Modeling ethical conversation at school. Ethical conversation as a means of moral education of younger students

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth "Harmony"

Ethical conversations with students

Luneva S.N.

The collection is intended for teachers of additional education to provide practical assistance in conducting ethical conversations in the classroom (as part of the lesson) as part of the moral education of the younger generation.


Psychological features first graders. Features of conducting ethical conversations.

Conversation« About friendship»

Conversation « school etiquette »


In institutions of additional education, educational work is one of the main activities. Proper organization educational process It is impossible without consolidating the basic moral knowledge acquired at school in students, and it is also impossible without mastering the basics of morality.

At present, a new approach to the organization, psychological substantiation and provision of moral education of schoolchildren is required in connection with the changed conditions of society. It is necessary to develop a different content of moral education in educational institutions.

One of such approaches to the formation of the moral side of the student's personality and his moral consciousness is the concern for his systematic education during the entire period of study, both at school and in institutions of additional education.

For each stage of the secondary general education school (primary, basic and complete), curricula of special classes on the basics of morality have been developed in accordance with age: “The ABC of Morality” (grades 1-4), “Moral Grammar” (grades 5-9), “Fundamentals morality” (grades 9, 10-11). Programs are studied on classroom hours, during the organization extracurricular activities and on things like The world”, “Civil science”, “Social science”, where morality is an integral part.

To consolidate the success of the acquired knowledge in an additional education institution, such work is recommended to be carried out as part of a lesson for 5-10-15 minutes, depending on the age of the students. The main role here is played by the personality of the teacher himself (a teacher of additional education), the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren.

Perhaps, during the autumn (winter, spring) holidays, organize holidays, theatrical performances or events such as "Classroom" on the topics of moral education. The duration of such events can reach 40-50 minutes. But preparation of the teacher and pupils is required. The topics of holidays and events may coincide with the topics of ethical conversations, but contain deeper material on this topic.

Development in childrenmoral ideas isbasis meaningfulbehavior, building relationships with peers and adults.

Psychological characteristics of first graders

Since almost every teacher of additional education at the Palace has first-graders, I consider it necessary to remind thempsychological features:

First, they are very emotional.

Secondly, they are dominated by concrete visual-figurative thinking.

Thirdly, they have unstable attention.

Fourthly, they differ in involuntary memory.

Fifth, they are dominated by play activities.

Therefore, the moral education of such children begins with the formation of them (we begin to consolidate the formation after schooling) withmoral notions. In the future, moral ideas will form the basis for the formation of moral concepts, norms, and rules. We recommend conducting such work with primary school students in the form of ethical conversations.

Features of conducting ethical conversations

In order for your ethical conversation with first-graders to have a positive result, you must follow some"rules" conducting conversations.

    Be emotional with children.

    Build a conversation on the involuntary attention and memory of children, include game moments.

    Use visual aids (book illustrations, paintings, etc.)

    Give the children homework: draw a picture on the topic of the conversation, read with their parents (or on their own, if they can) a specific story on the topic of the conversation. Next time, be sure to check the execution of such a task. If someone did not complete the task, you should not scold such students for this, but it is importantpublicly celebrate those who brought homework or did it.

    Involve students in a conversation, in a discussion, it is important to ensure their activity here.

    Explain, explain and teach first graders.

    The duration of the conversation should not exceed 15 minutes.

    The topic of conversation should be understandable to children.

    Be short and accessible.

home task conducting ethical conversations - to awaken schoolchildren's interest in the inner world of a person, to make them think about themselves and their actions, their moral essence.

Target conversations - to form in schoolchildren an attitude to their behavior, to form an idea of ​​​​certain moral concepts, which in the future will become a guide in various life situations and understanding the behavior and actions of people.

Conversation "What is "Good and Evil"

Purpose of the conversation: Explain what meaning people put into the concepts of "good" - "evil" (synonyms "good" - "bad") on the example of life situations familiar to schoolchildren or on the example of literary works.

Questions for schoolchildren: - Give examples of fairy tales (stories, poems) in which good and evil heroes act.

How did you divide the characters into positive (good) and negative (bad) characters?

What qualities of good heroes do you especially like? Why?

What literary characters would you like to be like?


Whose hero is better?

Prove the merityour his fairy-tale (literary) hero.

Would you like to be likesuch hero?

Would you like to be laughed at because of some act?

Teacher: Report on the role of laughter in evaluating a person's actions: it helps to eradicate one or another shortcoming in a person.

For example, why do we laugh at the Wolf from the cartoon "Just you wait!"?

Do we want to be like him?

What negative qualities of the Wolf does the author of the cartoon laugh at?

The role of the teacher during the conversation:

    Follow the students' reasoning.

    Giving students moral guidelines: moral phenomena are divided into two opposite categories -good and evil . They act as actions of people (aimed at benefiting or harming people). Good and evil can also be the motives for these actions (everyone decides how to act in a given situation, everyone is responsible for their actions).

    To conclude: each person is free to choose actions and deeds. In relations with people, moral norms are manifested in the culture of their behavior and communication.

    Consider that, entering into certain relationships with peers, the student focuses primarily on his experience and knowledge received from parents and teachers at school.

    To analyze together with the pupils the moral side of the relations presented in a particular situation.

    To form rules and norms, in accordance with which one must always act.

    Do not give children ready-made answers, it is better to look for them together.

Homework: Draw a picture of how you see good and evil.

literary works

A. Krapivin "Alka is looking for a friend", E. Permyak "Pichugin bridge".

Conversation "On Friendship"

Purpose of the conversation: To reveal the essence of moral relations between people on specific examples accessible to children's perception.

Conversation Meaning: During the conversation, the first grader experiences ethical experiences. A moral ideal, a system of moral assessments is revealed.

Tell us briefly about yourself, your family, hobbies.

Do you have friends?

What is a friend? (Who is a good friend?)

Who in the class are you friends with? Why?

Who would you like to be like? Why? (to help the child gradually begin to evaluate himself - his thoughts, actions, relationships with other children, moving towards the understanding that there is a person nearby with his inner world, which is hidden, but manifests itself in his actions and actions.

What do you think it means to be friends? (be polite, attentive, friendly, come to the rescue, sympathize, worry, help with deed,

share, visit during illness, protect, walk together, etc.)

Let's get to know"Rules of Friendship" :


- How do you understand the saying:"Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends."

The teacher summarizes the answers of the children, based on personal observation of the attitude of children to each other.

The role of the teacher during the conversation:

    Take into account that first graders are just beginning to comprehend new relationships for them, expand contacts and gradually get used to the school environment.

    Know that the inner world of a peer is closed to a first grader, so he does not arouse his interest. A classmate as a person does not attract the attention of a first grader.

    To know that the moral relationship of first graders with each other lies in the ability to comprehend the inner world of another person through their own worldview.

    To know that first-graders' relationships will be built if they were preceded by mutual respect, mutual assistance, and cooperation.

    Have individual approach to each pupil, because not everyone will go for frankness, especially children from dysfunctional families.

Homework: Draw a picture on the theme "My friend".

literary works ,

S. Kosol "Tereshka", O. Vysotskaya "Hedgehog", S. Marshak "Friends-comrades", E. Permyak "The most terrible", "Kite", A. Barto "Sonechka", El. Livshits "Two Goats", G. Mamlin "Fedya in the Elevator", S. Mikhalkov "Good Comrades", V. Oseeva "Before the first rain", A. Barto "Who punished him", "Not for this and not for this" , N. Sakinskaya "Girlfriends", a fairy tale "Two Frosts", I. Turchin "Friendship", E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends" (chapter 9),

Conversation "On a conscientious attitude to learning"

Purpose of the conversation: Help pupils understand why they need to receive additional education(learn) at the Palace what role education plays in people's lives.

What will happen if people forget how to create something, produce, repair, cook, etc.?

Who created everything that surrounds us - houses, cars, household items, clothes?

Who grows vegetables, prepares food?

And how does he know this and how can he do everything?

Why do you need to study?

What can you learn at the Palace? (dance, draw, sculpt, sew, embroider, etc., i.e. get additional education)

Where can this knowledge and skills be useful? (after leaving school when choosing a profession. It often happens that the choice of a profession is influenced by a passion for something in childhood, i.e. in the Palace of Creativity. If someone was engaged in dancing, then now he is a choreographer; if he painted, then he became an artist or an art teacher, etc.).

What proverbs and sayings do you know about learning?

"Live and learn"; “Learning to learn is always useful”; "White field, black seed - who sows it, he understands", "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness."


    Does anyone want to be like Dunno?

    Why, no matter what Dunno thought, did he succeed?

The role of the teacher during the conversation:

1. Convince children that without knowledge, efforts in learning, dreams will never come true.

Conversation "On the culture of appearance"

Purpose of the conversation: Explain what is called the culture of appearance and clothing.

Conversation Meaning: Introducing children to the culture of appearance.

Human culture begins with the ability to monitor appearance. Appearance is of great importance in a person's life. It is difficult to imagine a person who is dirty, sloppy, so that he can monitor his actions.

Questions for pupils:

Why appearance is not only your personal business?(Because communicating with other people, you show respect not only for yourself, but also for them with your appearance).

Why does this concern others? (It's nice to communicate with a beautiful, neat person. Dirty hands, face, sloppy clothes repel others from their owner).

What should be done to keep the appearance clean and tidy? (You need to know and follow the rules of cleanliness and hygiene).

Which rules of cleanliness and hygiene You know?

    Always keep your hands, face, and neck clean.

    Wash your face in the morning and evening, brush your teeth.

    Wash my hands before eating.

    Watch your hair. Tousled hair is a sign of slovenliness.

    Keep your nails in order.

    Always use a handkerchief.

    In the morning, do exercises, ventilate your room.

Why should a person's clothes also be clean and tidy?

Why is it necessary to look in the mirror when leaving their house? (Is everything okay in your appearance?)

How should you take care of your clothes? (Timely clean, iron, wash)

Teacher: You have to learnnice to wear clothes. Of great importance for the appearance is the gait and posture of a person. When walking, it is ugly to wave your arms, stomp or shuffle your feet. It is ugly to sit lounging, stretching your legs on the floor, leaning on the table. You need to walk straight, not slouching, not keeping your hands in your pockets.

Clothing must be appropriate for the type of activity. For classes at school, one, for the game, another, for playing sports, the third, for going out on a visit, the fourth, for work, the fifth.

How do you take care of your clothes?

Conclusion: Cleanliness is a friend of neatness, beauty and health .

literary works , which can be recommended to pupils for reading and further discussion on this topic: Y. Tuvim “Letter to all children on one very important matter”, K. Chukovsky “Moydodyr”, G. Oster “Advice on the contrary”.

2. Lead pupils to the idea that a person, before creating something, must obtain the necessary knowledge, master skills, and acquire skills in work. For this you need to study.

Homework: Draw "What I would like to be in the future."

literary works , which can be recommended to pupils for reading and further discussion on this topic:

S. Marshak "A book about a book", "Cat and loafers", "Master-breaker", "From the author", "Song of library books", "About one student and six units", "Conversation with the first class". N. Nosov "adventures of Dunno and his friends."

Conversation "On diligence and diligence"

Purpose of the conversation: Explain the meaning of the words "diligence", "diligent" in relation to the student. Make it clear that these qualities are positive.

Conversation Meaning: Introducing students to diligence and diligence.

What do the words "diligence", "diligent" mean?

Generalization of the teacher: a diligent, diligent student is one who works, completes any task on time, saves his time, feels responsible for the task assigned. Such a student has order everywhere - both at home and in a briefcase, each thing knows its place. And he writes diligently.

What does "try hard" mean? (to try means to work in such a way that the results of labor are tangible, deserve a positive, high assessment).

Do all of you try to study well?

What is it expressed in?

If you did not try and did a bad job, what should you do in this case?

Conclusion: It is better to try to do the task without hurrying at once than to do the same work several times.

Does everyone try to study well?

How can you call a student who does not like to work and study? (loafer, lazy, negligent, loafer).

Discussion: Teaching is also a work that requires endurance, patience and diligence. Not all things are easy, without effort. Any business requires a considerable amount of effort to master it.

Conclusion: T ore-loving - this is one of the main virtues of a person. All the great people were very hardworking, so they achieved a lot. There is such a saying “Patience and work will grind everything”, i.e. everyone will overcome.

The role of the teacher during the conversation:

1. Ask questions.

2. Give explanations

3. Make generalizations and conclusions

Homework: Read any works about diligence and diligence.

literary works , which can be recommended to pupils for reading and further discussion on this topic:

    S. Baruzdin "Poems about a man and a watch", S. Marshak "Cat and loafers", B. Zakhoder "Petya dreams", L. Kvitko "Who wants what", Y. Akim "Neumeyka", V. Oseeva "Sons ",

Conversation "Rules of culture of behavior on the street"

Purpose of the conversation: Fix the basic rules of behavior on the street.

Conversation Meaning: To educate the culture of behavior of children on the street.

Content of the conversation:

Introductory speech of the teacher: Good behavior people on the street - a sign of human culture. Ugly behavior is a sign of lack of culture, it can be considered hooliganism, and this is already a violation of the law.

Questions for pupils:

What kind of behavior can be called hooliganism? Why?

Have you met people with bad behavior on the streets?

- How do you behave on the street?

What should you do so that you do not have problems when you walk?

Rules of conduct on the street

    Walk at the same time, at home tell where you walk. Do not play on the roadway, there is a yard and special playgrounds for this. Don't forget to come home on time.

    On the street you can run, jump, play noisy games. Be friendly with other children, follow the rules of the game and do not quarrel over trifles.

    Remember your address, find out the names of nearby streets and what institutions, shops are located here, be able to explain how to get there.

    When meeting with a friend, do not stop in the middle of the sidewalk to chat. You will interfere with passers-by.

    Never hurt little ones.

    Maintain order in the yard; do not litter; do not break trees and shrubs, do not pick flowers from flower beds; do not forget about the birds that need food, especially in winter.

    On the playground, take care of everything that is built for you. It is necessary to play in such a way as not to crush flower beds, not to interfere with passers-by, walking.

    See to it that others keep order in the yard and take care of it.

    Do not laugh, do not stare at people with physical disabilities.

    Be considerate to anyone who needs help.

    Develop with children the basic rules of behavior on the street.


Homework: Draw a picture on one of the rules of your choice.

literary works , which can be recommended to pupils for reading and further discussion on this topic:

V. Oseeva "Just an old woman", R. Zelenaya, S. Ivanov "A terrible story."

Conversation "Rules of the culture of behavior in the Palace"

Purpose of the conversation: To acquaint with the basic rules of conduct in the Palace.

Conversation Meaning: To educate the culture of behavior of children in public institutions.

Content of the conversation:

Introductory speech of the teacher: The Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth "Harmony" is an educational institution, like a school. Many children study here. In order for the Palace to have order and so that you do not have conflicts with others, you must follow certain rules:

Rules of conduct in the Palace

    Maintain the cleanliness and order that adults impose.

    When entering the building, say "hello", " Good morning". Adults should be greeted first.

    If you were given a service, they gave you something, you must say “thank you”.

    Always come with a change of shoes. You have to change in the wardrobe. Store shoes in a special bag (bag).

    During the conversation, be polite, it is important in what tone you speak when addressing adults or friends, whether you look at him during the conversation. Polite words spoken rudely, carelessly, turning away from the one to whom they are addressed, cease to be polite.

    Enter the classroom only with the permission of the teacher.

    During the lesson, you can not shout, talk loudly.

    When you ask for something, do not forget to say the words: "I ask you ...", "I want to ask you ...".

    If you need to address the talking adults, start with the words "I'm sorry" and only after that state your request.

    If you accidentally hurt someone, made awkwardness, you must apologize ("Excuse me, please", "Forgive me, please").

    Come to class on time, don't be late. If you are ill or cannot come for a good reason, notify the teacher in advance.

    Come to class in neat clothes and clean shoes. Necessary materials, keep the tools for the lesson in a bag (package, briefcase). Keep order on the table.

    Treat furniture and other property of the Palace with care.

    Be courteous and friendly with the staff of the Palace.

The role of the teacher during the conversation:

    Steer the conversation in the right direction.

    Encourage student activity.

    Develop with children the basic rules of behavior in the Palace.

Conclusion: A culturally behaving person never has problems with others.

Homework: Tell your parents about what you learned at the Palace.

Conversation « school etiquette »

Purpose of the conversation: Teach pupils how to greet people and get to know them (adults and peers). Define the concept of etiquette.

Conversation Meaning: To accustom pupils to existing orders and traditions.

Introductory speech of the teacher:

Etiquette - these are the rules of external behavior and forms of communication and greeting people to each other, their "treatment" with others.

Questions for pupils:

When you address adults, do you say "You" or "You"? Why? (this is indicative of your culture. You can use the “You” address if you are talking with a loved one, usually in an informal setting, with his consent).

When you meet new people, how should you behave? (Smile, look the interlocutor in the face, be friendly, clearly identify yourself).

How should you greet adults? (Not very loudly, on “You”; the greeting can be accompanied by gestures: a nod of the head, a bow. Adults - a handshake, because this is an old custom. The meaning of serving right hand for greetings in showing that it does not contain weapons).

When people introduce themselves or greet each other, men and women do it differently. The man greets the woman first. Boys are future men, and girls are future women, so boys should be the first to greet girls. Boys and girls should be mutually polite and respect each other.

Boys should be friendly, attentive and helpful towards girls. They must be able to hand over their coats, let them through the door, give up their seats on the bus, and so on.

If you are visiting and sitting at the table, and you are introduced to new girl, the boy should stand up and greet the girl while standing.

Tell me how to meet and greet? (Do not forget about politeness and good manners, you can not offend acquaintances:

“Meet: this is Lenka, she has a scar on her neck. But this “dwarf” - Genka ... to acquaint you like that is shame and disgrace!”).

How do you meet new friends?

What relationship rules do you still know and apply?

Conclusion: When meeting and greeting adults or peers, do not forget about politeness and good manners, you can not offend acquaintances!

literary works , which can be recommended to pupils for reading and further discussion on this topic:

“What is etiquette? (A fascinating journey to the country of good manners). Part 1 and 2.-M., 1998; S.A. Nasonkin "Lessons of etiquette"; L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus “Rules of etiquette. Quick Reference» .

    Kozlov E., Petrova V., Khomyakova I. ABC of morality. //Education of schoolchildren. No.6, 7, 8, 9, 10. -2004; № 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. – 2005.

    “What is etiquette? (A fascinating journey to the country of good manners). Ch.1 And 2.- M., 1998;

    S.A. Nasonkin. Etiquette lessons. - M., 1997.

    L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus. Rules of etiquette. Quick Reference.

    L. Vasilyeva-Gangnus. ABC of courtesy.

Conversation "Work in the unification of the Palace"

Purpose of the conversation: Explain what expresses a responsible attitude to work for everyone, concern for the needs of the team and its other members.

Conversation Meaning: Fostering a sense of camaraderie and collectivism. Formation of moral concepts.

Introductory speech of the teacher: In order for you to have labor skills, you need to engage in a variety of work. Including participate in the general cleaning of the office in which you are engaged. This means: washing tables, boards, putting things in order on the shelves, neatly folding tools. (other, depending on the merge profile).

Questions for pupils:

If you are assigned to do something, do you need to complete the task? Why?

For example, if I invite all of you to come to the general cleaning of our office, will you come?

How do they say about a student who completed the assigned work? (responsible)

What benefit will your work bring to everyone during the cleaning of the office (cleaning the leaves near the Palace)?

What do you care about when you work in a team?

Do you like to work all together at the same time? Why?

Conclusion: When we all do the assigned work together, time passes quickly and cheerfully. Your friend is working nearby. If you couldn’t do something, he came to your aid and helped you cope with what you couldn’t do. Together we are a team. Only work for the benefit of people makes everyone a Human.

If someone did not come from the group for cleaning without good reason, Is this good or bad? Why? (Formation of a moral concept about the benefits of labor for the benefit of the entire team).

How do those students who do not like to work?

What methods do they resort to in order not to work?

Characters of what literary works are an example for you?

Who do you want to be like?

The role of the teacher during the conversation:

1. Lead the pupil to the idea that in social work a sense of collectivism is born, responsibility not only for oneself, but also for others. (Cleanliness and order in the office please everyone, but they depend on each student. To do this, you need to learn how to distribute work among everyone, do it conscientiously, be fair in assessing your work and the work of a comrade, benevolent towards each other).

Homework: Establish rules for teamwork.

literary works , which can be recommended to pupils for reading and further discussion on this topic:

L. Tolstoy "How many people", E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends" (chapters 18, 18, 24, 26).

Conversation "My daily work at home"

Purpose of the conversation: Show on concrete examples the importance of working at home and what is its value.

Conversation Meaning: Education of industriousness, desire to help parents, rational use of their time.

Introductory speech of the teacher: The house is always judged by the people who live in it. The order in the house testifies to the accuracy, cleanliness, conscientiousness of its owners, their frugality. Diligence, skill and every thing to find its place. The situation in the house tells about the culture of the people living there, about their tastes and habits.

Questions for pupils:

If the house is warm, hospitable, cozy, then what can be said about their owners? (good hosts)

Why do you always want to come to such a house? (it has a friendly atmosphere)

Do you want your home to be the same?

- What needs to be done so that you have the same cozy home?

- What do you do in your home to create comfort in it?

- Who cleans your house?

How do you help your mom?

Who cleans up your room? Why?

Conclusion: He who has learned to do a lot himself will never be a burden to others and will not be helpless. When the room is in order, cleanliness, then the mood is good, and the work goes better. The habit of working acquired at school will be useful at home in adult independent life.

The role of the teacher during the conversation:

    Together with the pupils, he forms in the form of rules their duties at home:

Learn how to make your bed beautifully and do it every morning.

After class, put away books and other study items in their place.

If you litter - collect the garbage, wipe the dust.

Take care of your belongings, and first of all, clean shoes.

Try not to wait to be asked for help.

If you see that your parents are tired, be especially attentive to them, ask if something needs to be done.

Homework: Draw your room.

literary works , which can be recommended to pupils for reading and further discussion on this topic:

Ya. Akim "Neumeyka", fairy tales "Two Frosts", "Cinderella", V. Lifshits "Conversation", L. Tolstoy "How many people?", V. Donnikova "Ditch", E. Permyak "Pichugin Bridge", "Alien gate".

Conversation "Good and bad deeds"

Purpose of the conversation: To teach schoolchildren to highlight the moral side of life phenomena and actions.

Conversation Meaning: The pupil gradually accumulates ideas about good and bad deeds, learns to establish their relationship with certain situations and moral qualities. The student's attitude to the norms and rules goes from information about them to understanding their meaning and mandatory implementation on the basis of internal acceptance. The inner world of the student is formed through the analysis and evaluation of their actions and the actions of those around them.

Introductory word of the teacher: Every day we are faced with various situations, we perform actions, deeds, communicate with each other. Let's act out a scene: you are traveling with your parents on the bus. You see that the boy is sitting, and standing next to him elderly woman. How would you rate such a situation?

Sample answers of children: We must give way; one of us will give way; my dad will get up and make way for a woman; the boy must be told to give way to the woman; I do not see anything wrong with this situation - they are going home.


What should the boy do? Why?

What quality is manifested here in the boy?

If the children find it difficult to answer, write several qualities on the board, invite the pupils to choose the most suitable for this boy.

As ifYou acted in the place of the boy? Why?

What rating can you give yourself? (i.e. evaluate your act, your attitude towards people around you).

The role of the teacher during the conversation:

    Pay attention to the moral side of the proposed situation.

    To teach pupils to analyze, evaluate deeds, actions (“good”, “kind”) of people who perform them.

    Bring children to a gradual generalization, formulation of a norm, rules: some norms contain a clear indication of the action (when making a request, you must say “please”), others - what you can’t do (you can’t talk loudly in class, without the teacher’s permission to leave class), the third - on a certain quality (one must be kind, fair, polite).

    To conclude: Any help is good in time.

Homework: Think about the good things you did this week.

literary works , which can be recommended to pupils for reading and further discussion on this topic:

I. Krylov “The chizha was slammed by the villainess-trap ...”; E. Permyak "Pichugin Bridge", "Someone else's gate"; Fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes"; L. Tolstoy “A girl without a mother went into the cellar and drank milk”, “Plums”, “Two goats”; D. Tikhomirov "Two goats".

L. Kaminsky "Whose help is better"

L. Kvitko "Grandma's hands"

Fairy tale "Squirrel and Wolf"

When it's hard for someone to live

We must know about this.

My law is simple:

I conquer those who are evil!

Who is weak - I will help,

I can't do otherwise.

If trouble suddenly strikes,

A friend will always help you.

Be polite to your comrades

Don't forget to say the "magic" words to them.

Don't fight, be fair.

Don't get recognized.

Don't shift your blame onto someone else.

Conversation "Everything has its place"

Purpose of the conversation: Teach pupils to take care of things, to observe order when using them.

Conversation Meaning:

Invite the children to stage the work of L. Vorontsova "Masha the Confused".

Questions for pupils:

Do any of you look like Masha the confused?

What should I do to not be like this girl?

- How and when (morning, evening) do you pack your bag for school?

- Why is it better to pack a portfolio in the evening? (You can calmly, take your time, check whether everything is put in, if you forgot something, report back).

- Do you ever forget a pen or pencil (other item) at home?

- What can lead to such forgetfulness?

- What do we call a person who looks like Masha? (disorganized, sloppy, slovenly, undisciplined, irresponsible, loose, lazy, disorganized).

How to become a collected person? (Observe order in everything, as they say, laid out “on the shelves”).

Conclusion: A neat, organized person saves a lot of time for useful things.

The role of the teacher during the conversation:

Work with studentsThe Rules of an Organized Man :

    Keep your school things, clothes, toys in order.

    Before leaving for school, (to the Palace, to a music school, to a sports school), check whether you have prepared everything for classes there.

    Believe that your special clothes, shoes are in order. If not, rinse and clean.

    Keep house order and cleanliness. Remember: every thing must know its place!

Homework: Read the poem "It's all right."

literary works , which can be recommended to pupils for reading and further discussion on this topic:

S. Cherny "About a girl who found her bear", L. Vorontsova "Masha the confused", V. Lifshitz "Gloves".

Topics of conversations. 1 class

1. Knowledge Day.
2. Organizational hour. School mode.
3. Conversation by the rules traffic. Safety Month. (conversations seasonally)
4. What is a team? Friendship and fellowship.
5. Ecology and man. Ecology of the planet.
6. In the world of interesting things. (on the pages of newspapers and magazines).
7. Behavior in in public places. Place and time for games.
8. Everything in a person should be perfect!
9. Rules of conduct during the holidays (seasonally).
10. Business time, fun hour!
11. About honesty and the ability to keep one's word.
12. My class is my family.
13. Indoor plants. Clean air in the classroom. Order and cleanliness.
14. Respect your elders! Be attentive to the younger ones!
15. The book is yours best friend!
16. Conversation on the rules of conduct for students on school premises and in school areas.
17. Nature protection is your duty.
18. Your rights and obligations.
19. How to behave in public places.
20. I and those who are nearby. Conversation on ethical theme.
21. Friendship, help, mutual assistance.

Conversations for 2nd grade.
1. Conversation "Home Alone", about the behavior of the child at home.
2. City streets.
3. Ethical grammar about kindness, responsiveness and modesty
4. Defenders of the Fatherland.
5. Lovely women. International Women's Day.
6. Be neat, neat!
7. Our hobbies (technology, music, design).
8. Cosmonautics Day.
9. Culture of behavior at a party, at home and on the street.
10. About honesty and the ability to keep one's word.
11. Victory Day. "Life is given to bold deeds."
12. "Dad, mom, I'm a readable family."
13. "A dull time, eyes charm" Competition of readers.
14. "This interesting world animals."
15. From life wonderful people.
16. "Sport, health, beauty are our best friends."
17. In the world there is not only necessary, but also beautiful. !
18. Commonwealth of peoples.
19. Where do fairy tales take us? Actions of heroes (moral education).
20. "We keep our books and notebooks in order."
21. "What is good and what is bad?".
22. "About labor, about people of labor."
23. "It's not enough to want, you need to be able."
24. My city, my district, my street.
25. Save time!
26. "The miracle of the earth is bread."
27. Conversation about thrift.
28. Learn to learn!

29. Individual conversations separately with boys (about touching each other), separately with girls (about neatness and cleanliness).

30. Terrorism. Dangerous items.

Conversations for grade 3

1.Poisonous mushrooms and plants.
2. Neatness, neatness in clothes. .
3. How do you carry out your duties?
4. Be kind and considerate towards your comrades.
5. Your daily routine.

6.Cold diseases. Prevention.
7. What is - healthy lifestyle life?
8. Diseases of dirty hands.
9. Your appearance.
10. Culture of behavior during the break.
11. Respect your time and the time of others.
12. The book is your best friend.
13. Patience and work will grind everything.
14. Business time, fun - an hour.
15. Appreciate a minute in the lesson.

16. Traumatism and its prevention.
17. The class is a single family.
18. Measure seven times, cut once.
19. Respect your elders!
20. Take care of nature!

21. Beware: cutting and piercing objects!

22. Appreciate friendship!

23. Mutual respect in the team.

24. Know how to ask for forgiveness and forgive

25. Terrorism. Dangerous Items

Churepkina Valentina Petrovna
Conversation on moral education junior schoolchildren"Calm-comfort with a word"

Conversation on the moral education of younger students "Calm - comfort with a word"


the formation of ideas about good and evil, to show the beauty of good deeds;

the assimilation of certain norms, concepts that students must understand.


introduce students to words of comfort;

to cultivate the ability to empathize with failure, grief, misfortune;

to teach to share the joys and sorrows of others;

to teach children to be kind, to explain, using the example of literary works, what meaning people put in the concept of "good";

to teach to feel and understand the emotional state of the hero, to engage in role-playing interaction;

to inspire the need for a benevolent and careful attitude towards others;

ensure the activity of children in the process of the conversation itself.

Material:Dictionary Ozhegov; on the board are attached models of "Heart with a pocket" and "Tree of kindness"; leaves of various shapes; pencils; glue.

Board writing: To console - to calm down with something joyful, to alleviate someone's grief, suffering. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov.


Hello guys. I am very glad to see you. Today I invited you to a gathering. Come in, have a seat.

Let's light a candle. How nice, cozy, quiet. Look at the flame of the candle, Stretch your palms towards it.

What do you feel? (children's answers)

Is it nice to look at the light? And what is your mood now? (children's answers)

And once you good mood, let's say polite, magic words to each other.

Children pass each other a bell.


Kind words help us persuade, make laugh, encourage, convince. In general - to calm, comfort a person. How do you guys understand the words "calm - comfort"?


- Let's find out the exact meaning of the word "comfort." If we look into the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, we will find an explanation. (Working with a dictionary.)

comfort- to calm down with something joyful, to alleviate someone's grief, suffering.


Every person in life has troubles, sorrows. What words can calm, comfort a person?

Do you find words to comfort you easily?

Have you comforted anyone today?


There are times when consolation with words is inappropriate. How to show empathy in such a situation?

Sample responses from children: hug, kiss, stroke, make a gentle gesture, etc.


Also, it seems to me, the main words of sympathy are: "You can count on me, no matter what happens." Usually, after such words, each person calms down a little, because he has someone to rely on.

Listen to the poem "Lizard"

Sitting lizard on a log

And weep bitterly.

- Please tell me you

And what does all this mean?

He sadly replies:

“I was warming myself on a log,

And next to me suddenly

The angry boy sat down.

He grabbed me by the tail

And the tail came off.

For the rest of my life

I left without a tail!

I'm clumsy and funny

I appear in the eyes of my friends.

And every day I lose weight

And I'm getting sad...

Do not cry, do not suffer, my friend!

Only twenty days will pass

And the tail will grow back

And it will get longer.

And you will walk again

On the logs in the forest,

Wag your tail with might and main

And climb the pine tree! (Denis Larionov)


In different life situations, completely different words of consolation may be important. Now imagine that you are comforting, comforting cartoon characters.

1. Uncle Fyodor left with the Cat for Prostokvashino, and the boy's parents were upset.

Don't worry dear, everything will be fine. Your boy is independent, he will not be lost. Get bored - will return.

2. Leopold the cat was very upset after another invasion of mice.

Do not worry, dear Leopold! Everything happens.

3. Do you remember. How did Winnie the Pooh overeat while visiting Rabbit and ruin his house?

Don't worry, dear Rabbit. I know you will build a house even better than before.

4. The wolf ended up in the hospital after chasing a hare.

Don't worry, desperate wolf! You won't be in the hospital for long.

Exercise: Choose for every situation a suitable proverb. You can start with her. Insert in the middle, etc. Say comfort in a way that calms the upset.

Proverbs for selection:

1. Grief does not matter - with whom it was not.

2. There is no bad without good.

3. One problem is not a problem.

4. This trouble for trouble, if only there were no more.

5. Our cakes were also eaten by cats.

6. And it’s not great at home - a cockroach fell off the stove.

Invite the children to listen to a poem by Dushan Rodovich translated by L. Yakhnin "Friends"

If someone is crying nearby.

If tears are pouring down,

Come up to him

And ask "why?"

This, children, must be done -

It's bad to cry alone.

Diagnostics of moral motivation.


"I'll read you a question. You need to choose one of the three answers given to it."


1. If someone is crying, then I am.

o Trying to help him.

o Think about what could have happened.

o I don't pay attention.

Question: How will you comfort the crying? What do you say? Think of comforting words.

Exercise: connect with an arrow the name of the hero who consoles other fairy-tale heroes who find themselves in difficult life situations, in these words:

Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, woman, I will lay another testicle for you,

Not gold - simple. 1. Princess Frog

Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich, Go to bed better, Morning is wiser than evening. 2. Hen-Ryaba

Do not be sad, go with God!

Good! The old woman will be queen. 3. Carlson

It's all nonsense, the matter of life! 4. Gold fish

Clue: 1. Hen-Ryaba. 2. The Frog Princess. 3. Goldfish. 4. Carlson.

Question: What words are highlighted? Why?

Invite the children to listen to an excerpt from the fairy tale "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by the English author Lewis Carroll.

"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

During Alice's journey through Wonderland, she became very small. Alice wanted to get the golden key lying on the table, trying to climb the table leg, but all was unsuccessful: the leg was very slippery. Finally, completely exhausted, the poor girl sat down on the floor and cried: “Well, stop crying! This won't help! she said sternly to herself after a while. - I advise you to stop! It won't make any sense anyway!"


Have you guys ever had to comfort yourself? Give examples.

Ask strict life:

- Which way to go?

Where in the world white

Leave in the morning?

- Follow the sun

Let this path be unknown.

Go my friend always

Dear good.

There are a lot of words in the Russian language with which you can calm those who are close to you and need comfort in difficult times. These are amazing, one might say magic words.

Exercise: remember them and write down on your leaves the magic words, words of consolation and place them on the “Tree of Kindness”.

Children write words of consolation on pieces of paper and place them on the “Tree of Kindness”.

Sample words: don’t worry, don’t be upset, don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t grieve, don’t get upset, don’t worry, calm down, don’t be nervous, you will succeed, you will cope with everything, etc.


Be kind, give good

And happiness will return to you.

The great Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy said: “To believe in good, one must start doing it.” But in order to do good, one must first of all possess it. Each person has their own path to kindness. It is not given to us from birth, it is not inherited. It is necessary to try hard, day after day, to cultivate it in yourself - Kindness.

Teacher (draws the attention of the children to the blackboard):

- Look at the huge heart on the board. This is our heart, ready to love and help each other. It is not simple. In this heart-pocket, you now put your “palm” with your wishes. (Read at will.)

Summing up the conversation:

Invite the children to choose the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board and speak in one sentence:

Today I found out...

I realized that...

Now I can…

I felt that...

I purchased...

I learned…

I managed…

I have been doing assignments...

I was surprised...

The conversation gave me life...

I wanted…


Guys, remember, small good deeds done from the heart bring joy to people. Hurry to do good!

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school №1

Monchegorsk, Murmansk region

Ethical conversations with elementary school students

Golub Lyudmila Ivanovna


Ethical conversations as a means of educating the moral feelings and ethical consciousness of younger students.

An important goal of modern education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is the education of a moral, responsible and competent citizen of Russia. In the new federal state educational standard, the process of education should be understood not only as a process of mastering a system of knowledge, skills and competencies that form the instrumental basis of a student's educational activity, but also as a process of personality development, acceptance of spiritual, moral, social, family and other values.

Ethical conversations are often held class teacher according to his plan educational work. The methodology and topics are determined age characteristics schoolchildren, the level of their general upbringing. The purpose of these discussions is to help understand difficult questions morality, to form a firm moral position, to help realize their personal moral experience, to enrich the ideas of children. In the process of ethical conversation, it is necessary that the children actively participate in the discussion of moral problems.

The method of organizing ethical conversations includes:

listening to excerpts of literary works in which the moral category clearly appears;

game "interviews", "associations", the purpose of which is the correlation of moral ideas with literary characters, heroes of fairy tales and cartoons;

drawing, image;

assessment of a moral concept, meaning, importance;

role-playing games or problem situations aimed at deepening knowledge about the moral concept, and its transition into the quality of a person;

compiling a dictionary of morality (general in the class and individual), which contributed to the involuntary fixation of attention on this moral quality.

A large number of ethical conversations have been developed in the book "Education of morality" by T.M. Kurelenko (tasks and exercises), B.V. Busheleva "Let's talk about good breeding", V.V. Pekelis "How to find yourself". Rich material (stories) for ethical conversations is collected in the book by V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Reader on Ethics".

Experience in organizing ethical conversations has shown that Christian literature can be effectively used to form moral ideas and moral foundations. Reading this literature not only expands the horizons of children, but also enriches the vocabulary, gives the concept of true human values.

ethical conversation moral

1. You are not alone in the world

Purpose: To form and deepen the concept of selfishness and a sense of intolerance towards manifestations of selfishness. Repeat the concepts of benevolence, sensitivity, responsiveness, attentiveness, collectivism.

Equipment: I. Turichin's story "Friendship", dictionaries, colored pencils, crossword puzzle.

Lesson progress:

Organizational part

Reading (or listening to) I. Turichin's story "Friendship".

Once Vasya brought a fire engine into the yard. Seryozha ran up to Vasya:

We are friends! Let's play firefighters together. Come on, Vasya agreed. Seryozha pursed his lips, boomed and rushed across the yard, dragging a typewriter behind him on a string.

Fire! Fire! - screams. The other guys ran.

We are firefighters too! Serezha shielded the car from the guys.

I am Vasya's friend! And I'll be the only one to play in his car! The guys got offended and left.

The next morning, Borya brought a locomotive with wagons into the yard. Seryozha ran up to him.

I am your friend! We are friends! Let's play driver together! Come on, - Borya agreed. They began to play drivers. Vasya came. And accept me. We will not accept, - said Seryozha.

Why? Vasya was surprised. - You're my friend. you yourself yesterday

That was yesterday, - said Seryozha. - Yesterday you fire engine was. And today Borya has a locomotive with wagons. Today I am friends with him.

Questions: Which of the children did you not like? Why?

Familiarization with the concepts of "egoism".

Having guessed the crossword puzzle, you will find out what negative quality Seryozha has.

Who speaks all languages? (echo)

What is the name of the negative trait of a person, which manifests itself in the inability to respect and politely communicate with others? (coarseness)

What is the name of the concept that manifests itself in causing harm to others, troubles? (evil)

What is the name of the negative quality of a person, manifested in unwillingness to do something, work? (laziness)

What is the name of good quality a person who shows good relations with others? (kindness)

How can you call the situation in a team in which kind, a good relationship? (world)

"Associations". Remember fairy-tale characters who acted selfishly. How did it end?

Drawing. What color can represent this concept. Why?

Work with literary works on the topic. Analysis.

Completion of the dictionary of morality.

2. About sensitivity and responsiveness

Purpose: To form and deepen children's understanding of moral

Equipment: texts of the story by V. Oseeva "On the river bank",

writing on the board (closed word sensitivity), colored pencils

Lesson progress:

Organizational part

Reading (or listening to) the story of V. Oseeva "On the river bank".

Yura and Tolya walked not far from the river bank.

It's interesting, said Tolya, how these feats are accomplished? I would love to do the feat.

But I don’t even think about it, - Yura answered and suddenly stopped. Desperate cries for help came from the river. Both boys rushed to the call. Yura kicked off his shoes as he walked, threw the books aside, and, reaching the shore, threw himself into the water. And Tolya ran along the shore and shouted: - Who called? Who is drowning? Who screamed?

Meanwhile, Yura with difficulty pulled the crying baby ashore.

Questions: Which boy would you like to be friends with? Why?

What character trait helped Yura to accomplish the feat?

Guess this character trait ("Field of Miracles")

"Interview". You are correspondents.

Find characters who have the personality trait of responsiveness. Ask him questions.

Drawing. What color pencil would you use to represent sensitivity? Why? Color the next sheet of the morality dictionary with this color.

6. Role-playing game"At school".

7. Making a dictionary of morality.

3. One for all and all for one

Purpose: To form and deepen students' understanding of collectivism. Repeat the concepts of friendship, responsiveness, sensitivity, respectfulness.

Equipment: albums, colored pencils, a series of paintings like “Planting trees”, etc., M. Vodopyanova’s story “One for all and all for one”, rebus.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational part

2. Reading (or listening) to the story of V. Vodopyanova "One for all and all for one."

The outstanding mathematician Lev Semyonovich Pontryagin went blind when he was an elementary school student. His eyes hurt, an unsuccessful operation was performed, and the boy forever plunged into hopeless darkness.

Dejected by the sudden catastrophe that befell him, the boy wandered longingly around the room, learning to walk in the dark. Parents, thinking about the future of their son, decided to teach him music, but the boy had no inclinations for music. One day Levin's comrades came home.

Why doesn't Leva go to school? they asked the mother of the blind boy.

How will he walk? she was surprised. And we will see him off for the first time until he gets used to it. Okay, but how will he learn, because he does not see anything? And we will help! Let's help the whole class! - the guys said firmly.

And they helped. Every evening, one of his classmates came to Pontryagin to teach lessons with him, to read textbooks and books aloud to him. A neighbor on the desk during the lessons in an undertone told him what is written on the blackboard, what experience the teacher shows. The teachers treated the blind but very diligent student with great sensitivity. And there was no case that Lev Pontryagin did not learn the task. It was not easy for him to study, but the boy had outstanding abilities and an excellent memory. He learned to write using a stencil and confidently moved a pencil over paper. Then they bought him a typewriter, and he began to tap out his school essays at a speed that any typist could envy. And for reading, instead of one pair of eyes, he had twenty-five pairs - the eyes of the whole class. The comrades went with Leva to the skating rink, to the theater, to concerts, and to lectures. With the help of true friends Lev Pontryagin - graduated with honors high school and entered Moscow University. And there are good comrades here. Students willingly and in everything helped the young man, who did not see anything. Pontryagin turned out to be a talented mathematician and became a professor at the age of 23. The young scientist was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences. Questions: Why is the story called that?

"Associations". Remember the times in your life when it was fashionable to say about your class: “One for all and all for one”? What is this quality called?

Drawing. What color can represent collectivism? Why? Color the page of the moral dictionary.

Solving problem situations.

* On sport competitions prepared a team of 10 people. Who trained to dress for a while, who read books on the topic. On the day of the competition, Igor did not come. He said, "I don't want to compete today." Is Igor right? Why? How can events develop further? Think of an ending.

Making a sheet of the dictionary of morality.

Outcome. Proverbs about collectivism. Fairy tales.

4. What is consciousness?

Purpose: To form and deepen children's understanding of the moral category of consciousness. Repeat the concepts of diligence, responsiveness, thrift, sensitivity.

Equipment: V. Oseeva’s story “Divide as divided

work”, colored pencils, dictionaries.

Course progress.

1. Organizational part

Reading (or listening to) the story of V. Oseeva "Divide as the work was divided."

The old teacher lived alone. His pupils and pupils have long grown up, but they did not forget their former teacher.

One day two boys came to him and said:

Our mothers have sent us to help you with the household. The teacher thanked and asked the boys to fill the empty tub with water. She was standing in the garden. Watering cans and buckets were stacked on a bench beside her. And on the tree there is a fun toy bucket, small lung like a feather - from it on hot days the teacher drank water.

One of the boys chose a strong iron bucket, tapped on its bottom with his finger and slowly went to the well, the other took a toy bucket from the tree and ran after his comrade.

Many times the boys went to the well and came back. The teacher looked at them from the window. Bees circled over the flowers. The garden smelled of honey. The boys were talking cheerfully. One of them often stopped, put a heavy bucket on the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Another ran beside him, splashing water in a toy pail. When the tub was full, the teacher called both boys, thanked them, then put on the table a large earthenware jug filled to the brim with honey, and next to it a faceted mill, also filled with honey.

Take these gifts to your mothers, the teacher said. “Let each of you take what he deserves. None of the boys held out their hands.

We can't share it, they said embarrassed. Divide it up the way you divided work,” the teacher said calmly.

Questions: Which of the boys should take a glass, and which jug? Why?

3. Acquaintance with the concept of consciousness. Make a word out of letters. How do you understand it?

4. "Associations". Think of literary characters who act consciously. In what ways does this manifest itself?

Drawing. What color can represent this concept? Why? Color the page of the moral dictionary.

Analysis of problem situations. Staged situations.

5. What is modesty?

Purpose: To form and deepen students' understanding of the moral category of modesty. Repeat the concepts of arrogance, rudeness, politeness.

Equipment: the text of V. Donnikov's story "The Groove", albums, colored pencils, split letters that make up the word modesty.

Course progress.

1. Organizational part

Reading (or listening to) V. Donnikov's story "The Groove".

Rain stopped. The boys ran out into the clearing, playing ball. In the village, after the rain, it does not dry out for a long time. The grass is covered in spray, the edges of the groove are wet, and the water glistens in it. Whoever crosses the groove will certainly slip, grab the hazel branches and scold the groove.

Vitya tosses the ball, but he sees everything. Here an elderly woman passed with a can - she almost fell.

And to you! - she was angry at the groove: - Look how much milk she spilled! But the girl could not resist, her hand fell into the clay. She dried her hands - she soiled her dress.

Nasty ditch - the girl stamped her foot and ran away. Vitya hears how they scold his favorite groove. "What's wrong with her? he thinks. Birds drink water from it. Forget-me-nots grow near her. How many boats sailed in it!

When everyone left, Vitya went to the grove, picked up dry branches ... made the transition. Now it was safe to cross. People were moving. Nobody fell. Nobody was slippery. And no one knew who made such convenient transition. Yes, it doesn't matter! Questions: For whom did Vitya try when he made the transition through the groove? Was it important for Vitya that people know about his good deed? Which moral quality inherent in Vita? Make up the topic of our conversation from the letters.

Association game. Remember fairy tale characters

who have a sense of modesty? Which are not distinguished by modesty? By what actions of these heroes do you judge?

Drawing. What color do you associate with

the concept of modesty. Why? Color 1 sheet of the morality dictionary in this color.

Conversation. Why should you be humble?

Solving problem situations.

Kolya and Yura made a birdhouse. Kolya worked slowly and diligently. And Yura either runs to the greenhouse, or to find a tree in the forest. The next morning the whole school means what Kolya and Yura are doing!

Inscribing the word modesty in general and individual dictionaries.

6. You take someone else's - you lose your own

Purpose: To form and deepen students' understanding of the moral category of theft.

Equipment: the text of the article “Eighth Commandment. Don't steal", albums, colored pencils, split letters that make up the word theft.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational part.

Listening to an excerpt from an article by St. Nicholas of Serbia “The Eighth Commandment. Don't steal"

A) A young man stole a watch and wore it for about a month. After a month had passed, he returned the watch to its owner, confessed his crime and told him that every time he took the watch out of his pocket and wanted to know the time, he heard it ticking: "We are not yours; you - thief". So, brothers, a stolen thing always reminds a person that it was stolen and not his.

B) In one Arab city, the unrighteous merchant Ismail was trading. Every time he weighed the goods to the buyers, he always underweighed a few grams. Due to this deceit, his wealth increased greatly. But his children were sick, and he spent a lot on doctors and medicines. And the more he spent on the treatment of children, the more he deceived again from his customers. But what he stole from his customers was carried away by the illness of his children.

Once, when Ismail was in his shop and was very worried about his children, the sky opened up for a moment. He raised his eyes to the sky and sees that something unusual is happening there. Angels stand around huge scales, on which they measure all the blessings that God gives to people. The turn came to Ismail's family, and Ismail sees how the Angels, giving health to his children, put less than necessary on the cup of health, and instead put a weight on the scales. Ismail got angry and wanted to shout indignantly at the Angels, but one of them turned to face him and said: “Why are you angry? This measure is correct. We put a weight on your children that weighs as much as you steal from your customers. And so we do the truth of God." Ismail was shocked by the answer and began to bitterly repent of his grave sin. And Ismail began from that time not only to weigh correctly, but also to give beyond measure.

And his children recovered.

The game "Literary Lotto". The titles of literary works are given on the cards. Remember which of the heroes of these works took someone else's and how did it end?

"Golden Key"

N. Nosov "Cucumbers"

D. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything"

N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno"

"Princess Frog"

A. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower"

Solving problem situations.

Drawing up the rules of the Lost and Found

Inscribing a new term in the dictionary of morality. 8. Summary of the lesson.

7. Does a person need the truth?

Purpose: To form and deepen students' understanding of the moral category of truthfulness. Repeat the concepts of arrogance, rudeness, politeness.

Equipment: the text of the article “Ninth Commandment. Do not bear false witness" albums, colored pencils, split letters that make up the word truthfulness, "Lotto" cards.

Course progress.

1.Org. Part.

2. Reading the article of St. Nicholas of Serbia

A) Two neighbors, Luka and Elijah, lived in the same village. Luke was angry with Elijah because Elijah was a better person than Luke, who was a drunkard and lazy. Tormented by envy, Luke declared in court that Elijah had spoken blasphemous speeches against the king. Elijah defended himself as best he could and finally waved his hand and said, "May God Himself reveal your lies against me." But the court sentenced Elijah to prison, and Luke returned home. When he was already not far from the house, he suddenly heard crying in the house. Luke went cold as he remembered Elijah's words. When he entered the house, he was horrified. His old father, having fallen into the fire, burned his eyes and his whole face. When Luca saw this, he became speechless and could neither speak nor cry. And in the morning he went to court early and confessed that he had slandered Elijah. The judges immediately released Elijah, and Luke was punished for perjury. And so Luke suffered two punishments for one sin: God's and man's.

B) There lived a butcher in Nice named Anatoly. He was bribed by a wealthy but dishonest merchant to give false evidence against his neighbor, whose name was Emil. Anatoly allegedly saw how Emil doused with kerosene and set fire to the house of this merchant. And Anatoly, as he was learned, testified at the trial. Emil was convicted. When he served his sentence, he swore that he would prove that Anatoly had lied in court. Emil was a hardworking man and quickly earned a thousand coins. He decided to use this money to force Anatoly to confess to everyone in his perjury. First of all, Emil found people who knew Anatoly. I agreed with them that they would do the following: they would call Anatoly for dinner in the evening, give him a strong drink, and then they would tell him that they needed a witness who would testify in court against one owner of a coffee shop, as if he was some kind of villain. When this plan was told to Anatoly, a thousand gold coins were laid out in front of him and asked if he could not find a reliable person who would testify in this way at the trial. Anatoly's eyes lit up when he saw such a quantity of gold in front of him, and he immediately declared that he himself would take part in perjury. But these people expressed their doubt that he would be able to speak at the trial without confusing or forgetting anything. Anatoly argued ardently that it was he who was capable. And they ask him if he has experience and if he tried to do this. Not noticing any trap, Anatoly admitted to them that he had been paid earlier by one gentleman for having falsely testified against Emil, and according to his perjury, Emil was sentenced to hard labor. When people heard this, they told everything to Emil. In the morning, Emil filed a lawsuit. Anatoly was sentenced to hard work. Thus, the truth of God overtook the slanderer Anatoly and cleansed the honor and name of the righteous Emil.

3. Game "Lotto". Make up proverbs from the words: * Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie.

4. Drawing. With what color do you associate the concept of truthfulness, deceit. Why? Color 1 sheet of the morality dictionary in this color.

Conversation. Why is it necessary to be truthful?

Solving problem situations. Inscribing the word modesty in general and individual dictionaries.

8. My parents

Purpose: To form the concept of love for parents. Show the importance of parents in a child's life. Raising the desire to love and help parents.

Equipment: the text of the article “The Fifth Commandment. Honor your father and mother, may you be blessed on earth and long-lived”, dictionaries, colored pencils, writing on the board.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational part

Reading and discussion of the article by St. Nicholas of Serbia

A wealthy Indian youth was traveling with his entourage through the Hindu Kush valley. In the valley he met an old man tending goats. The beggar old man bowed his head in respect and bowed deeply to the rich young man. The young man, quickly jumping off his elephant, prostrated himself before the old man on the ground. The old man was surprised at such an act of the young man, and all his servants were surprised. The young man said this: “I bow to your eyes, which before mine saw this light, the work of the hands of the Most High, I bow to your lips, which before mine pronounced His holy name, and I bow to your heart, which trembled before mine from the joyful discovery of the Father of all people on earth "King of Heaven and Lord of all."

Honor your father and your mother, because your path from birth to this day is secured by the efforts of your parents and their suffering. They accepted you even when all your friends turned away from you, weak and impure. They will accept you when everyone rejects you. And when everyone throws stones at you, your mother will throw wildflowers. The Father accepts you, although he knows all your shortcomings. Know that the tenderness with which your parents receive you belongs to the Lord, who accepts His creation as His children.

Game "Associations" Recall the literary heroes who treated their parents badly, remember the literary heroes who revered their parents.

Drawing. Portrait "My parents". Exhibition decoration.

Making a "I Help Mom" ​​List

Making a semi-flower. Write on each petal sweet words for their parents.

Game "Crocodile" Display without words. How can I help my mom?

9. What is diligence?

Purpose: To form the concept of industriousness. Raising the desire to achieve success by one's own work.

Equipment: the text of the article “The Fourth Commandment. Work for six days and do all your deeds, and the seventh is a day of rest, which you dedicate to the Lord your God ”, dictionaries, colored pencils, writing on the board.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational part

2. Reading and discussion of the article by St. Nicholas of Serbia

In one city there lived a rich merchant with three sons. He was an industrious merchant and amassed a huge fortune with his labors. When asked why he needed so much goodness and so many worries, he answered: "My only concern is that my sons be provided for and that they do not have such worries as their father had." Hearing this, his sons became so lazy that they left all activities, and after the death of their father began to spend the accumulated fortune. The father's soul wanted to see from the other world how his beloved sons live without hassle and worries. God allowed this soul to go to hometown. Here the father's soul comes home and knocks on the gate, but some stranger opens it. Then the merchant asked about his sons, and they told him that his sons were in hard labor. The habit of spending time idly in drunkenness and amusements first brought them to indecency, and then led to the final ruin of the house and death. The father sighed bitterly and said: "I thought I arranged a paradise for my children, meanwhile I myself sent them to hellish hell." And the distraught father went around the city, addressing all parents: “Don’t be, people, the way I was. Because of blind love for my children, I personally sent them to hell fire. Do not leave, brothers, children any property. Teach them how to work and leave it to them as a legacy Give all the rest of the wealth to the orphans before you die There is nothing more dangerous and soul-destroying than leaving children as an inheritance great fortune. Be sure that the devil rejoices most of all in a rich inheritance, and not the Guardian Angel. Because the devil most easily and quickly catches people through wealth. "Therefore, work and teach your children to work. And when you work, do not look at work only as a means of enrichment. See in your work the beauty and pleasure that labor gives as a blessing of God Know that you humiliate this blessing if you seek only material gain from work.Such work, devoid of blessing, does not benefit us, and does not bring any benefit.

Work with proverbs:

Business - time, fun - hour

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

As you work, so you pop"

Diligence and work will grind everything.

Game "Crocodile" "Business card" of hardworking heroes. Show and guess hardworking heroes.

Drawing. Draw hard-working fairy tale characters with closed eyes.

Papa Carlo

A man from Russian folk tale"The Man and the Bear"

Stepdaughter from the fairy tale "Morozko"

Socially useful work. "Let's remove the class. Rules of the real owner"

Recording a new moral concept in the dictionary of morality.


1. The concept of spiritual moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia /

2. Exemplary program of education and socialization of students /

3. Orthodox Christian teaching about morality. SPb. 1906, p. 48.

5. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. Soviet encyclopedia. 1983

6. Shapovalova F.D. ethical conversation. No. 7, 1997.

7. Gurevich K.M. Individual psychological characteristics of schoolchildren. - M., Knowledge, 1988.

8. Bible for children - JSC "Pritens", Estonia, Tallinn, 2003

9. Pavlovsky A. Popular Bible Dictionary. M., "Panorama", 1994

10. “The life of Jesus Christ and the history of the first church. Russian Edition, 1988

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Alena Makeikina
Conversation for younger students "Your appearance"


To instill in children the desire to dress appropriately; introduce the history of the costume, the manufacture of clothing;

Develop aesthetic taste;

Cultivate neatness, cleanliness, neatness.


Children have dolls with various models of clothes, cards with tasks.

Event progress

I. Opening remarks

Listen to an excerpt from a fairy tale and say what character it is about. speech: “The poor stepdaughter was forced to do the dirtiest and hardest work in home: she cleaned boilers and pans, washed the stairs, cleaned the rooms of her stepmother and her daughters. She slept in the attic, under the very roof, on a prickly straw bedding. In the evening, after finishing work, she would hide in a corner near the fireplace and sit there on a box of ashes.

Who is that girl?

Why was she called that?

- "And yet Cinderella in her old dress, stained with ashes, was a hundred times nicer than her sisters, dressed in velvet and silk."

Guys, there is even proverb: "They are greeted by clothes, they are escorted by mind".

How would you explain this proverb?

P. Announcement of the theme of the event

Today we will talk with you about what and how to wear so that your appearance emphasized that that you are educated, beautiful, neat. After all, remember that in beautiful dress and glass shoes, Cinderella was recognized as the first beauty. “Everything was immediately quiet. The violins are silent. Both the musicians and the guests involuntarily looked at the unfamiliar beauty, who arrived at the ball later than everyone else. "Oh, how good she is!" whispered the gentleman to the gentleman and the lady to the lady. The ladies of the court were busy only examining her dress and headdress, so that tomorrow they could order something similar for themselves, if only they could find the same skilled craftsmen and the same beautiful fabric.

III. A conversation about the history of the dress

And now I invite you to listen to information from which you will learn a little about the history of the costume.

*** has long been given to clothing great attention. But earlier society was clearly divided into rich and poor. Poor people could not afford to have many dresses and suits.

*** but a wealthy society shone with the beauty of fabrics and styles. Luxury and idleness made it possible to wear such clothes. On holidays, all kinds of decorations: rings, bracelets, necklaces precious stones. The dresses themselves were also embroidered. After all, bright light allowed these stones to shimmer with all colors - this only emphasized the style of the dress. And the dress was sewn specifically for a single order. Yes, and fabrics were brought from abroad so that no one else had such a dress. Children were also dressed magnificently and elegantly.

*** and only when they entered the gymnasium, the children had to wear uniforms - all the same. This disciplined, made the student think that he was the same as everyone around.

*** a c schools for the children of workers and peasants, the children were dressed in what their parents could dress them in, and most often it was one thing in a family for several children.

*** in the Soviet school there was also a single school uniform.

Now we live with you in a democratic society and we have the opportunity to show ourselves as a person even in clothes. After all, what kind of person are you, he says your appearance.

IV. A game "Character"

Let's play a game "Character": I show the drawing, and you external mind you try to define and tell about the character of this person.

V. Purpose of clothing

Tell me, guys, what keeps you warm in the cold? Maybe a hat

coat, boots?

Clothing is designed to keep a person warm. Therefore, it must correspond to the season of the year, the climate. For winter clothes use woolen fabrics that retain heat well. Summer clothes are sewn from light light fabrics - they reflect the sun's rays. And if you dress lightly in cold weather, and vice versa in summer, this will lead to hypothermia or overheating and the person will get sick.

In the house you should have different clothes. Also, clothes should be comfortable, light and clean. Everyday clothes should be different from festive clothes, clothes for walking - from the one in which you go to school. I want to hear from you, what do you know about fashion and how to dress? (children's answers)

VI. A game "Dress the Doll" and card work

And now for the girls. Dress up your doll so that she went:

To the theatre;

IN school;

On a hiking trip;

Play with girlfriends on the street;

For a friend's birthday

I could help my mother in the kitchen.

Task for boys: complete the task on the cards, choose from the proposed types of clothing the one that is suitable for the proposed place.

Card example: « School» - sports suit, jeans, open dress, blouse, sundress, suit, shorts, dirty T-shirt, ball gown, skirt.

VII. Conversation"Where Things Come From"

Do you know where things come from? Clothes are sewn from fabrics - cotton, woolen or synthetic. This fabric is made on looms. The fabric goes to the cutter. From cutter to seamstress.

Shoes are also made from synthetic leather. The ability to sew any thing is always useful in life. And you can learn this right now - with clothes for dolls.

VIII. Reading a literary text

And now let's talk about who dresses properly and has comfortable beautiful clothes, but looks bad. Let's read a poem "Masha-confused" and try to answer question: Why do people look sloppy.

Students read the text and talk about the need to be careful, take care of their clothes.

The same work is carried out according to the text of the poem by Difshitz "Slut".

He doesn't need a sidewalk

Unbuttoning the collar

Through ditches and puddles

He walks straight ahead.

He does not want to carry a briefcase,

Drags him along the ground

Slipped the belt on the left side

A tuft is torn out of the trouser leg

I confess I don't understand

What did he do? Where he was?

How spots appeared on the forehead

Purple ink.

Why is there clay on the trousers

Why is the cap pancake

And the collar is open.

Who is this student?

Do you think it's always beautiful clothes always helps to look.

Can you now answer me what and how you should wear in order to external the view could tell what

you are a person, so that you become interesting and pleasant for others.
