Master class “Weaving from paper tubes. cylinders

Wicker things have been popular at all times. Only before they used birch bark, vine, willow twigs, and now they are being replaced with an ordinary newspaper, magazine and office sheets. Such products are covered with stain, varnish, due to which they create an imitation of the structure of a tree.

This is the popular Master class for beginners will be devoted to the basics of this needlework, as the information on it is scattered in pieces from various sources, and all the available lessons on weaving crafts are designed for people with basic knowledge.


For weaving, you will need paper, knitting needles, paint, stain, varnish, cardboard, glue. Newspapers, magazines, office and fax paper are suitable for work. Softer tubes are obtained from a newspaper, and thinner, more elastic tubes are obtained from magazines and office paper.

Please note: four tubes should be obtained from one newspaper spread (the width of the segment is no more than 7-12 centimeters). From office paper, cut narrow strips 2-3 centimeters wide.

Experiment with different type material, then get an extraordinary paper weaving. You can create a wide variety of crafts using this technique - from trays and panels to animal figurines and dishes.

Masters use knitting needles of different thicknesses. The selection depends on the craft: for example, a newspaper needs a No. 2-3 knitting needle, and a stocking needle for office paper. For the base of the craft, twist the thick tubes, and for the braid - soft ones.

Choose paint, stain on a water-based basis (on alcohol, the product dries quickly, but makes the tube brittle). Dilute the paint with PVA glue (2:1 or 3:1). They paint either the product after work, or the workpiece before the start of the creative process. But the finished craft is always smeared with glue, left to dry. Only at the last stage it is varnished. Cardboard is used to create a finished bottom or container of the desired shape.

Paper weaving: a master class for beginners

How tubes are made:

The tubes should not be soft or hard; ideally, a “medium” paper weave is obtained. For beginners, a bunch of video tutorials on twisting have been created, but without practice they are useless. For example, for blinds and panels, craftsmen specially twist hard sticks, for decorative miniature items they prepare thin tubes, where the width of the strip can be less than the traditional seven centimeters. You need to experiment to find your own thickness of the tubes.

Please note that when cutting with a knife, notches are formed that interfere with proper twisting. Therefore, before work, spend research work: try cutting two sheets of newspaper into transverse and longitudinal strips, determining which way you get fewer chipping. It is from a segment with smaller notches that the tube rolls off without problems.

Paper weaving: step by step instructions for twisting and painting

When twisting the sticks, one end should be wider, and the other narrower. So when weaving crafts due to the insertion, an extension occurs, that is, a narrow corner is inserted into a wide one. If the ends are the same, then one edge is flattened, compressed and inserted.

Many masters do without glue when building, they simply insert a stick three centimeters deep into another. Other pros drop a drop of glue into a tube with a wide end, and advance it three centimeters with a narrow stick.

There is also a secret how to make the twisting faster and the weaving soft. Before work newspaper tubes laid out in a row and walked over them with a rolling pin. It turns out that each master has “his own” paper weaving.

Master class for beginners in painting tubes

  • First way. Paint the sheets before work, then dry, cut into strips and twist into tubes.
  • The second way. Twist the sticks, then paint each one individually with a brush. Suitable for products if you need an unusual pattern.
  • The third way. You make crafts, then decorate by weaving or randomly with a brush.

Methods of mass painting

For paint, you can use a water-based emulsion, pigments, for eggs. If you get an unsuccessful color, still continue weaving from paper. A basket, for example, can have any color, just complicate the weaving or resort to decoupage.

Tube secrets

Please note that the color becomes lighter after drying. By combining with other sticks, you create the desired pattern or draw the finished product with the desired shade. Drying is not necessary until completely dry. Wrap slightly damp sticks in a bag so that both ends are outside. In winter, they can be stored in the cold.

The sticks must be flexible in work, and after painting they become hard and brittle. Ideally, immediately after painting the tubes, paper weaving should begin. A basket, boxes, dishes can be obtained from dry colored tubes if you spray the middle of the sticks with ordinary water using a sprayer from all sides before work.

Wrap them in a wet cloth (ends outside) or put in a bag. Harvest immediately a large number of tubes, so that in the process of work not to be distracted by twisting.

When weaving, an even and odd number of tubes is taken. It is in the direction where there is an odd number of sticks that work begins. The “odd” tube braids all the others. As soon as its length ends, build up a new stick.

Types of weaving

We have finished the material blanks, now we will consider paper weaving. A master class for beginners on his technique is given below.

  • Simple plain weave. With a braiding tube, like a snake, go around each stick of the base. That is, it either covers the base, or hides behind it. If you need to return, then weaving goes the same way, but in the opposite direction.
  • Simple weaving in rows. The pattern changes after several rows. That is, take one stick, go simple weaving. The next tube lays down in the same way as the first. So continue the drawing several times. Then you shift the pattern, that is, where the base was braided, it remains free, and the next one is braided the same number of times as in the first pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weave. Each tube begins with a new base stick diagonally. It turns out an oblique (oblique) pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weaving in rows. Just as in a horizontal pattern, weave with several sticks, and new circle move across the drawing.

Varieties of weaving

We continue to consider paper weaving (a master class on creating patterns):

Technique and secrets of weaving

To keep any pattern, it is braided with a rope or a pigtail. Let us consider in more detail the “protective” paper weaving (we will describe it step by step using the example of a basket).

Please note that the weaving of the tubes begins with thick ends from left to right. To get the desired shape, the racks are pinched to the right subject(vase, bucket, box, etc.). The finished product is abundantly lubricated with PVA glue (with or without paint), “put on” on the object of the desired shape, and dried. Then, when painting and varnishing, the product from the tubes will be beautiful and durable.

Basket making

For beginners, it is better to start with something simple (for example, blinds, frames, panels) to train your hand in twisting the tubes and simply interweaving them. Then you can go to intricate weaving paper (horseshoe, heart, box, bell). Consider a master class on weaving a simple basket without a lid and a handle.

To save the labor of weaving baskets, use a cardboard bottom. To do this, take an object of the desired shape, circle the bottom on thick cardboard. Cut out two pieces. Decorate them immediately (paste with wallpaper, paint or apply decoupage).

Attach to the bottom half along the edge. Now glue newspaper tubes on it. The distance between them should not be more than 2-3 centimeters. This is the basic rule of such needlework (meaning paper weaving).

Pen holder, photo frame, hat - any craft should have a distance between the racks of no more than three centimeters. The fact is that a larger gap between them leads to friability and fragility of the product.

Continuation of basket weaving

Next, apply PVA glue to the bottom with tubes, cover with a second bottom, put a load on top and leave it overnight. Now go through two rows with a “string”, a simple interlacing of racks. After that, put the form on the bottom on which you will weave, with a load (the load is needed to fix the bottom when weaving). If you immediately start weaving the walls from the cardboard bottom, then you will get holes in the basket that will need to be decorated.

Raise the tubes up, continue working until you reach the desired height. Next, braid up or separately weave a pigtail, gluing it to the base. By the same principle, paper boxes with a lid are weaved from paper.

There is another way to weave a rectangular bottom using ribbons and newspaper tubes. This view is reminiscent of working with a rug made of paper strips. Only in this case, take not one tube, but two or three for one unit. For example, below are four groups of sticks. Then put three sticks across them on them.

Lay four groups of tubes on top so that their ends are between the bottom ones. Now you braid all the rows with a ribbon or a soft stick. Then lay the transverse group of sticks again, braiding them with tape. Using colored tubes, you can get an original pattern.

The bottom in this case turns out to be voluminous, as if double. Then you lift all the joints, braid them with a “rope”, smoothly moving to the walls of the product. For trays, this is the optimal paper weave. step by step photo weaving square basket clearly shows the essence of the work. Prepare tubes and create.

If you have never worked with newspaper tubes, start with simple views. For example, blinds. To do this, simply twist the thick sticks along the length of one half of the window. Tie a double knot on both sides of each stick, retreating from the edges by 3-4 centimeters. In the process of work, you coat the “seams” with glue.

From above, fasten along the ring for the curtains (blinds will be attached to them) and a loop where you can put a twisted roll if necessary. Paint the finished product, varnish it. Now you can try simple weaving on small souvenirs and move on to baskets.

If you have ever dreamed of trying the weaving technique, but difficulties in extracting material stopped you, then you can rejoice, because weaving from newspaper tubes will make all your dreams come true. Be sure to master this fascinating art, and you will be able to make a lot of practical and decorative things! By the way, recycling newspapers will help you acquire not only beautiful frame for a picture or a pencil holder, a bulk container or a hot stand, you can also weave bags and even clothes.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Decided to master this kind of handmade? Then the first step is to start with the manufacture of those elements from which any craft will be made - these are paper tubes.

It should be noted that not only newspaper pages, but also glossy magazine pages, A4 office paper and even old wallpapers can serve as material for them. It all depends on how tough and durable your "homemade" should be.

First of all, using a knife (it must certainly be well sharpened), cut the newspaper page into strips, the optimal width of each is considered to be 7-12 cm. The longer the strip, the longer, respectively, you will get a tube, which means that it will need to be increased less often. However, it is better not to overdo it with the length - it may be inconvenient for you to twist.

Take a knitting needle, attach it to the lower left corner and start twisting, the strip must be twisted tightly and neatly. Coat the remaining small corner with glue and glue it to the tube (for this purpose, you can use clerical glue or a glue stick). Remove the needle from the paper element. Congratulations - you have taken the first step towards tube weaving for beginners!

New straw weaving - Easter

Holy holiday We associate Easter with such attributes as multi-colored eggs, wicker baskets, and various products depicting chickens. All this can be done with newspaper weaving.

If you are just taking your first steps in this technique, then practice making multi-colored Easter eggs. We bring to your attention an elementary master class on spiral weaving. Woven eggs can be dyed in all the colors of the rainbow and placed in a wicker basket - it will turn out extraordinarily beautiful. And if your soul yearns for something more original easter decoration, then you can attach pendants to the eggs, decorate the attachment point and hang such a composition on the wall.

very interesting newspaper craft can be called a tray. The photos below show the creation process step by step. It is noteworthy that in this master class newspaper tubes are used in two colors: "under the tree" and reddish-orange. The combination of these shades will allow you to get a tray that is very attractive in appearance, on which you can place colored eggs on a holiday.

Well, if you have already become adept at this kind of handmade, you have mastered tubular basket weaving, then quickly get down to creating a very practical Easter basket. The master class offered by our website describes step by step all the stages of weaving such a product. An ordinary egg tray will act as the bottom, and as a result of your work, you will get an excellent craft with a reliable handle, in which Easter eggs will definitely not be damaged.

And, of course, one cannot pass by such a luxurious craft as a basket made in the shape of a chicken. Such a wicker craft will surely attract many admiring glances, for sure no one else will have this.

We propose to start work with the master class "Chicken". Of course, you have to work hard, but the result is worth it. At the end of the work, you will get an interesting container with a lid, which, when closed, will look like a chicken. Such an interesting "machinery" can be put even on festive table by placing eggs or sweets inside. We are sure that such a handmade item will delight both children and adults.

Below is another option. Easter chicken basket. This is already a vessel of a more traditional shape, which will also fit perfectly into the Easter interior. By the way, making it will be quite easy if you are already adept at weaving baskets, you just need to follow all the instructions from the photo and you will get a delicious craft! However, you can always see tubule weaving video if any step is giving you trouble.

Consider others can be done very quickly.

Weaving from tubules - master classes "Flowers"


We invite you to adequately prepare for such a holiday as Christmas, and indeed for all winter holidays. Let your home be decorated with an unusually attractive Poinsettia craft. This flower is also known as the "Christmas Star" and it is the star-shaped form that the man-made flower will have.

The collage below shows the stages of creating crafts. The first step is to collect the required number of petals and leaves from the tubes, then paint them acrylic paint, respectively, into red and green color. Yellow corrugated paper is needed to create round stamens. Now it remains only to assemble the "layer cake" of parts.


The next "machinery" will be equivalent in complexity, however, more details for the flower will be needed. It will be done according to the same principle: first of all, braiding the frame, make yellow petals and green leaves.

Using all the details, assemble the sunflower flower. Make the middle from coffee beans planted on glue (you can take any other suitable material).

Be sure to use all the tips of the photo collage below.

Such a sunflower craft can serve not only as a decoration, but also as a hot stand.

Weaving from newspaper tubes - a master class for making a hat

Newspaper strips are also useful for making a headdress - a cute summer wide-brimmed hat.

Use the tips of the master class below - first you need to start weaving the crown in the same way as you weave the most ordinary vases. Use a shape of a suitable diameter to make the weave take on the desired shape.

Then, having straightened the paper sticks, you should move on to making the fields. When the required width is reached, complete the weaving in the usual way.

The resulting summer hat decorate with artificial flowers and satin ribbons.

Original weaving from newspaper tubes step by step

It must be quite boring to weave useful and practical things all the time - that's why we suggest you have fun and make exclusive and interesting "home-made" from the "paper vine".

To decorate the house, you can weave a funny mushroom. Our photo collage will tell you exactly what sequence of actions to follow. As for the features of the process, it can be noted that the leg of the mushroom is woven like a vase. You can familiarize yourself with on our website to learn some of the intricacies of needlework. The mushroom cap is made like the brim of a hat in the master class discussed above. In general, it should be noted that the level of complexity of this craft will not be high and you will be able to please yourself with such creativity.

Newspaper piano? It sounds unrealistic, but the following master class will prove to you that everything is possible! Of course, it will be a very small copy of a musical instrument, which, nevertheless, will become a real highlight of your home, and will cause genuine delight of guests. In addition, it can be used as a flower pot.

Follow all the steps that are illustrated in the photographs and then you will certainly get a funny craft. At the end of the work, be sure to paint the piano in a suitable color.

And here's another one original version for home decor.

The original tree with swirling branches will become your favorite home decor, it looks so attractive and cozy.

First of all, guided by the following photo instructions, it is necessary to make a barrel by combining several newspaper tubes into one. Then divide the trunk into its components at the top - these will be the branches. Each of them should be braided " paper vine” and give a curved shape. In order for the craft to look even more attractive, it is necessary to cover it with several layers of brown paint, waiting for each layer to dry.

Newspaper weaving is a fascinating hobby that, with minimal cash outlay, will give you worthy products.

Children and adults who have an extraordinary imagination can create bright, interesting and original crafts from the most unpredictable materials. In particular, today it is very popular among lovers of creativity. This activity is quite difficult, but at the same time extremely exciting, so it attracts great amount children different ages as well as their parents.

This type of weaving is especially popular among high school students. Children who are proficient in creating crafts from newspaper tubes can easily make them with their own hands original gift for their loved ones, as well as take part in the school competition of children's creativity. To figure out how to make newspaper tubes on your own and use them at work, boys and girls will be helped by the step-by-step instructions outlined in our article.

How to make newspaper tubes with your own hands to create crafts from them?

First of all, you need to figure out exactly how you can make tubes from old newspapers, which are sure to be found in every family. You can make them like this:

Workshop on creating crafts from newspaper tubes

If desired, an incredibly beautiful and unique vase can be made from this material, original napkins on the table and more. In this article, we bring to your attention detailed instructions with a photo for beginners, showing how to create crafts from newspaper tubes step by step using an example decorative ornament boxes.

To perform this simple, but interesting and painstaking work, follow the suggested instructions:

  1. Take the box you plan to wrap with newspaper tubes and cut off the top lids.
  2. At the bottom of the box, pre-mark where the tubes will be located. The distance between them should be exactly 3 centimeters, however, it should be borne in mind that rack tubes must be installed at each corner of the box. Otherwise, the fabricated structure will not hold. When the markup is ready, use instant glue to glue the tubes in the indicated places.
  3. Carefully rotate the box, lift all the tubes up and secure them with a rubber band.
  4. Start braiding from the bottom, wrapping the tube behind each rack.
  5. Next, glue an additional tube to the bottom of the box, which will have to be gradually increased in the future.
  6. Start braiding the racks, alternating turns from the outside and from the inside.
  7. When the tube ends, it will need to be increased. To do this, insert the other narrower side into the wide end of this tube and fix it with glue.
  8. Approximately in the middle of weaving, stop, finish the row, carefully glue the tube that was woven to the rack and cut it.
  9. Attach the ribbon to decorate the box and measure the distance you need for it. Remove the tape and continue to weave, setting aside this distance along the rack.
  10. Braid this way to the very top and finish the row by fixing the tube with glue.
  11. You should get such an unusual box.
  12. Finish weaving as shown in the picture.
  13. Add satin ribbon and, if desired, other decorative elements.

Articles on this topic:

Proper application of this technology will be useful to create with my own hands products with unique aesthetic and functional characteristics. Not only wide opportunities for individual creativity should be positively assessed. Weaving from newspaper tubes will help to implement someone else's and your own new ideas with minimal financial costs. After reading this article, it will be easier to master the necessary skills and eliminate mistakes.

Read in the article

Preparatory procedures

The example above illustrates the potential. But do not immediately try to create a similar, rather complex product. You should carefully study the technology, purchase the necessary components. It is useful to view completed projects.

The essence of the technique lies in the fact that instead of a vine for weaving walls and other structural elements, paper is used. At correct application starting material, you can make a durable product. Separate parts are connected. Paints are also used to strengthen and create the desired appearance.

Tools and materials

For a specific project, additional details will be needed. So the handle for a heavy jug can be reinforced with a plastic insert. Inside, a bottle of a suitable size is installed to store the liquid. But the components listed below will come in handy in any case.

The easiest way is to use old newspapers as raw materials. But printed publications in this form became unpopular. If there is no stock, you will have to turn to neighbors, friends. The following are the features of other materials:

  • Magazines can be used if you need to increase durability. They are made from thick coated paper. The tubes from it are obtained excessively rigid. They are difficult to color in.
  • Standard blank sheets of writing paper are better. Here the main advantage is the absence of drawings and inscriptions.
  • It is convenient to roll the tubes from the cash tape. But such products are expensive, so a significant initial investment will be required.

For your information! Special grades of thermal paper for cash registers darken when the temperature rises. This feature is capable of forming defects during the processing of wickerwork.

To connect the parts of the structure and fix the shape of the tubes, standard inexpensive PVA glue is used. Buy it cheaper in a large container.

It is difficult to work with instant adhesives. They harden too quickly, do not retain integrity during deformation. If transparency is required, an adhesive suitable for assembly and subsequent operation of the product should be selected.

For bending and precise positioning of the tubes, a thin, smooth wooden stick is useful. To fold paper, you need a metal needle with a ring or other extension at one end. You also need to prepare sharp scissors and a clerical knife. The quality of the edges of these tools will depend not only appearance blanks, but also the convenience of operation.

Such a blank is braided with paper tubes. In order for it to remain stable, sufficient weight is needed. In this example, easy plastic bottle filled with water, and cardboard tape was used to expand the bottom.

Decorative and functional processing

Here it is necessary to make certain corrections, taking into account the features of a particular plan.

It is more convenient to create such a product from tubes prepared in advance. them in desired colors. Subsequently, a pattern is formed from the corresponding blanks.

For your information! If, after the paint has dried, the tubes are brittle, they can be sprayed with water before installation.

Before painting the product as a whole, a layer is applied. It can be made from a mixture of PVA and water with a small amount of acrylic-based clear varnish. The mixture is diluted to the desired consistency. Viscosity should not be excessive in order to perform thorough crevicing.

It is fashionable to apply stain and varnish, oil and water-based paints, ink, brilliant green and a decoction of onion peel on the prepared surface.

But paint in such a package is expensive. Spraying is intended for the treatment of large surfaces. A picture or pattern of a different color is created using .

Dyes are applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, or according to practice-proven instructions. It is necessary to fulfill the specified requirements for temperature and duration of drying. Sometimes you have to create multiple layers. Surfaces are protected from negative external influences with transparent varnish.

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The article details how to create inexpensive and beautiful flowers from corrugated paper with their own hands, which do not fade with time and can be stored for a long time.

Create blanks

Experienced craftsmen use different solutions to implement their projects. From ribbons of thick paper, like from the flexible bark of a vine, pretty and durable products are also obtained. In Asian countries, they use the technique of weaving from very thin paper tubes. They are used to create miniature decorative elements that amaze with the highest quality even upon close examination.

But this article will describe the "classic" blanks.

Photo Sequence of actions and important features

  • It is necessary to prepare the necessary raw materials, tools, consumables.
  • Consider the guidelines above when choosing paper. It is cut into strips, with a lot width of 7 to 12 cm.

  • Too long is not convenient, since it is difficult to create high-quality weaving from such tubes.

  • Twist the strips by setting the needle at an acute angle (as in the figure). After mastering the skills, you can use an electric drill. But manually rotating the base is not difficult.

  • The free corner is fixed with glue.

  • If necessary, the tubes are coated with a primer, paint, varnish.
  • It is necessary to create a sufficient stock of blanks so as not to interrupt subsequent assembly operations.

What are the types of weaving from newspaper tubes: an overview of typical technologies

You should start training with a relatively complex methodology. Oddly enough, but weaving with a “string” is easier to master than a simple option, which will be discussed later.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners step by step

The following table summarizes workflow features for different technologies. For beginners, it’s not difficult to make crafts from newspaper tubes step by step. It is enough to accurately repeat the operations that are described in the corresponding instructions.

Drawing Actions and important notes

  • In the "rope" technique, two or large quantity tubes at the same time. They are intertwined with each other with a simultaneous transition around the vertical elements of the frame.

  • Each row is gently pressed to eliminate gaps between layers.

  • In the process of work, vertical tubes are aligned so that a good fit of the walls to the form inserted inside is obtained.

  • It is more difficult to work with "simple" weaving than with "rope". Here the tubes do not support each other. Therefore, you have to use clothespins, or other improvised means to temporarily fix the optimal position.

  • The walls, as in the previous version, are gently pressed against the base so as not to damage the tubes and get the desired shape.

  • The junctions of individual segments should be hidden. The photo shows an example of an incorrect solution.

  • When using this technique, an odd number of vertical elements are made. This is necessary to create a harmonious pattern of the relief surface.

How to make a basket of newspaper tubes step by step: instructions and photos

Below is an example of weaving from newspaper tubes. Photos are supplemented with comments that will help you perform the work correctly.

Photo Sequencing

  • Using a standard technique, a sufficient number of tube blanks are created.

  • The base of the bottom can be made of thick paper. To fix the tubes, high-quality adhesive tape is used.

  • A similar square is glued on top.

  • For weaving, you can use the "calico" technique.

  • The surface is protected with varnish from external influences. Spraying is useful for high-quality processing of cavities. It is much more difficult to make a similar treatment with a brush.

  • Handles can be made from a belt. These parts are attached to the walls using special fittings.

  • The finished product will become an expressive decoration

It's always fun to make something with your own hands. Unusual crafts bring a lot of pleasure, and even more happiness comes when your creations are praised by friends and relatives. If you try hard, you can make a good little thing that you can safely present as a gift.

There are quite a few techniques and different creative directions, today we will talk about crafts from newspaper tubes. Why about them? The fact is that such simple material is always in the house, and the process of work is within the power of any person.

But, despite all the simplicity, newspaper products are simply amazingly beautiful. What exactly can be done and to whom to present, you will find out further.

For everyday life

The lightest and most beautiful accessories from newspaper tubes can be used daily. Here is a list of ideas to inspire you:

You can easily make all these and many other items with your own hands. Yes, this can take a lot of time (if the accessory is made for a gift, it is better to start work in advance), but the end result will pleasantly surprise you.

Creative Presentation Ideas

For decor

If household items can only be given to the closest people, then decor accessories are also suitable for colleagues or little-known people. Here's what you can craft:

  1. Vase. A good option present to a colleague or neighbor;
  2. . Great present For a girl;
  3. Wedding decorations. Cars, dolls, bouquets on tables - all this can be done with your own hands;
  4. . Always good idea especially if it's made by you. Suitable for men and women.

Accessories can be complemented with stylish jewelry, both purchased and self made(any technique, for example, a photo frame can be decorated).

For children

For kids, you can also make a bunch of interesting things from paper tubes. The main rule is more bright colors. Here's what might make them happy:

  1. Money box. A beautiful piggy bank in the form of a fruit or an animal is sure to please any child;
  2. Furniture for toys. For Barbie dolls, make wicker furniture, the main thing is to pay special attention to size (better a little more than less);
  3. Children's Easter basket. please your baby with a beautiful basket in the form of a chicken or. Do not forget that it should not be large, otherwise it will be difficult for the child to carry it;
  4. Toys. From newspaper tubes you can make a lot of toys, of various sizes, types and colors. Everything is in your hands, create.

Advice! As a gift for children, build a hiding place, for example, a piggy bank or a toy, it may have a small door or recess where you can put your baby's favorite treats.

Let your imagination run wild, you can make absolutely anything that comes to your mind. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up after the first failure. Try it, you will definitely like it!
