School teacher experience. The work experience of a life safety teacher Sinitsyna N.V.

The problem of protection from dangers arose simultaneously with the appearance of man on earth. Many safety rules were formulated when people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena.

Over time, the conditions of human life have changed, and the rules of life safety have also changed. Now they are associated with heavy traffic on city streets, a developed network of communications, a large crowd of people, and the technicalization of a home. Life safety is a serious problem of our time and includes, according to scientists, the solution of 3 tasks:

  • Identification of hazards, i.e. recognition of hazards and their sources;
  • Development of preventive measures;
  • Elimination of possible consequences.

So the safety formula reads: anticipate danger; avoid if possible; act if necessary. For children, this formula can be rhymed in verse:

The safety formula is:
We must see, anticipate, take into account.
If possible, avoid everything
Wherever you need it, call for help.

Danger- the central concept of life safety, it is hidden. The danger signs are:

  • Threat to life;
  • Possibility of damage to health;
  • Violation of the conditions for the normal functioning of human organs and systems.

There are a number of dangers associated with the place of residence of a person:

  • Dangers at home;
  • Dangers on the road and the street;
  • Dangers in nature;
  • Dangers in communicating with strangers.

It is from training and experience that people's ability to live safely in the environment largely depends.

It's no secret that the current social and environmental situation causes concern among people all over the planet. We are especially worried about the most defenseless citizens - small children. The task of adults (teachers and parents) is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him for meeting various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations.

Rules of conduct and various prohibitions are directly related to the conditions of human life. They have a certain, sometimes vital meaning. However, adults, in an effort to protect children from physical and mental trauma, as a rule, either use long instructions and moralizing, or regulate the behavior of children by direct prohibitions. Both ways are ineffective. In the first case, an adult has the illusion that the child understood the meaning of this or that rule of behavior, while in reality this does not always correspond to reality, and in changed circumstances the child can again make a dangerous mistake. The second path inevitably leads to the need for constant attention and control from an adult, which is not always possible. In addition, if prohibitions are imposed on the child's numerous actions, he will not be able to perform them fully, and some of the rules will inevitably be violated. And this can lead to accidents and injuries.

In order for direct prohibitions to become real norms of children's behavior and really perform a protective function, it is necessary that children see this or that situation from the outside and even take part in it themselves. Only then will they understand what is possible and what cannot be done, how to act in a given situation.

The rules of conduct and security measures are directly related to the living conditions of a person, whether it is a modern city or a countryside, familiar home furnishings or the sea coast - each environment dictates completely different ways of behavior and, accordingly, precautions. If all people knew them well and observed them, there would be fewer injuries and accidents. And how can you find out about it?

Unfortunately, there is no such single set of rules in which all of them would be collected and popularly stated. My work system was created on the basis of N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina "Fundamentals of child safety preschool age”, methodological manuals K.Yu. Belaya "How to ensure the safety of a preschooler", O.A. Skorolupova "Rules and safety traffic”, T.G. Khromtsova "Education of safe behavior in everyday life" and my own observations, my experience of working with preschoolers.

Preschool age is the most important period when the human personality is formed and the solid foundations of life experience are laid. healthy lifestyle life. Baby in his own way physiological characteristics cannot independently determine the full measure of the danger of his existence. Therefore, an adult is entrusted by nature with the mission of protecting his child. Children need to be reasonably helped to avoid injury, because it is impossible to lead them by the hand all the time, to keep them near you. It is necessary to cultivate the habit of using household items correctly, to teach them to communicate with animals, to explain how to behave in the yard, on the street and at home. It is necessary to instill in children the skills of behavior in situations fraught with injury, to form in them an idea of ​​the most typical, frequently occurring situations.

My work system is designed to solve this problem.

The purpose of my system of work is to introduce children to the elementary rules of safe behavior in various situations (at home, in nature, on the street, with strangers); develop the ability to independently apply them in life.


1. To give children elementary knowledge about the norms of behavior generally accepted by man.

2. To teach children to adequately, consciously act in a given situation.

3. Help to master the elementary skills of behavior at home, on the street, in the park, in transport.

4. To develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers, the ability to explain their own behavior.

My work system is designed for 4 age periods (from the younger group to the preparatory). Each age period includes a long-term plan of specially organized classes (under the heading "Familiarization with others and the development of speech" - once a month), a long-term work plan for organizing various kinds activities outside the classroom and a long-term plan for working with parents.

All classes and activities are divided into sections:

  • "Baby at home";
  • "Child and nature";
  • "Child on the streets of the city";
  • "Child in communication with people";
  • "Socio-emotional development".

When designing my system, I adhered to the following principles:

The principle of completeness

The principle of consistency

The work should be carried out systematically throughout the school year with a flexible distribution of activities during the day at each age stage.

The principle of seasonality

When introducing children to nature, take into account local conditions.

The principle of age targeting

When working with children different ages the content of the training is built sequentially, with a corresponding complication from group to group.

The principle of continuity of interaction with the child in the conditions of preschool and family

I use a variety of methods in my work, including:

  • Game trainings in which life situations are played out and supported by fairy tales;
  • Teaching children the techniques of protective behavior (cry, call for help);
  • Use of fiction, where potentially dangerous situations are illustrated;
  • The use of video materials;
  • Excursions, conversations, game situations-riddles.

I adhere to a system of pedagogical conditions aimed at shaping the experience of safe behavior in the everyday life of preschool children, including the phased interaction of three subjects of the educational process (parents, educators, children):

  • The stage of clarifying and systematizing the knowledge of preschoolers about the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, mainly through didactic games;
  • The stage of mastering life safety skills through imitation and modeling of possible threatening situations, handling them;
  • The stage of practicing actions with available potentially dangerous household items.

In my work, I use different game methods and techniques for introducing children to safety rules, such as didactic games, dramatization games, game problem situations, game modeling, game shells of classes, game characters.

Efficiency my system of work is more dependent on the positive example of adults. I not only take this into account in my own behavior, but also pay considerable attention to working with parents. It is important that parents realize that a child cannot be required to follow any rule of conduct if they themselves do not always follow it. In working with parents, I use the following forms: parent meetings, individual subgroup consultations, open classes, design of folders - shifters, stands, parental corners, joint events with the invitation of medical workers, a policeman, a fireman.

The criterion for the effectiveness of the created pedagogical conditions is the ability of the child to act with potentially dangerous household items in compliance with safety precautions. As work experience and the results of examination of children show, by the end school year children of the preparatory group successfully master these actions (a high level of assimilation is observed in 62% of children).

Thus, this system contributes to the education of children. And this is confirmed by the words of K.D. Ushinsky, who wrote that "education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear, and, making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the tension of fear in view of these dangers."


  • Perspective plan of studies in junior group;
  • Perspective plan of classes in the middle group;
  • A promising lesson plan for the senior group;
  • Perspective plan of classes in the preparatory group.
  • A promising plan for working with children of the older group;
  • Perspective plan of work with children of the preparatory group.
  • Perspective plan of work with parents of children of the senior group;
  • Perspective plan of work with parents of children of the preparatory group;

We are all teachers, trying to answer the question:

”How to ensure safety

and a healthy lifestyle for our children?

It is at preschool age that the foundation is laid. Everything the child learns kindergarten, will stay with him forever.

Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but also the ability to behave correctly in various situations in which a child can simply get confused.

Work on the formation of the foundations of safe behavior in our kindergarten is being implemented as part of the R.B. Sterkina "Fundamentals of safety of preschool children". The goals of my work are:

 teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the streets and developing the necessary skills in them;

 interaction with traffic police and other organizations.

 development of parents' attention to educating children's skills of safe behavior on the roads.

Positive results appear only when solving several problems:

To give children initial knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street, in transport, to teach them to adequately, consciously act in a given situation.

Teach your child independence and responsibility.

I have identified the main areas in the work on the formation of the foundations of the safe behavior of children on the street:

work with the teaching staff

work with children,

work with parents.

Working with teachers.

In our MDOU, the following forms of work are implemented:

study instructions,


practical lessons,

organizational meetings,

consultations on the preparation and conduct of entertainment,

competitions for the best summary of the lesson, didactic game.

To help teachers in the methodical office there are developed memos, thematic plans by age, methodical and children's fiction, exemplary outlines of classes, a conversation have been developed. For clarity, in working with children, paintings, layouts, photo albums, audio and video recordings. Over time, I gained experience and did a lot of work among employees, questioning educators on the topic "Road Safety", speaking at a meeting of teachers' councils on the topics "Safety and health of our children."

Thus, a safe lifestyle of preschool children is possible only with constant communication an adult with a child: look for a way out of a difficult situation, discuss problems together, conduct dialogues, learn, make discoveries, be surprised. I hope that a creative approach to solving the problem of safe behavior of a child on the street will help to anticipate and, if possible, avoid encountering danger on the streets of the city.

Work with children.

Work with children on teaching the rules of safe behavior on the roads is carried out through:

thematic sessions and discussions. Conducting comprehensive classes on the topics: "Rules of the road."

The use of didactic and educational games in the classroom: "Road signs", "Pedestrian ABC", as well as demonstration material in the form of "road signs" cards.

Acquaintance of children with art works on safety as a result form in children creative imagination and they themselves can act out dramatizations, organize role-playing games and theatrical performances.

At this stage, the acquired knowledge of children about road safety is consolidated:

prohibition and permission signs,

service signs,

traffic lights and their correspondence to traffic controller movements,

a dangerous intersection and a safety island on it,

place of outdoor games and their types,

rules of conduct in public transport

and much more.

As a result of the knowledge gained from children on safe behavior on the street, which are improved in practical exercises and entertainment (“Red, yellow, green”, “Journey to the country of road signs”), in the form of competitions.

I believe that a necessary condition for the successful teaching of preschoolers the rules of the road is the creation of an appropriate material base a corner for teaching children the rules of the road. Creating these corners, it is necessary to treat this work creatively and with imagination.

Russian Federation

Sverdlovsk region

Tavdinsky urban district

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 4 of a general developmental type

With the priority implementation of the social and personal development of children

Presentation of work experience

"Technology for the formation of the foundations for the safe life of children"


Abdulova Marina Vladimirovna

Tavda, 2015

The safety formula is:
We must see, anticipate, take into account.
If possible, avoid everything
And where you need to call for help

It's no secret that the current social and environmental situation causes concern among people all over the planet. We are especially worried about the most defenseless citizens - small children. While the child is small, adults are more or less calm: they will help the child, insure, warn, not allow ... But soon, very soon there will come a moment in the life of the family when the child will have to start letting go of himself. Is the child ready for independent steps? Will he be able to protect himself, avoid dangers? We need to think about and take care of this now, while the child is next to us adults. The task of us educators and parents is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him for a meeting with various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. Work experience shows that help yourself in difficult situation only those who receive the necessary knowledge about the existing dangers, learn to recognize them in a timely manner, bypass them, restrain and reduce them, can do so. It was rightly said in the old days: beware of troubles while they are not.

Preschool age is the most important period when a personality is formed and a solid foundation for life experience and a healthy lifestyle is laid. The baby, by its physiological characteristics, cannot independently determine the entire measure of danger. Therefore, an adult is entrusted with the mission of preparing a child for dangerous situations, instilling the habit of being responsible for personal safety.

“The advantage of preschoolers in personal safety education is that they love the rules and stick to them. If the rules are forgotten or rejected by someone, then the baby instantly reacts to this, ”P. Leach and P. Statman noted in the studies.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote, “education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear, and, making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the tension of fear in view of these dangers.”

Today's children need to be taught special skills so that they can avoid a wide variety of dangers. Teach children to assess the environment, identify potential danger, a suspicious situation and respond appropriately to them.

GEF DO in the targets at the stage of completion of preschool education clearly states that the child is capable of strong-willed efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in different types activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can observe the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene.

Security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. It should be noted that in a country like England, the main content of preschool education is "Safety".

It is necessary not only to impart knowledge to children, but also to evoke an evaluative attitude towards social phenomena, facts, and events; to promote the development of social emotions and feelings, to form practical skills for safe behavior in everyday life, nature, etc.

It should be noted that, both in policy documents and in studies on the problem of human life safety, the concept of “safe behavior” is widely used, although there is no single approach to its interpretation in the literature. safe behavior component a person, the unity and reality of which significantly affect the acquisition of a comfortable level of interaction between the individual and the environment. These components are: foreseeing danger, avoiding danger, overcoming danger.

Foresight of danger presupposes a person's knowledge of the diversity of its sources. I.A. Schegolev notes that the threat can come from: one's own self: oneself, the environment, other people; from the habitat: natural, man-made, social, in a military environment. Knowing about the danger of this or that object, a person mobilizes attention, caution as a means of protection.

Dodging danger implies: an idea of ​​the possible nature of the development of a dangerous situation; knowledge of precautions and their ability to overcome the danger; correct assessment of the situation.

Overcoming danger involves: skillful behavior in dangerous situations; knowledge of methods of protection and possession of skills for their application (shelter from danger, application of methods to deal with its consequences); mastery of skills of self-help and mutual assistance.

Based on a theoretical analysis of the content of the concepts of "experience" and "safe behavior", the experience of safe behavior of children is considered as a set of knowledge about the rules of life safety, skills in handling potentially dangerous objects and experiences that determine the motives of a child's behavior.

From these positions, indicators of the experience of safe behavior are distinguished, reflecting the level of its formation:

    Knowledge the child about the rules of safe behavior (about the sources of danger, precautions and ways to overcome the threat).

    Skills act in situations of contact with potentially dangerous objects of the surrounding world;

    Attitude the child's experience and understanding of the need to take precautions and their ability to overcome danger.

Based on the foregoing, we have chosen the technology of forming the foundations of safe life as the most effective.

1 slide - The pedagogical technology of forming the foundations of safe life activity refers to social and educational technologies - this is a group of technologies focused on the implementation of the most important function of society - preparing the younger generation for inclusion in public life, for normal functioning in society.

2 slide - The technology targets are:

Stimulating the development of independence and responsibility for their behavior in preschool children.

Target: creation of conditions for the formation of safe behavior of children 3-7 years old in everyday life, society, nature.


To form ideas about the basics of life safety among preschoolers;

To contribute to the formation of the ability to behave appropriately in various situations;

To create conditions for the accumulation of cognitive experience, both in joint and independent activities of children;

Ensure the formation of key competencies of preschoolers.

4 slide - The content of life safety is based on the "triad" of the security system "Nature - Man - Society", where the formula "Society" includes not only the concept of "Society", but also the results of human activity, i.e., technogenic aspects and their impact on the person himself , environment. When disclosing the content of OBZh, the causes that give rise to a violation of the harmony of interaction between the components of the system "Nature - Man - Society" are identified, and methods and directions for counteracting this process are determined. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

5 slide– The work is based on the principles:






The leading role in the organization of work on the formation of the foundations of safe life among preschoolers belongs to the educator. However, the technology is implemented by all participants in the educational process. The implementation of technology involves the use of various forms and methods of working with children. Combination cognitive activities with the joint educational activities of the educator and children in sensitive moments, as well as with the creation of conditions for their independent activities, it allows us to successfully solve the tasks. Particular attention was directed to the organization of such activities in which children, acquiring experience of vital norms of behavior, could apply them in real life which is competence.

6 slide Stages of technology implementation:

Stage 1 - preparatory;

Formation in children through various activities of the idea of ​​the need to introduce a safe healthy lifestyle.

Stage 2 - understanding and correction;

Correction of the behavior and activities of children, helps in organizing practical activities

Stage 3 - practical;

Stimulation of the manifestation of activity, independence

Stage 4 is the final one.

Observation, evaluation, adjustment, expansion of children's experience.

7 slide Before starting work on life safety, we updated the subject-spatial environment, selected literature for children, methodological literature. So we got stories about StoBed, and then a StoBed toy, knitted with our own hands.

8 slide - At the first stage of the implementation of the technology, the formation in children through various types of activities of the idea of ​​the need to introduce a safe healthy lifestyle takes place. At this stage, the child accepts information, so we tried to present information in an accessible and interesting way using various methods and forms of education.

9 slide - Discussion, comparison, generalization, playing - all this helps to effectively consolidate the knowledge of children on life safety.

10 slide – Meeting with interesting people, held in an accessible, game form.

11 slide - Children learned a lot of new, interesting things, and most importantly, consolidated their knowledge in activities (Games "Collect a fireman for a fire", "I am a traffic light").

12 slide- The children were happy to reflect their impressions in productive activities, creating such works as “Fire Truck”, “Cat's House”, “Road Rules, Children Should Know”, “Traffic Light”, etc.

13 slide - Daily “safety moments” included in various activities and others regime moments help to consolidate the knowledge and skills of personal safety in preschoolers.

14 slide - Playing various situations that are aimed at consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills of safe behavior of children through practical methods.

15 slide - We use a method of visual learning, which is effective for reinforcing children's ideas about safety rules and the consequences of their violation. Then we conduct game workshops, "What will happen if ..."

16 slide - Reinforce children's knowledge didactic games Oh.

17 slide - The stories of StoBed acquaint children with how to maintain their health, what needs to be done for this.

18 slide - having formed children's ideas about a safe healthy lifestyle, you can proceed to the 2nd stage of the formation of the basics of safe life in children, this is the stage of understanding and correction. At this stage, children learn to be aware of the need to maintain health and safety.

19 slide - The acquired knowledge is consolidated in gaming activity.

20 slide - Children learn to simulate dangerous situations, evaluate, discuss the right solutions, the teacher corrects the actions of children.

21 slide creative work children are varied. Created drawings for stories about StoBed, drawings for riddles about household appliances prohibiting signs.

22 slide - Children enjoy playing board, didactic games, consolidating their knowledge.

23 slide - The peculiarity of children receiving the basics of safe behavior largely depends on cooperation with parents, with whom full mutual understanding has been reached. Parents are our interested partners in the education and development of children, interacting with parents, various forms of work have been used, for example:

slide - 24

    Conducting game trainings;

    Inviting Parents to a Safety Meeting

with the participation of employees of the PPB and traffic police;

slide - 25

    Helping parents create a book Helpful Hints according to traffic rules”, a didactic book “Children are supposed to know the rules of the road”;

    Assistance to parents in creating didactic games on life safety;

26 slide - The results of our work are the following indicators:

Children learn with interest the rules of safe behavior,

enjoy listening to stories, fairy tales, poems; like to talk about this topic;

IN Everyday life strive to comply with the rules of safe behavior;

They are able to attract the attention of an adult in the event of unforeseen, life-threatening and health situations;

Interested in learning about health facts.

27 slide - IN this moment, we are at the end of the second stage, the stage of understanding and correction, and we are moving on to

Stage 3 - practical stage, where we will stimulate the manifestation of activity, independence in children in compliance with the rules of safe life in practical activities. We plan to continue working on this technology using project activities.

Stage 4 - final, It will be to organize activities independently guided by the acquired knowledge. In expanding the experience of safe life, in observing, evaluating, correcting, expanding the experience of children.

At the final stage, we must see if a child is capable of strong-willed efforts, who can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene.


1. Avdeeva, N. N. Safety: a textbook on the basics of life safety for children of senior preschool age / N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina. - M.: AST, 1998.

2. Akopova, E. S. New practice of primary education in Russia/ E. S. Akopova// Mir tekhnologii.-2001-№ 3-4.p. 14-32.

3.Akopova, E.S. Physical education based on ensuring the safe life of preschool children / E. S. Akopova, L. F. Mansarliyskaya, S. V. Tyurikova // Quality management of preschool education: a collection of scientific and methodological materials-M., 2004.-P.43 -44.

4. Belaya, K. Yu. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers: a book for kindergarten teachers and parents / K. Yu. Belaya, V. N. Zimovina.-M .: Education, 1998.

5. Gatkin, E. Ya; Gurevich, A. V. Child safety in a big city: pedagogical and social technologies / A. V. Gurevich, E. V. Khizhnyakova, E. S. Akopova. - M., 2002.

6. Derkunskaya, V. How to raise a child valeologically cultured? // preschool education / Derkunskaya V., Povedenok N., Timofeeva N., 2004-No. 11-p. 12-15.

7. Ivanova AI Naturally - scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten. Man-M.: TC Sphere, 2004.- 224p.

8. Karepova T. G. The program for the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers "Our tradition is to be healthy!". - Psychologist in kindergarten.-2006.-№ 3.-p. 52-80.

9. Ensuring the life of people in emergency situations: a textbook-St. Petersburg: Childhood-press, 2004.

10. Khromtsova, T. G. Education of safe behavior in everyday life of preschool children / T. G. Khromtsova.- M .: Pedagogical Society Russia, 2005.

11. Chermashentseva, O.V. Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschoolers. Classes, planning, recommendations / O. V. Chermashentseva. - Publishing house "Teacher", 2008.

12. Shoigu, S. K. “Organizational and methodological guidelines for the preparation of the population Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, protection against emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and safety of people at water bodies for 2011-2015” / S. K. Shoigu / / Fundamentals of life safety - 2011.

The development of modern civilization is inextricably linked with the problems of human security. The life safety of children on the road is a serious problem of our time. Road traffic injuries remain a priority societal problem that needs to be addressed, with the participation of all and the most effective methods. It is known that habits fixed in childhood remain for life. That's why from the very early age Children need to be taught the rules of the road. Parents, preschool institutions, in the future - the school and other educational institutions, as well as all the people around the child should take part in this. One of the important problems in ensuring road safety is the prevention of child road traffic injuries in preschool institutions. Of great importance in solving this problem is the formation of a culture of behavior on the roads, which begins at a very young age and continues throughout life.

The main task of educators is to explain the rules to the child in an accessible way, and when choosing the form of education, to convey to the children the meaning of the danger of non-compliance with the rules, while not distorting their content. Children need to be taught not only the rules of the road, but also safe behavior on the streets, roads, and transport.

In our kindergarten, systematic, purposeful, systematic work is carried out to prevent child road traffic injuries.

The work is built in four directions:

With teachers

With kids

With parents

with social organizations

Target:creation in DOW conditions that optimally ensure the process of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road and the formation of the necessary skills and abilities in them, the development of positive, sustainable habits of safe behavior on the streets of the city.


  • To create in the teaching staff an atmosphere of significance on the problem of "Prevention of children's road traffic injuries."
  • Raise the level of professional competence of teachers.
  • To form in children practical skills of behavior in various situations of urban traffic and an appropriate model of behavior.
  • To intensify the attention of the parent community to solving the problems of teaching children the road alphabet.
  • Organize a subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution on the problem.
  • Involve educational, healthcare, and social organizations in cooperation.

Principles of organization of the educational process:

  • Sequences - any new step in a child's learning relies on what has already been mastered in the previous one.
  • Visualization - children themselves must see, hear, touch everything and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.
  • Activities - the inclusion of a child in a game, cognitive, search activity in order to stimulate an active life position.
  • Integration - the integrativity of all types of children's activities that are implemented in the educational process.
  • A differentiated approach - the tasks of effective pedagogical assistance to children in improving their personality are solved, it contributes to the creation of special pedagogical situations that help to reveal the psychophysical, personal abilities and capabilities of pupils.
  • Age-specific - the same content is used for work in different groups with the corresponding complication age characteristics children.
  • The continuity of interaction with a child in a preschool and family - nothing convinces better than the example of parents.

Methods and technologies used with children:

  • Interactive teaching method.
  • Simulation of dangerous and safe road situations.
  • Person-centered technology.
  • Game learning technology.
  • Method of observation and conversation.

Methods for activating parents and teachers:

  • Discussion of different points of view.
  • Solving problematic problems of family education.
  • Role playing situations.
  • Analysis by parents and teachers of the child's behavior.
  • Appeal to the experience of parents.

Work with children is built within the framework of ongoing programs:

Comprehensive "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva (taking into account federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education)

Partial program "Fundamentals of safety of preschool children" edited by R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva.

The total amount of knowledge on teaching the rules of the road is calculated in accordance with the age, implemented programs and includes the time allotted for:

Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (game, communication, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading);

Educational activities carried out during regime moments;

Independent activity of children;

Interaction with families of children on the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education.

The tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries are solved in an integrated way during the development of the following educational areas:

Educational area

Forms of work with children


Directly educational activities



Holidays, entertainment


Watching videos, slides


Outdoor games

Holidays, entertainment


Role-playing game

Didactic games


Direct educational activity

Conversations, viewing illustrations

Newspaper release


constructive activity

Watching videos, slides

Cognitive research activity

"Reading Fiction"

Reading fiction

Talk about reading


"Artistic Creativity"

productive activity

Exhibitions of crafts





Work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries is planned in accordance with the long-term plan and within the framework of comprehensive thematic planning. (monthly - safety week). The priority direction in the organization and holding of the week of safety is the work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries. Directly educational activities to teach children the rules of the road are planned once a month. Duration: the second youngest - no more than 15 minutes, middle group- no more than 20 minutes, senior group- no more than 20 minutes, a preparatory group for school - no more than 30 minutes. With children of older preschool age, excursions and targeted walks are planned at least once every 2 months. Games on the motor transport site are organized 2 times a month in accordance with the schedule.

Forms of work with children on the prevention of child road traffic injuries

    • reading fiction ("Once upon a time there was a zebra", "Road alphabet")
    • holidays, entertainment (“Visiting a traffic light”, “Road alphabet”0
    • quizzes, ("What? Where? When?")
    • excursions to the crossroads, targeted walks “Like ours at the gates road sign lives"
    • solving problem situations (simulation of situations on the road)
    • watching videos, slides ("Toropyzhka", "ABC of the City")
    • didactic games, including author's ones: "Help Smeshariki get home"
    • meeting with the traffic police inspector (conversation about the work of the traffic police inspector, modeling situations on the road)
    • direct-educational activity (“Walking down the city street”)
    • theatrical performances, including the author's "How the goats taught the wolf the rules of the road"
    • making a safe route to kindergarten together with parents

Forms of methodical work with teachers

  • consultations ("Organization of games on the transport site")
  • contests ("Safety Corner")
  • open events, discussion, analysis
  • seminars ("Traditions and innovations in the study of traffic rules")
  • exhibition of methodological literature on the topic
  • study of new methodological literature on the topic
  • teachers' council ("Ways to improve work on the prevention of DDTT")

Forms of work with parents on the prevention of child road traffic injuries

  • parent meetings with the invitation of the traffic police inspector
  • consultations "What a child should know about the rules of the road")
  • open days ("Attention! Road!")
  • issue of the wall newspaper "We are together", dedicated to the prevention of DDTT
  • joint holidays, entertainment "Once upon a time there were road signs")
  • exhibitions, competitions ("Traffic light", "Layout of the city")
  • publication of booklets, memos (fasten the most expensive”, “The example of adults is very important”
  • layout folders, stands

Organization of work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries with social organizations

  • Traffic police inspector: Meetings, conversations with children, Speech at parent meetings, Holidays with the invitation of the traffic police inspector
  • MOU OOSH No. 108: joint leisure activities, joint games, mutual visits.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the wall newspaper "We are together", dedicated to the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Purpose and objectives of this work:

  1. 1.Establishing a wide range of communications with parents, educators, representatives of society, joint pedagogical activity educators and parents, assisting parents in the upbringing and education of children.
  2. 2.The use of non-traditional forms of work in order to activate parents.

Editorial board of the wall newspaper: educators, parents, representatives of society.

In the heading " preschool education and upbringing” parents were given recommendations, reminders on educating children in the skills of safe behavior on the road. In the section "Social partnership of parents and educators" the joint work of the kindergarten and the family was shown: photos of joint holidays, entertainment for the prevention of DDTT, photos of exhibitions of joint creativity of children and parents on this topic. Under the heading “Experience in family education”, parents shared personal experience educating children about safe behavior on the road. In the heading "Creative mosaic" were presented interesting ideas on the design of a safety corner by the joint efforts of educators and parents. The wall newspaper also provided information about the work of the kindergarten and social organizations on this issue: photo joint activities kindergarten and school, photos of events organized jointly with the traffic police inspector. An integral attribute of this wall newspaper were the booklets "fasten the most expensive!", "The example of adults is very important."

The game “What? Where? When? ”, where all participants in the educational space were involved. Two teams of children took part in the game, questions and tasks were prepared for the children: the head, the senior educator, the head nurse, the traffic police inspector, the emergency doctor, parents, high school students of the society. Video and audio questions were used. task in the form of a crossword puzzle, high school students prepared a question for the children in the form of traffic controller gestures and modeling situations on the road. Parents and pupils of the senior group became spectators and fans.

This system of work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries has helped us to achieve positive results: teachers have increased the level of professional competence in this problem, the attention of the parent community and society has been activated to the problem of educating preschool children's skills of safe behavior on the road, the pupils have formed practical skills of behavior in different traffic situations.

Life safety in the modern world is one of the central problems of mankind. Almost every person at least once in his life finds himself in an extreme situation that requires maximum effort of will and strength, the ability to quickly assess what is happening and choose the most effective method protection or salvation. And if an adult can independently navigate the situation, then the child most often is not ready for it. To help the child enter this world with maximum gains and minimum risk, without suppressing his natural curiosity, openness and trust, not to scare and prepare for full life is the responsibility of adults.

Teaching pupils the basics of security began with identifying the level of their knowledge and interests, communication skills, the degree of formation of practical skills and abilities. This work was carried out in the form of conversations, observations, games, activities, analysis of problem situations. As a result, it was revealed that not all children know the telephone number of the rescue services, the place of work of their parents, how and to whom to turn for help, how to behave in dangerous situations. Questioning of parents allowed us to conclude that parents do not devote enough time to teaching children the rules of safe behavior, often limit themselves to banal prohibitions, they themselves neglect the simplest rules, not thinking about the fact that the child remembers and copies their actions. And the teachers emphasized the lack of equipment with the necessary teaching aids.

Working on the designated problem, they attached great importance to the creation of a subject-play environment. For this purpose, they held a review - competition "Corner of Safety". Educators, together with their parents, updated the model that simulates streets and roads, purchased vehicles for various functional purposes (trucks, cars, buses, fire trucks, ambulances). medical care etc.), visual - informational material, didactic, plot - role-playing, desktop - printed games, fiction.(Photo. Safety corners.)

Particular attention was paid to the replenishment of paraphernalia on the fire theme. The hands of teachers made: a model of a fire tower, fire engine, stands: "Flammable objects", "Fire extinguishing equipment", fire signs, suits for young rescuers and more.(Photo. Model of a fire engine. Model of a fire tower. Flammable objects. Fire extinguishing equipment.)

In order to increase the activity and initiative of educators in solving the task, various forms of methodological work were practiced:

Group (workshop, consultations, open viewings);

Individual (individual consultations, questioning, self-education).

To help teachers in the methodical office, they arranged an exhibition of methodological literature on the issue of familiarizing preschoolers with the basics of life safety, prepared a card index of materials from the scientific and methodological journal “Praleska”, “Preschool education”, “A child in kindergarten”, “ preschool teacher"," Management of the preschool educational institution.

The formation of the foundations of life safety is carried out through various forms of work.

During excursions along the streets of the village, to the fire department, children actively get acquainted with various traffic situations, fire extinguishing equipment and equipment, perceiving and naming objects, phenomena, people's actions, their relationships with each other, analyzing these relationships and drawing conclusions. Modern technology, overalls for rescuers and much more left an unforgettable impression and aroused interest among children.

(Photo. Excursion through the streets of the village. Excursion to the ROChS.)

At specially organized classes, teachers introduce children to the rules of behavior on the streets of the village, play out situations of coming into contact with strangers, talk about fire extinguishing equipment, about household items that are sources of potential danger for children.

(Photo. Lesson "Our street". Lesson "How to behave with strangers." Lesson "Introduction to professions".)

Children are happy to make collages, dramatize works, watch videos with interest, participate in holidays and entertainment, conversations, observations.

(Photo collages. Photo. Dramatization "Cat's House" Entertainment "Fire Letter")

A special place in the system of work on this topic was occupied by the project method, which contributed to the development of children's own cognitive activity, creativity, thinking, imagination, fantasy, communication skills; stimulated the development of independence and responsibility; nurtured the skills of adequate behavior in various extraordinary situations. Taking into account the experience of working with preschoolers, as well as taking into account the interests of today, projects were developed: “Fire safety”, “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”, “Rules of the road”, “Road safety” (educators Kasperovich T.V. Reshetko L.S., Meleshko I.N., Zhuk O.S.)

Problems related to the safety of the child cannot be solved only within the framework of a preschool institution. Therefore, we maintain close contact with the parents of pupils. Parents take an active part in enriching the playing environment, publishing wall newspapers, exhibitions.

(Photo. Exhibition "Fire Engines". Exhibition "Do not play with fire" )

To form practical skills of interaction between children and adults in various emergency situations, in preschool a series of events was held with the participation of representatives of the District Department of Internal Affairs and the ROChS (conversations, quizzes, holidays).(Photo. Meeting with employees of the District Department of Internal Affairs and ROChS)

The organization of work to create a safe educational space made it possible to achieve the following results:

Children not only acquired new knowledge about the generally accepted norms of behavior, but also apply them in practice. They know the basic rules of personal safety, they know how to formulate and explain the need for their application in extreme situations, they know the algorithm for calling the security service. Children have developed an interest in the problem of their own safety, an understanding of what can be dangerous in dealing with other people, objects, they show the ability to behave correctly in various dangerous situations on the street, at home.

Parents understand that for a full-fledged, meaningful, effective assimilation of the rules, the child must not only learn them, but be sure to see their implementation, observe the rules in real life. Different requirements for children in preschool and at home can cause them confusion and uncertainty.

There is an increase in the professional competence of teachers in the field of safety culture formation.

We hope that our work will help all children avoid dangerous situations, save their lives and health.
