Abstract of a lesson in drawing in non-traditional techniques in the middle group. Non-traditional drawing in the middle group: a variety of techniques and features of conducting classes Lesson from the middle group non-traditional drawing

Elena Druzina
Abstract of a drawing lesson in unconventional technique V middle group.

Program tasks:

Continue to teach children to independently convey the plot of the winter landscape using unconventional drawing techniques;

Learn draw landscape using different visual materials in one drawing and non-traditional drawing techniques(impression of a cabbage leaf)- expand and clarify children's ideas about the season - winter;

Develop aesthetic and emotional feelings in the perception of the artistic word, musical works;

To educate in children a sense of beauty, love for nature, for their native land through fine arts, music, poetry.

Cultivate interest in reflecting your impressions in visual activity.

Cultivate accuracy when working with paints. METHODOLOGICAL RECEPTIONS:

Information-receptive (consideration; conversation; listening to musical works; reading fiction; teacher show)

reproductive (consolidating the knowledge and skills of children)

Research (development of cognitive activity in children and the ability to experiment with artistic material and technicians in visual arts)

Heuristic (independence in drawing, manifestation of creativity, fantasy in artistic activity)

Materials and equipment: white gouache, glasses with water. Brushes, napkins, brush holders, A4 tinted sheet, Beijing cabbage leaves, cotton buds, musical accompaniment, multimedia presentation.

vocabulary work: landscape, imprint.

Course progress.

Hello guys! Hello, friends! I'm glad to see you all!

Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Let me guess for you riddle:

Who, guess

Sedentary mistress?

Shakes feather beds -

And snowflakes will fly over the world.

And let's remember what winter is like? What words can you use to describe her?

(Winter is white, snowy, snow-white, cold, beautiful, frosty, fluffy, shiny, fierce).

How can you play in winter? (Sledding, skating, skiing)

But we also love winter for its beauty. Artists have painted many pictures about winter, poets sing of the sorceress - winter in verse. Now we will look at several landscape paintings about winter.

(Music sounds (an example of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. "January", a multimedia presentation with reproductions of paintings by artists about winter is shown).

Guys, do you know what a landscape is?

It is true that a landscape is an image of nature. This is a picture that depicts a forest, a field, a river, lakes.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen!

Look how beautiful she is. On it is written - "Guys middle group of kindergarten"Sun". It is you? (Yes.) I wanted to look into it, but the trouble is, it does not open? I think I know what's up. It will open when you read poems about winter. Who knows the poem about winter and can read it.

Sasha M., White snow us covered:

And trees and houses.

The light-winged wind whistles -

Hello winter winter!

An intricate trace winds

From meadow to hill.

This is a hare printed -

Hello winter winter!

Knock on the door.

(A hare appears).

Hare: Hello guys!

Hare: Is there a fox here?

V-l: What happened, bunny?

Hare: Is there a wolf?

V-l: No.

Hare: Wu-u-u I'll at least translate the spirit!

V-l: And where are you in a hurry, where are you in a hurry?

Hare: I'm coming home.

Yes, I got lost!

V-l: Are you walking alone in the forest?

Guys, can I walk through the forest alone? (No)

Hare: I wanted the guys from d / s with a holiday

Happy New Year, give a gift.

I left the gift, but I lost the road.

V-l: Don't be upset, little white.

We will help you. We have received your message. Thank you.

We just can't open it.

Hare: I'll help you! Once and done!

V-l: What is it guys?

Hare: It's a delicious cabbage leaf!

V-l: Thank you, bunny. And we guys decided to draw.

Hare: No, no, I have to go, I need to hurry home.

V-l: We'll show you the way. The shortest path, you will reach the house in an instant. GOING OUT.

-V-l: Here is a hare and ran away to his forest. Guys, how beautiful it is in the winter forest!

I suggest you become landscape painters and draw winter fairy forest. Do you agree?

- Guys: Yes! Then take your seats.

Here we have cabbage leaves on our tables, now we will turn into wizards ... and draw a winter landscape with these sheets, we will not just paint, we will apply an imprint of a cabbage leaf on a sheet of paper.

Let's repeat the "imprint".

We need to apply a thick layer of white paint on the cabbage leaves with a brush. To begin with, dip the brushes into cups of water, gently squeeze the bristle of the brush against the edge of the glass, then dip the brush into the paint and apply a thick layer on a leaf of Beijing cabbage. We no longer need the brush, let's wash it in a glass of water and put it on a stand. Now we carefully take a cabbage leaf and apply it to the leaf, press it with our hand, then, carefully, with both hands, remove the cabbage leaf, we have an imprint, what does it look like?

That's right, it looks like a tree strewn with snow. And so, everyone understands how we will be draw trees? Ready?

(Independent activity of children. Children draw to music (O. Gazmanov "White snow". The teacher conducts individual work, helps as needed).

You must be tired children, let's play a little? Get in a circle.

A game: "SNOWMAN"

Well, we rested, and let's look at our trees, they just dried up during this time, we will continue our work. Guys, look, it seems to me that something is missing in our works, because we are painting a winter landscape. (Children's answers.)

That's right, there is no snow on the landscapes. The wind brought snow clouds, and it began to snow. - And snowflakes can be draw with a cotton swab, then they will turn out small and light. In order to draw snowflakes, we will take cotton buds, dip them into a jar of white paint and apply dots. We work by poking.

(Independent work of children)

Snowflakes fall to the ground and snowdrifts are obtained ... we will draw them under the trees.

(Children finish painting the landscape, the teacher helps them as needed)

Well done guys, that's what we got a winter landscape. Guys, stand up, we'll take a photo as a keepsake and send the bunny into the forest.

Work analysis.

Let's look at our picture. Than we painted?

What time of year is reflected in our work?

What do you think about our winter landscape?

What did you like the most paint?

Guys, it's time for us to return to the kindergarten from the fabulous magical forest.

Outcome classes.

And so our journey ended winter forest. Were you interested?

What do you remember from our trip?

Thank you guys for being my faithful and smart assistants on this journey! Lesson is over!

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GCD in drawing (using ICT) in non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group

inna kolosnikova
Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Abstract open lesson in the middle group

Synopsis of an open lesson in drawing in the middle group with an unconventional poke method


teach children to poke with a hard semi-dry brush along the contour and inside the contour;


Teach children to draw animals using the poke method. Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush in different ways.


to form the ability to draw with gouache using a poke; apply a pattern over the entire surface; convey features in a drawing appearance bear


develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Encourage the development of curiosity. Develop the ability to choose color scheme for image


cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife. Cultivate accuracy at work.

Preliminary work.

Looking at pictures of animals. Reading the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".


landscape sheet with a drawn outline of a bear; brushes (hard, gouache, a glass of water, a brush stand, napkins). Two samples: on one is the outline of a bear, on the other is a bear drawn using the poke method.

The course of directly educational activities

I give the children a riddle:

“In the summer he walks through the forest,

In winter, he rests in a den. (Bear)

Educator: - Right! What does a bear look like? He is fluffy, he has four paws, a small tail, and he himself is big. I will now read the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Tell me how Mishka did with Masha, good or bad!

Children: It's bad, he didn't let Masha go home.

Educator: Yes, Misha did not let Masha go home, and what did Masha do?

Children: She tricked him.

Educator: Yes, she outwitted him, and thus got home to her grandparents.

Educator: And now we need to carefully consider the bear. What shape is the body of a bear?

Children: The body is oval.

Teacher: And the head?

Children: Round.

Educator: - And who knows how to draw a fluffy bear? What method will we use?

Children: Poke

Educator: - Right. Poke. Let me show you how to draw.

/ Demonstration / - Poke first along the contour of the bear - head, torso, tail, paws, and then inside.

Educator: - That's what a fluffy bear turned out to be. What else did I forget to draw for the bear?

Children: Eyes and nose.

Educator: - That's right, eyes and nose. I don't draw them, I glue them. Look how wonderful the bear turned out!

Remember how to draw? We must try not to go beyond the contour line.

You guys, try to make the teddy bear beautiful and fluffy.

/Independent work of children, individual assistance/

Now sit down at the tables and start drawing.

As the children complete the work, I conduct an analysis, noting the most successful work and noting the mistakes that the children made.

For the development of a full-fledged personality, a person from childhood must be in a calm atmosphere conducive to creativity. Non-traditional drawing techniques allow you to unlock your potential and get closer to the creative process. Such techniques are widely used in kindergarten and preparatory preschool institutions.

Any kind of fine art provides unlimited opportunities for self-expression, a more subtle understanding of the surrounding world, fixation and transmission of fleeting impressions and moods, and also contributes to finding inner harmony and personal development.

In addition to the usual drawing techniques, non-traditional areas of fine art are also widely used in preschool educational institutions. They provide a lot additional features to comprehend the surrounding world and implement original ideas.

Unlike traditional methods, unusual techniques allow the child to maximize their creative potential, without burdening it with frames

Most non-traditional drawing techniques are aimed at freedom, without imposing the fear of making a mistake, which further hinders creativity and personal development, turning talented people into mediocrity. original ways allow you to use various materials and help them learn to think outside the box.

Benefits of drawing in non-traditional ways

An unconventional drawing technique in kindergarten or preschool develops the mind and creativity. WITH early age we need to instill in children a love of art and encourage creative manifestations. The kid learns to connect a single composition, creating it from small details, to harmoniously arrange various elements, to realize his plans or to improvise.

Unusual drawing techniques have a lot of advantages:

Hand drawing

An unconventional image technique, the most common in kindergarten, is drawing with palms and fingers. Every child can master this technique. The technique is extremely simple - just dip your hand into a container of paint or paint your palm with a brush, and then put an imprint on a piece of paper.

When organizing this process, the teacher must act on the principle of "from simple to complex". In the nursery or junior preschool group (ages 1 to 3), children do not yet create compositional works. At this stage, they get acquainted with the color and texture of the paint.

For a child from 1 to 3 years old, palm painting is the best option, since he still cannot hold a brush or pencil correctly. For children of the middle group (age from 3 to 4 years), the creation of paintings using this technique is already suitable.

To begin with, you should choose the most simple and familiar patterns for children:

  • flowers;
  • Sun;
  • trees;
  • fish.

The applied print must be supplemented with details that complete the image. In the older group, children are already learning to create more detailed paintings. Images often have a plot character.

The technique of drawing with palms has a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child, allows him to calm down, get used to an unfamiliar environment at the stage of adaptation to a new environment. This exciting game also helps children learn to get along with their peers.

In groups preschool age can be offered teamwork- each child leaves an imprint, and some kind of image is created. To develop creativity, it is recommended to give children the opportunity to determine the created image and supplement it with the missing details.

Drawing with palms and fingers does not require special materials and tools. You will need a sheet of paper and paint. For this type of creativity, it is recommended to use gouache paint, slightly diluted with water.

It is best to pour the colored liquid in a saucer. There is also a great alternative - the so-called, Finger paint. They are absolutely safe for the child, are easily washed off and do not contain toxic substances. For an older age, watercolor is suitable.

Drawing Ideas


  • brown paint is applied to the palm and an imprint is made on a sheet of paper; this is an image of a massive trunk of a centuries-old oak;
  • with small strokes, with the help of fingers, leaves are added to the tree;
  • to complete the picture, you can depict the sky with light blue stains.


There are endless possibilities for imagination here.

Palms can depict various flowers:

  • with a slight offset in a circle, several prints are applied (in this case, the palm depicts the core of a flower, and the fingers draw the petals), which makes it possible to obtain an image of fabulous flowers resembling asters or chrysanthemums.
  • if the fingers are held together, such prints will look like tulips.

Dinosaur or dragon

Spread your fingers apart and print on paper. Wherein thumb depicts the head of a dragon, the palm is the torso, and the remaining fingers are needles on the back. Then the children are invited to complete the missing elements - the eyes, legs and tail of the dragon.

Stamps, prints

The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the coloring matter is applied to the surface of an object, which is then applied to a sheet of paper, leaving an imprint. To do this, you will need all kinds of materials, and the more diverse, the better.

Perfect for this purpose:

  • leaves;
  • traffic jams;
  • embossed napkins with patterns;
  • crumpled paper;
  • feathers.

As for paints, it is recommended to take gouache or watercolor. This method allows you to apply several identical images, composing ornaments or plot images, supplemented with details. This drawing technique is suitable for both the smallest artists and children. preparatory group.

foam drawing

An unconventional drawing technique in kindergarten often involves the use of simple materials in an unusual way. One of these techniques is drawing with foam rubber. This technique makes it possible to obtain original images that cannot be done with a brush.

For work you will need watercolor paints, pieces of foam rubber different sizes and sheets of paper. The essence of the method is very simple - the sponge is dipped in watercolor slightly diluted with water and applied to a sheet of paper. You can also do strokes and stains. Different pressing force helps to vary the texture.

The benefits of foam rubber drawing technique:

  • Imagination develops. The child learns to recognize familiar objects in intricate impressions. After applying the main elements, the drawing is complemented by details that complete the picture.
  • Children learn how to apply large elements by arranging the details according to the size of the sheet. This gives the basic concepts of composition.
  • Improvisational skills are developed.
  • Children learn to recognize images of different textures.

Dot drawing

This technique allows children to learn to harmoniously perceive disparate small details and collect them into a big picture. This direction of fine art is also known as the technique of "pointillism" or "divisionism". Dot painting was first proposed by the French post-impressionist painter Georges-Pierre Seurat.

Spot painting involves the use of pure colors, without mixing shades.

For example, instead of green, blue and yellow are applied, and instead of orange, red and yellow are applied. The perception of color occurs through an optical effect. If we consider such a work from a close distance, then the viewer will see only separate points. And from afar, they form shapes and colors.

To create paintings in this technique, you will need watercolor paints and paper. As for the drawing tool, the choice is limitless here - from a pencil with an eraser on the end (with which points will be applied), to cotton buds.

The dots should not be too small, otherwise it will take too long to create a drawing. This direction of fine art is great for children 3-6 years old.

Technique "monotype"

The essence of this technique is as follows: a drawing is applied on a flat, smooth surface, which is then printed on a sheet of paper.

Another common method is that the drawing is applied to one of the inner sides of a double-folded sheet, after which the sheet is folded, and the original image is partially or completely displayed on the second half of the paper. Symmetric patterns and ornaments are obtained.

This unique technique allows you to create interesting, diverse and original paintings. The resulting print can be left in its original form. But more often it is complemented by elements that allow you to complete the picture and make it more detailed.

The non-traditional drawing technique in kindergarten, described above, is used quite widely. It is suitable both for kids who are offered the simplest drawings (flags, Balloons, cubes), and for middle and older groups, where children can already perform more complex images (butterflies, flowers, animals).

Spray painting

One of the simplest, but no less interesting techniques is painting using the “spray” technique. The essence of this direction is reflected in the name itself - drops of paint are splashed on the surface of the paper.

Stencils are often used to create paintings. For this purpose, dried leaves, flowers, figures cut out of paper are suitable. You can also perform multi-layer "spraying" using several stencils. Drawing in this technique is recommended for children aged 3-4 years.

Required for work Sequencing
  • paints (watercolor or gouache);
  • old toothbrushes;
  • plastic rulers;
  • stacks (a spatula-shaped tool used by sculptors);
  • stencils;
  • oilcloth for the table (or newspapers), apron and sleeves.
  • Dip the brush into a glass of water, shaking off excess water.
  • Pick up a small amount of paint.
  • Holding the brush in your left hand (for left-handers, on the contrary, in the right), take a stack or a small plastic ruler in your other hand.
  • Bring the tools to a sheet of paper. Run a stack along the brush, directing the tool in the opposite direction from the sheet, so that the spray hits the paper. Movements must be precise and fast.
  • Thus, the entire surface of the sheet or the desired fragment is tinted.


An unconventional drawing technique in kindergarten contributes to the development of children's creative abilities. One of the interesting painting techniques is based on painting with spots and blots.

This type of creativity is interesting because it is impossible to predict in advance what will happen as a result. The essence of the method is as follows: a blot is placed on a sheet of paper, and then it is blown in different directions through a straw.

The next step is to draw the resulting spots. The idea gives meaning to the blots. One and the same spot can be interpreted in different ways, complementing it with all sorts of details. At the same time, the teacher or parents help the children by asking leading questions to help determine which image is hidden in the inkblot. Drawing additional elements is an important part of the work.

To conduct classes, you will need liquid watercolor paints, brushes, thick paper and straws (tubes). If there is only ordinary watercolor available, it must be diluted in advance and poured into convenient containers.

The technique includes two main steps:

  • Drops. A brush, abundantly dipped in liquid paint, is shaken off over a sheet of paper, leaving blots and drops of various sizes. This method is somewhat similar to the splatter technique, but thick, soft brushes are used instead of toothbrushes.
  • Spreading. Using a brush, a large spot of paint is applied to the paper, which is then blown up with a straw. You can also tilt the sheet in different directions, allowing drops of paint to spread over the surface.

This technique well suited for children of the middle and senior group of a preschool educational institution (age from 3 to 6 years).


Tinted soap bubbles allow you to create ephemeral elusive paintings.

For work you will need:

  • water;
  • shampoo or foaming liquid soap;
  • food colorings;
  • thick cardboard;
  • tubes for a cocktail;
  • spoons.


  1. Detergent dilute with water in a ratio of approximately 1:5. Add dye. It is advisable to make several containers with different shades.
  2. Place the tubes in a glass with a solution, shake and blow so that foam appears above the surface of the container.
  3. Apply sheets of paper to glasses with multi-colored foam, leaving prints.
  4. You can also apply the foam to the paper with a spoon.
  5. Another way is to inflate soap bubble and carefully, holding it on the tube, place it on paper.

Finished work can be supplemented with details or left in its original form. This technique is suitable for children of middle and older preschool age.


Many unusual drawing techniques are based on the use of quite familiar materials.

To paint with salt you will need:


  1. A drawing is drawn on a piece of paper.
  2. With a large brush, moisten a sheet of paper with plenty of water.
  3. Carefully apply the main colors. You need to be careful when touching the paper with the brush, as the paint spreads.
  4. Sprinkle the colored fragments with salt.

The resulting pattern acquires a peculiar texture and relief.

Sand, beads and grains

An unconventional drawing technique in kindergarten can involve the use of any materials. With help various cereals, sand and beads can create original paintings.

Moreover, there are two directions:

  • sand animation;
  • fixing bulk materials on the surface of the sheet with glue.


Sand or semolina is usually used for this technique. The material is poured onto a surface with a contrasting color. You need to draw directly with your hands on the surface.

This technique is very useful for children. Working with bulk materials helps to get rid of negative emotions, calm down, overcome internal personal barriers and learn to improvise. Children develop coordination, fine motor skills, imagination, fantasy and memory. The technique is suitable for children of all ages.

Sand animation lesson for kids:

Paintings with glue and bulk materials

This technique is as follows: the contour of the picture is drawn on paper and smeared with glue. Then sand or grits are poured onto the surface. The finished picture takes on volume. The combination of different cereals allows you to vary different textures.


With the help of this technique, children create bizarre patterns consisting of spots and streaks.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:


  1. Pre-moistened and softened watercolors are applied to a smooth surface (glass or plastic). There is unlimited space for creativity here. You can apply stains and stains of any size, shape and shade.
  2. Then a sheet of paper is pressed against the painted surface, gently smoothing it.
  3. You can circle the received images with a contrast dark color, emphasizing existing details and adding new elements.

This technique is most often used in middle and senior groups kindergarten.


This technique, also known as waxography, is based on scratching the surface of a primed sheet with a sharp object. Before work, thick paper or cardboard is rubbed with a wax candle. The method is very simple.

  • pointed object (pen, toothpick, plastic fork);
  • dark gouache paints;
  • cardboard;
  • a little soap or PVA.

Work process:

  1. Rub a thick sheet of cardboard well with a wax candle.
  2. With a large brush, apply a thick layer of dark gouache. Try not to leave spaces. In order for the paint not to remain on your hands during work, it is recommended to add a little liquid soap or PVA glue.
  3. Draw with a pointed object.


The frotting technique is as follows:

  • a flat object with a relief surface is placed under a sheet of paper;
  • then carefully rub the surface of the sheet with wax crayons, pastels or pencils, after which the pattern appears on the surface.

Templates for work are pre-made from thick cardboard. If you place stencils on the surface of the mosquito net, you get wonderful pictures. In the process of rubbing paper with crayons, children have to make an effort to hold the chalk in their hands and shade the entire surface. This allows you to develop fine motor skills.

Painting with plasticine on glass

Plasticine drawing or plasticineography allows children to create voluminous and embossed paintings. The technique is very simple.

For work you will need:

  • plasticine;
  • gouache;
  • thin brushes;
  • modeling board;
  • glass;
  • picture for the template.

This technique should be mastered from simple to complex.


  1. Before starting work, the glass must be wiped with alcohol.
  2. Put any picture you like under the glass. Circle the contours with a thin brush with gouache. Let dry.
  3. Then roll out thin plates of plasticine and fill in the drawing, enriching it with color.

This technique is great for kids ages 4-6.

Drawing with forks

The technique for creating paintings using this method is very simple. For work you will need plastic forks and gouache paints, diluted to the consistency of sour cream.


  1. A thick layer of paint is applied to the surface of thick paper or cardboard.
  2. Then apply the necessary strokes with a fork.
  3. Finish the missing elements with a pencil or brush.

This method is well suited for depicting tree foliage, thick grass, animal hair, and rain. The result is relief paintings that are distinguished by liveliness and unusualness.


This technique is essentially very similar to hand painting.
Pictures are created on the same principle using similar materials.

Hatching method

Different kinds shading allows the child to get closer to real fine art and further develop drawing skills. At the initial stages of work, children are encouraged to try to perform different types hatching: straight, oblique and round. These methods are then used to create simple drawings.

Non-traditional drawing techniques open up a huge space for the creative realization of young artists. Mastering different directions fine arts in kindergarten, the child comprehends the world, looking for what he likes, and also learns to express his own emotions and thoughts.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: non-traditional drawing technique in kindergarten

Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten:

Abstract of a lesson using non-traditional drawing techniques for children 4-5 years old. NOD "Hen with chickens."

I offer a lesson in drawing using non-traditional drawing techniques. This lesson is for preschool educators working with children junior-middle preschool age groups.
Target: introduce children to the non-traditional technique of drawing with fingers and palms.
Tasks: to form a careful attitude towards the surrounding living objects. Develop fine motor skills and hand coordination. Continue to introduce the properties of paints and color. Improve your artistic skills. Depict objects evenly throughout the sheet. Develop aesthetic perception, accuracy and creative fantasy.
Preliminary work.
Reading stories, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, guessing riddles about a chicken. Examining illustrations. Outdoor games: "A mother hen and chickens", "A fox in a chicken coop"

Material for the lesson. Sheets of white paper, paint yellow color, poured into a convenient flat container, additionally red paint, brushes, cotton and wet wipes. Hen and chick masks, hen and chick illustration.

Course progress.

The teacher puts on a chicken mask and invites the children to play the game "Hatch and chickens" Children put on chicken masks.

The teacher reads a poem by T. Volgina Chickens: "A chicken came out for a walk, nibbled on fresh grass, and behind her the guys were yellow chickens. Ko-ko, ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! Children walk around the group, wave their hands with "wings", squat, "peck grains", repeat the movements of the teacher.
A cloud in the sky is frowning, it's going to rain. Run up to me soon, I'll protect you from the rain. Those are some good chickens! Well done!

The teacher shows the children the previously prepared illustration "Hen with chickens"
Asking questions. Who is in the picture? What chicken? What about chickens? Listens to the children's answers, praises them.
Yes, guys, the chicken takes care and protects the chickens, teaches them to find food and hide in danger. And the chickens are small, defenseless. They obey and love their mother.
Guys, do you want to draw a chicken with chickens? I invite you to come to the tables.
Guys, be careful, I'll show you how to draw a chicken and chickens with your palm and fingers. I dip my hand in yellow paint and apply it gently to a sheet of paper. I'll take it and take it. You see, the palm is in the paint. You need to wipe it off with a tissue.

And now I’ll take a brush and paint on a scallop, beak, eyes and legs for the chicken. What an unusual chicken turned out! The hen is calling the chicks! We will draw them with a finger. I will dip my finger in yellow paint and also attach it to a piece of paper. I'll try that a few more times. I wipe my finger with a napkin and use a brush to paint on the chickens' eyes, beak and legs. And here's the picture we got!

Now you can draw a chicken with chickens using your palms and fingers. Draw carefully. Draw paint well on your palm and finger so that the drawing is bright.
The teacher praises and helps children who need help.

caregiver Well done boys! Here are some wonderful hens and chickens painted!

I propose to make an exhibition of your drawings, and we will call it "Hen with chickens.

Children admire each other's work.
Lesson completed.

Encourage children to use familiar drawing techniques in unusual situations.

To cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, mutual respect in collective drawing.

Equipment: gouache different colors in jars and pallets, wet wipes, caps of different diameters, colored wax pencils.

Material: Anya doll, Vanya doll, Hedgehog, Bear, Bunny.

The course of the lesson in the middle group with drawing by non-traditional techniques:

V. - Sit down, children, more conveniently, I'll tell you something. In one fairy tale there lived a doll Anya, who loved to draw very much. And she had a brother Vanya. He was still small and did not know how to use a brush. He painted with his fingers.

But one day, Anya promised that when she returned from kindergarten, she would teach him how to properly handle a brush. Vanya did not wait, and when Anya and her mother went to kindergarten, without permission, he picked up her brushes.

He tapped them, pressed hard, but the brushes either did not draw at all, or left a weak, indistinct mark. Vanya was tired of this occupation, he got angry and threw the brushes behind the closet.

Anya was very upset, but did not scold her brother, but decided to look for her favorite brushes with him. Let's help the dolls in their search!

Q. - What do you think, where should the search begin? Of course, from the closet! After all, it was there that Vanya threw his brushes. (Children look under the closet, find the Hedgehog there).

V. - Good afternoon, Hedgehog! Can you tell us where to look for brushes?

E. - And you treat me with apples, then I'll tell you! (Gives the children a sheet of paper round, in the form of a plate).

Q. - Let's think about how you can draw apples without a brush? Indeed, you can make prints with a cylinder, or foam rubber sponges. Let's take such things, immerse them in paint and draw large and small red and yellow apples on a plate.

Children draw a collective drawing with a sponge

D. - Help yourself, Hedgehog!

E. - Thank you! I will carry it to my children, and we will enjoy it together! And you go along the path to Mishka, he will help!

(Children walk in a circle to the music, meet Mishka).

V. - Teddy bear! Do you know how we can find brushes?

M. - And you treat me to a raspberry, then I'll tell you!

Q. - Children, how can we draw berries if we don't have a brush? We must do it well and quickly! Yes, that's right, draw with your fingers! (Children draw berries in a basket with their fingers).

Finger painting

V. - Here, you Bear cub, a full basket of raspberries, help yourself!

M. - Thank you! Follow this path to Bunny, he knows everything and will definitely help you! (Children walk along a ribbed path).

V. - Hello, Bunny! Please tell me where to find Anya's brushes!

Z. - Why do you need brushes? After all, the world has long been painted, and everything around is dark and dull! This is how I see everything around at night, because during the day I am afraid to go out so that the Fox does not catch me!

V. - No, Bunny, you are mistaken! The world is bright, colorful, joyful! Children, tell Bunny what colors you know! (Children name the colors).

V. - And we will draw you a firework! It is colorful, joyful, and it is clearly visible in the night sky! (On a sheet of drawing paper, children draw firework stars with colored wax crayons).

Z. - But the sky is bright, I can't see anything!

V. - Nothing, we will now make it so that it becomes dark as at night! (With a sponge dipped in paint, the teacher creates a background. The wax pattern appears).

Z. - Thank you guys! How happy I am to have seen so much bright colors! In fact, I followed your journey and realized that you are friendly, hardworking children! Know how to find a way out of a difficult situation, know how to work together, help friends. I hope you will help Anya to teach her brother how to properly handle the brush: do not press hard on it, draw carefully, wash and wipe the brush after work. Then he will not be offended, but will become you good helper. Come out, brushes! In this kindergarten, neither children nor dolls will offend you! (Children help the dolls wash and dry the brushes).
