Bride ransom competition with a basin. Competitions for the ransom of the bride

Bow to you, gentlemen,
Where are you from and where?
If you pass by, pass
If to us - why, tell me.

The groom and his friends answer: (For the bride)

For the bride. That's great.
We are waiting for you, our clear falcon.
But the bride is far away
It's not easy to get to her.
To get her hands
You have to work hard.
Here's your first hurdle:
You need to open this door.
She creaks day and night.
What does it require? (Guilt).

The entrance door opens and the groom and guests are allowed inside.

(at the entrance) Witness: (ladder #1)
Here is the cherished ladder ...
Any word for each letter
You come up with love for the bride!
And if you can't, don't be offended
You have to part with your money!

Attach ready-made letters to the steps, the groom must go up the steps to say sweet words bride.

Witness : (ladder #2).
What is the reason for this marriage
If only we could find out now...
You take out your heart
Read aloud solemnly!
Well, if it doesn't work...
So the next one is worth the money!

we hang a big heart in it 6 small ones with reasons, the groom must find the right one

Witness : between stairs #2 and #3
"Show your love. Tie the towel as tightly as you will love your future wife." …. "Now untie the towel as quickly as you will quickly stop your quarrels with your wife." ….
*(prepare a wet towel in advance)

Witness : (ladder #3)
Before going upstairs
Gather your thoughts.
Get up on the step
And read us a poem!
Ile people cheered
Tell us a joke...

Groom (answers something) or (pays a ransom)

Witness : between stairs #3 and #4
And now let him answer:
Where, when he met Yulia,
What are you wearing, did you notice?
How old was Yulia?

Witness: (ladder №4)
What are you going to do around the house, fiance, answer!
You go on a step and call a great deed!

The groom lists

Witness: between stairs #4 and #5.
Here, groom, a riddle for you:
Kiss Beloved Sweet
Among the lips of strangers' brides
Tell us soon

poster on the wall with lips

Witness: (ladder number 5)
And now another question
You, our dear groom,
Break your wild head
And guess all the numbers...
10 stairs -25 (bride's age)
9 stairs -17 (dating day)
8 stairs -10 (her birthday)
7stairs -6 (month of her birth)
6 stairs -35 (foot size)
5 ladder -164 (height)
4 stairs -28 (groom's age)
3 stairs -16 (bride's ring size)
2 stairs - 70 (number of guests invited to the wedding)
1st ladder - 20 (wedding day) and (application day)

Witness : (on the landing between stairs No. 5 and No. 6.)
If you want to go up, pay off richer.
And here is the name of the one about whom you dreamed so much.
You probably noticed him a long time ago?
Cover it with paper money
So that the daughter-in-law walks with her important.

The groom answers

: (ladder #6)
You know everything about the bride... but can you guess the questions?
1. What are the bride's favorite flowers? (Roses)
2. Full name of the future mother-in-law? (Svetlana)
3. What color are the bride's eyes? (brown)
4. What is her favorite time of the year? (Summer)
5. What is her shoe size? (35)
6. Where did the first meeting take place? (To rebellion)
7. Do you dream about your bride in a dream? (Yes)
8. What is your bride's favorite perfume? (Christian Dior or Miss Dior Cherry)
9. What will come first for the wife: family or work? (Family)
10. Name her favorite car brand (Mercedes)

Witness : between stairs #6 and #7
Prove you are the groom to us
What is smart beyond his years.
Put you in the basin for honor
Everything that is dear to the bride.
Wrong suddenly, my friend,
So get your wallet ready

the groom must stand in the basin

Witness : (ladder no. 7)
"Stop, groom, don't move, your bride lives here...
Only the key is here for now .... You get it first "... (the balls lie on the stairs to the door of the apartment)
*IN air balloons put papers with some kind of ransom, the Bridegroom bursts balloon after balloon until he finds a balloon with a "key".

Found the key ... the witness opens the door, everyone enters the apartment

: (in front of the bride's door)
Here is the last hurdle
And all you need
Say the magic words
The door will open by itself.
Groom ... (Julia I Love You)
*(someone from the bride's room opens the door and the groom comes through... you can blow up the boom-feti at this moment)
Your fiancé promises - He will be gentle, he will be quiet.
He won't forget this day
He will carry money into the house.
No longer looks at others
Do not offend, do not deceive.
He took everything, as they say.
How do you like the groom?
BRIDE: Good!
Take care of the bride, groom,
From adversity and dashing storms.
To flourish, to bear fruit,
Well, let's go to the table
Let's pour some cups together.

A fun event at the beginning of the wedding day will be the ransom of the bride, at which the groom can be asked to pass some simple but funny tests so that he proves that he is worthy of the bride.

What cool competitions to prepare for a modern celebration, so that the groom and his team pass them with a bang, charging themselves and the guests of the holiday with positive energy? The portal has made a small selection for you with 10 simple and fun tasks for the ransom of the bride.

Women's little things

  • Members: the groom and his friends.
  • Props: cosmetic bag, women's little things (mascara, highlighter, eyelash tweezers, clips, curlers).

The groom and his friends are given a cosmetic bag, in which various women's things should be put in advance. They must correctly name each thing. If they find it difficult, then the girlfriends give them hints, for example, the first letter is “p”, there are six letters in the word, etc.

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: box, different toys(doll, car, crocodile, rose, etc.), blindfold.

An original and funny competition for the groom can be a blindfold test. He is blindfolded and given a box containing a variety of toys prepared specifically for the ransom of the bride. His task is to find the toy that most closely resembles the bride and explain why he made this choice when his eyes are opened.

Baby dress up

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: doll, baby clothes, box.

An interesting competition that can be held at the ransom of the bride can be a test of the groom for readiness for future fatherhood. His task is to put on a "child" for a walk on the street. He is given a doll and a box with clothes: a bodysuit, rompers, overalls, a hat, booties, etc. The groom must quickly complete the task.

Duties of the Future Husband

  • Members: friends of the groom.
  • Props: word cards, bag.

To carry out this funny competition the words should be written on the cards in advance: toilet, socks, sink, plates, mop, vacuum cleaner, coffee, etc. Before the immediate ransom of the bride, the cards are placed in a bag, from which the groom's friends take turns pulling out pieces of paper on which words are written, for example, plates. They must come up with this word for the duty that the groom will perform after the wedding, for example, washing all the dishes after dinner.

Such a competition is quite universal, because. it is suitable for any celebration, no matter what kind of redemption scenario you want for a wedding: classic or ultra-modern.

Beloved's handwriting

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: drawing paper, pen.

A bored classic has already become a test for the groom, during which he must determine among the many lip prints of his beloved's sponge. A similar variant of this cool contest for the ransom of the bride is to determine what word his betrothed wrote. To do this, the bride and other girls write the same or different words on the drawing paper in advance, for example, “I love”, and the groom must determine which handwriting belongs to his beloved.

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: helium balloon.

A funny contest for the groom can be a declaration of love to the bride, but he will have to do this only after he inhales helium from the balloon. After that, his voice will be so funny that none of those present at the ransom will be able to hold back tears from laughter.

The smell of a loved one

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: handkerchiefs, different toilet waters, a tray.

It is necessary to sprinkle handkerchiefs with different toilet waters in advance, one of which is the bride's toilet water. The task of the groom is to find the bride's handkerchief by smell.

I believe / do not believe

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: a leaf with stories.

The groom is offered to prove that he knows his beloved well. He will be told various cases allegedly from the life of the bride, and he must say whether this is true or not. For example:

  • The bride as a child loved to climb trees and play war.
  • While studying at the university, she played in KVN.
  • The bride in her second year jumped with a parachute, etc.

Without words

  • Members: the groom and his team.
  • Props: wife's costume (skirt or kitchen apron).

The groom is offered to show how he will behave in different family situations, only this must be done without words. The role of his future wife can be played by a friend disguised as a spouse. You can think of situations like this:

  1. The husband meets his wife from the hospital.
  2. The husband brought home a small salary.
  3. Wife swears at her husband for throwing socks.
  4. The wife spent the entire salary of her husband in the store.

Tell me about the bride

  • Members: groom.
  • Props: card, papers, bag.

To hold this competition at the bride price, you should prepare props in advance: write adjectives on pieces of paper (sparkling, graceful, big, sexy, thick, etc.), and on the card - a text about the bride, deliberately putting dots instead of adjectives. The text can be like this: “My fiancee has such .... eyes, …. ears, …. lips, …. hair, ... eyebrows, etc.”

The task of the groom is to take out pieces of paper with adjectives from the bag one by one and read the text about his beloved. It will turn out very funny and positive, because the bride can have " big eyes, sexy ears and bushy eyebrows."

Portal has collected for you ten funny contests, which can be offered to the groom in order to get to his beloved. Don't use them all for a bride price, but choose the ones that are best for your event. After all, if the ransom is fun and easy, then you are definitely guaranteed a great mood and a positive charge for the whole holiday!

If you want to have a wedding without a ransom, then you can replace these tests alternatives, for example, a secret date with a photo session, or use these contests on the first or second day of the celebration.

Our contacts: tel.8-960-111-71-67 (Irina)

On our website you will find detailed information on the following topics:

Lidersvadba - LiderSvadba - Wedding agency of Voronezh (master of ceremonies, photographer, video filming). Wedding salon (dresses: wedding, evening, children's, wedding accessories: glasses, locks, jewelry). For the bride - information about the registry offices of Voronezh, photos of wedding dresses, hairstyles, wedding script, bride price, bouquet, first dance, makeup, manicure, decorations of the banquet hall, cafe addresses for the wedding, evening dresses to graduation party.

Wedding preparations Preparing for the wedding involves a good organization of the wedding, the search for a wedding dress for the bride, the search for a salon for the bride's wedding hairstyle, the organization of the bride's ransom. Holding a wedding involves the presence of a wedding video. Wedding photo the wedding day should be professional. For all questions about organizing and holding a wedding, please contact the agency "Leaderswedding" Voronezh

When to play a wedding When to play a wedding - the newlyweds decide. In any case, wedding photography and video shooting of a wedding in winter, spring, autumn or summer will be gorgeous! The bride in her stunning wedding dress, amazing bridal hair and bridal makeup will look wedding photos elegant and charming at any time of the year! The groom, throwing loving glances at the bride, will certainly be the ideal object of wedding video filming and wedding photography at any time of the year in Voronezh.

Wedding ring Wedding rings are a symbol of marriage. The names of the bride and groom can be engraved on the inside of the rings. The main thing, going to the registry office, do not forget the wedding rings. Jewelry stores in Voronezh offer wedding rings to the bride and groom.

wedding anniversaries The bride and groom at their green wedding can see wedding anniversaries their subsequent happy family life. Wedding anniversaries by years involve the giving of symbolic gifts.

Wedding gifts Wedding gifts for the bride and groom should be useful in their future family life. Many guests invited to the celebration are wondering: "What to give for the wedding?" In any case, wedding gifts should please the newlyweds.

Wedding toasts Wedding toasts- these are parting words from all the guests who came to the wedding. Good wedding toasts are just words spoken from the heart. Wedding toasts from the toastmaster will sound in honor of the bride and groom, for the parents of the newlyweds, for the witnesses. Reciprocal toasts can be original or just very sincere. Short toasts really enliven the wedding evening.

wedding omens Treat wedding signs with humor. There are many folk signs associated with the registry office and the wedding. A reminder to especially superstitious newlyweds: signs are created by people, therefore, dear bride and groom, you should not regard signs for the bride and signs for the groom as an unambiguous guide to action.

wedding traditions Many newlyweds observe wedding traditions. Wedding traditions came from afar, earlier in Rus' the wedding was preceded by a "loaf" - the so-called ritual wedding bread. Traditional wedding "tree" was decorated with bread and kalach. One of the most stable traditions that has been preserved to this day in the city of Voronezh is that the wedding is preceded by matchmaking.

Music at the wedding Wedding music sets the mood for everyone present at the wedding party. Songs at Voronezh weddings are performed by both professional vocalists and guests invited by the bride and groom. Music for the wedding is very diverse - it includes both wedding compositions and music of the 80s and modern music. The music for the bride and groom is especially carefully chosen in the first dance of the newlyweds. And the music, when the bride invites her father to a white dance, is full of trepidation and tenderness of daughter and father's feelings.

Games, contests It is necessary to dilute the wedding feast with contests and games. Competitions at the wedding can be drinking in the first half of the wedding evening and active dance - in the second half. We do not offer wedding games one after another: guests need breaks. Wedding contests are necessarily very carefully chosen by the bride and groom during their meeting with the Voronezh toastmaster.

Bride theft Bride stealing is one of ancient traditions, observed at a Voronezh wedding, which shows how much the groom loves the bride. Listen to advice related to bride kidnapping. The agency Lidersvadba has original version theft and ransom of the bride.

Wedding photo Voronezh Wedding photography is an art, not just a recording of events. Wedding photos are one of the most important memories of wedding day Therefore, no wedding is complete without a wedding photographer. Amateur wedding photography is very different from professional wedding photography. A wedding photo taken by a Voronezh wedding photographer will capture your one and only wedding day very beautifully and vividly!

Wedding photographer Voronezh A wedding photographer will fill your wedding album with gorgeous photos. Wedding photography at a wedding includes shooting a wedding photo portrait, staged photography, reportage wedding photography. And "Love Story" wedding photos will remind the bride and groom of the beginning of love all their lives. A wedding photographer at the Lidersdadba agency will very professionally reflect your joy, enthusiastic looks and positive emotions that you will be full of on the day of the celebration of your love.

Wedding photographer The photo gallery offers beautiful wedding photos. To get really high quality wedding photos - contact a professional wedding photographer in Voronezh.

Wedding photo in Voronezh The wedding photo, which is in the wedding book, is a selection of portraits of the bride and groom and collages. The collage is a professional combination of the best and most meaningful wedding photos of the bride and groom. styled on one sheet. It is the Voronezh professional photographer who will decorate your wedding photo into a unique, individual design of a wedding book, in which the purity of love of the bride and groom will be revealed in full force!

wedding photographer Wedding photography is an art, not just a recording of events. Wedding photography is one of the most important memories of a wedding day, so no wedding is complete without a wedding photographer. Amateur wedding photography is very different from professional wedding photography. A wedding photo taken by a wedding photographer will capture your one and only wedding day in a very beautiful and bright way!

Artistic wedding photos Of course, on the wedding day, all the newlyweds are beautiful and delightful. On our website, we show how a wedding day photo turns into a glamorous wedding day photo. If your goal is to get beautiful artistic wedding photos... Such wedding photos that you would like to review your own photos again and again, then you just need to contact a professional photographer. photography.

Wedding photo Voronezh The photos that are presented on this page are not quite ordinary. The brightness of colors, twisted forms make them extravagant and pretentiously attractive.

The best wedding photos in Voronezh IN Lately in Voronezh it has become fashionable to make slide shows from photographs. We bring to your attention three types of slideshows: still photos with a transparent overflow, photos in motion, photos in motion with the addition of text.

Professional wedding photographer in Voronezh It is very important to arrange the best wedding photos in a beautiful wedding book. All professional wedding photographers in Voronezh offer newlyweds this type of service. It's very pretty and super stylish!!!

Photos from weddings Perhaps there are no better photos than those taken on the wedding day. Enthusiastic euphoria, happy smiles, the inimitable sparkle of the eyes and the charm of falling in love - all this is present in wedding photos. Every happy couple after the wedding is left with a lot of photos taken by a professional photographer.

Wedding. Photo. Voronezh. A wedding is the most significant, most memorable day in the life of any person. Wedding. A photo taken on your wedding day in Voronezh will warm you with its memories for many years. A wedding photo, processed by a professional photographer, will fill you with warmth and unique light joy throughout your life.

Tamada Voronezh Tamada is one of the main characters at the wedding. The scenario of the wedding is considered in detail by the bride and groom when they meet with the toastmaster. The toastmaster in Voronezh organizes a wedding, creates a fabulous holiday atmosphere. Are you looking for a professional host in Voronezh for a wedding? - contact the agency "Leaderswedding"

Wedding scenarios Wedding scenarios are very diverse. It all depends on the tastes of the bride and groom. Tamada talks in great detail about what should be in the wedding script. We offer free wedding plans.

wedding loaf The wedding loaf is a tradition that is observed at weddings to this day in Voronezh. The groom's parents meet the newlyweds at home with a loaf of salt.

Start of the wedding banquet The wedding celebration is celebrated in restaurants, cafes, canteens, at home. The wedding banquet lasts 6-7 hours. The beginning of the banquet most often - at 16-17 hours. At the wedding celebration, for the first half hour or an hour, toasts are heard in honor of the bride and groom. Next - the first waltz of the newlyweds.

Theft of shoes at a wedding The theft of a shoe from the bride's foot at a wedding is a small episode that requires the toastmaster to beautifully stage it. A wedding photo taken by a Voronezh wedding photographer at the time of the theft of a shoe strikes with the immediacy of the images and vivid emotionality.

Theft of the bride at the wedding Stealing the bride at a wedding is one of the oldest traditions, which is designed to show how much the groom loves his bride. A wedding photo taken by a Voronezh wedding photographer at the time of the kidnapping of the bride is striking in the immediacy of the images and vivid emotionality. Dear newlyweds, in any case, remember that theft, kidnapping of the bride is just a "game at the wedding"

Fortune telling for a boy and a girl Boy or girl - this episode at the wedding is very important, because all the guests are very interested in who will be the first child of such a wonderful, beautiful and chic couple. The bride and groom joyfully meet the news of the baby at their wedding.

Wedding contests, wedding games. Video. It is necessary to dilute the wedding feast with contests and games. Competitions at the wedding can be drinking in the first half of the wedding evening and active dance - in the second half. We do not offer wedding games one after another: guests need breaks. Wedding contests are necessarily very carefully chosen by the bride and groom during their meeting with the toastmaster.

Family hearth at the wedding The fire, which symbolizes the hearth, is lit with great warmth and tenderness by the parents at the wedding party. And the bride and groom are very reverently holding in their hands the freshly lit by their parents family hearth in Voronezh.

Reviews about toastmaster. Video. Tamada is one of the main characters at the wedding. The scenario of the wedding is considered in detail by the bride and groom when they meet with the toastmaster. Toastmaster organizes a wedding, creates a fabulous holiday atmosphere. Are you looking for a professional host in Voronezh for a wedding? - contact the agency "Leaderswedding"

Videography for the wedding Voronezh Wedding videography is an art, not just a recording of events. The wedding video will become the main memory of the wedding day, so no wedding is complete without a wedding videographer. All the moments of your unique day will be reflected in the video of the wedding, whether it is the gathering of the bride and groom, the ransom, the solemn registration, the dance of the newlyweds...

Wedding video Voronezh A wedding videographer will turn your wedding film into a masterpiece! Wedding video at a wedding includes staged video filming, reportage wedding video filming. And the video filming of "Love Story" will remind the bride and groom of the beginning of love all their lives. A wedding videographer in the Voronezh agency "Leaderswedding" will very professionally reflect your joy, enthusiastic looks and positive emotions that you will be full of on the day of the celebration of your love.

Photo video shooting of weddings A wedding video involves a professional approach not only to filming, but also to the editing of wedding material, including the design of discs and boxing, menu design. A wedding film shot and edited by a professional videographer will turn out to be fabulously beautiful, as it will combine your excitement before the registry office and the warmth of your relationship, and the sparks of fun and joy that splash from the bride and groom during the festivities! Wedding video - the work of professionals in Voronezh!

MARRIAGE REGISTRY The registry office is where the bride and groom become husband and wife. Registry offices of Voronezh - Levoberezhny Registry Office, Leninsky Registry Office, Central Registry Office, Zheleznodorozhny Registry Office, Soviet Registry Office, Kominternovsky Registry Office. All Voronezh registry offices have their pros and cons. Dear newlyweds, watch our videos and find out in advance in which registry office it would be best for you to apply for the intention to seal wedding rings your love.

Voronezh registry office Livoberezhny Left bank registry office. In Voronezh, the registry office of the Levoberezhny district is impeccable! Photo and video. Advantages and disadvantages.

Video for the wedding Voronezh Wedding clips are videos that are very capacious in content. The maximum beauty of contemplating these videos is achieved due to the fact that the bride and groom, even before the wedding, very responsibly approached the choice of a wedding videographer. Professional wedding videography guarantees the newlyweds a high-quality feature film. There can be many clips in a wedding film: Clip of the bride, Clip of the groom, Clip wedding car, Clips of wedding celebrations, A clip in which the whole wedding will "run through" in 3 minutes.

Wedding. Baptism A wedding is a divine service during which the sacrament, blessing and consecration of a Christian marriage is performed. A wedding is a personal matter for every couple. You can get married both after civil registration and before it. Weddings and baptisms are serious events, so if you have a desire to capture this solemn moment in photographs or video, you should first ask permission from the priest or priest.

Newlyweds first dance Improvising your feelings is what the first dance of the bride and groom is all about. The wedding waltz is chic and truly beautiful, as it is filled with warmth of feelings. For you - a gift bonus - a free training course for the first wedding dance bride and groom.

Video for the wedding. Voronezh The most frequently visited places in the city of Voronezh are: Admiralteyskaya Square - Kamenny Bridge - Revolution Avenue - Victory Square - Petrovsky Square - Chernavsky Bridge - Northern Bridge - Monument of Glory. Recently, a bridge for newlyweds in the Aircraft Builders Park was added to this list.

Wedding videography. Voronezh. Wedding videography. Voronezh. Very beautiful places for wedding video filming are located in Voronezh. And every videographer strives to keep them as a memento for the newlyweds in their wedding film.

Wedding videographer Voronezh. Love story. Recently, it has become very popular and fashionable among newlyweds to order video filming of their love story.

wedding videographer. Video invitation to the wedding. Until recently, it was fashionable to send wedding invitations to all guests. Then the newlyweds began to simply invite guests by phone. And now the most fashionable trend among newlyweds is to send a video invitation to all guests. What it is?

Videographer for a wedding in Voronezh. Wedding video color correction. Dear newlyweds. If you classify yourself as one of those newlyweds who save on wedding photos and videos, then this article is not for you. It is intended for those newlyweds who want to enjoy their wedding day in the future, and do not intend to put the wedding video disc on the shelf to dust it off once a year.

Tamada for the wedding. Video. The wedding show greatly diversifies the wedding evening, making it more fun, light and varied. The bride, groom and all guests invited to the wedding will be enchanted by the free show program. Your wedding will receive a Bonus - a free chocolate fountain.

Bride The bride is the queen of the wedding evening and to make the bride - perfection itself helps beautiful and exquisite Wedding Dress. The wedding hairstyle of the bride on the wedding day is simply amazing. Bridal bouquet, wedding make-up brides are all delightful on a fabulous wedding day. The Voronezh agency "Leaderswedding" offers several options for the ransom of the bride.

Advice for the bride Tips for the bride on organizing a wedding in Voronezh, choosing a wedding dress in wedding salons in Voronezh. Tips for the bride on choosing a wedding videographer, toastmaster, photographer. A wedding photo of the bride in a delightful wedding dress will forever capture the fabulous moment of the triumph of love.

Wedding salons A wedding dress is the first thing a bride looks for after the groom proposes. Wedding dresses are the most expensive outfit for a bride. Luxurious wedding dresses in the wedding salons of Voronezh, stylish and unique, will fill the brides with confidence in their own beauty and strength before a responsible step. In the wedding salons of Voronezh, you can order an individual, fantastically beautiful wedding dress. We offer a list of all wedding salons in the city of Voronezh.

Wedding bouquet Voronezh The wedding bouquet is very beautiful for the bride. Wedding flowers, braided into brides' wedding bouquets, with their beauty, aroma and freshness will fill the brides with a sense of sublimity and give a boost of energy and a great mood for the whole wedding day. We offer a photo wedding bouquets for the bride. We offer a list of all wedding flower shops in the city of Voronezh.

wedding hairstyles photo A wedding hairstyle should not just be beautiful, it should be properly matched to the features of the face, to the wedding dress and accessories. Many brides hold preliminary rehearsals of their wedding hairstyles in Bridal salons. At the wedding evening, the wedding hairstyle is the decoration of the bride, complementing her beauty and the magic of the wedding dress. We offer a photo wedding hairstyles for the bride. We offer a list of all wedding salons in the city of Voronezh.

Wedding manicure photo Wedding manicure is very elegant, aesthetically pleasing and original, it will emphasize the unique style of the bride. We offer a photo of a wedding manicure.

Wedding glasses. Wedding accessories Graceful, elegant, festively decorated wedding glasses are an indispensable attribute of any wedding. These are the ones you will keep as a memento of your wedding. They will be in all your wedding photos. Graceful glasses with images of doves, good wishes or with the names of the bride and groom will be a wonderful decoration holiday table and keep the memory of this happy day for years to come.

1 bridal products: dresses, gloves, veils, petticoats, garters, tiaras, necklaces and fur coats.

2 wedding accessories and necessary trifles: wedding candles, confetti and bumfeti, glasses, photo albums, locks, towels, champagne decorations and glasses, sliders for an exciting competition, ribbons, rings and car decorations, boutonnieres, cake figurines, champagne baskets

3 polygraphy: invitations and Greeting Cards, posters, ransom sets, piggy banks, garlands, money (from the bank of jokes), money envelopes and Money Tree, car stickers, medals, diplomas, diplomas

Wedding accessories for the bride In our Voronezh store you can not only find the wedding dress you need, but you can also order a wedding dress from the available catalogs of wedding dresses.

Wedding dresses Voronezh Photo Wedding dresses that exude wealth, style and grace are your choice, as the wedding day is the best day in the life of every girl, and the bride should look simply luxurious! If you are looking for dresses without frills, then the models of Voronezh wedding dresses that are in our store will suit your taste, as they will emphasize your femininity and sensuality, and exclusive fabrics and original design The dress will testify to the amazing taste of the bride. Wedding dresses have all the characteristics. They are refined, refined and exclusive. And at the same time, each wedding dress exudes luxury, wealth and unique grace!

Wedding gloves. Wedding accessories Every bride dreams of being elegant and beautiful on her wedding day. And in this, various wedding accessories, of which there are a great many, will definitely help her. The main decoration of the bride, of course, is the wedding dress. But the image will not be complete without some important little things, such as a veil, elegant shoes, a bouquet of flowers and gloves. We are waiting for you in the Voronezh store of the Leaderswedding agency.

Wedding Veil. Wedding accessories. When choosing a wedding dress, you should immediately think about choosing a veil, because it is she who completes the image of the bride. The veil is a symbol of modesty and purity; the tradition to complement the bride's outfit with this decoration comes from ancient times. Voronezh wedding agency Lidersvadba is pleased to offer you a wide range of wedding accessories, including veils, at low wholesale prices.

Wedding garters. Wedding accessories. At the wedding, there is a tradition when the husband removes the garter from the leg of his beloved bride to throw it over the shoulder of unmarried guys. Voronezh wedding agency Lidersvadba is pleased to offer you a wide range of wedding accessories, including garters, at low wholesale prices.

Wedding tiaras and wreaths Diadem - Women's jewelry in the form of a small open crown perfectly emphasizes the status of the bride - the queen of the holiday. Wedding tiaras can be used as an independent decoration, or together with other head decorations for the bride's hairstyle - a veil, flowers, etc.

Wedding Necklace. Wedding accessories. A wedding dress involves the presence of a necklace or other appropriate jewelry worn around the bride's neck. Our store offers a wide selection of necklaces and earrings..

Wedding Coats. Wedding accessories. Wedding coats in late autumn, winter and early spring are the most obligatory item for the bride after the dress.

Wedding petticoats. Wedding accessories. Choosing a wedding dress is only half the battle, the dress should sit on the bride like a glove. So that on the most solemn day nothing distracts from the joyful event. The image of the bride must be impeccable; for this purpose, Various types petticoats and crinolines - depending on the style of the wedding dress.

Wedding accessories Wedding agency Lidersvadba offers you the widest range of goods necessary for the design and conduct of a wedding! We offer you to buy all wedding accessories wholesale in one place, which means saving time and money. Here you will always find the richest selection of various things needed for decorating a wedding celebration: from car decorations to wine glasses, glasses and candles. Everything you wanted to buy for your wedding day, you will find in one place and at a great price.

Wedding candles. Wedding accessories. very often, at the end of the wedding evening, parents light the family hearth of their children. The warmth of parental hearts, lit in a candle with Best wishes conveys happiness to the bride and groom life together. We are waiting for you in the Voronezh store of the Leaderswedding agency. Come get wedding candles. Light up the family hearth!

wedding buffet There is a tradition of showering the newlyweds with cereals, money, rose petals and sweets. With this, all those present wish the bride and groom a rich and happy life together. In the modern world, confetti and bumfeti have been added to this list.

Wedding glasses. Wedding accessories. Graceful, elegant, festively decorated wedding glasses are an indispensable attribute of any wedding. They will come in handy more than once during a wedding, and there can be several sets of them. And you also need to think about elegant glasses for all the guests. Inexpensive glass - for a trip to nature; a couple of glasses that are usually broken for happiness after the registry office; and of course the most beautiful and festive glasses for a wedding banquet. These are the ones you will keep as a memento of your wedding. They will be in all your wedding photos. Graceful glasses with images of doves, good wishes or with the names of the bride and groom will be a wonderful decoration for the festive table and will keep the memory of this happy day for many years to come.

wedding photo albums Photo albums made of natural or faux leather with magnetic sheets in which you can place photos of any size (maximum A4).

Wedding locks. Wedding accessories. In ancient Rus', there was a custom according to which, on the wedding day, the newlyweds locked a new lock on the bridge, and gave the keys to their fathers. Fathers went to different rivers and threw the keys to the bottom. Thus, it was said that nothing could separate a newly created family, just as it was impossible to find the keys and open the lock, which was closed with love by the newlyweds. To this day, the newlyweds symbolically hang locks, some on the fence, some on the bridge, and some on specially created ornamental trees newlyweds. These trees are overgrown with new "leaves". And alleys of trees of young families of Russia are growing.

Towels for a wedding. Wedding accessories. Towel is a decorative cloth rectangular shape, most often linen. They are decorated with bright festive embroidery. And now at weddings, parents meet the newlyweds wedding loaf presented on a festively embroidered towel. On wedding towels, birds (doves or swans) are most often depicted, which are considered a symbol of happiness, love and kindness.

Jewelry for wedding glasses and champagne Wedding glasses are unusually beautiful. Newlyweds can choose a pair of glasses to suit their taste. For greater beauty, wedding glasses are decorated with rings, flowers or ribbons. Various colors will satisfy every taste.

Two bottles of wedding champagne traditionally decorate the wedding table. And of course they are beautiful too. At the moment when the newlyweds leave the table to dance their first waltz, these bottles, dressed in the clothes of the bride and groom, symbolically indicate that the table of the newlyweds is busy.

Rompers for a wedding - wedding accessories. There is a very good custom at a wedding when guests put money into pink or blue sliders. After counting the money, it turns out who will be the first-born of the newlyweds - a boy or a girl. They say that this is a very accurate divination.

In our store you can buy these special sliders. Sliders for money.

Wedding decorations on the car In our store you can find complete sets of decorations for the car. The set includes rings or swans with flowers on the roof of the car, decoration on the radiator, very beautiful ribbons with flowers, flowers with ribbons on the door handles. Individual orders are possible, for any fantasy.

Which traditionally accompany this event. And the more fun tasks the toastmaster puts before the guests, the faster and easier it will be for the acquaintance between the invited relatives and friends of the newlyweds.

What is a wedding without a bride price? This tradition originated in ancient Rus'. In the past, the groom did redeem the bride, bringing a large sum of money as a gift to her parents.

Today, the wedding ransom is symbolic and lies in the fact that future husband performs comic "exploits" for the sake of his beloved, which are offered to him by the toastmaster (or the one who plays the role of leader during the ransom) as tasks. In some cases, wedding contests for the ransom of the bride make the groom and his friends seriously fork out, as many tasks involve monetary "fines" in case of unsuccessful passage.

As a rule, the presenters meet the groom at the entrance of the bride, blocking the way. With each passed competition, a young man with a friend (who helps the hero of the occasion during the whole action) approach the bride's apartment. Options for tasks can be very different: from funny and comic, to "monetary", implying material rewards for the present participants in the celebration.

Fake Husband

For the Lime Husband contest, you will need a person unknown to the newlyweds (preferably artistic), a bouquet and a classic suit. When the betrothed arrives at their destination, the bridesmaids should already meet him in the company of a man with a bouquet, dressed as a groom. At the same time, the fake husband loudly asks the girls about the location of the bride, calling her by name. The hosts, noticing the arriving candidate for husbands, ask him for the name and purpose of the arrival. When the real groom answers, the girlfriends enter the conversation:

How can one wife have two husbands? One of you is an impostor! But don't worry, we'll find a real groom. Whoever answers questions about our beautiful bride, we will send him to win her heart.

  1. eye color;
  2. favorite movie;
  3. the name of the pet;
  4. shoe size;
  5. favorite dish.

At the same time, the fake groom is constantly trying to evade the answer or juggles the facts, which is why he is awarded the title of loser.

male word

This original, slightly gambling contest, which will help test the dexterity and honesty of the groom.

A target for playing darts is fixed on the wall. It can be purchased and homemade, but preferably large sizes. Along the entire perimeter of the board are placed the words of the groom's promises or similar pictures cut out from magazines (car, apartment, fur coat, flowers, ring).

At the beginning of the competition, the groom says the phrase: “I promise my wife in a year married life give ... ”, after which he throws a dart. The target hit by the dart is loudly voiced by the host.


The hosts hand the groom an apple, into which they previously stuck toothpicks (one shortened and about 15 regular ones). Pulling one toothpick out of an apple, the newly-made husband should compliment his wife until he comes across a short toothpick.

exemplary father

This is a well-known competition that is rarely overlooked when writing a script for ransom.

Every wife wants to see in her husband not only an ideal spouse, but also a wonderful father. You can test his abilities with the help of a competition. It is necessary to prepare a large toy baby doll and clothes for him in advance. The host strips the doll down to her underpants while the bridesmaids blindfold the groom. A box of clothes is placed in front of the subjects, which must be quickly and accurately put on the toy.

You can complicate the competition by limiting the time of the test or adding completely inappropriate wardrobe items to the doll things ( women's dress, mens sneaker, army belt).


For this contest you will need a long kitchen towel or a thick rope. The bridesmaids hand the groom a towel with an offer to tighten it into a knot as much as the love for the newly made wife is strong. And when the knot is ready, the girlfriends will have to set a new task: to untie the knot as quickly as the head of the family will quickly solve the problems that arise.

Photo snag

To prepare this competition, you need to attract a person who understands photo editing. portrait photography the bride is copied, after which new details of her appearance are added to her with the help of computer processing and the old ones are corrected. You can mask the scar, draw a mole, change the color of the eyes. In total, you should get at least 10 distinctive features.

During the ransom, the groom is shown the original and the edited photo. The task of the subject is to determine which features have changed, where is the real photo of the bride.

rainbow rescue

They stole the bride at the wedding, and only they can save her boyfriend with fiance. To do this, they need to collect 12 things from the guests in the color that the kidnapped hero of the occasion loves.

For the competition, you need to ask the bride in advance what colors she considers her favorite. The groom does not have to guess, since his main task is simply to get a "tribute". Therefore, the leader reports two different colors to the future husband and his friend, after which young people, to the music, begin to quickly go around the guests in search of suitable things.

Portrait in words

For the competition, you need to prepare leaflets with the words of a romantic theme: flower, candles, moon. Then the leaves need to be folded twice and thrown into a hat or a beautiful box. During the ransom, the groom pulls out the agreed number of pieces of paper, reads them out loud, and then, using these “tips”, tells others about his beloved. For example, if the groom draws out the words "caramel", "oasis" and "evening", then he can say this: "My wife has a personality as sweet as caramel, an attractive look like an oasis, and hugs are cozy like evening."

Dancing with an elf

The bride was kidnapped by an elf (one of the guests dressed in a suit with horns and wings from a prank shop). The main condition of the kidnapper is to dance with the guests from the heart. Therefore, five couples are chosen from among the guests, who pull forfeits from the elf's bag. And in the bag there are already pre-prepared pieces of paper on which various styles of dance are written:

  1. hip-hop;
  2. lambada;
  3. tango;
  4. ballet;
  5. jazz.

Each couple plays their part in turn.

drunk key

The competition has two options: with alcohol and without alcohol.

It is necessary to prepare a three-liter jar and a key in advance. The groom has to get the key to the heart of his bride. But the difficulty lies in the fact that the key is at the bottom of a can full of Coca-Cola. Therefore, together with friends, the future husband must drink cola and get the coveted key.

If the groom has many close friends who can help him complete the task, you can add alcohol to the cola (you need to calculate everything correctly so that none of the groom's retinue gets drunk and all friends successfully participate in competitions further).


Looking in the archives of the bride, you can find many interesting photos. And joint photos with a future husband will be just a godsend for a ransom contest.

The bridesmaids meet the groom with printed photographs that capture memorable moments for the newlyweds: a joint picnic, an anniversary of a relationship, the first trip to the sea.

Throughout the ransom the groom needs to tell the stories of these photos(one story for a certain period of time or path). If the groom copes with the task, then you can proceed to the next tasks. If not, friends pay a fine in monetary or comic (dances, songs, ditties) form.

Sweeter than honey

As props, you need to prepare two glasses, one of which is very sour, and the other is very salty liquid. The hosts offer the groom to drink from the bowl of predictions. In the face of a man, a "fortune teller" (any girl from among the bridesmaids) will determine how pleasant life will be with a young wife.

Thus, the task of the groom in this competition is to maintain a satisfied and happy look, emptying the glass to the bottom.

Sleeping beauty in the castle

All you need for the competition is a photo of the bride, clothespins and twine. The pictures are attached to a rope, which is pulled by the two tallest guys from among the guests. The presenters tell the groom the sad news that his betrothed was imprisoned in the tower by an evil witch, who also sent a dream to the maiden. You can wake up the chosen one only with a gentle kiss. Therefore, the groom needs to kiss each photo, jumping up or using the help of a friendly retinue.

For growth

The height of the bride is measured with a colored ribbon or rope. After that, you need to cut 4 more multi-colored ropes of similar length, but at the same time a little shorter / longer than the main one. The groom must guess which of the ribbons corresponds to the growth of the betrothed.

By analogy with height, you can make the groom guess the waist circumference or the length of any part of the bride's body.

Quiet, the exam is coming!

In order to hold this competition, you will need several guests. A piece of paper with the name of the school subject is fixed on the chest of each. Now the ransom participants turn into teachers who must take the exam from the groom.

A young man should tell a geography teacher about 10 places where his betrothed likes to walk. The history teacher asks the groom about how he met the bride. The literature teacher invites the subject to express his love for his future wife in a literary form.

The number of teachers and assignments can be changed at your discretion, inventing interesting and suitable “exams” for this situation.

For holding in the entrance

In most cases, in order to redeem the bride, it is necessary to climb the stairwell. In such conditions, it is simply impossible to hold noisy and space-consuming contests. But the stairs and walls allow you to realize some interesting and fun ideas.


Before the groom enters the entrance, you need to draw footprints on the stairs in a chaotic manner. The more difficult it is to climb them, the more interesting the test will turn out. After all, the groom will be asked to overcome the flight, moving along the indicated route, strictly adhering to the drawn traces. If the test subject misses, the trail is sprinkled with coins or banknotes from the pockets of the groom and his friends.

Staircase to heaven

On A4 sheets, the bridesmaids print out in advance the reasons for her future wedding. Most of them should be comic: “just like that”, “forced”, “forgot the reason”. And only one sheet says "for love." Further, the sheets are laid out in such a way that the reason "for love" is at the very top step, to which comic reasons lead. The groom must climb to the very top, bypassing unnecessary sheets.


This competition is used if the bride's apartment is located high. One flight of stairs turns into a field for creativity, where each new step becomes available to the groom after he utters a declaration of love for his bride in verse. In order not to delay this contest, ask all the groom's friends present to help in composing rhymes.


This competition is held in front of the bride's apartment. The groom is asked to ring the bell with his heel. He must guess to take off his shoes in order to press the bell with his heel. The most interesting thing in this task is to look at the erroneous attempts of the groom, which are usually carried out in the company of friends.

For the groom

Cool contests for the groom at the ransom will allow everyone present to laugh and relax from the heart, and the groom himself will be able to show his best qualities, whether it be acting talent, dexterity or quick wits.

You are my plush

Lay out on a flat surface Stuffed Toys various shapes and sizes. The blindfolded groom needs to feel all the options offered, choosing from them the toy that most resembles the bride. To complicate the competition, instead of plush animals, you can take various household items.


As props for this competition, you will need a medium-sized piece of wood and a well-sharpened knife. The bridesmaids hand over the props to the groom with a request to demonstrate how the hero of the occasion knows how to “scrape children”. At the end of the competition, the guests must decide which of the spouses the child looks like.

groom dance

The groom is given music to which he must dance merrily. But the catch of the competition is that the music is constantly changing, and the groom has to adapt to a new rhythm every time. The hosts of the ransom need to prepare in advance a cut of 10-15 different melodies. In order to complicate the task, you can make the groom tie bows of multi-colored ribbons during the dance.


The young bridegroom is met by a guest in a medical gown, a doctor's cap and a reflector on his head (all props can be rented in dressing rooms). An improvised optometrist introduces himself to the groom, with the words: “We are looking for a healthy groom for our bride! Let's check your eyesight!" After these words, the hosts bring out a poster with various dates that are significant for the newlyweds. The date of acquaintance, the birthday of the bride, the anniversary of the relationship is best suited. The groom guesses each date. You can be penalized for incorrect answers.

A gift from a pure heart

The bridesmaids carry out the basin to the groom, offering to put the best and dearest gift for the bride's heart into the bottom. The newly-made spouse will begin to sort out options with friends, stopping at various things. But all of these options are wrong. The test continues until the groom guesses that he should sit in the basin.


The bride and her three friends tie ribbons to their wrists and then hide behind a screen. Ribbons are stretched into the hall. The groom, like a real fisherman, must "catch" his betrothed. If a bridesmaid is hooked, the fisherman pays a ransom. The competition continues until the real hero of the occasion is found.

For a witness

The groom's witness is an important person for the wedding. Therefore, it is possible to “test for strength” it. Yes, and the groom himself will be pleased to unwind a little and get distracted from the trials, looking at them from the side.

Advertising, advertising!

The witness is handed a box of matches. Now he must advertise the groom well, pulling out matches in turn and saying pleasant words to the hero of the occasion. The number of matches may vary. Also, for fun, you can connect relatives or friends of the groom to the competition.

street performance

It's simple enough, but interesting competition. The bridesmaids by roles read out a pre-prepared fairy tale, and the witness and the groom's friends should at this time show their acting skills, opening their mouths to the beat of the text and playing the scene voiced by the bridesmaids. Instead of the usual fairy tale, you can take a comical or silly story to make the performance more interesting.

Gift from a witness

When the groom arrives for the ransom, the bridesmaids must demand from him a gift for the bride of the author's work. When the groom confirms that he does not have such a surprise, the host offers to seek help from a witness.

The bridesmaids bring out the props prepared in advance (ketchup, mayonnaise and whatman paper), after which they offer the witness to draw a picture of their family life for the newlyweds using unusual materials.

To buy shoes

One more kind wedding tradition- ransom of the bride's shoes. It would seem that the groom has passed all the tests and can take his beloved from the parental home, but that was not the case! The bridesmaids steal the shoe and again force the groom to fight for his happiness.

Previously, the purpose of the ransom was to check the candidate for husbands for generosity and prosperity. The girls from the suite of bridesmaids took turns trying on the shoe. The one to whom the shoe came in time had the right to keep it for herself, in order to later ask for a generous payment for the item of the wedding dress. Now this tradition is a tribute to the past and one of the ways to bring cheerful noise to the wedding.

Note! Do not delay the purchase of shoes. A script for 10-15 minutes will be enough to pay attention to the tradition, but at the same time not to tire the guests.


In the room where the ransom is supposed to take place, it is necessary to lay out a path of pre-prepared white and red daisies. The groom must walk on an impromptu carpet, while fulfilling the condition: step on a red chamomile - confess your love to the bride, step on a white chamomile - say how you will scold your wife after the wedding. And if the groom refuses to reproach his beloved, a fee is charged from him.

Wealthy guests

As a ransom for the shoe, the groom and his friends are offered to put the bride's name on the floor using paper money.

Another variant of this competition is to ask the groom and his retinue to fill three vessels with something that rings, rustles and pours.


For this funny competition it is necessary to prepare A4 sheets with printed letters of the alphabet in advance. Improvised cards are distributed to the groom and his friends. After that, the owners of various letters apply sheets to that part of the body that begins with the indicated letter. It is necessary to attach all the cards on hand at once, and dropping the props is strictly prohibited.


The bride and her bridesmaids leave imprints of their lips on the drawing paper, having previously put on bright lipstick. The task of the groom is to find which of the many kisses the bride left. For each "miss" a fee is charged.


Several people from among the groom's guests can participate in this competition. For props, you need a clothesline. Measure to a length that can be freely wrapped around the waist of an adult man in clothing, then sew the ends.

The one taking part in the contest must sexually put the rope on (over the head) and then take it off (through the legs). At the same time, you can’t finish before the music stops.

Find the shoe

In shoe boxes you need to hide various shoes. It is best to use funny and inappropriate props: skates, felt boots, men's boots. And only in one box is the bride's shoe. The groom must correctly guess the box, paying for each wrong choice with a song or money.

Remember! Competitions should be fun and relaxed. If one of the subjects cannot cope with the task or does not want to continue participating in the competition, it is better not to insist so as not to spoil the holiday. You should also not complicate the contests, because if they drag on, the guests will quickly start to get bored.

Useful video

In the video, an example of how a bride’s ransom can take place in an urban setting:

If your wedding is held outside the city or in the countryside, you can slightly change the program:

The bride price is a fun and noisy event, so tune in to a positive wave and do not be afraid to participate in contests, because in the future it will turn into wonderful memories. When testing the groom, you can deviate from the script and change the contests for a specific situation. Laughing and having fun is allowed!

Such a solemn event as a wedding is always associated with a lot of trouble regarding the preparation and solution of various organizational moments. In particular, great attention given entertainment program, which is considered an indispensable part of any celebration. About what are the original contests for the ransom of the bride, we will tell in this article.

Serenade of the beloved to the "dish accompaniment"

The goal of each competition is to create a positive vibe for everyone present. Therefore, you can start to cheer up guests, acquaintances, neighbors and just passers-by with an unusual serenade of a troubadour groom. For this, any improvised parts of the dishes are suitable.

For example, you can turn a large pot over and use it as a drum. Two lids can play the role of cymbals, containers with spices, cereals, salt or sugar will remind you of the muffled sound of maracas. And if you also sing something like “Only you” by Elvis Presley to such a melody, then the result will exceed all expectations.

Well, if such serenades will be performed not only by the groom, but also by an honorary witness, brother, best friend or neighbor. And, of course, the parents of your chosen one will be in the role of the strictest jury evaluating the unusual ransom of the bride. As a bonus - a kiss to your beloved.

Treasured promises from the groom

A wonderful competition is held in front of the entrance or on the way to the bride's apartment. It consists in checking the groom for accuracy, as well as for the ability to fulfill the promises made to his future wife. To do this, you will need a homemade or ready-made "darts", on which you need to attach pictures or words of promises. For example, here you can paste an image of a car, a country house, mink coat, yacht, bag of dollars, etc.

Before the start of such a competition, the groom must take a dart in his hand, say the phrase: “After a year of marriage, I promise to buy my wife ...” and throw it. The rest of the guests, parents and the bride herself will only have to watch the final destination of the dart. In our opinion, this is an interesting ransom for the bride. This way to express yourself will set the tone for the entire wedding celebration and give a great mood.

Clothes for the future baby

Every bride should know that in case of her absence, the future husband will cope with household chores. In particular, he must have time to dress their child for a walk, choosing suitable things for him. For this purpose, it is necessary to take a large baby doll, undress it to shorts or a diaper, blindfold the groom, move a container (it can be a basin or a box) with things towards him and turn on the stopwatch.

At this time, the groom should dress the baby as soon as possible. You can complicate the task by placing non-seasonal or large-sized wardrobe items in a container with things. For example, a women's bra, a motorcycle helmet, etc. Such a modern bride price will allow you to determine the actions of the groom in extreme situations.

Intelligence Test

Each competition is a kind of test of ingenuity. A vivid example of this is the competition for the groom with a camomile or just a flower made of paper and tear-off petals. At the same time, as a rule, any words are written on each of them, for example, “chandelier”, “chair”, “TV”, etc. Tearing off each of the petals, the groom will have to be smart and tell what he plans to do.

For example, for the word "chandelier" - "I undertake to repair the chandelier when it fails." For the “chair” - “I promise to always give her a chair if she gets tired” and “I swear to make the TV quieter when she wants to rest”, etc. As you can see, this version of such a competition as the wedding ransom of the bride will allow two lovers more learn about each other and prepare them for their future married life.

Fun riding on the way to the bride

Another funny competition for the "hand and heart" of the bride is based on a fun event - skating. For this, a regular children's bicycle (two- or three-wheeled) is suitable.

Next, the path that the groom has to travel on a bicycle is measured, for example, if the future wife lives at the end of the house, then it is better to take the road from its beginning to the very entrance. Along it, you can arrange a zigzag or herringbone bowling pins (even children's ones will do), basins of water, chairs, etc. These are just approximate original contests for the ransom of the bride. You can use them or add your own elements.

During the beginning of the competition, the groom will be offered transport and will record the time during which he will be able to overcome all the established obstacles. At the end of the path, you can tie a ribbon with the inscription "finish".

An honorary witness, a best man, and friends of the groom may well pass along the same route. And then it remains only to compare whose passage time was better. By analogy, you can come up with other original contests for the ransom of the bride.

Beautiful words and phrases for the bride: part one

It is not for nothing that they say that "a woman loves with her ears." Therefore, one of the entertaining and enjoyable contests is the verbal contest of the groom. The bottom line is as follows - the future spouse should call affectionate words to his beloved.

In this case, there are several options for such competitions. For example, the ransom of the bride in the style of Romeo and Juliet. The action is supposed to be from the play. The bride traditionally meets her fiance on the balcony, festive posters and flowers hang around.

The betrothed goes to the balcony, takes a paper flower with petals and, tearing off each of them, says a compliment to his chosen one. For example: "You are beautiful girl the most affectionate and kind." If you wish, you can also diversify these original bride price contests by adding new details.

At the end of the competition in beautiful manners, the bride showers her betrothed with rose petals or red paper hearts.

Beautiful words and phrases for the bride: part two

Alternatively, the groom stops in front of the stairs leading to the beloved's apartment. Then he takes a step and says a compliment to his future wife, then another (and so on until the very door of the bride). To create an appropriate festive atmosphere, posters for the ransom of the bride can be hung on the walls in the entrance.

"Gulchatay! Show your face"

The second version of the competition is questions for the ransom of the bride. For example, approaching the house of his bride, the groom sees six or seven ladies dressed in a burqa and elements of clothing belonging to the future wife (this can be a skirt, blouse, hat, boots). In this case, one of the young ladies will be his real bride.

Then the groom tells in colors about how sweet and beloved his bride is. And then he is invited to choose from the presented girls, among whom there may be disguised men, his beloved. The end result is a fun and entertaining event. And do not forget to make thematic posters for the bride price. They will help create the right atmosphere and support the theme of the wedding.

Collect the details of the "word mosaic"

In this competition, the groom is invited to draw notes from the hat, on which a wide variety of words are written. For example: "flower", "wine", "chocolate". Having stretched them out, the groom must quickly draw up a portrait of his bride with their help. “My Veronica is the most charming flower I have ever seen. She struck me with her sophistication and sophistication, captivated me like sweet wine. My sun is the best chocolate for me, which I will never give to anyone.

What questions can I ask for a bride price?

During the ransom, the groom can not only participate in contests, but also answer funny questions. Examples of joke questions for the groom: “What will you call your beloved after the wedding?”, “What will you call her if she breaks your laptop?”, “What will you call her after she forbids you to drink beer every day?”, “What will you call her when she turns off the football and starts watching the series?”

Also, the script for the ransom of the bride may include such standard questions in the style of “are you ready”:

  • regularly pay a salary to his wife;
  • buy her fur coats, cars and diamonds;
  • carry on your hands when the elevator is not working (even on the 99th floor);
  • to praise her cooking even when it is impossible to eat it;
  • do the dishes, do the laundry, walk the dog and keep an eye on the kids if she goes out to chat with her friends.

"The keys to the apartment where the money is"

An interesting option is the ransom of the bride with the keys. So, they take three cans (you can take two or three liters), put keys on their bottom, one of which will be from the bride's apartment. The main thing is that everyone can take part in such a competition.

Each of the participants needs to choose a jar and drink water, and then try to open the door with the dropped key. In this case, the first to choose must be the groom.

However, if he fails to guess the required key, he should come up with a penalty. Therefore, do not forget to draw up an approximate script for the ransom of the bride in advance and prepare a set of additional mini-competitions for the "penalty box".

An alternative to such a contest with a key is a game with balls. To do this, they first put notes with different words in them, and then inflate them. In the notes, indicate the word "key", which will mean opening the doors of your bride.

On other pieces of paper, words will be indicated indicating those items that the groom, in case of failure, will have to provide. For example: “champagne”, “one hundred kisses to the bridesmaid”, “2000 rubles”, etc. We will tell you which modern bride price to choose next.

Option 1 scenario for the ransom of the bride

An original competition and at the same time a way to entertain guests is to play role play. For example, one of the bride's friends or her relatives, meeting the groom, informs him that he needs to temporarily become an actor in a deaf-and-dumb movie.

To do this, the groom, firstly, tells his story of meeting with his beloved, without using words, and secondly, he accompanies all his “dumb steps” with gestures. By the way, this scenario of the ransom of the bride causes complete delight among guests and passers-by. Everything looks very funny.

Option 2 scenario for the ransom of the bride

Unusually, the ransom of the bride takes place using a variety of children's toys. The scenario of such an event boils down to the following: the groom arrives by car at the bride's house, gets out, approaches the entrance and sees children's toys tied to ropes hanging from the ceiling. It can be Barbie dolls, teddy bears, cheburashkas and other cute cartoon characters.

One of the relatives or a neighbor tells the groom that he must first find and then cut with scissors exactly the toy that his bride looks like. However, he must complete the task with his eyes closed. And only after the groom passes this test does the ransom of the bride itself take place. The youth team, as a rule, perceives such a scene with a bang.

Option 3 scenario for ransom

If there is a desire, then, in addition to a simple competition, you can come up with a whole scenario for the ransom of your bride. For example, in the morning the groom receives a letter that tells about the kidnapping of the bride by bandits, and in order to free her, he needs to take assistants with him and arrive at the indicated place (at the address where the bride lives).

Further, the unusual ransom of the bride will be associated with a series of tests that the groom will need to pass before her release. For example, he and an honorary witness will be asked to follow the traces drawn in chalk (on the pavement in front of the house and on the steps in the entrance).

At the same time, the future spouse is obliged to step strictly on the tracks, which will certainly be very intricate. And in some cases, an honorary witness will need to lift the groom and move him from place to place.

And, of course, such an interesting ransom of the bride in the style of a "gangster attack" will be accompanied by toy weapons, suitcases with money and other thematic little things.

In a word, to wedding contests should be carefully prepared. This means that your guests and relatives will receive a wonderful positive charge and keep it throughout the entire wedding celebration.
