Coursework system of interaction between doe and family. The relevance of interaction between the doe and the family The relevance of working with the family of the doe

Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution

Higher professional education

Udmurt State University

Course work

Topic: "Interaction of MDOU with the family"


Student 3 C (Tue) - 031000 - 43 (k)

Grigorieva V.L.


Savelyeva M.G



1. Family and the importance of the family in a child's life

1.2 The essence of the concept of "Family"

2. Ways of interaction, forms and methods of teachers of MDOU with parents

2.2 Forms of communication between the teacher and parents

2.3 Main approaches to defining and implementing the role of parents as subjects of preschool education




The main thing in the work of any preschool educational institution is the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of pupils, their creative and intellectual development, and the provision of conditions for personal growth. The successful implementation of this great and responsible work is impossible in isolation from the family, because parents are the first and main educators of their child from the moment of birth and for life.

In accordance with the Law "On Education", where it is written that parents are the first teachers, they are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age. In this regard, the position of the preschool institution in working with the family is also changing.

Cooperation is the basis of interaction between a preschool institution and a family, i.e. joint definition of activity goals, joint distribution of forces, means, subject of activity in time in accordance with the capabilities of each participant, joint monitoring and evaluation of work results, and then forecasting new goals, tasks and results.

The relevance of this topic is that the modern family is distinguished by its instability, the processes of crisis phenomena in the family are developing, the number of conflict families is increasing, where disagreements between parents are reflected in the upbringing of children. The difference between living wage rich and poor, part of the population was on the verge of begging, most often these are large families.

In connection with this situation, the term “families at risk” appeared, which need special support.

The interaction of preschool teachers with parents, which involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings, experiences, is aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Increasing the pedagogical culture resolves the existing contradiction between the educational potential of the family and its use. An integral part of the interaction is communication between the teacher and parents.

Parents often make typical mistakes in raising children and experience certain difficulties. The task of preschool teachers is to help parents in raising children. But teachers are not all ready for this activity for a number of reasons. Another contradiction arises, which is resolved through methodological work in the preschool educational institution.

Professor Minnenur Akhmetkhanova Galaguzova understands the term “families at risk” as “the presence of some deviation from the norms that do not allow them to be defined as safe. They cope with the tasks of raising a child with great effort.”

T.S. Zubkova, N.V. Timoshin identifies a number of problems that are typical for this category of families (single-parent, large, young, with a disabled child): material and household (financial), employment of parents, housing, psychological and pedagogical, medical.

According to Mudrik, the most important problem is the problem of upbringing and socialization of children.

Studies of the families of S.A. Belicheva showed that despite serious economic difficulties, the need for psychological and pedagogical assistance is in the first place for families at risk by a wide margin.

R.V. Ovcharova suggests using psychological and pedagogical consultations, pedagogical assignments, pedagogical workshops.

M.A. Galaguzova distinguishes such forms of work with the family: patronage, consultative conversation, trainings.

The problem lies in determining the methods and forms of effective interaction between MDOU teachers and families

The object of our study is the family as a system.

The subject is methods and forms.

The purpose of our work: to identify methods and forms of interaction between teachers of MDOU with "families of the risk group".

We put forward a hypothesis that social and pedagogical support in interaction with families, provided by preschool educational institutions in the form of consultations, workshops, pedagogical assignments, will significantly affect the relationship between parents and children in families, under the conditions:

Systematic work with this category of families;

Inclusion of parents in the various activities of the Preschool Educational Institution.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Describe the family as a pedagogical system;

2. To identify the forms and methods of social and pedagogical interaction of MDOU teachers with families;

3. Describe the main approaches to the definition and implementation of the role of parents as subjects of preschool education.

In our work, we will use empirical and theoretical research methods. We refer to the empirical ones: the study of the documentary and information flow (magazines, books, articles), collections of scientific articles, educational publications (textbooks, teaching aids, teaching aids), periodicals, legal literature, reference literature. Of the theoretical research methods, we will use: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, analogy.

In Chapter I we will consider the essence of the concept of "family"; give an idea of ​​modern parents; consider the periodization of the types of relations between parents and children in psychohistory; Let us consider a retrospective of the interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

In Chapter II we will look at the work of educators with parents; consider the main approaches to the implementation of the role of parents as subjects of preschool educational institutions.

family teacher preschool


Family education (the same as raising children in a family) is a general name for the processes of influencing children on the part of parents and other family members in order to achieve the desired results. Social, family and school education carried out in unbreakable unity. The problems of family education in the part where they come into contact with the school are studied by general pedagogy, in other aspects - social.

The determining role of the family is due to its profound influence on the entire complex of the physical and spiritual life of a person growing in it. The family for the child is both a habitat and an educational environment. The influence of the family, especially in the initial period of a child's life, far exceeds other educational influences.

1.1 Periodization of types of relations between parents and children in psychohistory

The American psychologist Lloyd Demoz believes that a person should be considered not as homo economicus or homo politicus, but as homo relatens, i.e. looking for relationships, love more than money or power. The theory of Lloyd Demos and others who share it argues that the real basis for understanding motivation in history is not economic or social class, but "psychoclass". To understand this, argues L. Demoz, it is necessary to analyze the history of childhood, how adults treated children in different historical periods of the development of society.

When studying the childhood of many generations, it is most important to focus on those moments that influenced the psyche of the next generation. First of all, what happens when an adult is face to face with a child who wants something. L. Demoz believes that an adult has three ways to respond:

1. he can use the child as a vessel for projecting the contents of his own unconscious (projective reaction);

2. he can use the child as a substitute for an adult figure significant to him in his own childhood (reverse reaction);

3. He can empathize with the child's needs and act to meet them (empathy response).

The projective reaction is known to psychoanalysts under a number of terms, from projection to projective identification. The child (or another person) is used as a vessel for adult projections. In our opinion, this type of reaction is most accurately reflected in the well-known figurative biblical saying: that you are looking for a straw in your brother's eye when you yourself have a log. Those. the parent endows the child with his sins, thoughts, not even wanting to admit to himself that in fact they are inherent in him.

The backlash is known to researchers by parents beating their children. The child exists only to satisfy parental needs. The inability of the child as a parental figure to give the expected love from him always causes punishment. L. Demoz cites a statement characteristic of such reactions: “I have never been loved. When the baby was born, I thought that he would love me. If he cries (does not obey, etc.), then it means that he does not love me. That's why I hit him"

The third type of reaction is empathic reaction, understood in this case as “the ability of an adult to regress to the level of the child’s needs and correctly recognize them without admixture of their own projections. In addition, an adult must, to a certain extent, distance himself (the term decentration is also known) from the needs of the child in order to be able to satisfy it. In modern humanistic psychology and pedagogy, this ability is considered as the most important quality of the personality of an adult raising children, and is defined as pedagogical reflection. This is the most psychologically mature position of an adult.

L. Demoz believes that the projective and recurrent reactions of the parents of the past were often mixed, and the child was simultaneously viewed as full of projective desires, suspicions and sexual thoughts of an adult (projective reaction) and at the same time as a paternal and maternal figure (recurrent reaction). Those. simultaneously bad and loved.

Trying to isolate periods from different styles raising children, L. Demoz admits that psychogenic evolution proceeds at different speeds in different genealogical lines, that many parents seem to be “stuck” at an earlier stage, that even today there are people who beat, kill and rape children. In addition, there are class and regional differences that have become especially. Demoz, analyzing the information available in history about the upbringing of children, formed a periodization of the types of relations between parents and children. These periods show a gradual rapprochement between child and parent as, generation after generation, parents slowly overcome their anxieties and begin to develop the ability to recognize and meet the needs of the child. This classification also gives an idea of ​​current trends in the upbringing of children in the family.

1. Infanticidal, or infanticide style (antiquity to the 4th century BC). When parents were afraid that a child would be difficult to raise or feed, they usually killed him, and this had a huge impact on the surviving children. Those who were lucky enough to survive were dominated by projective reactions. (a characteristic example of this style is the well-known fairy tale "The Boy-with-a-finger").

2. Leaving style (4th-13th centuries). Parents began to recognize the soul in the child, and the only way to avoid the manifestation of projections dangerous for the child was the actual rejection of him - whether he was sent to the nurse, to a monastery or institution for small children, to the house of a noble family as a servant or hostage, whether he was given forever to someone else's family or surrounded by strict emotional coldness at home. Projective reactions are still very strong: the child is full of evil, he must be beaten all the time. However, the return reactions are significantly weakened.

3. Ambivalent style (14th-17th centuries). The child was allowed to merge into the emotional life of the parents, but he was still the receptacle for dangerous adult projections. So, the task of the parents was to “cast” it into a “shape”, “forge”. The most popular metaphor of the time was the comparison of children with soft wax, clay that needs to be shaped. This stage is marked by strong duality. Many manuals for raising children appeared, and the image of a caring mother became popular in art.

4. Imposing style (18th century). This style became possible after a tremendous weakening of projective reactions and the virtual disappearance of reciprocal reactions, which was the completion of the great transition to a new style of relations. The child was already less of an outlet for projections, and the parents sought to get closer to him more closely and gain power over his mind and, by means of this power, control his internal state, anger, needs, even will itself. The child was brought up by the parents themselves, he was nursed by his own mother; he was not swaddled, he was not forced, but persuaded; beaten sometimes, but not systematically; obedience was often forced with the help of words. True empathy has become possible. Decreased infant mortality, tk. children were taken care of.

5. Socializing style (19th - mid 20th centuries). As the projections continue to weaken, the upbringing of the child is no longer so much about mastering the will, but about training it, directing it to the right path. The child is taught to adapt to circumstances, socialized. Until now, in most cases, when discussing the problem of raising children, the socializing model is taken for granted. In the 19th century fathers began to show interest in their children much more often, sometimes even freeing the mother from the troubles associated with upbringing. They began to show interest in their children much more often, sometimes even freeing the mother from the troubles associated with upbringing.

6. Helping style (from the middle of the 20th century). This style is based on the assumption that the child is better than the parent at knowing his needs at every stage of development. Both parents participate in the life of a child, they understand and satisfy his growing individual needs. No attempt is made at all to discipline or shape "features". Children are not beaten or scolded, they are forgiven if they make a scene in a state of stress. This style of parenting requires a huge investment of time, energy, and conversations with the child, especially in the first six years, because it is impossible to help the child solve his daily tasks without answering his questions, without playing with him. To be a servant, not a master of the child, to understand the causes of his emotional conflicts, to create conditions for the development of interests, to be able to calmly relate to periods of regression in development - this is what this style implies. The result of this style of education, called differently - democratic style, personality-oriented model of education, harmonious style, etc. - growing up kind, sincere people who are not subject to depression, neurosis, with a strong will, who never do "like all”, having independent thinking and responsibility.

At the same time, one should not understand the words of L. Demoz that a parent should be a “servant of a child” literally. This style of education does not imply connivance with the whims of the child, but contributes to the satisfaction of vital needs for him. Representatives of humanistic psychology A. Maslow, K. Rogers, T. Gordon and others identify the following needs:

In love, in knowledge,

Attention, - freedom,

Weasel, - independence,

Success, - self-determination,

understanding, development,

Respect, - self-improvement,

Self-respect, - realization of one's own potential.

Thus, L. Demoz leads us to the idea that the full-fledged upbringing of harmonious, mentally healthy children can only be carried out by psychologically mature parents who, first of all, have pedagogical reflection.

In pedagogical reflection I.A. Karpenko distinguishes three blocks:

1. Awareness by an adult of how he behaves with a child.

1a. Adult understanding of the child's behavior when in contact with him.

2. Awareness by adults in the process of contact with the child of their feelings and their inner state.

2a. Adult awareness of the state and feelings of the child.

3. Adult understanding of the reasons why he experiences certain feelings.

3a. Adult understanding of the reasons why the child experiences certain feelings.

In modern humanistic psychology, T. Gordon developed a technique for increasing parental effectiveness, which reveals the ways for parents to achieve the skills of pedagogical reflection, makes it possible to practically master the methods of education in a personality-oriented model (helping style) of education. Mastering this technique includes the development of skills to approve the child, because. “approval can be likened to fertile soil, allowing a tiny seed to develop into a beautiful flower” (T. Gordon). Approval helps a child realize his potential. The technique of increasing parental effectiveness involves mastering the skills of active listening, which is just powerful, involves mastering the skills of active listening, which is just a powerful stimulus in the development of pedagogical reflection in parents, as well as the skills of "I-messages" and skills in win-win conflict resolution, which gives parents the opportunity to effectively influence children, contributing to the growth of responsibility and self-awareness of children, independence in solving their problems.

1.2 The essence of the concept of "Family"

In social work there was a sharp turn towards the family. This turn is quite consistent with the orientation of social work on the person and his environment. This means that a person can be understood and helped only in the context of those immediate systems of which he is a member. Ovcharova R.V. in The Social Educator's Handbook, says that a person in his life has two families "here and now", of which he is a member and the family from which he came. Therefore, in the life of every person, the family occupies an important place. In the family, the child learns the norms of human relations, and as an adult, he builds his family relations in accordance with what kind of relationship his parents had with each other, and how they treated him. The state of the state depends on the state of the family, which is influenced by all the changes taking place in society. Throughout the ages, mankind has understood the importance of the family. Blonsky P.P. spoke about the family as an organ of education “the family is the most exalted thing that can be thought up for the education of our kind (Pestalozzi); from the quiet sanctuary of the family comes to us the happiness of a person, and only one family life gives the most important thing for all human life - the development and education of a good heart. According to Ellen Kay, only in a quiet and cordial atmosphere of family education can the tender individuality of the child develop naturally and normally.

The family is a social institution of education, it carries out the continuity of generations, the socialization of children, which includes the transfer of family values ​​and stereotypes of behavior. Well-known domestic psychologist L.S. Vygotsky wrote that the family is the most important element of the social situation of development.

The family is the basis of the primary socialization of the individual. It is with the family that the process of individual assimilation by the child of social norms and cultural values ​​begins. sociological research it was revealed that the influence of the family on the child is stronger than the influence of the school, the media, the street. Consequently, from the microclimate in the family, spiritual and physical development in it of children, the success of the development and socialization of the child to the greatest extent depends. This fact cannot but interest the school. The need to change the relationship between the educational institution and the family has become obvious. Partnerships have to be learned both by educators, who often consider themselves carriers of the truth, who can dictate a parent’s behavior model, and by a parent whose actions lie between the poles “we handed you, so educate” and “give me advice for every minute of my communication with a child ".

The family is an integral system, which is why the problems of the parent-child dyad cannot be solved only through the correction of the child and the parent. Regardless of what the characteristics of the underlying disorder in the parent-child relationship are, those who seek help tend to take the wrong parental position, i.e. their relationship with children is ineffective. R.V. Ovcharova identifies four reasons for unhealthy parenting:

1. pedagogical and psychological illiteracy of parents;

2. various stereotypes of education;

3. personal problems and characteristics of parents brought into communication with the child;

4. the influence of the characteristics of communication in the family on the relationship of parents with the child.

All these reasons for the distortion of parental relationships can be corrected with the help of psychotherapy and psychological correction.

There is a legal and sociological definition of the concept of "family". Legal means "Family - an association of persons most often living together, bound by mutual rights and obligations arising from marriage, kinship, adoption or other form of placement of children for upbringing in a family."

Under the sociological one, according to A.G. Kharchev: “A family is a small social group bound by marriage relations, common life and mutual moral responsibility to society for the reproduction of the population.”

The current situation with the crisis in modern Russia, the lack of a system of purposeful state aid families in a difficult life situation and generating an increase in the country social orphanhood, neglect, homelessness, indicate the need to introduce into practice the concept of “social risk families” or “socially vulnerable families”, families at risk. The concept of "family of social risk" by L. M. Shipitsyna means "a family that has intractable problems that limit its ability to create favorable conditions for life and the full development of all its members."

Professor Minnenur Akhmetkhanovna Galaguzova understands the term “families at risk” as “the presence of some deviation from the norms that does not allow us to define them as safe. They cope with the challenges of raising a child with great effort.”

The role of the family in society is incomparable in its strength with any other social institutions, since it is in the family that a person’s personality is formed and develops, and the social roles necessary for painless adaptation of the child in society take place. The family acts as the first educational institution, the connection with which a person feels throughout his life.

It is in the family that the foundations of human morality are laid, the norms of behavior are formed, the inner world and individual qualities of the personality are revealed. The family acts as the first educational institution, the connection with which a person feels throughout his life.

It is in the family that the foundations of human morality are laid, the norms of behavior are formed, the inner world and individual qualities of the personality are revealed. The family contributes not only to the formation of personality, but also to the self-affirmation of a person, stimulates his social, creative activity, reveals individuality.

Throughout the ages, the family has felt the need to receive support in the upbringing of their children. History shows that when people lived in large families, the necessary knowledge and skills of family life were passed on from generation to generation naturally and routinely. In a modern industrial society, when family ties between generations are broken, the transfer of the necessary knowledge about family formation and the upbringing of children becomes one of the important concerns of society.

The deeper the gap between generations, the more tangible is the need for parents to receive qualified assistance in raising their children. At present, the need for professional psychologists to help parents in raising children is becoming increasingly clear. social workers, social educators and other professionals. Studies show that not only disadvantaged, but also quite prosperous families need the advice of these specialists.

The current situation in which our society finds itself has required the search for a new model of public education of the individual in an open social environment, which is carried out today only by parents, but also by their assistants - a social pedagogue, educators, teachers, and the public.

There are several definitions of family. First, a family is a small social group based on marriage and (or) consanguinity, whose members are united by living together and housekeeping, emotional connection and mutual responsibilities towards each other.

Secondly, a family is a social institution characterized by a stable form of relationships between people, within which the main part of people's daily life is carried out.

Considering the family as an integral systemic entity in the process of social adaptation involves an analysis of a number of its structural and functional characteristics, as well as an analysis of the individual characteristics of family members.

Mudrik A.V. says that "the family develops a set of norms, sanctions and patterns of behavior that regulate the interaction between spouses, parents and children, children among themselves."

The family, as a system, is connected with other social systems by thousands of threads. Social work with the family, according to Ovcharova R.V., should be aimed at "changing the relationship between the family and the environment, so that family members have more power and control over the main areas of their lives."

Vasilkova Yu.V. compares the family with an organism "in which each member, in order for the organism to function normally, must perform a certain function, occupy a certain place in the system of role relations in the family."

The latter definition seems more correct to us, since it is increasingly possible to meet single mothers, irresponsible parents, unfortunately, not many people think that they have a responsibility to society in the reproduction and education of a healthy population. The family is an organism, and as we know from the course of anatomy, if trouble happens to one organ, it will immediately affect the whole organism, that is, the family.

The family is the leading factor in the development of the child's personality, on which the future of a person largely depends. This is the most important institution of socialization of the younger generation. It is a personal environment for the life and development of children and adolescents, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters of a particular family.

Mudrik A.V. writes that no matter what side of a child's development we take, it will always turn out that the family plays a decisive role in its effectiveness at a particular age stage. He highlights several aspects, which we will consider next.

First, the family provides physical and emotional development person. In infancy and early childhood, the family plays a decisive role that cannot be compensated by other institutions of socialization. In childhood, junior and adolescence its influence remains leading, but ceases to be the only one.

Secondly, the family influences the formation of the child's psychological sex. In the first three years of life, this influence is decisive, because it is in the family that the irreversible process of sexual typing takes place, thanks to which the child learns the attributes of the sex assigned to him: a set of personal characteristics, features of emotional reactions, various attitudes, tastes, behavioral patterns associated with masculinity (male properties ) or femininity (feminine properties).

Thirdly, the family plays a leading role in the mental development of the child (the American researcher Bloom found that the difference in the IQ of children who grew up in prosperous families and dysfunctional families reaches 20 points), and also affects the attitude of children to learning and largely determines its success, what layers of culture he learns, the desire to continue education and self-education.

Fourthly, the family is important in mastering social norms by a person, and when it comes to the norms that determine the fulfillment by him family roles, the influence of the family becomes cardinal. Parents who themselves experienced a lack of attention in childhood or who failed to successfully resolve their childhood conflicts or problems associated with puberty in the family, as a rule, are not able to establish a close relationship with their child. emotional connection.

Fifthly, a person’s fundamental value orientations are formed in the family, manifested in social and interethnic relations, as well as determining his lifestyle, spheres and level of claims, life aspirations, plans and ways to achieve them.

Sixthly, the family plays an important role in the process of human social development due to the fact that its approval, support, indifference or condemnation affect the claims of a person, help or hinder him to look for ways out in difficult situations, adapt to the changed circumstances of his life, resist in changing social conditions.

Thus, the family is an organism or a small social group of society, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on a marital union or family ties. That is, on the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and other relatives living together and leading a common household based on the family budget. Generations of people change through the family, a person is born in it, the family continues through it, norms, behavior, interactions between parents and children are developed in it. In this interaction, everyone must perform a certain function, occupy a certain place in the system of role relations. In his life, every person has two families: in which he was born and raised, and the one that he creates or created himself. The family performs specific and non-specific functions. The basic family functions include: preservation of life and health; satisfaction of the physical, material and spiritual needs of a person; the birth and upbringing of children; creation of conditions favorable for the development and self-realization of each family member; reproduction of the human resources necessary for society. The functions of the family directly depend on social relations in general, as well as on the level of cultural development of parents and society. Naturally, the higher the cultural level of society, the higher the culture of the family.


It is necessary to start with an analysis of the social composition of the parents, their mood and expectations from the child's stay in kindergarten. Conducting a survey, personal conversations on this topic will help to properly build work with parents, make it effective, and select interesting forms of interaction with the family.

Parents of children attending preschool educational institutions today can be divided into three groups.

The first group is parents who are very busy at work, for whom kindergarten is simply vital. But despite this, they expect from kindergarten not only good supervision and care of the child, but also full development, health improvement, education and upbringing, organization of interesting leisure. This parent group is unlikely to be able to actively attend consultations, seminars, and trainings due to being busy. But with the right organization of interaction, they will be happy to make family work for the competition together with the child at home, select photos for the exhibition, and at a convenient time for them, they will take part in pre-announced events, for example, in fun starts or a community work day.

The second group is parents with a convenient work schedule, unemployed grandparents. Children from such families might not attend kindergarten, but parents do not want to deprive the child of full communication, games with peers, development and learning. The task of teachers is to prevent this parent group from remaining in the position of a passive observer, to activate their pedagogical skills, and to involve them in the work of the kindergarten.

The third group is families with non-working mothers. These parents also expect interesting communication with peers from the kindergarten, gaining team behavior skills, observing the correct daily routine, learning and development. The task of the educator is to single out energetic mothers from this parent group who will become members of parent committees and active assistants to educators. For this parent group the educator needs to rely on the preparation of parent meetings, holding holidays, competitions, exhibitions, etc.

The content of the teacher's work with parents includes, in fact, all the issues of raising and educating children, with which the teacher introduces the parents of preschoolers. There are no minor topics for discussion with parents, since parents need knowledge about the characteristics of the child’s development, the tasks of upbringing, methods, the organization of the subject-game environment, preparing him for schooling, etc. They want to get an answer to the question: “How to act in that or otherwise?"

All parents need pedagogical knowledge, with the birth of a child they are forced to master the profession of an educator. Kindergarten teachers are professionals, they are ready to help in raising children. It is important to focus on the needs of the family, the requests of parents, and not just read reports or lectures to them. Modern parents are quite literate, have access to pedagogical information. There are parents who purchase pedagogical literature or subscribe to periodicals, some parents may receive necessary information via the Internet, but often they use random literature, haphazardly. Sometimes children are brought up intuitively, “as they brought me up”, they are uncritically related to certain manifestations of the child. It is important to activate and enrich the parenting skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities, to spread the positive experience of family upbringing: family leisure activities, following family traditions, the experience of hardening children, family reading, etc. The thesis about the pedagogical failure of the family has already lost its relevance.

Parents of younger preschoolers experience difficulties associated with the crisis of three years, the whims and stubbornness of the child, and parents of older preschoolers talk about the problems associated with their early preparation for school. Exaggerated attitudes of parents negatively affect the development of young children, their self-esteem. According to child psychologists, as a result of non-compliance with parental expectations, a child may experience neurosis, therefore, it is necessary to protect the child's nervous system, not to overload him with knowledge. Of course, it is necessary to prepare children for schooling, develop their intelligence, but without prejudice to overall development. Here the task of senior educators is to help parents in solving the problems of the intellectual development of children.

In developing the content of classes with parents, the priority direction of the preschool educational institution also plays a role: for children from physical education, such topics for discussion as “Physical education and development of the child”, “Hardening”, “Protection of the child’s psyche”, “Development of movements” are brought to the fore , "Sports leisure", "Recommendations for parents", etc. If this is an artistic and aesthetic direction, then the emphasis is on the essence and tasks of aesthetic education, their solution in different age groups. It is advisable to acquaint parents with the organization of leisure and holidays in the conditions of the institution and the family, to involve them in the preparation and holding of such events. The topics of communication with parents may include the problems of teaching children to draw, the development of musical perception. It is good to involve specialists (for example, psychologists, music director) in consultations, to conduct open viewings of children's creativity.

2.2 Forms of communication between the teacher and parents in the preschool educational institution

Collective forms include group parent meetings, conferences, round tables, etc. The agenda can be varied, taking into account the wishes of the parents. For example, we offer the following topics: “Do you know your child”, “Education of obedience in children”, “Methods of pedagogical influence”, etc. Traditionally, the agenda includes reading a report, although this should be avoided, as we noted above, it is better conduct a dialogue using methods of activating parents. According to lecturers, "reading on a piece of paper causes sleep with open eyes." It is not recommended to use official words such as “report”, “events”, “agenda”, “attendance is strictly required” when working with parents. If the teacher reads the text without stopping, one gets the impression that he is incompetent in the issues presented. In the message, it is important to present the characteristics of the life of the group and each child. Kindergarten specialists (doctor, speech therapist, psychologist, etc.), as well as specialists among parents who are related to preschool childhood (pediatrician, lawyer, etc.) can join the speech at the meetings. The meeting is prepared in advance, the announcement is posted 3-5 days in advance.

I would like to warn teachers against hobbies for entertainment: some believe that you should drink tea with your parents and play games. In this case, the pedagogical content "leaves". It is advisable to combine different forms of work, for example, after entertainment events with parents, you can organize conversations and meetings. At general parent meetings, the problems of raising children are discussed.

Individual forms include pedagogical conversations with parents; it is one of the most accessible forms of establishing a connection with the family. A conversation can be both an independent form and used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting, visiting a family. The purpose of the pedagogical conversation is the exchange of views on a particular issue; its feature is the active participation of both the educator and parents. A conversation can arise spontaneously on the initiative of both parents and educator. The latter thinks about what questions he will ask the parents, informs the topic and asks them to prepare questions that they would like to receive an answer to. As a result of the conversation, parents should gain new knowledge on the education and upbringing of a preschooler.

A separate group is made up of visual-informational methods. They acquaint parents with the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children, help overcome superficial judgments about the role of the kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. These include tape recordings of conversations with children, video fragments of the organization of various activities, regime moments, classes; photographs, exhibitions of children's works, stands, screens, sliding folders.

Currently, non-traditional forms of communication with parents are especially popular with both teachers and parents. They are built according to the type of entertainment programs, games and are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents, drawing their attention to the kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better, because they see him in a different, new environment for themselves, and get closer to teachers.

At present, practice has accumulated a variety of non-traditional forms, but they have not yet been sufficiently studied and generalized.

The classification scheme for non-traditional forms is offered by T.V. Krotov. The author identifies the following non-traditional forms: information-analytical, leisure, cognitive, visual-informational.

Table 1 Non-traditional forms of organization

Name What is the purpose of this form? Forms of communication
Information and analytical Identification of interests, needs, requests of parents, their level of pedagogical literacy Conducting sociological sections, surveys, "Mailbox"
Leisure Establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents, children Joint leisure activities, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions
cognitive Familiarization of parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills for raising children in parents Workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical lounge, holding meetings, non-traditional consultations, oral pedagogical magazines, games with pedagogical content, pedagogical library for parents
Visual and informational: informational and familiarization; information and educational Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution, the characteristics of children. Formation of parents' knowledge about the upbringing and development of children Information pamphlets for parents, organization of days (weeks) of open doors, open viewings of classes and other activities for children. Issue of newspapers, organization of mini-libraries

The main task of information-analytical forms of organizing communication with parents is the collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, the general cultural level of his parents, whether they have the necessary pedagogical knowledge, family attitudes towards the child, requests, interests, needs of parents in psychological and pedagogical information. Only on an analytical basis is it possible to implement an individual, student-centered approach to a child in a preschool institution, increase the effectiveness of educational work with children and build competent communication with their parents.

Leisure forms of organizing communication are designed to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children. To this group of forms, we attributed the holding by teachers of preschool institutions of such joint holidays and leisure activities in a group as “New Year's Eve”, “Best Dad”, “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family”, etc. Such evenings help create emotional comfort in group, to bring together the participants of the pedagogical process. Parents can show ingenuity and imagination in various competitions. The use of leisure forms contributes to the fact that, thanks to the establishment of a positive emotional atmosphere, parents become more open to communication, in the future it is easier for teachers to establish contacts with them and provide pedagogical information.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication between teachers and families are designed to familiarize parents with the characteristics of the age and psychological development of children, rational methods and techniques of education for the formation of practical skills in parents.

The main role continues to belong to such collective forms of communication as meetings, group consultations, etc. These forms have been used before. Today, however, the principles on the basis of which communication between teachers and parents is built have changed. These include communication based on dialogue, openness, sincerity in communication, refusal to criticize and evaluate a communication partner. Therefore, these forms are considered by us as non-traditional.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents are called upon to play a dominant role in raising the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents, which means that they contribute to changing the views of parents on raising a child in a family environment, develop reflection. Parents see the child in an environment different from home, and also observe the process of his communication with other children and adults.

Visual and informational forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing parents with the conditions, content and methods of raising children in a preschool institution, allow them to more correctly assess the activities of teachers, revise the methods and techniques of home education, and more objectively see the activities of the educator.

2.3 The main approaches to the definition and implementation of the role of parents as subjects of a preschool educational institution

Working with parents is a process of communication between different people, which does not always go smoothly. Naturally, in any kindergarten, problematic situations may arise in the relationship between teachers and parents:

Conflicts between parents over children

Parental claims to educators on certain issues of education;

Complaints of educators about the passivity of parents;

An important point in preventing the occurrence of problem situations is the establishment of personal contact between the teacher and parents, daily informing parents about how the child spent the day, what he learned, what successes he achieved. The lack of information makes the parent want to get it from other sources, for example, from other parents, children of the group. Such information may be distorted and lead to the development of a conflict situation.

Often young teachers are frightened by the appeal of their parents with a complaint or claim. Many inexperienced teachers, instead of understanding the situation, automatically transfer such parents to the category of complex, conflicting ones, try to convince them, prove that they are wrong, convince them that in fact everything is going well. Such a position of the teacher, of course, will alert the parent, and subsequently he is unlikely to turn to this teacher with his problems, accumulating negative emotions in relation to the kindergarten. The response to the complaint should be constructive and aimed at the readiness to correct the situation, take quick measures to resolve disputes, establish contact with the child's parents, and improve the work of the kindergarten on a particular issue. It is necessary at the first meeting to listen to the parent, to let him feel the readiness of the educator to professionally understand the situation, to appoint an additional meeting at which to talk about the results of the measures taken.

Today's parents will carefully consider the advice of a specialist: a psychologist, a speech therapist, a doctor. But when it comes to education, many of them consider themselves competent in these matters, have their own vision of the problem and ways to solve it, not taking into account the experience and education of the educator. To prevent such situations, the administration of a preschool institution from the first days of a child's stay in kindergarten must maintain the authority of the teacher, demonstrate that she highly appreciates his knowledge, skills, and pedagogical achievements.

The processes of democratization in the education system, its variability, innovative programs have necessitated finding solutions to the problems of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, creating conditions for improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Practitioners and researchers have identified and formulated the following contradictions in this regard:

between the rights and obligations of parents and the inability to use them;

between the need of parents for educational services and the lack of conditions for their provision;

Between the desire of parents to be active in the preschool educational institution and the strictly regulatory nature of the activities of the institution;

between the low level of pedagogical culture and insufficient knowledge of the basics of psychology by parents and the lack of systems for teaching them in preschool educational institutions.

The strengthening and development of the close connection and interaction of various social institutions (children, family, community) provide the conditions for the life and upbringing of the child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious value.

At the present stage, the following principles are laid down in the basis of the joint activities of the family and the preschool educational institution:

1. parents and teachers are partners in the upbringing and education of children;

2. this is a common understanding by teachers and parents of the goals and objectives of raising and educating children;

3. help, respect and trust in the child from both teachers and parents;

4. knowledge by teachers and parents of the educational opportunities of the team and the family, the maximum use of the educational potential in joint work with children;

5. constant analysis of the process of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family, its intermediate and final results.

Each preschool educational institution not only brings up a child, but also advises parents on the issues of raising children. In this regard, the preschool educational institution should determine the conditions for working with parents, improve the content, forms and methods of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family in raising children, taking into account changing conditions, varied educational programs and families' requests. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

“The issue of working with parents is a big and important issue. Here it is necessary to take care of the level of knowledge of the parents themselves, of helping them in self-education, arming them with a known minimum, their practice in kindergartens, involving them in this work ”(N.K. Krupskaya). An essential aspect of the interaction between children and families, N.K. Krupskaya, is that the kindergarten serves as an “organizing center” and “influences home education”, therefore it is necessary to organize the interaction between the kindergarten and the family in raising children as best as possible. “... In their community, in mutual care and responsibility, there is a huge strength.” At the same time, she believed that parents who did not know how to educate should be helped.

Theorists and practitioners preschool education, emphasizing the need to connect the preschool educational institution with the family and the need to improve the forms and methods of working with parents, revealed the specifics of this work and its tasks.

Tasks work of preschool educational institution for interaction with parents:

Establish partnerships with the family of each pupil;

to unite efforts for the development and upbringing of children;

create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests, emotional mutual support;

· to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities.

Principles of interaction with parents:

1. Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents. A positive attitude towards communication is the very solid foundation on which all the work of the teachers of the group with parents is built. In the communication of the educator with the parents, categorical, demanding tone is inappropriate. After all, any model of interaction with the family, perfectly built by the kindergarten administration, will remain a “model on paper” if the teacher does not work out for himself specific forms of correct treatment of parents. The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the attitude of the family to the kindergarten as a whole will be. The daily friendly interaction of teachers with parents means much more than a separate well-conducted event.

2. Individual approach. It is necessary not only in working with children, but also in working with parents. The teacher, communicating with parents, should feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. This is where the human and pedagogical ability of the educator to calm the parent, sympathize and think together how to help the child in a given situation will come in handy.

3. Collaborate, not mentor. Modern moms and dads are mostly literate, knowledgeable people and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, to demonstrate the interest of the kindergarten team to understand family problems and a sincere desire to help.

4. Prepare seriously. Any, even the smallest event to work with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared. The main thing in this work is the quality, not the quantity of individual, unrelated events. A weak, poorly prepared parent-teacher meeting or seminar can negatively affect the positive image of the institution as a whole.

5. Dynamism. Kindergarten today should be in the mode of development, not functioning, be a mobile system, quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents. Their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, the forms and directions of the work of the kindergarten with the family should change.

The leading and organizing role of children in relation to the family is characterized by a complex of factors:

systematic, active dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents;

practical assistance to the family in the upbringing of children;

organization of propaganda of positive experience of social and family education;

involvement of parents in pedagogical activity;

activation of their pedagogical self-education, etc.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed that pedagogy should become a science for everyone - both for teachers and parents. No matter how successful educational work is, it is completely unthinkable without pedagogical education, raising the pedagogical culture of parents, which is an important part of the general culture.

The pedagogical culture of parents is understood as their sufficient preparedness, the development of those personality traits that reflect the degree of their maturity as educators and are manifested in the process of family and social education of children. The leading component of pedagogical culture is their pedagogical readiness, which is characterized by a certain amount of psychological, pedagogical, physiological, hygienic and legal knowledge, as well as the skills and abilities of parents developed in the process of raising children.

At the same time, the attitude of parents to education is also very important. Responsible attitude to parental duties, the desire to raise their children as best as possible is an integral part of the pedagogical culture of parents.

Pedagogical culture is considered in connection with the general socio-pedagogical conditions of education, which include a set of basic requirements of society for the personality of parents, the content of ideological and moral norms that regulate intra-family relations, the nature of relations in the family.

In accordance with this, work with parents is based on the principles of cooperation.

Signs of such cooperation are:

awareness of the purpose of the activity by each participant in the process;

clear division and cooperation of labor between its participants;

personal contact between the participants in the process with the exchange of information, mutual assistance, self-control;

positive interpersonal relationships.

Working with parents is a complex and important part of the teacher's activity, including increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities of parents; assistance of teachers to parents in family education to create the necessary conditions for the proper upbringing of children; interaction between educators and parents in the development of children.

It is possible to single out the main tasks facing the preschool educational institution in working with parents:

1. study of families of children;

2. involvement of parents in active participation in the activities of the preschool educational institution;

3. study of family experience in raising and educating children;

4. education of parents in the field of pedagogy and child psychology.

1. unity in the work of kindergartens and families in raising children;

2. mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents, understanding the needs and interests of the child and their duties as educators; strengthening the authority of teachers in the family and parents in kindergartens;

3.installation right relationship on the basis of benevolent criticism and self-criticism;

4. mutual assistance in joint work on the education of preschoolers. D / s daily helps parents in raising children. In turn, parents help children in various educational and economic work;

5. studying the best experience of family education, promoting it among a wide range of parents, using positive methods of family education in the work of kindergartens;

6.individual and group forms of work with parents that complement each other.

2.4 Organization of cooperation between teachers, parents and children

The formation of cooperation between children, parents and teachers depends primarily on how adults interact in this process. The result of education can be successful only if teachers and parents become equal partners, because they are raising the same children. This union should be based on the unity of aspirations, views on the educational process, jointly developed common goals and educational objectives, as well as ways to achieve the intended results.

The cooperation of teachers and parents allows you to get to know the child better, look at him from different positions, see in different situations and, consequently, to help in understanding his individual characteristics, developing the child's abilities, in overcoming his negative actions and manifestations in behavior, in the formation of valuable life orientations.

At the same time, the majority of parents are not professional parents. They do not have special knowledge in the field of upbringing and education of children, and often experience difficulties in establishing contacts with children. Educators and parents should work together to find the best effective ways solutions to this problem, to determine the content and forms of pedagogical education in this regard. The decisive role in establishing such interaction belongs to teachers.

To involve parents in the activities of a preschool institution, a special methodology has been developed, which includes three stages:

the first is the actualization of the needs of parents in the education of their own child;

the second - pedagogical education of parents as customers for educational services in a preschool institution;

the third is the partnership of teachers and parents in the activities of a preschool institution, which is based on the ideas of humanization

relations, the priority of universal values ​​with an emphasis on a personal-activity approach.

The introduction of such a technique makes it possible to create a complicated system of work with parents, represented by two blocks, each of which includes tasks, forms and activities.

The main blocks for working with parents are shown in the table.

Analysis of the practice of teachers and heads of preschool educational institutions identified 2 types of forms of collaboration:

Joint activities of teachers and parents

Joint activities of teachers, parents and children

However, mostly standard forms of work are often used: questionnaires for parents, parent meetings, parent committees, conferences that are held irregularly, and the topic does not always coincide with the content. Few parents take part in Open Days. Events such as the tournament of experts, KVN, quizzes are not actually held.

Educators are not always able to set specific tasks, fill them with appropriate content, choose methods: the content of parent meetings, consultations is not differentiated enough, educators, when choosing methods of cooperation, do not take into account the opportunities and living conditions of specific families; quite often, educators, especially young ones, use only collective forms of work with the family.

The reasons are:

1. insufficient knowledge of the specifics of family education;

2. inability to analyze the level of pedagogical culture of parents and the peculiarities of raising children;

3. inability to plan joint work with children and parents. Some, especially young, educators have insufficiently developed communication skills.

An analysis of the theory and practice of working with the family revealed another problem at the present stage - the organization of joint activities of parents and children. One of the main tasks of teachers is to create conditions for the development of normal relations in the family, and this can only be achieved through the activities of parents and children, which can be implemented in various forms.

For example, forms labor activity- decoration of the group's premises, labor landing for the improvement and gardening of the yard, planting of alleys in connection with a significant event in the life of children and their parents, the creation of a library, etc.

Or visual forms: folders - shifters, memos - recommendations for parents, children's drawings, crafts with parents, a parent's corner, etc.

Holding parent-teacher meetings according to the old structure does not meet the expectations of parents. In accordance with the regulatory framework preschool parents are customers of educational services and have the right to take part in the organization of the educational process, create their own self-government bodies and resolve some issues independently at parent meetings, conferences and other forms of work.

The most important way to implement cooperation between teachers and parents is to organize their joint activities, in which parents are not passive observers, but active participants in the process, i.e. the inclusion of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution. Under the inclusion of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, we mean their participation in:

organization of the educational process;

Creation of creative groups that actively share their experience;

organization of a modern social - developing environment in groups;

provision of additional services;

development of planning of different types at all levels:

1. general preschool plans;

2. classes;

3. independent activities of children;

4. joint activities of children;

development of own courses, programs, plans for work with parents, children;

Involvement of parents in the assessment and control of the activities of the preschool educational institution.

To accomplish this task, you need:

1. introduction of a methodology for the phased inclusion of parents in activities

a) increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents in order to update their educational needs;

b) educating parents as real customers of educational services, i.e. their understanding of the purpose, goals, functions of the preschool educational institution;

c) active, systematic participation of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution;

2. creation of a set of necessary conditions at all levels and stages of the organization of the educational process for the transition of parents from the role of passive observers to active participation in cooperation with preschool educational institutions.


A family is a small social group connected by marriage, in which a set of norms, behavior, and interaction between parents and children is developed. In this interaction, everyone must perform a certain function, occupy a certain place in the system of role relations. In his life, every person has two families in which he was born and raised, and one that he will create or created himself.

Thus, it can be noted that the lifestyle of the family plays an important role in the life of the child. It is in the family that the main foundations of a person are formed. After all, no matter how wonderful our kindergartens are, the main educators of the thoughts of the kids are the mother and father. The family team, where the child is introduced into the world of maturity and wisdom of the elders, is such a basis for children's thought that no one can replace at preschool age.

However, we all understand perfectly well that the upbringing of children in the family and in kindergarten pursues common goals and objectives, the desire to implement an integrated approach to education in joint activities.

Many parents make mistakes in education, but do not want to see and correct them; others believe that teachers should be involved in the upbringing of the child, because "it is their duty." Therefore, the task of educators is to properly organize interaction with the parents of their pupils.

To ensure that communication between educators and parents is not limited to mutual claims, it is necessary to build interaction with parents on the principles of trust, dialogue, partnership, taking into account the interests of parents and, most importantly, their experience in raising children. No wonder the teachers of the past - K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy - spoke about the need for parents to acquire pedagogical knowledge, about the importance and purposefulness of family education, about the need to combine knowledge and experience. Kindergarten teachers can help modern parents in this, despite the fact that information on the upbringing of a child can now be obtained in different ways. These are periodicals, and the Internet, and numerous popular literature for parents. The teacher communicates daily with children and parents, sees the problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experience of each family. He provides assistance to parents in various forms.

Currently, teachers use new non-traditional forms of work with parents. But we are well aware that occasional events cannot replace systematic work with parents and do not have a positive effect.

The educator is required to have a creative approach to organizing work with parents: the search for new examples; the use of methods of activating parents aimed at making them interested in the problem, at the emergence of associations with their own experience in raising children, rethinking their parental position. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the need of parents for knowledge. The main thing is that parents are not only passive listeners. You can conduct a survey: "What do you expect from kindergarten this year?" , "On the organization of additional paid services", "According to the results of the year" .

You can also apply creative ads. Announcements are constantly present with parents: about the day of holding matinees, parent meetings, various events, etc. Most often, the announcement is official and designed in a business style. But even an announcement for parents can be approached creatively, thereby increasing their level of interest in the information received and setting them up for positive interaction with teachers.

At the same time, kindergarten teachers follow the lead of parents, taking into account only their requests and needs for pedagogical knowledge. It is also important to take into account the fact that now parents are being bombarded with a large flow of information: a lot of magazines are being published, radio and television programs are being created, but at the same time they are aimed at some average parent and average child, and mothers and fathers come to education, for whom it is important to know the features development of their children. Therefore, kindergarten teachers directly play a leading role in enriching parents with pedagogical knowledge.

The initiator of the establishment of cooperation should be the teachers of the preschool educational institution, since they are professionally prepared for educational work, and therefore, they understand that its success depends on consistency and continuity in the upbringing of children. The teacher is aware of what cooperation is in the interests of the child and that it is necessary to convince parents of this.

The initiative in establishing interaction with the family and the qualified implementation of the tasks of this interaction determine the guiding role of the preschool educational institution in family education.

I would very much like both educators and parents to always remember that the family for a child is a source of social experience. Here he finds role models and here his social birth takes place. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, then we must solve this problem "with the whole world": kindergarten, family, community.


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2. Galaguzova M.A. Social Pedagogy: A Course of Lectures. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2003.

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incomplete large young With a disabled child
Material and household (financial)

Is low-income. With non-working parents, the family is forced to live on unemployment benefits and child benefits.

Child benefits are low, not paid on time, as is the survivor's pension, and in case of divorce, there may be problems with the payment of alimony.

They are the least well off, with a low average monthly income per family member, which leads to an increase in the cost of food and clothing. In the income structure, child allowances are small, although they give an increase to the family budget. The share of spending on food products is higher, and the dietary pattern is less diverse. Limited ability to meet needs, shortage of the most necessary items: shoes, clothes, school supplies. The budget does not have funds for education, cultural and sports development of children, musical and artistic education, summer rest. In every fifth family, children do not attend kindergartens due to lack of money to pay. The budget is made up of wages young specialist, scholarships), child benefits; secondary earnings are fickle and minimal; help of parents. Problems are associated with the purchase of food, clothes and shoes, the simplest furniture, appliances: a refrigerator, a TV. Families do not have the essentials for caring for a child: transport, summer cottages, garden plots, telephone. Services for a child with disabilities are paid. All this requires great Money, and the income in these families consists of the father's earnings and the disability allowance for the child.

The problem of a well-paid job, close to home, the ability to have a free schedule, do work at home, without business trips and night shifts.

A single parent takes on an excessive workload, often additional earnings, in order to provide a normal life for their children.

In extended incomplete families, the income is low, it consists mainly of the pensions of pensioners raising grandchildren of old people.

When the mother does not work, and the father does not receive a salary for a long time, child allowances are irregular and insufficient, the problem of finding a new job arises. Often this is aggravated by ignorance of the laws and information about the benefits that are due to large families. Survival is possible by increasing one's own income (personal initiative, secondary earnings, teenagers' work). In almost 50% of such families, the work of teenagers brings income to the family. The problem of employment of a young specialist, low wages, especially in the public sector, dissatisfaction with secondary earnings pushes young specialists to look for work in another city and even go abroad. Work associated with a long absence from home does not contribute to strengthening the family, creating an atmosphere of love, mutual understanding, and goodwill in it. A father in a family with a sick child is the only breadwinner. Having a specialty, education, because of the need for more money, he becomes a worker, looking for secondary earnings and practically does not have time to take care of a child. Therefore, the care of the child lies with the mother. As a rule, she loses her job or is forced to work at night (usually this is home work). Caring for a child takes all her time, her social circle is sharply narrowed.

It can occur in all single-parent families, especially when it is impossible to exchange living space. Divorced parents are forced to live together, which is a cause for conflict.

A single mother with a child is forced to live with her parents due to housing insecurity. The opportunity to improve your housing is minimal.

Housing conditions do not meet the standards and cannot be improved by public housing. In addition, the scale of housing construction is declining, the purchase of housing at their own expense is not enough for most families. The payment for housing and communal services is increasing. Only a small number of young families have a separate apartment. Only 13-14% of young people are separated from their parents before marriage. In most cases, the most preferred option is living with parents. This improves the financial situation of the family, helps the upbringing of children, parents have time for secondary earnings, study, and leisure. Housing problems with the appearance of a child with disabilities increase. Housing is usually not suitable for a disabled child, every third family has about 6 m of usable space per family member, rarely a separate room or a special facility for a child.
Psychological and pedagogical

The problem of combining roles, when, due to circumstances, a single parent must perform the functions of another parent. In paternal incomplete families, the way of life suffers. Lack of experience of family life, especially for single mothers, normal family relationships with the opposite sex.

After a divorce, the relationship between parents may remain normal or be in a state of confrontation. More often, the mother prevents the children from communicating with the father, his participation in the upbringing of children, the father is not interested in children at all and only helps financially.

Children are in an equal position: there is no lack of communication, the elders take care of the younger ones, positive moral qualities: sensitivity, humanity, respect for elders. But due to the heavy workload of parents, there is little time left for raising children, and yet in such families it is possible to determine the internal hierarchy of relationships. Problems of distribution of duties are built on the basis of gender and age. The head of the family is the father; household chores - on the mother, the keeper of the hearth, the organizer of household chores. Lack of time, lack of knowledge on raising children create a certain problem in such families. Lack of education leads to the fact that children grow up with low self-esteem: anxiety, self-doubt, inadequate idea of ​​their own personality; older children seek leadership. A small opportunity to satisfy one's needs develops a feeling of envy, a demand for the impossible. The majority of children in large families leads to a decrease in the social age of older children. They mature early and are less closely bonded to their parents. As a rule, in such families there is no respect for the personality of each child, there is no personal corner, their own small territory with respect for boundaries, personal favorite toys, that is, the autonomy of each, and often leads to protracted long-term conflicts between children. Conflicts often arise because of the poor performance of children at school, hence the frequent absences from classes; teenagers usually get involved early in household chores and often drop out of school. Such families have a difficult psychological climate: an underestimated level of mutual understanding with parents and, at the same time, an increased need for parental support. Children are more neglected. The negative attitude of peers is felt by children from large families - difficulties in communicating with other children, a mismatch of interests. Families with many children prefer to create their own social circle. Little time is devoted to organizing joint leisure activities. Joint relationships, psychological compatibility, the spouses getting used to a changed lifestyle, manifestations of each other's character. Interpersonal relationships in the family are especially important for the development of the child. In the process of communication, he acquires the skills of speech, thinking, objective actions, masters social experience. The development of the child is directly dependent on the moral individual characteristics of family members. Children are guided by the behavior of their parents, as a prototype of their own actions. Therefore, the behavior, way of thinking and actions of adults is very important. Family relations are weakening, constant anxiety for a sick child, a feeling of confusion, depression are the cause of family breakdown, and only in a small percentage of cases the family unites. If treatment and rehabilitation are unpromising, then constant anxiety, psycho-emotional stress can lead the mother to irritation, a state of depression. Having a child with a disability negatively affects other children in the family. They receive less attention, less opportunities for cultural leisure, they study worse, get sick more often due to oversight of their parents. Psychological tension in such families is maintained by the psychological oppression of children due to negative attitude those around the family; they rarely interact with children from other families. Often such a family experiences a negative attitude from others, especially neighbors. Children practically do not have the possibility of full-fledged social contacts, a sufficient circle of communication, especially with healthy peers. Parents do not take children with disabilities to the theater, cinema, entertainment events, thereby dooming them from birth to complete isolation from society.
Medical Unsettled women often have extramarital pregnancies, 2 times more likely to end in the birth of premature babies or babies with low body weight. Every second child is born with a developmental anomaly, with an intracranial injury. In most cases, the spread of bad habits among single mothers (smoking and alcohol). noted low level sanitary culture large family. The health of all family members suffers, the spread of chronic pathology takes place. Fathers get sick 2 times more often than in other families. The mother's reproductive health suffers, poor knowledge of contraception, poor social orientation in sexual life, non-compliance with intergenetic intervals between pregnancies are typical. There is an unsatisfactory sexual education of children, a relatively early sexual life of adolescents. It is possible to trace the direct dependence of the health of children on the health of parents. There is a low rate of systematic monitoring of children, late referral in case of illness, self-treatment, poor clinical examination and “coverage” by other specialists, and insufficient sanatorium-and-spa treatment. Adolescents are below average in health. The unpreparedness of young families for marriage, insufficient sex education is manifested by the unformed culture of intimate relationships, the unconscious attitude of young people to reproductive behavior. Most disorders in the reproductive system begin to accumulate with childhood. Potential opportunities for a future mother and father are laid in childhood. There is an increase in oncological diseases and a high level of advanced stages. There is an increase in gynecological diseases, and the health of pregnant women is not improving. Maternal mortality is 2.5 times higher than the average European level. The total number of abortions remains high, although there is a steady downward trend in the number of registered abortions. Medical and social rehabilitation should be early, staged, long-term, comprehensive, include medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal and other programs, taking into account individual approach to every child. There is no reliable special registration of children with disabilities either in state bodies social security nor in a disabled society. There is no coordination in the activities of various organizations related to the medical and social security of such families. Insufficient information work to promote the goals, objectives, benefits, legislation relating to medical and social rehabilitation. All social work is focused on the child and does not take into account the characteristics of families, and the participation of the family in medical and social work is decisive along with specialized treatment. At a low level is the examination of children by narrow specialists, massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, a nutritionist does not solve nutrition issues in severe forms of diabetes, kidney diseases. Family planning issues are being considered.

1. Solemnly present at the parent meeting a certificate of honor for services on the Day of the Preschool Worker or for high performance at the end of the year.

2. Make a beautiful birthday greeting for the teacher in the hall.

3. Organize a letter of thanks from the parents of graduates.

4. Decorate the hall with photographs of the best kindergarten teachers with brief description their personal achievements.


Pedagogical culture of parents

1. Parents are able to take into account the age characteristics of children (find the right tone in relations with children depending on age and their individual differences)

2. Parents are able to identify and appreciate the positive character traits of their children

3. Know the shortcomings in the character and habits of their children, skillfully organize education

4. Parents are engaged in teacher education and self-education

5. Parents regularly attend parent meetings, consultations, a school for parents in kindergarten

6. Parents are interested in the positive experience of upbringing in other families, try to apply it to their family

7. Parents apply uniform requirements to children

8. Available family traditions, joint holidays and recreation

9. Parents encourage children (for what and how)



Brief description of the educational opportunities of each family member.

1. Interests and inclinations of family members _______________________

2. Favorite activities: father ______________________________________

mother ___________________________________________________________

3. Attitude towards work: father __________________________________________

mothers _______________________________________________

4. How do families relax

5. Family holidays and traditions

6. Do older brothers and sisters help in raising kids

7. Attitude in the family towards grandparents




So you have crossed the threshold of our kindergarten. Welcome! We hope that our acquaintance will turn into true friendship, and your baby will be comfortable and interesting with us. It is very important for us to know your mood, feelings and expectations from your child's stay in kindergarten. Please answer the following questions:

1. What attracts you the most in our kindergarten (tick as appropriate)

Proximity to home

good condition of the territory and material and technical equipment of the groups;

the presence of a creative, professional teaching staff;

Good reviews from other parents

· interesting programs of education and development of the child;

availability of additional services;

good food;

a high level of preparation for school;

· What are your answers?

2. What, in your opinion, is the most important for the successful adaptation of a child in kindergarten

good attitude of educators to the child;

a large number of toys in the group;

the good health of the child;

Compliance with the daily routine in kindergarten and at home;

a unified approach to the issues of adaptation of the child by parents and educators;

· What is your answer?

3. What do you think is important for a caregiver to know about your child?

4. What do you think the child should learn this year?

5. What would you like to learn from educators as parents?

7. Do you often draw, play, read at home with your child?

8. What kind of advice on the upbringing and development of the child would you like to receive

9. In which kindergarten activities are you most willing to participate

Parent meetings

· consultations of experts;

Questioning on various issues;

participation in competitions;

participation in the preparation of children's holidays and entertainment;

participation in sports competitions;

viewing open classes with kids;

· What is your answer?

Thank you for your cooperation!




Dear parents!

In our kindergarten, work is organized to provide additional paid educational services. The work of circles and studios will be carried out in the afternoon. To determine your requests, interests and wishes, please answer the following questions:

1. How old is your child?

2. Do you consider it necessary to comprehensively develop the child's abilities at preschool age?

3. What attracts you to the additional activities of the child in kindergarten?

4. What additional direction of development would you choose for your child (check the one you need):

physical education and sports;

Cultural studies (teaching foreign languages);

artistic and aesthetic;

intellectual (learning to read and write, logic, etc.);


Corrective (correction of shortcomings in speech, attention, memory, etc.)?

5. What services are you willing to pay extra for (tick as appropriate):

Children's fitness

· dance Sport;

- classes in sports sections;

learning to play a musical instrument;

development of the child's vocal abilities;

Classes in the children's theater studio;

teaching literacy, mathematical logic;

· Learning foreign languages;

· choreography;

Classes in the "creative workshop" (sculpture, creative work in non-traditional ways);

individual correction of deficiencies in speech and mental development;

Weekend groups

· What are your answers?

6. How often do you think extra classes should be held?

7. What is the most convenient working time of the circles for you?

8. What payment for additional services do you consider acceptable?

Thank you for your cooperation!




Dear mothers, fathers, grandparents!

The school year has ended. It's time to take stock and make plans for the future It is very important for us to know your opinion about the work of the kindergarten team with the family in the past year.

1. Are you satisfied with the work of the kindergarten in general?

2. Do the group teachers treat your child well?

3. How does your child attend kindergarten (tick as appropriate):

· with pleasure;

visits, but not very willingly;

Doesn't like going to kindergarten

often sick, so little visits to kindergarten.

4. Did you receive detailed information about your child's life in kindergarten?

5. What activities do you remember most in kindergarten?

6. What reasons did not allow you to attend all the events?

7. What topics of interest to you have remained untouched by kindergarten teachers this year?

8. What forms of work with the family seemed most interesting to you (check as appropriate):

Parent meetings

· consultations of experts;


open classes;

· competitions;

· Exhibitions;

Visual information

· public events;

other ____________________________?

9. What would you wish the kindergarten staff to improve their work in the future?

Thank you for your answers and we look forward to working with you in the new academic year!



On the community work day for the improvement of the territory of the kindergarten:

Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers!

We invite you to Saturday:

Every worker is dear to us!

We purchased the inventory

Everyone around was notified.

There are shovels, rakes, paint -

Let's make a fairy tale out of the garden!

If we all take it together,

We'll get there very quickly.

· On autumn holiday:

We invite everyone to the ball

In a fancy music room.

There will be jokes, there will be laughter

Autumn waltz, poems, success,

For you dear kids

They sing and dance from the heart.

For New Year's Eve:

It smelled like a Christmas tree in our house,

The lights burn beautifully in the lobby.

And the strike of the clock called the guests

For the New Year's carnival.

Songs, dances, masks are ready,

The heroes of the winter fairy tale will come.

We promise you miracles

And Happy New Year!

On a forest clearing

Snowdrops bloomed.

The holiday is coming

Beauty and tenderness.

See Appendix 3

See Annex 5

See Appendix 6

See Appendix 7

See Appendix 8

The family is truly a high creation.
She is a reliable barrier and a mooring.
She gives birth and calling.
It is the foundation of everything for us.
(E.A. Mukhacheva)

The problem of interaction between the kindergarten and the family has always been relevant and difficult. Relevant, because the participation of parents (legal representatives, hereinafter - parents) in the life of their children helps them see a lot, but difficult, because all parents are different, they, like children, need a special approach.

Organization of interaction with the family is a job that does not have ready-made technologies and recipes. Its success is determined by the intuition, initiative and patience of the teacher, his ability to become a professional assistant in the family.


The performance criteria are:

  • high attendance by parents of all planned meetings,

  • use by parents of the proposed materials in working with children,

  • positive assessment of the family and feedback on further cooperation with the preschool.
The result of the activities of the TLZR are:

  • creative works jointly performed by children and parents (graphic, speech, theatrical);

  • creation of "books" on certain topics.
- awareness by parents of the need to interact at a new level of communication with the child through various types of children's activities;

  • qualitative changes in the design of the educational space of the group:
- building a trusting partnership between the child and the parent;

Active position of parents in the life of the group, kindergarten;

Increasing the importance of the role of the teacher in organizing the life of children, increasing his authority in relationships with parents.

Works well with parents organization project activities in kindergarten. As a rule, any project, both small, at the preschool level, and large-scale, includes a block of work with the family. This includes the creation of propaganda posters, exhibitions, writing mini-essays, competitions, excursions, parent-teacher meetings and clubs, stand design and much more. With such an integrated approach, parents become the most active assistants and faithful companions of teachers in any business.

As a result of the work done, the use of various forms and methods of communication with parents, the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents has increased; the culture of interpersonal interaction of children in the group has increased.


Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into Big world. Only in the harmonious interaction of the kindergarten and the family can one compensate and soften each other. For us, this will be possible only through the unification of forces and cooperation. We are convinced that “together it is fun to walk across the expanses”, which we go with children, is very cool. Gradually, misunderstanding and distrust of parents will disappear.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the family and preschool- two important social institutions of the socialization of the child. And although their educational functions are different, positive results are achieved only with a skillful combination of different forms of cooperation, with the active inclusion in this work of all members of the preschool team and family members of the pupils. The main thing in the work is to gain trust and authority, to convince parents of the importance and necessity of coordinated actions of the family and the preschool institution. Without parental participation, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the introduction of new non-traditional forms of cooperation aimed at organizing individual work with the family, a differentiated approach to families of different types.


Interaction between kindergarten and family


Relevance of the problem

The changes taking place in the state and education impose new requirements on the nature and quality of relations between the family and the educational institution. The attitude of the state to the family has changed, the family itself has become different. Today the family is in crisis. A significant part of family and moral traditions has been lost, the attitude of parents towards children has changed, and the psychological microsociety of the family has been destroyed. In the changed economic conditions, parents, for the most part, are looking for sources of livelihood, and are not engaged in raising children. The number of incomplete, dysfunctional families is growing. In the law "On education in Russian Federation”Article No. 44 states: “Parents have a preferential right to educate and educate children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child" (1)

Recognition of the priority of family education changes the position of the preschool institution in working with the family. Kindergarten teachers not only educate children, but also advise parents on education.

Changing the psychological and pedagogical approach in education to the problem of the family in matters of development and upbringing of children, the social order of society requires: updating the content, organizational forms of parent education, introducing non-traditional methods of work into practice, creating various special assistance services (pedagogical, psychological), forming a single an educational space that can help the development of the child and his family.

The relevance of updating the content of cooperation with the family is due to the need to intensify and integrate the work of all preschool education specialists in solving the problem of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in accordance with the “Law on Education in the Russian Federation”, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The relevance of the problem of interaction between school and family is beyond doubt. The child comes to school from the family and returns to his family. The family for a child is the primary social microenvironment. Its enormous influence on the development of the child is undeniable. Both mother and father are necessary for its normal development. Their significance for a child is not determined by a material contribution; for his mental health, first of all, emotional and personal contact with parents is important. A man and a woman, being opposites and influencing the child in a peculiar way, form that “golden mean”, which is called emotional balance, and which determines the successful development of the child.

However, not all families fully realize the full range of opportunities to influence their children. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise children, others do not know how, others do not understand why this is necessary. This is aggravated by the fact that young families tend to live separately from their elders, many parents have no experience of communicating with younger brothers and sisters, and the experience of family upbringing traditions has been lost. All this leads to the problems of raising a child in a family.

The problems of raising children also exist in the families of pupils of our kindergarten. The study of families made it possible to identify the problems of family education:

reducing the duration and formalization of communication between the mother and father with the child;

Insufficient practical interaction between adults and children;

Inability to understand the motives of the child's behavior, ignoring his spiritual needs;

Ignorance of the content and methods of educating preschool children.

Therefore, at present, the task of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents in the implementation of their upbringing of children is important. Pedagogical education of parents is needed, which will help them to improve the level of pedagogical knowledge. To do this, it is necessary to review the organization of work with parents in kindergarten, to establish new relationships based on cooperation and interaction.

An analysis of the situation shows that the consulting psychological and pedagogical network in the village is developing slowly. Few parents cannot get advice in specialized centers. Closest to the child, to the problems of his upbringing are the teachers of the preschool institution, who are interested in creating favorable conditions for the development of the baby, overcoming the mistakes of family education and improving the pedagogical culture of parents. Optimization of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family becomes an objective necessity. At consultations, practical classes, trainings, joint events with teachers and children, parents will be able to increase the level of pedagogical knowledge;

Overcome the difficulties of family education;

Learn to interact with the child, respect his personality, interests and needs.

1. Interaction between kindergarten and family in modern conditions

.1 New philosophy of interaction between kindergarten and family

school family teacher parent

In the "Concept of preschool education" (2), which marked the beginning of the reform of preschool education, it was noted that the kindergarten and the family, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. For a full-fledged, meaningful course of the period of preschool childhood, it is necessary to unite the efforts of parents and educators.

At the heart of the new philosophy of interaction between the family and preschool educational institutionslies the idea that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all other social institutions are called upon to help, guide, and supplement their educational activities. The novelty of the relationship between the preschool institution and the family is determined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction".

Interactionis a way of organizing joint activities through communication. This is communication “on an equal footing”, where no one has the privilege to indicate, control.

Cooperationteachers and parents assumes the equality of the partners' positions, the respectful attitude of the interacting parties to each other, the consideration of the individual capabilities and abilities of each.

Cooperation implies not only mutual actions, but also mutual understanding. These characteristics are closely interrelated and interdependent. The better the partners know and understand each other, the more opportunities they have to form positive personal and business relationships, to come to an agreement, to agree on joint actions. The joint work of teachers and parents allows them to get to know each other better, enhances their mutual influence.

The initiator of establishing cooperation should be kindergarten teachers, as they are professionally prepared for educational work, which means they understand that its success depends on consistency and continuity in the upbringing of children. The teacher is aware of what cooperation is in the interests of the child, and that it is necessary to convince parents of this.

The most important way to implement cooperation between teachers and parents is to organize joint activities in which parents are active participants in the process, i.e. going on the inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution.The inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution involves their participation in:

Organization of the educational process;

organization of the developing environment;

Involving parents in the assessment and control of the activities of the preschool educational institution;

Provision of additional services;

Development of planning: general preschool plans, independent activities of children, joint activities of children and adults.

To accomplish this task, you need:

Gradual inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution;

Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents;

Raising parents as real customers of educational services, i.e. their understanding of the purpose of the goals, functions of the preschool institution;

Systematic participation of parents in the activities of a preschool institution;

Creation of conditions for the transition of parents from the role of passive observers to active participation in cooperation with preschool educational institutions.

The effectiveness of cooperationteachers and parents due to:

Positive attitude of interacting parties to work together;

Awareness of the goals of the work, personal interest;

Joint planning, organization and control over the life of children;

The position of the administration, contributing to the self-realization and self-expression of teachers and parents.

The transition to new forms of relations between parents, teachers and children is impossible within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it should become open system.Research by T.A. Kulikova allow us to conclude that the “openness of a children's institution” implies “openness inward” and “openness outward” (3).

Implement "openness inward”- this means making the educational process more flexible, differentiated, humanizing relations between children, teachers, parents. To do this, it is necessary to involve parents in the educational process of the kindergarten, to create such conditions that all participants in the process have a personal readiness to discover themselves in any activity. "The openness of the kindergarten to the outside" means readiness to cooperate with the surrounding society: a library, a school.

To create an optimal relationship between teachers and parents, it is necessary that both parties trust each other. The relationship between teachers and parents should be based on psychology of trust.The success of cooperation largely depends on the mutual attitudes of the family and the kindergarten (V.K. Kotyrlo, S.A. - appreciated his personal qualities (attention, kindness, caring, sensitivity). The educator wins such trust by indifferent attitude towards the child, the ability to cultivate positive personal qualities in him, generosity, mercy. No less important is the culture of communication, tact and mutual understanding.

The leading role in establishing relationships based on trust to each other belongs to the teacher. Mutual understanding and mutual trust are possible if the teacher excludes edification in working with parents, does not teach, but advises, reflects with them, and agrees on joint actions for the upbringing and development of children. The atmosphere of interaction between the teacher and parents should indicate that the teacher needs parents, to join efforts with them, that parents are his allies, and he cannot do without their advice and help.

The interaction of teachers and parents in modern conditions involves line of influence on the family through the child,where the child becomes the leading subject of attention, and the relationships between adults become emotionally smooth, constructive. This model of cooperation involves the interaction of a children's institution and the family as a process of interpersonal communication, the result of which is the formation of conscious attitude to their own views and attitudes in the upbringing of the child.

New model interaction between parents, children and teachers helps to:

Ensure the participation of parents in the educational process;

Activate the educational opportunities of parents;

Contribute to the personal enrichment of all participants in the interaction through the activity of its transformation and change.

Impact on the family through the child involves a multi-level system of cooperationwith the families of pupils, which will depend on the social status, education, interests and requests of the parents.

Level I involves: - assistance to parents in planning the developmental impact on the child, in the implementation of an individual approach to children;

Level II - parents supplement the child's development program in kindergarten through various forms of joint communication between parents and children;

Level III - parents, together with teachers, conduct classes, organize creative activities with children aimed at developing the individual capabilities of children.

All three levels of interaction allow, depending on the needs of parents, to take part in the life of the kindergarten, make changes in the educational process and be its active participants. A differentiated approach to organizing work with parents is a necessary link in the system of measures aimed at improving their pedagogical knowledge and skills.

Thus, advantages of a new philosophy of interaction between teachers and parentsundeniable and numerous:

Positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together to raise children. Parents are sure that the preschool educational institution will help them in solving pedagogical problems, taking into account the opinion of the family. Teachers enlist the understanding of parents in solving the problems of upbringing and development of children;

Accounting for the individual characteristics of the child. Maintaining contact with the child's family, the teacher knows his characteristics, habits and takes them into account when working, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of the pedagogical process;

The possibility of taking into account the type of family and the style of family relations, which is unrealistic when using the traditional form of work;

Strengthening intra-family ties;

Parents can already at preschool age choose and form the direction in the development and upbringing of the child that they consider necessary, i.e. take responsibility for the upbringing of the child.

The implementation of a new philosophy of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family helps to avoid the shortcomings that are inherent in the old forms of working with the family.

1.2 Approaches and main directions of organizing interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family

The organization by the administration of the preschool educational institution of work with teachers to implement a new philosophy of working with parents involves:

Clear goal setting. Teachers must be aware of the purpose of the interaction and adhere to it in the course of work. Violation of this provision leads to a result opposite to that expected;

Each employee of the preschool educational institution must clearly understand what personal benefit he will receive from this work, including the financial aspect. The greatest psychological effect is achieved from the benefits that everyone will have by changing their attitude towards working with parents;

When planning work, it is imperative to take into account the state, inter-district level, early investments, which imply an effect in a few years.

Trusting relationships between teachers and parents cannot be imposed, they appear as a natural desire of both parties. You can achieve understanding in relationships with parents if you systematically study the requests of parents, their requirements for the work of the preschool educational institution, invite parents to the preschool institution during entertainment and sports events, arrange presentations of the preschool educational institution in society, provide parents with written information about the work of the kindergarten.

Based on the research of Lashley Janney(5), one can distinguish actions of teachers to establish contacts with parents:

1. First contacts between the preschool educational institution and the family:

Visiting the teacher of the family at home;

inviting parents to visit preschool;

Providing parents with written information about the children's institution;

Meeting with parents to clarify the conditions for the child to attend kindergarten.

2. Further relationship between parents and teachers is realized in the process:

Daily contacts when parents bring or pick up children;

Informal conversations about children or scheduled meetings with parents to discuss progress;

Familiarization of parents with written material about their children;

Visits to the parents of the kindergarten in order to get acquainted with the work of the preschool educational institution and the opportunity to see how their child is doing.

3. Help from the parents of the preschool educational institution:

As organizers and sponsors;

in organizing joint excursions, walks, leisure activities;

4. Participation of parents in the daily visit of children to preschool:

Parents stay so that the child gets used to preschool;

parents take part in games, activities of children.

5. Parents' contribution to their child's education:

Working with your child in kindergarten (so that the teacher can teach parents how to help their child);

Continuation of the teaching work at home by teachers.

6. Participation of parents in social activities:

Work in the parent committee of the kindergarten, other public organizations of parents.

7. Organization of social events for parents:

Attendance of courses on the problems of education;

The work of the club for parents;

Invitation of lecturers on issues of interest;

8. Help for parents:

Assistance in the upbringing and development of the child;

accumulation of information on family education and practical advice;

Assistance in dealing with crisis situations.

The achievement of optimal results in the upbringing and development of children in the joint activities of teachers and parents will be facilitated by conditions:

Unity of tasks and content educational work in kindergarten and at home;

Ensuring an individual, differentiated approach to working with the families of pupils based on an analysis of family education and the contingent of parents;

Planning by teachers of different forms of education with parents, other family members, the relationship of different forms;

Continuity in the content and technologies of pedagogical education of parents of children of different ages, in the formation of practical skills in parents;

The presence in the preschool educational institution of legal documents on working with the family;

Selection of materials in the methodological office of the preschool educational institution to help teachers;

Participation of all specialists in promoting the goals, objectives, content and methods of education and development of preschool children.

In order to pedagogically competently build work with parents within the framework of the new philosophy, it is necessary to observe principles:

- openness of the kindergarten for the family(each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);

- cooperation between teachers and parents in the upbringing of children.Establishing partnerships of all participants educational process;

- scientific- underlies all developments on the problems of preschool childhood, which makes it possible to carry out the pedagogical process on a scientific basis, using new educational technologies.

- continuity and integrity -the ability to work with the family, carrying out a single line of interaction at all stages of preschool age;

- variability- various forms of interaction between the children's institution and the family, flexible response to the requests of parents;

- planning -the gradualness of the pedagogical impact on parents, which is manifested in the content, means, methods, techniques that meet the characteristics of families;

- humanity -relations between teachers and parents are built on trust, mutual respect, cooperation, goodwill;

- diagnosticsgeneral and particular problems in the upbringing and development of the child;

- creation of an active developing environment,providing unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's institution.

The implementation of a new model of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family forms in parents the skills of conscious inclusion in a single, joint process with teachers of the upbringing and education of the child, in teachers the stereotype of distancing parents from the education system is overcome. The cooperation of teachers and parents contributes to the provision of comprehensive assistance to kindergarten students and their families, helps in organizing a full life for children at each age stage, creates favorable opportunities for the development of children, and all kindergarten specialists are given the opportunity for their professional growth. Interaction contributes to the solution of urgent educational problems of all participants in the pedagogical process: children, parents, teachers.

2. Managing the process of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family

.1 Problem analysis of the activities of MBDOU "Bolsheessonovsky kindergarten" with parents

MBDOU "Bolsheessonovsky kindergarten" is a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities for cognitive development children. Has a state license to carry out educational work with children of preschool age.

There are 12 groups in the preschool educational institution, which are attended by children from 3 to 7 years old, in total - 265 people, which is 61% of the child population of the village.

Educational and correctional work with children is carried out by 25 teachers: 19 educators, 2 speech therapists, 2 music directors, a physical education instructor, a teacher-psychologist. All teachers have special education (18% of them have higher education). 76% of teachers have qualification categories.

The analysis of work with the family showed that the kindergarten team is looking for new forms of interaction with parents. Work with families of pupils is planned both for the children's institution as a whole and for each age group. Teachers use different forms of work: meetings, consultations, conversations, open days.

Pedagogical knowledge is promoted through a system of visual agitation. The groups are decorated with "Corners for Parents", where advisory materials are placed on all sections of the program. In special folders there are collections of methodological recommendations for parents compiled by educators and kindergarten specialists.

On the issue of preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children, a nurse and a physical education instructor issue sanitary bulletins. The lobby has a "Health Corner" where parents can get the information they are interested in.

Purposefully organized work with parents of children of preparatory groups for school. Individual conversations of a psychologist with each of the parents, meetings with primary school teachers, and thematic exhibitions “How to prepare a child for school” are being prepared. The most active parents at the holiday "Goodbye, kindergarten!" letters of thanks from the administration of the kindergarten.

Kindergarten has experience of non-traditional forms of work with parents. There is a club for parents "My family".

But at the same time, the problem of proper interaction between the kindergarten and the family exists. Activity and initiative belongs mainly to educators. Quite often, the interaction of teachers with the family is instructive and instructive. Teachers and parents communicate most often in the absence of children (at meetings, consultations, etc.).

A problematic analysis of the work of the teaching staff with parents helped to identify shortcomings in the work:

When choosing forms of work, the possibilities and living conditions of specific families, the cultural and educational level of parents are not always taken into account;

Traditional forms of work with parents prevail.

Questioning of teachers shows that the main reasons for these shortcomings can be considered:

Insufficient knowledge of the specifics of family education;

Inability to analyze the level of pedagogical culture of parents and the peculiarities of raising children in the family;

Insufficient level of development of communicative skills of teachers;

The lack of upbringing experience and the age barrier are among young teachers.

Therefore, teaching constructive ways of communication of all participants in pedagogical interaction, raising the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents becomes an objective necessity.

Problem analysis of the study of familiesconducted on the following issues:

Sociological study of families;

Satisfaction of parents with the work of the kindergarten;

Problems of parents in the upbringing and education of children;

parents' priorities in the field of pedagogical literacy;

relationships between parents and teachers.

210 people or 79% of the total number of parents took part in the survey of parents.

The study of parents' questionnaires made it possible to obtain the following results: SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF FAMILIES: Parents' education: higher - 24%, secondary special - 59%, secondary - 17% Marital status: complete family -77%, single-parent family - 23% Social status: employees - 24 %, workers - 24% intelligentsia - 26%, entrepreneurs - 15%, unemployed - 11% Number of children in the family: 1 child - 21%, 2 children - 68%, large families - 11%

SATISFACTION WITH THE WORK OF THE KINDERGARTEN was expressed by 68% of parents; 27%) of parents are partially satisfied with the work of teachers; 5% of parents are not satisfied with the work of the kindergarten. Parents note that they receive information from the educator (60%), visual information (23%), at meetings (17%).

Parents offer to improve the quality of educational work with children. 78% of parents would like to know more about their child. 79% of parents would like to receive additional educational services, and 42% of parents would like their children to attend several circles at once.


Communication between parents and children;

Education and upbringing of children in the home environment;

creating an environment for the development of the child at home;

As the main PRIORITIES of PEDAGOGICAL LITERACY, parents put forward:

Mastering the methods of communication with children of preschool age;

mastering forms, techniques, methods in the upbringing and education of children;

cooperation with kindergarten teachers.

RELATIONSHIPS OF PARENTS WITH THE STAFF OF THE KINDERGARTEN are satisfied with the majority of parents (83%). The need for cooperation with teachers in raising their children is recognized by 59% of parents.

THE DEGREE OF PARENTS' INVOLVEMENT IN THE ACTIVITIES OF THE KINDERGARTEN: - active participants - 15%, - observers - 65%, - customers - 20%.

Thus, the contingent of kindergarten parents is not homogeneous in composition, priorities in raising children. Not all parents realize the importance of cooperation with kindergarten teachers. Changing this position of parents should be the task of the administration and kindergarten teachers. Success is possible only when parents become active participants in the educational process and a child-adult community is formed. The task of the teaching staff is not just to attract parents to their side, but to develop a joint strategy for raising a child.

2.2 The purpose and objectives of cooperation between teachers and families

Target:Psychological and pedagogical education of parents Tasks:1. Create conditions to meet the real needs of the family in the upbringing of children, provide the necessary services to those in need;

2. Raise the level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents;

3. To involve parents in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work with the family;

4. Increase the professionalism of teachers on the issue of interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

.3 Stages of development of cooperation between kindergarten and family

stage. Target:creation of conditions for effective interaction between the kindergarten and the family.


The study by teachers of the theoretical base on the problem: similar work experience, scientific and methodological literature, modern developments;

Analysis of work with parents to identify the level of work of teachers;

Studying the needs of parents in improving pedagogical literacy, the level of their inclusion in the activities of a preschool institution;

Identification of problems of teachers in interaction with parents;

Analysis of the methodological support of work with parents in a preschool institution;

Conclusion of agreements with other social institutions for the successful implementation of cooperation.

Planned results:

Creation of an information bank of legal documentation, didactic and methodological support for work with parents;

To increase the level of knowledge of teachers on the problem;

Development of long-term plans for work with parents and children. Definition of the main methods and forms of work;

Creation of a database of families of pupils, including the needs of parents to improve pedagogical literacy, experience in family education, the level of involvement of parents in the activities of the kindergarten. II stage. Target:pedagogical education of parents, provision of services to those in need. Inclusion of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions.


Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents through the organization of information, educational events, training sessions;

Organization of joint cultural events for children, parents, teachers;

Organization of work with teachers to improve communication skills;

Identification based on the analysis of diagnostics of positive aspects of work and shortcomings.

Preparation of a package of documents for organizing cooperation with parents of "unorganized" children. Planned results:- Acquisition by parents of knowledge and skills on the upbringing and development of children;

Reducing the level of pedagogical neglect in the upbringing of children;

Increasing the level of constructive communication skills of teachers and parents:

Approbation of new forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family: groups of short-term stay of children and an adaptation group of children early age.

III stage. Target:to continue work on the pedagogical education of parents, the development of various forms of interaction between the kindergarten and the family.


Analysis and correction of cooperation between the children's institution and the family;

Organization of collective creative affairs, work of creative workshops for parents and children;

Identification of positive experience of cooperation and the reasons for unsuccessful experience.

Planned results:

Changing the style of relationships in the families of pupils;

Achieving common value orientations among teachers and parents;

Creation of a “Pedagogical piggy bank” for working with parents.

IV stage. Target:analysis of the implementation of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.


Summarize your family experience.

Identify the causes of unsuccessful experience, outline corrective work.

Planned results:

Selection the best materials for publication in the regional newspaper "Svetly Put", "Pedagogical Bulletin" of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Bolshesonovsky Municipal District.

I stage. Goal: creating conditions for effective interaction between kindergarten and family

No. p / p Tasks Content of activities Performers Deadline Exit 1. Advertising the image of the preschool educational institution Popularization of the activities of the preschool educational institution in the media - the newspaper "Svetlyi put"Head, deputy. head, specialistsDuring the yearArticles in the regional newspaperIssue of advertising booklets, leaflets about the activities of the preschool educational institution head, deputy. head, specialists Throughout the year Distribution at meetings with parents Open days: “Invites kindergarten” Head, deputy. head, teachers 1 time per quarter Summary of events, questionnaires for parents. Participation of employees and children in the events of the surrounding society Head, deputy. head, teachers, children Throughout the yearHolidays, concertsIntroduction of parents to the programs under which the kindergarten worksDeputy. head, educators During the year Consultations 2. Form a data bank on the families of the pupils Research of the families of the pupils to identify: - family type; - educational social and financial situation Deputy head, group educators, parents I quarter, annually Long-term planning, discussion of results 3. To study the needs of parents in improving pedagogical literacy Questioning and surveys of parents to identify: - the level of parental claims to preschool education for children; - needs of parents in educational services; - the degree of involvement of parents in the activities of the kindergarten; - a set of needs to improve the pedagogical literacy of parents. head, group educators, parents I quarter, annually Long-term planning, discussion of results 4. To study the level of satisfaction of parents with the work of the kindergarten - Questioning of parents; - Analysis of the forms of work that teachers use in groups. - Reasons for dissatisfaction with work with parents. - Relations between teachers and parentsDeputy head, Specialists, educators 2 times a year Questionnaires for parents 5. Organize the work of the library - Organization of thematic exhibitions of new literature. - Issuance of books at home for parents and children. Head During the year Exhibitions, library work in kindergarten 6. "Kindergarten mailbox" - Identification of parents' problems, their solutions; - Identification of information about the work of the kindergartenHead, deputy. head, specialistsDuring the yearSuggestions, comments of parents

Stage II Purpose: pedagogical education of parents, provision of services to those in need. Inclusion of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution

No. p / p Tasks Content of activities Performers Deadline Exit 1. Raise the level of legal knowledge of parents Selection of legal documents on the problem of protecting children's rights Deputy. head, specialistsI quarterInformation standDesign of the information stand "Dedicated to the Rights of the Child"specialists1 time per quarter meetings, meetings Creation of a data bank on the nature of the treatment of children in the family Educators, psychologist During the year Questionnaires of parents, teachers Development of leaflets for parents on the realization of the rights of children in the family head, psychologist, educators During the year Parents' participation in the "Day of Good Deeds". Inform. stand Designing an information stand in each group Educators During the year information for parents on the problem Organize the work of the "Legal Academy for Parents" Head, lawyer Once a quarter workshop, discussions, round table 2. Organize pedagogical education for parents “I want to know everything.” head, educators 1 time in 2 months practical classes, round tables, living room debates, etc. The work of the club "Mom's School" for young families Head, deputy. head, educators 2 times a month Abstracts, video film, joint events Open days "Invite a kindergarten" (on the subject of the annual plan) Head, deputy. head, educators 1 time per quarter Abstracts, video film, joint events Information stand regulating the activities of the kindergarten (documents) Head, deputy. head, educatorsI quarterDocumentation on the activities of the kindergartenInformation stands in groups of educatorsIn tech. yearsLeaflets for parentsDesign of folders-moversEducators. Specialists Throughout the yearRecommendations to parentsMeetings in groupsEducators1 time per quarter AbstractsConsultations of educators, specialists in education and trainingEducators, specialistsDuring the year Protocol-report, abstracts, exhibitionsIndividual interview with parents to identify their problems in education and upbringing, study motives and needsDeputy. head, specialists During the year Questionnaires, work planning “Kindergarten mailbox” (identification of problems, questions, their solution) Head, deputy. head Constantly throughout the year Suggestions, comments from parents, work planning 3. Involve parents in the activities of the kindergarten Participation in creating a developing environment in groups and at the site of the kindergarten head, educatorsConstantly in tech. of the year Visual forms Conducting traditional holidays with the participation of parents: - "Knowledge Day"; - "Hello, very much!"; - "Visiting the Christmas tree"; - "March 8"; - Graduation balm. head of music leadership educatorsAccording to the scheduleVideo scriptsHomework for the joint performance of parents and childrenEducators, specialistsConstantly throughout the yearIndividual work of educators and parentsJoint competitions for children and parents: - " Fun starts"- "Come on, guys" - "Dad, mom, I am a sports family Physical education instructor, educators According to the schedule Lectures, scripts, videos Group leisure activities in groups Educators, music directors, specialists Throughout the year Scripts, video film Participation in the organization of competitions: - " Generous autumn" - "Skillful hands do not know boredom" (toys for groups and didactic aids) - "With the world on a string" (fair-sale) Deputy. head, specialists, educatorsAccording to the plan Competitions, photo albums, recipe book design Elective courses "Hostess" "Fitness Club" "Masterok" Deputy head, specialists Throughout the year A holiday for parents and children, a video film Organization of video filming by parents of holidays, entertainment, classes, etc. educators Throughout the year video films - Individual interviews to identify problems in education, the need for pedagogical knowledge; - Acquaintance of parents with the programs on which the kindergarten works; - Holding an "Open Day" to get acquainted with the activities of the kindergarten. head, specialists. 2 times a year Questionnaires, individual work with parents

ll stage. Purpose: to continue work on pedagogical education of parents, development of various forms of interaction between kindergarten and family

No. p / p Tasks Content of activities Performers Deadline Exit 1. Continue legal education of parents Organization in kindergarten legal advice for parents head, lawyer 1 time per monthIndividual consult. for parents - "Week of the rights of the child"Deputy. head, educators, specialists annually Abstracts of events, holidays - Exhibition of children's drawings "Mom, dad, I am a friendly family" head, psychologist Throughout the year Leaflets for parents Holidays: “Together a friendly family”, “Family birthday” Music director, specialists According to the plan video film 2 Analyze and correct work with parents on their pedagogical education Individual tasks for joint performance by parents and children with increased cognitive development Educators, specialists, psychologist During the year Individual work with children and parentsProblem seminar - workshop "A first-grader grows in the family" head, "speech therapist III quarter Round table, discussions, workshop, protocol - report Carrying out corrective work with problem families Psychologist, speech therapist, specialists During the year Individual work, consultations - Identification of families at risk: - organization of discussions, trainings to correct parental attitudes; - individual work with families Deputy. head, educators, psychologist, speech therapist, specialists During the year Individual work, abstracts, abstracts, speeches Acquaintance with new programs, forms and methods of teaching children Deputy head, educators During the year consultations they came to visit us ”(joint games, interesting things with parents) Educators, parents 1 time per month Visiting parents of the kindergarten“ Adults for children ”theatrical performances with the participation of parents as heroes Educators, specialists According to the plan Abstracts, holidays Parents attending open classes, holidays, regime moments for evaluation of results in the educational process head, educators During the year Protocol - report - Development and testing of new activities in a preschool institution: “My grandmother and I are friends”, - Competition of family talents - Meetings with interesting people head, music director, specialists, educators Throughout the year Scenario notes, video - film - Organization of circles for children and parents: - "Music lounge" - "Create, invent, try" Deputy. head, specialists, educators During the year Work plan Concerts, exhibitions - Organization of an open day to monitor the implementation of regime moments and identify the activity of children during the day; Head, deputy. manager, creative group, nurse. 1 time per quarter Protocol - report - Control of the parent committee over the implementation of instructions for protecting the life and health of children; - catering; - compliance with safety regulationsHead, deputy. head, creative group, educators, specialists, nurse 2 times a year Protocol-report 4. Continue cooperation with parents of "disorganized children" Individual interview to identify problems in training and education, the needs of parents in pedagogical knowledge head, psychologist, specialistsconstantlyConsultations, questionnairesFamiliarization of parents with the programs under which the preschool institution worksDeputy. head, specialistsDuring the yearconsultations Conducting seminars - workshops on different sections of the programDeputy. head, specialists, psychologist, speech therapist 1 time per quarter Abstract presentations, protocol Individual counseling at the request of parents Specialists, deputy. Head During the year Questionnaires, consultations Participation of children and parents in leisure activities Creative group, music. leader Throughout the yearHolidays, scenarios, video film

No. p / p Tasks Content of activities Performers Deadline Exit 1. Continue legal education of parents - Organization of legal advice in kindergarten head, lawyer 1 time per month Individual. consult. for parents - "Week of the rights of the child"Deputy. head, educators, specialists annually Abstracts of events, holidays - Exhibition of children's drawings "Mom, dad, I am a friendly family" educators According to the plan Album of children's work - Memos for parents "It's good to know" Deputy. head, psychologist Throughout the year Leaflets for parents - Holidays: “Together a friendly family” “Family birthday” Music director, specialists According to the plan video film 2. Analyze and correct work with parents on their pedagogical education psychologistDuring the year Individual work with children and parents head, speech therapist III quarter Round table, discussions, workshop, protocol - report Carrying out corrective work with problem families Psychologist, speech therapist, specialists During the year Individual work, consultations Identification of families at risk: - organization of discussions, trainings to correct parental attitudes - individual work with familiesDeputy head, educators , psychologist, speech therapist, specialists During the year Individual work, abstracts, theses, speeches Acquaintance with new programs, forms and methods of teaching children Deputy head, educators During the year consultations came "(joint games, interesting things with parents) Educators, parents Once a month Visiting parents of kindergarten" Adults - children "theatrical performances with the participation of parents as heroes Educators, specialists According to the plan Abstracts, holidays Parents attending open classes, holidays, regime moments to evaluate results in educational processHead, deputy. head, educators During the year Protocol - report Development and testing of new activities in a preschool institution: “Grandmother and I are friends”, - Competition of family talents - Meetings with interesting people head, music director, specialists, educators Throughout the year Scenario notes, video - film - Organization of circles for children and parents: - "Music lounge" - "Create, invent, try" Deputy. head, specialists, educators During the year Work plan Concerts, exhibitions - Organization of an open day to monitor the implementation of regime moments and identify the activity of children during the day; Head, deputy. manager, creative group, nurse. 1 time per quarter Protocol - report - Control of the parent committee over the implementation of instructions for protecting the life and health of children; - catering; compliance with safety regulationsHead, deputy. head, creative group, educators, specialists, nurse 2 times a year Protocol-report 4. Continue cooperation with parents of "disorganized children" Individual interview to identify problems in training and education, parents' needs for pedagogical knowledge head, psychologist, specialistsconstantlyConsultations, questionnairesFamiliarization of parents with the programs under which the preschool institution worksDeputy. head, specialistsDuring the yearconsultations Conducting seminars - workshops on different sections of the programDeputy. head, specialists, psychologist, speech therapist 1 time per quarter Abstract presentations, protocol Individual counseling at the request of parents Specialists, deputy. Head During the year Questionnaires, consultations Participation of children and parents in leisure activities Creative group, music. leader Throughout the yearHolidays, scenarios, video film Stage IV Purpose: analysis of the implementation of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family

1. Analyze the results of cooperation between teachers and parents Analysis of the forms of work of teachers with parents head, educatorsIII quarter Questionnaires, individual work with teachers, parentsIdentification of contradictions in cooperation with parentsHead, deputy. head, educators III quarter Questionnaires, individual work with teachers, parents Questioning and surveys of parents to identify: - the level of satisfaction with the work of the kindergarten with parents; - the degree of involvement of parents in the activities of the preschool educational institution; - the level of satisfaction with the received pedagogical knowledge head, educatorsIII quarterQuestionnaires, individual work with teachers, parents

.5 Managing the process of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family

stage. Goal: creating conditions for effective interaction between kindergarten and family

No. p / p Tasks Content of activities Performers Deadline Exit 1 Create a mechanism for managing cooperation between kindergarten and family Determination of functions, forms of work with participants in cooperation Head, deputy. headI quarter Order of the headCreation of a consultative and diagnostic serviceDeputy. head, psychologist, speech therapist, nurse Q1 Questionnaires, diagnostics 2 Inform the staff about the cooperation between the kindergarten and the family head, specialistsI quarterOrder of the headPedagogical Council "Social and pedagogical practice of interaction between the family and kindergarten in modern estates"Head, Deputy. Head of Quarter I Questionnaires, for educators3 To study the theoretical basis of the problem: similar work experience; scientific, methodical literature Creative work "Modern family - what is it like?" A slice of teachers' ideas about the modern familyHead, deputy. Head II quarter collages Round table: teaching staff and parents: methodology of interaction head, psychologist II quarter Correction of work plans Round table on the problem “I want to suggest ...” Exchange of views on the literature studied Head, deputy. head 2 times a year Messages from teachers Inclusion of this problem in self-education plans Head, deputy. head, educators I quarter Discussion of messages from educators Consultation “Preparation and conduct of a survey of parents on the topic of interaction between kindergarten and family. Goals and objectivesHead, Deputy. head, educatorsI quarterReminder for educatorsPedagogical board "Problems of family education". Discussion of collected information about families head, educatorsI quarterMessages from teachersPedagogical lounge "The specificity and importance of the family in the life of a child." Refinement of knowledge of teachers on the problem head, educators II quarter Discussion of the results of the literature studied "Modern concepts and prospects for the joint activities of the kindergarten and the family in Russia and abroad" Head, deputy. head, educators II quarter Messages from teachers 4 Determine the level of work of teachers on the issue of interaction with parents To study and analyze the work of kindergarten teachers on the problem Head, deputy. headI quarterDiscussion of messages of educatorsIdentify the problems of teachers in interaction with parentsHead, deputy. head I quarter Questionnaires To study the needs of parents in improving pedagogical literacy, the reasons for dissatisfaction with the organization of work with children and parents head, educators Quarter I Questionnaires 5 Determine the content of relations with the surrounding society Determine and work out additional features on interaction with: - library; - school; - hospital; - Regional Leisure Center; - Center for Youth Creativity “PoletZam. head 1 quarter Action plan 6 Determine the level of methodological support for working with parents in kindergarten - Create a package of regulatory and legal documentation in the preschool educational institution: - "Law on Education in the Russian Federation" - Family Code of the Russian Federation - "Convention on the Rights of the Child" - Charter of the preschool educational institution - Regulations on the Governing Council Head 1 quarter Plan events - Create an information bank, including: - a catalog of literature - a video library of experience in family education, classes, sensitive moments - recommendations for parents on the development of children's speech, cognitive activity, MathematicsDeputy Head 1 Quarter Action plan 7 Develop plans for working with parents and children, determine the forms and methods of work - Individual counseling on the discussion of long-term plans; - seminars on organizing joint events for children and parents, productive activities; - Competition of the best developments on the problem. head, educatorsAccording to the annual planConsultations Work experience abstracts 8Track the results of work at stage I. Reflection on the results of the work Repeated questioning of teachers in order to identify knowledge head, educators III quarter of the questionnaire Study and analysis of plans for self-education of teachers on the problem Head, deputy. headI quarter Individual work with teachers Study and analysis of long-term plans of teachers in order to identify the ability to set goals and objectives of work and see prospects head During the yearIndividual work with teachersControl of the decisions of the teachers' council (meetings) managerIn tech. years Questionnaires, reports Attendance at events of teachers in order to assist in correcting mistakes head During the year Questionnaires, reports Organization of visits to events in order to identify positive experiences and correct shortcomings Head, deputy. head During the year Discussion of events Conducting a pedagogical quiz, solving pedagogical problems in order to identify the depth and awareness of knowledge head, educators, specialists II quarter Discussion of events Competition for the best organization of the environment for the development of the child head, educatorsIII quarterAlbumTracking the results of work on creating an active environment for the development of the childDeputy. head During the year Individual work with the educator Repeated questioning of teachers in order to identify the quality of the knowledge gained, their analysis head of the III quarter questionnaires of the Pedagogical Council based on the results of work at stage I Head, deputy. head, educatorsIII quarterDiscussion of the results of work stage Goal: Improving the professionalism of teachers, improving communication skills

Testing new forms of interaction between kindergarten and family

No. p / p Tasks Content of activities Performers Deadline Exit Increasing the level of legal knowledge of teachers Consultation “Organization and content of preventive work to protect the rights of children from abuse” Psychologist, educators I quarter Messages from educators Business game “Legal Academy of Teachers”. Discussion of situations related to the violation of the rights of the child and ways to solve this problem. Compilation of memos head, educatorsI quarterReminder for parents Inclusion in plans for self-education of issues of protecting the rights of children in kindergarten and at home head, educatorsI quarterMessages of educatorsExhibition of materials

Nadezhda Gorokhova
The relevance of interaction with parents in the light of GEF DO

Parenting. the formation of the child's personality from the first years of his life is the main responsibility parents, the family influences the child, introduces him to the life around him, and therefore the main educators of their children are parents.

Aware of their responsibility for the successful upbringing of the child, respecting the opinion of older family members, parents preschool children take on the main care of raising children, without shifting the responsibility to grandparents or kindergarten. They seek to establish uniform requirements in family and social education.

Modern parents - what are they? How do they raise their children? How much time do they spend with their little ones? These questions cannot be answered immediately. More often parents little consideration is given to the individuality of the child, to his age characteristics, interests and desires, they try to seat their child at the computer or sit in front of the TV so that they do not interfere with them.

Many parents stopped telling children bedtime stories, reading children's works. Of course, the child will grow up obedient and disciplined, but these qualities develop in them without an emotionally positive and conscious attitude to the demand of an adult.

To a greater extent, this is obedience, often based on the fear of being punished.

It is important to remember that a child is a small person who wants attention, affection, to be played with, so that mom or dad teaches him to draw, sculpt.

Because of parents laid in the upbringing of the child depends on a lot. No wonder they say "What you sow, you reap."

Bringing children to kindergarten for the first time parents often for some reason they are not friendly, sometimes they are aggressive, you can often hear unpleasant statements about teachers. This is all wrong. First of all, we educators need to be patient, sometimes it’s not easy, and start the morning with a good greeting, a pleasant smile, you need to make it clear parents that their kids are loved, that they are glad that they will be engaged with children, that they will be taught to see the beauty of the world around them.

In my group, the kids and their parents. Bringing the children to kindergarten, for some reason they were scared, wary. After reading a lot of methodological literature, I looked for information on the Internet on working with parents and based on her work experience, began communication with parents. with my first assistants in raising children.

Every morning I politely greeted parents and children, tried to learn as much as possible about the child, about his habits, interests, what he likes to do. I often spoke with parents individually.

Conducted a survey on the topic "Adaptation in kindergarten".

Our first parental The meeting was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, despite my feelings, I praised all the children, talked about interesting cases. who were in our group, what they learned during the adaptation period, how happy they are when they learn something new. Dala parents understand what is given to them during the day great attention that every day is entertaining and interesting.

Parents learn a lot of information about educational work by visiting the website of our kindergarten.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that a common language with parents, you can always find, there would be a desire. IN

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Preschool age is the period of actual formation of personality and mechanisms of behavior. This is the age when preparation for adult life is in full swing, when the desires of the child are overgrown with social experience, in other words, the realization comes that "Can" or "it is forbidden" . And it so happened that two branches play the leading roles in the tree of social education of children - this is the family and the kindergarten.

The family for a child is both the place of his birth and the main habitat. The family is a special kind of collective that plays the main, long-term role in education. Family relationships play an important role in the mental and personal development of the child. V. A. Sukhomlinsky also said: “The main idea and goal of family life is the upbringing of children. The main school of education is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. . The child learns by following the example of his parents. But do not forget about the older generation, because the social experience of communication with the elders the child underlines by watching the communication of his mothers and fathers with older relatives, that is, with grandparents. If parents are aware of all the responsibility for raising a child entrusted to them, they respect the opinion of older family members, take the main care of raising children, without shifting responsibility to grandparents or a preschool institution. Also realizing that education in a preschool institution is also important for the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

The task of the kindergarten according to GEF (SCRIP - federal ...) "turn around" face the family, provide it with pedagogical assistance, attract the family to its side in terms of common approaches in raising a child. That is, both parents and educators-teachers become the closest environment of the child. But every adult has certain advantages.

For example, in emotional, sexual education, in introducing a child to sports, the possibilities of the family are much higher than the possibilities of the kindergarten. But the kindergarten competently provides training, development creativity etc. If parents and teachers begin to educate and educate children independently of each other, then positive results are unlikely to be achieved. Therefore, the family and the kindergarten must find common ground, must develop common requirements for raising a child. The initiative to establish cooperation should come from the teacher, since he is professionally prepared for educational work, and therefore understands that its success depends on consistency and continuity in the upbringing of children.

The purpose of the work of the preschool educational institution with the family is to create conditions for a favorable climate for interaction with parents, to involve the family in a single educational space, to establish trusting, partnership relationships with parents.

The tasks of interaction with parents: to work in close contact with the families of pupils, to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.

As already noted, the main point in the context "family - preschool" - personal interaction between the teacher and parents in the process of raising a child.

Unfortunately, most families are now withdrawing from raising children for various reasons: some are concerned about the financial situation of the family, others, having no pedagogical and psychological knowledge, shift this responsibility to the preschool educational institution, many do not consider it necessary to show interest in the life of the group, but there are those who trying to participate in the lives of children, and not just looking after the hygiene and nutrition of the child, they try to get any pedagogical knowledge, they buy books, magazines. But the knowledge they gain in this way is often one-sided and fragmentary. Parents, not possessing sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the development of the child, sometimes carry out education blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not give positive results, and often begins to harm the developing personality of the child and requires a serious explanatory and practical work with such parents. A. S. Makarenko also said: “... you have given birth and are raising a son or daughter not only for parental joy. A future citizen, a future activist and a future fighter is growing in your family and under your leadership. If you mess up, bring up a bad person, grief from this will be not only for you, but also for many people and the whole country. .

Working with parents is a painstaking work in which it is necessary to establish contact with them. First, having won their trust, study the family in which the child is brought up, involve them in cooperation with the preschool educational institution and at the same time conduct pedagogical education of parents.

It is very important for us to win the trust of parents, because they must confidently guide their children to kindergarten. They must know for sure that the employees of the preschool educational institution have a positive attitude towards the child. To do this, parents should feel the competence of the teacher in matters of education, but most importantly, they appreciated his personal qualities. (caring, attention to people, kindness, sensitivity). Such trust does not happen by itself: the educator wins it with a kind, indifferent attitude towards the child, the ability to cultivate goodness, generosity and mercy in him. Add to this the culture of communication, tact and mutual understanding - and the picture of psychology will be quite complete.

Involving parents in interaction with the preschool educational institution, as a rule, three forms of cooperation are used: collective, individual and visual-informational.

Collective - work with the parent committee, parent meetings, open days, holidays, various promotions, training sessions, master classes, workshops, role-playing games, round tables, conferences, competitions, family pedagogical projects, questionnaires, testing, parental living rooms, oral magazines, excursions, trips, joint leisure activities (holidays, visiting the theater, museum, etc.) and etc.

Visual and informational - photo exhibitions and photo montages, kindergarten and group websites, exhibitions of children's works, musical and poetic corner, library for parents, brief information corner, photo corner, oral magazine (For example - "Window" - very short news), also newspapers and posters can be family, brochures, flyers and booklets (it's best if they use photos of their babies), design of folders-movers and stands, an exhibition of family heirlooms, etc.

Individual consultations - "Mailbox" (parents write their questions), helpline, analysis of pedagogical situations, conversations, consultations, family visits, assignments for parents, parent clubs, mini-library, newspaper "ZHZD - the life of wonderful children" and etc.

I would like to clarify that it is very important for children to see that their parents are interested in their achievements, holidays, and often participate in them themselves. It is also important to see that parents help the group, and not only because they, through personal example they instill a love of work, but also instill a sense of pride in their parents, how much love a child has for dad or mom when he says: "This is my dad hanging a shelf" or “Look, my mom painted this flower on the wall.” , or "This is my mother playing the Snow Maiden" .

Thus, at present, there are different approaches to the interaction of preschool teachers and parents. One of the main goals of the introduction of GEF DO is to establish trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers, unite in one team, develop the need to share their achievements with each other, and if there are problems, then solve them together.

The kindergarten and the family should lead the children hand in hand, educating and teaching. The family with its love gives the child a sense of security and family experience, and educators are parents' helpers in their hands, children become inquisitive, active, creative.
