Do-it-yourself drawing from natural material. Ideas for autumn crafts from natural materials

Hello everyone!

I welcome you to the pages of the ShkolaLa blog! It's autumn outside. And what kind of "School" in the fall and without autumn crafts? That's right, none) Children bring all kinds of crafts made from natural materials to school every year, around September - October. That is, right now! Therefore, right now an article dedicated to these crafts is being published on the blog.

Most of the works that you will see below were found by me on the Internet. I want to send a big hello to their authors and say thank you for their great creativity and wonderful ideas, which, I hope, will inspire many young schoolchildren and their parents to their craft exploits.

Lesson plan:

From chestnuts

A huge chestnut grows right in front of our entrance. And when you leave the house in the morning, no, no, and you will get a chestnut on your head. It doesn’t hurt at all, it just happens unexpectedly) So we don’t have to go far for chestnuts, they literally fall from the sky.

Last year, with our own hands, we made such “Checkers-Insects” from chestnuts, which we then presented to the kindergarten as a keepsake.

The tutorial for making this game is hidden away.

And from chestnuts you can make such amazing snails. Very easy craft which does not take much time.

Charming and not at all scary spider. True, making a hole in a chestnut can be problematic. Here the child will probably need the help of one of the adults.

If you add plasticine and a little imagination, you can make the whole of Africa!

Or a poultry yard.

And this caterpillar is just a feast for the eyes!

I am sure that she could decorate with herself more than one exhibition and win in some autumn competition.

From cones

And for cones, the children and I go with a basket to Victory Park. But there you can only collect pine cones.

The playing field is made of branches, and the chips themselves are made of pebbles, but they can also be built from chestnuts, and even from halves of walnut shells.

From leaves, flowers, berries

Something, but there are a lot of beautiful bright leaves in autumn. Collect - I do not want. However, like berries, mountain ash, for example.

I remember when Sasha went to first grade, it was still in another life (before the blog), we made roses from autumn leaves for school. We didn't succeed, we tried many times. As a result, they succeeded. It turned out like this.

From leaves and flowers, you can make various applications.

Use them together with other natural materials.

And you can try to create a real work of art.

Rowan berries are perfect for making jewelry, beads, for example.

From something strange

And walking through the autumn parks and streets, you can find something strange and, at first glance, completely unsuitable for crafts. For example, here is a piece of birch. How to call it then? Spit, right?

We found it and took it with us. Brought home. Washed, dried. And they decided to turn it ... into a watermelon! Very much the right shape. See what we got.

We needed:

  • birch;
  • acrylic paints (white, green, black, red);
  • brushes;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • PVA glue;
  • plasticine.

First, our entire future watermelon was primed with PVA glue.

Then they painted the "crust" in dark green.

And they drew a dark strip in the middle.

"Watermelon pulp" was first covered with white paint.

And then, slightly retreating from the crust, so that a white rim remains, they painted everything in red juicy color.

To make the transition from white color a pink stripe was added between them to the more smooth red. When our watermelon dried up, we varnished it. After that, he became even juicier.

Only the bones are missing! We molded them from black plasticine and glued them into place.

Now this birch watermelon stands in our room in the most prominent place and pleases us and our guests, who strive to touch this piece of summer.

That's how many different crafts you can think of and do for an elementary school with your golden hands. Nothing complicated, but how exciting!

And right now, the singing kids will share with you their wonderful golden autumn mood)

And what have you already managed to build from natural materials this fall? Tell me? Waiting for comments)

Enjoy your creativity!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Good afternoon. Today I can finally sum up a large collection of ideas for crafts made from natural materials. We already have a wide-form article with autumn leaf crafts for children and adults. There is a detailed article in autumn theme. In this article I will publish the most interesting and non-standard tricks and techniques. I decided to do wide overview page, which will prove and show that natural material for creativity is not only acorns and chestnuts. You will see with your own eyes and fall in love with the new fresh ideas work with natural materials. Crafts made with your own hands, from branches, from leaves, from dried flowers, from everything under your feet. Nature is rich in material, and man is rich in beautiful ideas. So, let's see what crafts can be made from natural material this season.

Idea Pack #1

SCALES from cones.

The cones are made up of scales. If you collect open pine cones, then it is convenient to pull out of them with pincers, pliers, or bite SCALES with wire cutters. And then use this bumpy natural material as a mosaic coating on a variety of autumn crafts.

Note. In order for the cones to open well, spread out with scales, they can be warmed up in the oven.

Here we see mushrooms. Their legs are carved from a thick wooden chock. The hats are molded of plasticine and the top of the hats is covered with scales. It turns out cute mushrooms-crafts with their own hands. Suitable job for school.

But the spruce cones have scales flatter and smoother. They look like the smoothed feathers of birds. Therefore, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts comes to mind on a bird theme. We sculpt the bird's body from plasticine, we coat with PVA glue, put a layer of torn paper napkins on the glue, again with glue, again with napkins - it turns out papier mache shell. We dry this shell until it is completely lignified. And on this hard dry surface with hot glue (layer by layer, row by row) we lay the spruce “tile” of feather-scales.

And also the scales of a spruce cone are similar to the scaly armor of ancient lizards. So here's another idea for you. After all, this is a great challenge to your artistic potential. It's not just a bird here - there's a whole beast that looks like it's alive. Great crafts for boys made of natural material.

Here we act exactly the same as with the bird- we sculpt the base from plasticine, pack it in several layers of papier mache (alternating pva glue and paper napkins). And then, after this mass has dried into a hard crust, you can glue the dinosaur figure with spruce scales.

After plucking the cone, a cone BOTTOM remains. It looks like a flower with petals. From such cone flowers, you can make a new autumn craft with your own hands - for example, a WREATH. We glue the base for the foam wreath with a chopped cone - just with hot glue from a gun.

You can cover such cones-flowers with bright gouache. In order for the gouache color to become juicier and shine, it is necessary to sprinkle this product on top after drying with gouache, I recommend spraying it with simple hairspray. The color will stick and won't stain your hands.

You can do it yourself beautiful flowers, selecting the most accurate and even scales different sizes, and stacking them radially from the center. The middle of the flower can be decorated with beads or rhinestones. From such natural material, you can even make brooches in the autumn style with your own hands - and wear them with a coat, or pin them to a shawl.

Flowers from cones can not only be collected into wreath crafts, but simply laid out on a panel. Put on glue on a piece of plywood. You will get an excellent craft made from natural material for a competition in a school or kindergarten.

From whole buds You can also make great crafts. We add not only natural material to the cones, but also other materials (colored felt, cardboard, ropes, plastic, etc.).

Idea Pack #2

Crafts from natural material


From nutshells, we all made boats in childhood, or hats on plasticine mushrooms. But you can go further in your creativity from walnuts. Children will be happy to create mice or birds, and adult skillful hands and a warm spiritual heart can create from a nutshell the whole world… Now you will see it.

In this article I want to introduce you to a very a good man. Her name is Marina. Master with an attentive soul.

This is how the account page of this master on the Fair of Masters website looks like.

I really like the work of master Marina from the site Fair of Masters. With her own hands she created amazing, in its sincerity and warmth, the world of good old women. The walnuts in the place where the wings are connected are surprisingly similar to a wrinkled smiling old woman. It remains to add eyes, a nose-bone and mentally wrap everything with a cotton handkerchief. And now the cunning old woman looks at you cheerfully.

We make a body from a bump, weave hands from rough paper packaging twine. From felt we dump warm felt boots. Each old woman can be made with her own character. I'm having fun with big smile. Or silent thoughtful, on my mind.

Old women can be both summer and winter.

You can create whole worlds from natural material in which kind old women live and work. They themselves will keep their world clean.

And after work, they will gather for a cup of herbal tea to tell stories, make fun of each other and sing songs of their youth.

Master Marina sells her crafts. You can order her work on personal page masters - Marina can make you a custom-made craft for your family and friends.

After all, how nice it is to receive as a gift the World of good old women, which will always smell like a village CHILDHOOD for you - grandmother's pancakes, a pile of firewood by the barn, chickens running around the yard, a heated tree of an old bench near the fence.

Master Marina, I want to give an idea. In one I talked about another Czech Master who created the world of ACORN PEOPLE - Dubanchikov and wrote a book with stories about them, which he illustrated with emotional scenes made from natural material. The book is published in the Czech Republic, and only in Czech. I think that many children will like our Russian book with kind stories about Russian village grandmothers, illustrated by Marina's works.

After all, this is a real miracle, to make a new world out of natural material with your own hands - kind, fabulous, REAL. More and more new houses, cozy benches, swings, carts, wagons will appear in it.

Idea Pack #3

Crafts from natural material


If you like fairy tales with fairies and magicians, then you will like the world of fairies made of natural material. You can create cozy houses for fairies with your own hands, set up entire housing complexes for them, with ponds, parks, gardens, swings.

You can bring a man-made miracle to the school competition of crafts made from natural materials. The house where the gnome lives. Parts can be attached to plasticine, staples (from a stapler), to glue from a hot gun.

Pieces of moss, acorn caps, scales torn from a cone with pliers, lichens and dry hard hanging mushrooms taken from trees in the forest. And even pieces of plants torn from indoor flower pots- any natural material will go to the construction of such a complex but interesting crafts. The house will grow and be ennobled by natural design before your eyes.

You can base thick wooden stick found in the forest. Saw off a comfortable piece from it. Buy at a hardware store tinted stain for wood- and cover the tree in a noble dark color. Cut out of thick cardboard windows, cover them with the same stain. From ice cream sticks put together a real door, arrange a porch. Sculpt a conical roof from plasticine. Break a large pine cone with tongs or pliers on scales and lay out tiles from them on the roof of a natural house.

Some elements can be molded salt dough(a glass of fine salt, a glass of flour + water (add water a spoon at a time, and grind with salted flour with your hands until a single lump is formed, similar to plasticine). Roll out the dough - cut into bricks with a knife. Dry - and get a lot of building material for the porch , paths, fences, etc. The dough can also be painted with gouache or stain.

But the house is VERY SIMPLE. Now I’ll tell you how to make it with your own hands from the things that surround us.

  1. Take strong cardboard package from milk or juice. Cut windows in it - this will be the future facade of the house.
  2. Buy a small bag of gypsum plaster (or putty) diluted with water and coat the facade of the house with this mixture.
  3. Dry and cover with whitewash or white gouache (toothpaste on the edge).
    Make a roof out of cardboard, also apply glue to it and lay tiles from pieces of bark or cones. or chips.

Idea Pack #4


And of course, the most common crafts made from natural material are applications using dry herbarium - herbs, leaves, flowers. We made everything from leaves of chicks or fish in an aquarium. In a special article, I give many options.

And in this article I want to show a beautiful mosaic technique of laying out dry natural material in the form of a SILHOUETTE PICTURE.

You can find a lot of ready-made silhouette templates on the Internet. If in the search bar you type the phrase "silhouette of a hare picture" or another animal.

The most important thing in such a craft is to achieve recognition - the clarity of the silhouette. Therefore, you need to choose a silhouette without small details - protrusions. And if you chose with detailed protrusions, try to make the small relief detail be made with ONE SOLID petal (like the ears of a bunny or its protrusions of the paws in the photo above).

If, when laying out the mosaic, the edge of the plant protrudes beyond the border of the silhouette, it must be carefully cut with scissors (as is done in the photo above with a cat - it has triangles of ears cut out).

Nature Idea Pack #5

Crafts from branches.

From branches of different shapes and bends, you can lay out beautiful crafts with your own hands. Branches can just decompose on a white paper background, repeating the outlines of a bird or animal. It is possible in advance on paper draw a silhouette of a bird weak pencil lines. And then pick up branches that would lie on this drawn silhouette of a bird, repeating the curves of the picture.

Crafts from natural material can be fix with glue with a hot glue gun. Or make a photo-craft. That is, lay out the branches and take a picture of the craft, thereby perpetuating your product from natural material in the form of a photograph.

You can fix the craft at the key nodes of the plexus of branches and then in these knots attach it to the base (vertical wall or horizontal shelf-stand), as is done in the photo below.

In addition to branches, you can use wood chips, pieces of bark, chips and saw cuts from logs, chocks, thick branches in your crafts. This is how crafts-owls from the photo below are implemented. Simply and interestingly made with your own hands - you can safely take it to the exhibition of autumn crafts to school or kindergarten.

The same idea can be realized from different angles and different material. Here, for example, in the photo of horse crafts made from natural material, both branches and bark, and snags are used.

You can lay out entire mosaics completely filling the silhouette image with natural material. The direction of the branches should repeat the direction of the pattern details. Spread the branches in the same directions as the fur pile of the animal, or repeat the muscular relief of the animal with branches.

Perhaps this type of crafts made from natural material will captivate you so much that turn into a solid hobby with the prospects of monetization in a profitable business. Why not make beautiful wooden sculptures for a summer residence or estate for sale.

And if you want to use branches to create crafts from natural material in class at school, then here's to you simple ideas of how this can be implemented in labor lessons for boys. Everyone is taught cut with jigsaws plywood figurines. In addition to animal figurines, you can put together frames from slats and make beautiful landscape paintings. autumn forest with mossy branches overgrown with lichen.

Similar ideas can be implemented at labor lessons for girls - without plywood and a jigsaw - by making a frame from cardboard twisted into a square tube (fold 4 pieces into a frame-frame, insert branches into holes), and cut animal silhouettes from dense packaging corrugated cardboard from old boxes and paint in gouache, if desired.

Package of nature crafts No. 6

Maple and ash seeds.

Dry lobed tree seeds are very interesting to beat in the most various crafts with your own hands.

You can make a mosaic craft out of this natural material in the form of a bird (because maple seeds look like feathers). You can lay out a pattern in the form of a butterfly on the glass, and thanks to the transparency of the background, it will seem that it is hovering in the air, as is done in the photo below. Maple seeds paint well with watercolor, so your butterfly craft can be in all colors of the rainbow.

At school or kindergarten, from the same natural material, you can make very simple children's crafts with a base on thick cardboard. Maple seeds can be a hairstyle on a painted human head, they can become a fluffy squirrel tail, feathers on the wings of an owl, or needles on a cardboard hedgehog (as in the photo below).

And maple seeds look like dragonfly wings. Therefore, you can make simple children's crafts in the form of beetles. For example, string beads on a wire (this will be the body) and glue seeds to the body on glue or plasticine. Wings can be painted with nail polish and sprinkled with glitter glitter. The bulging eyes of a dragonfly can be cast from frozen drops of the same nail polish. You will get a beautiful quick and simple craft made from natural material for children.

And the same maple natural material can become the basis for fun GRAPHIC CRAFTS-DRAWING with an ordinary black marker. We paint on the missing details for the snub noses and turn the seeds laid out on a sheet of paper into interesting graphics. These are already crafts for training your imagination - great idea for a circle on the topic "Learning to think creatively."

I told more about this GRAPHIC method of using natural material in the article.

Idea Pack #7

Crafts from natural material


A simple rubble stone left over from summer cottage construction, or smooth river, sea ​​stones can become material for your natural crafts with your own hands. The stone itself can tell by its shape who it looks like. And you just have to take felt-tip pens or gouache to bring this image to life.

If you feel like an artist in yourself - you can make complex multi-line drawings - as is the case with the stone owl craft. Or smooth thick pebbles can look like clumsy chubby panda bears - and such crafts made from natural material will be feasible for children. First, we cover all the stones with white, dry them, and then with a black marker we draw on it the black details of the teddy bear.

Ordinary felt-tip pens draw very well on stones. After completing the general painting work, the details of the picture need to give contours(clear boundaries) black marker.

You can draw the silhouette of a snail or a sheep on the stone yourself. And to give the children the task to simply color the finished silhouettes, supplement them with a pattern of stripes and dots or curls.

From dry grass and wire or other natural material, you can make a nest. And in this craft, put the chicks made of stones with your own hands. Older children can decorate a complex picture with a chick and an open beak. For younger children, the task is easier in the form of chickens in shells.

On a piece of plywood or a round saw cut from a log, you can lay out a whole picture of stones and other natural materials decorated with paints. This craft is suitable for work on the autumn competition in school or kindergarten.

Older girls will like exquisite pictures from life fashion girl- felt-tip pen, paints, stones and rhinestones.

You can use the mosaic technique to lay out a variety of characters from stones. Attach the stones to the glue with a hot glue gun. The stones in the mosaic can be painted with gouache, or have their own natural color.

These can be landscape paintings made of natural material (sea pebbles, glass turned by water, shells, etc.).

Idea Pack #8

Crafts from natural material


Very interesting topic for crafts made from natural materials these are portraits. The face in the picture always attracts the eye. I want to look at such a craft for a long time, it has a soul, human eyes in which you want to look, read their thoughts. A portrait is a craft that looks at you.

You can plant all the details of a portrait from natural material on glue. Or just fold the portrait like a mosaic on a sheet of cardboard, take a picture and brush off all the details of the masterpiece with your hand from the table. And on the wall in your room there will be a photograph of a disappeared, but ever-living portrait.

As an ornamental natural material, you can use stones, dry leaves, cones, seeds, bark. For drawing thin lines, branches of different trees, straws, blades of grass.

If you are working with children, then you can give them an easier task. Print the finished face on the printer. And from natural material in this craft make additions

Good luck with your work.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

Master class: "Crafts for fairy tales from natural material for children, teachers and parents."

Author: Karabanova Vera Sergeevna, educator, secondary school No. 2093 named after A.N. Savelyeva, preschool department No. 3

Master class on making handicrafts from natural material "Fairy tales loved since childhood".

To teach how to make crafts from natural material, which, subsequently, to use in games, theatrical activities.
Educational: To teach how to use different natural materials in the manufacture of crafts "House" and "Cockerel".
Developing: We develop an eye fine motor skills fingers, imagination, creativity, attention and interest in obtaining the result of man-made labor.
Educational: Cultivate love for work, accuracy.
This material may be useful for teachers primary school, educators working with older and younger children preschool age, teachers additional education, parents and just creative people.
In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov defines a fairy tale:
A fairy tale is a narrative, usually folk - poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly with the participation of magical and fantastic forces.
Folklore prose is divided into fabulous and non-fabulous. Fairy tale prose includes a fairy tale, which can be of four types (magic, a fairy tale about animals, everyday, cumulative) and an anecdote.
Our ancestors took the instincts of animals for the manifestation of the mind. In fairy tales, observations of the habits of animals are reflected. Gradually, folklore images of animals change in fairy tales: the wolf turns from a formidable stupid one, the bear into a good-natured one. The characters of the fairy tale are often animals with the habits of people: sometimes bold and courageous, and sometimes stupid and gullible.
Folklore lays the foundations of not only aesthetic, but also moral education. The basic laws of logic and perception are taken into account in folklore, in the pedagogical experience of the people.
Since childhood, we love to listen to fairy tales, and when we grow up, we tell them to our children. Almost all children's fairy tales are based on moralizing. The educational value of fairy tales is inseparable from the cognitive one. Fairy tales are an artistic way of knowing the world around us.
IN pedagogical activity we often read fairy tales to children and, working on the content, teach children to do the right thing in life, enriching their life experience.
Listening to fairy tales - horror stories, children learn to overcome the feeling of fear. The chain of repetitions used in fairy tales contributes to memorization, accustoms to counting, the ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships. Each folklore work - a song, a fairy tale, an epic - acquires its own unique individuality and "authorship" in the personality of the performer, who shows his performing talent.
Children love to watch performances and take part in shows. Teachers, together with children, can make fairy tale characters, scenery for the play with their own hands.
Dear guests! I bring to your attention crafts made from natural material and plasticine, which you can make with children and later use them in theatrical activities.

Description of the master class:

For crafts "House" you will need:

Dry garlic stalks, Moment glue, scissors, a knife for cutting grooves on “logs”, dry tree bark, black paper, dry grass stalk.

Pieces of the same length must be cut from the stalks of garlic: longer ones - for laying logs in the entire wall, and short ones - for laying out a wall with a door and window opening. You will need 28 long (10 cm) and 12 short (3.5 cm) logs.
Make recesses in them at a distance of 1 cm from the edge on both sides under the thickness of the log that will lie on top.
Step 1: Two long logs are placed parallel to each other.

Step 2: We put the next two long logs perpendicularly already laid so that the notches are at the junctions up.

Step 3: From above (in the other direction) we put two long logs parallel to each other.

Step 4: Change direction. Two short logs on one side (the beginning of the doorway) are glued parallel to one long log on the other side.
Step 5: Change direction. From above we put two long logs parallel to each other.
Step 6: Change direction. Two short logs (the continuation of the doorway) on one side are glued parallel to one long log on the other side.

Step 7: Change direction. From above we put two long logs parallel to each other.
Step 8: Two short logs on one side (continuation of the doorway) are glued parallel to one long log on the other side.
We already have a doorway in front of us.

Now we proceed to the gradual laying out of the window opening.
Step 9: In the other direction, we put one long log parallel to the two short logs on the right.
Step 10: Change direction. Two long logs are placed parallel to each other.
Step 11: Change direction. We put one long log parallel to two short logs on the right.
Step 12: Change direction. Two long logs are placed parallel to each other.
Step 13: Change direction. We put one long log parallel to two short logs on the right.
The window opening is ready.

We proceed to the final stage.
Step 14: Change direction. Two long logs are placed parallel to each other.
Step 15: Change direction. Two long logs are placed parallel to each other.
Step 16: Change direction. Two long logs are placed parallel to each other.
Step 17: Change direction. Two long logs are placed parallel to each other.
We have a house ready with one door and window opening.
Now let's make the roof.
First, we will prepare a template from paper in a 14x11 cm box, marking the folds along the edges at a distance of 1 cm.

For the roof you will need black paper 14x11cm, the edges of which we bend. According to the template on the sheet in the box of the desired size, cut out a rectangle from black paper. Fold it in half.

We cut out narrow strips from the bark of a tree and glue them parallel to each other on both sides of the fold line, adjusting them in length, cutting off the excess.

Then we glue the roof, spreading glue on the folded edges of black paper.

Now, from a thick cardboard box, you need to cut out a door (2.5x4.2 cm) and two shutters for windows (1.2x2.8 cm).

We glue the shutters, leaving them slightly ajar and the door. Glue the edges with pieces of dry plant stems.

Here is our house and ready.
You can start making a fairy-tale character "Cock".
I get up early
I sing with a clear voice.
I'm raking the grass
I collect grains.
I have a comb
Who am I children?……( cockerel)
I sat on the fence, I sang and shouted,
And how everyone gathered, I took it and fell silent
Golden Neck
The sun wakes up in the morning. ( Rooster)

Singing on the fence
Peter the cockerel in the morning.
"Ku-ka-re-ku, who does not know
It's time to get up!
The sun is walking across the sky!
Don't lie on your side
Who gets up early, he knows:
Be kind! Ku-ka-re-ku!"

To make crafts, we need: plasticine, two short branches for paws, colorful leaves, scissors, chamomile petals.
Description of work:
Let's prepare the parts from plasticine: roll up the balls for the head, chest and back, wings, tail, and two small balls for the legs.

We cover the junction of the head with the chest and back. We attach the plasticine tail to the lower back with smoothing movements.

We give a characteristic shape to the wings: first we flatten the balls, and then we sharpen them on one side. We smooth the wide side of the wings to the body on both sides of the sides of the cockerel.

We prepare the paws from plasticine, highlighting four fingers with interdigital membranes on them. We attach the paws below, inserting the sticks into the plasticine so that the future cockerel can stand on them. We make a beak from a chip.

We cut off the chamomile petals and prepare multi-colored leaves to decorate the cockerel with feathers in the head, neck, chest and back, wings and to decorate the tail with long feathers from leaves.

We cut the leaves into narrow strips from the edge of the sheet to the center, without cutting to the end. We collect a bunch of leaves and fix it with plasticine.

Look at the photos, study simple step-by-step master classes, get ideas and the muse will definitely visit you! And do not forget to collect during walks everything that comes under your feet - interesting pebbles, twigs, flowers, berries, nuts and other natural material. Take a separate box for these treasures - they will definitely come in handy, you'll see.

Gold autumn - best time for long walks and creativity. Enjoy nature, be inspired to create stunning masterpieces with your own hands.

The most beautiful autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits with your own hands

With the advent of autumn in kindergartens and primary school often arrange exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials. Lately a special niche is occupied by crafts made from fruits and vegetables. They turn out very bright and quite interesting.

Most often, parents learn about such creative exhibitions the day before. And you have to quickly collect your thoughts, the necessary materials and create something beautiful in haste.

I want to offer you a few master classes of simple vegetable crafts. You do not have to run around the neighbors in search of required material. Also, the creative process will not take too much time, and you will even have time for a night's sleep.

mushroom meadow

A simple craft that will require the following materials:

  • Cardboard sheet or box lid
  • Leaves or greens for grass
  • Carrot
  • Apple
  • Potato
  • toothpicks

In the lid from under the box we will make a clearing for which you can collect fallen leaves on the way home from the garden or school.

Let's make mushrooms. Legs are pieces of carrots, hats are halves of potatoes or apples.

We fasten all the details together with toothpicks. The mushrooms themselves are installed in a clearing with pieces of plasticine.

You can also make bugs out of plasticine and put them on mushrooms.


For this craft, prepare the following materials:

  • Potato
  • Plasticine
  • plastic plate
  • Paper napkin (or corrugated paper)

From a plate and a napkin we make the basis on which our “pigs” will sit.

For piglets, we make triangle ears, patches, eyes, tails from plasticine.

Very simple and fast. You don’t even have to suffer - your baby will blind all the necessary components with pleasure.

funny little men

But what kind of cute can be made from potatoes. You will need:

  • Potato
  • Pumpkin or large zucchini
  • felt-tip pens
  • White paper

We cut the pumpkin in half, make a "boat" for funny little men.

For funny faces from white paper, cut out circles-eyes, draw pupils on them, glue them to potatoes.

With felt-tip pens we finish everything else - noses, mouths.

Kids will love this unusual drawing on vegetables, so be sure to involve them in making crafts.

Potatoes are a great vegetable that is easy to work with and a variety of fantasies are born easily. For example, here are such simple cockerel and dog. or a cute ant that can be made in just 10 minutes. Just first go to the yard "to hunt" for sticks.

Or cut out such candlesticks from large potatoes:

Caterpillars made of apples and grapes are beautiful and bright.


For such a beauty, we need:

  • Apples
  • grape berries
  • Carrot
  • Toothpicks, skewers
  1. In the apple, which will be the muzzle, we cut out the “eye sockets”, into which we insert grape eyes with the help of toothpicks. For the mouth, we also make a small horizontal incision, insert a “smile” into it.
  2. We string grapes on skewers - we make “horns”.
  3. We connect the apples together - this will be the "torso", to which we attach the "head".
  4. Cut the carrot into slices. We make our caterpillar "legs".
  5. You can seat such a beauty in an impromptu clearing. Which can be easily made from plastic plate and leaves. A little fantasy, additional materials and such caterpillars are obtained from apples.

On the theme of animals, you can fantasize a lot. Hedgehogs are especially popular. They can be made from any material - potatoes, pears, apples.


To create a cute forest dweller, we need:

  • vegetable marrow
  • Apple
  • rowan berries
  • Twigs, leaves
  • Toothpicks, plasticine

From the leaves and twigs we will make a clearing in the lid from under the box.

The hedgehog itself is made from zucchini. We sculpt the eyes and nose from plasticine, pin with toothpicks. After that, you can make "thorns".

Everything is simple here - insert toothpicks into the zucchini and you're done!

We put a small apple on the back of the hedgehog, decorate with rowan berries. If you have dried mushrooms, they can also come in handy.

In fact, creating a masterpiece from the gifts of the garden is very simple. Lay out the vegetables that you have in the refrigerator in front of you and, together with your child, think about what they look like or who they can turn into. Children are known to have a rich imagination, so in a couple of minutes you will have enough brilliant ideas.

Autumn paper crafts for kindergarten

Paper is an excellent material for creativity. Therefore, if you were unable to collect a herbarium or natural materials, do not be discouraged. Plain colored paper, cardboard, glue, scissors - everything you need to create an application on the theme "Autumn".

The first application that I want to offer you, I call


For its manufacture you will need:

  • Sheet (A 4) of light blue or blue cardboard
  • Colored paper - red, yellow, green, orange, brown
  • Glue, scissors

Cut out a rectangle from brown paper - this will be the trunk of the tree. We also cut out two rectangles Green colour- it will be grass.

Cut out rectangles from red, yellow, orange paper, glue them in the form of rings.

After that, we glue the prepared elements on cardboard in the form of an autumn tree.

A few more variations on the theme autumn trees:

Another of autumn's associations is harvesting. So let's look at another interesting idea applications called


A variety of fruits can be stored at your place all year round. All you need for this:

  • colored paper
  • Scissors

Help the child - draw these simple details for 3D fruits. Cut them out together and stick them on pieces of cardboard - you get cute postcards.

And you can put fruit in a “jar” - and a compote will come out that will amuse your baby, and he will want to “roll up” more than one such jar!


It often rains in autumn. In order not to get wet, let's make a bright voluminous umbrella out of colored paper and cardboard. For this craft we will need:

  • Sheet A 4 green cardboard
  • Squares (8 * 8 cm) - 5 pieces different colors
  • Rectangles (2 * 10 - 15 cm) - 1 white and 2 pieces blue
  • Cocktail tube
  • Scissors
  • Double-sided tape
  • simple pencil

Using adhesive tape, glue the tube to a sheet of cardboard at a distance of 2 - 3 cm from the bottom edge.

We make an umbrella from multi-colored squares. To do this, each leaf is twisted in the shape of a cone, fastened with glue.

Then we glue the blanks together.

Then glue the umbrella to the cardboard.

We fold the rectangles of white and blue paper with an accordion. On the fold, draw a half of the "raindrop" and cut it out.

Let's make the droplets voluminous. Take three drops - 2 blue, 1 white, glue them together.

To do this, take a blue droplet, fold it in half, grease one of the halves with glue, glue a white droplet. Similarly, glue the second blue droplet to the white one.

We glue the finished droplets on a sheet of cardboard above the umbrella. A simple, beautiful autumn application is ready!

Joint creativity with children charges with positive emotions and brings you closer to the baby. Do not miss the opportunity to fill the rainy autumn days with warmth. Your child will remember such family evenings for a lifetime. So, having received a task in the garden to do some kind of craft, do not rush to do it yourself, because it’s faster, more accurate ... Be sure to involve your baby!

Original works from cones, acorns and chestnuts

Another craft material that parents often meet is cones, acorns, chestnuts. From simple stick figures to complex compositions, the fantasy world is rich and varied. Crafts made from natural materials become especially relevant in autumn, when the gifts of nature can be easily collected during a walk.

Let's make chestnuts

"Merry Caterpillar"

For this we need:

  • chestnuts
  • Plasticine

We roll out multi-colored circles from plasticine, with the help of which we connect the chestnuts - this will be the body of the caterpillar.

From plasticine we make "eyes" and a smile

From two plasticine "sausages", for example, green and orange, we make "horns" for the caterpillar.

A simple craft is ready! Arrange for her a clearing of dry leaves and other natural material and you can take it to the exhibition.

Autumn flowers from cones

Another simple master class for joint creativity with children.

  • cones
  • Acrylic paints or gouache
  • Large wide brush
  • Green colored paper
  • Scissors

For "flowers" it is best to collect open cones. Clean them from dirt, rinse if necessary, dry well. After such a preparatory procedure, you can begin to be creative.

The first step is to paint the cones and let them dry well.

We cut the paper into rectangles 5 * 15 cm. We make “leaves”, which we twist into a ring. Fold the top outward.

Place a cone in the center of the leaf.

Make some of these autumn flowers, place them on a stand "flower bed". A simple, bright, original craft is ready!

Vase of acorns

Let's look at a simple acorn craft that can be made in one evening, leaving the most difficult work to your child.

We will need:

  • Bank (any size)
  • Plasticine
  • acorns

For this craft, it is not necessary to take a new plasticine. Leftovers from an old box will do just fine. Since we will just need to stick around the jar on all sides with plasticine mass.

If your acorns have lost their hats, it doesn't matter! Glue them on.

As a result, the entire bank must be sealed. If you get large gaps between the acorns, fill them with hats. The neck of the jar can also be glued with hats.

Place a bouquet of autumn leaves or any composition of autumn gifts in a vase.

It is not necessary to use one thing in compositions from natural materials. Naturally, you can safely combine everything you can find in one craft. Do not be afraid - fantasize!

The main thing here is to start, to take the first step. And then you will be unstoppable! You yourself will not notice how ideas begin to be born in your head. And when you are engaged in such creativity with a child, then a sea of ​​​​positive emotions is provided. Little geniuses are sure to surprise you - they are capable of more than you think. Therefore, never do instead of a child - do with him!

Crafts from a pumpkin

Pumpkin is an excellent material for bright, beautiful crafts. Working with this vegetable is a pleasure! For example, taking a small pumpkin and modeling mass, you can make a cute "vampire". An old hat, paints, any material at hand - and the fabulous Scarecrow from Oz is ready.

Dry leaves, rowan berries, matches, a little plasticine, shells that were collected in the summer by the sea - and here we have a teremok.

Or you can carve a whole flying saucer with garlic heads of alien creatures.

I really like pumpkin vases. They are made quite simply. Everything that you can find in the garden or park goes into business. The result is just fabulous!

Let's make it colorful autumn bouquet together in a pumpkin. It can not only be sent to the exhibition, but also presented as original gift to your favorite teacher or educator on Teacher's Day, which is celebrated on the first Sunday of October.

For crafts you will need the following materials:

  • small pumpkin
  • floral sponge
  • Scissors
  • Glass of water
  • Any autumn flowers

Cut off the top of the pumpkin and clean it well from the pulp.

Cut off the floral sponge, place inside the pumpkin. Let's pour water.

We cut the stems of flowers, we collect a bouquet.

Do not forget to gently moisten the floral sponge, and such a bouquet will delight you with its beauty for a long time. If you create a similar composition from dry leaves and twigs, then to fix them, place ordinary foam or modeling mass in the pumpkin. For a stronger structure, you can additionally lubricate the tips of the branches with glue. Enjoy your creative moments!

Autumn crafts in kindergarten from leaves

I start collecting and drying leaves, herbs, flowers with my children in the summer. By autumn, we have a rather impressive collection, which gradually turns into original applications.

All you need for such applications is cardboard base, PVA glue or glue stick, scissors and, of course, a herbarium. Children really like to take part in the creation of leaf paintings that literally come to life on a piece of paper.

The youngest children can draw, for example, the contour of a hedgehog or a butterfly and let it be sealed with leaves. How older child, the more complex compositions you can offer him.

Let's make an original volumetric owl out of leaves for kindergarten.


We will need the following materials:

  • Colorful leaves
  • rowan berries
  • File (for documents) format A 4
  • Ribbons 30 cm long - 2 pieces
  • Colored cardboard - yellow and brown
  • Double-sided tape
  • Scissors
  1. Cut out the paws and eyes of an owl from cardboard.
  2. Cut off the white stripe from the file. We do this carefully, the file should remain intact.
  3. Open the file like a bag and fill it with leaves and berries.
  4. Inside the file (in the upper corners) we put triangles-ears, we tie them with ribbons.
  5. We tuck the bottom of the file, seal it with tape.
  6. Using adhesive tape, glue the eyes, beak and paws.

Charming owl is ready!

It's so easy to revive autumn leaves and create a little miracle with your child.

Beautiful autumn crafts for kindergarten and school

When you have enough time left, real miracles can be created from natural materials. In schools and kindergartens, with the advent of cold weather, they are often asked to make bird feeders, which are then hung out in the yard.


Let's do it together original craft. For this we need:

  • 5 liter plastic bottle
  • Broom
  • Leg-split
  • Scissors and stationery knife
  • Acrylic paints
  • Scotch
  1. We cut the bottle into 3 parts.
  2. The upper part is completely painted over with acrylic paint. At the bottom, you need to color the bottom and grab a few centimeters from the bottom. Then we apply glue and wrap the bottom with twine, leaving about 2 - 3 centimeters free from the top.
  3. After the glued twine dries well, cut out a window with scissors and put on the roof of the feeder house.
  4. We fix the roof with tape.
  5. We disassemble the broom, decorate our house.
  6. We wrap the handle with twine - for it we will hang the feeder on the tree.

A beautiful bird feeder is ready!

Autumn panel

For the manufacture we need the following materials:

  • Dry leaves, grass
  • rowan berries
  • rose hip
  • wooden sticks
  • glue gun
  • Rope

Making such a juicy autumn bouquet is quite simple.

  1. To begin with, we will make two square frames of wooden sticks, which we will tightly tie together.
  2. Connect the frames together.
  3. We take several branches, tie them together, and then attach them to the base.
  4. On the other side and in the center we tie dry grass.
  5. From above, with the help of a rope, we attach rowan branches.
  6. Under the rowan berries we place a sprig of fir and fix it.
  7. Using a glue gun, we decorate the panels with leaves in random order, starting with the largest.

The more various elements you use to make such a panel, the more beautiful and interesting it will be. So today go in search of autumn treasures and you can easily create your own masterpiece!

Autumn crafts in kindergarten fake from the natural material of the autumn forest (video)

See detailed step by step master class to create wonderful hedgehogs in the clearing. To repeat such a composition, you will need: plasticine, seeds, a sheet of thick cardboard, a plastic bottle, leaves, autumn berries and everything that you can find on a walk with your baby. Also, grab a great mood and get creative! A great family evening is guaranteed.

I hope this modest selection of simple master classes was useful to you and was able to inspire you to create your own unique and vibrant autumn masterpieces.

Children's crafts from natural materials: 25 ideas and step by step master classes for children of preschool and primary school age.

Children's crafts from natural materials

In this article, you will find more than 25 ideas for making crafts with children from natural materials (leaves, branches, seeds, chestnuts, acorns, vegetables, and others) in different techniques. All master classes from this article have been prepared for you by readers of the Native Path, participants in the competition.

Craft 1: Maple Leaf Roses

This craft was sent to our competition by Anna Baranova and her daughter Lera and teacher Lera from kindergarten MBDOU No. 3 "Ryabinka" ( junior group) Inza, Ulyanovsk region. And also Khabibullina Liliya Rustyamovna (MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of the combined type" of the Moscow district of Kazan) and Davletberdina Malik (5 years old).

Material for manufacturing:
Maple leaves bright colors (orange, yellow, red),
- branches with viburnum berries,
- harsh threads to form a bouquet of roses,
- golden hairspray to strengthen and strengthen the bouquet (optional),
- a few strong branches to strengthen the bouquet of roses.

How to make a bouquet of roses from maple leaves:

Preparation for making crafts: We collect suitable leaves of various colors. We need large enough, not too dry and whole leaves. Too small, dry, diseased, torn leaves are not suitable for making a bouquet. For the manufacture of one flower, it is better to choose leaves of the same color.

Step 1. Take one maple leaf, hold it with the petiole towards you and fold it in half with the right side out. Then we twist it into a tight roll - a tube. This will be the "core of the rose", that is, the middle of the flower.

Step 2. Now, around this "core" of the flower, we begin to lay the "petals". We take another maple leaf, hold it also - with the petiole towards us - and put the prepared core-tube on it closer to the petiole in the middle of the leaf. The front side of the leaf should be inside the future flower. The sheet is very carefully bent outward in half. The edge of the inflection of the "petal" is located above the "core" by a centimeter and a half. Smooth out the fold of the sheet.

And now we bend this protruding edge of the sheet outward again, but the fold is no longer smoothed out. We try not to compress the fold and keep it elastic.

Step 3. We take the next maple leaf and make the second petal on the other side of our middle - the tubes. Continue on until you get a rose flower. Each time you need to take a maple leaf a little larger than the previous one.

Step 4. Having decorated the flower, wrap the base tightly with threads. A strong thin twig can be tightly tied to the base to give the flower strength.

Step 5. Having collected a bouquet of several roses and decorated it with viburnum sprigs, you must again tightly wrap all the branches with threads, collecting them in a bouquet.

How many flowers will be in your bouquet - you decide. We evenly arrange the prepared leaves in a circle, placing them under the buds in the hand. Then we fix the now ready-made bouquet at its base with the same threads.

Here is our autumn bouquet of maple leaf roses and ready!

Step 6. To give strength, beauty and shine, you can sprinkle the finished roses with golden hairspray. But this is optional.

Another design option for such a bouquet of maple leaves was made by the family of Kasanova Margarita (5 years old), Kazan, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of a combined type" of the Moscow region of Kazan. Teacher – Kalmykova Olga Dmitrievna

Craft 2: corn

This craft was sent to our competition "Autumn Workshop" by the educator Rim Elena Anatolyevna (GBOU of the city of Moscow "School No. 166" Structural unit No. 7). And Yulia Terekhina (5 years old), a pupil of Elena Anatolyevna, completed the cornbread.

How to make the craft "Corn:

Step 1. Prepare corn cobs (large, medium and small), cardboard base for crafts, hot glue, fern leaves, fir cones, acorns, leaves, nuts, cereals (barley), decorations for corn (bows, hats, beads, eyes and so on.)

Step 2. Form characters from corn on the cob.

Step 3. Arrange Cornflowers on a cardboard base and decorate the surface waste material. The craft is ready! Good luck!

Craft 3: autumn forest.

This craft was sent to our competition by Kazakova Anna Yurievna. And Anna's four-year-old son Maxim performed it in drawing classes under the guidance of a teacher Alexandra Vladimirovna (club "Happy Childhood", drawing circle for children "Kalyaka-Malyaka", Yoshkar-Ola).

You will need:
- landscape sheet of format A 4,
- autumn leaves,
watercolor paints,

Step by step description:

Step 1. We bring autumn leaves from a walk.

Step 2. Color the white space of the album sheet as a background. Next, on a sheet of paper, draw vertical lines - the trunks of autumn trees.

Craft 4: Old Man Lesovichok

This craft was sent by the teacher Fedorova Tatyana Vladimirovna from the city of Birsk (Bashkortostan), MADOU Kindergarten No. 8 "Alyonushka". It was made by a child from the group of Tatyana Vladimirovna ( senior group) with the help of a teacher.

DIY material: larch needles and cones, plasticine. All parts of the woodsman made of natural materials are fastened together with plasticine.

Craft 5: Application "Hedgehog"

This hedgehog was made and sent to our autumn competition of children's art by Sofia (5 years old) and her mother Anna Shikhareva.

Material for making crafts- pine needles, felt, pine cone, cardboard and PVA glue.

If you prefer not an application, but a voluminous hedgehog, then it can be easily made with children from a piece of plasticine, a dried chestnut skin and cut cotton buds. But this is really a prickly hedgehog, so be careful. Such a hedgehog was made by Yulia Romanovna Ruzaeva and her daughter (2 years 8 months) from St. Petersburg. And you will find another craft by Yulia and her daughter “Giraffe from chestnuts and acorns” in the master class in the article

Craft 6. Hedgehog from piaflora and natural materials

And here is another hedgehog in a different manufacturing technology. It was made and sent to us by Mironets Anna Vladimirovna (mother) and her son Maxim (4 years 9 months) from the Komi Republic, Syktyvkar.

We need to make crafts:- piaflor, - dried leaves of mountain ash, gooseberry, shadberry, - dried flowers, - hairspray.

Description of the craft:

Step 1. Take half of the piaflora brick and cut out the body of a hedgehog from it (it will resemble a droplet in shape). Sharp corners must be smoothed out with your hands. Piaflor does not need to be soaked.

Step 2. Divide the dried rowan leaves into separate leaf plates, which are then inserted into the piaflor (in the body of the hedgehog).

Step 3 Hedgehog ears can be made from dried gooseberry leaves. And we will make paws from dried leaves of irgi.

Step 4 Fold the leaf cuttings several times. We make eyes and a nose out of them.

Step 6. Fix our craft with hairspray. Here's a hedgehog you get.

Craft 7. Caterpillar and chestnut hedgehog

This craft was made and sent to us at our "Autumn workshop for children's crafts" by children of 4 years old together with their teacher Tegaeva Olga Nikolaevna (Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Shemetovo village, Novy microdistrict, MGBOU d / s No. 75 "Fairy Tale")

To make crafts you will need:

- moss,
- branch cut
- acorn hat
- tree leaf,
- plasticine.

How to make a caterpillar and a hedgehog from chestnuts:

- We dry the chestnuts to make it easier to separate the prickly peel from the nut.

- While the chestnut nuts are not completely dry, we pierce them with an awl on both sides and insert matches without heads into the resulting holes (glue the matches on glue for reliability).

- We form a caterpillar. To do this, we select the nuts by size, starting from the largest to the smallest.

- We glue an acorn hat on the head of the caterpillar.

- We make caterpillar eyes from plasticine and attach them.

- Glue the caterpillar on the stump.

- Now we make a hedgehog from plasticine, and we make its prickly back from chestnut peel.

- On the spines of the hedgehog we put a maple leaf ironed through sheets of white paper.

- Lay out the moss.

Here is such a hedgehog - a caterpillar friend - you will succeed.

Craft 8. A basket of cones

This craft was made by Polina Durnova (9 years old, Samara, school 118, 4B class), Maxim Durnov (2 years old) with her mother Durnova Svetlana from Samara, Krasnaya Glinka village. At first, Svetlana and her children tried to make a basket of cones according to the description on the Internet using a glue gun, but ... a day later the resulting basket lost its shape and “went” in different directions. Therefore, Svetlana came up with her own technology for making a basket of cones.

How to make a basket of cones:

Step 1. Go to the forest, collect a lot of cones.

Helpful Hints:

- If you want to make a strong basket that will serve you for a long time, then you need to take into account such a possible fact: closed cones open in a warm room. And this is undesirable if by this time you have already woven a basket. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the cones with a liquid solution of wood glue.

- The strongest connection of cones in a basket is a wire connection Brown(in the color of the cones, so that it is less noticeable). To do this, we wrap the first cone with wire, then we continue to wind the cones around the wire in a circle, wrapping each of them. We do this until we get a circle of the desired size. So we make 2 - 3 rings. And then we connect them into a frame. Connect the cones to the basket using a glue gun. But further in the next steps you need to fix this design.

Step 2 Using a thin wire, fasten three rings, then connect them into a single basket design and screw the handle on top. Cones for the handle are also wrapped with thin wire and then wired to the thick base of the handle or thick wire.

Step 3. Put a cardboard circle at the bottom of the resulting structure. Put rowan branches with berries and spruce cones in a basket. It will turn out a beautiful autumn composition.

Craft 9: Autumn Ship

Autumn is the time of multi-colored ships made of leaves, which set off on a voyage known only to them through the endless airspace. The main thing is that the wind is favorable. It's time to make your autumn ship.

This ship was made and sent to our autumn workshop of children's crafts Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna (Liski, Voronezh region) together with her son (the child's age is 3 years 8 months).

To make crafts - a ship from natural materials, you will need:

- plastic food tray

- a few leaves that can be found on the street (it is better that at least three leaves of them are large sizes- we use them for the sail),

- a stick for a sail with a length of 20 to 30 centimeters,

- a few thin sticks for making pens,

- plasticine of different colors,

- colored paper

- glue stick,

- a few cones ate,

- parachute seeds of maple or ash-shaped maple (optional, optional)

How to make a craft - a boat from natural materials:

Step 1. Making the torso and head of the sailors. The body of the sailors will be cones. From pieces of plasticine we sculpt eyes, a mouth and noses, which we attach them to the cones so that we get the faces of the sailors.

Step 2. We make peakless caps for sailors - cones.

For this:

- Using caps of various diameters, we draw circles on colored paper - the future caps of our sailors (choose the diameter of the circle of a suitable size).

- Cut out circles.

- From paper of a different color, we cut out several thin strips based on one circle, two strips each (the length is arbitrary, but it should be borne in mind that these will be peakless ribbons, so do not overdo it with the length).

- Glue two stripes to each peakless mug close to each other.

- In the center of each capless circle, glue a piece of plasticine the size of one or two beans.

- We fasten these caps to the tops of our cones - sailors have caps.

Step 3. We make the arms and legs of the sailors.

- Determine where your sailors will have their hands and glue a couple of pieces of plasticine there, to which you attach small thin sticks - these will be the sailors' hands.

- The legs are made of plasticine. The shape of the legs should resemble flippers so that the bump stands and does not fall in our ship. To make legs, we sculpt “sausages” from pieces of plasticine the size of a walnut - small but thick, and then we flatten them and attach them to the bottom of our cones.

The sailors are ready.

Step 4. Making the sails. With a large stick we make holes in several large leaves, and stretch the latter through this stick to make several sails on one mast. The joints of the leaves with each other can be glued a little with plasticine, then the leaves will not slide down on top of each other and fall down.

At the top of the mast we placed a basket of ash maple helicopters. To do this, we simply stuck around a piece of plasticine with these helicopters, dividing them into single seed plates, and then this piece of plasticine was glued to the top of the mast. However, such a “basket” is not necessary if you have seeds - there are no “helicopters”.

Step 5. Attach the mast to the base of the ship.

To attach the mast to the ship from a plastic tray, we glue a piece of plasticine a little smaller than a walnut to the tray approximately in its middle (do not spare the plasticine, but we need the mast to hold tight). We insert our mast into it. For better mast attachment, you can stretch the plasticine a little along the trunk of our mast.

In the tray-ship, place our sailors in empty places, slightly pressing their flippers-legs to the bottom so that they stick and hold firmly on the deck. Along the sides of the ship, you can glue leaves of different trees and / or flowers on pieces of plasticine, but this is not necessary - see for yourself how you like it best. It is also optional to make a dragon head on the bow of your ship.

The nose of the ship can be anything, but we made a plasticine dinosaur head and attached it to the nose of our ship.

The autumn ship is ready and can go to any fairy tale that you want to compose with your child!

Craft 10. Picture for the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom" from natural materials

This craft for staging Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” was made together with the teacher by four-year-old children: Mochalova Katerina, Kuchieva Adel, Krupennikov Kolya, Sbudyshev Vlad, Akhtemenchuk Anatoly and Mukhantseva Yana. Teacher - Denisova Svetlana Alexandrovna. Children go to kindergarten MADOU d / s No. 2 "Karamelka" ShchMR MO in the city of Shchelkovo, Moscow Region.

Preparatory stage: watching the cartoon "Fungus-Teremok", reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the mushroom”.

Materials for making crafts based on a fairy tale from natural materials:

- pine cones, spruce

- plasticine

- wire

- mushroom toy

- basis for crafts

- maple, rowan leaves

- corrugated paper

- scissors

- PVA glue

- pine branch

- matches

- cork

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts:

Step 1. We prepare the base.

We paste over the A4 size box with green corrugated paper. On this paper we glue maple leaves, ironed in advance through sheets of white paper.

Step 2 We make trees - scenery.

We take a piece of plasticine, roll up the ball and crush it until we get a round cake. On this cake with a branch up, we insert a mountain ash leaf, ironed in advance through a sheet of paper. You can also insert into the "cake" and a pine branch. Such trees adorn our base.

Step 3 We attach a large mushroom.

In the middle of the base we attach the finished mushroom - either on plasticine or on glue.

Step 4. D we eat the main characters of the fairy tale (ant, butterfly, sparrow, hare, fox).

All heroes are made of cones and plasticine.

How to mold fairy-tale characters from cones and plasticine:


We take a fir cone. The narrow tip of the cone is pulled out with brown plasticine. Eyes made of black plasticine are attached to the "head" of the ant. Paws can be made of wire, attaching them evenly throughout the cone with plasticine. We make the antennae of the ant from 2 matches without heads.


the toy is created from a pine cone, eyes - from two small corks, paws - from three matches (attached to plasticine). The beak and tail are made using plasticine: attach the plasticine to the cone and pull it into the desired shape.


A butterfly can be created from a fir cone by attaching two multi-colored circles of corrugated paper to it using wire. To do this, a hole is pierced in the paper (from the edge of the circle closest to the bump), a wire is threaded into the resulting hole and the wing is attached to the component of the bump. The same action must be done from the other end. The head of a butterfly can be made of plasticine by attaching it to the toy's body from the narrow side of the cone.

Hare: the toy consists of a fir cone and blue plasticine. Paws, ears and head are molded from plasticine. We also make eyes from platinum of a different color.

Fox: Fox is easy to make. We need a fir cone and orange plasticine. The muzzle of the fox is molded from an orange plasticine sausage, stretched out in the shape of a fox's nose. A black nose is attached to the muzzle.

Step 5 We make a composition according to a fairy tale.

Let's put the heroes under the mushroom. Attach the butterfly in the corner to the base of the composition.

wish creative fantasies and imagination, and then you will get your own fairy tale!

Craft 11. Caterpillar from apples

This craft was made by Danila Ankushev together with his parents from the Strekhninsky kindergarten (the older group "Friendly Family"). And the teacher Elena Yaroslavtseva sent the craft to us for the autumn workshop.

How to make a caterpillar: the body of the caterpillar is made up of apples. We make legs from earplugs (sold in a pharmacy). To fasten the parts, wooden toothpicks are used. Decorates the craft with a shell from a grape snail.

Another option for making caterpillars from apples was sent to us from the city of Kungur in the Perm Territory (MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6"). This caterpillar was made by Kulyashova Arina, 6 years old. Teachers: Zueva Tatyana Vladimirovna, Karaguzheva Rufina Viktorovna.

How else can you make a caterpillar out of apples: option 2.

This caterpillar is made from apples. Apples are fastened together with toothpicks. The legs are carved from carrots. They also hold on to toothpicks and walk on autumn leaves glued to the landscape sheet. The fashionista dressed up in chokeberry beads. The berries are collected on a string. The eyes are made of red rowan and are also held on by toothpicks. Caterpillar put on instead of a hat beautiful flower, hooked it on herself with a toothpick and went to the fair.

Here is such a cheerful caterpillar made from natural materials by Arina.

Craft 12. A cheerful family of acorns

This and the following three crafts made from natural materials were made with children by Alexandra Albertovna Naumkina together with her son Vanya (4 years old) and daughter Masha (1 year 3 months), Barnaul, Altai Territory. Here is what Alexandra writes:

You will need to make crafts:

- a piece of a branch or tree bark,

- acorns

- black marker

glue gun or glue "Moment".

How to make a fun family from natural materials:

Step 1. Draw faces.

She showed her son how to draw a face on the stomach. Gave him permanent marker and acorns and left him. Here are such bizarre faces turned out.

Step 2. We glue the hats to our little men.

We glued the hats on Moment glue.

Step 3. We attach the family.

But with gluing to the bark, I had to tinker. I smeared the bark with Moment glue. Substitute something rectangular at the back to hold the craft while gluing, place the acorns on the bark and leave them to stick.

Please note: only an adult can work with Moment glue without the presence of children in a well-ventilated area, because. he is toxic. Instead of glue, you can use a safe glue gun, an adult also works with it.

All! The happy family is ready.

Craft 13. Interior craft "Autumn branch"

We got a beautiful interior craft. My son made it himself. The main thing is that it is done very simply.

Step 1. We found more interesting branches in the forest and brought them home.

Step 2 Dried the leaves in the books between the pages.

Step 4. Then we decided to complete our composition and make owls out of plasticine and place them on autumn branches.

To do this, we took cones, maple seeds ("helicopters") for wings and plasticine.

I made the first owl, the second was made by my son.

Attached them to the branches on plasticine, they hold well.

Like this beautiful composition now decorates our house! And, most importantly, this craft is very easy to make.

Another option for making an autumn branch was sent to us by Natalya Oshueva (Balashikha) and her son Vanya Oshuev (3 years 8 months).

Autumn branch on the wall: the second version of the mobile

Natalia writes: “I first laminated the leaves. With my son, we cut them out, made holes and threaded the ropes. The branch was found on the street. They hung leaves on it. The result was a branch with fallen leaves.

Craft 14: Hedgehogs from cones and salt dough

Alexandra Naumkina shared with us her experience of making hedgehogs with her son.

Step 1. We kneaded salty dough together with my son. He loves baking so much that he kneads all the dough himself, and I only tell him what to take and in what proportion.

Salt dough recipe (proportions): wheat flour - 2 cups, fine salt - 1 cup, water - 3/4 cups. The finished dough should not crumble and stick to your hands.

Step 2. Blinded two hedgehogs together: mother and baby. Here I have already given the final shape. We stuck the cones and put the oven in the oven.

Step 3. The next day (after the hedgehogs have cooled down), we painted them with gouache paint. But if you need hedgehogs for a longer life, then it is better to use acrylic paints. They molded the nose from plasticine and glued the eyes.

We just studied with my son, so the son was so carried away by modeling mushrooms from plasticine that he stuck many different mushrooms for hedgehogs himself.

Craft 15: Autumn Leaf Mobile

for the development of speech breathing in children

This handicraft from natural materials was also made by Naumkina Alexandra Albertovna for her children - Vanya (4 years old) and Masha (1 year 3 months). This family lives in the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory.

Alexandra writes:

“Our craft was born, one might say, spontaneously.

Step 1. As a basis for the mobile, I cut out the rim of a cardboard disposable plate.

Step 2. I tied the threads of yarn on the resulting rim at about the same distance. yellow color. From the same yarn I made a pendant for which our craft will hold.

Craft 16. Application from seeds "Hedgehog"

This application from natural materials was made by Khaliullin Artur (6 years old) from MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of the combined type" of the Moscow region of Kazan. Teacher: Khaliullina Rafida Raisovna.

You will need:

- paper,

- pencil,

- PVA glue,

- seeds,

- colored pencils (felt-tip pens),

- leaves for decorating

- spruce branches.

Craft progress:

Step 1. We draw a hedgehog with thorns on paper. If the child is already old enough, then he can draw a hedgehog himself.

Step 2. We apply PVA glue on the back of the hedgehog with a thick layer. Then spread the seeds on a layer of glue. We make sure that the sharp tips of the seeds are directed in one direction.

Step 3. We color the muzzle and paws of the hedgehog with colored pencils.

Step 4. We decorate the background with leaves of mountain ash, birch; cones, spruce branches.

Craft 17. Application from wheat "Lion cub"

"Wheat lion cub" is a children's craft - an appliqué made of fleece and wheat. It is very easy to make this craft. First, glue spikelets of wheat on colored cardboard, and then on top of it - the muzzle of a lion cub. Glue on the glue "Liquid nails".

This craft was made by a child of 5 years old, and Irina Babarinova from Sergiev Posad (GBOU "School No. 166 SP No. 7", Moscow) sent us to our competition of children's crafts.

Craft 18. Lady - cabbage and Forest fairy tale

These crafts made from natural materials were made by children from Bataysk.

The work is made from a head of cabbage. Eyes, nose, mouth are made from purchased blanks for soft toys. The head is decorated with a wreath of rowan and leaves. The stand can be any, it is decorated with material and decorated with leaves.

The forest fairy tale is made of natural materials. The little fairy is made of autumn flowers. Firebird - from a cone and seeds of an ash-tree. The work is decorated with natural materials collected by children.

Crafts from natural materials 19. Autumn meadow

This craft was sent to us by the teacher Samigullina Lilia Rustyamovna from Kazan. And I made this craft with the help of adults Izmailov Rodion (3 years old), a pupil of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of the combined type" of the Moscow district of Kazan.

Required material: Box, scissors, PVA glue, plasticine, natural materials (cones, dry leaves, acorns, chestnut peel), toothpicks.

How to make an autumn meadow with children:

Step 1. For the base of the craft, we will prepare a box. Let's cut off one side of the box so that the autumn glade is visible.

Step 2. We attach dry leaves inside the box, decorate it with various natural materials (cones, toys, pebbles).

Step 3. We make fairy-tale characters from chestnuts. We make crafts from fruits that have just fallen from a tree while they are soft (this applies to crafts from chestnuts, acorns and cones).

The main method by which we will fasten the details of crafts is plasticine and toothpicks. For this:

- first, carefully pierce the chestnuts with an awl,

- insert toothpicks into the resulting holes and fix the joints with glue.

In the photo, the bear is made of chestnuts and plasticine, the little man is made of chestnuts and acorns, the hedgehog is made of chestnut peel and plasticine, the owl is made of chestnut.

The eyes of the birds are made of acorn caps, and the bird's beaks, paws and wings are made of plasticine.

Spiders can also be made from chestnuts. Small holes are made in the chestnut with an awl in the places where the paws will be attached. The paws of the spiders are made from toothpicks that are inserted into the holes in the chestnuts and fixed with glue.

Craft 20. Autumn forest

This craft was made and sent to our autumn workshop for children's crafts Stephanie (3 years old) with her mother Yulia Anatolyevna Fefelova (Barnaul, Altai Territory).

For crafts "Autumn Forest" we need the following materials:

  • Herring jar (or any container of suitable shape and depth)
  • Foam rubber
  • Rubber glue or glue gun
  • Gouache or acrylic paints and a brush
  • colored paper
  • Plasticine
  • tree branch
  • dried leaves
  • Maple planes
  • Pine cones
  • fir cones
  • Pine needles (needles)
  • Stones (pebbles) of oval shape of different sizes
  • piece of cardboard
  • dried flowers
  • rowan berries

How to make crafts "Autumn Forest" from natural materials:

Step 1. We make the basis for our craft:

- paint the foam rubber with yellow gouache,

- after drying, we make a hole in the middle and insert a branch into it,

- fix it with glue to the jar,

- Glue the end of the can with yellow paper.

Step 2. We make owls: we attach eyebrows, eyes and a beak to spruce cones from plasticine. With the help of plasticine we attach the wings of maple "airplanes".

Step 3. We make hedgehogs: we sculpt a muzzle, mushrooms from plasticine. With the help of plasticine we fasten the needles. We attach a muzzle, mushrooms and rowan berries to the hedgehog.

Step 4. Making a bunny and ladybugs:

- paint the stones with gouache (gray for a bunny, red for ladybugs).

- we glue ears from cardboard to the bunny, make eyes, nose, antennae from plasticine or draw with a felt-tip pen.

- we also complete the manufacture of ladybugs with plasticine parts or draw with a black felt-tip pen.

You can cover crafts with varnish.

The photo shows fragments of the autumn forest and its inhabitants, made from natural materials.

Step 5 We attach dried leaves to our tree on plasticine. We stick dried flowers into plasticine. Leaves, animals, dried flowers are attached to foam rubber with glue.

Autumn forest is ready!

Craft 21. Autumn sun from natural materials

The idea of ​​this craft was shared with us by Maria Schukina, mother of two children (Vova - 4 years and 8 months and Anyuta - 1 year and 3 months), St. Petersburg. Maria writes: “This is my favorite autumn craft, and I have been nurturing this idea for a long time. We did it with great pleasure :). Everything was invented by ourselves.”

What you need to make an autumn sun from natural materials:

- PVA glue,

- a lot of autumn leaves from different trees and shrubs (we even collected rose hips),

- rowan berries,

- dog-rose fruit,

- acorns

- watercolor paints,

- thread and needle

- any natural material.

How to make the sun from natural materials with children:

Step 1 Draw a large circle on A3 paper and glue it with maple leaves. We collected leaflets in advance, and for some time they were kept in our journal. Thus, they became very even and easily stuck to the paper.

Step 2 Then we connect the fantasy and also stick any leaves and natural materials according to your taste in a circle. The circle becomes larger.

Step 3 Draw the face of the sun: eyes, nose and mouth.

The mood of the autumn sun can be anything - cheerful or sad, surprised or delighted - whoever feels autumn mood, discuss this with the children when making the craft.

Step 4 We sew rowan earrings to the sun (you can sew rose hips, any flowers). I used the largest needle and simply sewed the mountain ash to the Whatman paper as to ordinary fabric. At the same time, on the reverse side of the drawing paper, I fixed the thread with adhesive tape. You can also sew on many other decorations.

Step 5 In the upper corners of the drawing paper, glue the acorns with PVA glue, after cutting them in half lengthwise. I hope you enjoy our autumn sun from improvised natural materials :).

Craft 22. Application from the shell. Autumn Walk

This creative work performed by Kuznetsova Nastya, 6 years old. And Maria Sharygina (Vologda) sent it to us at the autumn workshop of children's crafts.

How to make a craft:

- First, draw a pencil drawing on paper.

- Then we glue small pieces of egg shells onto the silhouettes of the crown and trunks of trees. We are waiting for the glue to dry.

- Shake off excess shells.

— We paint the work with gouache.

Craft 23. Hut at the edge of the forest

This children's craft made from natural materials was made by Anastasia Viktorovna Dergunova and her nephew Alexander (6 years old) from Saransk, Republic of Mordovia.

How to make a craft:

Step 1. Leaves of various shapes (birch, rowan, maple, etc.) are painted with paints of different colors and attached to a clean sheet of paper so that prints remain on it. Paint the sun.

Step 2. While the prints of the leaves are dry, we will break the required diameter of the sticks from a small twig for the hut. Lubricate the paper in the place where the hut will be in the future with glue and lay out the hut from the sticks, in the middle of which we place a birch leaf as a window.

Step 3. We attach the leaves and the rowan bush in the clearing with a stapler.

Step 4. Glue the bottom of the clearing with glue and lay out the path from the watermelon seeds.

Step 5. Cut out the solar circle and rays from birch leaves, then glue them on the already dried sun. From black and blue threads we lay out a cloud in the sky in the upper part of the craft.

Craft 24. Autumn park for dolls made from natural materials

This craft was invented and made by Brusyantseva Valeria, she is 9 years old, Orenburg.

Necessary materials:
- cardboard box,
- light colored paper
- colored pencils and markers
- glue stick, PVA, double-sided tape and colored tape,
- plasticine, beans,
- leaves, tree branches with leaves, mountain ash,
- stones,
- matchboxes.

How to make a craft:

- From cardboard box we cut out the base of the park of any configuration, leaving a high wall for the screen and a low wall for the fence.

- We glue all the edges of the base with light paper. We outline with a pencil where the benches and paths will be.

- Making the screen. We cut out a rectangular sheet of white paper that is suitable in size, draw any picture on it and glue it to the screen.

— Design of the place of installation of benches. We cut out rectangular sheets of white paper that are suitable in size, color them (for example, you can color them in the form of colored tiles). Glue to the base in the intended places.

- Making paths. We apply plasticine to the tracks outlined on the basis and attach the beans to it.

- Making trees. We attach branches of trees with leaves to plasticine, forming a park.

— We decorate the stone ruins of the castle. We fasten the stones with plasticine.

- We make a lawn. We attach leaves and mountain ash to the remaining free places of the base on PVA.

- From matchboxes and colored tape we make two benches.

All is ready! The doll can walk along the paths of the park, admire the picture on the screen or the ruins of a stone castle, and arrange photo shoots.

Craft 25. Panel: Autumn puddle

This panel was invented and made by Maria Vostrikova (grade 4 B, MBOU secondary school No. 118, Samara), teacher - Belyanskaya Vera Evgenievna.

Materials used:

- poplar twig,
- leaves,
- dried grass
- cellophane,
- masking tape
- threads
- glue moment,
- green marker.

The sequence of execution of the panel "Autumn puddle":

- Make a ring out of a twig, fix it with masking tape.

- Place the autumn leaves inside the plastic bag so that the leaves are fixed. To obtain the effect of a frozen puddle, the composition must be ironed with a warm iron through a sheet of paper.

- Trim the composition to fit the ring.

- Using a hot nail, make holes along the edge of the composition.

- Pulling the thread through the holes, fasten it with a ring of twig into one.

- Paint the masking tape with a green felt-tip pen and glue the grass on the twig.

Children's crafts from natural materials "on the go"

It is not necessary to make a complex children's craft. Many crafts from natural material can be made on the go, without preparation. They can be used as quickly created attributes for children's games. Oshueva Natalya Mikhailovna (Balashikha) shared her ideas with us. Here are some very simple crafts she did with her son Vanya at the age of a child of 3 years 8 months and with her daughter Masha (1 year 4 months).

wreath of leaves

We collect a lot of leaves on a walk, string them on a wire. We connect the ends of the wire and get an autumn wreath of leaves. We hang the wreath by a rope. We also decorate the rope with leaves.

leaf crown

The crown is very easy to make.

Step 1. A blank was made from paper - a “hoop” according to the size of the child’s head, about 5 cm wide.

Step 2. We glued double-sided tape on top, and then my daughter glued leaves on it.

autumn trees

Natalya writes: “For the quick production of autumn trees, we used rolls from toilet paper And corrugated paper cut into strips. The children pushed the paper inside the roll as they could. In the end, it turned out well for us, bright and autumnal.

You can also place autumn branches and autumn leaves collected on a walk in a roll.

Pumpkins from cones

In this craft, we used fluffy wire. They took a bump, wrapped it with orange fluffy wire. Further, leaves of green were attached to it. fluffy wire. To make green spring leaves, we first wound the wire around a pencil, then removed it from the pencil and got green spirals.


For crafting a hedgehog, we used an eaten sunflower.

- The muzzle and body were cut out of foam. This is best done in advance by adults.

- From above, the muzzle was covered with plasticine.

- “Needles” - a sunflower was glued to the foam with glue using a hot gun.

— Decorated autumn leaves and cones a clearing for a hedgehog.

"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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