What crafts to make from handy materials for the holiday - Easter. Crafts for Easter in kindergarten

Every year everyone looks forward to a bright holiday Christ's Resurrection. Such a wonderful event is celebrated in a wonderful and colorful period, when spring comes into legal rights again and all nature wakes up from hibernation, pouring into a wide variety of colors and shades. Symbols such as Easter cakes, as well as krashenka, have become traditional even in those families that are quite far from faith and religion. This is not surprising, because such traditions can touch and touch anyone, even the most callous person, because. it is very gentle, beautiful and spring-like warm and joyful.

Let's all together try to create this incomparable festive atmosphere in our homes. Of course, you can go to the store and choose any decoration you like. However, there is nothing warmer and better than those decorative ornaments that we create ourselves, filling them with care and love. Moreover, this is a wonderful chance to make your home brighter, prepare it for the celebration and be inspired by bright and bright ideas. Involve your kids in the creation of bright Easter souvenirs and crafts, you will see, they will be delighted with such an idea.

Easter crafts for kids

Expecting this bright holiday, in fact, all family members take part in preparatory work. Of course, most of them are assigned to the mother, however, and the kids are happy to participate in the process. They prepare handicrafts and souvenirs for Easter with special enthusiasm, using paper, as well as other improvised materials.

Paper Easter Bunny

One of the most significant attributes of Easter are painted eggs and, of course, pastries. And the first craft that we will offer you to do with your child is an egg holder in the form easter bunny. It is very simple to perform, and it will take no more than 15 minutes in time.

For work, you will need two A4 sheets. In this case, you can choose absolutely any color that you like. All you need to do is study the diagram below and you will have wonderful egg coasters in the form of bunnies.

Children are happy to make such bunnies, and you yourself can make such a coaster to present to your beloved nephew or godchild on a wonderful Easter day.

The smallest

Even if you are not an experienced needlewoman, try to sew fairly simple finger toys for small children. The most suitable material for such work will be felt. Who knows, maybe you will become the founder of a good holiday tradition puppet show in your family.

Easter egg decoration

Decorative paints are the most common crafts made on the eve of the holiday. Ordinary eggs cannot be stored for a long time, but we really want the original decorations to amuse us with their appearance for as long as possible. And here Easter eggs come to the rescue, made from all kinds of improvised materials. They can be painted, decorated with various decorative elements in the form of beads, etc.

Decorative Easter egg decorated with paper

These instructions offer you the decor of an artificial Easter egg using paper “flakes”.

Even a child can make such an original testicle. This will take quite a bit of time, and the materials will always be at hand. The result will impress you, because it is not in vain that they say that everything ingenious is simple.

Prepare an egg-shaped foam base, multi-colored paper (it will be better if you find decoupage paper), glue, pins (important: they do not need to be English), and a 1.5 cm hole punch. If you do not have stock such a hole punch, you can make such circles by cutting them out by hand.

So, to start, do a large number of paper circles and start decorating the foam base with them. Take the first circle and pin it with four pins to the top of the egg. The next circle must be overlapped with the first. Don't obscure the first circle too much, the second part should just cover one of the pins fixing the first circle. Secure the second circle with one pin at the very edge of the circle.

Now let's get to work on the third circle. It must be fastened so that it slightly covers the first two. Fix the pin at the intersection of the second and third circles. You should end up with something like the diagram below.

Continue to fasten the circles around the main part located in the center. All circles should slightly overlap the previous and center details. It turns out that each of the circles is fixed with two pins at the intersections of the parts on the right and left.

After you have completed the first row, go down a little, and in the same way begin to make the next rows. Each of them will slightly cover the previous one, only covering the pins that fasten the previous rows. You can see an example of this work in the photo below. The number of circles with each row to the middle will increase, and then it will decrease.

As for the last row, it does not need to be pinned. Just glue the circles on top of the penultimate row to cover all the pins. Now the original Easter egg is ready.

Unusual coloring of Easter eggs

For such original way coloring, in addition to eggs, you will need food coloring different colors, vinegar and plastic bags (one for each color).

The first step is to boil all the eggs until fully cooked. After they have cooled, tap them on a hard surface to form small cracks all over the surface.

Next, take the dyes and prepare the bags according to the number of colors available. Put the required number of eggs into the bags. For each of them, one tablespoon of dye is enough. Spread the paint evenly over the entire surface of the Easter eggs. You should end up looking like the image.

Leave them in this position for half an hour. After the time has passed, rinse the remains of the dye under running water and sprinkle the eggs with vinegar for a stronger fixation of the color.

Peel them off.

In such an easy way, you can get original eggs for the Easter table.

Easter decorations

Easter baskets

There are many options for making Easter baskets, and we will try to make some of them ourselves.

The first option implies beautiful fabric and ropes. You can choose a plain fabric, or you can choose an intricate pattern, appearance baskets will only get better.

To begin, cut your fabric into long pieces, sew them together into long strips, and work the edges to keep them from fraying. Now take a fairly thick rope, wrap a strip of fabric around it, periodically fixing it with stitches.

Now, from the processed rope, you need to build such a structure, which is illustrated in the image.

Wrap the rope of fabric and fix it with threads so that you get a fairly strong base. To give the craft the shape of a basket, start slightly lifting the coils of the rope, continuing to fix it with threads that match the fabric. When the basket is ready, make a handle from the same rope and sew it on. Now your Easter basket is completely ready.

The second option is a fairly common technique, which is most often used to create decorative balls from threads. Using it, you will get a very beautiful basket in which you can place small Easter souvenirs for little children.

Everything is simple here. You will need balloon, knitting thread, glue, any fat cream and decorative elements for decoration.

Inflate the balloon to an egg shape and grease it well with cream so that in the future it will better separate from the threads.

Dip the threads into the glue and after they are well saturated, start wrapping them around the ball. Consider the layer of threads should be made thick enough, while the ball should practically not be translucent. When the work is done, leave it for a day until completely dry.

When the design is completely dry, pierce the ball with a needle and cut off the tail, let the ball itself remain inside for now.

Use a ribbon for decor: you can glue it along the cut, or around the circumference of the basket. Act at your own discretion. Fill the finished basket with sweets, colored eggs, bunnies, etc.

Easter wreath on the door

To make Easter wreaths, use a variety of improvised materials. Plant branches, wire, colored paper and much more.

Traditionally, for such crafts, the following colors are chosen:

    red, symbolizing the resurrection of Christ;

    green is a symbol of new life and hope;

    blue - traditionally symbolizes faith;

    white, silver or gold - a sign of spirituality and purity.

Wreaths woven from natural rods will look most organically. The main thing is to pick up thin willow or birch twigs, it will be easiest for you to work with them.

First, soak all the branches in boiling water for a short time, so they will become more flexible and soft, and it will be easier for you to collect them in a circle. Weave all the branches together, gradually collecting them into a circle. Fix the finished base with a thread or decorative cord(string), and the wreath is ready.

You can decorate a wreath with anything you like: attach decorative colored eggs, flowers, follow beautiful bow from bright ribbons. On the lower part of the door wreath, you can plant a bunny, a nest with chicks, etc.

like this in a simple way we managed to create original decoration for our home, which will give good mood and the feeling of a bright Easter.

DIY Easter tree

The Easter tree is a kind of alternative to the Christmas tree, the decoration of which is taken quite seriously in many countries. And on this moment trees decorated with all kinds of Easter elements are gaining more and more popularity. Colorfully decorated trees are an excellent interior decoration on this bright holiday.

If you don't have a lot of time or a special desire to create intricate decorative items, decorate your Easter tree. It doesn't have to be as big and pompous as Christmas tree, it is enough to perform a small composition of twigs. Put in a little effort, and your masterpiece will fill the whole house with the appropriate atmosphere. In addition, your baby will also be very happy, especially if you invite him to participate in the process.

To make such a tree, you will need a vase or a small bucket, a large branch with many branches or a composition of small branches, earth (bricks, stones with mortar). The entire set of materials will depend solely on the desired size of the composition. Let's take a fairly large Easter tree as an example. By the same principle, replacing items with more suitable ones, you can make a smaller tree.

Place stones in the bottom of the bucket, place a tree on top and fill everything with mortar. When it dries, decorate the inside of the bucket with greenery, soil, moss, or other elements (can be artificial).

Next, paint the tree in White color and decorate it with decorative flowers. Choose your own technique. Additionally, hang artificial Easter eggs on the branches and your tree is ready. It is very important not to overdo it with tree decorations, because it should please your eye.

If you want to make a small arrangement, use a small vase in which you need to place a small arrangement of twigs. Use satin ribbons, feathers, flowers and dyes as decorations. Such a tree will look good on the windowsill, dining table or on coffee table in the living room.

Easter composition

Flowers and greenery must be present in the festive interior on the eve of Easter. So let's try to decorate your home by making bright and beautiful flower arrangements with your own hands.

To create such a masterpiece, prepare a beautiful dish (bowl), a floral sponge, as well as wire, glue, adhesive tape, scissors and all kinds of elements of floral decor. IN this master class there is a small plant with small leaves (it can be hedera, piperomia, etc.), decorative twigs, flowers, lettuce, marble chips, gerbera, as well as eggs, without which any Easter table cannot do (in this case quail).

First you need to cut the sponge, giving it the shape of the bottom of the bowl. Soak it in water, but do it evenly. Do not drown the sponge, let it absorb the required amount of moisture on its own.

Make some kind of lettuce leaves and attach them to long pieces of wire. Reinforce the base of the "bags" with duct tape and extend it to one end of the wire. To make the ribbon invisible, decorate it by wrapping it with greenery or other similar materials. There should be about 10 such branches. Now you need to glue a quail egg into each branch, using glue for this work.

Decorate the composition by sprinkling a sponge with marble chips. Form a general view, gradually inserting all kinds of plants, flowers. Finish the composition by inserting bags with testicles between the branches. If the wire is too long, you can cut off the excess.

Using all kinds of plants and flowers, you can get absolutely any composition that will harmoniously fit into your interior. Experiment by creating fine jewelry for the bright holiday of Easter.

Good afternoon. Today we continue to prepare for Easter, and we will make something new and unusual. Of course, rabbits, chickens, various coasters and baskets, pendants and Easter trees will go as a basis. After all, this is something that is constantly in demand.

This collection is most of all I want to dedicate to the guys different ages because they like to do everything themselves. Well, teachers, be on guard, because no one has canceled competitions in schools and kindergartens.

For you, my readers, I have selected (thanks to the Internet) a bunch of different and interesting, new and holiday options so that you can take a prize at the competition, decorate your ordinary interior at home, and also please your loved ones with an extraordinary gift. And remember, the work is all made from improvised materials !!

We will start with a very interesting selection of souvenirs intended for children. school age. Indeed, it is in educational institutions that various contests are most often arranged, where both children and parents take part.

I wanted to find for you something truly new and colorful, well, and that everything was done easily and from improvised means. I hope I managed to do it.

And the first job is a yellow hen with chicks. Make the chicken itself out of paper with a cone, cutting the feathers into strips. And chicks can be molded from plasticine, while testicles can be made from kinder surprise, covering them with sparkles.

And here is a beautiful appliqué basket, plus felt decorations.

Here is a variant of an excellent Easter wreath, it is made simply from thick threads and real ones, and is also complemented by various decorations.

The next pendant or wreath decoration is made using the quilling technique, which we already know. It turns out very nice.

Look at that cute bunny! Such simple craft from paper, but it turns out a good stand for dyes. The work, by the way, is taken from the Country of Masters.

You can also make different Easter voluminous postcards, for example for junior schoolchildren this is a very exciting thing.

And look what tenderness can be made from cotton buds, disks and corrugated paper!! Just beautiful!!

Fluffy chicken and napkin chickens, how do you like this idea ?! A birch frame is very much in the theme, it looks natural. Flowers and grass can be made from woolen threads.

Here's another great bunny-shaped egg stand. The work is done in the origami technique, the diagram is attached below.

Interesting idea with willows. The craft itself can be molded from plasticine or from salt dough. It turns out a kind of Easter tree.

What bright cockerels!! Where without them on this bright holiday !! You can take a paper sleeve as a basis, and then glue and decorate with paper and cardboard.

In fact, the most popular crafts for Easter, as you already understood, are egg stands. Therefore, I want to show you how easy and simple it is to make a “Chicken” stand from salt dough, because this is an excellent material for children's creativity.

We will need: salt dough, knife, stacks, garlic press, vegetable peeler, nail file, toothpick, black peppercorns, brushes, paints, colorless quick-drying varnish.

Work process:

Now I suggest you watch a detailed video on this topic. The author presents a real master class. Look and shake your head)) And the technique of work is the artichoke.

And a couple more pictures on this topic.

  • yellow chicks

  • Easter

  • Delicate coaster

  • Gift in the form of a picture

  • Easter Topiary

  • Flowers for a basket

  • silk eggs

  • very bright chicken

DIY Easter crafts from plastic bottles

If you have a large stock plastic bottles then you have come to the right place. We will learn how to make souvenirs from them.

  • plastic basket

You will need: plastic bottles, iron, paper, glue, awl.

Work process:

1. Cut the bottom of the bottle to a height of 7 cm. Cover them with white paper and iron them so that the cuts are not sharp. Cut strips for the handle from the flat part of the bottle.

2. Using a hot awl, glue the handles.

3. Using braid and fabric, decorate the product by gluing everything with glue.

This is how the crafts look at the end of the work.

What else can be made from plastic bottles, you ask?! Yes, everything your heart desires: churches, animals, and any decor.

  • Church

  • Testicle stand

  • rabbits

  • Spring leaf decoration

The most interesting craft ideas for Easter 2019

Well, we are coming to an end, and I want to summarize a little. When choosing this or that craft, be sure to think over what material you will make it from, and remember that the product must be clean, bright, bright and cheerful, like the Easter holiday itself.

And for you, a small announcement of what else can be created !!

  • Work from beads

  • Bunnies made of cloth

  • Crafts using quilling technique

  • Festive panel

  • fabric toys

  • Stand options

  • pendants

  • Nest

  • Crocheted work

  • Painting eggs, put together, get a bouquet

  • Bunny treat bags

  • Drawing and beading

  • Topiary

  • Thread souvenir

Now you can finish. I hope you liked the options for crafts and you will definitely find something new and interesting for yourself. Write what you will be making this year for Easter. And by the way, do you make gifts for such an event? We usually only paint eggs and bake Easter cakes with))

Bright Easter is coming soon. welcomed by both adults and children. The hostesses bake, and the children are engaged in creativity, making Easter original crafts, decorate their home with them, give them to relatives, carry them to school or kindergarten.

The most creatively enthusiastic people are able to create - original interior talisman trees that attract happiness and prosperity to the house.

Easter egg from pasta - a beautiful craft


  • Balloon
  • Pasta
  • PVA glue
  • Tweezers, cloth
  • Nail polish
  • Tape reel
  • glue gun

Master Class

  1. We inflate a regular rubber ball so that its shape resembles an egg. We draw an oval circle on the surface with a felt-tip pen, as in the photo.

2. Pasta, in the form of a wheel with a hole, mix in a plate with PVA glue.

3. We take a ring with glue with tweezers and glue it along the drawn oval circle.

4. Then we continue to glue the pasta rings to the entire surface of the ball, already working with our fingers, removing the tweezers. Leave the pasta egg until the glue is completely dry.

5. When the glue dries, pop the balloon and remove it carefully. You are left with the hollow and solid structure of a pasta egg in your hands. Start with tweezers to remove the film from the glue, where it is.

6. Wipe the glue inside with a cloth and it will fall off.

7. Take a can of paint and paint the outside and inside of the egg.

8. Take your nail polish and start painting pasta in the form of shells with a brush.

9. Shells are painted and need to dry.

10. Start decorating the oval hole of the egg by holding the red shell with tweezers and applying glue to it with a gun.

11. So beautifully decorated Easter Egg. But it doesn't have a stand.

12. We take a ring from an adhesive tape.

13. Apply glue from a pistol along the edge of the circle.

14. We put the decorated egg on the ring with glue.

15. The ring is stuck - there is a stand.

16. We decorate our craft. We put green sisal, real painted eggs and a rabbit toy on the bottom.

17. Original crafts in the form of an Easter egg from pasta are ready.

Repeat the whole process of creativity and such beauty will appear in your home.

Video on how to make original crafts magnets in the form of an Easter egg

Make Easter magnets with your own hands and present them to all your relatives. They are easy to implement and inexpensive.

Beautiful and original souvenirs are made quickly and easily.

DIY Easter wreath of eggs and feathers

Original crafts, collected in a single composition of the Easter wreath, will pleasantly surprise you.


Master Class

  1. From the cardboard we cut out a circle 8 cm wide. Choose the diameter of the circle at your discretion. Immediately tie a mount at the top to hang it on the wall in the room.

2. We will need 2 trays of eggs. We break the eggs and make holes on the side as in the photo.

3. This is how you need to glue the egg correctly to the circle with hot glue from a large gun. You will need a lot of glue.

4. Gently glue the eggs in 2 rows, close to each other.

5. This is what glued eggs look like at the very beginning of the process.

6. The blank for the wreath is ready and already looks original with eggs glued in 1 layer. It can be seen that there are unwanted gaps between the rows, which will be covered by the eggs of the 2nd layer. We continue to make original crafts.

7. Glue the 2nd layer of eggs between the rows and press with the palm of your hand.

8. In the photo on the left side of the egg there are 2 layers, but not yet on the right side.

9. We continue the process of gluing the eggs on the right side - carefully and carefully.

10. As you noticed, beautiful feathers bought in a specialized store appeared as decoration on the wreath.

11. Feathers from different packages and different quality. They give the wreath the light tenderness of the Easter holiday.

12. Look, the wreath with glued eggs 1 and 2 layers is ready.

13. Pay attention, at the top, where there will be a bow - there are no eggs of 2 layers.

How to make a bow?

14. Cut off a strip of linen material, decorate it with lace braid.

15. We pinch the bow with our hand, pull out the loops of the bow and make them bigger. We tie with twine and close the place of fixation with an additional strip of material.

16. Glue the bow to the place intended for it.

17. Delicate Easter wreath with feathers is done.

A selection of wreath ideas for Easter - video

Look at a lot of ideas and choose the best ones - create your own wreath.

You looked through the original crafts and were able to make a choice, it remains to wish you good luck in your work.

Basket for Easter eggs

Master Class

  1. We take a juice box and cut off the bottom with a wall height of 5 cm. The cut off part should be dry inside.

2. With thin satin ribbon form and glue two handles.

3. The handles are glued, but we need original crafts, so we continue to fantasize and decorate.

4. On dark green felt, draw pointed grass and cut it out.

5. We mark the dimensions of the sides of the box on the cut out felt and cut it according to the dimensions. Using glue from a gun, glue the grass to all four sides.

6. From light green felt we cut out the same grass, but a few centimeters lower in height. Glue on all four sides light green grass on dark green grass.

7. Do not forget about the bottom of the basket. From dark green felt, cut out the bottom according to the size and glue it to the box.

8. Here is a basket turned out, decorated so far only with grass.

9. Cut out 4 berries with a green sepal from pink felt.

10. We glue the berries on all 4 sides of the basket, decorating with ladybugs.

11. Fill the basket with paper shavings and put Easter eggs.

12. We take original crafts in our hands and give them to loved ones.

Happy Easter!

Video on how to make an egg stand in the form<<Пасхального лукошка>>

Make original crafts and Easter will come to your home.

Chicken eggs without internal contents are painted with nail polish of two colors and fixed on skewers. They are decorated with dry leaves. Used in composition natural material- willow branches, dead wood. The bouquet is in a jar. which is decorated with wrapping paper and tied with a ribbon.

Leader: Ivanova Vera Olegovna.

64. “Stand for Easter eggs made of felt “Basket basketNatalia Shcheblykina. .

65. Easter card "Little miracle". .

Submitted the following works Ilyina Yulia Vladimirovna, teacher additional education, Kyzyl.

“I congratulate everyone on the holidays and I hasten to send you photos of Easter crafts by children who study in my creative association “Souvenir Workshop”. The work was done in different techniques and from all kinds of materials.

66. Easter bouquet. Zabrodina Anna, 12 years old.

67. Easter goose. Sedova Katya, 13 years old.

68. Rainbow egg. Spirina Katya, 13 years old.

69. Easter card. Baygildina Angelika, 10 years.

70. Easter basket. Malygina Katya, 12 years old.

71. "My name is Yakovleva Arina I am in 1st grade, I am 7 years old. I love making salt dough crafts. My craft is dedicated to Easter. Preparing for Easter, people are filled with joy and faith. From Maundy Thursday, a favorite action begins - coloring and painting eggs. juicy greens and bright colors Easter eggs created a festive mood. I also want to give you a little piece of this holiday.

72. Easter composition " Easter Bunny". Kochetova Nadezhda Ivanovna, Gubkin. Teacher of additional education, MBU DO "Station of young naturalists".

73. " Here I am". Rogacheva Alina.

The picture is made in the technique of plasticine painting.
Teacher Borovchenko Nadezhda Khisamutdinovna.
Club for children with disabilities "We are special".

74.Fedorov Maxim. The egg is made using the papier-mâché technique, decorated with colored threads, flowers, sequins, and beads. Plate in papier-mâché technique. Teacher Borovchenko Nadezhda Khisamutdinovna. Club for children with disabilities "We are special", settlement Mikhailovka.

75.Sorokin Alexey.

76.Utesheva Nastya. The chicken is made of fabric, decorated with bows and beads. basket woven from paper tubes, testicles are made from salt dough. Teacher Borovchenko Nadezhda Khisamutdinovna. Club for children with disabilities "We are special".

77. Work Shlykova Anna, 12 years old. Easter egg painting.

78. Lashko Anastasia, 12 years old. MOU lyceum "MOC No. 2", Dzhankoy, Republic of Crimea. Circle "Home design", hands. Khaveji Venera Alekseevna.

“I have been studying in the Home Design club for 2 years, where we make home interior decoration items. Own panel "Bear" I will give it to my niece for Easter. He will wake up in the morning, look at the Mishka-girl and smile.

79. Maksimova Valeria, 12 years old. MOU lyceum "MOC No. 2", Dzhankoy, Republic of Crimea. Circle "Interior Design", hands. Khaveji Venera Alekseevna.

“I love making gifts for everyone. By Easter, I designed several funny panels using the “carpet thread” technique. This job " funny goat"I'll give Grandma."

80. "Easter Egg"- application. did Ludmila Shmeleva 8 years old, the city of Tver, 2/2 class of the secondary school in Tver. 83. Easter topiary.

85. Panel “Ready for EASTER…”

86. Raisa Denisova.

We wrapped an egg-shaped balloon with a half-woolen thread dipped in PVA glue. When the thread dried, a hole was cut out on the front. A nest was placed inside the egg (tow and strips of colored paper and willow twigs), and a bright, cute chicken cut out of colored velvet paper was placed in the nest. Similar Master Class

Kosykh Egor and Lydia won!

We will email the winners how to claim their prizes. Diplomas to participants of competition I will send within a week.

Thank you all very much! So many great ideas!

Now we begin the last stage of the competition -. 🙂

Crafts for Easter- a section where teachers and educators present the work of their students, and also share with us master classes of Easter crafts. Easter cakes, Easter, eggs, hares and chickens, Orthodox churches, willow and spring flowers and many other symbols of this ancient Christian holiday are present in colorful applications, Easter cards and souvenirs made by children of preschool and primary school age.

Crafts for Easter

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MAAM Pictures Library

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