Do-it-yourself pasta fish. Do-it-yourself goldfish using papier-mâché technique

gold fish can be a great option for crafts that we will do with our own hands. For its manufacture, you can use completely different materials, both improvised and specially purchased. You can make a goldfish in kindergarten, school or at home with your parents. IN this master class we will try to present diagrams and descriptions of the work, photo and video materials.

How to make a goldfish with your own hands from waste material

Goldfish can be made from natural and waste material. This version of the craft can be a souvenir or serve as a decor for a postcard.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Thin cardboard;
  • acacia leaves or maple seeds;
  • Construction glue PVA;
  • Paint in a bottle of gold color;
  • Scissors;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Glue stick for paper;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Lacquer marker;
  • Blister from a tablet;
  • Black button;
  • Hair fixation spray;
  • Decorative tape.

Let's get to work. First you need to draw the outline of a fish on cardboard. The size is determined depending on the size of the seeds we have. We cut out a cardboard fish and, starting from its tail part, gradually spread glue and spread maple seeds or dried leaves tightly to each other. Thus, we get the relief of fish scales. You should take into account the features of the glue used so that it does not dry out while you try to lay the scales beautifully. The fish in scales should look something like the one shown in the picture.

Let's start creating the head of the fish. Cut it out of cardboard according to the shape of the template. In place of the eye, we will make holes and insert a blister from a pill into it, in which we put a button.

Now take the gold paint and color the fish completely, including the head. It is important to paint over all the details very carefully so that the white paper does not show anywhere. The paint must be allowed to dry.

Next, you need to finish the detail of the head. To do this, glue a blister on double-sided tape, and put white thin paper on top of the entire part of the head with glue, the next layer is cardboard. These layers are necessary in order for the eye of the fish to be mobile.

If there are some discrepancies in the details, then we carefully align them by cutting them with scissors.

In order for the paint to hold better, cover the fish with hairspray. We decorate the tail of the fish with ribbon or braid.

Such a Goldfish can be an excellent addition to a gift in the form of a decorative element in a postcard.

Pasta goldfish.

Pasta goldfish are a good option for children's creativity. In order for the fish to turn out beautiful, first of all, it is necessary to prepare a background on which the body of the fish and the head will be glued. In our example, light blue cardboard will serve as the background, and the fish itself, as already clear, will be made of yellow colored paper. Pay attention to the drawing.

Pasta for work must be taken in the form of a semicircle, most often in stores they are called ordinary horns. We smear the body of the fish with glue and carefully begin to spread the pasta-fish scales.

For a fish, you need to make fins and a tail. In our case, they will be made of colored paper folded like an accordion. Glue the details to the craft.

You can complete the craft at this stage, or you can work a little more and decorate the seabed.

Take pasta-shells and glue them along the bottom edge of the background. Fold the accordion curve colored paper blue or green and also fix with glue. It's so easy to make a goldfish from improvised materials. We are sure that both adults and children will like the process of its creation.

Plasticine goldfish.

We suggest that you and your child make a Goldfish out of plasticine, but using an unconventional method of sculpting with balls.

To make the craft interesting and beautiful, you need to print a fish template on thick paper in advance. The background can be left white, or you can give the child the opportunity to decorate it with blue colors.

Now let's take plasticine yellow color and we will roll balls of different sizes from it, and then they will fill the tail of the fish and fins inside the contour. The body of the fish will be made with orange plasticine. We will make the eye green, and the lips red.

For greater volume, crafts from white balls will make bubbles in the water, and also decorate the seabed. The result is an original piece.

Goldfish can be made in completely different methods, and from different materials, for example, in the technique of origami, quilling, from threads, from sweets, and also from beads. For lovers of knitting, it will not be difficult to make this wonderful fish with knitting needles or crochet.

The goldfish is a symbol of good luck in many countries. And everyone knows that we ourselves are the smiths of our own happiness. Therefore, today we will learn how to make a goldfish with our own hands and will not wait for it from someone as a gift. This article contains the most interesting and simple ways to make a goldfish, you just have to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

from waste material

You can make an excellent goldfish from waste material, which will decorate your home or become the central figure on any postcard or picture. Now we will tell you how to do it.

What we need to take:

  • cardboard of small thickness;
  • acacia leaves or maple seeds;
  • ordinary PVA glue;
  • can of gold paint;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape with a double-sided adhesive surface;
  • ordinary pencil;
  • medicine blister pack;
  • black button;
  • hairdressing varnish;
  • shiny ribbon.

The first thing we need to do is draw the outlines of our fish on cardboard. The larger the seeds, the larger the fish should be. We cut off the excess cardboard so that we only have the working form of the fish left. Starting from the tail, cover the form with glue and put leaves and seeds on top, leaving no gaps between them. These materials will act as fish scales.

Next, we need to do the head of our craft. From the same cardboard we form the head. At the point where the eye will be, we make a hole and attach a plastic mold from the blister there. Do not forget to put a button in the blister - it will serve as a pupil.

The first stage has been completed. Next, cover the product with gold paint and let it dry. Now let's finish the work with the head of our fish. We glue the blister with a button inside on double-sided tape to the head of the fish. See how it's done in the photo. Draw eyelashes with a regular pencil. You can also paint a mouth or a few scales on the fish. The final stage: so that the paint does not get dirty, cover the fish with hairspray. We tie a shiny ribbon on the ponytail.

The master class is over, our fish is ready. It remains only to find a use for it.

Unusual solutions

Pasta fish is made very simply and very quickly.

A shape is cut out of thick paper or cardboard. The eye and outlines of the head are drawn.

Dry pasta is covered with transparent strong glue and superimposed on the form.

By bending small pieces of paper in the shape of a fan, we get the tail and fins of our fish. We glue the parts to the places where they should be.

The rest of the canvas is decorated with paper in the form of algae. You can also use pasta of a different color as a decoration, they will become pebbles. Or attach real beads, or pebbles to the bottom of the picture.

The pasta fish is finished. Such a picture can definitely be suitable as a craft in kindergarten Or as decoration for a child's room.

Video how easy and simple it is to crochet a goldfish, even if you do not know how to knit. The lesson presents detailed diagram and a description of the knitting process.

DIY beaded fish:

In the technique of quilling

Any quilling patterns turn out to be very unusual and bewitching, our goldfish is no exception.

For work we need:

  • pieces of paper of various colors (shades of orange and yellow for goldfish. Shades of green are suitable for algae);
  • pebbles, rhinestones or beads to saddle eyes;
  • ordinary toothpick;
  • PVA glue and super glue;
  • plastic cap.

If you plan to put the fish in the aquarium, you need to:

  • small glass aquarium or round vase;
  • pebble.

Additionally prepare:

  • a ruler with round holes;
  • pins;
  • stand for work.

We cut orange colored paper into equal strips and use a toothpick to fold the strips into a paid roller. We lay the roller in the round hole of the ruler and release it so that it can bloom. The hole should be average in size among the rest. We take out the roller and glue its end.

We make six pieces of such rollers and flatten each of them in the middle.

We glue six rollers together as shown in the picture, take a piece paper strip, wrap it around the glued rollers and glue the end of the strip as well.

We twist an additional roller, glue it in the center of the workpiece and coat it and the edges of the workpiece with glue.

We twist the second exactly the same part, which will serve as the body of our fish, and glue it with the first one. Do should protrude slightly in the center on both sides.

We glue our detail with a strip of paper.

We pass to the second stage. We need to make eyes and fins for crafts. To do this, we take two pieces of colored paper, one lighter, the other darker and glue their ends.

We twist the roller from the resulting strip and lower it into a larger hole. The dark paper should be on the outside.

We flatten our rollers and bend them around the edges.

We fasten the parts with glue to the body of the fish.

On both sides we put eyes on the glue.

In the same way, we glue three bright and two light stripes between each other and, after twisting, lower them into a thirty-six mm shape.

We take a couple of pins and use them to move the center point to the side. We fix it with pins, drip a little glue and wait until it dries.

Once the glue has dried, bend the roller like this.

We make a ponytail from larger and smaller parts and glue it.

We fasten the third from above.

Fourth from the bottom.

Glue the tail to the fish.

Here's how we did it.

New decor ideas are always great. And if only natural, harmless and at the same time budget materials are used, this is doubly wonderful. Not only children, but also adults like to create crafts from pasta with their own hands. A large number of detailed step by step instructions and the variety of shapes and sizes of pasta allow you to choose the right option for both the baby and the professional designer.

What can be done with pasta?

Horns, shells, spirals and bows, long and short, narrow and wide - such a wide range provides endless possibilities for the realization of any flight of fancy. Most often pasta crafts are used:

  • as home decor. An exclusive samovar or an openwork teapot will emphasize the individuality of the kitchen much better than plastic consumer goods from China;
  • for development creativity and improvement of fine motor skills in children of any age;
  • in order to restore body functions after various injuries;
  • as comic gifts and thematic crafts for schools and kindergartens.

There are practically no restrictions on the size and shape of the finished product. The main thing is to properly fasten the individual parts and carefully consider the shape.

Interesting ideas for decor can be gleaned from the video:

Preliminary preparation

Initially, it is worth deciding on the choice of the model and shape of pasta, which will best realize the idea.

The easiest way is to pre-buy several varieties of pasta. Spread them out on a flat surface and try several options for combining different types of pasta.

In this case, you need to pay attention not only to the resulting pattern, but also to the number of points of contact between individual pasta. It is on this that the reliability of the future design will depend.

Particular attention should be paid to the places of bends and connections of individual structural elements.

After choosing the design and shape, you should sort the pasta by size. In the same pack, butterflies or shells can differ from each other in size by 20%. When preparing a dish, such trifles are not important, but when making a serious craft, such a serious error in size can ruin the final result.

It is not worth measuring every detail with a caliper, it is enough to divide the pasta into larger and smaller ones. In the future, for each row it is worth taking pasta of approximately the same size. So the craft will look more even.

How to color pasta for crafts?

If the natural color of the pasta does not suit you, then it can be changed. This can be done in many ways.

food coloring

To do this, the selected color must be diluted in a small amount of water. Some dyes give a brighter, more permanent color when added with vinegar, but not all, so it's best to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Then the desired spirals or shells are placed in the dye solution, and a few minutes are waited. After that, the products are removed and laid out in one layer on foil or cling film to dry. During the drying process, it is advisable to mix them from time to time and make sure that they do not stick together.

natural juices

Juice should be squeezed from bright vegetables and fruits. Beets, carrots, blueberries, blackberries, cherries are well suited. If there is no juicer at hand, you can use a grater or blender, and then squeeze the juice from the resulting mass.

Natural juices color worse than food coloring, so you will have to keep the workpiece in the juice for 30-40 minutes to get a fairly bright color.

Poor-quality pasta can become sour during this time. Therefore, when choosing this staining method, preference should be given to products from durum wheat.


In this case, only bright spices are suitable: saffron, turmeric, barberry, etc. To do this, you need to prepare a rich broth from them and cool. Then place the blanks in it for a few minutes. The intensity of the color will directly depend on the saturation of the decoction.

Zelenka or iodine

Sunny color and color of young grass can be achieved in 10-15 minutes by placing the required type of pasta in the right medicines.

Acrylic paints

This type of paint gives bright colors and does not leave marks on the hands after drying. For coloring, it is enough to dilute the desired color in a small amount of water. A bright color can be achieved by placing the pasta in the resulting solution for a few minutes.

Nail polish

This method of staining is not particularly popular for three reasons:

  • bad smell;
  • high consumption of varnish;
  • not suitable for children's creativity.

Despite a lot of shortcomings, this method gives a very bright and glossy color. Therefore, it is used to paint over small details that need to be emphasized.

Aerosol paints

Paint cans are convenient in that they give an even rich color and have a very wide palette. With their help, you can paint pasta at the stage of blanks, or paint an already fully assembled figure.

But when working with a finished craft, you can only achieve solid color. It is worth remembering that this method of staining, like varnish, is not suitable for children's creativity.

Do not take gouache for coloring. Despite the fact that it gives a fairly bright color, even after complete drying, the paint is “taken”.

In addition to the fact that gouache stains hands, when connecting individual elements, the glue leaves untidy stains on the paint. Such a product looks very sloppy.

How to glue pasta for crafts?

Best suited for gluing pasta:

If small children will participate in the manufacture of crafts, then the only option for gluing is PVA.

Children school age Works well with a glue gun or superglue. But when using the last two methods, it is advisable to perform work under the supervision of adults.

crafts for kids

The options for children's crafts are endless. Even kids 2-3 years old can handle the simplest ones. Such family pastime not only develops well fine motor skills child, but also teaches to think figuratively, which is useful at any age. These activities are very useful for developing speech and improving communication between the child and parents.


To make an avant-garde necklace, you need a minimum set of tools and materials:

  • base for beads (ribbon, fishing line, cord or nylon thread);
  • different types of pasta. The desired option is selected based on the age of the manufacturer of the beads (the younger the age, the larger the details should be) and the chosen design. It is not at all necessary to take tubes, feathers or other products with a hole inside for these purposes. Spring pasta, bows, or stars are quite suitable, the main thing is that they stick well to a fishing line, thread or ribbon;
  • paints. If children are involved in the manufacture of beads, then only food or natural dyes, for adults - no restrictions;
  • oilcloth. You can dry pasta on it after staining, or simply use it to protect the table from paints and glue;
  • thick needle. For stringing;
  • glue gun (if needed)

Manufacturing steps pasta beads are quite simple:

  1. Choose a design. It's best to line up different kinds pasta and "play" with their order. You can draw a sketch of the future product on paper and consider it in several colors.
  2. Decide on the length. To do this, wrap a thread or cord around the neck and measure the required length, taking into account the ties.
  3. Coloring. Using the selected method, paint individual parts in desired colors and dry. When using nail polish or spray paint, work is best done in a well-ventilated area.
  4. Assembly. String in the right order (or glue with a gun) "beads" and tie the ends of the cord.

According to the same instructions, you can make a bracelet on an arm or leg.


Animals, birds, fish, insects, ships, rockets, houses and cars - anything can be made from pasta. The main thing is to adequately compare the age of the manufacturer and the complexity of the application.

And don't just focus on pasta. Applications can be supplemented with colored paper and cardboard, beads, cotton pads, bulk products (coffee, cereals, legumes), herbarium leaves, etc.

The action plan is very simple:

  • on the basis (a sheet of cardboard or thick paper), put pasta and other elements of the application (if any) in the right order;
  • for small children or complex applications, it is advisable to make marks on paper (where which part should be located);
  • if necessary, color individual pasta in the desired color and dry them thoroughly;
  • glue the appliqué elements on a piece of paper in the right order.

Such an application is perfect as a craft for school or kindergarten. It requires a minimum of time and money, while it looks very original.

You can also place the application in a photo frame of a suitable size and decorate the wall of a child's room or kitchen with it. This decor adds coziness and personality to the room.


The natural color of the pasta even allows you to refuse paints. But if you wish, you can add brightness to the craft with a decoction of turmeric, carrot juice, or food coloring for Easter eggs.

There are two ways to make a sun:

  • the center is made from improvised materials: plasticine, salt dough, etc. Or simply drawn with bright pencils or a yellow felt-tip pen. Rays are made from different types of pasta. Spaghetti, tubules, feathers, spirals, etc. are well suited for these purposes;
  • the whole craft is made from pasta. They can be one type or several. In the second case, more rounded species (wheels, flowers, shells) are taken for the center, and straight and long for the rays.

Both options can be additionally decorated with bows or flowers painted in a brighter color. Or you can make a cute smiling face for the sun out of colored paper, buttons, or pasta of a different type and color.

You can add such an application with clouds or a rainbow of colored pasta. And by removing the rays, you can make a cute kolobok.

small house

This voluminous craft is more difficult to perform, but it looks more spectacular. For children of kindergarten age, it is hardly suitable, but schoolchildren will completely cope with the task.

To make a house you will need:

  • cardboard. Minimum nine sheets. Old postcards or candy boxes are quite suitable;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • wide tape;
  • at least three types of pasta:
    • long pasta for logs;
    • shorter ones (feathers or tubes) for the foundation;
    • noodles for beshbarmak or similar for tiles;
    • flowers or shells for decoration (platbands, etc.) as desired.
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • glue gun.

Initially, a frame is made of cardboard.

After manufacturing cardboard house he is pasted over with colored pasta with a gun. The gluing sequence is simple:

In this case, you should not use PVA glue to glue the pasta, the base can lead.


A simple version of the application for children 5–6 years old has several advantages at once:

  • the child is able to cope with this craft without the help of adults;
  • in addition to the development of fine motor skills, the child in the process of creativity "gets acquainted" with the letter and has fun learning the alphabet.

To make crafts, it is advisable for a child to give out a stencil: A4 sheet, on which the outline of the desired letter will be printed (it should be large, on the entire sheet).

In addition to the sheet, you will need any kind of pasta. Products dyed in different colors, arouse more interest in children than in the natural color scheme. If the child will do the craft himself, it is better to choose the kind of pasta that does not have to be cut into pieces in the process of making the appliqué.

Depending on the age of the child, the letter can be made either from one type of pasta, or for the contour and the middle, take Various types pasta.


Easy and safe craft for kids preschool age. It will take only a few colors of plasticine and some spaghetti.

From plasticine, you need to roll up a drop-shaped figure the size of a child's fist - this will be the body of a hedgehog. Next, 3 small balls are made from a contrasting color - the nose and eyes. They make a muzzle on the pointed part of the “drop”. Spaghetti needs to be broken into equal parts - these will be needles. Further, the carcass of the hedgehog is evenly covered with "needles".

If the “needles” are made from spiral pasta, and the plasticine muzzle is covered with a layer of small pasta flowers, you can get a glamorous hedgehog. Decorating it with beads and bows, you can achieve a simply amazing effect.

gold fish

Another easy craft for kids younger age. For manufacturing you will need:

  • yellow and blue colored paper;
  • glue;
  • markers;
  • any pasta shaped like scales.

The blue leaf is the background. From yellow colored paper, cut out the body and fins for the fish. To make the application brighter, the fins can be made contrasting (red, orange, purple, etc.).

Next, glue the fins and tail onto the background, and glue the body on top of them so that it overlaps the joints. The eyes, mouth and head of the fish are drawn with a felt-tip pen. After that, “scales” are glued to the body. You can use pasta in natural color, or pre-paint them in a brighter color.

Yellow colored paper and felt-tip pens can be replaced with cereals of the desired color. With older children, the tail and fins can be made from pasta, so the fish will be more elegant.


There are several options for making pasta birds. For kids 3-7 years fit craft in the form of an application. Teenagers and adults can make a functional bird. For example, in the form of an original container for various small things.

The application is easy to make. On thick paper, you need to outline the contour of the future bird. The ego can be drawn, printed, made from colored paper or plasticine. Next, brightly colored pasta feathers are glued to it. It is better to take openwork and corrugated variations of pasta. So the bird will look more elegant.

Making a three-dimensional structure is an order of magnitude more difficult. Beginners should not take on such a craft. For a candy bird, you first need to make a “skeleton” - a base made of thick cardboard or similar materials. Then the workpiece is glued with horns using glue gun or superglue. PVA in this situation will not cope. The finished product is painted after drying acrylic paints in the right colors.

New Year ideas

The eve of the new year is the time for school crafts and decorating your own home. original crafts from pasta can be a wonderful New Year's decor. Making jewelry together will help strengthen the relationship between parents and children and set the family in a festive mood.

Christmas wreath

Wreaths painted with gold or silver spray paint look most spectacular. But if small children will take part in the manufacture of crafts, food coloring should be preferred. They also come with a metallic or pearly sheen, although they give a less bright color.

To make a wreath you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • superglue, PVA or glue gun;
  • a loop of ribbon or cord;
  • various types of small pasta (preferably corrugated).

You can complement the craft with a decor of cones and needles. They can be artificial or natural. You can also use beads, ribbons and bows.

The master class for making a wreath is quite simple:

  • the base is cut out of cardboard, most often it is a ring. But romantic people can make a heart-shaped Christmas wreath, and creative people can give free rein to their imagination;

  • a variety of pasta is glued to the base. It is necessary to ensure that there is as little free space between individual elements as possible;
  • the workpiece is covered with spray paint. You can also use pre-dyed pasta, but spray paint is best. It will reliably hide the base and minor flaws (glue drops, etc.).

If necessary, the decor is complemented by ribbons, cones, bells and other decorations.


A cute openwork snowflake can be a great craft for kindergarten, a Christmas tree decoration, or a gift for your beloved grandmother.

Most often, white, gold or silver paint is taken for coloring, but there are other options. You can add sparkle to a snowflake with beads or rhinestones.

Best of all, various types of small openwork pasta are suitable for making this craft: flowers, stars, figures. So the snowflakes are light and airy.

The blanks can be pre-painted, or the finished product can be painted in the desired color.

Initially, a “sketch” is laid out in order to choose the optimal shape and size of a snowflake. After choosing a model, the parts are glued together. It is better to choose superglue or a glue gun for these purposes, so the product will be stronger.

A snowflake is collected from the center to the edges, evenly, row by row. For more shine, crafts can be decorated with beads or sprinkled with sparkles.

If a Christmas tree is decorated with such pasta snowflakes, a special loop will be required. It can be glued or simply put the cord through the hole in the pasta.

Christmas tree decorations

In addition to snowflakes for decorating the Christmas tree, you can make several types of toys:

  • balloons;
  • asterisks;
  • angels;
  • Christmas trees;
  • bows;
  • hearts.

The easiest way to make bows, for this you just need to paint them in beautiful colour and glue or tie loops to them. You can add sequins or beads.

To make an angel, you will need several types of pasta. For an outfit, it is better to take something corrugated. When making a small craft, wings can be made from a bow, and hands from horns. The head can be molded from plasticine or made from a foam ball.

Volumetric balls will require more skill, but they also look spectacular. In addition to the standard set of materials, you should get an inflatable ball. It must be inflated to the size of the intended toy. Next, the desired decor is glued to it in rows from bottom to top.

To make the ball move less during operation, it can be placed in a glass or mug of the desired diameter.

The rows should reach the very top so that there is as little empty space as possible.

When the decoration is completed and the blank is dry, the ball must be gently blown off. This can be done either through its natural opening, or by carefully puncturing it. Then the rubber ball should be removed through the top edge of the craft. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the fragile decor.

When using a glue gun, be careful not to stick the craft to the ball. It can burst from hot glue, or damage the workpiece when lowering the ball.

Next, the upper hole is neatly decorated, and a loop is attached to it for hanging on the Christmas tree. After complete drying, the craft can be painted with spray paint and sprinkled with sparkles (if the blanks were not painted in advance).


Making a pasta tree is pretty easy. It can decorate an office or home, or become an original New Year's craft for school or kindergarten. For manufacturing you will need:

  • a sheet of thick paper;
  • scissors,
  • compass;
  • glue;
  • dyes;
  • glue;
  • small pasta (bows, horns, feathers, spirals, etc.).

The crafting technique is simple. You need to glue a cone out of paper - the parameters of the finished product will depend on its size. To make the lower part smoother, it must first be rounded. To do this, draw a circle of the desired diameter with a compass, and cut the circle along the line.

The top of the Christmas tree can be decorated with pointed macaroni, a bow or a star.

The craft can be painted with acrylic or spray paint. And decorate with "Christmas toys." Beads, bows of a contrasting color can act as "toys". When making an all-natural Christmas tree, decorations can be made from cereals and seeds dyed in bright colors.

Symbol of 2020

Only seven shells different sizes will allow you to make a cute mouse - a symbol of 2020.

The largest shell (they are usually sold for stuffing) will serve as the body. 4 small shells - paws - are attached to its lower part. From above you need to glue two larger shells - ears.

The tail can be made from a piece of spaghetti or a spring, or from a thin cord. Droplets of glue or small beads can serve as eyes and nose.

It is better to paint the craft with spray paint, it will hide the glue at the joints. If the mouse has to be painted with gouache, then after the paint has dried, it is advisable to cover it with a layer of PVA. The dried glue will become completely transparent, but will add shine crafts. At the same time, gouache coated with a layer of PVA will not leave marks on the hands.


Handmade postcards have been valued at all times. A nice handmade gift is much more pleasant to receive than a stamped creation of a local printing house.

Adults and older children can come up with an individual design on their own. For kids, it is better to print ready-made templates. There are a lot of ideas on the Internet for making a variety of pasta pictures for children.

For making postcards, it is better to take designer cardboard. It costs more than usual, but the original texture and rich palette will make such a gift unforgettable.

Card design can be chosen for any holiday. Christmas trees and snowflakes have been the most popular variations on the theme of the new year for many years.


Such an unusual decoration can be the highlight of the Christmas tree. The main thing is to choose the right color.

The garland should attract the eye, therefore, the more glitter and radiance, the better. You can make it from pasta of any shape, but the easiest way to work with pasta-bows.

They must first be painted in the desired color. For extra shine, you can additionally cover them with a layer of PVA and sprinkle generously with sparkles.

After drying, each unit must be tied or glued to a pretty thread or thin cord.

You can make a garland from other types of pasta. All kinds of tubes are very convenient to string on a thread, while embossed and curved shapes can create a very original design.

The finished electric garland can be made "plafonds" of pasta-shells. But when implementing such a design, one should be extremely careful. If the garland turns out to be faulty, the pasta may catch fire.


A pasta candlestick can decorate the New Year's table, or become original decor for kitchen. It can be done in two versions:

  • a fire-resistant container, for example, a glass cup, is taken as a candlestick, and pasta is used only as a decor;
  • the candlestick is made entirely of pasta, without auxiliary materials.

It is better to use the first option, so the risk of a fire is minimized. In the second case, when fire comes into contact with pasta, the structure may catch fire.

In the first case, the selected container is simply pasted over with a variety of pasta, and the whole craft is painted in an arbitrary color (shades imitating various metals look better).

In the second variant, the same glass can serve as a template for crafts, but first it should be wrapped with cling film. After that, it is also glued on all sides with pasta to the desired height.

The design must be selected so that the individual pasta are in good contact with each other. After the glue dries, the glass is carefully removed, and the craft is carefully released from the cling film. The finished product can be painted and decorated with additional decor.

The first method can be used to make a mug or vase from pasta. Such crafts can be a very unusual addition to the kitchen.

On March 8

A special gift for March 8 or Mother's Day can be a beautiful appliqué or craft made from plasticine and pasta.


Not everyone likes artificial flowers, so such a gift should be done carefully. It is better to use pasta flowers as a themed school craft for March 8th.

To make flowers you will need:

  • wire or long wooden skewers for stems;
  • colored pasta (better corrugated);
  • glue gun or superglue;
  • additional decor and corrugated paper (optional).

The manufacturing process is quite simple:

If “leaves” are needed, then one long and several shorter wires are twisted together from one edge. The long one will play the role of the stem, and the short ones will depart from it at the attachment points of the “leaves”. After giving the base the desired color, colored pasta-leaves are strung on short pieces of wire and glued.


A box of pasta is made in the same way as a candlestick. If it will be used only as a decor, it can be made without a base, but such a craft will be very fragile.

In the manufacture of a functional box (if they really store something in it), it is better to use the method with the base. As a basis, you can use plastic disposable containers from supermarkets or metal boxes for tea and biscuits.

When making a box without a base, you can use a suitable box or jar pre-wrapped with cling film as a template.

For the manufacture of the box, both smooth spaghetti and openwork flowers are suitable. Any of the options will look original and unusual. It’s just that the overall style and strength of the box will depend on the type of pasta chosen.

This craft is considered quite complicated, so it is advisable to first draw up a diagram on paper. During the manufacturing process, you need to carefully monitor the geometry of the craft, otherwise the box will come out skewed.

For February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day can also be a great occasion to make a special pasta craft.


One of the most requested options. The popularity of this craft is added by the game "WOT", which is played by everyone: from teenagers to pensioners.

The easiest way is to make a pasta tank in the form of an appliqué.

For wheels, pasta flowers are best. The body and muzzle are best made from the same type of pasta, painted in the desired colors. The smaller the pasta, the easier it will be to give the desired shape to the body.

A more complex version of the tank is a volumetric one. Preschool children can cope with such crafts only with the help of adults. For schoolchildren, such a tank usually does not cause difficulties.

Wheels can be made from the same flowers. Lasagna sheets or flat noodles are suitable for the body. They will need to be cut into the desired segments with a clerical knife. Mafaldine pasta seems to have been created for the manufacture of tank tracks. For the muzzle, it is ideal to use a tube of the desired length and diameter.

Given the complexity of the shape, it is better to paint the parts before assembly, otherwise it will be difficult to paint hard-to-reach places with high quality in the end.


Pa compared with the tank - this craft is very simple. Even a small child is able to make a pasta star on February 23rd.

The set of materials and tools is minimal:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • glue;
  • pasta;
  • dyes.

On a sheet of cardboard, draw a star of the desired size. To a small child at this stage it is desirable to help.

For older children, the task can be a little more complicated by making the star more voluminous. But in this case, PVA glue will not be enough. It is better to use "Moment" or a glue gun.


This craft is easier to assemble from flat and thin pasta: spaghetti, noodles or lasagne sheets.

For the manufacture of wings and tail, it is better to draw a sketch on paper, cover it with transparent cling film and glue the wing plane on it.

To assemble a rounded case, you need a base. If there is no suitable cone-shaped object at hand, the desired shape can be made from thick cardboard. Next, the workpiece is wrapped with cling film and spaghetti is glued on it in a circle.

The craft will be stronger if you use spaghetti for the body different lengths and glue them in a checkerboard pattern. Wheels, like a tank, are easiest to make from flower pasta.

By changing the color to red, gifts for February 23 can be turned into fire-themed crafts.

For Easter

Diversify Easter gifts unusual crafts from pasta.

Easter Egg

With the help of pasta, you can make unusual decorations for eggs. To do this, you will need to glue the surface of the egg with small flowers or stars. It is better to choose simple patterns: lines, circles, dots. The top of the Easter egg can be decorated with a bow or a star.

Also Easter Egg can be made entirely from pasta. It is done by analogy with a Christmas ball.

For the base, an egg-shaped inflatable ball is taken. It is inflated to the desired size and pasted over with pasta. It is not necessary to glue the entire surface of the ball. You can leave the "window", and put a toy chicken or a hare and colored chicken eggs inside.

This decor will add atmosphere bright holiday Easter.


When making this craft, it should be noted that the pasta basket will only serve as a decor. Carry it by the handle, or store anything in it is not worth it.

It is made, like an egg, on the basis of an inflatable ball. But in this case, only the lower part of the ball is glued with pasta.

The basis for making a pen can be made by bending a strip cut out of cardboard or a plastic bottle.

It is desirable to decorate the junction of the basket and the handle with decorative elements.

To make the craft stable, small legs should be made at the bottom.


You should take on the pasta church only if you have skills in making such crafts. The result of the work looks very impressive, but such a craft is very easy to spoil.

It is better for novice craftsmen to make a church on a frame. To do this, you need to cut out the base of the desired shape from the foam and decorate it with pasta trim. After painting with spray paint, the foam and pasta will look like a single whole. Such a temple will look harmonious and complete.

Masters of their craft can take aim at a pasta church without a frame.

To make the craft smoother, it is better to assemble the pasta structure around the box wrapped in cling film. If the church is in several tiers, then the lower tier is assembled first. The box is carefully removed. Its place is taken by a narrower one (you may need a stand for it) and the next tier is assembled, etc.

For any holiday

A gift from pasta can be made absolutely for any holiday. This gift is sure to be the center of attention.


A pasta picture is a larger type of appliqué. It can be made in any color and size. A painting made for a specific interior will add coziness and individuality to any apartment.

The level of complexity of the work should be chosen based on the skills of the manufacturer. The picture can be something abstract, or depict a specific object.

To add originality to the craft, you should choose a base with an unusual texture for the background. Or you can supplement the pasta image with other loose ones. A picture of cereals, coffee or seeds will look no less original.


The difference between such a craft and a picture is the fabric base. It can be coarse burlap or light organza. For a large panel, you can combine several types of bases. The main thing is to feel and maintain the overall style of the craft.

The panel can be of any shape and size. If individual parts require painting, they must be painted before work begins so as not to spoil the original background of the craft.


A lacy pasta samovar can become great gift for housewarming, mother's day or any other holiday.

To make it, you will need an inflatable ball or a glass jar of the right size.

The base is covered with pasta. The more openwork they are, the more spectacular the samovar will look after painting.

For the manufacture of the upper part, you can take a cup or jar of a smaller size.

Before you pull out the base, you need to make sure that the glue has dried completely. It is better to paint a samovar with spray paint.

The samovar can be a separate figure, or part of a pasta set.


With the help of pasta, you can decorate the finished photo frame, or make it from scratch.

Even a child can handle decorating a finished photo frame. In addition to paints, glue, pasta and the frame itself, nothing is needed in this case.

Pasta is randomly glued onto a photo frame. After drying, the craft is painted in the desired color. You can complement the design with beads, lace, coffee beans or cereals.

To make a photo frame, you will need thick cardboard, paper, a stationery knife, glue, paint and pasta.

The manufacturing instruction includes several steps:

Such a DIY craft, complete with a memorable photo, will be a wonderful gift for any occasion.


Another large-scale craft can be a pasta tea set. It can be made in any configuration. Cups, saucers, spoons, a teapot, a tray, a samovar - all this can become elements of a service.

All parts of the service are best made on the basis. As a frame, you can take Balloons, or real dishes wrapped in cling film (the main thing is to choose the shape so that the base can be removed from the finished craft).


For the manufacture of an exclusive tree, a base is required. It is most convenient to purchase a foam ball. They are sold in stores for Hand made. You can decorate such a ball with any kind of pasta. They can be located along the surface, or perpendicular to the plane of the foam blank. So the tree looks more voluminous and natural.

Depending on the season and holiday, you can make autumn tree from pasta in golden colors, or winter - in silver. Crafts on the theme of autumn can be additionally decorated with leaves.

Winter variations can be supplemented with icicles and snowflakes. Butterflies are perfect for a summer topiary, and half-blown buds will reveal the theme of spring.

Topiary not tied to the season can be supplemented with bows or beads.

The top of the craft can turn out to be quite massive. To make the design stable, the lower part can be weighted with plasticine.

Templates, stencils for applications

Examples of finished works

Pasta is not only a delicious side dish, but also an excellent material for creating all kinds of DIY crafts. After all, they are so easy to process, available in large quantities and in the most different types. For children of preschool and school age, "pasta needlework" will help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, but for adults it will become an exciting hobby. In this article you will find 15 DIY pasta craft ideas, 100 inspiring photo examples, a few simple instructions And step by step master class for coloring pasta with food coloring.

Idea 1. Pasta angels

Crafts from pasta in the form of angels can be turned into a garland or a set of Christmas toys. They are made very simply, so you can easily make a whole lot of lovely angels with your child.


  • 20 mm wooden ball (for making the head).
  • Large tubules or Italian rigatoni (for the mantle).
  • Wheels or flowers (for the collar).
  • Horns (for hands).
  • Small stars (for decorating a dress, also suitable for simulating hair).
  • Ditalini (small tubular hair pasta).
  • Bows or butterflies (for wings).
  • Glue gun.


First, glue the wheel to the tube with hot glue, then the head-ball to the center of the wheel, and glue the wings-bows to the body under the collar.

Now glue the ditalini hair onto the ball in several rows. By the way, you can arrange small hair tubes in two ways - across the head and along. Finally, decorate the angel's mantle with stars: glue one on the collar and a few more on the hem.

Make as many angels as you want and then paint them. You can come up with your own design of angels or paint them in White color like in this tutorial. To do this, plant the figures on a few pencils or wooden skewers, stick them into the foam or into the ground, and then paint the angels with three layers of paint.

When all the figures are dry, using a marker with a very thin rod, draw closed eyes and a mouth on their faces.

Want to make your angels even prettier? Make a halo for them out of wire and gold beads, and paint the stars on the mantle with gold paint as shown in the photo.

The following selection of photos shows examples of angels made from pasta of other shapes.

Idea 2. Hair accessories

Pasta is so beautiful that you can even decorate your hair with it. So, for example, an ordinary hair band will become more elegant if you stick spikelets painted with gold spray paint on it.

You can also make a tiara for a little princess from the rim and the wheels and flowers glued together.

Butterflies can be used to make hair ornaments. To do this, they need to be decorated, and then glued to invisible, clips or hairpins.

Idea 3. "Jewelry" decorations

Here is another idea for ladies - earrings, bracelets, beads and macaroni necklaces. In the next selection of photos you can see examples of bead designs for younger girls. Children can make such accessories with their own hands even without the help of adults, because here you don’t even need glue, but only paints and threads.

But such necklaces, earrings and bracelets can be worn not only by young ladies, but also by their mothers.

By adding feathers to pasta beads, you will create decorations for an Indian party or children's games.

Idea 4. Panels and paintings from pasta

From pasta of different sizes, shapes and colors, you can create wall panels or "paint" real paintings - portraits, landscapes, still lifes and abstract subjects. There are at least two techniques for making pasta paintings.

Method 1: Find a suitable embroidery pattern on the Internet and select the same small size pasta. For example, it can be very small tubes or stars. Paint the pasta in the desired colors (see at the end of the article), and then glue them to the canvas on a stretcher according to the selected embroidery pattern. You can glue the parts on PVA glue or hot glue (in this case, it is better to apply the glue to the pasta, and not to the canvas).

Method 2: Manually or using a ready-made / home-made stencil, sketch a sketch on the canvas. Think about what kind of pasta is suitable for your drawing. So, for example, spirals are suitable for depicting hair, tubes can represent the bricks of a house, shells can be themselves, and all small horns, stars, etc. can be used to “fill” or “draw” contours. You also need to plan what colors will be used for the painting. Keep in mind that you can make a composition not only from pasta, but also from cereals and beans. Having decided on the palette, paint the pasta (see at the end of the article), and then glue them in the right order.

The following selection of photos shows examples of pasta panels and paintings that children can make, for example, to decorate their room, for school assignments, or to give to a loved one.

And here are the ideas of crafts from cereals and pasta for creative adults.

Portrait of Ernest Hemingway from pasta and cereals

Abstract composition of spaghetti and pasta based on cds

Idea 5. Garland of butterflies

Depending on the color of the butterfly pasta, you can create garlands for the New Year, Easter, children's day birthday, Halloween and any themed holiday.

You can also decorate a children's room with such pasta crafts.

Making a pasta garland is very easy. To do this, you only need a pretty thread, a pack or two of butterflies, and glitter paint or glue.

However, you can make a garland not only from bows, any curly pasta and tubules will do as in the photo below.

Idea 6. Organizer for stationery

Any glass and even a tin can can be turned into a pretty organizer for office supplies. To do this, you only need pasta, glue and acrylic paints.

Idea 7. Christmas decorations

From curly pasta, you can make wonderful Christmas decorations with your own hands. So, for example, wheels, flowers and shells easily fold into snowflakes. Moreover, the combinations of parts can be so different that each decoration on the Christmas tree will be unlike any other.

The principle of creating a pasta snowflake is simple - first a core is made from one or more parts, and then 5-6 rays are built up around it from different or identical pasta glued together. Before gluing the snowflake, the whole combination must be folded on paper and make sure that all the details fit together. After the glue dries, you can start painting. If you want to cover the craft with sparkles, then you need to do this immediately after staining so that the sparkles have time to grab the paint. Spray the snowflake with hairspray for a better hold on the glitter. In the next photo slider, the stages of work are presented clearly.

And here are other options for Christmas toys that are easy to make with your own hands from pasta.

Idea 8. Pasta box

A box of wheels or flowers may seem like the result of the finest work of a master, but, in fact, anyone can make such a craft with their own hands. To do this, you need to pick up a small box, line up the bottom of the box according to its size, then assemble the walls of the box with glue directly around the walls of the box, and finally, make a lid of the appropriate size. If desired, handles assembled from several parts can be glued to the sides of the box, and legs can be glued to the bottom. Next, the lid and the box should be connected to each other using pieces of flexible plastic or leather. When the product is ready, it remains only to cover it with spray paint.

There is also an easier way to make a box of pasta with your own hands, when a finished box or box is taken as the basis, and pasta is used only for decoration.

The main thing here is to create beautiful and neat patterns and carefully paint over both the box itself and the pasta decorations. For painting such pasta crafts, it is best to use aerosol cans.

Idea 9. Bookmark for a book

Figured pasta, for example, bows, can perfectly decorate bookmarks for books and textbooks.

To make the bookmark itself, you need to cut a rectangle out of cardboard, paste it over with scrapbooking paper (or any other beautiful paper), and then laminate the bookmark with transparent tape.

Pasta can simply be dyed in bright colors and/or covered with glitter as in this master class. To make the pasta shiny, you only need to process it with PVA glue, sprinkle generously with glitter and brush off the excess.

After 2-3 hours, when the glue becomes transparent and dries, pasta can be glued to the bookmarks using a glue gun.

Idea 10. Postcards with pasta decor

The same bows or, say, pasta hearts can be used to make DIY postcards. The principle of operation remains the same as for making bookmarks (see Idea No. 9). And here is a selection of photo examples of "pasta" postcards.

Idea 11. Elegant photo frames

Curly pasta can decorate frames for photos, paintings or posters. To do this, you only need hot glue, a frame, paints and the pasta itself. In the following selection of photos, you can get frame decor ideas for children and adults.

The second method involves the construction of a candlestick from a variety of pasta, for example, wheels, as in the photo below. You need to “build” such a candlestick around a round or square glass.

Idea 14. Mini tree

If you liked the idea of ​​making spaghetti angels, garlands or Christmas decorations, then we offer to replenish the collection New Year's decor and a pasta tree. This craft would look great on festive table, console table or mantel.


Prepare thick paper or cardboard, a glass bottle or a large glass, hot glue, spray paint (for example, gold), a pack of butterfly pasta and some additional decor like beads. Cut a semicircle out of cardboard, roll it into a cone and fix it with glue. Keep in mind that the higher the height of the cardboard, the taller the tree will be. Putting the cone on the bottle, start sticking butterflies in one row on its lower edge. Then proceed to the second row, but now place the pasta so that they overlap the gaps in the first row.

Continue gluing the butterflies in the same way to the very top so that the cone is completely hidden under the Christmas tree "branches". When the glue dries, spray the tree with paint and then glue on the beads to decorate.

In the next selection of photos, you can get other ideas for creating Christmas trees from pasta.

Idea 15. Christmas wreath

Another DIY pasta craft idea for celebrating New Year, Christmas or Easter is a pasta wreath. To make it, you will need a foam hoop blank, glue, figured pasta, ribbons, paints and the rest of the decor.

Master class - How to color pasta

In some cases, pasta crafts can and should be painted only after they are made. For example, if you are gluing several parts, then the paint will have to cover both the gluing points and, possibly, some flaws. Suitable for this purpose:

  • Gouache;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Nail polishes;
  • Aerosol paints.

But sometimes it is better to paint pasta in bulk and before starting work. For this purpose, all the same standard paints or ... food colors are suitable.

Below is an instruction on how you can use them to color pasta quickly and easily.


  • Alcohol or vinegar;
  • Food coloring in desired colors;
  • closing plastic bags(based on one package for 1 dye);
  • Tablespoon;
  • Napkins.

Step 1: Fill ziplock bags with pasta about ¼ cup each.

Step 2. Add 2 tbsp to each package. l alcohol or 3-4 tbsp. l vinegar in a bag.

Step 3 Add 5 to 10 drops of food coloring, depending on the intensity of the color you want to achieve. Close the bag by releasing air from it.

Step 4. Gently shake the bag so that the dye and alcohol cover all the pasta.

Step 5. Remove the pasta from the bag, put it on a napkin or parchment paper and leave it to dry completely for 3 hours or overnight.

Children's crafts are a fertile field for an adult, because a child is interested in everything that can be touched without fear of spoiling or creating something on their own. Any improvised material found in the bins of your home can give space for such pleasant work: buttons, beads, cotton wool, colored napkins and even ordinary pasta. How many interesting things can be done with pasta and noodles: a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a car, a flower or a cartoon character. Craftsmen-dreamers have long noticed and use this material for their work. Moreover, now a wide variety of shapes can be found in the store: shells, curls, spirals, stars, or even ready-made figures of small dolls, cars, Christmas trees, etc. Macaroni can decorate and revive any, the most unpretentious crafts. Today we will do this with the application "Goldfish".

Let's start with a blank background, on which we will paste the yellow body of the fish, then we will define the head and eye on it.

Now let's start carefully laying out and sticking pasta like fish scales. For better work, you should first simply lay out the drawing of the scales, and then, correcting them so that they do not look beyond the edge of the body of the fish, glue them.

We will make the fins from two small paper fans, assembled with an accordion and glued at one end. In the same way we will make the tail, only bigger size. We also carefully glue them next to the body.

Now it remains only to draw the seabed. To do this, we use pasta shells laid and glued along the bottom edge of the work, and seaweed threads made using the “curved accordion” technique: we assemble a long ribbon into an accordion not in even assemblies, but randomly, and then, fully assembled, we cut it in one “ wave" scissors into two halves. Then we glue the algae, to add volume, smearing only their tips with glue.
