The project is our dear army. Project "Our dear army" project (preparatory group) on the topic Poems used in work on the project

Relevance of the project: Historically, love for the Motherland and patriotism have always been a feature of the national character in the Russian state. But due to recent changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness in our society has become increasingly noticeable. In this regard, the urgency of solving the most pressing problems of instilling patriotism in working with children is obvious. preschool age.

Relevance of the project: An equally important condition for the moral and patriotic education of children is a close relationship on this issue with parents. Touching “living” documents of family history awakens the child’s thoughts, evokes emotions, makes them empathize, and attentively pay attention to the memory of the past and their historical roots. Interaction with parents on this issue promotes respect for traditions and the preservation of vertical family ties. Currently, this work is relevant and especially difficult, requiring great tact and patience, since in young families the issues of instilling patriotism and citizenship are not considered important and often only cause bewilderment.

The goal of the project: to develop a sense of patriotism in children of senior preschool age. Project objectives: - to instill in children a sense of respect for the Russian soldier, his strength and courage; - expand children’s ideas about the Russian Army; - develop and enrich children’s speech, increase erudition and intelligence; - work with parents, involving them in the patriotic upbringing of children in the family.

Expected results: - increasing children's knowledge about the Russian Army; - development of children’s ability to reflect their knowledge, impressions, thoughts and feelings in games, artistic activities, singing, reading poems, composing their own stories; - increasing the interest of parents in developing a sense of patriotism in children.

Project implementation: preparatory stage- determination of the topic and problem of the future project, setting goals and objectives; - selection and development necessary materials(thematic classes, conversations, competitions, selection fiction, musical accompaniment, material equipment, drawing up a project implementation plan, etc.); - preparatory work with the children’s parents, library and museum employees, and military unit employees.

Project limitations and risks: - teachers’ unpreparedness to participate in the project and self-analysis of their activities; - internal resistance that the project author may encounter (lack of motivation of other participants, fear of innovation, low self-esteem of project participants, lack of a criterion basis for determining the effectiveness of this project); - lack of forms and mechanisms for recording performance results.

Used literature: - Alekseev N.G. Design and reflective thinking//Personality development. – Alexandrova E.Yu., Gordeeva E.P. System of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions. – Volgograd, Bederkhanova V.P. Joint design activity as a means of development of children and adults // Personal development. – Jones J. Design Methods / Ed. V.F. Venda, V.M. Munipov. – M., Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions. – M., Kondrykinskaya L.A. For preschoolers about Defenders of the Fatherland. – M., Makhaneva M.D. Morally- patriotic education preschoolers. – M., Morozova L.D. Project method in activities of preschool educational institutions. – 2006, 2. -Morozova L.D. Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions. – M., Khutorskoy A.V. Pedagogical innovation: methodology, theory, practice. – M., 2005.

Pedagogical project.

Theme "Our Army".

For children of senior preschool age.

Project type: informational.

Duration: two weeks.


Kashaeva D.V.

Tsirikhova D.V.


2. Main part……………………………………………………………… 6

3. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………..11

4. References……………………………………………………………12

5. Application



One of the areas of spiritual and moral education is the education of the heroic principle in children. The formation of an attitude towards the country and state where a person lives, towards its history, begins from childhood. Instilling a sense of patriotism in preschoolers is a complex and lengthy process. But you cannot be a patriot, love your Motherland, without knowing how our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers loved and took care of it. Currently, we are faced with the problem that children have insufficient ideas about the Russian Army, about people in military professions. Thus, the children’s lack of knowledge on this topic led us to the conclusion that it is necessary to acquaint children with the history of the holiday, with the Russian Army and its representatives, and to instill a sense of patriotism in children. As a result, this project topic was chosen and a decision was made on the need for its implementation.

Introduction to the Russian Army, its function of protecting Russia from enemies

Involving parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten.

To expand children’s ideas about the Russian Army, about types of troops, about people in military professions, to arouse interest in the history of their country, to introduce them to the modern qualities of the Defender of the Fatherland in our days;

To develop children's cognitive activity and creative abilities.

Enrich children's vocabulary: courage, justice, will, courage, fortitude, kindness, ground forces, Navy, airborne troops; artillerymen, submariners, tank crews, border guards; machine gun, machine gun, anti-aircraft missile launcher;

To form in children patriotic feelings, instilling love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, specific historical facts, accessible to children and causing them emotional experience;

Involve children and parents in the study of history Russian army.

To foster a sense of pride in soldiers and the desire to be like them, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland

Methods and techniques:

    Reading fiction appropriate to the age category of children about defenders of the Fatherland, learning poems for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    Use audio and video equipment to listen to and watch music and presentations.

    Modeling of military equipment, Russian army soldier.

    Drawing, applique of soldiers of various branches of the military.

    Looking at illustrations, paintings, various reproductions about the Russian Army, looking at family army albums, viewing a presentation.

    Construction of military equipment from construction materials, waste material, papers.

    Making souvenirs for fathers and grandfathers.

    Making wall newspapers for the holiday together with parents.

    Conducting an integrated lesson with competition elements.

    Sports event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Creating a subject-development environment in the group

    Decorating a corner in the group dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, an exhibition of army albums from family archives.

    Adding attributes to the plot - role-playing games, joint creation of attributes for role-playing games with children.


The novelty of the project lies in the fact that the project methods allow children to learn the material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. Project activities develops the creative abilities of preschoolers, helps the teacher himself develop as a creative person.

Practical significance:

Using this project to exchange work experience among teachers.

Improving interaction with parents.

Main part:

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, what he is surprised at, and what evokes a response in his soul. Although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, but passed through the child’s perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the child’s personality.

Patriotism is a complex and high human feeling. Its content is multifaceted and cannot be defined in a few words. This includes love for family and friends, for the Fatherland, for the small Motherland, language, traditions and pride for one’s people. Times, eras, people change. But man’s desire for goodness, love, light, beauty, and truth remains eternal.

It is necessary to pay special attention to civic-patriotic education from the earliest years of a child’s development. Love for the Motherland begins with love for the mother, loved ones, and one’s small Motherland. Our task is to instill love for the Motherland, to instill in children a sense of devotion to their Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness to defend it. An important condition for the moral and patriotic education of children is a close relationship with their parents. At A.S. Makarenko has a wonderful commandment: “A future citizen grows in your family and under your leadership. Everything that happens in the country should come to the children through your soul and your thought,” which must be used when a teacher works with children and parents. Touching the history of your family evokes strong emotions in a child, makes you empathize, and attentively pay attention to the memory of the past, to your historical roots.

The theme “Defenders of the Fatherland” is of particular importance within the framework of moral and patriotic education. In this topic, we reveal to children the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier. In the upbringing of preschool children, the example of adults and their loved ones is of great importance. When talking about the history of military service, it is necessary to use specific facts from the lives of older family members to bring the child to the understanding that one’s homeland must be loved, protected and protected. The Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people; monuments have been erected in their honor. It is also necessary to acquaint children with the exploits of modern life - this is the Afghan and Chechen war. Use stories from dads and other family members about serving in the Russian Army and raise its prestige.

Project implementation stages:

Preparatory stage 1:

Formulating the goals and objectives of the project.

Convey to parents and children the importance of this problem.

Studying literature on the topic of the project.

Studying Internet resources on the topic of the project.

Thinking through creative tasks for children and parents.

Selection of materials, toys, attributes for play and theatrical activities.

Development of GCD themes.

Development environment equipment:

Book Corner: E. Aleksandrova “To Future Defenders of the Fatherland”, N. Migunova “Defenders of the Fatherland”, V. Kosovitsky “ Future man", E. Trushina "Dedicated to the heroes."

Music corner: Illustrations with musical instruments used in the army (trumpet, drum).

Corner speech development: paintings, reproductions of artists: Roerich Battle of Kulikovo,” V. Surikov “Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps.”

Creativity and drawing corner: stencils, outlines (armed forces), coloring books.

Theater corner: bringing in caps, caps, and hand-made attributes.

Math corner: counting sticks for laying out according to the model of military equipment.

Decor parent's corner: Information on the topic of the project, recommendations on the topic of the project, creation of an exhibition of albums “Our Defenders”.

Sports corner: morning exercise complexes with exercises on the topic of the project; card index of outdoor games, physical education minutes.

Stage 2 main:

Conducting conversations didactic games to expand ideas about the Russian army, about the branches of the military.

Conducting outdoor activities, role-playing games, sports entertainment, thematic lesson.

Reading fiction to children.

Creating conditions in the group for the implementation of the project: selecting books for the corner, illustrations of military equipment, viewing a presentation about the army, an exhibition of family army albums.

Work with children:

The teacher’s stories “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “History of the Holiday”, “What War Means”.

Reading fiction: L. Kassil “Your Defenders”, A. Gaidar “Stories about the Army”, I. Aseeva “Daddy’s Holiday”, A. Suteev “Ship”, I. Aseeva “Daddy’s Holiday”.

Review of albums: “Our Army”, “Our Holidays”, “Symbols of Russia”, “Military Professions”.

Conversations: “We will serve in the army”, “Servicemen”, “What a military man should be”, “Why is the Army needed”, “What do I know about the army”, “Where does the Motherland begin? ”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Our Army”, “Conversation about courage and bravery”, “Relatives serving in the Army”, “Profession - military”.

Reading poems dedicated to February 23 by T. Bokova, L. Tatyanicheva, V. Orlova, K. Avdeenko, Yu. Schmidt.

Reading proverbs about the army.

Didactic games: “Say a word”, “Pick up a picture”, “Whose shape? ", "Military equipment", "Guess by description", "Name the troops."

Role-playing games: “Border Guards”, “Tankmen”, “Pilots”, “Military Parade”, “We are Sailors”, “Rescue Service”, “Police”, “Soldier”.

Competition games: “Who will deliver the report to headquarters faster”, “The most accurate”, “The bravest”, “Scouts”, “Walk without getting your feet wet”, “Overcome the obstacle”, “Sharp shooter”, “Combat alert”, “Snipers”, “Heavy Burden”, “Border Guards”.

Learning songs about the army: “Brave Soldiers”, “Daddy Can Do Anything”, “Daddy’s Daughter”.

Listening to songs: “Dad Can”, “We Will Serve in the Army”, “White Cap”.

Drawing: “Soldier on duty”, “Border guard with a dog”.

Application: “Sailor with signal flags”, “Steamboat”.

Modeling "Border Guard".

Construction: “Tank”, “War Machine”, “Rocket”, “Ship”.

Origami: “Boat”, “Plane”, “Rocket”.

Relay race “Strong, brave, dexterous, skillful.”

Preparing costumes and attributes for leisure activities.

Coloring coloring pages on military theme.

Work with parents: joint design of a thematic exhibition, exhibition of albums about military service, production of wall newspapers.

Information for parents on the website of the kindergarten “Our grandfathers, fathers, brothers - defenders of Russia.”

Stories from fathers and grandfathers about serving in the Army.

    final stage:

    Conducting an integrated lesson “Our army is dear”

    Carrying out sports festival"School of a Young Fighter";

    Involving parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten, jointly producing a wall newspaper, organizing an exhibition.


At the end of the project, children began to use military themes more often for games, and proudly shared with their peers and teachers the knowledge they received from their parents about serving in the army. As a result of working on the project, interest in this topic and creativity increased. The events carried out united the children with common impressions, experiences, and emotions. Participation in the project allowed children to satisfy their cognitive activity. The children were able to increase their own self-esteem, they contributed to the common cause, rejoiced at their successes and the successes of their comrades, and felt their importance in the group.


    V.V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development in senior group kindergarten"

    L.V. Kutsakova “Design and artistic work in kindergarten»

    T.S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in the senior group”

    L.V. Kutsakova “Classes on designing from building materials”

    N.E.Veraksa, A.N.Veraksa “Project activities in preschool institutions”

    I. A. Lykova. Visual activities in kindergarten in the senior group of kindergarten.

    N.V. Krasnoshchekova. Role-playing games for preschool children.

    From birth to school. Basic general education program preschool education. New generation program. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. Everything for kindergarten. Sun. Children's portal.

To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
“Our Army is dear” Patriotic short-term project. Preparatory group. Teacher Ivanova Elena AleksandrovnaContents1. Relevance, purpose and objectives of the project 2. Implementation of the project in stages 3. Activities for the implementation of the project4. Long-term plan working with children on the project5. Results of a survey of children on project topic 6. Appendix Relevance of the project: Historically, love for the Motherland and patriotism have always been a feature of the national character in the Russian state. But due to recent changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness in our society has become increasingly noticeable. In this regard, the urgency of solving the most pressing problems of educating patriotism in working with preschool children has become increasingly noticeable. Problem: insufficient knowledge among children of middle preschool age about the Russian Army and their troops. Project goal: to develop a sense of patriotism in children of senior preschool age. Project objectives: - to cultivate in children a sense of respect for the Russian soldier, his strength and courage; - expand children’s ideas about the Russian Army; - develop and enrich children’s speech, increase erudition and intelligence; - work with parents, involving them in the patriotic education of children in the family. Type of project: group, creative short-term. The project is being implemented in two directions: 1. Joint activities with children.2. Interaction with parents. Project participants: - Group teacher; - Children of the preparatory group; - Parents. Project product: Creation of the album “Our Army” Expected result: - increasing children’s knowledge about the Russian Army; - developing the ability of children to reflect their knowledge, impressions, thoughts and feelings in games, art activities, singing, reading poems, composing one’s own stories; - increasing parents’ interest in developing a sense of patriotism in children. Activities for the implementation of the project Directions: Cognitive development: 1. GCD (Strong and mighty are the heroes of glorious Russia (examination of a reproduction of Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs.” 2. Conversations: about the Russian Army (about shoulder straps, insignia, ranks, about military professions, military equipment, weapons). 3 GCD “Our Army" ( conversation about what the uniform used to be, awards).4. Viewing presentations (Russian Army; February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day; February 23 is Defender's Day; Border Guard).Speech development: 1. Reading, memorizing poems on the topic; 2. Conversation based on illustrations " Branch of the Armed Forces"; 3. Reading Kononov's story "The Birth of the Army." 4. Game "Continue the sentence" "The tank is controlled by" the tanker "The gunner fires from the cannon" the artilleryman "The pilot sits at the helm of the plane" "The machine gunner writes from the machine gun" The machine gunner "He goes on reconnaissance missions" scout “Guards the border” border guard “Serves on a submarine” sailor submariner “Jumps with a parachute” paratrooper “Sailors serve on ships” Artistic and aesthetic development: 1. Application “Ships in the roads”; 2. Examination of albums and visual demonstration material on the topic of the project; 3. GCD Drawing “Our Army”; 4. Watching cartoons on the topic;5. Viewing illustrations.6. Modeling “Border Guard with a Dog”; 7. (Gift for dad) “Boat.” Physical development: Outdoor games: “Relay races” (carry the potatoes in a spoon), tug of war; War game “Zarnitsa”. Game activities: Didactic games: “Defenders of our Fatherland” (make a cut-out picture). Music: Learning songs for the holiday “Our native army; white cap"; "Dad can"; Listening to a song about a border guard. Physical education lesson “Soldiers” One, two, in step together. Three, four, step harder. Soldiers go to the parade And strike a step together. Drawing our dear army Viewing the presentation “Our Army” Modeling “border guard with a dog” Application “ships on the roads” Drawing “Ships are setting sail” Gift for dads Project result: At the initial stage of the project, 17 people were interviewed. The results showed that children have insufficient knowledge about the Russian Army and the branches of the military. After the project was completed, the children were again asked questions. As a result, it became clear that the children’s level of knowledge about the Russian Army significantly increased: the students began to name what types of troops there are in the Russian Army, distinguish and compare the uniforms that were before and what they are now, ideas about the Army were formed, and their vocabulary on the topic significantly increased .The children became interested in the Russian Army, in poems about the Army and in being a patriot of our Russian Army. Throughout the project, the children developed coherent speech and enriched their vocabulary on the topic. The cognitive interest of parents of pupils on this issue has increased. Conclusion: The implementation of this project contributed to: - Increasing children's knowledge about the Russian Army - Development of the creative side of children's personality - Increasing parents' interest in developing a sense of patriotism in children. The project contributed to the development of children's curiosity, initiative, creativity, communication skills.

Municipal state preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 3 "Rainbow" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the social and personal development of children of the closed administrative-territorial formation of the village of Solnechny, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Senior group project"Our army is dear"

Teachers: Trubitsyna N.S.

Dyachkova N.V.

2016-2017 academic year year.


Historically, love for the Motherland and patriotism have always been a national character trait in the Russian state. But due to recent changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness in our society has become increasingly noticeable.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most pressing problems of instilling patriotism in working with preschool children is obvious. Currently, this work is relevant and especially difficult, requiring great tact and patience, since in young families the issues of instilling patriotism and citizenship are not considered important and often only cause bewilderment.

If earlier we glorified military service, and everyone dreamed of raising a truly defender of the fatherland, now the priorities have changed somewhat. We live in very difficult times when deviations are becoming the norm. It is considered normal to avoid military service at any cost, not to have children in order to preserve material wealth, etc.

One of the most important directions in overcoming the lack of spirituality of a significant part of society is the patriotic upbringing and education of children. By introducing preschoolers to the defenders of the Fatherland, we instill in them feelings of pride and love.

This project is a suitable occasion to tell boys what courage and bravery are, and on the other hand, to instill love for their country, raise patriots, a sense of pride in their army and evoke a desire to be like strong Russian soldiers.

Project participants:children of the older group (5-6 years old).

Compound project team : children, parents, teachers.

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Type of project: group.

Duration: short-term, February 1 – February 20, 2017

Target :

Expand your understanding of the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. To form the idea that in peacetime our country is protected by the Russian army. Introduce the branches of the military, military professions, and equipment that helps to serve. Develop speech activity, replenish and activate vocabulary. To instill in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Motherland, and a sense of pride in the Russian army.

Tasks :

Involving children, teachers and parents in the study of the history and current state of the Russian Army.

Formation of socially significant qualities based on the traditions of patriotic education;

Stimulating the need of preschoolers to constantly search for information about the Russian army.

Project implementation mechanism:

Stage I - organizational

Formulating the goals and objectives of the project. Studying literature on the topic of the project. Studying Internet resources on the topic of the project. Analysis of the subject environment of the group.

Stage II - practical

Practical activity to solve the problem; planning joint activities, collecting and systematizing information, searching activities of children and adults.

Conducting conversations and didactic games to expand ideas about the Russian army and the branches of the military. Consultations for parents.

Creating conditions in the group for the implementation of the project: an exhibition of books, an album with photographs of military personnel, illustrations of military equipment, watching films about the army, an exhibition of toy military equipment.

Design of a photo collage dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day with photographs of dads while serving in the army.

Stage III – outcome

Conducting entertainment: “One, two, three, four, five, we’ll congratulate dads!”

Developmental environment:

Decorating a corner in the group dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day” using children's drawings and illustrations from magazines. Bringing in costumes military uniform in role-playing games, co-creation attributes for role-playing games.

Solving problems with children:


Days of the week

Work with children


Conversation “Boys would like to serve in the army”

Conversation “Why is the Army dear?”


Examination of illustrations about the Russian Army (ranks, insignia, rank, branches of service)

Watching the cartoon “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”


Didactic games:"Name the branch of the army"

Conversation: "Warriors, defenders of the Russian land"


Drawing on the topic: “Portrait of Dad”and writing stories about your dad

Finger gymnastics " Our army."


Learning the poem “Dear Army” by I. Ageeva

S/r game “Border Guards”


P/i "Snowball"

Singing the song "Good Soldiers".

Listening to the music "Apple"


Watching a cartoon"Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey"

P/n “Caution, mines”


Conversation: “What is military service?”

Conversation based on pictures “Bogatyrs”


Modeling "Airplanes"

D/i “What does a soldier need?”, “Whose uniform?”


Reading fiction:A. Mityaev “Why is the Army dear”, “Our soldiers”

Military themed coloring pages.


Proverbs and sayings on the topic of the project.

Watching the cartoon “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”


S/r games “Military drivers”, “Sailors”

Making cards for dads.


Conversation: “How my dad served in the Army”

P/n “Scouts”, “Who is stronger”


Construction "Military equipment"

Conversation: “What a soldier should be”


Conversation “What do I know about the army”

Project summary: Entertainment: “One, two, three, four, five, let’s congratulate dad!”

Expected result:

To arouse in children the interest and desire to serve in the army, the desire to improve their physical qualities and improve their health.

To consolidate ideas about the history of our Army.

To form in children a holistic understanding of the Defenders of the Fatherland.

To become interested in using military themes for games more often, to speak respectfully about the defenders of the fatherland, and to proudly share with peers and the teacher the knowledge that they received from their parents about serving in the army. Play board, printed and didactic games with great interest.

Conversation: Why the Army is dear"

The teacher shows illustrations.

Educator. A big holiday is coming soon. Who knows what kind of holiday this is?

(Defender of the Fatherland Day.)

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for all military personnel. Who are the military? (The military are sailors, pilots, border guards, tank crews, artillerymen, etc.)

Different military personnel have different uniforms: pilots have one, border guards have another. What kind of military are drawn in this picture... Other illustrations are considered similarly.

Educator. What military men do you know? (Answers) How are they different? (Answers) Boys, which of you wants to become a military man?

Educator. Sailors, pilots, border guards protect our Motherland. Why are they doing that? (So ​​that there was no war, there was peace, we grew and learned.)

Sailors, artillerymen,

Border guards, signalmen -

To everyone who protects our world

And guards the borders

For great things

Glory, glory and praise!

Our warriors are strong, agile, fast and brave. Our Motherland, our Russian people, are proud of them. Congratulating the military on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we will say: “Glory to the dear army!”

The teacher demonstrates posters dedicated to the army and examines them together with the children.

Educator. Why do they say - the army is dear? (Children's reasoning.)

So the girl Lena from the story that I want to read to you, just like you, thought about why we call the army native.

Reading the story by A. Minyaev “Why is the army dear?”

A poster was hung on the wall of the house. A young soldier in a helmet was looking at the girl from the poster. Lena began to read: “Long live our dear Russian army!”

“The army is called Russian because it is in our country,” Lena thinks. - Why dear? After all, she is not a mother, not a father, not a grandmother.”

The boy Kolya was walking home. He was Lena's neighbor, and Lena asked him:

Kolya! Tell me, is the army dear to you?

To me? Of course, dear,” Kolya answered. – My brother has been serving in the army for six months. My dear brother. This means that the army is dear.

Kolya went home. And Lena remained on the street.

Neighbor Aunt Masha came out of the entrance.

Lena asks her too:

Aunt Masha! Tell me, please, do your relatives serve in the army?

No, Aunt Masha answers. - They don’t serve. Everyone is at home.

So the army is not your home?

How is this not native? – Aunt Masha was surprised. – I lived in a village, and the war began. The village was occupied by the Nazis. And then there was a battle, and our people came.

We ran to meet them, cried with joy and just said: “Dear ones! Finally they came and saved us from death.”

The army is dear to everyone,” Aunt Masha finished. “She won’t let anyone offend me, old me, or you, so little.”

The girl cheered up. I ran home.

When dad came home from work, she told him how she herself read the inscription on the poster and what Kolya and Aunt Masha told her.

After all, the army is dearer to Kolya! – Lena complained.

Well, that's how to say it! - Dad answered. - Bring me a box with documents.

Dad took out a red book from the box - a military ID - where it was written: “Sorokin Ivan Sergeevich. Tankman. Reserve sergeant."

Wow! – Lena was surprised. - My dad is a tanker! What does “reserve” mean?

This means,” the father told his daughter, “that, although I work at the factory, I am still in the army.

What about other dads?

And other dads too. Some, like me, are tankers, some are pilots, some are scouts, some are reserve sailors.

The next day Lena was walking on the street again. It was cold, the wind was blowing, and snow was falling. But she didn’t go home, she was waiting for Kolya to come from school, she wanted to tell him about her tankman dad.

Educator. Why is the army dear to each of you? (Our relatives serve in the army. And our boys, when they become adults, will go to serve in the army.)


Conversation “Epic heroes - glorious defenders of the native land”

Educator: “The Russian land is glorious for its heroes,” says popular wisdom. Who are these heroes?

How can you tell about it in a word, a story or a poem?
In a word, these are the heroes of Russian epics, defenders of the Russian land, performing military feats that are distinguished by their special strength.
Poem -

Strong as the free wind
Powerful as a hurricane.
He protects the earth

From the evil infidels!
He is rich in good power,
He protects the capital city.
Saves the poor and children
Both old people and mothers!

Children talk about the heroes they know and their exploits, showing illustrations from epics.

Game “Feet stomp, palms clap - Qualities of heroes”

Educator: “There are many heroes in Rus'. It is impossible to tell about everyone at once. But they all share common qualities. Which? (Children's answers: strength, will, courage, dexterity, endurance, courage, perseverance...). Well done! This is exactly what the heroes were like! The heroes are different, but their human qualities are similar. Let's play: I will list different qualities, and if they match the heroes, you clap your hands. And if, in your opinion. This quality is not suitable - you stomp your feet: brave, cowardly, courageous, deceitful, courageous, strong, greedy, generous, fair, hardy, courageous, dexterous.


Finger gymnastics “Our Army”.

(Alternately “walk” with the index and middle fingers of the right and left hands).

Aty-baty, aty-batty!

Soldiers are coming to the parade!

Here come the tankers

Then the artillerymen

And then the infantry -

Company by company!


Poem by I. Ageeva “Dear Army”

Dear army -
Defender of the country
With weapons and courage
Keeps us from war



Brave soldiers march with songs

Eh! Left! Left! They go with songs
And the boys run after them happily.

I want boys to serve in the army
Eh! Left! Left! Serve in the army

I want the boys to accomplish a feat.

Brave boys don't have to worry
Eh! Left! Left! There's no need to bother

Soon you will go to serve in the army.

You will vigilantly guard the borders
Eh! Left! Left! Guard vigilantly

You will stand guard over the Motherland.


Proverbs and sayings:

The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.
We will serve our fatherland in battle for our honor and freedom.
The hero who fights hard for his homeland.
Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.
To live - to serve the Motherland
Whoever stands up for his homeland is a true hero.
There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland.
Fight bravely for a just cause.
Everyone has their own side.
Go into battle boldly - the Motherland is behind you.
The Russian fleet is a stronghold for the Motherland.
A person has one mother, one homeland.
Take care of your beloved land like your own mother.
Your own land is sweet even in a handful.
The sun is warm, the Motherland is good.
If the army is strong, the country is invincible.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.
Weapons are the strength of a fighter, use them to the fullest.
One for all and all for one.
A brave fighter in battle is well done.
The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.
Die yourself, but help your comrade.
Hard to learn, easy to fight.
Where there is courage, there is victory.
Where friendship is valued, enemies also tremble.
Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than any wealth.
The law of a fighter is endurance to the end.
The brave one wins, the coward dies.
To be friends with a song - and not to bother in battle.
Stand together for peace - there will be no war.
Friends are made in battle.
To be in battle is to know the value of life.
Study military science skillfully.
Think with your head and fight with your strength.
It is not enough to wait for victory; we must take victory.
He who stands for a just cause will always win.
Whoever fights well is given victory.
For a Russian soldier, the border is sacred.
The sons of our Army are loyal to the Motherland.
A hero never dies, he lives forever among the people.

List of used literature

1. A. A. Vakhrusheva “Hello world”

2. V. V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten”

3. L. V. Kutsakova “Design and artistic work in kindergarten”

4. T. S. Komarova “Classes in visual arts in the senior group”

5. L. V. Kutsakova “Classes on designing from building materials”

6. N. E. Veraksa, A. N. Veraksa “Project activities in preschool institutions”

7. I. A. Lykova. Visual activities in kindergarten in the senior group of kindergarten.

8. N.V. Krasnoshchekova. Role-playing games for preschool children.

9. From birth to school. Basic general education program of preschool education. New generation program. Veraksa N. E., Komarova T. S., Vasilyeva M. A.

10. Everything for kindergarten.

Natalya Nishcheva

Project passport ta.

Age st: Preparatory group.

Problem: Lack of interest in the Russian army.

Justification of the problem We: Insufficient level of knowledge about the Russian army among preschoolers; lack of desire to become a defender of the Fatherland in the future.

Relevance of projects that: The problem of moral and patriotic education of preschool children is one of the most important for modern society. Currently, the education of patriotism is a rather difficult task, the solution of which requires patience and tact. In modern families, such issues are not considered important and deserve due attention. Our children no longer dream of becoming valiant warriors and do not consider the defense of their Motherland a sacred duty. Unfortunately, few people know the history of the holiday - February 23, in connection with which it was established. This project is an excellent opportunity to instill a sense of pride in one’s people, the army, and the Motherland. And also evoke a desire to be like the brave and courageous warriors of your country.

Purpose of the project that: Formation of patriotic feelings in children of senior preschool age.

Project tasks that:

To form social and moral education, respectful attitude towards adults, towards defenders of the Fatherland, war veterans;

Systematize, expand and generalize knowledge about the Russian Army, military branches, military equipment;

To develop children's interest in the history of their native Fatherland, in the history of the formation and development of the Russian army from Ancient Rus' to the present;

To foster a sense of pride in your army and create a desire to be like strong Russian warriors.

Project type that: Research, cognitive-speech.

Project type A: Short-term, group.

Project implementation timeline: Two weeks.

Project participants that: Preparatory group children, teachers, music director, parents.

Expected result of the project that:

A high level of acquired knowledge and ideas, design and research skills and practical skills of children, both during the project itself and upon its completion;

Expanding children's ideas about the Russian army and its defenders;

Establishing productive cooperation, developing co-creation between children and adults.

Stages of project implementation ta.

Stage I - preparer ny

1. Study of methodological and special literature on the topic of the project.

2. Selection of visual and demonstration material, poems, riddles, sayings, proverbs on the topic of the project.

3. Selection of cartoons “Three Heroes”, “The Tale of a Military Secret, of Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word.”

Stage II - basics Noah

1. Classes:

1. “Our Army is dear.”

Zada chi:

Give children knowledge about the army.

To form their first ideas about the features military service: soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles.

Clarify ideas about the branches of the military, about the defenders of the Fatherland.

To foster a sense of pride in your army and create a desire to be like strong, brave Russian warriors.

"My dad is in the Army." Compiling a story.

Teach children to write a story according to plan.

To consolidate children's understanding of the army, branches of the military, military professions and military equipment.

To cultivate a feeling of love for one’s Motherland, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, and friendly relationships.

Bese yes:

2. “Military professions And".

Zada chi:

Introduce children to military professions;

To form ideas about civic duty, courage, heroism;

Foster respect for people in military professions;

Develop attention memory.

3. "Military Technician" A".


Introduce children to military equipment.

Teach children to determine which branches of the military it belongs to.

4. Productive activity t:

1. Modeling “Border Guard with a Dog”.

Zada chi:

Strengthen the ability to sculpt human and animal figures, conveying the characteristic features of the images.

Practice using a variety of technical techniques (modeling from a whole piece, smoothing, pulling, etc.).

Continue teaching how to place sculpted figures on a stand.

2. Applique “Carnation” And".

Zada chi:

Teach children to make carnations from colored paper;

Strengthen children’s ability to compose a plot composition;

Develop fine motor skills hands; cultivate patience and perseverance.

3. Drawing “Border Guard with a Dog.”

Exercise children in depicting humans and animals, in conveying characteristic features (clothing, posture, relative size of the figure and parts;

Teach children to place the image well on the sheet;

Reinforce the techniques of drawing and coloring drawings with pencils, colored wax crayons and watercolor paints(mixed media).

4. "Military equipment"

Zada chi:

Teach children to draw military equipment: tanks, planes, helicopters, submarines based on diagrams.

Strengthen skills in working with dry visual materials: felt-tip pens, colored pencils, colored crayons. Offer to combine in one drawing different materials to create an expressive image.

Develop the ability to write a composition into a sheet of paper and paint over the entire drawing. - Develop imagination and independence.

5. Manual labor"War plane".

Zada chi:

Exercise children in creating an image of an object using a constructive method of assembling an airplane.

Strengthen the skills of carefully gluing and joining parts.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Cultivate perseverance and interest in constructive activities.

6. Reading fiction ry:

About warriors and military equipment; (reading stories by L. Kassil “Your Defenders”, V. Tyurin “We Ride, Swim, Fly”, A. Mityaev “Why is the army dear?”

Poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings;

Learning poems and songs;

7. Role-playing games ry:

“We are military”;

"Military hospital".

8. Movable and games.

“The most dexterous” (with a ball);

"Tug of War" (with a rope);

"Who is faster";

9. Muses ka.

Dance "Border" performed by boys.

Dance "Procession with Flags".

Song “Me and My Dad”, “About Dad”, “Defenders of the Fatherland”.

10. Working with the parent mi:

Introduction to the project;

Help from parents in creating a Mini-Museum of “Military Equipment”:

Help in selecting educational material: photographs, illustrations, stories, poems, riddles,

Proverbs and sayings on military topics;

Preparing for the lesson “My dad is in the Army”

Assistance in preparing a music and sports festival.

Stage III - final y.

Exhibition of children's works "My dad is a soldier", Creation of a mini-museum "Military equipment"

Musical and sports festival "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

Expected result at:

Children will develop feelings of pride for their Motherland, strong-willed qualities: courage, determination, a sense of camaraderie, a desire to help in trouble, an emotionally positive attitude towards warriors - defenders, a desire to imitate them, to be as brave, courageous, strong and noble;

Parents will develop an understanding of the importance of instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children.
