What can a friend do for a day. What to do as a gift to a girlfriend with your own hands - a selection of step-by-step master classes

let's consider interesting ideas and thoughts on birthday gifts for your best friend. A friend is a person who knows all the secrets, who at any time will listen carefully and help. If you really have best friend, no doubt, you are well aware of her habits, views on life and preferences. I am leading to the fact that there should be no problems with choosing a useful and desirable gift.

Useful tips for choosing a gift, following which you will never go wrong.

  • Before choosing a gift, think about the things that a friend is interested in. Think about the features that characterize her personality.
  • The present should correspond to the interests, hobbies or hobbies of the girlfriend. For example, if she paints pictures, give a set of brushes and paints.
  • Consider the lifestyle of your best friend. If she devotes almost all the time to her career, perfect gift will become a certificate in a beauty salon. Don't give work-related items.
  • Talk to your friend's parents, they will tell you what to choose.
  • Consider your friend's age. Agree, a subscription to a beauty salon will not work for a teenage girl, unlike a subscription to a sports club or pool.

Buy a gift should be long before the birthday. in a hurry to do a good choice extremely problematic.

List of traditional, original, useful and inexpensive gifts

The tradition to please loved ones is rooted in ancient times. Then people tried to appease the leaders, priests and gods with certain little things. Almost all the functions of gifts that were presented in those days have lost their sacred meaning.

In this part of the material, I will give a list of traditional, original, useful and inexpensive gifts for a birthday or other holiday.

traditional gifts

  1. Mug. A mug with a humorous picture or a portrait of a birthday girl - original gift, which will remind a friend about you.
  2. casket. Stylish, beautiful, original and comfortable at the same time. The best friend will appreciate such a little thing, especially if she does not have a place to store jewelry and jewelry.
  3. Bijouterie. Any girl will be delighted with the original super fashionable decoration. Most importantly, when choosing, consider her preferences and style. A well-chosen necklace or ring will emphasize the evening look.
  4. Watch. Superstitious people do not recommend giving watches. I do not share this opinion, because in our time the clock is original decoration and indicator of status.
  5. fashion handbag . Try to find a girl who does not use accessories to create a casual look. The bag is a wonderful gift.
  6. Money Tree . Many people like all kinds of figurines, figurines and other gizmos. If your friend is one of them, please her with a money tree.

Useful gifts

Many birthday girls, being real housewives, prefer practical and original things.

  • original umbrella . If your friend likes to be the center of attention, present a stylish umbrella with a non-standard shape.
  • Carving set . With the help of a carving set, a friend will decorate her dishes with beautiful figurines of vegetables or fruits.
  • Auto heel. A friend with a personal car will be delighted with such a gift.
  • Flash drive. The original removable drive, made in the form of a lipstick, a ballpoint pen or a credit card, is a practical gift option.

Unusual gifts

  1. Photo frame with clock . This original little thing can fit into the interior of any room.
  2. Blanket with sleeves . Warm, gentle and soft blanket will make the evening pastime cozy and comfortable. However, an ordinary warm blanket will fit as a gift.
  3. Portrait. The artist will draw a portrait of a friend from a photograph.
  4. Name calendar . You can order a large calendar based on a photo of a girlfriend from the social. networks.
  5. Gym membership . Thanks to such a gift, a friend will be in great shape. The main thing is that she likes sports.

Adventure gift

  • horse ride . Horseback riding, outdoor picnic in the company of friends and communication are the key to vivid impressions.
  • Airplane flight . A friend who is thirsty for adventure and a surge of adrenaline will be delighted with such a present.
  • Thai SPA massage . What girl would say no to a good massage? The main thing is that the session is conducted by a certified massage therapist.
  • Riding a jet ski . If the birthday is in the summer, choose a jet ski ride.
  • Visit to the water park . Such a gift will provide a lot of thrills.

Remember, a gift, being necessary and relevant, should be a demonstration of your attitude towards a friend.

DIY gift

Do you want to give something for your birthday that the birthday girl herself will not get? Make a gift with your own hands!

  1. homemade soap . Making your own soap is not difficult. Follow the link for a detailed manual.
  2. beautiful notepad . If you don't have the skill of making notebooks, order it on the Internet, for example, at the Crafts Fair.
  3. Unique belt . For manufacturing you will need sewing machine, scissors, a set of needles, threads and material. For example, Genuine Leather, suede or leatherette.
  4. Candles in shells . If you rested on the sea, you probably brought with you a whole package of shells. Take them as a basis for creating wonderful gift, gluing beautiful candles in the center.
  5. Flower pot . Buy an ordinary pot in the store and paint it with paints and beads.
  6. tea basket . If your girlfriend is a fan of tea parties, please her with an original gift. Get as many different types of tea as you can, arrange them in small gift boxes and put them in a basket. An elegant ribbon will complete the look.
  7. solid perfume . Such

All women on earth have girlfriends. So, perhaps, every such woman is seriously worried about her friend's birthday. After all, on this day you want to please your girlfriend with a creative and memorable gift. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to please a girlfriend. But believe that it is possible. Therefore, in this publication we will tell you about what to give a girl friend for her birthday.

How to choose a gift

Every girl is unique! Therefore, for each such lady, you need to choose a gift carefully. All gifts are good, but the most best gift- this is the gift that is easy to make with your own hands. And before listing all the ideas for birthday gifts for a friend that are easy to do, I need to give you a few tips.

  1. So, in order to decide on a gift for a friend, remember her interests.
  2. A birthday present can be useful. For example, if a friend is a creative person, then she can be presented with an original box where she will store accessories for her own hobby.
  3. When choosing a gift, be sure to consider the age of your girlfriend.
  4. If you find it difficult to find a suitable gift, then ask a friend and find out her desires.

Gift ideas for a girlfriend


Today there is great amount gift ideas for a friend. The pillow is a versatile option. It's very easy to make it. However, in order for this gift to seem boring, it should be arranged correctly. For example, you can put a photo of a friend or other cool photographs on the surface of a pillowcase. Surely, such a pillow will be a worthy decoration of any interior.

Homemade jewelry.

Naturally, all ladies love to wear jewelry. So why not give your friend a piece of jewelry that was made by yourself. If you know how to work with beads, then jewelry from it will be great gift. Turn on your imagination and create something original with your own hands.

Paper topiary.

Do you want to give your inexpensive gift friend for her birthday, then the next option is created for you. It is not only cost effective. It turns out that this gift is distinguished by its brightness. Paper topiary is very easy to make. In this case, various objects are fixed on the foam ball. It can be: coffee beans, paper napkins and other items. A stick with a ball is installed in a pot, which is filled with plaster. The base is usually decorated with confetti or greens.

Sweet gift.

A sweet bouquet can please absolutely any girl. As a rule, it consists of sweets. In addition, he has a wonderful appearance. For the birthday girl, it is recommended to purchase expensive sweets. The bouquet should be made up of sweets of different varieties. Then it will look quite attractive.

Creative poster with sweets.

Such interesting gift everyone will be able to do it. As you can see, everything is simple here. Photos and sweets are pasted on paper. And whatman paper can be painted good wishes for a friend. Arm yourself with your imagination and then everything can work out for you.

Bath salt.

An original gift for a friend can be made from the simplest ingredients that are available in your kitchen. To create a gift, prepare:

  • kitchen scales,
  • rubber gloves and eye protection goggles
  • kitchen sieve,
  • gauze bandage to protect the respiratory system,
  • bowl where all the ingredients will be mixed,
  • molds and spray bottle with cold water.

To make salt you will need the following ingredients:

  • fine salt 300 grams,
  • citric acid 150 grams,
  • food colorings,
  • cosmetic or aromatic oil - 5 milliliters.


  1. First of all, the salt is sifted through a sieve into a container.
  2. Then add salt citric acid. The ingredients mix well with each other.
  3. In the loose mixture, you need to add a mixture of oils. The mass may hiss. Therefore, it must be quickly mixed.
  4. After that, you can start coloring it.
  5. Now, with the help of a sprinkler, water is added to the mixture. As a result of these actions, it will keep its shape when sculpting.
  6. Distribute the mixture in a container, wait for the moment when it cakes and takes on its final shape. After that, it can be removed from the mold.
  7. Your bath bombs should now dry well. Choose a warm and dry place for this. After that, the finished products are placed in a beautiful package.

original candle.

Surprise your friend with a creative scented candle. To make it, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • a few paraffin candles
  • cutting board,
  • sharp knife,
  • caps,
  • orange,
  • any shock absorbers (cardamom, cloves, rosemary),
  • water bath design
  • teaspoon
  • metal utensils.


  1. It is worth cutting off all the paraffin from the candle. At the same time, try not to damage the core.
  2. Paraffin must be cut into pieces and sent to a metal container.
  3. The container with paraffin should be melted in a water bath.
  4. If the paraffin has melted, then shock absorbers are added to it. The mass is stirred with a wooden stick.
  5. Cut the top off the orange. By means of a teaspoon, all the pulp is cleaned from the fruit. Work must be done very carefully. Remember that the zest should not be damaged.
  6. In the cup that turned out you need to insert the wick from the candle. Do the work with wooden sticks.
  7. Now pour the paraffin with shock absorbers into the cup.
  8. When the paraffin solidifies, it will settle. Therefore, it is recommended to pour it.


As you can see, there are a huge number of gifts that you can safely present to a friend on her birthday. Therefore, boldly choose the right gift and present it to your beloved girlfriend. Now you know how to make a birthday present for a friend. However, do not limit your imagination only to these ideas. You can easily create something original and unusual.

The question of a gift for a birthday friend requires a careful approach. After all, a friend is a unique person who knows all the secrets. You can have fun with her or turn to her for advice. She understands you better than anyone else.

Before buying a gift, remember, perhaps your friend once said what she dreams about

In this article, we will look at useful tips and the main nuances of choosing a present so that you can please and surprise the birthday girl.

The search for a surprise is not only a pleasant, but also a responsible process. It is important that a birthday present for a friend makes her happy and useful. The best option- ask directly what she would like to receive or use the wish list. But, if she herself does not know what she needs, she will have to show her originality.

It is likely that for happiness there is not enough jewelry stand, fashion accessory or a simple flash drive. But still, it is better to adhere to generally accepted rules and avoid those things that are not customary to give for this holiday.

Selection rules

With what gift to give a friend for her birthday, the following recommendations will help determine.

The presentation must meet their criteria:

  • Interest matching. If your close person artist - a set of good brushes or paints will be relevant, and not a board game or sports equipment.
  • lifestyle and employment. If a girlfriend devotes most of her time to work, she can be pleased with a subscription to the spa. Things necessary for work are appropriate only if she values ​​\u200b\u200bit.
  • Age and personality traits. In addition to interests and what can be really useful, consider age - spa treatments are irrelevant for a girl of 14-18 years old, but visiting the pool or tickets to a concert will be a welcome surprise.

a) a manicure set; b) drawing set

And a few more useful tips how to make a birthday present for a friend memorable and enjoyable.

  • Choose a present in advance, it is simply impossible to buy something good in a hurry and take into account all the nuances. To surprise and please your beloved friend, you have to sacrifice your personal time. A sincere and happy smile is definitely worth it.
  • If in doubt, ask a friend what she would like to receive. So she will remain satisfied, and you do not have to puzzle over which of the conceived options she will like more.
  • The value of the gift also matters. You should not give an item that is too expensive that a girl cannot afford, but a cheap craft like a corkscrew or a keychain is also not a good idea. If you are limited in finances - make a surprise with your own hands.

Gifts by age categories

What gift to give a friend for her birthday - directly related to her age. It will not be superfluous to consider options in accordance with the age categories or the special position of the girlfriend.

Gifts for girlfriends 14-18 years old

Young age is the flowering of strength and energy. Therefore, the present should be bright and entertaining. Gift for a friend for her birthday: ideas original for 14-18 years old can be picked up from this list.

  • Tickets to a modern theater or to a concert of her favorite artists.
  • Accessories for a PC, laptop, or phone, an unusual flash drive.
  • name things - cushion, mug or t-shirt.
  • Small amenities - a teddy bear, a notebook or a hand-made photo frame.
  • Puzzles, books and puzzles - if she likes to solve intellectual puzzles.

a) headphones b) photo frame

What can be donated?

The choice of what you can give is practically unlimited. But a birthday present for a friend, the idea of ​​which is worked out in advance, will always win over a spontaneous purchase.

You can look at options in gift shops, themed videos on the Internet, or find ideas in glossy magazines. All of them can be divided into three categories, in accordance with the character and lifestyle of your girlfriend.

  1. Romantic natures will like things made with their own hands or made in oriental style- beautiful and elegant jewelry, devices for their storage.
  2. For practical individuals, everything that may be needed in everyday life is suitable - a set of beautiful towels, kitchen utensils, a hairdryer or an organizer.
  3. Fans of outdoor activities and vivid impressions will like extreme events and travel - a certificate for horseback riding, camping equipment and so on.

a) a chest of drawers for cosmetics; b) jewelry holder

What should not be given?

What gift to give a friend for her birthday is not an easy question. With all the assortment, you need to know what exactly you should not present, in particular to a young girl.

  • Cosmetic and hygiene products - perfumes, decorative cosmetics, gels, soaps and shampoos. According to the rules of etiquette, it is indecent to remind on a holiday that you need to monitor your appearance.
  • Animals - even if the birthday girl mentioned her desire to get a pet, it would be better if she buys it on her own and coordinates this with her family members.
  • Trinkets - porcelain figurines, badges, key chains and other little things.

What to give a girlfriend 18-25 years old

At the age of 18-25, seriousness and independence begin to appear in the character, although young features still make themselves felt.

Good souvenirs will be:

  1. homemade photo frame with a joint photo;
  2. a device for storing jewelry;
  3. a beautiful vase for flowers or fruits;
  4. aroma lamp with a set of essential oils;
  5. sports items - dumbbells, hoop, yoga mat, and so on.

a) a yoga mat b) aroma set

Keep in mind that a birthday present for your best friend should be special and in line with how much you value her as a friend and person. It doesn't have to be expensive thing. It is enough that it will be necessary and original.


  1. things that you liked during joint shopping - a handbag, a hat, a watch, or a scarf;
  2. certificate for a master class of interest - computer or culinary courses;
  3. photo session with a professional photographer - in the studio or outdoors;
  4. useful souvenirs - a beautiful picture, a table clock or a lamp, creative covers for a passport or driver's license.

Original gifts

An original birthday gift for a friend will be easier to choose if you know her habits well.

To dilute the daily rhythm and cheer up your beloved girlfriend will help:

  1. running alarm clock - a good thing for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning, which is why they are systematically late for work;
  2. a recipe book that not only has visual pictures and step by step instructions but also able to speak;
  3. bouquets of sweets or toys have been a common trend lately, but there are still a lot of ideas for decorating it;
  4. tea and coffee sets of drinks that the birthday girl has not tried yet;
  5. a magic ball or a ball of answers - a stylish interior decoration and a cool thing to get together, arranging an evening of predictions;
  6. computer accessories - bright headphones, non-standard in color and shape keyboard and computer mouse.

a) columns b) USB mouse pad

What should not be given?

Creative birthday gift for girlfriend - this is certainly good, but what you definitely shouldn’t give is things that are devoid of an individual purpose. It is best if only the hero of the occasion can use the present.

Also unwanted guests include:

  1. things hinting at imperfection - epilators, slimming belts, scales and creams for cellulite and wrinkles;
  2. sharp objects - in suspicious people they cause distrust - these are souvenir daggers, sets of table and kitchen utensils - knives and forks;
  3. elements of wardrobe and clothing, perfumes and cosmetics - you cannot know the size and preferences for sure, no matter how close your girlfriend is;
  4. items associated with superstitions - it is not customary for believers to give watches and wallets, slippers and separate towels.

What to give a pregnant friend?

A gift for a pregnant girlfriend deserves special attention, since her priorities are slightly different.

a) a book b) subscription to the swimming pool for pregnant women

The following will be relevant:

  1. favorite books or films in an exclusive edition, video congratulations;
  2. beautiful bedding or indoor plants that do not contribute to allergies;
  3. things for a newborn, taking into account that you know exactly the gender of the unborn child;
  4. trips to a museum or gallery, a dolphinarium or an excursion to an interesting place.

Despite the fact that funds are always needed, an envelope with money is not a good idea. It is better to leave this option in case of material assistance during childbirth. Otherwise, it is a sign of disrespect.

DIY gift for a friend's birthday

If you do not doubt your creativity and are ready to spend time on the realization of their talents, then a do-it-yourself birthday present for a friend would be an excellent solution.

Today there are a huge number of hand-made souvenirs, many of which are not as difficult to make as it seems at first glance. They look fresh and beautiful, and on the Internet you can find detailed instructions for their manufacture.

Here are some simple examples:

  • Sweet gift in a flower pot. A variety of sweets are placed in a decorated flower pot like a bouquet.
  • A creative vase is a limitless field for fantasy. You can use beads various fabrics, coffee beans and other decorative elements to change an ordinary glass cup or ceramic mug beyond recognition.
  • Fabric silhouette on canvas or stylish scarf from bright T-shirts - just cut out the drawings from the fabric and put them together.
  • Beautiful packaging for purchased gift- a neat box with ribbons or applications, made by yourself, will add originality to any present.

Unusual birthday gift for a friend

An unusual birthday gift for a friend will be just right for a girl who cannot live without vivid impressions. It may be associated with extreme recreation or her hobby.

a) tickets to the water park; b) tickets to the rink

For example:

  1. Tickets for the skating rink, water park or rides.
  2. Go-karting, quad bike or jet ski ride.
  3. Camping with an overnight stay in the forest or to the river, a journey through the dungeons.
  4. Certificate for aircraft or motorcycle driving lessons.
  5. Certificate for a jump from a bridge or a parachute, a visit to the quest room.

When giving these gifts, you must be sure that the birthday girl will approve them and she has no contraindications to them from the side of health.

Is your friend's birthday coming up soon? You don't know what to give her? Then this article will help you.

Everyone loves to receive gifts, but giving them is also very nice. And if this gift is made by your hands, then it is doubly pleasant not only for you, but also for the person to whom you give it.

It is not so difficult to make a good gift with your own hands, if there is an idea and a desire. But what to give to your beloved girlfriend, what gift is better to make? Let's figure it out.

Before you start choosing a gift, you need to consider the following: the age of the girlfriend, her hobbies and lifestyle. After that, you can choose and do original gift for your girlfriend. There are a lot of gift options. Let's look at the most interesting of them.

Sweet handmade gift

Your girlfriend will be very happy with this gift, because in her heart every girl has a sweet tooth.

To make such a gift you will need:

Manufacturing steps.

DIY necklace

This good idea for a gift. Your friend will be pleased. To make this necklace, you will need:

  • Foamiran (three different colors);
  • Glue;
  • Iron;
  • Thick felt;
  • Toothpick;
  • Ribbon or chain;
  • Cotton buds;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Office knife.

Necklace making steps.

Gallery: do-it-yourself gift for a girlfriend (25 photos)

Bath salt bombs

For this gift you will need:

Bomb making steps:

  1. Sift the salt into the prepared container.
  2. Add citric acid, and stir the resulting mixture.
  3. Now add 5 ml of oil and mix again.
  4. Add dye desired color. The mixture must be quickly mixed until a uniform color.
  5. Add some water.
  6. Fill the prepared round molds with the mixture.
  7. After 15 minutes, take out the resulting balls and let them dry for two hours.
  8. Put the finished bombs in a gift box.

Scented orange candle

You will need:

Stages of candle making.

  1. Cut off all paraffin wax from the candle. The wick must be whole and unharmed.
  2. Break or cut the paraffin into small pieces and place it in a container.
  3. Place the container in a water bath.
  4. Add flavors to melted paraffin.
  5. Stir the mass.
  6. Now let's move on to the orange. Cut off the top of it.
  7. Remove the inside of the orange with a teaspoon.
  8. Insert a wick into the center of the orange and carefully pour the paraffin.
  9. The scented candle is ready! Nice gift, isn't it!

A coffee tree

To make such a tree you will need:

Manufacturing steps:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half. Draw half a heart on it. Cut out the heart with scissors.
  2. Put the resulting heart on cardboard, circle it, and then cut it out. There should be two such hearts.
  3. Wrap two wires with paper and glue them to the heart.
  4. Glue the cotton pads together and insert them between the hearts.
  5. Glue cotton pads on the resulting heart so that there is no free space left. Wrap the heart with thread.
  6. Color cotton and voluminous heart brown paint, and then glue coffee beans on it.
  7. Glue ice cream sticks all over the office of the iron can.
  8. Wrap the wire glued to the heart with a thick thread.
  9. Put a sponge in a jar, and then insert the resulting tree into it.
  10. The tree can be decorated with flowers or ribbons.


If your beloved girlfriend is a “confusion”, and her keys are constantly missing, then such a gift is just for her.

To make a keychain you will need:

Manufacturing steps:

  1. Draw a small rectangle on a piece of paper. Cut it out with scissors.
  2. Transfer the rectangle to the fabric. Cut out two of these rectangles.
  3. Tuck the edges along the length of the rectangle.
  4. Place dublirin between the rectangles.
  5. Iron the resulting workpiece with an iron. Sew the edges with a sewing machine.
  6. Insert holder. Connect the edges of the key holder.
  7. The stitching point can be decorated with a satin ribbon.
  8. Got the original key.

Cup of coffee beans

To make this cup, you will need:


  1. Glue cotton pads over the entire surface of the mug.
  2. Now wrap the mug with glued discs with thread.
  3. Paint the top of the mug brown.
  4. Glue the coffee beans all over the mug. There should be no free space.
  5. The resulting mug can be decorated with a ribbon.
  6. A gift for a beloved friend is ready.

These are so interesting and good gifts you can make and give to your girlfriend as a sign of friendship. Choose and do! Good luck!

An unshakable stereotype has formed in the minds of many that either children make gifts with their own hands, or those who do not have the finances to purchase something truly worthwhile. But this is absolutely not true. No matter how many “shop” gift options are invented, only those that are made by hand carry warmth, attention and care. After all, the giver puts his soul into them, devotes time and creates an exclusive, which is unlikely to be available to anyone else. To understand that this is not the last century, we offer you an interesting selection of presents that you can create on your own.

DIY birthday gift

There are many options for birthday gifts that you can make yourself. And the choice of a specific one depends on the age of the birthday person, his preferences and tastes. Compilation various options, which will be appropriate both as gifts and for the role of gifts, and for a wide age category.

Let's start with the fact that gifts can be not only pleasant, but also useful! For lovers of everything practical, we offer to make just such a wall key holder. To make it is as easy as shelling pears, and the costs are at the very minimum, and it takes very little time for such creativity. But in the end it turns out very useful thing. The frame itself can be decorated as you wish, but it is best to choose a style and color scheme that will be in harmony with the room where this beauty will later hang.

Continuing the topic of frames, there is another option to use it as an interesting idea. Such a "board" can serve as the most in different ways. It can be both a photo holder and act as a stand for "reminders". No matter how the birthday person decides to use it, in any case, the gift is not only original, but also very useful in everyday life, and making it is simple and very fast.

Why are simple piggy banks inconvenient? The fact that you never know how much money is there. But this can be fixed if you give the birthday man just such a piggy bank. Firstly, such a piggy bank cheers up, being on the wall and showing its fullness with money, and secondly, the filler itself can use a marker to make calculations directly on the glass, writing down the accumulated amount. By the way, the gift itself can be presented no longer empty, but with a financial filling.

Candles are an attribute of warmth and comfort, and it is also romantic. A beautiful candle is a universal gift that will be appropriate both as a main gift, for example, a set of candles, and as a present. Making these candles is quick and easy. For decoration, you can use both purchased lace and crocheted with your own hands. Just brush the glue onto the glass and wrap it in lace. As soon as everything dries, place a candle in a glass and that's it - you're done!

Another option for candlesticks. You will need to spend more time on it than on the previous one, but it looks gorgeous. It will be necessary to impose motifs of different diameters, but at the same time it is necessary to ensure that they can harmoniously fit together. After that, you need to inflate the balloon, use PVA glue to attach the motifs to the balloon and hang the latter to let the glue dry. After complete drying, gently burst the ball, and place the candle inside.

An extraordinary gift in every way. He will decorate any room with his presence, and the recipient is unlikely to guess about the materials from which all this beauty was created. But this is nothing more than ordinary bushings from toilet paper! Cheap and very pretty. How to make such a picture can be seen in the step-by-step image. Again, nothing complicated, just a little patience.

This work of art is made according to the same scheme as described above, only in a slightly different improvisation.

All the same useful toilet paper rolls can also decorate a mirror, making it a bright spot on the wall.

DIY wedding gift

What is usually accepted to wish the newlyweds on their wedding day? Love, happiness and... financial well-being. Words, words, but you can present a truly symbolic gift. They can act as a financial security umbrella. Making it is simple, simple, but it looks original.

Another option is to hint to the newlyweds about the importance financial side life - to give the initial family budget. The main thing is to think over the label, you can copy what is written in the image below, or you can use your imagination and come up with something of your own.

And a young family can take such a wonderful money vase to a new home. It is both symbolic and very beautiful at the same time. Making such a present is not difficult, but the result is amazing and such a gift looks very expensive.

And, of course, how to do without a wedding album?! Shops offer formulaic and boring options, so the most skilled needlewomen can try their hand at it. Yes, at first it may seem very difficult, especially for beginners. It’s impossible to call the lesson simple, but if you try, you can create such a thing even for those who hear the word “scrapbooking” for the first time. There are a lot of detailed video MKs on the Internet, where the craftswomen show everything step by step, all that remains is to repeat. But such work will definitely be appreciated by the newlyweds, especially the bride.

Another idea for a wedding present is such a tree. An interesting design of a gift in the form of a picture will look appropriate on the wall in the apartment and will remind you of memorable date. You can use it however you like. For example, each of the guests on a separate heart will write a wish to the young, or give a gift to the clean and let the young themselves write for each other nice words love. In extreme cases, you can leave everything as it is, just for memory.

DIY gift for mom

Mom is the closest person. She will always understand, listen and support, she will be on your side even if you are wrong. Therefore, a gift for the most beloved person should be chosen especially carefully and responsibly. There are a lot of options for such gifts, we offer only some of them, which can be realized with your own hands.

Cosmetic bottles can be decorated very beautifully and in an original way. The design style can be very different, from kanzashi technique to crocheting. And you can combine several types in one. Such a gift will decorate the dressing table and will constantly remind you of the giver.

A homemade photo frame looks simply amazing. To make such beauty, you need to purchase the simplest frame-base. Such blanks are cheap and you can find them in any store for Hand Made, and add decorative elements to them. It can be anything: stones, rhinestones, beads, beads, etc. The decorations are fixed on the frame either with the help of moment glue or hot glue.

In exactly the same way, next gift. Only instead of a frame, any form that can be made of wood and other dense materials will fit into the role of a blank.

For lovers practical gifts suitable option with a homemade mug. You can decorate it as you like, just rely on your taste and create beauty for your beloved and dear little man.

An original gift that will look very nice on the refrigerator or magnetic board. Homemade magnets are made very simply, and the whole process can be followed in step-by-step images. Select the best family photos, scan them to your computer and print them in a smaller size. Next, cut them out in the shape of the stones and glue the photo to the stones, and then the magnet.

DIY gift for dad

Unlike moms, dads are never sentimental, well, or very good at hiding it. Therefore, for dads, a gift should be practical and necessary. As a rule, it is precisely this criterion that hinders the flight of creativity and sharply limits the option of possible gifts. Nevertheless, you can combine business with pleasure and make such a gift with your own hands.

A good option is a watch. A very necessary thing and you can make it in an original way by decorating the frame with decorative elements. For example, coffee beans. These elements are fixed with instant glue or hot glue.

Another homemade and very the right gift- calendar. You will have to work hard to create such a presentation, but it is worth it. If time is running out, you can make the process easier by creating a wall calendar.

What could be more useful in everyday affairs than a diary or a notebook? And how wonderful it is to create such a useful accessory with your own hands. There are a lot of options for diaries that can be made Hand Made, there are variations for both beginners and professionals. And in order not to translate expensive material, you can practice on drafts in advance. The whole process from and to can be viewed in the video MK, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

DIY gift for sister

A sister is the best friend, so a gift for her should be special. You can please your sister with a homemade gift, the main thing is to know what is closer to her heart. A selection of joint photographs, beautifully designed in one single frame, can be a variant of a universal gift. Decorating with a garland will give the present a special warmth and comfort. This amazing gift will make your little sister feel once again how much she is dear to you.

A pleasant soft, warm and cozy rug that will give a sea of ​​emotions from contact with it. By the way, according to this principle, you can make not only rugs, but also entire bedspreads, and even better - make a whole set. In time, it will be longer, but such a gift will look gorgeous.

The original candlesticks, on which your photos with your sister will be, will be both useful and original. Photos are transferred to glasses, or glass jars and other similar things with the help of glue and water. First, the surface must be degreased and dried. Next, you need to apply PVA glue to the glass with a brush and attach a photo, pressing it harder. As soon as everything dries, the surface must be moistened with a cloth and begin to carefully remove the photo paper. Do it carefully and then the image from the photo will remain on the glass. After that, you need to place a candle inside and that's it, the gift is ready!

DIY gift for grandma

Grandmother - how warm is this word! For your beloved granny, you can make a very beautiful knitted lampshade. It is not so difficult to do it, we already wrote about the technique earlier.

By a similar principle, you can beautifully arrange jars that are sure to come in handy on the farm. Or, they can be used as candlesticks. Whatever their purpose, in any case, they will decorate the room with their presence and make it more comfortable.

Another option useful gift for granny - a case for glasses. It is done very simply, but it looks original. You can make such a cover from the most different materials, but the “warm” case looks made of felt. The cover itself can be decorated with figures of animals, flowers, or embroidered on it with a nice inscription.

DIY gift for a man

The process is not simple. Typically, formulaic shaving cream and socks come to mind. And despite the fact that all this sounds trivially simple, they can be presented in a rather original way. For example, gift box, in which pairs of socks will be beautifully folded, and in addition there will be a bottle of expensive alcohol and candy. Such a set can be compiled at your discretion and add to it whatever your heart desires.

They say that men are now smaller, so you can present it with a hint. Remind a man of his main life tasks by presenting a complete set for a “real man” as a gift. This set includes everything you need and nothing more: a nipple, an acorn and a hammer. And all because the main tasks of the stronger sex are to raise a son, plant a tree and build a house.

For needlewomen, the gift option may look like decorative pillow for interior decoration. Making it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. To make it, you will need the simplest pillow of small sizes, a shirt and a tie / bow tie. In fact, you need to sew a kind of pillowcase from a shirt, put a pillow inside and close the seam. Such a gentleman's present will surely be appreciated by the recipient.

DIY gift for husband

A gift to a beloved husband should fully reflect feelings loving wife. Such gifts can be very sentimental, but if not, how can you show love in a material way.

One of the options for nice gifts for a loved one is a set of tea, but not simple, but with love! You will have to work hard to create such a gift, but how cute it will turn out in the end. From tea bags, you need to carefully remove all the labels, and put miniature envelopes in their place, put a love message or a wish for the whole day into each of them. Now, every time a loved one sits down to drink tea, a radiant smile will shine on his face.

Another option for a cute and pleasant gift is the creation of such a photo collage. It will not be difficult to make it even for the most inept hands, and it will take quite a bit of time.

A necessary and very warm gift - tie a cover on a mug and place it on it pleasant words. Such a present will constantly remind you of you, and will also play a useful function, because with such a case you can drink even the hottest tea without burning your hands.

Original DIY gifts

Very simple in execution and at the same time quite original and very necessary - a pebble rug. The most difficult thing in the creation process is to find the perfect stones that would match in size and harmoniously fit on the chosen surface. And then everything is simple - take a carpet, stones and glue. It is desirable that the glue be moisture resistant, because this rug will be washed, and so that it does not fall apart after a couple of cleanings, you need to do everything right. First, without glue, lay the stones on the rug as they will lie in the finished version, and then, lifting each one, apply glue to the stone and lay it in place, pressing down each element for the allotted time. Such a rug turns out to be very heavy, but it will not crawl on the floor, but will be in one place.

Other things can be done in a similar way. For example, they look very beautiful and original from pebble coasters for hot or under plates. This is where your fantasy lies.

A homemade pendant is a huge scope for imagination, because everything you want can be in it. From important symbols to photos of loved ones. Such a pendant is made quite simply, but the recipient of the gift will definitely not remain indifferent to such creativity. By the way, blanks for pendants can be easily found in specialized online stores or in departments for Hand Made.

A candlestick of stunning beauty can be created from the simplest materials at hand. The image shows an example of how the glass lampshade itself is made, the main thing is to make sure that it goes exactly along the neck.

The original bowl for sweets or something else light is made from the very minimum - sequins, glue and balloon. To make the bowl as strong as possible, you need to apply several layers, waiting for each to dry. After the last layer has dried, remove the ball. The bowl itself can be trimmed by cutting off everything superfluous from above, or left as is, which will also look unusual.

Vaccinations and injections are not afraid of only the most courageous, but hardly anyone will agree to voluntary vaccination. But what if it is planned to inject vitamin "₽"? From this, no one will definitely refuse. Giving money in this way is a very interesting undertaking, which will certainly be appreciated. Buy syringes, place bills there, and print a playful instruction on the computer, where the dosage and side effects will be indicated.

DIY gift for a friend

What girl doesn't love jewelry? There are few of these, so a homemade bezel will come in handy. Moreover, knowing such a technique, you can create real masterpieces. It is likely that the first time may not be what was expected, but constant practice will certainly bear fruit. The detailed execution phase is clearly visible on step by step photos, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Mug with delicate design for sure . Such beauty is made very simply. To do this, you will need the simplest nail polishes, a plain mug and fantasy. In the water, alternately drip varnishes of suitable color, and then use a toothpick to fantasize an intricate pattern. After that, just gently lower the mug into the water so that the pattern completely "sits" on the surface of the cup, and lift it up. Let the painting dry and that's it. To prevent tears from drawing, it is advisable to additionally apply a suitable glossy coating on top.

Another original version gift for a girlfriend - a decorative candle with your joint photo. We have already talked about how to transfer a drawing from a photo to another surface, and this is clearly visible in the photo.

Knowing what kind of phone your friend has, you can give her an original smartphone cover as a gift. You can make it any way and with anything. The most common option is the design of rhinestones. To work, you will need the simplest plain case, decorative elements and glue. First, the work surface must be degreased, after which, using a marker or pencil, apply the future location of the rhinestones. You can fix the rhinestones themselves with a high-quality glue moment. A case with an individual design will surely please your girlfriend.

Despite the fact that each of the gifts in our selection is divided into a specific category of recipients, you can give them to anyone and at any time, the main thing is that the present is in the subject and the hero of the occasion likes it. And remember, gifts that were made with your own hands are not only no worse than those that you can buy in a store, sometimes they can even surpass them in all respects.
