Preparation of minutes of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten. Minutes of the parent meeting in the preparatory group dow


The theme of the meeting: "We are 4 years old"

Present: 17 people

Absent: 8 people

1. Age features of the development of children from 4-5 years old.

2. The main tasks of education

3. Formation of communicative qualities of children 4-5 years old.

4. Report for parents on traffic rules.

1. On the first question, they listened to the teacher Galimova G.G.

She gave recommendations on the formation of self-service skills in children. She especially focused on the developmental features of children from 4 to 5 years old. It is very important in education to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. Each child develops differently, each has its own path and pace of development. But still there is something in common that allows us to characterize children, their age characteristics. The age of 4-5 years is rightly called the average preschool age. (Report attached).

Listened to: parent Kulikova L.A. She told about the girl's whims, unwillingness to dress herself.

The educator Galimova G.G. gave advice to her mother on how to avoid children's whims.

2. On the second question, they listened to the educator Akhmetzyanova R.Kh., she introduced the main tasks of education at academic year, schedule of classes, their number and duration. She noted that the kindergarten switched to work according to the Federal State Educational Standard, talked about new forms of working with children and held a master class "Crafts from salt dough" with parents.

Onuchina N.A., she asked what the sports uniform will be in the academic year?

Speaker: educator Akhmetzyanova R.Kh., explained that the uniform for classes remains the same as last year: shorts, T-shirt, Czechs.

3. The teacher Galimova G.G. listened to the third question. .She spoke about how to form the communicative qualities of children 4-5 years old, revealed the issues of the relevance of the speech development of children. Galimova G.G. noted that at present the problem of speech development is particularly acute, because speech is a means of communication, mutual understanding, sociability. Recommended to observe the relationship of your child with other children. It becomes not enough for him to communicate only with his family. Parents should not prevent the baby from reaching out to peers. A huge role in the development of communication skills is played by visiting various developmental events, sections or circles.

4. On the fourth question, they listened to the educator Akhmetzyanova R.Kh. with the "Report for parents on traffic rules." She dwelled in detail on the methods of teaching traffic rules to children and led parents to understand that they are an example for children, and haste, when it comes to the safety of children, will not lead to anything good.

parent meeting decision:

1. In raising children, take into account the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old.

2. Provide children with a form for physical education.

3. Help children in the formation of communicative qualities: read books about friendship, watch cartoons on a similar topic; conduct various conversations about the need to be able to listen to others, sympathize with them, empathize; to teach a child not to conflict with children, not to be greedy.

4. Parents to observe traffic rules set an example for children.

Chairman: Murtazina L.F.

Secretary: Bayramova A.M.


Theme of the meeting: "Educating a culture of behavior of children before school age»

Present: 13 people

Absent: 12 people


1. Consultation on the topic: "Educating a culture of children's behavior preschool age»

2. Compliance with safety regulations in new year holidays.

3. Compliance with the daily routine of a preschooler during the holidays.

3. Preparation for the New Year's party.

1. On the first question, they listened to the teacher Galimova G.G. She drew the attention of parents to the culture of behavior of the future generation. Parents were given the following recommendation: spend as much time as possible with their children, listen to them, find time for games and activities with children, spend joint family leisure.

2. On the second question, they listened to the educator Galimova G.G. She familiarized the parents with the safety rules for the New Year holidays. And she recommended trying to observe the daily routine of preschoolers.

3. On the third question, they listened to the teacher Akhmetzyanova R.Kh. She introduced the parents to the scenario of the holiday, offered to organize a costume performance.

1. Take note of the speech of the teacher Galimova G.G.

2. Follow the rules for home safety during the period New Year holidays Do not leave children unattended by adults.

3. Hold a competition for the best new Year costume children on New Year's party.

Chairman: Murtazina L.F.

Secretary: Bayramova A.M.


The theme of the meeting: "Tempering children."

Present: 13 people

Absent: 12 people


1. Speech on the topic "Tempering children."

2. The child and the rules of the road.

1. On the first question, they listened to the speech of Galimova G.G. She told parents about the importance of hardening children at home. Hardening should be understood as the use of the natural forces of nature (air, water, sun) to increase the body's resistance to colds. The hardened organism of children quickly adapts to fluctuations in external temperature, as well as to physical exertion. I want to tell you about some types of hardening that we use in our kindergarten. Hardening by air is not only special procedures, but also daily wet cleaning of premises, and repeated airing. The child must walk daily. Even in inclement weather. We go for walks twice a day. We also do outdoor activities. important for the health of children air baths, which teach children to contact the entire surface of their body with air. After sleep, we do corrective gymnastics. Next, the teacher conducted gymnastics with the parent.

2. On the second question, the report of the educator R.Kh. Akhmetzyanova was heard on the topic: "The child and the rules of the road." She said children often cause accidents. This happens because of their ignorance of the rules of the road or the inability to be disciplined on the street. Children do not follow the rules of the road, do not know how to navigate situations on the road, most importantly, very often they do not have experience, psychological preparedness and, most importantly, very often there is no positive example before their eyes. Every accident that a child has got into is a direct reproach to adults. She also spoke about the causes of children's road traffic injuries.

1. Carry out hardening activities, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child; hang in parent corner memo on hardening children.

2. Pay more attention to skill development road safety in the joint work of the family and kindergarten.

Chairman: Murtazina L.F.

Secretary: Bayramova A.M.


Theme of the meeting: "Together fun to play"

Present: 15 people

Absent: 10 people


1. Play is the vital need of a child.

2. Report "Play is a vital need for children"

3. View gaming activity children through multimedia equipment.

4. Acquaintance of parents with "folk games"

1. Akhmetzyanova R.Kh. spoke on the first question and said that it is not a secret for everyone that without movements a child cannot grow up healthy. They say movement is life and an effective remedy. In this regard, a survey was conducted among parents on the topic: "Play is a vital need for children."

Listened to: Mama Murtazina.L.F. She said that the game really helps to maintain the child's Have a good mood. That now, in the age of computers, children began to move less, and outdoor games, folk games, increase the motor activity of the child.

2. On the second question, they listened to the teacher Galimova G.G. about play as a vital need for children. The game helps the child overcome shyness, shyness, attention. Obedience to the rules of the game brings up the child's organization, attention. Galimova G.G. revealed in detail the relevance of the topic (the report is attached).

View children's play activities through multimedia equipment.

Listened to: Akhmetzyanova R.Kh. she said that outdoor games, and especially folk games, are of great importance for the comprehensive, harmonious development of children, they develop imagination, speech, have an excellent psychotherapeutic effect, help the child overcome shyness and shyness.

Akhmetzyanova R.Kh. said that at home, of course, parents create all the conditions for the game - they acquire toys, create a play environment, but they do not actively participate in the children's games themselves, all the more mobile ones, and many have completely forgotten folk games, but in vain it is necessary to know the history and culture of the people to which he belongs .

Parent meeting decision:

1. Organize joint didactic, folk, educational games for parents and children at home.

2. Hold a competition "The best didactic game" among parents and children of the group.

Chairman: Murtazina L.F.

Secretary Bairamova A.M.


The theme of the meeting: "The beginning of a new school year"

Present: 17 people

Absent: 6 people

Parent meeting agenda:

    Age features of children 5 - 6 years.

    Time of admission of children; The presence of physical education for each child.

    Conversation with parents about traffic rules.

    Feedback from parents.

1. On the first question, they listened to the speech, the teacher Galimova G.G. She told parents about the age characteristics of children aged 5-6, highlighting the indicators of different aspects of their development. And she also reminded that in education the main thing is to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

2. On the second question, the teacher Galimova G.G. reminded parents that a new school year had begun, and children were accepted until 8.00. and the fact that every child must have in the closet a physical education uniform that fits him in size.

3. The teacher Zamalieva I.I. spoke on the third question. with a report for parents "All about traffic rules." She dwelled in detail on the methods of teaching children traffic rules and led parents to understand that they are an example for children, spoke about the rules for transporting children in a vehicle, explained the need to use reflective elements on a child's clothes at night.

4. On the fourth question, they listened to the educators, they invited the parents to ask questions that interest them. Suggestions were made to improve the quality of the educational process.

Meeting results.

1. In raising children, take into account the age characteristics of children 5-6 years old.

2. Ensure the presence of a sports uniform

3. Parents to follow the rules of traffic rules, use reflective elements, set an example for children.

Chairman: Murtazina L.F.

Secretary: Bayramova A.M.

Consultation "Educating a culture of behavior of preschool children"

A polite word, like a kind magician, gives mood, pleases and even heals people.

Today we will talk about simple things which we encounter on a daily basis and sometimes do not attach due importance. Although, in fact. These little things prevent us from being happy and properly raising our children.

For many years, people created rules of conduct, etiquette - the purpose of which was, in addition to moral qualities kindness, sensitivity, cordiality, to instill a sense of proportion and beauty in manners. In clothes, conversation, receiving guests and table setting - in a word, in everything with which we enter society.

Are there secrets of cultivating a culture of behavior in our time? This is what will be discussed today. And I hope that together we will find answers to many questions.

The first question to which I would like to hear your answers is: What do you think, what habits of cultural behavior does your child have?

The basic rules of cultural behavior that should be formed in a 4-5 year old preschooler:

From an early age, instill in children a love and habit of work. Should be considered the most important rule education: "Do not do for the child what he can do for himself."

By doing something for the child, adults think they are helping the child. But in fact, they only interfere with the development of useful skills in him, deprive him of independence and the joy that manifestations of independence bring to children.

Compliance with the rules of cultural behavior on the bus, in in public places.

Children should be educated in the habit of always telling the truth.

An important task, which acquires special significance at this age level, is the formation of relationships with adults and peers: a polite, attentive attitude towards adults, the ability to play together with children, to protect the weak, offended.

It is necessary to teach children to keep order in the room. In the play corner. The child must learn the rule: "Every thing has its place."

Question two: Where should one begin to educate a child's culture?

Of course, with the creation of a polite, tolerant, sympathetic and affectionate family atmosphere. And plus to this, given the age of the children, it is necessary to start his education with the creation of the spirit of the game, with a friendly and polite fairy tale. Let sometimes a fairy appear in the child's room, in whose magic apron there is a secret. Let a note appear from her with a humorous remark, indicating the rules in which he made mistakes. Every day you can post a rating-mask on the wall: if the baby behaved perfectly in all respects, a smiling fairy mask will appear, if he was slightly guilty, the mask of one of the gnomes, if he behaves very badly, a dragon mask.

Third question: What, in your opinion, is the main thing in the education of cultural behavior skills and good manners?

Of course, one of the main components in the education of cultural behavior skills and good manners is personal example adults, that is, you, the parents. You are the authority for the child. And it is from you, first of all, that he takes an example in everything.

Report "The game is serious"

A huge role in the development and upbringing of the child belongs to the game - the most important children's activities. She happens to be effective tool the formation of the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities, the needs of influencing the world are realized in the game. Preschool childhood is a short but important period of personality formation. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, skills and habits are developed. correct behavior, develops character.

In the Game, all aspects of the child's personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of the preschooler.

Play is an independent activity in which children first come into contact with their peers. They are united by a single goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common interests and experiences.

The game is an important means of mental education of the child. Knowledge gained in kindergarten and at home is found in the game practical use and development. Reproducing various life events, episodes of their fairy tales and stories, the child reflects on what he saw, what he was read and told about; the meaning of many phenomena, their meaning becomes more understandable for him.

Interesting games create a kind, kindred mood, make the life of children complete, satisfy their needs for active work. Even in good conditions, with proper nutrition, the child will develop poorly, become lethargic if he is deprived exciting game.

Exists different quantity games. All games are classified into: creative games, games with rules, folk games.

Creative games - there are theatrical, plot-role-playing and constructive games.

A special place is occupied by games that are created by the children themselves, they are called role-playing games. In these games, children reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults.

The theatrical game appears in a certain period, as if growing out of a role-playing game. This happens at a time when, at an older age, children are no longer satisfied with just reproducing plots of real relationships between adults. It becomes interesting for children to base the game on literary works, revealing their feelings, to perform the desired actions, to play out fairy tales, to invent stories.

Role-playing and theatrical games have a common structure (structure). They include intent, plot, content, game situation, role-playing action, rules.

The difference between role-playing and theatrical games is that in role-playing game children reflect life phenomena, and in the theatrical they take plots from literary works. In a role-playing game, there is no end product, the result of the game; in a theatrical game, the result can be a prepared performance, staging.

A real interest in the theatrical game appears only among older preschoolers, but this does not mean that children can be introduced to this type of game only at an older age. Children of primary preschool and even early age interesting games with dolls, small dramatizations. Young children like to express their emotions in figurative-motor improvisations to music.

Constructive games direct the child's attention to different types construction, contribute to the acquisition of design skills of the organization, to attract them to labor activity.

Didactic games contribute to the development of children's mental abilities, contain a mental task, the solution of which is the meaning of the game.

They also contribute to the development of the senses, attention, logical thinking. A prerequisite for a didactic game is the rules, without which the activity becomes spontaneous.

Solving the tasks set in didactic game, the child learns to isolate individual features of objects, phenomena, compare them, group, classify according to certain common features, features. Children learn to reason, draw conclusions, generalizations, while their attention, memory are trained, arbitrary perception develops.

Report "The role of play in the upbringing and development of the child"

A huge role in the development and upbringing of the child belongs to the game - the leading type of children's activity. The Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. In the game, the child develops organically, learns a very important stage of human culture - the relationship between adults - in the family, their professional activities, etc. During the game, the spiritual and physical strengths of the child develop: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, lightness, etc. Interesting games create a cheerful, joyful mood, make the life of children complete, satisfy their need for vigorous activity. There are different games: mobile, plot, didactic, musical, creative, educational, theatrical.

Some develop thinking and horizons, others - dexterity and strength, others - the design skills of children. All of them are useful for children in their own way. Playing together, children learn to live together, yield to each other, take care of their comrades.

The game helps to maintain a good mood in a child, enrich his sensory experience, develop visual-figurative thinking, imagination speech. It lays the foundation for creativity. Children with a well-developed imagination have a higher intelligence. They are better oriented in non-standard situations, they study more successfully.

Play is an important condition for the social development of a child. In it, children get acquainted with different types of adult activities, learn to understand the feelings and states of other people, empathize with them, acquire communication skills with peers and older children.

The game has an excellent psychotherapeutic effect, since in it the child can unconsciously and involuntarily release the accumulated negative experiences through play actions, “win back” them.

The game gives the child a special feeling of omnipotence and freedom.

Report "Hardening children"

Good evening dear parents! We are glad to meet you. It is known that preschool children most often suffer from colds. How can we improve the health of our children and avoid diseases? The most effective means of dealing with them is hardening. One of the most amazing properties organism - the ability to respond with protective reactions to changing environmental conditions, and in particular, to temperature fluctuations, is formed gradually in constant training. Hardening should be understood as the use of the natural forces of nature (air, water, sun) to increase the body's resistance to colds. The hardened organism of children quickly adapts to fluctuations in external temperature, as well as to physical exertion. I want to tell you about some types of hardening that we use in our kindergarten. Hardening by air is not only special procedures, but also daily wet cleaning of premises, and repeated airing. The child must walk daily. Even in inclement weather. We go for walks twice a day. We also do outdoor activities. Of great importance for improving the health of children are air baths, which teach children to contact the entire surface of their body with air. After sleep, we do corrective gymnastics. Let's try together:

Well, have the kitties woken up? We stretched sweetly, sweetly, and turned on our backs. And now we are wondering, we look around, turn our heads to the left and see what's there! And now we will pull the paws and show the claws. Let's count how many fingers, where are your fists? We were almost awake, ready to run. Come on, legs, are you ready? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Well done my kittens! Now let's go play. We just need to take off everyone's pajamas first! We also do gymnastics on rubber mats.

Hardening with water has a stronger effect on the children's body.

As a group, we gargle daily, morning and evening. Wash your hands frequently with room temperature water. You can also wash your feet at night with cool water at home. all year round- it is very good tempers children!

Hardening by sunlight: in the summer best time for the stay of children under the rays of the sun from 10 to 12 hours. You can start sunbathing no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating and finish no later than 30 minutes before eating. The child's head should always be protected from the sun with a hat. When carrying out hardening, a number of principles should be observed: gradualness, systematicity. Hardening procedures Should be carried out daily, only in this case the result will be visible. If this is observed, hardening will benefit your child.

report" Folk games"

The game is a huge bright window

Through which to the spiritual world

The child is infused with life-giving

The stream of submissions

Concepts about the environment.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Physiologists consider movement to be an innate, vital human need. Doctors say: without movement, a child cannot grow up healthy. As they say, movement is life. Movement is a warning of various diseases, primarily those associated with cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. Movement is an important means of education. By moving, the child learns the world, learns to love it and purposefully act in it. The doctor and teacher V. Gorinevsky, as a result of deep research, came to the conclusion that the lack of movements not only adversely affects the health of children, but also reduces their mental performance, inhibits overall development, and makes children indifferent to the environment.

Play is a vital need for a child. Games occupy an important place in the life of a preschool child, they are the main means of educating preschool children.

Among the variety of games, mobile games should be highlighted. Mobile games create additional features communication between children and adults. They develop friendships and the ability to work in a team.

It's no secret that outdoor games have almost disappeared from the lives of modern children. The very games that were played not only by us, but also by our predecessors. The very games that taught children to find a common language helped resolve disputes and conflicts. They let the kid know himself, try his abilities, taught him to follow certain rules and simply brought great joy.

Toddlers are always attracted by stories about their parents' childhood, they are interested to know what their mom, dad, grandparents played.

What games of your childhood do you remember, name them? Let's recall some of them. Tell me, which of you jumped through the rubber band, played hopscotch, tag? Do your kids play these games now?

Some children from an early age are aimed by their parents at learning, others sit all their free time at the TV or computer, while depriving themselves of the joy of movement and live communication with their peers. For yourself, you must decide how you want to see your child, what do we prefer in the upbringing and development of the baby?

Playing with parents is an integral part of children's development. The benefits of this are enormous. In addition to strengthening health and good mood, joint games help to improve relationships, bring children and parents together.

Remember that for a child, play is the only way to get rid of the role of a child, while remaining a child, just as for an adult, the only way to become children again, while remaining an adult.

Surely, some games were remembered, while others were forgotten. And in order to revive and give them a second life, it is necessary to teach children to play these games, thereby restoring continuity, when the rules were passed from older children to younger ones, that is, from generation to generation. At the same time, it is important to organize children for the game and play in a place with them.

Report for parents on traffic rules

Children are often the cause of road accidents. This happens due to their ignorance of the rules of the road or their inability to be disciplined on the street. Left to their own devices, children, especially those of preschool and primary school age, are unaware of the real dangers on the road. Not yet able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car, its speed, they rely on their own speed and dexterity, considering it quite natural to ride a bicycle on the roadway or start here fun game.

As statistics show, a fourth of the total number of road accidents involving young road users refers to children of preschool age. Children do not follow the rules of the road, they do not know how to navigate situations on the road, they have no experience, psychological preparedness and, most importantly, very often there is no positive example before their eyes. Every traffic accident that a child has got into is a direct reproach to adults. Today at the meeting we will try to answer the question: how to avoid dangers on the road? Starting from early childhood, the child must receive the basics of road culture. Everything that a child learns at this age will remain firmly in his memory. (The subject of discussion at the meeting is the behavior on the street not only of children, but also of adults themselves.

Does it sometimes happen that your child “teaches” you a lesson in road safety?

Let me remind you once again of the basic rules that a child should know

1. Basic terms and concepts of the rules.

2. Obligations of pedestrians.

3. Obligations of passengers.

4. Traffic regulation.

5. Traffic lights.

6. Warning signals.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

To prevent your child from creating a dangerous situation on the roads, he must be able to

: watch the road;

Correctly assess the traffic situation in all its variability;

Watch the road

1. It is necessary to teach children not only to observe the Rules of the road, but also to teach them to observe and navigate from a very early age. It should be borne in mind that the main way to form behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents.

2. While on the road with your child, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace.

3. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice the car from afar. Teach him to look into the distance

4. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car. Teach your child to identify which one is going straight and which one is preparing to turn.

5. Teach your child to look. The habit of looking at the street in both directions before taking the first step from the sidewalk into the carriageway should be brought to automaticity. Especially carefully you need to inspect the street when on the opposite side is native home acquaintances or when a child crosses the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

Accurately assess the traffic situation

The main danger is a standing car.

Why? Yes, because having seen the approaching car in advance, the pedestrian will give way to him. A standing car is deceiving: it can cover a moving car, it prevents you from noticing the danger in time.

Rule number 1.

You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Watch with your child behind the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and pay attention to the moment when another car suddenly appears from behind the standing car. Pay attention to the fact that the bus standing at the bus stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule #2

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind!

A standing bus, no matter how you go around it - in front or behind, closes a section of the road along which, at the moment when you decide to cross it, a car can pass. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. We have to wait until the bus leaves.

Rule #3

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger!

Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and let me through.” They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers, a car that was not visible behind the parked cars and whose driver does not see the pedestrian can leave the crossing. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule #4

Always develop a habit in your child before going out onto the road, even if there are no cars on it, to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Rule #5

Strong skills of transport behavior of children are formed only by daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and traffic, analyze the traffic situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, and act accurately in various circumstances.

Rule #6

It is not necessary to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic, moving cars. Let the child associate everything connected with school, including the road, with bright and kind. At the same time, you need to teach him to be attentive, and this is not an easy thing. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and in an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that it is dangerous to sound a horn at the sight of a child running across the roadway. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Do not take the trouble to help children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

So, if you teach your children to follow these basic rules of behavior on the roads, then trouble will not come to your house.

Report "Age characteristics of children 5-6 years old"

Your child is 5 years old. He turned into a visionary that even Andersen would envy. The kid is ready to turn his fantasies into reality all day long. He believes in miracles and sees them everywhere. This is a very creative, exciting period in your child's life. It depends only on you that his non-standard logical thinking and imagination do not fade away, develop. Let there be a place in your house for both computer games and fairy tales invented by your children. Good luck to you!

motor skills

Between the ages of five and six, your child makes even greater advances in motor skills and strength. The speed of movements continues to increase, their coordination noticeably improves. Now he can already perform 2-3 types of motor skills at the same time: run, catch the ball, dance. The child loves to run and compete. He can play sports games on the street for more than an hour, run up to 200 m. He learns to skate, ski, roller skate, if he has not yet learned how, he can easily master swimming.

emotional development

The child already has their own ideas about beauty. Some enjoy listening to classical music. The kid learns to throw out part of the emotions in his favorite activities (drawing, dancing, games, etc.), and strive to control them, tries to restrain and hide his feelings (but he may not always be able to do this.) The most difficult thing for children is to cope with their fear . Babies may dream scary dreams. He learns new concepts: birth, death, illness, disasters, and they are very exciting to him.

social development

From the age of five, the child already clearly knows his gender and does not want to change it even in games. At this age, in the upbringing of a boy, a very important place is given to the father, and for girls - to the mother. Dads teach their sons to be masculine, mothers teach their daughters to be feminine. Only those qualities laid down in childhood harmoniously come into adulthood. The baby is laid ideas about the role of the opposite sex in life. The daughter comprehends the role of a man through the behavior of her father, and the boys - the role of a woman, through communication with their mother. At this age, it should already be told in an accessible form for the baby about how he was born. The child has grown to understand such a secret. It would be more correct if you cut it for him at home, otherwise the children in the yard will do it. After five years, relationships with peers become friendly. The first friends appear, usually of the same sex. He spends most of his time with them. There is some separation from the parents. The child can already painlessly endure a short separation from loved ones.

intellectual development

By the age of six, a child can already not only distinguish between animals, but divide them into wild and domestic. Can combine objects according to various characteristics, find similarities and differences between them. After five years, the baby is interested not only in the names of objects, but also in what they are made of. He has his own idea of ​​the physical phenomena surrounding him, can explain what electricity is, a magnet. The child is very well oriented in space: on the street, in familiar

premises, houses. Knows where to buy toys, food, medicines. He is trying to learn the alphabet and learn to read by syllables, and also continues to improve the letter in block letters. Can count (sometimes up to a hundred), add and subtract within ten.

Behavioral features

The child already has his own opinion about everything. Can explain who and why he likes or dislikes. He is observant. He is very interested in everything that happens around him. He seeks to find the causes and connections between various phenomena. The baby becomes very independent. If he wants to learn something, he can engage in a new activity that is interesting for him for more than half an hour. But switching it to different activities purposefully is still very difficult. The child applies his new knowledge in games, invents the plots of games himself, easily masters complex toys - a designer, a computer). By the age of six, he masters most of the necessary skills and improves them right before his eyes - he becomes more accurate, monitors his appearance- Hairstyle, clothes, helps you with the housework.

creative development

Peak creative development child. He creates without getting tired, barely waking up, turning a simple tulip into an unusual scarlet flower, building houses for aliens. He is very attracted to painting, he can look at paintings and paints for a long time. With pleasure he draws himself, tries to copy something from the picture and invent his own plot. At the age of five, a child expresses his feelings in relation to what he draws with different colors. It is believed that children's drawings are the key to the inner world of the baby. Now he already draws a person as he really is, detailing a face with eyes so that he can see, with ears to hear, a mouth to speak and a nose to smell. The drawn man has a neck. It already has clothes, shoes and other details of clothing. The more the picture resembles a real person, the more developed your child is and the better prepared he is at school.

An important role in the successful adaptation of kids in kindergarten is played by the communication of teachers with their parents, which occurs mostly during parent meetings. At such events, issues of educating preschoolers and recommendations for preparing them to enter the group are discussed. Educators are required to fill out the minutes of parent meetings in kindergarten. You can download a sample document at the end.

Since the protocol of the parent meeting is a mandatory document, it is drawn up according to certain rules. Consider an exemplary template that is provided for use in the kindergarten. A similar form is used for school meetings.

  1. Date of the event.
  2. The name of the group and preschool educational institution.
  3. The topic of the meeting.
  4. List of those present. If the total number is within 10, you can list the parents by last name.
  5. Invited members. You can join the discussion medical worker, speech therapist or administration representative. If one of these persons was present at the event, it is worth indicating the full name and position.
  6. Chairman. As a rule, a member of the parent committee.
  7. Secretary. Also selected from the parents.
  8. Agenda. Under this separate heading, all issues that will be raised at the meeting are listed.
  9. Assembly progress. This lists the speakers on the main topics of the meeting.
  10. Decisions following discussion. The final definition obtained as a result of joint work is entered. If there are multiple solutions, they are listed below the numbers.
  11. Signatures of the chairman and secretary with transcript.

In some cases, voting is provided for on issues discussed at a meeting in kindergartens. In this case, it is worth sorting out the design and displaying the results separately, breaking them down into points “for”, “against”, “abstained”.

What issues are being considered

The meeting addresses issues related to educational work and adaptation of the child to kindergarten, and a document is drawn up. In particular, the following topics are raised:

  • what are the age characteristics of preschool children;
  • what is the task and role of educators;
  • who will be on the parent committee;
  • what functions will be performed by the committee members in the preschool educational institution.

Important! All issues raised are identified under the heading "Agenda". Regarding the decisions made, they are also reflected in the relevant section.

Thus, based on the results of the discussion with parents in the kindergarten, protocols are drawn up. The document includes a list of participants, issues discussed and proposals heard. Based on the results of the meeting, organizational decisions are made, which are also recorded in the document. Next, you can download ready-made sample protocols.

The protocol of the parent meeting in kindergarten is a mandatory document that reflects the progress of the official meeting with the parents of the pupils of the preschool educational institution. The minutes must be created and signed within three days after the end of the meeting. We will teach you how not to make a mistake when drawing up the minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten and give a sample document.

Each parent meeting in a preschool must be accompanied by a report on the meeting with the parents and on the decisions made during the meeting. This information is recorded in the minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten. Although this is not a complicated document, its execution requires compliance with certain norms and rules, which both the secretary of the meeting and the educator signing the protocol should be aware of.

On the one hand, at the legislative level, there is no generally accepted sample protocol for a parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten. On the other hand, over the years of practice, a certain document template has been formed, according to which reports are drawn up both on group and general kindergarten parent meetings in preschool educational institutions.


For recommendations on managing the activities of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution, read in the journal "Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution":
- Seven tips to help educators organize a final parent meeting in a group (with example questionnaire)
- How to evaluate the work of teachers with parents for the academic year (criteria and evaluation cards)

It would seem that from year to year the kindergarten holds meetings with parents on more or less the same topics, and it is possible not to record the progress of the meetings. But, in fact, it turns out that the protocol of general parent meetings can secure preschool from many controversial situations. In any proceedings, to prove the eligibility of the measures taken by the DOW, it will be the minutes of the meeting that will be raised.

A detailed recording of the parent meeting and the rationale for the decisions made during the meeting is a kind of insurance for the kindergarten from possible problems. This is especially true for the distribution of the budget, administrative regime issues, as well as the organization of various events.

Now that there is no doubt about the need to keep the minutes of the parent committee in kindergarten, let's figure out how to draw up this document correctly.

Registration of the minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten

First of all, before the start of any parent meeting in kindergarten - general garden, final or group - it is necessary to choose a meeting secretary who will record what is happening immediately during the meeting. Any person who is able to quickly and clearly fix key issues and discussion points can be appointed as a secretary.

The chairman of the parent meeting is also selected, who actually leads the meeting and signs the protocol along with the secretary. Any educator or senior educator can be chosen as the chairman of the meeting, if we are talking about a general kindergarten parent meeting, but never a parent!

The minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten can be drawn up in a summary, in a short form, or in detail, with details of the issues discussed. It is clear that transcription of a meeting with parents requires a good reaction from the secretary, the ability to write or type quickly and follow the logic of the discussion. In order to facilitate the work, the kindergarten should develop and adopt a template for the minutes of the parent meeting.

The minutes of the parent meeting, as a rule, are drawn up according to the model, which includes:

    title page with general characteristics meetings;

    agenda with a transcript of the discussion;

    appointment of persons responsible for solving the issues raised;

    signatures of the secretary and chairman of the meeting;


Sample minutes of parent meeting in kindergarten

I part. Registration of the minutes of the parent meeting in the preschool educational institution begins with a “header”, which indicates:

    Document Number;

    name of the kindergarten, group number (if a protocol of group parent meetings is drawn up);

    meeting date and meeting start time;

    the total number of parents and how many of them were present;

    the number of absentees;

    list of invited persons with full name and positions held.

II part. The main section of the document is the agenda. In this block of the protocol, they sign in detail or briefly:

    the topic of the meeting, including if the parent meeting is final or all-kindergarten;

    list of issues for discussion;

    speeches of those present: abstract or with a detailed description;

There are two equal options for registering the minutes of the meeting with parents in the preschool educational institution. The first is to outline the plan of the meeting, and then write out the detailed course of the meeting. The second is to consistently describe and decipher each of the topics discussed in the order in which they were raised at the meeting.

As a rule, one of the items on the agenda is always assigned to the discussion of current issues, is designated as “Miscellaneous”, and is placed last in the list. In addition, the first item is always a discussion of the decisions made at the previous parent meeting.

Regardless of how detailed the course of the parent meeting in kindergarten is recorded, it is necessary to record the full name. speaker and position.

III part. If any of the issues involves collective discussion and voting, then this should be reflected in the minutes of the meeting of the parent committee in kindergarten. In this case, the number of people who voted “for” is indicated, and the number of those who adhere to the position “against” must be written with a full name. If no voting is envisaged, this item is skipped in the design.

Any minutes of general parent meetings should describe the decisions that educators, administration and legal representatives of kindergarten students came to jointly.

    First of all, the decisions that concern all participants in the educational process are described.

    Then those decisions are prescribed that require the appointment of responsible persons, indicating the initials, positions and deadlines for the implementation of the task.

    The third paragraph draws up questions that, for various reasons, remained in limbo. All controversial topics must be submitted to the future parent meeting.

Even when planning general parent meetings in kindergarten, a draft decision should be developed on each of the agenda items. In the course of the discussion of the topics raised, adjustments may be made to the draft decisions, which should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. A pre-developed sample, according to which the issues discussed will be resolved, will facilitate and speed up the execution of the minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten. This means that the document will be made and signed on time - up to three days after the meeting with the parents.

IV part. The minutes of the general kindergarten, final or group parent meeting in kindergarten must end with signatures. The signature of the secretary and chairman of the meeting with a transcript is always put. In some cases, especially if a collective vote was held, the agreement and signatures of all participants and interested parties are required.

The texts of the speeches of educators, administration and specialists of the preschool educational institution and other documents that the participants referred to during the meeting should be attached to the protocol.

10 common mistakes when taking minutes of a meeting of the parent committee in kindergarten

    The minutes are drawn up and signed later than three days after the meeting.

    Participants present are not recorded.

    The decision of the meeting on each issue is not prescribed.

    The chairman of the meeting is one of the parents or legal representatives of the pupils of the preschool educational institution.

    results pedagogical diagnostics submitted for public discussion.

    Educators impose their opinion on parents.

    The minutes of the parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten do not indicate the time frame within which the decisions made must be implemented.

    Those who are absent are not informed about the decisions made at the meeting.

    The texts of the speeches of the employees of the preschool educational institution are not attached to the document.

After the child enters kindergarten, the parent meeting becomes an integral part of the learning process. For more fruitful cooperation with the kindergarten team, you need to visit them. With daily communication with children, the educator sees all the positive aspects and flaws of parental education, because the child's behavior reflects all the accumulated family experience. Therefore, the interaction of the educator with the families of pupils, through parent meetings, allows him to provide important information about the development of children in a particular age period and build a holistic education strategy.

So, the main goals of parent-teacher meetings are

Productive and effective contact between the team of teachers and parents.

Informing parents about prospects and tasks educational process.

Joint solution of educational problems, for the effective upbringing of children, taking into account age, psychological and physical characteristics.

How often should parent-teacher meetings be held in kindergarten?

Usually, no more than three parent-teacher meetings are held during the training cycle. Traditionally, the first meeting is organizational. In the process of which the first acquaintance of the parties takes place, the organizational aspects of the educational process, the features regime moments Parents familiarize themselves with the curriculum. Are resolved financial questions for the various needs of the group: stationery, supplies for creativity, for celebrations. In addition, the result of the meeting is the determination of the composition of the parent committee, which will coordinate the work of educators with the rest of the parents of the group.

Subsequently, the meetings may be of an informational nature, with the involvement of other specialists: a psychologist, a speech therapist. During the meetings, questionnaires and various kinds of polls can be conducted, which will reflect a more realistic picture of the style of education and possibly its correction in the future. Recommendations can be given on the features of raising children in home environment to secure the material. Intermediate indicators of the level of the actual psychological development of the child are reported

At the end of the year, a final meeting is held to sum up the results on the indicators of success in the implementation of the educational program, the level of development and achievements of the pupils.

Forms of notification of the passage of the parent meeting can be varied. Usually, parents are notified about this event in advance. Therefore, educators periodically focus the attention of parents on information stands. It contains information about upcoming events. With a creative approach to the meeting invitation, the teacher can notify each parent individually, with the help of an invitation. Usually, small pupils are involved in the manufacture of such invitations.

Minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten (sample)

Normally minutes are taken at each meeting. It records the course and order of the topics discussed, and the final outcome of the meeting.

It should reflect:

  • Time and date of parent meeting.
  • The topic of the meeting and its location, type (general garden, within the group).
  • Issues under discussion.
  • List of speakers.
  • Final decisions.
The secretary must sign the protocol. The leader of the meeting (in particular the teacher), a member of the parent committee or any of the parents present can act as a secretary.

How effective parent meetings will be and whether parents will attend them depends on the educator. Interesting topic, the level of preparedness of the main speaker, the form of presentation and methods of conducting with the involvement of children will diversify routine meetings.

See also:

Minutes - a document that records the course of discussion of the agenda items and the decisions taken.

Preparing minutes of the meeting

Of course, myself parent meeting minutes need to be issued at the time of its holding, but given that class teacher No personal secretary, it is worth preparing a simple sample(possible on the school's letterhead), in which there will be empty fields to fill out. This template can be made once and used for several years. It is suitable for both primary and secondary schools.

What should be in the protocol?

The minutes of parent meetings can be demanded by higher organizations and various "bodies", it should be drawn up according to certain rules. The meeting minutes template should contain:
  • Congregation and school name (at the top of the document). For example, "MBOU secondary school No. 18 of the city of Kirov. Minutes of the parent meeting following the results of the second quarter.
  • Date and time of the event.
  • List of participants. You can create a blank numbered list for parents to write in their names before the meeting begins, or you can write a list of all parents in the class and leave room for your signature. If other teachers, a medical worker, representatives of the administration take part in the meeting, then their names and positions should also be recorded.
  • agenda.
  • List of speakers, incl. a class teacher must be named.
  • Decisions made . If there were several issues on the agenda, then a decision should be written for each.
  • Meeting secretary's signature. They can be made by the class teacher, and the chairman of the parent committee, and just any of those present at the meeting.

How do you make sure parents know the information?

If, by order of the school administration, the class teacher must convey some information to parents or conduct briefings(SDA, influenza, ticks, etc.), you can draw up annexes to the minutes of the parent meeting "Familiarization sheet with ...", "Instruction ...", where each parent must leave a signature. Strictly speaking, the school cannot oblige parents to sign, but sometimes it’s better to “keep it up” and prepare applications.

If the meeting discusses "requisitions"?

Many class teachers indicate in the minutes of the meeting the facts of fundraising (for excursions, for food and, worse, for repairs, cleaning the school and stationery) - this is such a double game of leaders: You can't take money from your parents at school., but at the same time, the class teacher is forced to do this, because he was "told". Please note that if the "authorities" we talked about above request your protocols, they will see 25 signatures indicating that the money was collected. At the same time, you will not have a single written order or order from the school administration about the need to collect funds from parents, and it is you, the class teacher, who will be the “initiator” and you will be responsible. To avoid this, we recommend that financial issues not be recorded in the protocols or that separate protocols be kept only for financial issues.

Where can I get a sample parent meeting minutes?

Where to store all protocols?

In some institutions, protocols are asked to be handed over immediately to the head teachers, in some they are kept by the class teacher. Either way, we recommend that you make a copy of the protocol and keep it at home for several years.

We hope that our information will help you easily draw up the minutes of the parent meeting. And what items do you include in the protocol form?
