbonated water, sweet lemonades.
  • Cigarettes, alcoholic drinks.

When discharged from the hospital, it is important not to forget to take everything Required documents:

  • Card (exchange) of a woman in labor from all over necessary information about how the birth went.
  • A special card of the child with completely filled data about him.
  • A birth certificate is submitted to the registry office.

Preparing for a trip to the hospital, mother should make a list of everything necessary for herself and the baby in advance, sign the collected bags, inform relatives where they will stand.

It is better to warn the husband in advance about what things to take for discharge so that he does not confuse anything.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: a list of things in the hospital for mom and baby

List of necessary things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby:

Since childbirth can begin before the expected date, the bag to the hospital is collected in advance. It is recommended to prepare and pack things for the maternity hospital by the 35th week of pregnancy. As a rule, the list of things in the maternity hospital is quite large, and for convenience it will need to be divided into three parts - for the maternity unit, for the postpartum ward, for discharge. With the first and second bags, the expectant mother will go to the hospital, the third will be brought by relatives on the day of discharge.

It is clear that it is unrealistic to put all the things for the maternity hospital, since some may still be needed in everyday life. Therefore, a note should be attached to each bag, which indicates what item should be added here when “hour X” arrives.

It is important to note that in almost all maternity hospitals they are not allowed to bring things in fabric or leather bags. This is due to the fact that they are a source of infections, which is dangerous for immunocompromised newborns. Therefore, things are packed exclusively in plastic bags or bags.

So, below we offer a list of necessary things in the hospital for mom and baby.

The first bag to the hospital - a list of things for childbirth

  • passport;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
  • contract (if childbirth is paid);
  • exchange card (issued at the antenatal clinic at 22-23 weeks of pregnancy);
  • birth certificate (issued at the antenatal clinic at multiple pregnancy at 28 weeks, with a singleton - at 30);
  • referral to the maternity hospital (issued at the antenatal clinic during planned hospitalization);
  • passport and fluorography of the husband or other accompanying person (if joint birth);
  • compression stockings from varicose veins (if indicated);
  • mobile phone;
  • disposable postpartum kit (large pad, mesh panties).

The second bag to the hospital - a list of things for mom and baby

  • robe;
  • nightdress, T-shirt with straps;
  • washable rubber slippers;
  • shorts, socks (3-4 pieces);
  • small towel (2 pcs, one for mom, another for baby);
  • postpartum bandage(it will help to quickly bring the sagging stomach back to normal, remove the extra load from the spine, restore the tone of the abdominal muscles);
  • packaging of disposable diapers for mom during heavy discharge;
  • several packs sanitary pads maxi, as they will need to be changed regularly;
  • bra for feeding without wires with wide straps (2 pcs);
  • special absorbent inserts for a bra (needed during a rush of milk);
  • shampoo (there is no need to take a whole jar, just pour a little into a small container with a lid);
  • mug, spoon;
  • toothbrush and paste;
  • odorless solid antiperspirant;
  • hair tie (in some maternity hospitals it is forbidden to walk with loose hair);
  • comb.
  • book or magazine;
  • a pen (needed when filling out questionnaires and signing documents);
  • mobile phone charger;
  • bottle of non-carbonated water 2 l;
  • soft toilet paper;
  • disposable toilet pads;
  • glycerin suppositories to relieve stools;
  • snack (muesli bar, biscuit cookies, bagels, green apple);
  • breast pump (may be needed if too much milk arrives);
  • cream for cracked nipples;
  • a pack of diapers for newborns;
  • cream or powder under the diaper;
  • wet wipes for a newborn;
  • liquid baby soap for newborns;
  • pacifier;
  • bodysuit (2 pcs), cap, anti-scratches, socks.

The third bag to the hospital - things to be discharged

  • Clothes for a newborn for discharge are selected taking into account the time of year and the preferences of the parents. In the summer, it can be a cotton overall, a cap, an elegant diaper or a thin blanket. In autumn and spring - cotton overalls, warm socks, fleece overalls, a warm hat, a blanket, a blanket or an envelope. In winter - cotton overalls, warm socks, a hat, winter overalls or an envelope.
  • Clothes for mom. Since the body has not yet returned to its previous size, it is unlikely that the young mother will be able to fit into her pre-pregnancy clothes. Therefore, things for discharge are recommended to prepare those that were worn in the second trimester. It is advisable to choose shoes without heels.
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Pregnancy is coming to its logical conclusion, and the future mother is faced with the question: what to take to the hospital? What items are essential and which ones can you do without? How to sort everything you need so that childbirth and the first days next to your beloved baby pass comfortably and joyfully? So, by the day of childbirth, a pregnant woman should have documents and necessary things with her, which are conditionally divided into “three bags”: one for the birth itself, the other with things that mom will need in postpartum period and the third - with things for a newborn baby. In addition, it is advisable to immediately prepare the fourth bag for discharge. You can immediately take it with you to the hospital or instruct your relatives to bring it on the day of discharge.

When to pack a bag for the hospital?

It is advisable to carry the necessary documents with you constantly from the 32nd week, because pregnancy is an unpredictable time. The “alarm case”, that is, all the necessary things for the maternity hospital, arranged in bags, is best collected by the 36th week of pregnancy, since childbirth can begin at any time.

What bag to take to the hospital?

Sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN) prohibit the use of fabric, leather or wicker bags in the maternity hospital as potential sources of the spread of pathogenic bacteria. All necessary items must be packed in plastic bags or bags. For the woman herself, it is convenient if the bag is transparent - it will be easier to find the right thing.

It is unlikely that the staff of the maternity hospital will approve of a large number packages brought to the pregnant woman maternity ward. The division into 3 or 4 bags is conditional, ideally you should have one bag with you.

You can buy ready-made "bags to the hospital", or you can complete the contents yourself and put them in a plastic bag (s).

What documents are needed in the maternity hospital?

The list of documents for the maternity hospital is standard for all residents of Russia; in 2015 it remains the same as the list for 2014.

Documents required in the maternity hospital:

  • passport;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • an exchange card with the results of tests and ultrasound (otherwise, the woman in labor is sent to the observational department of the maternity hospital as unexamined);
  • birth certificate (if you did not register at the antenatal clinic, it will be issued at the maternity hospital itself);
  • childbirth contract, if you signed one;
  • when partner births– passport, fluorography, tests for the accompanying person.

In addition to documents, the first necessities also include a mobile phone with a charger.

List of things in the hospital: what you need to take for childbirth? (bag 1)

What can I take to the hospital for the birth itself? The list is small. Theoretically, you only need to have washable slippers with you, and everything else should be given out in the rodblok itself. However, each hospital has its own rules, which you should know in advance.

During childbirth, you may also need:

  • loose t-shirt or nightgown, better - not new;
  • clean drinking water (at least 1 liter, some even take 5-liter bottles with them);
  • towel and liquid baby soap;
  • disposable toilet seats;
  • warm, but not woolen socks;
  • a camera or video camera (if you plan to capture the joyful moment of the birth of a child; in this case, your birth partner should have them with you).

What to take to eat at the maternity hospital for the birth itself is usually asked by those who are about to give birth for the first time. During the birth process, women in labor are the last to think about food. But if you still intend to take something edible for yourself, then let it be baked or dried fruits, bread or crackers, boiled eggs, broth.

In the same package, put aside things for the newborn, which will be put on him immediately after childbirth:

  • diaper;
  • vest, blouse or bodysuit;
  • sliders;
  • bonnet.

Maternity hospital list for mom: things you need after childbirth (bag 2)

After giving birth, a young mother will have to live in the maternity hospital for several days, so you should take care of all the necessary things in advance: clothes, household items and personal hygiene items.

So, what to take a pregnant woman to the hospital for the postpartum period:

  • Nightgown and bathrobe (although in many maternity hospitals only those issued are allowed to be used);
  • Pads for postpartum discharge. However, doctors sometimes prohibit the use of pads to control blood loss;
  • Soft toilet paper, paper toilet seats;
  • toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • Towel, comb, mirror;
  • Nail scissors;
  • Soap, shower gel, shampoo, hypoallergenic intimate hygiene product, unscented or low-scented deodorant;
  • Special disposable or cotton underpants (3-5 pieces);
  • Nursing bra (1-2 pieces) and disposable inserts for it;
  • Postpartum bandage (if you plan to wear it);
  • Cream "D-Panthenol" or "Bepanten", which can be useful for cracked nipples or for lubricating the ass of a newborn in places of redness;
  • Glycerin suppositories (many have problems with stool after childbirth);
  • Face cream, hand cream, hygienic lipstick;
  • Vitamins for pregnant and lactating women, other medicines (if you are taking);
  • Drinking water without gas. Otherwise, you will have to drink "local" - boiled water from the tap;
  • Dishes - a mug, a plate and a spoon.
  • Notepad and pen for writing down important information;
  • Magazine or book to read at leisure;
  • Garbage bags (there is usually no trash can in the wards).

Visits are usually allowed in maternity hospitals, during which, if necessary, you will be given the missing items or products. Please note that the list of allowed products in the maternity hospital may vary depending on the institution.

In addition, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions:

What pads to take to the hospital? Better - specially postpartum (postoperative or urological), they have maximum absorbency, and the discharge after childbirth in the first days is abundant. One package to the hospital will be enough. Some women, however, are more familiar and comfortable with the usual "night" pads (in this case, take a couple of packs of soft pads - not a "mesh" that leads to sweating).

What is the best dressing gown to take to the hospital? If the medical institution of your choice does not give out their sterile gowns and nightgowns, choose a cotton gown that will be comfortable for you, first of all, during feeding (unbutton, open). Best Options- with a zipper or with a smell.

What soap to take to the hospital? For yourself and for the baby, you can take one baby liquid soap or solid baby soap in a soap dish. You will use it both for washing your newborn and for washing your hands. If you wish, of course, you can take different soaps for these purposes, but why do you need extra luggage? And one more thing about soap: some doctors recommend that mothers wash themselves with laundry soap after childbirth. It really is an excellent disinfectant that helps tighten wounds (tears, cuts). BUT! Apply laundry soap it should only be in the place of the seams themselves, you don’t need to climb “inside” - this remedy is too alkaline for the mucosa!

List of things for a newborn baby in the hospital (bag 3)

And now we will discuss the most pleasant: what to take to the hospital for the baby? The list for a newborn baby includes hygiene items, diapers and clothes.

List of things in the hospital for a child:

  • Diapers, size 0 or 1 (2-5 kg ​​or 3-6 kg). One pack of 28 is usually sufficient;
  • Baby soap(liquid or solid, in a soap dish);
  • Cotton wool, cotton pads or cotton buds with a limiter to clean the baby's nose and ears, lubricate the umbilical wound;
  • Wet wipes, disposable handkerchiefs;
  • baby cream, diaper cream. Keep in mind that any, even the most "hypoallergenic" cream may not be suitable for a child - take small packages with you;
  • Maternity hospitals usually give out diapers, but if you want to use your own, include this item in the list. It will be enough 2 cotton and 2 flannel, size 60x90 cm. It is convenient, but expensive to use disposable absorbent diapers;
  • Soft towel for baby;
  • Undershirts or, even better, blouses with external seams and turn-down sleeves (open-closed handles). You can replace the bodysuit. The number should correspond to the number of days that you will spend in the hospital (to change the baby's clothes daily). Most likely, 4-5 pieces will suffice;
  • Anti-scratch mittens made of thin cotton, if the blouses leave the tassels of the pens open;
  • Rompers, cotton overalls - 4-5 pieces;
  • Cotton caps 1 size - 2 pieces.

The main question that worries mothers regarding the "equipment" of the baby: what diapers (and it would be correct to say - diapers ) take to the hospital? It is difficult to say which diapers are best for a newborn. It is only clear that in the conditions of modern maternity hospitals, reusable diapers, gauze and diapers are absolutely not an option. Therefore, you need to choose from disposable. Like cream, diapers may not be suitable for a particular child, so you can take a small package of any diaper that is the right size and see if it suits you and your child by trial and error.

First aid kit in the maternity hospital: the list of necessary medicines is of interest to many pregnant women. Remember, you are going to the hospital! All necessary medicines will be given to you if necessary. Another issue is the caesarean section. In this case, you should check the list of medicines at the maternity hospital or perinatal center where it is planned to be carried out.

A lot of controversy is caused by a pacifier and a breast pump. To dispel your doubts on this matter, we recommend that you read our articles and

List of things for discharge from the hospital (bag 4)

Discharge from the hospital is the happiest event, for which, of course, you need to prepare in advance. Most expectant mothers are primarily concerned about clothes for discharge for the baby, and this is understandable: it is important not to overcool or overheat the baby.

Easiest with "summer" newborns . Their standard set of clothing includes a bonnet, blouse (vest or bodysuit) and sliders. Wrap the baby in a light blanket or put on a light overalls if you have to travel in a car.

What should I take to the hospital for a baby in winter? The list of things in the maternity hospital in winter is complemented by a warm hat, envelope or transforming overalls. Blanket and ribbon best idea if you have to carry the baby in the car. According to the rules, even a newborn must be transported in a special infant carrier. The blanket does not provide any slots for belts, as you understand. Under outerwear put on a flannel vest or blouse, sliders and a cap.

What to take a newborn to the hospital in autumn and spring? The off-season is a changeable time, it is easy for a baby to catch a cold. Dress him warmly enough, but do not overdress. During this period, depending on the weather, a demi-season envelope or overalls will do. If the baby was born at the beginning of spring or the end of autumn, you will have to use winter clothes.

Clothes for a new mom should be comfortable. Do not expect to immediately fit into "pre-pregnant" jeans. Few people can pull it off - some are surprised to note that the belly is only slightly smaller than during pregnancy. It is preferable to wear a dress or skirt on the day of discharge. The blouse should be loose, because with the advent of milk, the breasts become very large. Do not forget to put outdoor shoes in the discharge bag - stable, flat or with a small heel.

Photos to remember the day of discharge will remain with you forever, so make sure you have the necessary cosmetics. Concealer indispensable on this day if your skin is not perfect.

You can download the list of things to the maternity hospital (*.doc format document) at the link spisok-rod dom. doc

We hope that our detailed list of necessary things will make your preparations for the hospital easy and joyful. Be sure to find out about the exact rules of a particular maternity hospital - each of them may have its own restrictions.

Easy childbirth!

So the waiting period for the baby is coming to an end, very soon you will be holding him in your arms.

This moment will be one of the happiest in life. But when the contractions begin, before the birth, believe me, it will be difficult to collect everything you need for the hospital.

At these moments, not at all. It is better about a week or two before the expected birth to collect a bag with necessary things to the maternity hospital.

The question arises: What should I take to the hospital? See below for my list of essentials that I collected for myself and the newborn.

When you enter the maternity hospital, the first thing you do is go to the prenatal room. Nothing is normally allowed to be taken into this room, except for a few items listed below (in the blue box). This is especially true if the maternity hospital is state-owned (free).

Therefore, when applying with you, you should only have:

  1. Your passport
  2. exchange card
  3. obligatory medical insurance. policy
  4. if childbirth is paid, then the contract (agreement) for childbirth
  5. washable slippers. Do not take fluffy slippers.

These are the most basic, necessary things for admission to the generic. Usually, nothing else is allowed in a free maternity hospital. In paid maternity hospitals, they allow you to take many additional things, such as: a camera, a video camera, a cell phone (it is better to take it with a charger). But each specific maternity hospital has its own rules of permitted things and it is better to clarify them in advance. Eating before childbirth is not recommended, so do not stock up on food. But after getting into the ward where you will be with the child, you will need more things. After all, you have to live there with a newborn from 3 to 10 days, depending on the situation. List of necessary things for yourself and the newborn in the ward:

What you need to take to the hospital from clothes for yourself:

  • the robe is yours casual wear in the hospital.
  • nightgown or pajamas (a couple of pieces to replace). I really liked wearing a beautiful nightie for nursing mothers in the maternity hospital. She looks like a dress with hidden cuts for feeding a newborn. Very comfortably.
  • socks
  • nursing bras. (preferably a couple).

What you need to take to the hospital - hygiene items:

  • soap with a soap dish, toothpaste and brush, comb, shampoo, small mirror.
  • toilet paper
  • sanitary pads are the largest (maxi, ultra super) or now they sell special ones for women in labor.
  • panties. I used to take regular ones and wash them. Now you can take disposables with you to avoid this.
  • a couple of towels
  • cosmetics (useful on the day of discharge)
  • cream for nipples - then the husband will buy if there is such a need. It is needed to lubricate cracked nipples. For me, it didn't work for me.

What you need to take to the hospital for a newborn:

Nurse girls themselves bring everything necessary for newborns. Diapers, undershirts and bonnets are issued daily in the right amount. Everything is sterile, so you do not need to take things for a newborn with you. But useful:

  • baby soap
  • cotton buds

It is not necessary to take diapers, diapers are given out in sufficient quantities, you will just change more often. A newborn baby without diapers will be even more comfortable :). Things like powder, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide for treating the navel, body cream - everything is available in the maternity hospital, it is not necessary to take it with you. Especially if the maternity hospital is paid, such things are not useful there. The nurses themselves come and process everything the baby needs. And the eyes will be washed and the navel will be treated and smeared with cream if necessary.

What to take to the hospital from things:

  • dishes (cup, spoon, plate)
  • notebook and pen

The food in the maternity hospital is tolerable, you can eat :). To be honest, after giving birth, it’s better to sit on such a diet for a while. It is adapted for them, for newborns (so that there are no rashes). You can bring tea bags and sugar with you. Relatives will bring everything else at your request.

What you need to take to the hospital for discharge:

These things do not need to be taken in advance.
On the day of discharge, relatives will bring:

  • Clothes for mom. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to take things that were worn during pregnancy. Because the stomach does not leave so quickly, and you may not fit into another.

For a newborn, we take things with elements of blue or pink, depending on the gender of the child:

  • Diaper
  • Body or blouse or vest
  • sliders
  • thin cap
  • Booties or socks
  • Diaper (thin + thick). under a warm blanket.
  • Take a camera or video camera (or both) for discharge so that this wonderful moment in your life remains on photographs. This point is especially important!

In the cold season (autumn, spring, winter), you will additionally need to be discharged:

  • Warm hat
  • Winter overalls or an envelope or a warm blanket with a ribbon

On this list of what you need to take to the hospital for yourself and the newborn ends.

P.S. Sweet gifts and flowers for the nurse will also come in handy, which will endure your baby, and the rest of the doctors at will. From the bottom of my heart I wish you an easy delivery and give birth to a strong healthy baby! Happiness to your family and home!
