Presentations for children on patriotic education. Presentation on the topic "patriotic education in dow"

Irina Vinogradova
Presentation "Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers"

Currently before preschool educational institutions, the problem of civil and patriotic education the younger generation, since inheritance moral, patriotic values ​​of the family, native land at the most tender age - is the most natural, and therefore the right way civil-patriotic education, the formation of a feeling of love for their land, for the Motherland. The problem of civic-patriotic education relevant in the modern world. Accepted Government program"Patriotic upbringing citizens Russian Federation”, aimed at all social strata and age groups of Russian citizens. Meanwhile, there is an ongoing debate in the media about whether cultivate love for the motherland. But if we do not teach a child to love his country: its forests, seas, lakes, mountains, historical monuments, in a word, man-made and natural wonders, then who will need it? Who will rejoice in her achievements, and hurt her sorrows. The fate of the Motherland is in the hands of man. Motherland is what we make it ourselves. The desire to preserve and increase historical and natural wealth is the goal education of love for the motherland, upbringing patriots of their Fatherland.

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For more effective work on the education of patriotism of preschoolers, the following pedagogical conditions are necessary: ​​- heuristic environment c.

Seminar for teachers "Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers"- Good afternoon, Dear colleagues! To create a favorable environment and good-natured mood, I suggest you turn to the right, smile,.

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"Water for fish, air for birds, and the universe circle for man." Russian proverb

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Moral and patriotic education of children is one of the important conditions for the successful development of modern Russian society, the main guideline of which should be the eternal absolute universal values ​​"Truth - Goodness - Beauty".

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Morality is internal morality, taking responsibility for one's actions, that is, acting according to one's conscience. Patriotism - love for the family, home, native places, Motherland, pride in one's people, tolerant attitude towards other people, the desire to preserve, increase the wealth of one's country. Moral and patriotic education is the interaction of an adult and children in joint activities and communication, aimed at the disclosure and formation of universal human values ​​in a child. moral qualities personality, familiarization with the origins of the national regional culture, the nature of the native land, the upbringing of an emotionally effective attitude, a sense of belonging, attachment to others.

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Tasks of moral and patriotic education

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education of love and affection for one's family, home, kindergarten, street, city, homeland; formation of a careful attitude towards nature and all living things; familiarity with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem); formation of elementary knowledge about human rights; developing a sense of responsibility and pride in the achievements of the country; the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, traditions; education of respect for work; education of a humane attitude (goodwill, respect, attentiveness, responsiveness); education of collectivist feelings and relationships; the formation of creativity, the development of the child's imagination by involving him in the active process of cognition.

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Age features moral development for preschool children, early childhood (up to 6.5 years) is a “golden time” in the emotional life of a child (spontaneity in the expression of feelings, emotional conflictlessness, susceptibility to rapid changes in one-time impressions, freedom of expression of feelings); the peak of the development of moral qualities that decrease with age: spiritual integrity, moral purity, spontaneity, innocence, sincerity, compassion; attitude to the world around: ideas about it are animated in nature - the whole world for a child is full of life; preschool childhood is the period of greatest learning ability and susceptibility to pedagogical influences; increased susceptibility to social influences, imitation; the need for communication is an important social need; innate attachment to loved ones, emotional dependence from adults.

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Forms of work

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Means of moral and patriotic education

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Methods and techniques

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The mechanism of the moral formation of a person:

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Implementation conditions creation of a subject-developing environment (a corner of Russian culture, symbols of the state, etc.) reliance on personal experience, the immediate environment (from love for home to love for the Motherland, etc.); emotional coloring, impact on the feelings of the child; interaction of three components: intellectual, sensory-emotional and effective-practical (recognize-contemplate-create); organization of creative activity as a means of expressing feelings and emotions (art, dramatization, concerts and performances before the public, etc.); collaboration with family

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“Only one who loves, appreciates and respects what has been accumulated and preserved by the previous generation can love the Motherland, get to know it, become a true patriot” S. Mikhalkov

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Literature: Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers / Ed. A.M. Vinogradova.- M., 1991. Zharikov A.D. Raise children as patriots. - M., 1980. Zhukovskaya R.I., Vinogradova N.F., Kozlova S.A. Motherland. -M., 1990. Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture: Program. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 1999. Kostik E. P., Kochneva N. N. My native home. - M., 2004. Kuprina L.S., Budarina T.A., Markeeva O.A., Korepanova O.N. and others. Acquaintance of children with Russian folk art. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 1999. Lyalina L.A. Folk games in kindergarten. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009. Makhaneva M.D. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

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    The development of social and personal qualities of preschoolers through patriotic education MBDOU kindergarten No. 45 "Yagodka" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the social and personal direction of development of children "Where does the Motherland begin?" The work was completed by: teacher Ivanova E.M. website

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    Patriotism - love for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility and pride for it, the desire to work for its benefit, protect and increase its wealth - begins to form already at preschool age. One cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with the Motherland, without knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved and cherished it. Already in kindergarten, as a result of a long, systematic, purposeful educational work children can be formed elements of citizenship and patriotism. The love of a preschool child for the Motherland begins with love for his relatives, his home, kindergarten, city. After all, vivid impressions about the native nature, about the history of the native land, received in childhood, remain in the memory of a person for life.

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    Relevance of the problem The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most important today. Children from preschool age suffer from a lack of knowledge about hometown, country, features of Russian traditions. Indifferently relate to close people, comrades in the group. They experience a lack of sympathy and compassion for the grief of others. The system of work with parents on the problem of moral and patriotic education has not been sufficiently formed.

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    Tasks that solve these problems To increase the educational, professional, theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers on the problem of moral and patriotic education of preschool children. To systematize the knowledge and skills of teachers and children on this issue. To develop in a child of senior preschool age social and personal qualities such as compassion, sympathy, feeling dignity and awareness of oneself as a part of the surrounding world. To help parents develop and maintain the curiosity of children in the process of joint activities.

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    Forms of work with children on civic-patriotic education: Targeted walks to the monuments of military glory, along the streets named after the heroes of the Great Patriotic War; Excursions to memorable places. The content of such excursions are: observation of ritual moments (laying flowers at the monument, a minute of silence, meeting with participants in the war). The same excursion is carried out with the participation of parents. They are offered a "Weekend Route" with detailed description visited object and recommendations for accessible familiarization of the child with the monument. Reading fiction, corresponding to the age category of children - about the defenders of their native land, the Fatherland. Parents are given recommendations for visiting district libraries with their children. The use of audio and video equipment for listening to musical works about the Motherland, showing children films about the exploits of the Russian people.

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    Examination of illustrations, paintings, reproductions and clippings from newspapers containing historical facts and environmental events. Meetings with participants of the Great Patriotic War and labor veterans, participation in public holidays: "City Day", "Mother's Day", "Dad's Day", "Victory Day", etc. Preparation of thematic exhibitions dedicated to anniversaries, making souvenirs for war and labor veterans. Creation of mini-museums of military and labor glory, defenders of the fatherland, the theater of Russian Costume. Carrying out actions: "Feed the birds in winter", "Green Patrol", "Greening the territory kindergarten". Equipping the subject-developing environment of the kindergarten group: making attributes for the games "Border Guards", "Sailors", "Cosmonauts", etc. production of paraphernalia of state symbols of Russia, the city; album design: "Sights of our city", "My family", "It's good in our garden", etc. Creation of the newspaper: "My sport family"," In the morning the sun rises, calls me to kindergarten.

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    Success in patriotic education can only be achieved if the educator himself knows and loves the history of his country, his people. He must be able to select the knowledge that will be available to preschool children, something that can cause feelings of delight and pride in children. But no knowledge will give a positive result if the educator himself does not admire his country, his city. “In education, everything should be based on the personality of the educator, because the educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality. No statutes and programs, no artificial organism of the institution, no matter how cunningly invented, can replace the individual in the work of the educator. K. D. Ushinsky.

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    Acquaintance of preschoolers with their native city, with its sights. Topics are more complex, requiring explanation, interpretation. The work takes place outside of classes - targeted walks, excursions, since it is impossible to recognize and fall in love with the city only from illustrations.

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    Acquaintance of preschoolers with the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, with the monuments of the city and the region. The work takes place outside of classes - a targeted walk to the monuments of military glory.

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    Acquaintance of preschoolers with the history of Russia. "Visiting Santa Claus" “The carol has come - open the gate!” Work on patriotic education takes place in the classroom, at entertainment, at matinees. "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

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Childhood is an everyday discovery of the world, and therefore it is necessary to make sure that it becomes, first of all, the knowledge of man and the Fatherland, their beauty and greatness. VA Sukhomlinsky You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen. N. A. Nekrasov A future citizen is growing in your family and under your leadership. Everything that happens in the country, through your soul and your thought should come to the children. A. S. Makarenko

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What do we call motherland? The house where you and I grow up And the birch trees along the road along which we walk What do we call the Motherland? The sun is in the blue sky. And fragrant, golden Bread for festive table What do we call motherland? The land where we live. V. Stepanov Homeland

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The family is part of the Motherland family circle we are growing The foundation of the foundations is the parental home. In the family circle, all your roots, And you enter life from the family. In the family circle, we create life, The foundation of the foundations is the parental home. What could be more precious than a family? Warmly meets the father's house. Here they are always waiting for you with love And escort you on your way with good!

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Scheme of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and parents on the moral and patriotic education of children of the preschool educational institution Excursions parent meetings Replenishment of expositions on this topic Joint holidays Folklore holidays Events of memorable calendar dates (Republic Day, etc.) Defender of the Fatherland Day International Women's Day Victory Day Joint productive activities with children

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Kindergarten - a second home “We all love kindergarten. It is full of children. One, two, three, four, five ... It's a pity that you can't count everyone. Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred, It's good when we are together. “Children live in the kindergarten, They play and sing here, They find friends here, They go for a walk together. Kindergarten is our second home. How warm and cozy it is! You love him, children, The kindest house in the world!

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April 14, 2015 in preschool № 5 "Konek-Gorbunok" in Shakhtersk, a teachers' council was held on the topic: "The use of theatrical, musical, productive activities in the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers." The tasks of the teachers' council were: to systematize the knowledge of teachers about the directions of the organization educational activities with preschool children on issues of patriotic education; expanding the knowledge of educators about modern requirements for the formation of patriotic relations and feelings in children for their family, city, nature, culture based on the historical and natural features of their native land, raising their own dignity as a representative of their people, respect for the past, present and future of their native land, tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.

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During the teachers' council discussed the relevance, forms, system of work on patriotic education, both with children and with parents. A variety of methodological techniques, selected by the methodologist Ya.S. Dmitrik, helped teachers improve their methodological and professional skills. Musical director M. S. Chernegil and teacher S. V. Mikhaleva spoke about the inalienability of the use of music, theatricalization, productive activity and shared their experience on this topic. The reading competition “My beloved Shakhtersk, my homeland Donbass” surprised me with talents and a variety of selected material. The creative group of the kindergarten presented the project "In the family circle", which is aimed at correcting child-parent relations within the framework of the system of work on patriotic education. Training games “I won’t tell, but I’ll show”, “Back to the past”, “My Motherland” revealed the creative potential of everyone. The teachers' council was full of presentations from the experience of each age group. Psychological pauses, proposed by the psychologist Ya. N. Korzh, set up teachers for positive and productive work. The exhibition on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory - collages, crafts, drawings, joint works of children with their parents once again focused on the importance of educating children in patriotism and citizenship, respect for the past and pride in it.

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May 1 holiday in kindergarten The clouds dispersed, the spring rain stopped dripping, and the sun smiled in the first days of May, when the May 1 holiday was held in the preschool institution No. 5 "Humpbacked Horse". WITH good mood children sang, danced, recited poems with joyful emotions. They gave holiday wishes to children, guests and just passers-by girls junior group in the form of colorful nesting dolls, lyrical dance with arcs performed by girls senior group. The flashmob in a group performance by children of senior preschool age made their hearts beat faster to the beat of a perky melody. Children took an active part in games, relay races - where only friendship and a sense of camaraderie won.

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So let us always have a peaceful sky above our heads, a bright and radiant sun, and trembling words: peace, work, friendship forever warm our hearts ...

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February 23 - "Defender of the Fatherland Day" On February 20, an event dedicated to the celebration of February 23 - "Defender of the Fatherland Day" was held in preschool educational institution No. 5 "Humpbacked Horse". Fathers, grandfathers, older brothers of our pupils and special guests - militia fighters were invited to our holiday. For this event, children and adults prepared carefully and with trepidation: they learned songs and dances, made postcards, drew congratulations, festively decorated the hall. The entertainment was attended by children of the eldest and speech therapy groups. The audience warmly welcomed the participants with applause. The opening of the holiday was a touching song about the world, blue skies and happy childhood, performed by children and adults.

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Boys and girls not only recited poems with expression about what they want to become in the future, but also surprised with their dancing skills in the “Apple” dance. Together with the guests-cadets, the guys learned to march, reorganize, guess riddles. The holiday was full of relay races, competitions, games for both children and guests. No one was left without attention and participation. With great excitement, dads with boys were well-aimed shooters, girls were smart assistants. On this day, even dreams came true: everyone could become a general in an instant by participating in the “Move the shoulder straps” relay race, an experienced mine detector by becoming a participant in the “Go through the minefield” game and a cipher clerk in the “Do it like me” contest. The girls entertained the guests comic ditties, beautiful proverbs and sayings about family, friendship, hometown and region. The relaxed and friendly atmosphere of the holiday evoked a joyful mood in children and adults, a lot of positive emotions and a sense of pride in brave, courageous boys and men. And in gratitude for a wonderful holiday, militia soldiers presented delicious treats to the children of the garden. Everyone was very pleased!

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“Without an owner, the earth is an orphan” On April 22, 2015, teachers of preschool educational institution No. 5 “Humpbacked Horse” held a bright, memorable event dedicated to the celebration world day Earth. The purpose of the event: deepening environmental knowledge in children, fostering a humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth. The children of the senior and speech therapy groups participated in environmental competitions, played games of the appropriate content, recited poems about caring for nature, guessed riddles and, of course, danced. Throughout the holiday, the guys "saved" the planet from pollution, "multiplyed" its natural wealth.

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Public Relations April 2015 Preschool educational institution No. 5 "Konek-Gorbunok" in Shakhtersk with the aim of active socialization of children of senior preschool age and the implementation of activities in accordance with thematic plan preparations for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War is actively cooperating with the public. In order to form the social and communicative competence of children on April 23, 2015, the children with educators N. A. Voitenkova, O. L. Lebedeva and psychologist Ya. N. Korzh visited the Miners Film College. The guys watched cartoons, demonstrated their intellectual abilities in games, recited poems military theme and then shared their impressions. 04/24/2015, the children of the senior and speech therapy groups went on an excursion to the Palace of Culture named after. Lenin. They visited 3 museums: Historical, Military Glory and History of Shakhtersk. The guys not only listened to the interesting story of the guide, but also practically took part themselves: they “churned” butter, spun, tried on military uniform, examined instruments for measuring radioactivity, a mini-projection of coal mining, held a jackhammer in their hands and much more interesting things.

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On April 29, 2015, under the guidance of the methodologist Y.S. Dmitrik, with the active participation of educators, the children visited their senior comrades in secondary school No. 18 as part of the St. George Ribbon city action and the education of patriotic feelings, respect for the memory of the defenders of our Motherland and all who survived during these difficult years. Classroom teacher E. Yu. Tsyba and class 1A warmly welcomed the kids and together opened the exhibition "Victory Day through the eyes of children." The children and teachers of the kindergarten recited poems, showed drawings of this topic, all together considered the joint work of children with their parents - military equipment. The first-graders thanked for the visit and interesting exhibits.

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The happy world of childhood “A caring gardener strengthens the root, on the power of which the life of a plant depends for decades. So the teacher should take care of educating his children feelings boundless love to the Motherland "V. Sukhomlinsky "The magical power of love for a child plus notes of creativity plus the joy of communication plus excellent knowledge of preschool pedagogy and child psychology" is the formula for the success of teachers of preschool educational institution No. 5 "Humpbacked Horse". It is these qualities, despite all the events of last summer, that opened the doors to the world of childhood, joy, warmth and comfort for all the children in autumn. Every day we try to make the child bright, memorable. Every morning in kindergarten is a morning of joyful meetings, new discoveries, hobbies, which distracts from the negativity of what is happening around, from the hard everyday life of the Native Land. - When I grow up, I'll be a wizard! - once said a child for a walk. Well, such a dream is not uncommon. After all, then everything becomes cheerful and interesting, difficulties are surmountable, and the sky is bright and peaceful. Kindergarten teachers help the kid to wake up the magician in himself, joyfully live the period of his childhood. As never before, there are priority areas of work of our institution: the development of the creative potential and creativity of the child, the strengthening of physical and emotional health, the education in children of an active civic position and a sense of patriotism. Preschool childhood is the most important period in the formation of a person's personality, when the foundations of civic qualities are laid, love for the native nature, the ability to feel its beauty, attachment to the family, home, and small Motherland are instilled. These tasks are solved by teachers not only in the main activities - classes, walks, games, work, but also in relationship with parents and the public. After all, the family and the preschool institution are the two main institutions for the socialization of children. Fascinating trips to the “Country of Health”, sports entertainment “Defenders of the Motherland”, “Friendly Family”, music festivals “For Beloved Moms”, “Musical Drop”, as well as events with the participation of clowns, fairy-tale heroes, performed by our teachers, immerse children into the world of fabulous events and accomplishments. Parents and the public are active participants in most events. On the eve of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, mothers and fathers, together with their children, prepared an exhibition of crafts, collages, photos of this topic, and participate in the design and preparation of the holiday. After all, the spirit that reigns in the kindergarten and the family has a great influence in shaping the inner world of the child. I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the kindergarten, parents, school No. 18, DK them. "Lenin", to the Mining Film Technical School for active participation in the activities of the kindergarten and the creation of a peaceful childhood for our kids. The teachers of our kindergarten believe that the world of childhood is and will be, no matter what. And confirmation is the happy smiles of our children!
