Dow health advice. Consultation for parents "about the health of children" consultation on the topic

Advice for parents "Health seriously!"

Neither wealth nor fame makes a person happy. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king. Cicero.

The art of living long consists, first of all, in learning to take care of your health from childhood. What is lost in childhood is difficult to make up. Research data show that for Lately the number of healthy children has decreased by 5 times and is only 10% of the number of children going to the first grade.

Health is not only the absence of diseases, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, which creates the foundation for the future well-being of the individual. It is very important to form in children an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of life. Statistics say that the health of a child depends on 20% of hereditary factors, 20% - on conditions external environment, 10% - from the activities of the health care system, and 50% - from the person himself, from the lifestyle that he leads. If it is almost impossible for us, adults - parents and teachers, to influence the first 50% of health, then it is possible and necessary to influence the other 50%.

The preschool period is the most favorable for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. After all, a healthy lifestyle is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations, children may find themselves in unexpected situations on the street or at home. Therefore, the main task is to develop their independence and responsibility.

Particular attention should be paid to the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

1. Physical education, walks;

2. Rational nutrition, personal hygiene: hardening, creating conditions for good sleep, and even cultural and hygienic skills, such as washing hands, blowing your nose in a timely manner, sorry for the details;

3. Friendly attitude towards each other, development of the ability to listen and speak, the ability to distinguish lies from truth;

4. Respect for the environment, nature;

5. Medical education, timely visit to the doctor, implementation various recommendations, medical examinations of children annually - by narrow specialists (dentist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon);

6. Formation of the concept of "help yourself."

We will dwell on one of the components of a healthy lifestyle in more detail.


Leading experts in the field of childhood diseases emphasized the effectiveness of hardening. The Soviet pediatrician Hero of Socialist Labor Professor G. N. Speransky wrote: “With the most careful care, it is unthinkable to protect the child from all unexpected changes in temperature, sudden drafts, open windows, winds, rains, dampness. But for a pampered organism, accustomed to constant heat, such accidental cooling becomes especially dangerous, since its ability to independently protect itself from the cold is already significantly weakened. The more diligently a child is wrapped up, the more vulnerable he is to a cold, the more often he gets sick. Undoubtedly the only reliable remedy- hardening. It is necessary to train, improve, develop innate protective forces, to achieve their best effect.

The following rules must be observed:

1. Systematically use hardening procedures at all times of the year, without interruptions, with a gradual increase in the dose of irritating action.

2. Correctly select and dose hardening procedures individually for each child, taking into account age.

3. All tempering procedures should be carried out against the backdrop of positive emotions.

All this is not new, all this is known, but it is very important! And, dear parents, you have to start with yourself, because you are significant adults for the child, your personal example is of primary importance. If you yourself accept air and water procedures, then the child will follow your example without coercion. First of all, develop in your baby a love for fresh air, for outdoor games in the fresh air. Contact classical teachers. A.P. Usova in the book "Russian Folk Art for Kindergarten" talks about children's folk games, Russian teacher and psychologist P.F. Kapterev also writes about the importance of outdoor games, that they form both the strength and endurance of character, and creativity.

Advice for parents

"Healthy children in a healthy family"


Let's first define the term "Health" - a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being.

And the term "Healthy family" is a family that leads a healthy lifestyle, in which there is a healthy psychological climate, spiritual culture, material wealth.

Each person associates the concept of happiness with the family. The family is a support, a fortress, the beginning of all beginnings. This is the first collective of the child, the natural environment where the foundations of the future personality and health of the child are laid.

The family is the main link where good habits are formed and bad habits are rejected. The child's first impressions associated with the performance of a certain action are drawn from home life. The child sees, perceives, tries to imitate, and this action is fixed in him, regardless of his weak will. The habits, traditions, way of life, attitude to one's health developed in the family over the years are transferred into adulthood in the newly created family. Therefore, it is necessary from the very early age to value, protect and strengthen health in order to personal example demonstrate a healthy lifestyle.

Let's consider the main components of health, which, if used correctly, allow our children to remain healthy and cheerful until old age.

1. Compliance with the daily routine.

The daily routine is the alternation of various activities, rest, sleep, nutrition, exposure to the air, which must correspond to age characteristics children.

Home mode on the weekend must comply with the mode preschool. The established routine should not be broken without a serious reason. Experience shows that the steady observance of the established routine from day to day gradually develops an active desire of the child to carry out the regime on his own, without prompting from adults, without coercion, and this contributes to the formation of such important qualities of behavior as organization and self-discipline, a sense of time, the ability to save it.

The general routine of life is also very important. Unfortunately, in many families, especially young ones, the regime is neglected, and this inevitably comes to the detriment of the child.

Weekends should be spent more time outdoors. Walks with the whole family are especially favorable both physically and psychologically.
Adhering to such simple rules, you and your baby will not waste wonderful minutes of time, using them with pleasure to be together, take a walk, play. You will make friends with a good mood and well-being, and fatigue and lethargy will have to recede.

Dream- it is very important. It restores the normal activity of the body, the functions of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex. During sleep, the brain continues to work, its blood supply and oxygen consumption increase. .

daytime sleep- this is a kind of respite for the child's body. If the child does not sleep during the day, you need to find out the cause and try to eliminate it. It is important to create a favorable environment for sleep. Remember that fresh cool air is the best "sleeping" and wellness tool, it not only speeds up the onset of sleep, but also maintains its depth and duration.

2. Proper nutrition.

The nutrition of a preschooler should be balanced and should differ from our daily diet.

In fact, the nutrition of preschoolers should be significantly different from our daily diet, because their digestive system is still being formed. His diet should include only easily digestible components.

To do this, it is important to follow a few basic principles supply:

Nutrition should supply the child's body with the necessary amount of energy for motor, mental and other activities.

Nutrition should be balanced, contain nutrients of all types (the so-called nutrients).

It is important that the diet is varied, only this is a condition for its balance. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children, the possible intolerance of any products.

It is necessary to observe the technology of food processing and food preparation, to comply with sanitary requirements for the premises where food is cooked, the terms and conditions of storage, etc.

An important condition is strict diet, which provides for at least 4 meals. Moreover, 3 of them must necessarily include a hot dish.

Approximately per day, a child of 4-6 years old should receive the following products:

  • milk (including the amount used for cooking) and fermented milk products
  • cottage cheese
  • sour cream
  • hard cheese
  • butter
  • necessarily vegetable oil
  • meat
  • fish
  • egg - 1/2
  • sugar (including confectionery)
  • wheat bread
  • rye bread, cereals, pasta
  • potato
  • various vegetables
  • fruits and berries

3.Optimal motor mode in the family

Movement is a means of knowing the world around us, meeting the biological needs of the body. It is difficult to overestimate the role of motor activity in expanding the functional capabilities of the developing organism, in improving motor activity. Motor activity is a biological need of the body, the satisfaction of which depends on the health of children, their physical and general development. The motor activity of children creates the prerequisites for the lasting inclusion of physical culture in the lives of children, forms their need for a healthy lifestyle.

Basic Rules:

Education in children of a conscious attitude to the implementation of physical activity.

Development of imagination when performing motor actions.

The inclusion of sensory systems in the education of motor culture.

Creation of optimal conditions for each child in the process of mastering motor experience.

4. Hardening.

Tempering the body is one of the best ways to improve health. The task of hardening is to teach the fragile, growing body of a child to endure changes in temperature in the environment. The main means of hardening children are natural factors of nature - air, water, sun.

Types of hardening:

Washing is the most affordable way in everyday life, you should start with warm water, gradually lowering the temperature.

Foot baths are an effective way of hardening, since the feet are most sensitive to cooling.

Walks in the fresh air - you can use a bicycle, skis, roller skates.

Walking barefoot - there is a training of leg muscles. You should start walking barefoot from 1 minute, adding 1 minute every 7 days.

Sunbathing has a strengthening effect on the child's body, enhances metabolism, the body's resistance to diseases.

Swimming in reservoirs - swimming in the summer, in calm weather at a water temperature of 22-23 degrees, at an air temperature of 25-26 degrees.

5. Compliance with personal hygiene.

It is part of the overall upbringing of the child. Such education in most cases is built, taking into account the formation of conditioned reflexes in the child. In this case, a very important role is given to parents, because children imitate adults. That is why proper hygienic education will be effective only if adults from the child's immediate environment reinforce them with their behavior. Hygienic education of preschoolers, a very important stage in the development and formation of the child as a person. Indeed, at this stage, the foundations for the existence of the child in society are laid.

6 .Positive emotions.

The child needs calm, friendly psychological climate in the family. Remember, as soon as we smile - it immediately becomes easier, frown - sadness creeps up. They frowned - adrenaline began to stand out, contributing to a sad, anxious mood, smiled - they helped another hormone - endorphin, which provides a confident and cheerful mood. After all, one and the same fact in one case can be invisible to us, and in another it will cause anger, spoil the mood. But our irritation mechanically passes to the child.

7.Rejection bad habits in family.

First of all, it should be noted that in the ideal case, a healthy lifestyle does not imply a rejection of bad habits, but their initial absence. If, for some reason, a person already has them, then it is necessary to take all measures to free this individual from addictions that are so harmful to him (smoking, alcohol)

For those who want to quit drinking and smoking, a healthy lifestyle in general is of particular importance. Regular physical exercises, rational nutrition to a large extent contribute to overcoming bad habits.

So, the state of health of children is now becoming a national problem, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is a state task, the solution of which largely depends on the organization of work in this area in a preschool institution.

In conclusion, I would like to recommend you: “If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him.”


Preserving the health of your child is the main task and responsibility of parents. It is easy to undermine it, but to restore it, to get rid of various violations, to regain its former state - this will take much more time. "Clear! you say. “It is necessary to protect the health of the child.” But remember: taking care does not at all mean “trembling” over a child, indulging all his whims, fulfilling any desires, groaning and lamenting around the “pale and weak”. To take care means to know firmly how to organize the daily routine, work and rest of the child, how to teach him to work diligently, how to properly temper and much more.

What does a healthy child look like? Active, cheerful, in a good mood. He has a great appetite and sound sleep, he wakes up easily, knows how to quickly concentrate. He does not complain of malaise, headache or abdominal pain, he does not have chronic diseases, constant colds. Are there many such healthy children? Alas…

It has long been proven that the health of the child largely depends on the emotional and psychological state of the mother during pregnancy. Everything matters - and the excitement associated with study, exams, everyday disorder, relationships with her husband, parents. It is not surprising that, as a result of mother's "nerves", babies during the first year of life are very restless, noisy, do not sleep at night, eat poorly, slowly gain weight, and lag behind in development.

And the eternal colds? Rarely, when parents can say that the child is not sick with anything. As a rule, with admission to kindergarten, a chain of so-called colds begins, but in fact viral infectious diseases. Constant acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis - everything is very serious. Unfortunately, not all parents are aware of this. Many people think that measles, mumps, and other childhood infections are dangerous, but colds are not. This is a big mistake! Any of these diseases, and especially frequent diseases, significantly reduce the functionality of the child's body, creates a background for the emergence of other, often chronic diseases, for increased fatigue, low mental performance, and behavioral disorders.

Often a sick child can be distinguished immediately. He is usually pale, inactive, weak, whiny. He may have a long-term slight fever, poor sleep, loss of appetite, fatigue.

Let's consider what violations in the state of children's health are the most typical, and what important measures are aimed at correcting deviations in health.

Many people consider diseases of the ear, throat, and nose not worth serious attention and do not think about the fact that not only during the period of illness, but also after it for quite a long time, the functional capabilities of the child's body are reduced, which means that working capacity is reduced, fatigue is increased.

Difficulty breathing through the nose, a runny nose prevents the flow of a sufficient amount of oxygen, air into the lungs, into the brain cells, which leads to fatigue, decreased performance, and memory impairment. In addition, cold air entering the respiratory tract through the mouth does not have time to heat up. Therefore, in the autumn and winter seasons, the upper respiratory tract is constantly supercooled. As a result, frequent colds occur.

Frequent diseases with tonsillitis, otitis media form a persistent focus of infection in the child's body. And the consequences of this - from general weakness to damage to the cardiovascular system, a decrease in the pace of physical and mental development.

We hope that now it will become more clear to parents why all colds must be treated on time. Do not forget about hardening, as it is one of the most effective measures to prevent colds. It is necessary to gradually accustom the child to water and air procedures: to wash, wipe with a wet towel, pour cold water over.

(successively lowering its temperature); useful and systematic visits to the pool, and in the summer - swimming in open water. To accustom to air baths: at least once a day, for a while, undress to panties and allow the air to refresh the body. At the same time, you can massage with a dry brush. In the summer, being outdoors, in nature, dress as lightly as possible, do not forget to walk barefoot. Useful and sunbathing in the morning until 11 o'clock, especially for babies, so that rickets does not develop. Hardening should be carried out systematically, continuously, for a long time and not only in the garden, but also at home.

What other violations in the state of health of children are the most typical? First of all, dental diseases. Good teeth are the key to health. Sick teeth are various chronic inflammatory foci in the body, and rheumatism, and kidney disease, but the digestive organs are especially affected. When should you start taking care of your child's teeth? This must be remembered by the mother during pregnancy.

Proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of fruits, vegetables, and, of course, timely treatment of your teeth - this is where the basis of good teeth for your child is.

Many parents are sure that milk teeth do not need to be taken care of. Here the permanent ones grow, then ... And then it will be too late. You should start brushing your teeth as soon as the first four incisors appear. It is recommended to use a small soft brush. Moreover, it is necessary not so much to brush your teeth as to massage the gums to strengthen them and improve blood flow. And if you notice black dots on your child’s teeth, a cavity that forms, you should immediately consult a dentist.

Following. What needs to be said is posture. Children with poor posture, as a rule, suffer from poor eyesight, diseases of the respiratory system, nervous system, digestion .. they are characterized by increased fatigue and poor health. Causes of posture disorders can be general weakness of the body, irrational organization of the regimen, visual impairment, hearing loss, lack of general physical development and motor activity. Therefore, at the first suspicion of impaired posture, it is necessary to consult a specialist and take urgent measures.

Most the best remedies for the prevention of posture disorders:

Constant monitoring of the child's posture during games, classes;

Movement in all forms;

outdoor games;

Morning exercises;


Sufficient lighting and properly selected furniture;

Special complexes of physical exercises.

Do them regularly with your child. Also, look at yourself in the mirror. Your posture should be an example for the child.

In the rehabilitation of sick children, along with the implementation of all the necessary medical and recreational, complex measures, a huge role is played by rational nutrition. Properly constructed nutrition of a child, taking into account his age, level of physical development, state of health, conditions of education, is the main factor not only for the full-fledged harmonious development of the child, but also a reliable means of preventing many diseases.

A child who receives good nutrition grows strong, rarely gets sick, and when diseases occur, he easily copes with them, he has fewer complications, and recovery comes faster.

Nutrition, as the main plastic material and source of energy, contributes to raising the physical strength of the body, strengthening its protective reactions, eliminating the consequences of the disease, and restoring impaired health.

And so, what is better: to recover from the disease or not to get sick at all? Of course, it's better to stay healthy.

From many diseases that threaten a person, the body protects itself - nature has taken care of this. However, the reserves of our body are not unlimited. Active physical education, rational daily routine, reasonable nutrition, hardening will help to preserve the priceless gift of nature for a long time - HEALTH.

Consultation for preschool parents. "Healthy children - happy parents"

Purpose: material will be useful for educators kindergarten, parents of pupils.
Target: formation of health of children of preschool age.

The health of children has always been one of the main tasks in society. The problem of preserving the health of children has become not only medical, but also pedagogical.
All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, hardy. But very often they forget that good physical data is due to the lifestyle that the family leads, the physical activity of the child. The results of recent research confirm that in today's high-tech society, it will be necessary to pay much more attention to healthy, physical development a person, as there are fewer and fewer incentives for natural movement. We live in economically built apartments, the pace of modern life forces us to often use personal or public transport, receive information through radio, television, the Internet - all this requires good health. Studying and sedentary work determine the need for motor compensation - with the help of physical education and sports, games, outdoor activities. In this regard, we must teach our children to use the beneficial effects of physical exercise in a timely and complete manner - as a vital necessity as opposed to the "diseases of civilization."
As a rule, adults have an interest in the problem of cultivating the habit of healthy lifestyle life only when the child already needs psychological or health care. Readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised.
"Take care of your health from a young age!" This proverb has a deep meaning. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with the birth of a child so that a person has already developed conscious attitude to your health.

What is health? Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. What prevents us from achieving that our children were really HEALTHY? One of the problems is low level knowledge of parents, and sometimes, unfortunately, even teachers about how to maintain their own health and the health of children. First of all, you need to know the factors on which health depends:
Heredity- is a collection natural properties organisms passed down from generation to generation.
Medicine is a sphere of social life, whose workers are engaged in the treatment of diseases and their prevention.
Lifestyle is a set of ways and forms of life inherent in a particular individual, group, society.
Ecology is the science of the relationship of plant and animal organisms to each other and to their environment.
Thus, there is a factor that depends entirely on the person himself! Scientists have proven that health is 50% dependent on what kind of lifestyle a person leads.
A way of life is a set of ways of life forms inherent in a particular person, group, society.
Healthy lifestyle- these are the forms and methods of everyday human activity, which strengthen and improve all the capabilities of the body.
health criteria
1. The absence or presence of chronic diseases (at a certain point in time).
2. The functional state of the organs and systems of the body.
3. The degree of resistance of the body to infections and adverse environmental factors.
4. Development of the physical and neuropsychic organism and their harmony.
Components of a healthy lifestyle
1. Nutrition:
Children need a nutritious diet for full growth and development. In organizing the nutrition of your child, try to adhere to simple, but very important rules:
- nutrition according to the regimen - develop in the child the habit of eating at strictly defined hours;

- for cooking, use only natural products that do not contain preservatives, synthetic additives;
- include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the child's diet, especially in the spring;
- it is important that the diet is well balanced: the food should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
- fruits and vegetables should be on the table daily;
- the child's appetite often depends on appearance food. The kid will eat with great pleasure if you creatively design the dish, creating any recognizable figures from the products.
It is important to remember that sometimes children want this or that food in the diet because their body needs it.

Listen to your child's needs!
2. We regulate loads!
- physical;
- emotional;
- intellectual.
We live under the motto: "Cause - time, fun - hour."
We carefully monitor the behavior of the child. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the condition of the child. Loss of attention, whims, tantrums, refusal of activity, disinhibition are a signal of overload.
At the first sign of these manifestations, one should stop or reduce the intensity of activity or communication. At the first opportunity, give the child the opportunity to rest. Best holiday- outdoor activities.

Attention! Even excess of emotionally positive loads: exciting games, joyful communication can lead to overload and, as a result, to dysfunctional results. If we, adults, do not take timely measures and do not stop or reduce the load on the child, this state may be followed by exhaustion, malaise, hysteria, and then illness.
3. Fresh air!
It is simply necessary for the children's developing brain!
Lack of oxygen leads to a significant decrease in activity. In an unventilated, stuffy room, a child cannot be in an active, cheerful state, and even more so, perform any tasks that require concentration.

Lack of oxygen leads to rapid fatigue and exhaustion.
For good health and successful activities, the child needs to stay in the open fresh air and in a ventilated room:
- necessarily during sleep;
- Mandatory physical activity in the fresh air - at least 2 hours a day.
Remember, for normal functioning, the child's brain needs
V in large numbers oxygen.
4. Motor activity!
Movement is the natural state of a child.
The task of adults is to create conditions for the physical activity of the child. The best environment for this is a playground, a park, because they combine two important conditions for physical activity - space and fresh air.

“It is interesting in the yard for merry children:
The kids swept down the hill and take up the buckets,
And they run to the sandbox, and they bake Easter cakes.
And the Easter cakes were ripe, the children sat on the swing ... "
Let your child walk as much as possible, play outdoor games,
running, jumping, climbing, swimming…. This is very important for a complete
activity of the brain, and, consequently, the whole organism of the child!
5. Physical education!
Regular exercise is very beneficial for health. They strengthen not only physical health, but also the psyche of the child, positively affect his character. They contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities, self-confidence, responsibility, and the ability to make friends.
The arsenal of types of physical culture is very wide: it is
- Morning work-out- preferably with stretch marks and jumps.

The main thing is that the child likes the chosen type of physical culture,
so that he can do it with pleasure.

6. Water procedures!
About the importance water procedures for human health has long been known and confirmed by centuries of experience.
They are very useful for health, well-being, good mood.
You can choose any type of water procedures suitable for your child or alternate between different types:
- pouring in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bedtime 1-2 small buckets of warm, cool or cold water;
- contrast shower, contrast baths for arms and legs (3-7 contrasts, starting with warm or hot and ending with cold, the duration of warm or hot is 2 times longer than cold);
- wiping with a wet towel.

7. Warm, friendly psychological climate in the family.
The environment in which a child is brought up, the psychological climate in the family has a huge impact on the state of physical and mental health of the child. In a comfortable situation, the development of the child is faster and more harmonious. He "absorbs" everything positive that surrounds him. And this makes him a strong, happy and self-confident person.

And vice versa, if a child grows up in an unfavorable environment where there is aggression, irritation, anger, anxiety, fear, he is “infected” with these negative emotions and feelings, which leads to various kinds of health disorders and, consequently, to a developmental delay.
"Touch me with kindness,
Like healing living water, -
And the disease will be washed away by a wave,
And sadness will bypass
The soul will be illumined with beauty.
Never refuse to communicate with a child!
Set a family ban on:
- violent negative (and even positive) emotions, especially in the evening, before going to bed;
- cry,
- anger.
By positively communicating with the child, you charge him with energy.
Our negativity (screaming, irritation) destroys the fragile psyche of the child, disorients him.
And, consequently, weakens its capabilities and ultimately health.
8. Simple tricks massage and self-massage:
Hands, feet, auricles, face, biologically active points of the body.

9. Creativity.
Children are creators. Adults only need to create conditions for their creative activity.
In creativity, a child can express himself: his thoughts, feelings, emotions. He can create his own world according to his own laws, feel joy and satisfaction. In creativity, the child can show negative feelings and experiences and get rid of them. Through creativity, the child comprehends the beautiful, the harmony of the world.
Help your child see the beauty in the world, help him "fall in love with
beauty” and support his desire to create.
Suitable for this different kinds activities:
- drawing;
- modeling (from plasticine, clay, dough);
- listening to classical and children's music and sounds of nature;
- music and singing lessons;
- dancing, artistic activities.

Each person associates the concept of happiness with the family. The family is a support, a fortress, the beginning of all beginnings. This is the first collective of the child, the natural environment where the foundations of the future personality and health of the child are laid. In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, intensive growth and development takes place, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

Long-term exposure to adverse conditions causes an overstrain of the body's adaptive capabilities and leads to the depletion of the immune system. There are chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, ENT organs and other diseases.

The increase in the number of diseases is associated not only with the socio-ecological situation, but also with the very way of life of the child's family, which largely depends on family traditions and the nature of the driving regime. With insufficient motor activity of the child (physical inactivity), the deterioration of the development of the motor function and the decrease in the physical performance of the child inevitably occur.

Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in health improvement, both ourselves and our children. Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development personality of the child in infancy.

Unfortunately, due to the developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in the first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for a child, as they often abuse smoking and alcohol, prefer hours of watching TV shows and videos, hardening, physical education, and outdoor walks. Often, parents have little idea of ​​how it is necessary to introduce a child to a healthy lifestyle.

What can parents do to introduce their children to a healthy lifestyle? (statements of parents).

It is necessary to actively use the healing natural factors of the environment: clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air, phytoncidal properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the body.

The child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate in the family.

Quarrels in the presence of a child in some cases contribute to the emergence of neurosis in him, while in others they exacerbate already existing disorders of the nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child's body.

With this in mind, we should always try to be in good mood. Remember, as soon as we smile - it immediately becomes easier, frown - sadness creeps up. They frowned - adrenaline began to stand out, contributing to a sad, anxious mood, smiled - they helped another hormone - endorphin, which provides a confident and cheerful mood. After all, one and the same fact in one case can be invisible to us, and in another it will cause anger, spoil the mood. But our irritation mechanically passes to the child.

Emotional resilience and related behaviors are nurtured. Here it is important to be able to correctly and rationally relate to what is seen, perceived, heard.

So let's smile more and give joy to each other.

We must not only protect the child's body from harmful influences, but also create conditions that help increase the protective forces of the child's body, its performance. And the daily routine is important here.

Well organized daily routine- this is a day regimen that optimally combines the period of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfying their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. In addition, the regime disciplines children, contributes to the formation of many useful skills, accustoms them to a certain rhythm.

Walk is one of the essential components of the regime. This is the most efficient view rest, well restores the functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity, and first of all - working capacity. Staying in the air helps to increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child always normalizes appetite and sleep. The walk must be carried out in any weather, except for particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and footwear must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. During a walk, children should not be allowed to stay in the same position for a long time, so it is necessary to change their type of activity and place of play. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Children should walk at least 2 times a day for 2 hours, in summer - unlimited

Dream, is an equally important part of the daily routine, which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night).

Well, if a child watches TV or plays computer games for a long time before going to bed, his nervous system gets a lot of strong impressions and cannot relax during sleep. He will continue to "digest" what he saw, and all night long he will see scary dreams. And of course, in the morning he will feel overwhelmed and lethargic.

Thus, home mode the child should be a continuation of the kindergarten day regimen and on weekends

Complete nutrition- inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein.

The word "vitamin" comes from the Latin "vita" meaning life. Vitamins are involved in metabolism and regulate individual biochemical and physiological processes. A lack of vitamins in food or a change in the processes of their assimilation leads to metabolic disorders and, ultimately, to the development of hypo- and beriberi. To achieve a certain level of saturation with vitamins, it is necessary to use preparations that include vitamin complexes in optimal proportions, especially in the winter-spring period. By the way, the use of multivitamins 1 - 2 tablets per day in normal dosages during the period of the influenza epidemic and influenza-like diseases reduces the incidence of children by at least 2 times.

All meals for children should preferably be prepared from natural products, unrefined, without additives and spices and preservatives. More often include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in the diet of children.

Equally important is the diet, that is, the observance of certain intervals between meals.

It is important for children to form an interest in the improvement of their own body. How earlier child get an idea about the structure of the human body, learn about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, sleep, the sooner he will be attached to a healthy lifestyle. If the child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education, as well as to observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this.

A game- leading activities in preschool age. How better baby play in role-playing games the more successful he will be in school. While the psyche of the child develops, he must play. Without play, children develop a sense of fear, lethargy and passivity. Play is the leading human need.

No wonder now on television they broadcast a lot game programs for adults who did not play enough in childhood.

A blow to the health of the child is caused by the harmful inclinations of the parents. It is no secret that children of smoking fathers and mothers suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases more often than children of non-smokers.

Injuries and accidents have serious consequences for the health of the child, so children should never be left alone, unattended. Children are very inquisitive and try to imitate us adults in everything. They can turn on electric heaters, like to play with small objects. Remember, the health of the child is in your hands!

The health of the child is above all,
The wealth of the earth will not replace it.
Health can not be bought, no one will sell
Take care of him like a heart, like an eye.
